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Denis Morissette

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  1. Just received an HSCA interview with New Orleans FBI clerk William Walter who claimed in 1968 that while working the night shift on November 17, 1963 he received a teletype stating that there would be an assassination attempt in Dallas. This is an excerpt. I`m wondering if the HSCA talked to the colleagues Walter claim know that he did not make up this claim.
  2. Another rare tape! WC attorney Burt W. Griffin reads the memos he wrote about the serious issues that happened when he took Dallas Police sergeant Patrick Dean. This is a 1964 recording from the Warren Commission files. Griffin did not believe Dean that Ruby had told him that he had considered on 11/22 killing LHO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybV3FBYyP1g
  3. All great questions, Larry. We received the tapes this morning. Alex Harris is very busy uploading all of them. Audio from November 22 through December 12, at least. About 200 individual audio all in all. He’ll eventually upload the recordings of the Russian embassy.
  4. They were found by Alex Harris and I assisted him in obtaining them. Some are of November 22, 1963, but many of December 1963 will be posted first. So you will need to be patient. Alex indicates the date in each video he'll be posting. We don't know yet if there is any of Lee's visit.
  5. The Babushka Lady used a still-picture camera, so forget about a film.
  6. I agree 100. It looks like Laird chased the boy to get his picture. I doubt he was hurt that much since he already left.
  7. The story was not published in America. But it was in Toronto, Canada. https://web.archive.org/web/20190608213030/http://jfkassassinationfiles.com/boy_chased.html
  8. That was an incident witnessed by DMN photographer Joe Laird on Main Street. The story died on November 22, 1963 and I revived in 2000. I had Gary Mack working on it in 1991. Denis - From an unpublished account by Laird a few weeks after the assassination: He was at the sw corner of Main & Harwood with UPI photographer Daryll Heikes (the Museum has Heikes' original negatives.) They ran along with the limo but "were unable to keep pace." About three blocks from there, he heard "someone to my right, shouting "SLOW DOWN, WAIT, STOP! It distracted me, causing me to run into the rear of a motorcycle." He wrote that an SS agent on LBJ's car "dismounted and shove a young man head first to the pavement." After the motorcade passed, he "was unable to locate the person I'd seen dumped so forceably." That's all he wrote, but now we know where it happened. Youngblood was the only SS man in LBJ's car, but there were three other SS men in the car behind. One of them must have been the one who tackled the guy. Sorry, I can't send you what Laird wrote, but it will probably be published soon, and I'll let you know when it happens. Gary -----Original Message----- From: Gary Mack Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 1:08 PM To: 'Denis Morissette' Cc: Gary Mack Subject: RE: Did a boy try to warn JFK that he would be killed? Denis - I've never heard this story, but am sending it to a reporter friend at The Dallas Morning News. I'll let you know what happens. Laird, by the way, is retired but still an active part-time photographer for the News. As I recall, he was on the south side of Main near Harwood, which means the youth was running west from there along the north side of Main. I think the Toronto reporter made an improper assumption that he might have had advance knowledge of the assassination. First, why would a "youth," a term usually used for teens or early 20's people, know anything about such a plot? Second, the youth could have had any number of other, less sinister, reasons for wanting the President to stop. Third, he certainly could have been some kind of nut with a Kennedy obsession. The News photographer Laird referred to was Walt Sisco, who shot the classic color motorcade photo we have in our exhibit and visitors center. It's the one from an upper floor on the passenger side and shows motorcycle officer Bobby Hargis just to the left of the car. Sisco, who's been dead since the 60's, shot three quick stills. The others no longer exist and the negative of the remaining picture is also lost. But it's an interesting story and I'm going to pursue it. Thanks for sending it! Gary -----Original Message----- From: Denis Morissette [mailto:denismorissette@yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 12:40 PM To: Gary Mack Subject: Did a boy try to warn JFK that he would be killed? Hello Gary, I came across an interesting article published in the Toronto Star on November 25, 1963. The source of the story is photographer Joe Laird of the Dallas Morning News you may have known. What do you think of that story, and was it published in the USA? Thanks for your help and have a great year 2001! Denis
  9. Last time I renew my website was in 2019. https://web.archive.org/web/20190102160817/http://jfkassassinationfiles.com/
  10. https://jfkassassinationfiles.wordpress.com/
  11. I still a few to order. What is unfortunate is that they don’t know what the tapes contain. They do have a listing, but it often doesn’t match the content. They don’t have the interest in finding out since they specialize in non-JFK material. One could propose to volunteer to make a new inventory of their material, but the vast majority of people are too lazy or expect to be paid.
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