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Denis Morissette

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Everything posted by Denis Morissette

  1. The Kennedy family is not very happy about this new game. I would be horrified as well if JFK was my father or close friend, http://www.theadvertiser.news.com.au/commo...255E401,00.html ""It is despicable," said David Smith, a spokesman for Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy, the late president's brother. He was informed of the game on Friday, but declined further comment."
  2. I am sure a lot of us will download this new computer game that is a recreation of the JFK assassination. Many of your friends who ridicule you because you're interested in such a "stupid thing" like the JFK assassination may get interested in the subject after trying the video game. The demo is FREE. http://www.jfkreloaded.com/gallery/screenshots.asp I found this on the following link: http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories....02487671&EDATE= GLASGOW, Scotland, Nov. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- On the eve of the 41st anniversary of John Fitzgerald Kennedy's murder, a dramatic new 'docu-game' is set to bring his tragic assassination by Lee Harvey Oswald to life for a whole new generation. JFK: Reloaded recreates the last few moments of the President's life and challenges participants to help disprove any conspiracy theory by recreating the three shots fired from the infamous sixth floor of the Dallas book repository. MORE TO READ
  3. I missed SPEED TV's Limo program because I misinterpreted the airing time showing on Speed TV's schedule. But it is aired again tonight at 9PM ET. Nothing new added on this list. ===================================================== Nov 21, 9PM-10PM ET The Speed Channel Presidential Limo Nov 22, 9PM CT KERA, Ch 13 (PBS) JFK: Breaking the News Nov 22, 10PM-11PM ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK Assass. Nov 23, 2AM-3AM ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK Assass. Nov 23, 12PM-1PM ET/PT History Channel Missing Files: The JFK Assassination Nov 23, 6PM-7PM ET/PT History Channel Missing Files: The JFK Assassination Nov 23, 8AM-10AM ET/PT History Channel The Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified Nov 23, 2PM-4PM ET/PT History Channel The Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified Nov 23, 10AM-12PM,ET/PT History Channel Kennedys: The Curse of Power Nov 27 8PM ET/PT Discovery Channel Medical Casebook: JFK Nov 27 11PM ET/PT Discovery Channel Medical Casebook: JFK Nov 28, 9PM CT KERA, Ch 13 (PBS) JFK: Breaking the News Nov 28 4-4:30PM,ET/PT History Channel History's Mysteries Somebody Killed the President Nov 28, 7PM, ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK Assass. Nov 28 10PM-11PM, ET The Speed Channel Presidential Limo ===================================================== History Channel http://www.historychannel.com Kennedys: The Curse of Power Traces the Kennedy clan's calamities that occurred on the rise to power--from immigration from Ireland up to John Kennedy Jr.'s tragic death in 1999. The first hour sees the loss of Joe Jr. in WWII and the assassinations of JFK and RFK. Hour two witnesses Ted's downfall and role as surrogate father to a fatherless generation. ===================================================== The Speed Channel http://www.speedtv.com/programs/323/ Presidential Limo The 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible limousine JFK rode in when assassinated in 1963 was, for a time a true crime scene. Surprisingly, the car was used by presidents for years after Kennedy's death. ===================================================== History Channel http://www.historychannel.com Investigating History The JFK Assassination. How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers with access to the evidence in the case, Investigating History looks at new information that examines which theories are believable, and which are not. Specifically, the experts looked at the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that were fired; at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull; at the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin; at the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and more. INVESTIGATING HISTORY: THE JFK ASSASSINATION Produced by Bill Kurtis THE JFK ASSASSINATION (Monday, November 22 at 10 pm ET/PT): How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers with access to the evidence in the case, INVESTIGATING HISTORY looks at new information that examines which theories are believable, and which are not. -Experts look at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull; -At the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin; -At the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and more. Acoustical evidence, which has been analyzed: -Examination of the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that were fired. -A new investigation maintains there are five shots on the tape from an open microphone hanging on a motorcycle policeman's vehicle. Famed forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee wades into the investigation by calling for a return of evidence relating to the "crime scene": -The limousine carrying John Kennedy, Jackie, John Connolly and his wife. -Items were picked up as souvenirs and may be resting in basements of private homes around the country. Example: windshield, which was damaged by a bullet. Featuring footage from The Cyril H., Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law, National Symposium on the 40th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination. Executive Producer and television journalist Bill Kurtis returns with an all-new season of intriguing investigations that explore some of history's most perplexing puzzles in the weekly one-hour series INVESTIGATING HISTORY on The History Channel. ===================================================== History Channel http://www.historychannel.com Missing Files: The JFK Assassination Did an elaborate cover-up conceal evidence about JFK's assassination? Join us as we reveal new discoveries and footage resulting from a 5-year unprecedented search for truth by a small government agency, the Assassinations Records Review Board. We also hear from experts who believe in the official version and conspiracy theorists. ================================================== History Channel http://www.historychannel.com The Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified In October 1962, the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war. The Soviet Union's Premier Nikita Khrushchev had placed missiles in Cuba to defend it from unexpected American invasion. When U.S. intelligence provided President John F. Kennedy with proof, he demanded that they be removed, risking the first nuclear exchange between the superpowers. Now, new information reveals just how fragile communication between Moscow and Washington was and how little each side understood of the other. =========================================== Discovery Channel http://www.discoverychannel.com Medical Casebook JFK When John F. Kennedy entered the White House in 1961, he brought with him eight personal physicians to handle his medical requirements and maintain his image as a healthy President. He'd been a sickly child and had to endure illness all through his life. ==================================================== History Channel http://www.historychannel.com History's Mysteries Somebody Killed the President. The President of the United States has the most powerful job in the world. Even with a round-the-clock guard, there's always the danger that a determined assassin will get through. Since 1865, 4 presidents have been killed: Abraham Lincoln, 1865; James Garfield, 1881; William McKinley, 1901; and John F. Kennedy, 1963. We examine these White House victims.
  4. Good news for Canadians: Speed Channel CAN be watched in Canada, in Toronto, anyway. On Rogers Cable, it is the channel 48. We are not very lucky in Canada: We had only one program aired: Presidential Limo. Even there, how many knew that Speed Channel is aired in Canada??? One more airing of the Presidential limo: November 21: 1AM-2AM ET ===================================================== Nov 19, 11AM-12AM,ET/PT History Channel Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? Nov 20, 10PM-12AM, ET/PT Hist Channel Kennedys: The Curse of Power Nov 20, 3AM-4AM, ET/PT History Channel Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? Nov 20, 7PM-8PM, ET/PT History Channel Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? Nov 20, 8PM-10PM, ET/PT History Channel The Kennedy Assass.: Beyond Conspiracy Nov 20, 10pm-12AM,ET/PT History Channel Kennedys: The Curse of Power Nov 21, 1AM-2AM ET The Speed Channel Presidential Limo Nov 21, 12AM-2AM, ET-PT History Channel The Kennedy Assass.: Beyond Conspiracy Nov 21, 9PM-10PM ET The Speed Channel Presidential Limo Nov 22, 9PM CT KERA, Ch 13 (PBS) JFK: Breaking the News Nov 22, 10PM-11PM ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK Assass. Nov 23, 2AM-3AM ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK Assass. Nov 23, 12PM-1PM ET/PT History Channel Missing Files: The JFK Assassination Nov 23, 6PM-7PM ET/PT History Channel Missing Files: The JFK Assassination Nov 23, 8AM-10AM ET/PT History Channel The Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified Nov 23, 2PM-4PM ET/PT History Channel The Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified Nov 23, 10AM-12PM,ET/PT History Channel Kennedys: The Curse of Power Nov 27 8PM ET/PT Discovery Channel Medical Casebook: JFK Nov 27 11PM ET/PT Discovery Channel Medical Casebook: JFK Nov 28, 9PM CT KERA, Ch 13 (PBS) JFK: Breaking the News Nov 28 4-4:30PM,ET/PT History Channel History's Mysteries Somebody Killed the President Nov 28, 7PM, ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK Assass. Nov 28 10PM-11PM, ET The Speed Channel Presidential Limo ===================================================== History Channel http://www.historychannel.com Conspiracy? Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? On April 4, 1968, a sniper gunned down Martin Luther King Jr. as he stood on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee. Charges of cover-ups and government complicity were heard almost immediately--suspicions that haven't waned with time. Several versions have passed for the "truth" of King's assassination--from the "official" story in '68 with small-time criminal James Earl Ray as lone assassin; Ray's later assertion that he was framed by "Raul", the true killer; to the '78 House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) report that claimed Ray acted on behalf of a conspiracy. And there's a theory that federal government agencies were out to get King--and they had greater motivation to do so than James Earl Ray. We revisit the murder--one of the least explicable of the assassinations that rocked the '60s. =================================================== History Channel http://www.historychannel.com The Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy No other murder in history has produced as much speculation as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Forty years after he was fatally shot, more than 70 percent of polled Americans believe there was a conspiracy and that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. In this 2-hour special, ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings takes a fresh look at the assassination, the evidence, the various and many theories, and an exact computer simulation of the famous Abraham Zapruder film that offers surprising results. ===================================================== History Channel http://www.historychannel.com Kennedys: The Curse of Power Traces the Kennedy clan's calamities that occurred on the rise to power--from immigration from Ireland up to John Kennedy Jr.'s tragic death in 1999. The first hour sees the loss of Joe Jr. in WWII and the assassinations of JFK and RFK. Hour two witnesses Ted's downfall and role as surrogate father to a fatherless generation. ===================================================== The Speed Channel http://www.speedtv.com/programs/323/ Presidential Limo The 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible limousine JFK rode in when assassinated in 1963 was, for a time a true crime scene. Surprisingly, the car was used by presidents for years after Kennedy's death. ===================================================== History Channel http://www.historychannel.com Investigating History The JFK Assassination. How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers with access to the evidence in the case, Investigating History looks at new information that examines which theories are believable, and which are not. Specifically, the experts looked at the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that were fired; at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull; at the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin; at the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and more. INVESTIGATING HISTORY: THE JFK ASSASSINATION Produced by Bill Kurtis THE JFK ASSASSINATION (Monday, November 22 at 10 pm ET/PT): How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers with access to the evidence in the case, INVESTIGATING HISTORY looks at new information that examines which theories are believable, and which are not. -Experts look at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull; -At the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin; -At the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and more. Acoustical evidence, which has been analyzed: -Examination of the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that were fired. -A new investigation maintains there are five shots on the tape from an open microphone hanging on a motorcycle policeman's vehicle. Famed forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee wades into the investigation by calling for a return of evidence relating to the "crime scene": -The limousine carrying John Kennedy, Jackie, John Connolly and his wife. -Items were picked up as souvenirs and may be resting in basements of private homes around the country. Example: windshield, which was damaged by a bullet. Featuring footage from The Cyril H., Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law, National Symposium on the 40th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination. Executive Producer and television journalist Bill Kurtis returns with an all-new season of intriguing investigations that explore some of history's most perplexing puzzles in the weekly one-hour series INVESTIGATING HISTORY on The History Channel. ===================================================== History Channel http://www.historychannel.com Missing Files: The JFK Assassination Did an elaborate cover-up conceal evidence about JFK's assassination? Join us as we reveal new discoveries and footage resulting from a 5-year unprecedented search for truth by a small government agency, the Assassinations Records Review Board. We also hear from experts who believe in the official version and conspiracy theorists. ================================================== History Channel http://www.historychannel.com The Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified In October 1962, the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war. The Soviet Union's Premier Nikita Khrushchev had placed missiles in Cuba to defend it from unexpected American invasion. When U.S. intelligence provided President John F. Kennedy with proof, he demanded that they be removed, risking the first nuclear exchange between the superpowers. Now, new information reveals just how fragile communication between Moscow and Washington was and how little each side understood of the other. =========================================== Discovery Channel http://www.discoverychannel.com Medical Casebook JFK When John F. Kennedy entered the White House in 1961, he brought with him eight personal physicians to handle his medical requirements and maintain his image as a healthy President. He'd been a sickly child and had to endure illness all through his life. ==================================================== History Channel http://www.historychannel.com History's Mysteries Somebody Killed the President. The President of the United States has the most powerful job in the world. Even with a round-the-clock guard, there's always the danger that a determined assassin will get through. Since 1865, 4 presidents have been killed: Abraham Lincoln, 1865; James Garfield, 1881; William McKinley, 1901; and John F. Kennedy, 1963. We examine these White House victims.
  5. This is a new format. Next programs: Thursday. ============================= TWO addition, only for the people in the Dallas area, I think: JFK: Breaking the News on November 22 and November 28. CHANNEL 13 (KERA 13), PBS. ON RADIO: JFK Special- Jim Fetzer&Bruce Adamson on COAST TO COAST AM ===================================================== Nov 18, 10am-11am ET/PT Biography Channel Power Players JFK, A Personal Story Nov 18, 4PM-5PM ET/PT Biography Channel Power Players JFK, A Personal Story Nov 18, Late Thursday Coast To Coast AM JFK Special- Jim Fetzer&Bruce Adamson and others Nov 19, 11AM-12AM,ET/PT History Channel Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? Nov 20, 10PM-12AM, ET/PT Hist Channel Kennedys: The Curse of Power Nov 20, 3AM-4AM, ET/PT History Channel Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? Nov 20, 7PM-8PM, ET/PT History Channel Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? Nov 20, 8PM-10PM, ET/PT History Channel The Kennedy Assass.: Beyond Conspiracy Nov 20, 10pm-12AM,ET/PT History Channel Kennedys: The Curse of Power Nov 21, 12AM-2AM, ET-PT History Channel The Kennedy Assass.: Beyond Conspiracy Nov 21, 9PM-10PM ET The Speed Channel Presidential Limo Nov 22, 9PM CT KERA, Ch 13 (PBS) JFK: Breaking the News Nov 22, 10PM-11PM ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK Assass. Nov 23, 2AM-3AM ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK Assass. Nov 23, 12PM-1PM ET/PT History Channel Missing Files: The JFK Assassination Nov 23, 6PM-7PM ET/PT History Channel Missing Files: The JFK Assassination Nov 23, 8AM-10AM ET/PT History Channel The Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified Nov 23, 2PM-4PM ET/PT History Channel The Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified Nov 23, 10AM-12PM,ET/PT History Channel Kennedys: The Curse of Power Nov 27 8PM ET/PT Discovery Channel Medical Casebook: JFK Nov 27 11PM ET/PT Discovery Channel Medical Casebook: JFK Nov 28, 9PM CT KERA, Ch 13 (PBS) JFK: Breaking the News Nov 28 4-4:30PM,ET/PT History Channel History's Mysteries Somebody Killed the President Nov 28, 7PM, ET/PT History Channel Investigating History: The JFK Assass. Nov 28 10PM-11PM, ET The Speed Channel Presidential Limo ===================================================== Biography Channel www.biographychannel.com Power Players JFK, A Personal Story How did one man inspire a nation and motivate Americans to work harder and give something back to their government? John F. Kennedy will long be remembered for challenging the American people--to put a man on the moon, put aside racial prejudices, join a volunteer corps to help undeveloped countries. Find out how in a commemoration of the life and legacy of the 35th President. Includes interviews with political satirist Mort Sahl and Cliff Robertson, who played JFK on film. (1-hour version) ================================================ Coast To Coast AM http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2004/11/18.html -JFK Special- Jim Fetzer Bruce Adamson This special 4-hour show looking into the JFK assassination will feature researchers Jim Fetzer, Bruce Adamson and others. ==================================================== History Channel www.historychannel.com Conspiracy? Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? On April 4, 1968, a sniper gunned down Martin Luther King Jr. as he stood on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee. Charges of cover-ups and government complicity were heard almost immediately--suspicions that haven't waned with time. Several versions have passed for the "truth" of King's assassination--from the "official" story in '68 with small-time criminal James Earl Ray as lone assassin; Ray's later assertion that he was framed by "Raul", the true killer; to the '78 House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) report that claimed Ray acted on behalf of a conspiracy. And there's a theory that federal government agencies were out to get King--and they had greater motivation to do so than James Earl Ray. We revisit the murder--one of the least explicable of the assassinations that rocked the '60s. =================================================== History Channel www.historychannel.com The Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy No other murder in history has produced as much speculation as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Forty years after he was fatally shot, more than 70 percent of polled Americans believe there was a conspiracy and that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. In this 2-hour special, ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings takes a fresh look at the assassination, the evidence, the various and many theories, and an exact computer simulation of the famous Abraham Zapruder film that offers surprising results. ===================================================== History Channel www.historychannel.com Kennedys: The Curse of Power Traces the Kennedy clan's calamities that occurred on the rise to power--from immigration from Ireland up to John Kennedy Jr.'s tragic death in 1999. The first hour sees the loss of Joe Jr. in WWII and the assassinations of JFK and RFK. Hour two witnesses Ted's downfall and role as surrogate father to a fatherless generation. ===================================================== The Speed Channel www.speedtv.com/programs/323/ Presidential Limo The 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible limousine JFK rode in when assassinated in 1963 was, for a time a true crime scene. Surprisingly, the car was used by presidents for years after Kennedy's death. ===================================================== History Channel www.historychannel.com Investigating History The JFK Assassination. How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers with access to the evidence in the case, Investigating History looks at new information that examines which theories are believable, and which are not. Specifically, the experts looked at the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that were fired; at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull; at the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin; at the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and more. INVESTIGATING HISTORY: THE JFK ASSASSINATION Produced by Bill Kurtis THE JFK ASSASSINATION (Monday, November 22 at 10 pm ET/PT): How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers with access to the evidence in the case, INVESTIGATING HISTORY looks at new information that examines which theories are believable, and which are not. -Experts look at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull; -At the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin; -At the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and more. Acoustical evidence, which has been analyzed: -Examination of the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that were fired. -A new investigation maintains there are five shots on the tape from an open microphone hanging on a motorcycle policeman's vehicle. Famed forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee wades into the investigation by calling for a return of evidence relating to the "crime scene": -The limousine carrying John Kennedy, Jackie, John Connolly and his wife. -Items were picked up as souvenirs and may be resting in basements of private homes around the country. Example: windshield, which was damaged by a bullet. Featuring footage from The Cyril H., Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law, National Symposium on the 40th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination. Executive Producer and television journalist Bill Kurtis returns with an all-new season of intriguing investigations that explore some of history's most perplexing puzzles in the weekly one-hour series INVESTIGATING HISTORY on The History Channel. ===================================================== History Channel www.historychannel.com Missing Files: The JFK Assassination Did an elaborate cover-up conceal evidence about JFK's assassination? Join us as we reveal new discoveries and footage resulting from a 5-year unprecedented search for truth by a small government agency, the Assassinations Records Review Board. We also hear from experts who believe in the official version and conspiracy theorists. ================================================== History Channel www.historychannel.com The Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified In October 1962, the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war. The Soviet Union's Premier Nikita Khrushchev had placed missiles in Cuba to defend it from unexpected American invasion. When U.S. intelligence provided President John F. Kennedy with proof, he demanded that they be removed, risking the first nuclear exchange between the superpowers. Now, new information reveals just how fragile communication between Moscow and Washington was and how little each side understood of the other. =========================================== Discovery Channel www.discoverychannel.com Medical Casebook JFK When John F. Kennedy entered the White House in 1961, he brought with him eight personal physicians to handle his medical requirements and maintain his image as a healthy President. He'd been a sickly child and had to endure illness all through his life. ==================================================== History Channel www.historychannel.com History's Mysteries Somebody Killed the President. The President of the United States has the most powerful job in the world. Even with a round-the-clock guard, there's always the danger that a determined assassin will get through. Since 1865, 4 presidents have been killed: Abraham Lincoln, 1865; James Garfield, 1881; William McKinley, 1901; and John F. Kennedy, 1963. We examine these White House victims. ================================================
  6. And, as you can see in one of the threads, Denis Morrisette thought I was a guy for the last couple of years I'd been posting over at Lancer. Must be my tomboy attitude, being the only girl raised with brothers. LOL <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, it is your name, Terry, that made me think you were a man. I'm sorry, I'm French and not still used to all the English first names.
  7. These are actually horal history interviews produced by the 6th floor museum. There are other stuff that might be of interest. http://www.c-span.org/apa/jfk.asp
  8. TWO programs added: November 20, 21 and 23: "Kennedys: The Curse of Power " November 28: "Somebody Killed the President" Stars indicate some additional airings have been added of already listed shows. ================================================ Thursday, November 18, 10am-11am ET/PT Biography Channel www.biographychannel.com Power Players JFK, A Personal Story How did one man inspire a nation and motivate Americans to work harder and give something back to their government? John F. Kennedy will long be remembered for challenging the American people--to put a man on the moon, put aside racial prejudices, join a volunteer corps to help undeveloped countries. Find out how in a commemoration of the life and legacy of the 35th President. Includes interviews with political satirist Mort Sahl and Cliff Robertson, who played JFK on film. (1-hour version) ================================================ Thursday, November 18, 4PM-5PM ET/PT Biography Channel www.biographychannel.com Power Players JFK, A Personal Story How did one man inspire a nation and motivate Americans to work harder and give something back to their government? John F. Kennedy will long be remembered for challenging the American people--to put a man on the moon, put aside racial prejudices, join a volunteer corps to help undeveloped countries. Find out how in a commemoration of the life and legacy of the 35th President. Includes interviews with political satirist Mort Sahl and Cliff Robertson, who played JFK on film. (1-hour version) ===================================================== Friday, November 19, 11AM-12AM, ET/PT History Channel www.historychannel.com Conspiracy? Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? On April 4, 1968, a sniper gunned down Martin Luther King Jr. as he stood on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee. Charges of cover-ups and government complicity were heard almost immediately--suspicions that haven't waned with time. Several versions have passed for the "truth" of King's assassination--from the "official" story in '68 with small-time criminal James Earl Ray as lone assassin; Ray's later assertion that he was framed by "Raul", the true killer; to the '78 House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) report that claimed Ray acted on behalf of a conspiracy. And there's a theory that federal government agencies were out to get King--and they had greater motivation to do so than James Earl Ray. We revisit the murder--one of the least explicable of the assassinations that rocked the '60s. =================================================== Saturday, November 20, 10PM-12AM, ET/PT History Channel www.historychannel.com Kennedys: The Curse of Power Traces the Kennedy clan's calamities that occurred on the rise to power-- from immigration from Ireland up to John Kennedy Jr.'s tragic death in 1999. The first hour sees the loss of Joe Jr. in WWII and the assassinations of JFK and RFK. Hour two witnesses Ted's downfall and role as surrogate father to a fatherless generation. =================================================== Saturday, November 20, 3AM-4AM, ET/PT History Channel www.historychannel.com Conspiracy? Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? On April 4, 1968, a sniper gunned down Martin Luther King Jr. as he stood on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee. Charges of cover-ups and government complicity were heard almost immediately--suspicions that haven't waned with time. Several versions have passed for the "truth" of King's assassination--from the "official" story in '68 with small-time criminal James Earl Ray as lone assassin; Ray's later assertion that he was framed by "Raul", the true killer; to the '78 House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) report that claimed Ray acted on behalf of a conspiracy. And there's a theory that federal government agencies were out to get King--and they had greater motivation to do so than James Earl Ray. We revisit the murder--one of the least explicable of the assassinations that rocked the '60s. =================================================== Saturday, November 20, 2004, 7PM-8PM, ET/PT History Channel, www.historychannel.com Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? On April 4, 1968, a sniper gunned down Martin Luther King Jr. as he stood on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee. Charges of cover-ups and government complicity were heard almost immediately--suspicions that haven't waned with time. Several versions have passed for the "truth" of King's assassination--from the "official" story in '68 with small-time criminal James Earl Ray as lone assassin; Ray's later assertion that he was framed by "Raul", the true killer; to the '78 House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) report that claimed Ray acted on behalf of a conspiracy. And there's a theory that federal government agencies were out to get King--and they had greater motivation to do so than James Earl Ray. We revisit the murder--one of the least explicable of the assassinations that rocked the '60s. ===================================================== Saturday, November 20, 2004, 8PM-10PM, ET/PT History Channel, www.historychannel.com The Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy No other murder in history has produced as much speculation as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Forty years after he was fatally shot, more than 70 percent of polled Americans believe there was a conspiracy and that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. In this 2-hour special, ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings takes a fresh look at the assassination, the evidence, the various and many theories, and an exact computer simulation of the famous Abraham Zapruder film that offers surprising results. ===================================================== Saturday, November 20, 10pm-12AM, ET/PT History Channel www.historychannel.com Kennedys: The Curse of Power Traces the Kennedy clan's calamities that occurred on the rise to power--from immigration from Ireland up to John Kennedy Jr.'s tragic death in 1999. The first hour sees the loss of Joe Jr. in WWII and the assassinations of JFK and RFK. Hour two witnesses Ted's downfall and role as surrogate father to a fatherless generation. ===================================================== Sunday, November 21, 2004, 12AM-2AM, ET-PT History Channel www.historychannel.com The Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy No other murder in history has produced as much speculation as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Forty years after he was fatally shot, more than 70 percent of polled Americans believe there was a conspiracy and that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. In this 2-hour special, ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings takes a fresh look at the assassination, the evidence, the various and many theories, and an exact computer simulation of the famous Abraham Zapruder film that offers surprising results. ===================================================== Sunday, Nov 21 1AM-2AM, ET Presidential Limo The Speed Channel www.speedtv.com/programs/323/ The 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible limousine JFK rode in when assassinated in 1963 was, for a time a true crime scene. Surprisingly, the car was used by presidents for years after Kennedy's death. ===================================================== Sunday, Nov 21, 2AM-4AM, ET/PT History Channel www.historychannel.com Kennedys: The Curse of Power Traces the Kennedy clan's calamities that occurred on the rise to power-- from immigration from Ireland up to John Kennedy Jr.'s tragic death in 1999. The first hour sees the loss of Joe Jr. in WWII and the assassinations of JFK and RFK. Hour two witnesses Ted's downfall and role as surrogate father to a fatherless generation. ===================================================== Sunday, Nov 21 9PM-10PM ET TITLE: Presidential Limo The Speed Channel www.speedtv.com/programs/323/ The 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible limousine JFK rode in when assassinated in 1963 was, for a time a true crime scene. Surprisingly, the car was used by presidents for years after Kennedy's death. ===================================================== Monday, November 22, 10PM-11PM ET/PT History Channel www.historychannel.com Investigating History The JFK Assassination. How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers with access to the evidence in the case, Investigating History looks at new information that examines which theories are believable, and which are not. Specifically, the experts looked at the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that were fired; at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull; at the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin; at the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and more. ===================================================== Tuesday, Nov 23, 2AM-3AM ET/PT History Channel www.historychannel.com Investigating History The JFK Assassination. How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers with access to the evidence in the case, Investigating History looks at new information that examines which theories are believable, and which are not. Specifically, the experts looked at the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that were fired; at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull; at the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin; at the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and more. ===================================================== Tuesday, November 23, TWO AIRINGS: 12PM-1PM, 6PM-7PM, ET/PT Missing Files: The JFK Assassination History Channel, www.historychannel.com Did an elaborate cover-up conceal evidence about JFK's assassination? Join us as we reveal new discoveries and footage resulting from a 5-year unprecedented search for truth by a small government agency, the Assassinations Records Review Board. We also hear from experts who believe in the official version and conspiracy theorists. ================================================== Tuesday, November 23, TWO AIRINGS: 8AM-10AM ET/PT; 2PM-4PM ET/PT History Channel www.historychannel.com The Cuban Missile Crisis Declassified In October 1962, the world tottered on the brink of nuclear war. The Soviet Union's Premier Nikita Khrushchev had placed missiles in Cuba to defend it from unexpected American invasion. When U.S. intelligence provided President John F. Kennedy with proof, he demanded that they be removed, risking the first nuclear exchange between the superpowers. Now, new information reveals just how fragile communication between Moscow and Washington was and how little each side understood of the other. =========================================== Tuesday, November 23, 10AM-12PM, ET/PT History Channel www.historychannel.com Kennedys: The Curse of Power Traces the Kennedy clan's calamities that occurred on the rise to power-- from immigration from Ireland up to John Kennedy Jr.'s tragic death in 1999. The first hour sees the loss of Joe Jr. in WWII and the assassinations of JFK and RFK. Hour two witnesses Ted's downfall and role as surrogate father to a fatherless generation. ============================================ Saturday, Nov 27 2004, TWO AIRINGS: 8PM; 11PM, ET/PT Discovery Channel www.discoverychannel.com Medical Casebook JFK When John F. Kennedy entered the White House in 1961, he brought with him eight personal physicians to handle his medical requirements and maintain his image as a healthy President. He'd been a sickly child and had to endure illness all through his life. ==================================================== Sunday, November 28, 4PM-4:30PM, ET/PT History Channel www.historychannel.com History's Mysteries Somebody Killed the President. The President of the United States has the most powerful job in the world. Even with a round-the-clock guard, there's always the danger that a determined assassin will get through. Since 1865, 4 presidents have been killed: Abraham Lincoln, 1865; James Garfield, 1881; William McKinley, 1901; and John F. Kennedy, 1963. We examine these White House victims. ================================================ *** Sunday, November 28, 7PM, ET/PT History Channel www.historychannel.com Investigating History The JFK Assassination. How does forensic science help resolve questions about the JFK assassination? With the help of a group of scientists and researchers with access to the evidence in the case, Investigating History looks at new information that examines which theories are believable, and which are not. Specifically, the experts looked at the acoustic evidence from the radio of one of the motorcycle policemen in the motorcade and the number of shots that were fired; at the reliability of autopsy X-rays of JFK's skull; at the investigation that concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin; at the new evidentiary support for the "magic bullet" theory; and more. ===================================================== Sunday, Nov 28 10PM-11PM, ET Presidential Limo The Speed Channel www.speedtv.com/programs/323/ The 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible limousine JFK rode in when assassinated in 1963 was, for a time a true crime scene. Surprisingly, the car was used by presidents for years after Kennedy's death.
  9. Unfortunately, I cannot help you any more.
  10. http://cosmiciguana.com/ (middle of the page). This story was published in the Santa Barbara News-Press on November 11, 2004. It would be funny if someone here could go and take photos of the event. NEW EVIDENCE IN JFK ASSASSINATION SANTA BARBARA NEWS-PRESS: A Brooks Institute of Photography instructor has tried to put to rest one of the most-asked questions of the past 40 years: Who shot JFK? ... At an opening-night reception Friday at Brooks' Montecito Gallery, Newell Clark will use high-speed digital video technology to argue that someone on the fabled grassy knoll and not Oswald, who authorities determined was staked out in the Texas School Book Depository, took the life of the nation's 35th president.... ... Mr. Clark said his research showed that the fatal shot came from in front of the president. To test his theory, Mr. Clark took some cantaloupes wrapped in duct tape to the Winchester Canyon Gun Club on West Camino Cielo and started shooting. An $80,000 camera from Vision Research Co. in New Jersey allowed him to capture the action at 150,000 frames per second -- a feat unheard of when Abraham Zapruder used an 8mm camera to make a home movie of the assassination, the only known footage of the president before, during and after the shooting. After comparing the images of flying melon fragments to eyewitness accounts of the assassination, Mr. Clark came to the conclusion that the government failed in the Kennedy investigation. "There's no way he could have gotten shot from behind," he said... [*]
  11. Nick wrote: "The most moving thing I've done, I think, was visiting Arlington a few weeks back when I was on vacation. I left white roses for all of the Kennedys, and this woman stopped my mother ( who I begged to throw the roses for me, because I have terrible aim ) and said that she thought it was a nice idea. My mother, of course, not wanting to take credit for mourning a Democrat, pointed to me and explained it was my idea." Nick, you win the award of the funniest post of this forum, and Terry the award of the most beautiful hair! Pamela's hair is coming second... Congradulations to both of you!
  12. I don't see the point with my original post, but this is a document Wim may want to see that is a follow-up of his document. It is on my website: http://www.geocities.com/denismorissette/P...0041-10120.html
  13. Your photo gives you a mysterious look, so it very appropriate for a subject like the JFK assassination. If I remember correctly, the battery of your cell phone died during the interview you gave. I hope you'll find a radio or tv station or newspaper that will carry some story about the JFK assassination. When I thought who could make a good show on radio, the first name that came up in my mind was Bill Miller!
  14. Hey Terry. I always thought you were a man! I love your hair!
  15. Pamela, I am very proud of you, even if I have always been. November 22 is coming soon, but there is still time for each one of us who knows quite a bit about the JFK assassination to interest our local TV and radio stations, and newspapers, to air or publish stories on the subject. Just call them up and you may be surprised to hear their interest. They might invite you in studio! Since most of the radio stations in North America air on Internet, we may able to hear you. I think it is time for me to update my photo!
  16. The WC did not know about the note, says Rankin? Really. This is some info from Martha: QUOTE Marina told the WC that Oswald said "he would telephone them--I don't know whether he called or not--or that he would visit them." 1 H 57 (This was after Oswald found out Hosty had been to the Paine home) Testimony: 2/3/64. In her testimony of 3/19/64 Ruth stated "He (Oswald) told me that he had stopped at the downtwon office of the FBI and tried to see the agents and left a note." Ruth believed Oswald to be irritated by Hosty's visit: "Irritated, that he left the note(at FBI office) saying what he thought. This is reconstructing my impression of the fellows bothering him and his family, and this is my impression then." "I will just go on to say that I learned only a few weeks ago that he (Oswald) never did go to the FBI office. Of course knowing, thinking that he had gone in, I thought that was sensible on his part. But appears to be another lie." (3 H 18-19) UNQUOTE
  17. Denis, Those guys are reporters. Even though the caption says 1963, I think they were waiting outside the courtroom for word on the Ruby trial. James <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks, James!
  18. Photo taken by Tom Dillard showing two men, one with a radio. Where is this? http://www.dallasnews.com/photostore/dmn.jfk.22.129.html You'll see many more photos here. Click on John F. Kennedy. http://www.dallasnews.com/photostore/
  19. Steve, no definite answer, unfortunately. I am pretty sure that James Leavelle knows. I will look into Patterson. Thanks. Some people told me they could not view the photo showing the man with an object in hand. So here it is:
  20. According to Gary Mack, this photo was probably a Fort Worth Press photo. From Gary Mack: QUOTE According to the caption, the photo was transmitted by UPI, which means it is NOT and AP picture. So I'll return to my first note, which is that it was probably a Fort Worth Press photo. The DAP designation in the caption may identify it as coming from the Dallas UPI office and the P would be the Fort Worth Press designation. I first saw the photo in the 11/22 or 11/23 Fort Worth Press and, as best I can remember, it said something like "Staff photo." UNQUOTE
  21. See the only known colour photo of Air Force 1 in Love Field when the casket was being brought into AF1. I have not figured out who took it. One thing's for sure, it was taken from Air Force 2. http://pro.corbis.com/ Put DALLAS 1963 HEARSE in the search box.
  22. The photo next to Photo 1-15 shows an object in someone's hands, possibly Deputy Sherrif Eddie "Buddy" Walthers. The only place it appears is in Gary Shaw's Cover Up. If any one is in contact with Gary Shaw would you please ask him where he got from the picture from? http://iquebec.ifrance.com/Assassinat/walthers2.jpg This is a rare photo of Joe Foster pointing to the spot where he saw a bullet hit. http://www.iquebec.com/assassinat/Foster_pointing_1.jpg
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