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Denis Morissette

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Everything posted by Denis Morissette

  1. It has been theorized that the film Tannenbaum has been talking about was the film I posted above. That's why I thought it belongs to the subject. He may have been confused over the names of the people in the film. But maybe it is a different film. I was at Georgetown Library last June. You may contact them if you are more than a commentator on the JFK assassination topic.
  2. Ms Gloria Holt’s brother told me a week ago that, “The one in the middle looks like my sister”.
  3. I thought it was from The Two Kennedys. This is the clip anyway. Not Ferrie or Oswald. Maybe Sturgis.
  4. I asked Hugh Aynesworth a few months ago about the red liquid he saw.
  5. Robin, I think the last 2 you posted are missing parts on the top right.
  6. Anyone knows where we can find the uncropped Cancellare photo?
  7. Sorry, W. I should have put a brief description of the memo.
  8. I listened to it last year. Doesn’t help with my concerns.
  9. http://postimg.cc/image/h96hy2dbr/ The News Journal (Wilmington, Delaware)- Nov 18, 1976.
  10. Strange also that Couch did not film it or asked Alyea to film the liquid or whatever it is. How about Hood? Do we have any photos taken by him on that day?
  11. I hope any of them reported this blood to the policemen who were very present at that location. There is no police report on this.
  12. When did HW Bush say he couldn’t remember? And to whom did he say that?
  13. Was it taken by Jim Darnell? Isn't his filming missing? I thought a policeman tried to stop him from filming because he thought it was disrespectful to the president.
  14. I have 2 HSCA interview reports on my website: http://jfkassassinationfiles.com/HSCA-180-10109-10154.pdf http://jfkassassinationfiles.com/HSCA-180-10108-10193.pdf Other HSCA interviews with DPD officers who were in Dealey Plaza during the shots. See at the top of the page. http://jfkassassinationfiles.com/Document.html
  15. Of special interest, an interview with Carolyn Walther which was mentioned in Six Seconds in Dallas.
  16. The couple on the right had a camera with them. Was apparently not taking pictures. Nobody seems to know their names...
  17. Chris, I can't remember if Ellis mentioned the speed. All my 1991 interviews can he listened to here: This Part 1 of 4.
  18. Hi Pat. The last time I saw you was when you did a presentation at Lancer. After the presentation, there were too many people around you asking questions. You were too popular. i think it is the same Sharon. I can’t prove it, though.
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