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Denis Morissette

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Everything posted by Denis Morissette

  1. How could such a mistake happen? A honest mistake or a lie? If a lie, then we should ask the question, "W-H-Y?". And John S. who who claims to be so knowledgeable in history. Why did he not mention to us the 1.5 million number? Once again, the question is "W-H-Y?".
  2. I received emails from three members who said that they also question the Holocaust story. They say they are afraid to show their skepticism because they may be called names like "racist" by John S. and others. You have to look at your way of thinking, John.
  3. The film was known long before. The HSCA even studied it, even though Cooper may not have given the full version to them. I have two documents about it on my website: http://www.geocities.com/denismorissette/P...0104-10435.html http://www.geocities.com/denismorissette/P...0087-10413.html
  4. You're wrong. There is another reason: People who don't swallow everything they read.
  5. Neither of course if alive today would be so crass as to question the historical fact of the premeditated murder of millions of people by the Nazis. The Holocaust is extremely well documented. What of course we should be questioning are the motives of those who seek to "deny" it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Andy, instead of attacking people -namely Don and I- provide us with evidence. Enough of your blah-blah-blah.
  6. Who the heck cares about debating the subject Don? If you are onto something about how the holocaust never existed. Document it. Write it down and provide the evidence of how this horrific example of mass deception has occured. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Raymond, as the Warren Commission members noticed it, it is hard to prove a negative. Raymond, can you provide us with the number of trains that arrived in Auswitch a day between Spring 1942 and November 1944? How many people contained each train?
  7. I read about six history books a week. Virtually all these are linked to what I am doing on my website at the time. Currently, this means American foreign and domestic policy (1945-1968). I am of course interested in reading historians who question the way the past is normally presented. However, I am not willing to read books by historians who question the existence of the Holocaust. To me, someone who does that, given the evidence we have, must be doing this for some racist reason. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> John, I hope you don't really think that everyone who questions the validity of the holocaust is doing it for racist reasons. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don, that's another tactic that those people use: Label everyone who question the Holocaust of racism. This way, you will scare away people who might research the subject. "If you open that book -books questionning the Holocaust- then you're a racist". That's not the kind of attitude you would expect from someone who runs an education forum.
  8. I think he deserves to have his name and photo published after learning what he is trying to do to you. That's a sweet revenge for you, I guess.
  9. I think the man in black who passes by the pool of something is Buddy Walthers. I would be surprised he did not mention to the WC the blood if it had been blood. But maybe it's not even Walthers.
  10. I don't understand the point you're trying to make. Who even suggested that the Holocaust only happened there? There were, as you know, many, many camps... Or did none of them exist? Just a figment of the collective imagination? Or a creation of the a shadowy "International Jewish Conspiracy"? Is that the same Jewish conspiracy which controls Canada, by any chance? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mike, it is said that 4 million of people were killed in Auswitch ONLY. 4 million IS a holocaust, so l did mean that the Holocaust happened only at Auswitch. Pamela provided a quote of 8,000 people gassed a day. If you consider that they did not do any gassing between 10M and and 5AM, we come up with a number of maybe 10,000? You think it is possible? I would be interested in getting more data like the number of trains that arrived daily in Auswitch, the number of people by train, the number of German employees at the camp, the time to force people in the gas chamber, the time to gas them, the time to get them out of that chamber, the time to dig the holes to put the bodies in, etc. And where do you take the space to burry 10,000 a day!
  11. Mike, I am just trying to figure out if it is possible to have a Holocaust in the Auswitch camp alone. It looks like you don't want me to do that. Why?
  12. Thanks for those numbers. I don't think the Germans were killing people around the clock. That would make the number of people killed an hour much higher. How many people were there in average at the Auswitch camp, and how many Germans were killing people? Consider the time it takes to remove the bodies out of the gas chambers and the time to dig holes to put the bodies.
  13. Wednesday, Feb 9 2005 05:01 AM, ET. Discovery Channel Assignment Discovery: Resolving Kennedy's Legacy ===================================================== Mon, February 14 6-7am ET/PT Classroom JFK: A Presidency Revealed, Part 1. President John F. Kennedy's legacy is largely defined by the permanent scar his assassination left on America's psyche. This 3-part analysis reveals the saga of an amazing man who led the charge in a technologically advancing world, yet was restricted by personal obstacles, national crises, and international challenges. Using JFK's private records, phone logs, medical reports, and secret recordings of staff meetings, we expose a flawed giant who dominated his time through sheer determination. Tue, February 15 6-7am Classroom JFK: A Presidency Revealed, Part 2. Using previously unreleased images, including Kennedy Family home movies and photos from Life magazine's archive, combined with the 35th President's private records, phone logs, medical reports, and secret recordings of staff meetings, we trace John Fitzgerald Kennedy's journey from privileged roots as son of a wealthy Irish-American entrepreneur to groundbreaking presidency--as both the first Catholic and youngest man ever to be elected to America's highest office. Wed, February 16 6-7am Classroom JFK: A Presidency Revealed, Part 3. To help capture the essence of the man and the times in which he lived and led, we deliver in-depth interviews with a broad spectrum of experts and luminaries, including administration insiders Arthur Schlesinger and Ted Sorensen; Egon Bahr, Willy Brandt's press secretary, and Dr. Sergei Khrushchev, Nikita's son; historians Robert Dallek, Evan Thomas, and Aleksandr Fursenko; presidential journalists Sander Vanocur, Hugh Sidey, and Ben Bradlee; and JFK friends Paul "Red" Fay and John Seigenthaler. ====================================================
  14. The number of people killed each day is one of the most basic questions you can ask. If you come, say to a number of 2000 people each day. Is it possible to kill that many people? I don't know. If it's not, then who is behing that lie? If I tell you than I can run 200 miles a day, you have to options: To idiotly believe it, or to wonder if it is possible. Your choice.
  15. I will read the link provided by Bernice before labeling Ian and her as extremists. This way I won't have to apologize to them!
  16. I look forward to reading why Ian agrees on sending a man to jail this guy.
  17. This sending this man to jail will be forever a shame on Canada. I'm sure you're proud of this, Ian.
  18. It just shows how much power the Jews have in Canada! Welcome to Canada! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Denis, The salient point is that , in the minds of the jury, Zundel was unable to prove that the information he was propagating was true - ie ) that the Holocaust never happened; there is a Worldwide Zionist Conspiracy, et cetera. Therefore he was guilty causing injury to those that he spoke/published against. Ian <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ian, what "injury" are you talking about exactly? Give me names of people who have been "injured" because of Zundel.
  19. It just shows how much power the Jews have in Canada! Welcome to Canada!
  20. Holocaust denial is unpleasant and disreputable academically, and actually illegal in some countries. If, however, it isn't illegal in your own country, which, in the case of Mr Morissette, I assume to the the USA, then I would think it most unlikely that you would be arrested and extradited! Or is there yet another "conspiracy" involved here about which I know nothing? Like the Corsican, Greek, Italian, FBI, Cuban, CIA, Yale, etc conspiracies to kill Kennedy... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm actually from Canada. Here you may be criminally prosecuted for denying the holocaust. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Holocaust denial quite rightly is a criminal offence in many countries and would of course break our Forum Guidelines. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Denial is criminal in Canada, but is "questionning" the holocaust as well?
  21. How many people were killed in the Auswitch concentration camp, and for how many years was the camp operational? How many people killed a day does it make? I think the Chief of the camp said that they killed 4 million people.
  22. Holocaust denial is unpleasant and disreputable academically, and actually illegal in some countries. If, however, it isn't illegal in your own country, which, in the case of Mr Morissette, I assume to the the USA, then I would think it most unlikely that you would be arrested and extradited! Or is there yet another "conspiracy" involved here about which I know nothing? Like the Corsican, Greek, Italian, FBI, Cuban, CIA, Yale, etc conspiracies to kill Kennedy... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm actually from Canada. Here you may be criminally prosecuted for denying the holocaust.
  23. WARNING to anyone who would be tempted to claim that the holocaust is a myth: You could end up in jail!
  24. Tue, January 25, 6am-7am ET/PT History Channel Classroom JFK: A Presidency Revealed, Part 1. President John F. Kennedy's legacy is largely defined by the permanent scar his assassination left on America's psyche. This 3-part analysis reveals the saga of an amazing man who led the charge in a technologically advancing world, yet was restricted by personal obstacles, national crises, and international challenges. Using JFK's private records, phone logs, medical reports, and secret recordings of staff meetings, we expose a flawed giant who dominated his time through sheer determination. ===================================================== Wed, January 26, 6am-7am ET/PT History Channel Classroom JFK: A Presidency Revealed, Part 2. Using previously unreleased images, including Kennedy Family home movies and photos from Life magazine's archive, combined with the 35th President's private records, phone logs, medical reports, and secret recordings of staff meetings, we trace John Fitzgerald Kennedy's journey from privileged roots as son of a wealthy Irish-American entrepreneur to groundbreaking presidency--as both the first Catholic and youngest man ever to be elected to America's highest office. ===================================================== Thu, January 27, 6am-7am ET/PT History Channel Classroom JFK: A Presidency Revealed, Part 3. To help capture the essence of the man and the times in which he lived and led, we deliver in-depth interviews with a broad spectrum of experts and luminaries, including administration insiders Arthur Schlesinger and Ted Sorensen; Egon Bahr, Willy Brandt's press secretary, and Dr. Sergei Khrushchev, Nikita's son; historians Robert Dallek, Evan Thomas, and Aleksandr Fursenko; presidential journalists Sander Vanocur, Hugh Sidey, and Ben Bradlee; and JFK friends Paul "Red" Fay and John Seigenthaler. ===================================================== Thu, January 27, 9:30pm-10pm ET/PT Fri, January 28, 1:30AM-2AM ET/PT History Channel History's Mysteries Somebody Killed the President. The President of the United States has the most powerful job in the world. Even with a round-the-clock guard, there's always the danger that a determined assassin will get through. Since 1865, four presidents have been killed: Abraham Lincoln, 1865; James Garfield, 1881; William McKinley, 1901; and John F. Kennedy, 1963. We examine these White House victims. ===================================================== Sunday, January 30 @ 11:30am ET/PT History Channel History's Mysteries Political Assassinations. A look at murders that were committed in order to change a country's policies or to shape world events, including the 1968 assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy; the 1978 murder of Aldo Moro, leader of the Italian Christian Democrats and a former prime minister; and the 1948 killing of Mahatma Gandhi ===================================================== Thursday Feb 04 2005 @ 07:00 PM Friday Feb 05 2005 @ 03:00 AM Friday Feb 05 2005 @ 11:00 AM Discovery Times Kennedy & Castro: The Secret History Recent declassified information reveals that at the height of the Cold War, JFK and Castro were engaged in secret communication exploring ways to normalize U.S.-Cuba relations.
  25. As others asked, does Specter have anything to do with these murders?
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