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Denis Morissette

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Everything posted by Denis Morissette

  1. I was wondering the same about Ellis a few days ago. Only the one in the middle is in question. I mailed that photo to Ellis and he told me it was him in the photo. He did not say which one he is, though.
  2. This is an exchange between a rep of the Tyler-Rose Kiwanis, Steve Roe and me on January 1. Just talked to Steve. He is supposed to go and give a presentation to the Kiwanis about this topic. No date yet. I will try to answer your questions tomorrow. https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=george%20bush%20kiwanis
  3. So he was banned by the old administration. Then I understand that the poster who credited Fetzer in the Bush thread should be put the new "2 posts a day" rule if someone repeats this banned member's name.
  4. Fetzer's M.O. is to provide people with as fuzzy as possible images. Compare his images with mine. The man on the sidewalk does not look like Bush at all. He got a lot of people with his methods. The man he labeled as Lansdale does not look like him at all.
  5. Jim Braden was brought to the Sheriff's Office and he would have told the police the following as per the link below: "Brading told the police he was in Dallas on oil business". http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKbrading.htm
  6. George H.W. Bush at the Kiwanis Club in Tyler, Texas, on November 22, 1963 (thanks to Steve Roe) and a letter from him detailing where he was on that day.
  7. Roger Craig never said it was Bush. It is reasonable to believe that he was telling the truth about an oilman from Houston, though.
  8. By "no substance", I meant nothing solid. Neither Craig, Vaughan or anybody in the world until not a long time ago mentioned Bush arrested in Dealey Plaza. As for Captain Hooke's collage, don't mind the juxtaposed image of Thornley.
  9. I don't know more than you about this Vaughan/Oilman than anyone else. The arrested man could be Jim Braden.
  10. Check my blog on Craig where all honest researcher will have to admit he is less than honest and credible. https://jfkassassinationfiles.wordpress.com/2018/03/29/roger-craig/
  11. Paul is crediting James Fetzer. Is Fetzer a banned member?
  12. There is a colour photo of George Bush at the Kiwanis Club in Tyler on November 22, 1963.
  13. Thanks for reading my posts and and thanks to those who have posted interesting posts. I'll see you on the Lancer Forum.
  14. Thanks for this message, Don. It's our turn to question motives of people like John S., Andy and others.
  15. Thanks guys. I think we have enough documentation to make up our minds. Reading about extermination of human beings is not my favorite thing, but I'll do it for the sake of knowing for sure what happened.
  16. When I have time to read the links you provided, I will comment. No, I'm not a Nazi. I have never been and never will. And stop labeling Don and I as racists. I understand your motivation, though. I am not denying the Holocaust. I am just wondering if it is possible to exterminate 4 million of people in less than three years. If I am shown it is possible, I will admit it right away and shut up. Both Andy and John need to have a training on how to treat forum members.
  17. Shanet, you claimed in your post that it is a, "indisputable fact" that 6 million people were murdered by the Nazi Party. Yet, Don reports this: QUOTE ON It was also reported, and in fact had been reported before, that the commemorative plaque at Auschwitz, remembering those who died there, had revised the old figure of 4 million-which had been on the plaque for decades-and now stated the new "official" figure of 1.1-1.5 million. QUOTE An "undisputable fact"? Anything to say about that? You have been very silencious in this thread, Shanet. What do you think? How many people were killed in Auswitch? You think it is possible to murder 4 millions of people in a little more than two years in Auswitch?
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