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Gerry Hemming

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Posts posted by Gerry Hemming

  1. DWD,

    Thanks for the response. I will ask BEA about Elgin AFB assignment when I get the opportunit, among other questions of my own. He does mention the commanding officer there - Lt. Colonel Hakala, whose name doesn't appear in the index, and says this: "Vietnam was just beginning to receive serious attention fro mthe military extablishment and the demand for highly-skilled Ranger-trained officers to serve as advisors in Southeast Asia was increasing day by day. This fact eventually had an unfortuante impact on my status at the camp. As the executive officer I was responsible for the overall administration of the installation. soon found myself spending more time tha I liked supervising mess halls and barracks, making routine inspections, completing reports, directing building programs, and managing paperswork. I found less time to participate in the tactical traingin and, more often than not, was tied to my office and desk back at camp. I would have much rather been in the field. To complicate matters, Lieutenant Colonel Hakala, who commanded the camp, insisted the executive officer keep his nose out of training and stick almost entirely to managing administration of the installation....I failed to understand the reasons for the camp commander's attitude, and it continued to be a sore point between us.....On a sunny April day I made my move and requested a transfer....."

    As a veteran with military experience, your review and comments are welcome, it's just the real action and evidence in the assassination comes after BEA left Elgin, in April, 1963. Indeed, that is when a potshot is taken at Walker, LHO leaves for NO, and Col./Dr. Jose Rivera (USA Reserves) in DC expresses foreknowledge of LHO activities. And are you accusing yourself of being a "disinformation/CIA/Mockingbird asset"? No one else has.


    For Bradley E. Ayers, "The chain of events that lead me to [uSArmy Deputy Chief of Staff for Special Operations]Colonel Bond's office....began in the spring of 1963. I had held the rank of captain, and as a senior officer in this grade, nearing promotion to major, I was serving as the executive officer of the Army Ranger Training Camp at Eglin Air Force Base in northwest Florida…. The mission of the Ranger Camp was to train volunteer officers and non-commissioned officers in the techniques of clandestine jungle and swamp operations for small units….Lt. Col. Hakala,…commanded the camp…on a sunny April day I made my move and requested a transfer."


    My original questions may have sounded too critical. I only raised the questions because Ayers' reference to "the Army Ranger Training Camp at Eglin Air Force Base" is without elaboration or "background," as if it were some commonly-known given that there was such a thing. Since this was the case and since I found it odd that there would be an Army Ranger Training Camp at any Air Force Base (when such camps would be expected to be located at Army bases), I raised the questions. Fortunately, this seems like something that could be verified (independently of Ayers' account).

    Re-reading the brief passage quoted, it's actually unclear whether Ayers is referring to such a camp as training "volunteer officers and non-commissioned officers" in general as opposed to such training being done specifically for (for instance) anti-Castro operations. The "volunteer" may be a clue for the latter. If it was specfic to anti-Castro efforts, I wouldn't find it all that odd to have the camp at an Air Force base; the overall authority would presumably have been CIA/SGA and they would have organized things as they saw fit. (For instance, by setting up an Army Ranger training camp at an Air Force base.)

    In thinking about it this week I recalled an interesting subject that came up some months ago in the Forum that seems pertinent. John Simkin started a thread on a man named Ricardo Morales and posted a link to Morales' deposition in which he gave a long account of his career. (Going off of memory for what follows; maybe someone could repost the relevant information, particularly as it's most interesting all by itself.)

    Morales stated that in his initial training by CIA as an anti-Castro operative (1960/61?) he was in a group of Cuban exiles who were flown out of Miami in a jumbo jet with the windows blacked out; the plane stayed in the air briefly (45 minutes?) and took a left turn out of Miami, eventually landing at a military installation where the exiles were then transported (by bus?) to a training camp where they were trained in the same kind of training Ayers is referring to. Morales also mentioned airborne or jump-training and at the time I speculated that the exiles had been flown to Ft. Benning ("The Home of the Infantry"), since Benning is home to a jump school as well as "The School of the Americas" (where cadets from the military/security forces of "friendly" Latin American countries are sent for training in the States).

    But there was a problem with this conclusion: when I reported for duty to what would be my permanent party I flew to Atlanta in a commercial jet airliner, then boarded a little twin-engine propeller-driven plane (like the commercial USAir planes that have been known to crash on occasion) for a short trip to the Columbus, Georgia airport. Then I was picked up by a bus that took me to Benning. So it's not like a jet airliner could just land at or even near Benning itself. It seems to me that (Ricardo) Morales' account and Ayers' account are most likely mutually corroborative for the existence of such a training camp, located at Elgin Air Force base (where large planes should have been able to land) and probably run overall by CIA in anti-Castro ops.


    The further quote about Ayers' dissatisfaction is interesting but nothing unusual, since XO's (executive officer's) typically get stuck with all the administrative housekeeping, paperwork, etc. (Sort of glorified secretaries/administrative assistants.) It's not at all odd that Ayers would've been dissatisfied with it, but somewhat revealing in that he must have had higher (and unrealistic) expectations about becoming an XO. Evidently he wanted to be where "the action" was.

    Now I better understand your reference to the Summer of '63 in terms of the chronological sequence of events. And I won't contribute to any potential diversion of the thread by responding to the question about "accusing myself," except to say that I beg to differ on "No one else has." Not everyone is as straightforward as others might be, and I suspect you travel in different circles than those who would make or, one way or another, have made such accusations.



    The correct spelling is: E-G-L-I-N Air Force Base, and amongst many commands there is the US Navy Explosive Ordnance School (EOD). The Ranger School is at one of the 4 "Hurlburt" airfields, and at one of those (#4 I think) -- was where the Doolittle Tokyo bombers trained during 1942 [WWII].




    U.S. Air Force Fact Sheet


    Auxiliary Field Six is the site of Camp James E. Rudder and the home of the Army's 6th Ranger Training Battalion. The 6th RTB conducts the final phase of the U.S. Army Ranger Course. The entire course is 61 days in length and is divided into three phases. Each phase is conducted at different geographical and environmental locations.

    Its mission at Eglin is to expose Ranger students to a fast-paced, 18 day field training exercise. Leadership skills are taxed when conducting small unit operations in a simulated combat environment by the daily challenges students encounter including severe weather, swampy terrain, periods of hunger, mental and physical fatigue, as well as emotional stress.

    Included in the field training exercise are airborne and helicopter assaults, small boat operations, river crossings and swamp crossings.

    Camp James E. Rudder is one of the oldest subinstallations on Eglin (since 1951) with operating and quality of life facilities to provide family housing units, a community center, a gymnasium, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a chapel, a reptile facility, a billeting complex, an ammunition storage area, a troop dining facility, a troop medical clinic, civil engineering shop transportation sub-motor pool, a boathouse, a repelling tower and an airborne staging area plus an air strip capable of accommodating C-130 and C-17 aircraft.

    The 6th Ranger Training Battalion's parent organization is the Ranger Training Brigade located at Fort Benning, GA.

    Fact Sheet Point of Contact

    96th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office

    (850) 882-3931

    DSN 872-3931


  2. ................Hunt, Morales and Robertson had huge emotional investments in the anti-Castro cause. Barnes hated Kennedy for blaming Dulles and Bissell for the Bay of Pigs. Barnes sent guns to anti-Trujillo forces in a diplomatic pouch and gave orders to the embassy not to tell the state department. Robertson, without receiving any orders to do so, bombed a British ship during the Guatemalan operation. These men were cowboys..............


    "Rip" Robertson was never a pilot, nor did he "sink a ship in Guatemala" (1954 Guatemaltazo)!!

    Jerry Fred DeLarm was initially blamed for the sinking of the Brit "Coffee" merchantman, but in reality it was "Freddy" Shoup who dive-bombed the vessel and sent it to the bottom of the harbor-port at San Jose. Worse, this port is on the Pacific Ocean side of Guatemala, NOT the Caribbean side -- where a ship from Europe would be offloading, i.e., at either Puerto Barrios or Matias de Gálvez !!

    As you will see below, when the "Soccer War" (El Salvador vs: Honduras) got underway during 1969, all of the "good ol' boys were back in action once again.





    On 18 June, Castillo Armas crossed into Guatemala from Honduras at the head of a force probably numbering less than 300 men. Although well-armed with Bren guns, mortars, and even flamethrowers, the unopposed "Liberation Army" halted just inside Guatemala in the town of Esquipulas, known then for its shrine to the Black Christ (and later also as a place of pilgrimage to honor the "Liberation").13

    The Liberacionistas waited in Esquipulas while the real "war" was waged by American pilots and assorted mercenaries in aircraft. Those in charge included Whiting Willauer, a World War II veteran of irregular air warfare who had served as General Claire Chennault's deputy in the Flying Tigers. 14 At dawn on 18 June, a group of B-26 bombers and three P-47 fighters appeared above Guatemala City, dropped leaflets, and then began strafing and bombing runs.

    Targets were selected largely for their psychological effect: military drill areas, ammunition dumps, oil storage tanks. One of the pilots, American Jerry DeLarm, later told NBC's John Chancellor how he "blew up the government oil reserves and subsequently when the political situation was up in the air and required decisive action-the main powder magazine of the army."15

    Although unable to induce the Guatemalan army to fight, apart from some desultory antiaircraft fire, Arbenz held on to his precarious office for nine days. Castillo Armas and his "army" stayed put in Esquipulas unmolested, while U.S. air power continued a steady diet of harassing raids on the capital and the port of San José (sinking the British freighter Springfjord in the process).

    Despite the lack of opposition in the air, the small "Liberation" air wing suffered from attrition in the first days of the operation, with several aircraft crash-landing (some sources refer to two having been shot down, although no casualties were ever acknowledged). CIA requests for replacements required a presidential decision, although U.S. Air Force planes were standing by in Nicaragua, apparently for just such a contingency. Rapidly "reflagged," the aircraft were soon in the air over Guatemala City keeping up the pressure.



    The rebel „air force“ came into existence during March 1954, when two C-47s were provided „on loan“ from Civilian Air Transport (CAT) – a CIA-owned airline – and another one purchased in Washington DC. All three Dakotas were flown to Managua, in Nicaragua, from where they were used for flying supply missions for the „Liberation Army“, as the CIA-controlled rebel force became known.

    As next, a number of surplus combat and transport aircraft was acquired through a front company set up as „charitable foundation“ in Miami, including one Lockheed P-38 Lightning, a Cessna 140 and 180 each, and a Consolidated PBY-5A flying boat. The aircraft were flown to a small airfield in Honduras, and the CIA then began searching for pilots, eventually recruiting Fred Sherwood, former US Air Attaché with the US Embassy in Guatemala and ex-UFC pilot, as the chief of the new force. Sherwood was soon joined by two other pilots, Fred DeLarm and Carlos Cheeseman, both veteran Republic P-47 Thunderbolt-pilots from the Pacific theatre in WWII.


    Meanwhile, Guatemala was put under a sea blockade by the US Navy warships. Already in May, the USN was searching for SS Alfhem, a ship loaded with Czech weapons for the Guatemalan Army that reached Puerto Barrios nevertheless. Subsequently, the blockade was improved and the Government found it impossible to import any kind of weapons or ammunition: even if the Army managed to round up many of subversive elements, the net around President Arbenz was becoming tighter.


    The situation worsened through the 28th: in one instance a single strafing attack by a FAG AT-6 scrambled from Puerto Barrios to intercept a rebel Cessna 180, was sufficient to scatter a whole rebel column. Nevertheless, the Liberation Air Force then staged its best-known operation of this war, when the battered – but repaired once again – P-38M, flown by Ferdinand Schoup, attacked the British ship SS Springfjord that carried a load of weapons (including rumoured ex-Czech Spitfires), in the port of San Jose. Springfjord was sunk, but the ship carried a load of coffee and no weapons at all.



    El Salvador vs Honduras, 1969: The 100-Hour War

    By Tom Cooper with March Coelich

    ........ By the morning of 17 July 1969, the Salvadoran and Honduran Army troops became entangled in a meeting engagement between Nueva Ocotopeque and Santa Rosa de Copan. The Salvadorans advanced in good spirits, but Honduran Guardia de Honor Battalion – readily supported by Corsairs from Toncontin and La Mesa – put up spirited resistance.

    ........ Varela’s loss hit the FAS particularly hard. The air force was already short on experienced pilots. Even if a number of experienced reserve fliers was mobilized, there was not enough pilots for all Mustangs and Corsairs, and consequently El Salvador had to hire five mercenaries – including Jerry DeLarm and “Red” Gray. The later were to prove not especially eager to engage Honduran Corsairs in air combat: in fact, according to surviving FAS veterans, both DeLarm and Gray preferred to climb and escape when encountering FAH fighters – often enough leaving behind Salvadoran pilots they should have protected.


    Welcome back, Gerry!.....thanks for the above input. While you were gone there was some buzz about some CIA dudes who might have been at the Ambassador hotel the night RFK died. Could you comment on the photos of them in the Hotel and what you recall you were doing that night as an LAPD man. Thanks much in advance. Peter



    Welcome back, Gerry!.....thanks for the above input. While you were gone there was some buzz about some CIA dudes who might have been at the Ambassador hotel the night RFK died. Could you comment on the photos of them in the Hotel and what you recall you were doing that night as an LAPD man. Thanks much in advance. Peter



    So as to save you from drudging thru all of my previous postings, slithering thru the Google crap, and worse yet -- the linear miles of Khazar Weberman's fantasy prolix ["Noduroids"]; I will attempt a clear, short and concise response ?? Yupp !!

    From 1968 thru 1970, I worked part-time as a Special Agent for the "Special Problems Unit", City of Los Angeles. The "Unit" was the creation of the then Mayor Sam Yorty, and "belonged to" his Staff Intelligence Squad, which worked out of City Hall -- rather than at the L.A.P.D. Parker Center Police Headquarters -- and reported only to him, not to Chief Tom Reddin nor his successor Gates.

    Officially, we worked for the Recreation & Parks Dept. and were paid out of their funds. We always went on patrol in a supervisor Sergeant's stationwagon, rather than in the 4-door "Adam" black & whites (2-man patrol "Basic" cars). The TV series "Adam 12" taught viewers that "One-Adam-12" signified that:

    "(1) One" as a prefix meant "Central Division", and this was the #12 vehicle on that shift.

    I always worked out of Hollenbeck Division (East Los Angeles), and prefix assigned was "4-Adam, 1 thru 12" for the sedans, while the Sergeant's wagons were 4-L-10, 4-L-20, 4-L-30. [The wagons carried a "mini-command post" in the rear compartment, with maps, riot equipment, and had four seperate VHF radios.]

    The now famous author Joe Wambaugh was just finishing his first novel ("The New Centurions") whilst he worked as a Robbery/Homicide Detective on the 2nd floor of the station-house during those days.

    Late afternoon, June 5th 1968, I was working with "Metro" and "Gang Squad" a few blocks from the Lincoln Heights Jail -- which required cooperation with Ramparts Division next door. We expected yet another "Chicano" gang shootout that night, having been tipped off by youngsters at a city recreation center the night before; either because they wanted no part of it -- or didn't want to lose a family member of friend, which was frequently the end result.

    Just after sundown, the radio beeped and the dispatcher advised my Sergeant to "...have the S.P.U. Special Agent call the Station from the nearest "Gamewell".....and not by payphone...!!

    [Gamewell, Inc. is the manufacturer of the steel police telephone boxes sited on every 4th square-block throughout the city.]

    I opened the box with my Gamewell Key, called the station -- and the Captain told me to have the Sgt. drive me in the "L" wagon to a popular ("Police") Diner, and "meet" with a Sergeant in an "Adam Unit".

    I thought it was about an "IAD" (Internal Affairs) "beef" that I was previously involved in as a witness. Climbed into the 4-door sedan, and the Sergeant radioed in as "4-Xray-1", and advising that we were going "Code-7" [Off Duty]. ("Xray" signified an "Extra/Unassigned Roving or backup Unit")

    Next thing I know we are cruising up the Hollywood Freeway northwest-bound. Once back down on the streets, I asked the Sergeant where we were going, and especially WHY we were in Hollywood Division ?? He answered that we had "a meet" at the Ambassador Hotel (which I had never heard of before !!). I later learned that we were about two blocks from the hotel when we ran into a bit of a traffic jam, and spotted numerous "blue-cross" traffic directing cops and "motors" (Motorcycle Units).

    Just then the radio dispatcher/girl ordered ".....all units switch to Tac-2 !!" [Tac-2 is the "Tactical Radio Channel used for private or emergency conversations]. On "Tac-2" we heard: "ALL UNITS...ALL UNITS...and Hollywood...Ramparts...and Valley supervisors....shots fired...shots fired...multiple victims down....use caution...plain-clothes officers in the area...!! "All Units...shots fired inside Ambassador Hotel...approach with caution....I say again....approach with caution....both uniformed and plain-clothes officers in the area....unknown the number of shooters.... !!"

    The Sergeant slammed on the brakes, went "Code-3" [turned on the lights and siren] -- did a 180, and we sped back towards the Freeway. As I stared at him, he turned slightly and yelled: "...This ain't our call...we are outahere...!!" As we raced back towards East L.A., we observed dozens of police vehicles "Code-3" and barreling in the opposite direction -- both on the Freeway and the city streets.

    Within a block from Hollenbeck Station, the Sergeant said that he was dropping me here, that I could walk to my car -- and that he was going to Parker Center (Downtown LAPD/HQ). Climbed into my sedan, headed for home, turned on the CB Radio to the R.E.A.C.T. Channel #9 to listen in for any word on what the hell was going on in Hollywood. The only advisories from the R.E.A.C.T. Monitor was to warn everybody to stay away from the Ambassador Hotel in Hollywood.

    Half an hour later, I walked into my apartment to find my wife standing in front of the TV with her mouth agape and white as a sheet. Two minutes later I asked her to calm down, go to the kitchen, pour me a super-size Whiskey Sour while I changed clothes. Tip-toed upstairs and unracked my riot/shotgun and a bandoleer of "00" Buck ammunition, got all of my 6-round speedloaders (.357 Magnum revolver), my .45 Colt automatic with extra magazines -- put everything in a parachute kit-bag and went back downstairs, where I sat with my back to the wall.

    A brother called and said he was coming over armed, and would park his car down the street, call from a payphone to alert me to his imminent arrival -- and would check out the neighborhood first.

    Around sunup I called my MK/CHAOS duty officer, and was advised to immediately check out the Sirhan residence, which I did.

    Shane is in error, none of the photos that I have seen so far match any "Company" dudes that I came across over the years, but then again -- I haven't seen his film yet.

    Later, its been a long day for me (since 5 PM yesterday)



  3. ................Hunt, Morales and Robertson had huge emotional investments in the anti-Castro cause. Barnes hated Kennedy for blaming Dulles and Bissell for the Bay of Pigs. Barnes sent guns to anti-Trujillo forces in a diplomatic pouch and gave orders to the embassy not to tell the state department. Robertson, without receiving any orders to do so, bombed a British ship during the Guatemalan operation. These men were cowboys..............


    "Rip" Robertson was never a pilot, nor did he "sink a ship in Guatemala" (1954 Guatemaltazo)!!

    Jerry Fred DeLarm was initially blamed for the sinking of the Brit "Coffee" merchantman, but in reality it was "Freddy" Shoup who dive-bombed the vessel and sent it to the bottom of the harbor-port at San Jose. Worse, this port is on the Pacific Ocean side of Guatemala, NOT the Caribbean side -- where a ship from Europe would be offloading, i.e., at either Puerto Barrios or Matias de Gálvez !!

    As you will see below, when the "Soccer War" (El Salvador vs: Honduras) got underway during 1969, all of the "good ol' boys were back in action once again.





    On 18 June, Castillo Armas crossed into Guatemala from Honduras at the head of a force probably numbering less than 300 men. Although well-armed with Bren guns, mortars, and even flamethrowers, the unopposed "Liberation Army" halted just inside Guatemala in the town of Esquipulas, known then for its shrine to the Black Christ (and later also as a place of pilgrimage to honor the "Liberation").13

    The Liberacionistas waited in Esquipulas while the real "war" was waged by American pilots and assorted mercenaries in aircraft. Those in charge included Whiting Willauer, a World War II veteran of irregular air warfare who had served as General Claire Chennault's deputy in the Flying Tigers. 14 At dawn on 18 June, a group of B-26 bombers and three P-47 fighters appeared above Guatemala City, dropped leaflets, and then began strafing and bombing runs.

    Targets were selected largely for their psychological effect: military drill areas, ammunition dumps, oil storage tanks. One of the pilots, American Jerry DeLarm, later told NBC's John Chancellor how he "blew up the government oil reserves and subsequently when the political situation was up in the air and required decisive action-the main powder magazine of the army."15

    Although unable to induce the Guatemalan army to fight, apart from some desultory antiaircraft fire, Arbenz held on to his precarious office for nine days. Castillo Armas and his "army" stayed put in Esquipulas unmolested, while U.S. air power continued a steady diet of harassing raids on the capital and the port of San José (sinking the British freighter Springfjord in the process).

    Despite the lack of opposition in the air, the small "Liberation" air wing suffered from attrition in the first days of the operation, with several aircraft crash-landing (some sources refer to two having been shot down, although no casualties were ever acknowledged). CIA requests for replacements required a presidential decision, although U.S. Air Force planes were standing by in Nicaragua, apparently for just such a contingency. Rapidly "reflagged," the aircraft were soon in the air over Guatemala City keeping up the pressure.



    The rebel „air force“ came into existence during March 1954, when two C-47s were provided „on loan“ from Civilian Air Transport (CAT) – a CIA-owned airline – and another one purchased in Washington DC. All three Dakotas were flown to Managua, in Nicaragua, from where they were used for flying supply missions for the „Liberation Army“, as the CIA-controlled rebel force became known.

    As next, a number of surplus combat and transport aircraft was acquired through a front company set up as „charitable foundation“ in Miami, including one Lockheed P-38 Lightning, a Cessna 140 and 180 each, and a Consolidated PBY-5A flying boat. The aircraft were flown to a small airfield in Honduras, and the CIA then began searching for pilots, eventually recruiting Fred Sherwood, former US Air Attaché with the US Embassy in Guatemala and ex-UFC pilot, as the chief of the new force. Sherwood was soon joined by two other pilots, Fred DeLarm and Carlos Cheeseman, both veteran Republic P-47 Thunderbolt-pilots from the Pacific theatre in WWII.


    Meanwhile, Guatemala was put under a sea blockade by the US Navy warships. Already in May, the USN was searching for SS Alfhem, a ship loaded with Czech weapons for the Guatemalan Army that reached Puerto Barrios nevertheless. Subsequently, the blockade was improved and the Government found it impossible to import any kind of weapons or ammunition: even if the Army managed to round up many of subversive elements, the net around President Arbenz was becoming tighter.


    The situation worsened through the 28th: in one instance a single strafing attack by a FAG AT-6 scrambled from Puerto Barrios to intercept a rebel Cessna 180, was sufficient to scatter a whole rebel column. Nevertheless, the Liberation Air Force then staged its best-known operation of this war, when the battered – but repaired once again – P-38M, flown by Ferdinand Schoup, attacked the British ship SS Springfjord that carried a load of weapons (including rumoured ex-Czech Spitfires), in the port of San Jose. Springfjord was sunk, but the ship carried a load of coffee and no weapons at all.



    El Salvador vs Honduras, 1969: The 100-Hour War

    By Tom Cooper with March Coelich

    ........ By the morning of 17 July 1969, the Salvadoran and Honduran Army troops became entangled in a meeting engagement between Nueva Ocotopeque and Santa Rosa de Copan. The Salvadorans advanced in good spirits, but Honduran Guardia de Honor Battalion – readily supported by Corsairs from Toncontin and La Mesa – put up spirited resistance.

    ........ Varela’s loss hit the FAS particularly hard. The air force was already short on experienced pilots. Even if a number of experienced reserve fliers was mobilized, there was not enough pilots for all Mustangs and Corsairs, and consequently El Salvador had to hire five mercenaries – including Jerry DeLarm and “Red” Gray. The later were to prove not especially eager to engage Honduran Corsairs in air combat: in fact, according to surviving FAS veterans, both DeLarm and Gray preferred to climb and escape when encountering FAH fighters – often enough leaving behind Salvadoran pilots they should have protected.


  4. John

    Without getting into to much detail I see that you brought up Admiral Darlan. Needless to say I have been looking at that case for more years than I like to admit and was surprized to find that John B. Hurt had some very choice words to say about Darlan, all negitive, within some declassified documents that I attained a years or so ago. It appears that our relationship with Darlan, Vichy France and the secrete intelligence societies of France may have been very different than what is recorded in the average history book.

    Suffice it to say in recent months I have began to look more closely for reasons why Oswald would have first landed in La Harve, France before backtracking to England and then traveling to Helsinki. My interest was sparked by the words that Hurt used to express his distain for Darlan. I believe the US was more involved in the assassination of Admiral Darlan than most people think.

    Remember that the weapon used to assassinate Darlan had been owned by Carleton Stevens Coon who would be Ambassador to Morocco during the Kennedy administration. During WWII, as an OSS operative in North Africa, Coon advocated the creation and training of an assassination squad to be used by the SOE and OSS for sticky political situations. Perhaps by coincidence he was in North Africa at the time of the assassination of Admiral Darlan and it was a pistol that he owned that was used in the assassination. During the late 1950's and early 1960's Coon wrote several noted educational books and papers related to the supremacy of the white/european race. He used his position as an anthropologist to aid in his work as a CIA opperative in the Middle and Near East mapping potential sites for the airforce to use for espionage overflights of the Soviet Union and China (Francis Gary Powers flew from such a site).

    So many connections but was Oswald's short visit to France in October of 1959 part of the plan to get him into the Soviet Union with the help of some persons involved in the field of intelligence that were in fact French? Perhaps.

    Jim Root


    "HUAC" is a long-time misnomer. The official title was: The House Select Committee on Un-American Activities. While much of the "ASC" etc. documents are in the abovementioned repository; the complete collection of ALL materials was held by the now defunct "Subversive Activities Control Board". The "Board" was eliminated just after LBJ signed the FOIA [Freedom of Information/Privacy Act - Title 5, US Code, section 552 et seq.]. ALL efforts to apply FOIA demands upon the files of the "Board" have been thwarted.

    Coon was a subordinate to OSS Cairo Chief of Station Colonel Ulius Amoss, who was given deep cover for his assassunation schemes via his phony firing by Gen. Bill Donovan. After the war, Amoss founded "ISI" [international Services of Information] based in Baltimore, MD. Within a week of LHO's return from the USSR, he went on the ISI payroll, and was "case officered" by Robert Emmett Johnson.




  5. I was wondering if anyone has the article written by David Martin titled, 'The Loaded Gun'? It was published in an October 1976 issue of The Washington Post.

    David Phillips may have been the source for the piece and that he gave David Morales' name as someone Martin should talk to.

    If anyone has any details, it would be greatly appreciated.



    Hi James - it's copyrighted, so I will email it to you.

    - lee

    Lee, What's the copyright issue again?

    You are not violating anyone's copyright by posting a previously published article as long as you don't try to sell it or profit from it, and attribute it's source. j

    What is the copyright issue that prevents you from posting it?


    Bill Kelly

    Further reproduction prohibited.

    I tried to determine exactly what this entails - seems fairly clear - consent would first be required?

    - lee

    Hi Lee,

    Can you post the date of the article?

    Gary Mack also advised that such disimination is against the copyright.

    Now this is a very significant issue, if we can't post published articles because of copyright.

    If this is indeed the case then the law has been violated hundreds of times, and is continually violated.

    I would like a legal opinion from a copyright lawyer if we can get one.

    It has been mentioned that Rich Delarosa got in trouble over copyright infringement.

    Does anyone know What were the specifics of his case?

    He runs a pay site so its not free, for one difference.

    Also, has the Washington Post ever gone after anyone who has posted a previously published copyrighted article on the internet?

    Also, if they do, would the poster be legally responsible or the site administration?

    I think John would know the answers to some of these questions.

    We have enough obstructions with the government refusing to release records they've been ordered to by the JFK Act - that we shouldn't have to be censoring ourselves for fear of legal action from the Washington Post.

    Bill Kelly



    Any 2nd Year law student would advise you that as long as you are not reproducing copyrighted material ("in its entirety") for a profit (or other consideration, remunerative or otherwise) -- any person may freely quote paragraphs or entire articles which are in the public domain -- and NOT classified by any friendly foreign government, or the U.S. Government. ALL publications (NOT Classified) which are printed/published by an agency of the U.S. Goverment, such as the GPO (Government Printing Office) never fall under ANY copyright protections.

    See the following, then "Google" the cited statutes at the bottom and learn something quite simple concerning U.S. and UK laws.

    FAIR USE NOTICE: This message contains copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Spy News is making it available without profit to SPY NEWS members who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information in their efforts to advance the understanding of intelligence and law enforcement organizations, their activities, methods, techniques, human rights, civil liberties and other intelligence related issues, for non-profit research and educational purposes only. We always mention the author and link the original site and page of every article. We believe that this constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

    For more information go to:






  6. FWIW.


    Richard, What was that from? And any idea on the photo on this thread who is on bottom left? Thanks.


    That piece came from an Agency memo regarding Lynch. As to the guy in the photo, several sources claim it to be different people so I will check into it and try to find some common ground.



    RE: Francesca query -- Bernard Barker [cryptonymed AM/CLATTER-1] was picked up at my base [b.A.M. San Julian, Pinar del Rio Province] on the afternoon of January 18th, 1960. This exfiltration was accomplished by a U.S. Air Force C-54 [Douglas DC-4] operating with documentation as the U.S. Embassy [Am/Emb/Havana] aircraft that I mentioned in a previous post. I had my men keep the aircraft and crew under cover of my machineguns throughout their 25 minute "visit" !!

    Also, the reference to Grayston Lynch having employment problems with __/COLLAR is a reference to the DEA [Drug Enforcement Administration [crypto= PB/COLLAR]; and wherein Lou Conein was Chief of the DEA Int'l Intelligence Ops. Gray had arguments constantly with the former U.S. Customs agents, especially those just returned from Vietnam [RVN] service with USAID, and whom had been recently hired by DEA. [Congressional hearings released some names of the former Miami Customs agents who had been hired by DEA.]

    The balding potbellied dude at the left [on the stern of the M/V Blagar] is Larry LaBorde, not Gray. The guy with the glasses [far right in the pic] is one of the holdovers from the group of instructors originally sent down to Guatemala [Retalhuleu & Base TRAX] by Lansdale, and headed up by Filipino Colonel Napoleon G. Valeriano ["Colonel Vallejo"] and Carl Bohanan.

    The man squating down in the lower left of the pic is "Mateo", one of the UDT/Frogmen; who is 1st cousin to Chris Cox's contact Rafael Huguett -- one of the 2nd Front Escambray [Menoyo] Rebel Army officers who was on the August 1961 mission into Cuba with me.



  7. He had also been a member of Frank Castro's parachute "club" - Los Halcones Dorados (Golden Hawks). (Gerry Hemming)


    Is that the same group that Tony Izquierdo was with?



    Tony Izquierdo ("Izqueirdito") did not like Juan Alberto Aldama y Abreu at all, and this was because he had his own police contacts who had tipped off Tony that Aldama was a "snitch" (C.I.) for the police, FBI & US Customs.

    Aldama was never permitted to complete parachute training, and soon left the "club". After our 1974 operation in Honduras, I loaned Frank (and the club) the bulk of our T-10 military issue parachutes (1974). Most of the club members went on to fight as combat leaders in Somoza's National Guard, and were there until the day before the Sandinistas entered Managua (July, 1979). Only half of the club members were Bay of Pigs veterans, while most of the others had been Rebels with Fidel, and after discovering that groups such as Alpha-66 were a complete waste of time -- they all decided to go "independent".



  8. Francesca,

    Juan Aldama Abru also used the name Juan Adames.



    Juan Aldama Abreu. CI (Confidential Informant) for then Sgt. Diaz of the Metro-Dade County Police, and operative working for Bernardo de Torres. Fonzi interviewed him at the Florida City Correctional Institution, Florida Department of Corrections. [Located just a few miles south of the City of Homestead, and near the entrance to Everglades National Park.] He had also been a member of Frank Castro's parachute "club" - Los Halcones Dorados (Golden Hawks).



  9. tom wrote:

    That being, the US Military forced EVERYONE to shoot right-handed with the M1- Garand.

    The reason for this is quite simple!

    The ejection pattern for the shell casing of the M1-Garand, if fired left-handed, would send the hot/expended casing, directly towards the right eye.

    There are numerous instances of eye injury, and I have one of those "Howell" cousins here, who was actually medically discharged and draws/drew a small disability check due to the injury to his right eye from having shot the M1-Garand from the left-handed position.

    Therefore, in the US Military, you were forced to shoot the Garand right-handed, irrelevant as to whether you were or were not right handed.


    There are evidently exceptions to every rule -- Having joined the ARMY -- 18 June, 1962 at Fort Ord, Co. A, 10th Battle Group, 3rd Training Bdge. Our group had the distinction of being the last basic training company to utilize the M-1 Garand as 'the' assigned Basic Training weapon. After our company completed basic trainning the M-1's were to have their bolts welded shut, the rifles (we were told) we're to be dumped in the Pacific Ocean...those familiar with Fort Ord know the Pacific was less than 2 miles away :lol:

    In my BT squad, 3 of us were left handed, NONE of us were forced or coerced to change to right-handed shooting positions. We all shot EXPERT! I scored highest in the entire training battalion. Went to AIT qualified EXPERT with both M-14 and the .45. In Vietnam the .30 cal (air cooled), .50 cal and the 2.5 rocket laucher ALL fired [exception the .30cal air/.50cal) utilizing left the hand position... threw handgranades left handed, too...


    No hits by ejected casings?

    We had the Garand in the Guard, and that I recall, the shoot right-handed held for all.

    Perhaps Hemming may recall anything relative to the USMC position on this??


    I grew up left-handed, and over the years I gave up on attempting to write anything with my right hand. (My lefty writing is atrocious enough !!)

    The long hike from MCRD San Diego up to Camp Matthews (Now part of MCB San Onofre, Oceanside, CA) seemed to be all uphill. We spent a week there learning the fundamentals of Marine Corps marksmanship.

    That was during 1954. Absolutely nobody was ever permitted to fire left-handed. I kept my mouth shut, and went along. The few "southpaws" stupid enough to complain were lectured heavily on the fact that the USMC has forbade left-handed shooting "for qualification" since before 1776.

    ["Lectured Heavily" includes being beaten about the head and shoulders rather severely]

    During the 1960s, and as a part of A.I.T. (Advanced Infantry Training) -- a couple of hours were relegated to teaching the now "graduated" Marines (no longer scum-boots) how to shoot around a corner, or out of a window, while shooting left-handed. This was only done at the "combat town/village" which was built for urban warfare training.

    All of my combat & competition shooting has been mostly right handed. The major difficulty on a rifle range, was that: Since my left arm was bound up in the rifle sling, I had difficulty making entries in my shooter's log book -- scribbling right-handed, that is !!

    While working in uniform, some miscreants seemed perturbed that while I was filling out a "Field Inv. Report" (left-handed) -- my right hand never strayed too far from my Mod. 19 S & W .357 6 inch, which was strapped into its right-handed holster.

    Just before my leaving the Naval Academy, I had a few weeks as an instructor on the North Severn River Rifle Range. We taught Midshipmen the proper etiquette required of M-1 Garand usage (right-handed ONLY), and a select few were privileged to test fire the experimental XT-44 rifle, which later was redesignated as the M-14.

    A recent TV documentary covers the Marine "Boot Camp" at Parris Island, South Carolina. My grandchildren were shocked to discover that the females go through the same rigors (especially "the Crucible") as do the male "Boots" !! The rifle range sequence happens to focus on this very subject: That left-handed "Boots" are required to shoot right handed -- ONLY !!

    At the "National Matchs" (Camp Perry, Ohio), I did notice two or three competitors shooting left handed, and with bolt action rifles. However, they were civilians.


  10. Friends, family and associates can't believe that mere bookreaders & ill-informed scribblers are attempting to "debate" a material witness in the case. "Nana-Noo-Noo-Nay"!! -- I saw a movie, read some "fiction" books, and tabloid rags, NOW I ARE A EXPERTY-RESEARCHER-GIRLYMAN !! Blee-dat MoFo.

    I wonder what Gerry Hemming's "friends, family and associates" think of his assertions in the 1977 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation interview, entitled "The Fifth Estate?"

    I had been to the White House earlier that year [1963], in the East Wing [the First Lady's wing] where I had an interview with the military aide to the President, Gen. Clifton.... I had [also] been to the Pentagon, State Department and what have you ... in 1963.... I dealt with very prominent people ... there was constant comments about what to do as a solution to the Kennedy problem. [The talk was] why waste time and lives in Cuba when the real problem is in the White House?... Only one time was there money on the table. We got out of those other meetings gracefully without discussing money ... just techniques.... My name had been thrown into this.... I was [a] prime shooter. My crew was the only capable team in the United States.... This [involvement] was from day one ... and it upset me to a great degree.... Since then I made it a point to find out who did what and who didn't do what.... I know personally of more than one group who took credit, collected money but ripped them off. They didn't do the job. It was just a stroke of luck for them.

    Hemming swings wildly back and forth between bragging about his treasonous subversion and ranting about people with enough common sense to insist that he come clean on his years of sabotaging the pursuit of truth or be considered not just a braggadocious imposter, but a distinctly unpatriotic one. One can't expect to be treated as a credible "material witness" when there is such a record of duplicity and money-grubbing history-whoring as that which Gerry Hemming has created for himself. If his friends, family and associates believe his every word should be taken at face value, given the record, then they have not developed faculties of critical reason.



    And I say that you are a typical example of a pseudo-intellectual lying coward-ass son-of-a-bitch.

    Show me the transript that you claimto be citing from !! I did the CBC interview just after the Willem Oltmans interview, and as in ALL interviews at our offices, they were recorded by us. The CBC lady who was doing the interviewing was a Chinese version of Joan mellen -- she didn't know xxxx-from-Shinola, and I quickly became aggravated that she hadn't a clue about the subject matter.

    Your alleged "QUOTE" is a pack of lies, taken out of context -- and contains statements which i never made during THAT interview !!

    I was minding my own business when pervert Garrison started his "dog-and-pony-show", and started questioning "witnesses?" in his phony grand jury "theatrical -- asking questions as to whether so-and-so knew Gerry Patrick Hemming. I didn't start that bullxxxx game, Garrison did. I hadn't said a word to anybody, media, press, scribblers, etc. --nobody at all between 1963 and 1967.

    As to your alleged QUOTE ??!!:

    QUOTE(Gerry Hemming @ 1977, CBC) *

    I had been to the White House earlier that year [1963], in the East Wing [the First Lady's wing] where I had an interview with the military aide to the President, Gen. Clifton.... I had [also] been to the Pentagon, State Department and what have you ... in 1963....


    I dealt with very prominent people ... there was constant comments about what to do as a solution to the Kennedy problem. [The talk was] why waste time and lives in Cuba when the real problem is in the White House?... Only one time was there money on the table. We got out of those other meetings gracefully without discussing money ... just techniques....


    My name had been thrown into this.... I was [a] prime shooter. My crew was the only capable team in the United States....


    This [involvement] was from day one ... and it upset me to a great degree....


    Since then I made it a point to find out who did what and who didn't do what.... I know personally of more than one group who took credit, collected money but ripped them off. They didn't do the job. It was just a stroke of luck for them.








  11. Otero is back in the "Chain Gang", and as long as his memory remains a threat to "Bambi" Posada Carriles & Geo. "Shrub" Bush -- he ain't going anywhere soon !! (Gerry Hemming)

    During his trial, Otero threw "Eduardo's" name into the mix as well.




    And here we've all been bullxxxxted that the "Village Idiot Sissy" is SO WELL READ. What a farce !!

    Like I would give this xxxxx/Nagster a contact, sure -- right after I pass it on to the Khazar Weberman, yeah , like such a silly sister -- NOT.

    The guy up north happens to be amongst one of Bill Turner's favorite Operators. And I don't need "help" on

    anything relevant to the JFK matter, so quit the amateur "Pogue-Fisher" postings !! Friends, family and associates can't believe that mere bookreaders & ill-informed scribblers are attempting to "debate" a material witness in the case.

    "Nana-Noo-Noo-Nay"!! -- I saw a movie, read some "fiction" books, and tabloid rags, NOW I ARE A EXPERTY-RESEARCHER-GIRLYMAN !! Blee-dat MoFo.

    Now, back to James. Otero was the youngest of the Bay of Pigs Brigade 2506, and he jumped out of that Curtiss C-46 right behind Angelo -- and the "DZ" (Drop Zone") was near Jaguey Grande. They were forced to jump prematurely because they had one of Fidel's Brit MKII "Sea Fury" fighters on their tail, blazing away with 20MM. The pilot of the C-46 was a Nicaraguan named Ulloa.

    The pilot of the "Sea Fury" trying to shoot them down was his brother, Carlos Pedro "Pollo" Ulloa, who was himself shotdown by the Chinaman cook onboard the S/S Houston, manning a .50 cal. AAA machinegun.

    The C-46 headed for the Houston for that very purpose -- getting cover, and getting the fighter off of his tail

    at the last minute, after dropping all of the paratroopers. "Pollo" Ulloa caught rounds in the cockpit and cartwheeled into the water off of Playa Giron.

    "Pollo" was one of my Sandinista trainees, and had begged me to take him to Honduras/Nicaragua, and the guerrilla fighters in the mountains ("Las Segovias") when I was getting ready to leave Havana. He hated the Communists, and wanted out of Cuba -- He and the two other F-47 pilots, Diaz and Alfaro Galo.

    When Mario Zuniga landed the phony FAR B-26 [FAR #933] at MIA on Saturday morning (April 15th, 1961),

    his cover story involved incriminating Alfaro Galo and Domingo Diaz as fellow Rebel Air Force defectors. They were his alleged "co-conspirators and were in on the "defection-and-bomb-the-air-bases-conspiracy" ("conspiracion"). Zuniga had been briefed on this by a CIA PM/Case officer (ex-Naval Aviator) by the name of "Chick".

    I raised hell about this immediately with Chavez and Morales, but they insisted that the orders came directly from dictator Somoza, who naturally had a "hard-on" against the former Nic/Air Force pilots who had defected during 1958. The theory was that: if the initial strikes didn't take out the 17 "very deadly" F-47 "Thunderbolts" parked at the Havana air base ("B.A.M. Ciudad Libertad"), the invasion would be in a "world-of-xxxx". The CIA pogues foolishly thought that Fidel would imprison them instantly, and this would eliminate the only guys who dared fly the "Thunderbolts".

    However, none of the F-47s parked at the Havana air base were flyable, as they needed mechanical tweeks. There were only 3 F-47s still flyable, and two were parked on sugar plantation airstrips, defending against Howard K. Davis' sugar-cane firebombers from Miami. The third was mine, (& Diaz's), and it was parked at my air base in Pinar del Rio (B.A.M. San Julian). It was slightly bruised from my having run it through the weeds on an aborted take-off back during early 1960. All of the Cuban pilots were deathly afraid of flying the F-47s, and there was no rush to perform a rather simple adjustment to the electric propeller control -- a 15 minute operation.

    Had the F-47s been airworthy, and carrying their normal very heavy bomb and rockets loads, the BOP Brigade would have been finished the first day !!

    The CIA ploy to get Alfaro Galo and Domingo Diaz locked up failed completely, and they, like "Pollo" -- took to the air and fought like true warriors against the "CIA Mercenarios" !! Moreover, I told Chavez & Morales that B-26 FAR #933 was going to be found out as being a phony within hours !! This was because: B-26 #933 was at BAM San Antonio de los Banos, undergoing a 1,000 hour mechanical check, and was halfway dismantled. Even more stupidly, anybody with a camera could have taken a "Brownie" photo of that bomber from the nearby highway, and during any day of the week -- if they had the balls ??!!


  12. Hello Jim,

    I most certainly believe Oswald was a conspirator and was firing the carcano from the infamous window 11-22-63 and I have maintained this position for a number of years. To keep things relatively simple in a highly complex case, I've always tried to remember that the scenario of Oswald as a LONE assassin was an incredible stretch and the totality of the evidence weighed against it. By the same token, Oswald being a completely framed patsy is also a stretch given the totality of the evidence.

    This may sound "X-fileish" but I happen to believe that this dichotomy (Oswald as complete patsy) vs. (Oswald as the only shooter) has been actively promoted by our and other foriegn bodies. Why? Simple diversion. It served as an effective tool to polarize investigative efforts away from Oswald's aqaintences and/or accomplices. If you have an interest in researching or investigating the crime and you are steered to believe Oswald was a lone nut...everyone around him in the years and months prior to the assassination fade in importance, they don't merit a closer look. Same goes if you are steered to see him as a complete and unwitting patsy...those close to him are evil forces putting him into position (not working with him) or they are also unwitting.

    There also lies the possibility that Oswald was deceived during those fateful moments in Dealey Plaza. I could outline a scenario where Oswald intentionally put a slug in the tree, shot the curb and put another slug in the grass (later recovered by FBI agent). He is framed in that a "demonstration" where he was supposed to be picked up as a pro-marxist Castro tainted wanna be killer and later released...finds out in the break room the president was actually shot. Oswald fired his three shots per orders never knowing the president was hit. Speculation.

    Oswald as a shooter involved in a wider conspiracy has been the least researched angle. Why?

    Jason Vermeer.


    MY, OH MY !! Somebody is getting close. Check the "Wall Street Ticker" for the company that manufactures "Whiteout" !! Just might be a surge in sales earlier than anticipated ??!!


  13. It was Sgt. Raul Diaz who confirmed Juan Adames' having picked out TWO subjects photographed in DP as DGI/DSE agents !! When shown the same photos, Veciana agreed that these were ex-Cuban DIFAR (Confidential Section, Vedado, Habana) agents known to him during 1959-60, and who might have transferred from there to D.I.E.R.(G-2), and later to DGI/DSE.

    Are there any details about which DP photo(s) showed the two DGI agents, and more particularly, which of the people in the photo are at issue and were so identified?



    During 1983 I was a cellmate with Otero, and we had long conversations about some the the specifics of these matters. Fonzi got it wrong, and I told him (and Joe Gonzalez) in my office (the first time) that the guy at the Florida City Correctioal Institution (who ran his mouth) was JUAN ALDAMA. He was just one of the hundreds of Cubans that I had dealt with. Fonzi ignored my corrections, and the HSCA pogues scribbled down the erroneous crap.

    [i used the ADAMES surname so as to place the matter in perspective.]

    I again reminded Fonzi of this matter while he was assisting Twyman with my interviews (hours of pain, dealing with clueless people), yet he still never got any of the serious stuff correct !! Maybe he was afraid to violate his N.D.A. ??!!

    Another thing that Fonzi will not comment upon: The photos were taken by "Operators" who had been "instructed" to be there, and "be-on-the-look-out" [b.O.L.O.] for the same Cubans that were purportedly a threat to JFK at the November 18th MIA visit.

    We were "indirectly" invited to fly to Dallas to do the same activities that we had done at MIA, but by then -- we already had had enough of their bullxxxx games.

    When I was given the opportunity to scrutinize said photos, I told them politely to "jam them", just as I almost did with Billings in Beverly Hills (1968) when he wanted the scoop on the "Saul" pics.

    My sources told me that those photos are in the "Johns Committee" archives in Tallahassee, Florida -- and along with all of our "Missile Crisis" files; they all remain highly classified by the State Archivist.

    [Florida has an "Open Records Act", but with hundreds of exceptions/exemptions, i.e.: cops names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc. !! However, Florida has no law even similar to FOIA/PA, and probably never will.]

    Otero is back in the "Chain Gang", and as long as his memory remains a threat to "Bambi" Posada Carriles & Geo. "Shrub" Bush -- he ain't going anywhere soon !!

    While working the Letelier matter, I told Propper and Barcella that absent a "roll-over" by "Benny" de Torres, the next most valuable informant was Otero (who was still at the D.O.C. Lake Butler Medical/Reception Center, Union County, Florida). But, they turned out to be scared xxxxless pogues, who dreaded going down that serious alley !!


  14. What is remarkable, of course, is the last post by Robert Charles-Dunne.

    He claims there is evidence there was an internal coup but when I ask him to present such evidence, what does he give us? Zip. Nada. Nothing. And yet he accuses me of failing to provide evidence of Cuban complicity!

    I will now demonstrate that Robert either a) does not know what he is talking about; or B) is deliberately not telling the truth here. It is hard to believe he is either ignorant or a xxxx. I will assume the former.

    Here is what he said:

    Since nobody has ever claimed that the alleged DGI operative in Dealey Plaza was either Policarpo Lopez or Casas Saez, what do either of them have to do with this?

    Robert surely knows that one of the books that suggests Cuban complicity in the assassination is Joseph Trento's "The Secret History of the CIA". Presumably, he cannot claim sufficient knowledge to argue against Cuban complicity without having read that book. Trento clearly posits that Gilberto Policarpo Lopez was a Cuban operative in Dallas. Moreover, if he has read any of the reviews of "Rendezvous With Death" he would know that that film suggests the same thing as Trento. And even the HSCA report suggests that Policarpo Lopez's travels around the time of the assassination were "troublesome".

    For him to argue that I base my case on the possible presence of Raul Diaz in Dealey Plaza is simply disingenuous.

    And listen to this: Robert claims that I was wrong, that the original source of the allegation that Diaz was in Dealey Plaza was not Veciana but rather a man named Abella. Well here is a cite to the Summary of the Veciana interview from the Cuban-exile website:


    Anyone can go to it and see that Veciana testified that HE spotted Diaz in a photo in Dealey Plaza. Shows how accurate Robert's posts are. Makes you wonder why he is so desparate to disprove possible Cuban complicity that he will twist the truth?

    Read this comment I made that he includes in his post:

    Does anyone know if Dr Manuel Abella is still alive? And query whether the Castro agent Abella thought he saw was the one Veciana testified to before the Church Committee? If so, Abella confirms Veciana. If not, it is possible Abella and Veciana are refering to two separate DGI agents in Dealey Plaza.

    From Fonzi's book it is not clear whether Dr. Abella was refering to Diaz or a different Cuban intelligence agent (Policarpo Lopez or Casas Saez?). To the best of my recollection, Fonzi never says that Abella identified the agent as Diaz. For all we know, Dr. Abella might not even have been sure of the name of the agent he recognized. But it is clear that Veciana specifically said that HE had seen Diaz in a photograph. Thus, if both Veciana and Dr. Abella are correct, one of two things must be true: either they both saw Diaz (essentially confirming each other (this would be true whether Dr. Abella could identify Diaz by name or not; or Veciana saw Diaz and Dr. Abella saw a second DGI operative.

    I don't want to spend much more of my time debating this with Robert Charles-Dunne. It should be clear from the above that he misstates the facts and twists the facts. Again, as I noted before, the fact that he continually laces his posts with sarcasm and digs at me demonstrates, I suggest, the paucity of his argument. Advocates with a strong position rarely stoop to ad hominen attacks.

    One last thing: absurdly, Robert expects that I should be able to PROVE why Rip Robertson was in Dealey Plaza (absurdly because as noted above there is now substantial reason to think he was not). This just shows Robert's mind-set: to him, a CIA agent is presumed guilty unless proven innocent. My point was simply that there is no basis to infer a sinister motive from the presence of a U.S. intelligence agent in Dallas provided a reasonable innocent explanation suggests itself. And one does. We know that in Miami the FBI (or SS I forget which) used deTorres to scan the crowds for Cubans (either pro- or anti-Castro) who might wish harm to Kennedy. Clearly the presence of a CIA agent in Dallas who had worked with the Cuban exiles (which would include Hunt, Robertson and Morales) could have been for the same purpose.

    Robert, it is not my duty to PROVE that Robertson had a non-sinister reason to be in DP when there are plenty of innocent reasons he could have been there. If you want to suggest Robertson was there to assist an assassination plot in which he was a conspirator, the burden is on you to prove his presence there was sinister.


    Jesus H. Christ Gratz, what a FUBAR screwup by a whole crowd of scribblers and nagging bookreaders.

    I posted long ago that then Sgt. Raul Diaz came by the "Eagle Trucking" office in the Marti Bldg. on SW 8th St. -- and when he reconized the "bossman" at his desk (next to mine & my brother's); he called me outside and urged that I never mention his visit [which was a few days after my HSCA testimony at the federal courthouse]. He recognized the Cuban "bossman" as a DGI agent (1978).

    I was the one who took Fonzi to Veciana's house, and that was the singular reason that Tony cooperated.

    It was Sgt. Raul Diaz who confirmed Juan Adames' having picked out TWO subjects photographed in DP as DGI/DSE agents !! When shown the same photos, Veciana agreed that these were ex-Cuban DIFAR (Confidential Section, Vedado, Habana) agents known to him during 1959-60, and who might have transferred from there to D.I.E.R.(G-2), and later to DGI/DSE.

    Raul Diaz ultimately retired from the then Dade County Sheriff's Dept. (Metro Dade Police/Dept. of Public Safety) as a Lieutenant during the 1980s.

    It remains an ongoing problem that: Neither Winslow, nor other self-styled "experts", can ever get the story straight. Just like Nigel Turner (Fayetteville, 2001), Winslow would go catatonic at any reference to the "Security Detail" at MIA on the afternoon of November 18th, 1963 -- WHY, because they are scared xxxxless of digging into that matter, as some of the participants are still alive and "very active".

    Randy Owen, if you still live in Kitchener, Ontario; sent me an e-mail and I will hook you up with one of the guys who knows the details of the MIA matter -- and who still lives in Kitchener.


  15. It was Molina Rivera whom arranged for the 5 Castro aircraft to slip into Cozumel [without flight plans nor payment of fees to R.A.M.S.A.] 2 days before Rorke, et al. arrived from Merida [after putting LHO on a Lode-Star twin (ex-USN WWII PV-2) owned by, and personally used by one Howard "Gomer" Hughes -- and returned to "Lakefront Airport, NO, LA]. From Cozumel, they (Rorke & Sullivan) were [as prisoners] flown directly to my old base [bAM San Julian], and thence on to the Villa Marista in Habana.
    Where was Oswald on his way from when flown into Merida and what would the Hughes connection be to that?
    Howard "gomer" Hughes involved ?? Who the hell knows, the Op with the Lode-Star was set up by Moody. Others going to Cuba via slipping on board the Cubana de Aviacion bird refueling at Merida -- well one was Saul "Saggy" my wiiddle friend.


    I believe that was a reference to Osmet Moody, who worked for Hughes and ran Cay Sal. Hemming mentions him in his Argosy interview with Dick Russell as well. When I first leaned that the Moodys owned half of Galveston, I also wondered if he was related. I'm not aware of any connection, however. I believe Moody's son joined this Forum briefly. Maybe John can re-contact him and have him provide a more complete history of his father's operations.


    C. Osment Moody was just a "Hughes/CIA Corporate Proprietary Suit", and was never an active "Operator" !!

    Shearn Moody, along with the owner of the Indianapolis Star, helped finance former O.S.S. Colonel Ulius Amoss in the creation of "International Services of Information (I.S.I.), Baltimore, Maryland -- and its publication "INFORM".

    Shearn Moody was one of the Texas financiers that helped InterPen arm and equip Tony Questa, Ramon Font, Eduardo "Bayo" Perez et al.; after they had broken with CIA and quit the subchaser "Tejana II" maritime operations (early 1962).

    When Tony Cuesta refused to go along with our prohibitions against "heating-up-the-north-coast" of Cuba by the over-use of raiding missions, we cut off the Texas financing. This forced Tony Cuesta to join with the newly formed "Alpha-66" group (financed by D.I.A.); and they became the sole combat raider element of that organization.

    When Cuesta, Font, "Bayo" et al. later discovered that Cmdte. Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo was at the top of the Alpha-66 leadership (early 1963), they immediately broke with Alpha-66 and formed "Comandos Libre", which was later renamed as "Comandos L" -- and under that banner did the LIFE Mag assisted raid at Caibarrien Harbor -- sinking the Soviet merchantman "Baku".

    When Howard K. Davis and I initially set up the first operations with "Bayo"

    (February 1963), the financing came from Shearn Moody and other financiers in Texas. The first operation planned, was a strike/occupation of Cap Haitien Airport, Haiti. Initial financing came from entities in NYC and Baltimore. Weapons, ammo, explosives, etc. were acquired from Rich Lauchli (LOXCO) in Collinsville, Illinois. Mike Mclaney assisted in some aspects, but was primarily focused on Ops by RFK's SGA/DI elements at that time -- which were kept compartmented from us until late 1963.

    Shearn Moody was in close contact with Col. Arturo Espaillat, Robert Emmett Johnson et al. in Montreal (1962-1963) and gave that group financial support.

    Shearn Moody was always in close collaboration with elements of the "Hughes Tool Company", and often borrowed aircraft, vessels, and other equipment which were necessary in supporting operations against Cuba.

    Details of exactly how Shearn Moody became involved in the LHO "dangle" to the Cuban DGI/DSE Mexico operations, and his compartmented knowledge of same, remains highly classified. However, it was understood by RFK et al., that Moody was a "Patriot", and would cooperate in the support of any SGA/DI (or other) operations. Some of those were carried out under the auspices of subordinated projects that had been crypto'd as AM/TRUNK, AM/WORLD, AM/TRUCK, AM/TRASH, etc. !!

    Shearn Moody would have known even less than any of us, especially during our then, overly compartmented (and meager) efforts, during most of 1963.

    The 1963 Alex Rorke, Sullivan operation was jointly financed by Moody, Sherman Billingsly et al. and was closely monitored by George Joannides, who by that time had been TDY'd from JM/WAVE to SGA/DI operations under RFK.


  16. Gerry, if you ever want to share the identities of Dallas' very own T-1 and T-2 informants, unless they are still alive, I would be interested in knowing.

    In the meantime, as this thread is about Maj General Edwin Walker, I found this on the Dallas Archives URL


    Walker Letter from circa 1991-93

    A common assassin with a Dead President - Commander-In-Chief is an ugly experience since 1963.

    The President went to Dallas knowing and protecting his November assassin Lee H. Oswald from prosecution for his April Crime "Attempted Assassination of the former General working at his desk in his Dallas home 9:00 PM April 10th."

    The Kennedy protection included an early morning secret release of the prime suspect Lee H.Oswald, from Dallas Police Custody on Kennedy's orders, April 11th

    The President did not live to know that he knew his assassin but everyone else lived to know that he did and that his assassin could not be prosecuted for the November Crime because of his Kennedy protection from prosecution for his April Crime.

    The law does not provide for protection and prosecution at the same time.

    Only by the election of a new goverment could the protection be eliminated.



    I clearly stated in my post that: When the FBI 302s were raised by me in the federal courtroom, a day or two before I examined Lou Conein as a "defense witness" -- I stated to the judge (during a sidebar) that "T-1 & T-2" must have been telephone taps, and/or room "bugs" placed inside Walker's home at that time. I was told later (during 1963) that he had "grown a brain", and had paid to have his residence swept by countermeasure experts on more than one occasion.

    Since Turtle Creek was laid out as a "no-parking" zone, it would have been difficult for "spotters" to park and surveil the residence without being noticed, and probably complained about my his neighbors, i.e., calling the DPD. Most visitors were advised to park behind Walker's house -- which really looked like a junkyard. The only good surveillance point we saw (during 1962-63) was the church parking lot.

    Walker's motivation, being "handled", acting as a "honey pot" agent provocateur, and ALL of hisactivities vis-a-vis LHO, 'Ol Miss, the KKK, etc., remain highly classified; and that is why even the more recent authors have consistently drawn a blank as to the realities of his "sanctioned" (permitted/controlled) operations.

    General Frederick (1967) and Duff Matson (1970s) would only comment that: Despite their personal dislike for Walker, they had been made aware of a few specifics; which indicated that he was operating in accord with the directives of "the highest authority" -- which I think, meant persons in the "White House".

    I have hesitated at developing any further interest in Walker since the 1991 filming of "JFK"; and this was mainly because of my well developed distaste for the man !! Back during 1963, we discovered that he was "up-to-speed" on much too much of what was developing within the Cuban anti-Castro operations. At the time we believed that he was operating as an informant for the government, and that indicated possible breaches of security, most of which -- regularly resulted in Havana knowing too much about the "autonomous" groups.

    I guess I was supposed to "take-the-bait" about Walker having been elsewhere during the July 4th 1963 weekend, and thereafter, having been "outraged" by said vile accusatiom -- reponded with a "spilling my guts" posting. Sorry folks, that Weberman style horsexxxx doesn't work now, and didn't work then !!

    I have network television bugging the hell out of my lawyers for interviews right now, and as I had then told both Fanning & Sullivan ("Frontline - LHO"-1993); that whatever the financial offers -- I am NOT interested in my making some "meager" additions to this recent German documentary film.

    In fact, the CBC "Canucks" were told to produce their transcribed copy of the 1977 "Fifth Estate" interview by the Chinese lady, plus the video of what was actually broadcast -- or DON'T BOTHER TO CALL BACK !!

    That interview was done inside my office [investigative Research Associates, 410 Monaco Bldg.] and the CBC television crew was informed that said office was "wired" and that we would be recording the interview simultaneousely. They signed papers acknowledging same, and were warned that ANY misuse of editing techniques would result in civil court actions. Our lawyer's office was down the hall.

    My attorneys have directed CBC executives to explore specific postings on the internet, and should they not make an effort to interview specific persons (as to their postings) and thereafter respond in writing as to same -- I will give NO interviews. I don't need their money, and I have more important business on my plate at this time. So, some diddly-xxxx TV time is of NO interest to me whatsoever.


  17. If, as assumed, this references me, there are some of us who are too old and also could give a xxxx less as to proofreading and/or spellcheck to worry with what the likes of you think.

    This isn't a matter of spellcheck, it's a matter of the valuation of education, which is regularly demeaned by this warmonger who right here admits that his photo is cowardly and falsely youthful. Let's have some authenticity from this person who celebrates atop the graves of those who've been lost, dismisses those who have done the losing, and gleefully relishes killing as a precursor to the development of a well-trained civilian militia.




    You are wasting your time "educating" this self-styled "paralegal/treehugger" with his "oh-so-important" and vaunted "Master Degree".

    What this "draft dodger" (synonymous with failure to serve voluntarily) fails to grasp is that: You are saying that, Bush's alleged "errors/schemes" with regard to Afghanistan & Iraq (and soon to be Iran & Syria) will have SECONDARY consequences --which will no doubt enurr to the advantage of our national defense requirements.

    The Soviets LOST in Afghanistan because they had absolutely no "Company, Field, nor Genaral grade" officers with actual combat experience -- other than persecuting their own slave subjects in the USSR Asiatic Republic & the Oblasts. Worse still, the most critical element of a fielded armed force, combat veteran non-commissioned officers, didn't exist. Coupled with the forced drafting of the Asiatic recruits, especially those of the Islamic faith (& the "Umma") opted to exercise restraint with their 'boots on the ground" !!

    This forced Moscow to rely solely upon their aviation and armor assets. This strategy was demolished by the importation of MANPADS (SA-7 "Strellas", U.S. "Stingers") to take out the Mi-24 "Hind-D" attack choppers, Mi-8 "Hound", transport choppers, etc.!! Once the U.S. provided large quantities of RPG-7s (Rocket Propelled Grenades - purchased from Egypt) -- it was all over for the "Motorized Infantry" units. They were then forced back into their enclaves, where they were soon targeted by mortars and B-70 rockets. Had the Soviets not surrendered, the Mujahideen would have next employed IEDs & VBIEDS against the "Infidels".

    How many junior & amateur -- U.S. & foreign officers have we suffered during numerous campaigns?? They and their "college degrees" meant diddly-xxxx in the field. Those that didn't get themselves (and their troops) killed, were the "quick & alert" who paid attention to (and learned from) the combat veteran NCOs !!

    My goodness gracious, this hero is a "guy with a beard" photo, and that is coupled with a "Heroic?" water rafting picture. Such a tough guy. Get your ass out to a skydiver dropzone, then send us your first photo of YOUR first "novice" 60 second delay (from 12,500 ft. above ground)!! And ONLY THEN will we be impressed with at least "ONE CREDENTIAL". One which demonstrates your having just a limited risk-taking Bio. 80+ granparents, including G.H.W. Bush have done it, where are your "legendary?" balls?

    As for warmongering, we who have faced years of being "in harm's way" -- are the most reluctant to become involved in foolish "politico/draft-dodger" or "John Kerry-band-aid-Purple-heart" expeditionary exploits.

    Get your ass down to help support "Sub-Comandante" Marcos and his Zapatistas. Some of my associates have already been there, and done that !!

    Try some refugee relief work in the foreign arena. A few hundred of my associates continue with those operations, which we started back during our Biafra & Congo operations of the 1960s -- and they are still at it every year since !!

    Or better yet, sit at your Chico "Bunker" keyboard, and continue to exhibit your literary skills, and continuing cowardly comments.

    Tom, as always -- these "wimp/symps" gotta lotta nerve, but are always short in the gonads department, or to be PC -- many are lacking in the Ovary et/sans testosterone department. NO real legal education (just a certificate, degree, license, etc.) -- but none of street or courtroom bona fides. Just a bunch of "go-along-get-along-plea bargaining" quitters, who continue to litter the judicial landscape.

    Take a look at the biographies of these clowns. "They saw a movie(s), read a book(s), touristed around a few places, rubbed elbows with other learned? folks". Moreover, they ignore their already published deficiencies, and quickly spew their pseudo-intellectual bile against REAL people. Especially against deceased VIPs, who wouldn't have given them an autograph, much less exchanged ideas or pleasantries with their wannabe asses !!

    And their "BOOKS" ??!! Library loads of re-run speculation, rumor, anonymous sources, and regurgitated "quotes?". ALL taken out of context and time-frame. And yet, they have the "Nads" to cite it all as scripture. What a gang of gullible squatters we are forced to endure on this Internet !!



  18. But Gerry who said it was the Warhol Campbell soups? Perhaps it was Warhol's Marilyn Monroe lying on her side.

    An aside, I can never get over the illogic of the English language. We have the same word for being in a supine position and for telling a deliberate falsehood. I guess the inventors of the language just ran out of words so they had to double-up in many cases.


    There is "prone", "Supine", and "Laying"; as in "getting Layed/laid" !!


  19. Stephen, you are absolutely correct. If indeed Trafficante was working on Castro's behalf, he is the nexus between Castro and Ruby.

    "Ultimate Sacrifice" demonstrates that the federal heat was on Trafficante through the Valachi hearings in the fall of 1963.

    I also consider it significant that Trafficante knew Cubela (Escalante said in 1995 that Cubela helped negotiate Trafficante's release from Trescornia) and yet Trafficante, under oath, denied knowing Cubela. (If I recall correctly trafficante pleaded the fifth before the Church Committee but he did testify before the HSCA. It was before the HSCA that he denied knowing Cubela.

    It may also be significant that the brother of trafficante's attorney was a high muckety-muck in the Castro regime.

    Now "Rendezvous with Death" claims that there was a connection between Cubela and Oswald. It will be interesting to see how well documented that assertion is.

    I think that if the scenario of "Rendezvous with Death" is that Castro (or pro-Castro Cubans) alone assassinated JFK, the scenario is deficient in not explaining the Ruby involvement.

    The fact that the Cubela gambit, if you want to call it that, was being played out just as the Kennedy assassination was being plotted and carried out, has always seemed significant to me. Then add in the Cubela-Trafficante association and the plot really thickens.

    Note that (per Ragano) Hoffa had asked Marcello and Trafficante to kill Kennedy on his behalf and you have the possibility that, through Trafficante, there were several sponsors of the assassination, who may not have been aware of each other.

    The Kennedys had certainly made enemies of Castro, Hoffa, Trafficante and Marcello. It is not unreasonable to postulate that his enemies converged to effectuate his murder. This is the theory of Michael Kurtz (and it was my own theory even before I read Kurtz's book).

    But re Matt's comment that it would be "hilarious" to see how Ruby was working for Castro, it is not hilarious at all. "Ultimate Sacrifice" argues quite persuasively that in the late fifties Ruby was "gun-running" for Castro, and that Ruby may have used his influence with the Castro regime to negotiate Trafficante's release from Trescornia. (In "Mob Lawyer" Ragano states that Trafficante told him that he (Trafficante, that is, had negotiated a deal with Raul Castro to secure his release.)


    Memory problems again Gratz. First, the "Quarantine Station" across the harbor in East Havana is spelled T-R-I-S-C-O-R-N-I-A !!

    Trafficante was NOT a prisoner there !! This was his "safe haven", and he repeatedly left that locale to conduct business.

    The commanding officer at T-R-I-S-C-O-R-N-I-A during ALL of 1959, was Cuban Rebel Army Capitan Enrique Molina Rivera. Molina had been a guerrilla platoon leader with Raul Castro [and "Bayo"] in the "2nd National Front-Frank Pais" in the Sierra Cristal, northern Oriente Province after April, 1958.

    Molina had taken one small weapons delivery from a Jack Ruby source at Nicaro Mines, but this was late in 1958 -- when it was quite obvious that Batista was losing the war.

    Molina took his orders from the National Police Chief, Cmdte. Efigenio Almejeiras, but socialized with Cubela, Sotolongo, Amaury Fraginals, and other ex-FEU students/professors and labor leaders who had been part of Manolo Ray's underground apparatus.

    Molina was landed by a Castro trawler near North Key Largo right after the Missile Crisis, and was never issued a "Refugee Parole ID numbered card", nor a Dept. of Agriculture card for foodstuffs.

    Molina, along with Luis Balbuena ["El Gordo" from GITMO] were scheduled to be killed by Bayo's crew during February, 1963 -- until I intervened against it.

    Molina joined with his old Trafficante buddy Loran E. Skip Hall the same week we arrived in Miami [1963], and traveled with hall to visit Santo in Tampa during mid-February, 1963. They were accompanied by Santo's brother, who owned [and lived in] the building where Sanchez Arango had his "AAA" headquarters.

    Molina later joined with Sturgis, Rorke, and Sullivan during May, 1963. I warned Sturgis, Rorke, and Sullivan that Molina was a Castro agent, and that he was lucky to be alive. Moreover, I suggested that if they insisted on associating with him, stay out of the line of fire !!

    Molina "disappeared?" with Rorke and Sullivan during the flight wherein they were to transport LHO to Cuba from CONUS [september, 1962].


  20. Where is the testimony UNDER OATH ??!!

    As far as I know, all Senate testimony has required the oath until just recently, when Gerry's Republicans insisted that the big oil war profiteers not be sworn. That ringing noise in Gerry's head is probably the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth calling; he's their kind of guy.



    Some of those "witnesses?" called to testify during 1991 had their names and files "referred" to the Department of Justice for investigation as to perjury and 18 US Code, sect. 1001 violations. Added to the "referral", among many -- was Mike Palmer [Vortex] who had given very limited testimony before the Kerry "Drugs/Contra" Committee. However, the 5 year statute of limitations had run its course.

    There remains at DOJ a long list of "wits", and a fresh/repeated "1001" violation will apply against any of those persons who are once again found to be making "false representations" to a government "official" and/or "agency". The penalty for "unsworn" statements is double that of sworn statements, and has been the case since 1867.

    Those who aid and/or abett are now charged as "principals", rather than as accessories, and suffer the same penalties as the "principal" offender.

    Good luck in all of your efforts ??!!


  21. Today it's "READ THE DAMN DD-214" when yesterday the claim was that there would be no "Form DD-214" because there was "no 'Discharge' per se."
    A quick check with the Department of Veterans Affairs will show that Plumlee accrued no rights to any benefits whatsoever, as he was denied re-enlistment in any branch of the U. S. Armed Forces.
    Here is a copy of the page showing the award of benefits from a December 29, 2004 document.
    Even when in full attack mode, Hemming can't address an issue straightforwardly or credibly. He did say there would be no DD-214, and that was proven to be false. He did say that "Plumlee accrued no right to any benefits whatsoever," and that was proven to be false. He did say that Plumlee only had "4 months of service," and that was proven to be false. He did insinuate that Plumlee was in the "slam" at least five (5) times previously, and now he avoids confirming his own meaning when asked directly (assumedly because it's false). As Robert Charles-Dunne expressed so well, "Gerry has made some sweeping statements about Tosh Plumlee, and seems to have been hoisted by his own petard." Hemming's assertions remind me of Joe McCarthy's ever-changing numbers of communists in the State Department. This is supposed to be a forum devoted to historical research, not P.T. Barnum-like self-promotion, which presumes that there's a sucker born every minute. Hemming has shown that he can't get the simplest public records correct, yet would have us believe that he has been cleared for access to high-level, classified materials.
    I have to hope that it's obvious to any reader that Hemming is avoiding accountability for some very direct misstatements. If he can't be straight about simple, black and white issues, why would he be elevated to privileged status here? Here's another of his flagrant misrepresentations of fact:
    I have testified under oath, and I would like to see him just say [under oath] that he has testified ANYWHERE !!

    Here's a memo re Senate voucher for testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

    Tosh's bona fides overwhelmingly outdistance Hemming's. This is our children's children's history. If we allow the forum to be hijacked by this oafish bloviation, our time and effort are wasted, or worse. We are responsible if we allow Hemming's undocumented version of his-story to prevail. Absent any credible contribution to JFK assassination research, his participation here is worse than no participation at all.




    You think that because he conned his way into a freebie in DC that it PROVES anything. You should check the Congressional Quarterly to see how many thousands of "Junketeer" trips have been given out to alleged "witnesses" !!

    Where is the testimony UNDER OATH ??!! And exactly where do I find YOUR last "JFK" contribution to this Forum ?? So far I have only seen attempts at chatroom book reviewing and blatant finger pointing by "gullible-groupies". I see 99% political "beefing" on current or useless past events which reflect absolutely nothing with respect to the JFK case.

    WHATTSAMATTER, can't solve the crime of the century, so you are reduced to pissing and moaning about NOTHING !! Gadflies and bookreaders, and now you are joined by more phonies who sign up just to whine along with you.


  22. I fail to understand what has possessed you to post such crap about Tosh when you know damned well how these records are doctored. If you have a hard-on for Tosh, then take it up privately, by doing so on open forum, you are doing an injustice to further research!
    ARE YOU BLIND OR STUPID ??!! READ THE DAMN DD-214, IT SHOWS ONLY 4 MONTHS OF "SERVICE?" !!.... I hope he thanks you for getting him back into the slam for the 6th time ??!!
    Today it's "READ THE DAMN DD-214" when yesterday the claim was that there would be no "Form DD-214" because there was "no 'Discharge' per se."
    A quick check with the Department of Veterans Affairs will show that Plumlee accrued no rights to any benefits whatsoever, as he was denied re-enlistment in any branch of the U. S. Armed Forces.
    Here is a copy of the page showing the award of benefits from a December 29, 2004 document

    Even when in full attack mode, Hemming can't address an issue straightforwardly or credibly. He did say there would be no DD-214, and that was proven to be false. He did say that "Plumlee accrued no right to any benefits whatsoever," and that was proven to be false. He did say that Plumlee only had "4 months of service," and that was proven to be false. He did insinuate that Plumlee was in the "slam" at least five (5) times previously, and now he avoids confirming his own meaning when asked directly (assumedly because it's false).

    As Robert Charles-Dunne expressed so well, "Gerry has made some sweeping statements about Tosh Plumlee, and seems to have been hoisted by his own petard." Hemming's assertions remind me of Joe McCarthy's ever-changing numbers of communists in the State Department. This is supposed to be a forum devoted to historical research, not P.T. Barnum-like self-promotion, which presumes that there's a sucker born every minute. Hemming has shown that he can't get the simplest public records correct (yes Virginia; there is a DD-214), yet would have us believe that he has been cleared for access to high-level, classified materials. I think not.




    Obviously you have never served, or you are totally unfamliar with the DD-214 document. He was "SEPARATED" under Honorable conditions. That is NOT and "Honorable Discharge". He played soldier boy (at 15 years old?) -- went to an annual "summer camp" of 17 days twice, moved from the National Guard to the Reserves (and another 17 days "service" per year), until he moved for active duty status from Reserve to Regular Army -- which he couldn't do from the "Guard".

    [Quite a few weeks go by before you receive the "suitable for framing" Honorable Discharge Certificate -- Where is his ??]


    However, once in nasty-ass & frightful "Basic Training", he played his underage/minority card and got out. Either you can't grasp the military shorthand & forms, or you are lying !! Show me ANY military service [whether RA, US, or NG) after he was bounced out during 1954 !!

    When he received the FOIA files from Fensterwald, he didn't immediately grasp that they showed him to be a phony. Now, after scamming bunches of dummies, he is heard to whine that his files have been "doctored"?? Who would give a xxxx about this clown, he has nothing worth listening to. Moreover, that I held my tongue back when you say that I "backed" him -- it was solely due to my NOT wanting to get involved in yet another debunking of a phony wannabe, as I had enough of that crap already.

    [FBI, et al. reports from the 1960s show me at 40+ years old, name mis-spelled, height/weight, what do you expect from minimum wage high school drop-out government clerks, and/or "Agents/Snitches" ??]

    Now I am a "disinformation (active duty no less) agent?" Nobody needs any skills to debunk this "82" test result [military aptitude test] clown who scored just 12 points above imbecile !!

    I have been invited to answer serious questions by serious researchers, NOT UFO comic book hacks, and wannabes. I am getting a lot of family static over being "aligned with?" some very weird people.



  23. Plumlee never served in the U. S. Armed Forces, save for 4 months in "Recruit Basic Training"; and upon it being discovered that he was underage -- he was "Separated from Service". The document used by the Department of Defense was a "Form" printed up by the GPO for this very type of "Minority Separation"; which is completely different than that which regular members of the military are issued;

    "Form DD-214".

    There is no "Discharge" per se, as there has been no lawful service of enlistment. In fact, his later alleged "Army Serial Number" (RA 183890160) was immediately rescinded due to his false enlistment, and that number was later issued to another Army member. A quick check with the Department of Veterans Affairs will show that Plumlee accrued no rights to any benefits whatsoever, as he was denied re-enlistment in any branch of the U. S. Armed Forces.

    Any reference by a person separated thus, and later claiming to have been granted either a "General" or "Honorable" Discharge is fraudulent, a federal criminal felony, and pursuant to 18 US Code, sect. 1001; is punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment (w/ $10,000 fine) in each and every instance where the person makes said claim(s)!!

    A year after his 4 months of recruit training, the official records [confirmed by Plumlee to the FBI) employment records and residences which begin during July 1954, and continue through July 1958.

    I would call attention to the fact that at age 21 [1958] he already had his self-styled "REDBIRD" tattoo, and that any association with his many other fraudulent claims. Especially the lies about his alleged "CIA JFK ABORT FLIGHT" to Redbird Airport [13 miles SW of Dallas] during November, 1963 -- and that said tattoo was a "commemorative sign" adopted by he and his cohorts subsequent to the assassination of JFK !!




    Any transmittal of fraudulent claims by Plumlee, especially over the Internet; voids the federal 5 year statute of limitations, and thereby renews his being subjected to federal criminal charges.

    [18 US CODE, Sect. 1001; 18 US CODE, sect. 371; etc.]


    Mr. Patrick,

    Please take a look at my DD214 from '80 forward and then my IRS earned compensation records from '80-'84. You know damned well what was going on with Tosh and his records and if you don't, then I have underestimated you and your background. I fail to understand what has possessed you to post such crap about Tosh when you know damned well how these records are doctored. If you have a hard-on for Tosh, then take it up privately, by doing so on open forum, you are doing an injustice to further research!




    If he has beguiled the VA, etc. into a "Category 8" disability, then you have just guaranteed that he will be hearing from the U.S. Attorney in Denver, CO.

    I hope he thanks you for getting him back into the slam for the 6th time ??!!



    Plumlee never served in the U. S. Armed Forces, save for 4 months in "Recruit Basic Training"; and upon it being discovered that he was underage -- he was "Separated from Service". The document used by the Department of Defense was a "Form" printed up by the GPO for this very type of "Minority Separation"; which is completely different than that which regular members of the military are issued; "Form DD-214". There is no "Discharge" per se, as there has been no lawful service of enlistment.

    Here is a copy of the "Form DD-214" (lower left corner) which Gerry Hemming claims Tosh wouldn't have, showing an honorable discharge:

    A quick check with the Department of Veterans Affairs will show that Plumlee accrued no rights to any benefits whatsoever, as he was denied re-enlistment in any branch of the U. S. Armed Forces.

    Here is a copy of the page showing the award of benefits from a December 29, 2004 document:




    If he has beguiled the VA, etc. into a "Category 8" disability, then you have just guaranteed that he will be hearing from the U.S. Attorney in Denver, CO.

    I hope he thanks you for getting him back into the slam for the 6th time ??!!



    And don't give me the government phonied up the records of this snitch who cashed forged checks across the U.S. and on to Honolulu, Hawaii.

    Maybe you can sucker him into making out a NOTARIZED affidavit reference those files, and his fraudulent receipt of VA benefits ??!! I have testified under oath, and I would like to see him just say [under oath] that he has testified ANYWHERE !!

    Thanks Mr. Patrick!

    You have proved my point on your own ignorance. Ihave asked you to ask your brother about me and you ignored it. I told you to check my own DD214 and IRS records and again you ignored it. If you would have checked, you would see that I came out on a medical and receive disability compensation from the government. I have handed you a near shadow line of Tosh and you could not see it. If you were so important you would have understood the parallels and recognized such simplistic doctoring of official documents. You are what I have labeled you from the start. A wanna-be operative who would not have been considered. There is a distinct difference in an operational asset and a second rate SOF. Guess where you fell in. And as far as being impressed with testifying before Congress, look at the company you keep. I need say no more. If you were so important, you would not have been disclosed so frequently. You are a legend in your own mind Mr. Patrick. I hope others on the forum clearly see that!

    Enough said, you are not worth my time or the space you take up on the forum. So your statement "Are you blind or stupid?" Back at you! So FO!



    WELL IT MUST BE STUPID THEN ?? NOT surprising though since you also have "sucked-up" to "Dangerous Dan's" bullxxxx stories. The Fort Bragg/Fayetteville Green Beret "Team House" veterans are about to bust his 'Nads in federal court this week. This (Quartermaster M.O.S.) "Tearful Tommy" who served a very short stint in an as yet unidentified ODA (he claims ODA 424, but 4th SFGrp(Abn) was NEVER in the 'nam)

    Not only has he a price to pay for the grief he continues to cause to a deceased Naval Officer's family, both he and his publisher will be under a 17 year judgment against ALL of their future incomes !! And they can keep on begging US all they want for legal fees, but their lies against the "Real Warriors" who stuck to their oaths, will soon be revealed to the whole world.

    As for numb-nuts "Tooshy" having joined with his schoolmates in that common astime of "joining the National Guard and/or Reserves" during the early 1950s -- it still remains the law that it was "Unlawful Underage/Minority & Fraudulent Enlistments" !! None of which may be credited towards either "Active Duty" nor "Active Duty for Training".

    That the DOD/VA, etc. have frequently screwed up and handed out DD-214s is well known. They are about to correct that mistake. "Underage/Minority" service, and Reserve/Nat'l Guard service DOES NOT COUNT under the law so as to satisfy VA benefits. That is only permitted IF you retire with a minimum of 20 years in the Guard/Reserve or were medically retired during "ACTDTYFRINST" (Active Duty for Instruction) !!

    [THAT is about to be corrected by the Government shortly, and he might even want to thank you. The cat got "Tooshy's" tongue these days ??]

    Better check your 'FOIA FILES" again Sonny. "Tooshy" repeatedly called the cops and feds from jail (trying to EARN a "get-out-of-jail-by-snitching-free-card") beginning during 1959. That case, in reality involved Dominick Bartone (and some spaghetti-suckers still alive and around) who had done exactly what the CIA told them to do. "Tooshy", even way back then, attempted to jump onboard, claim participation -- and offer to snitch out a crew he had never even heard about until he read it in the jailhouse news !!

    Does your very own alleged "Covert Op" reputation rely upon this snitch being accepted as credible, or is it that you are just another gullible wannabe rent-a-pig ??!!

    WHY are you responding instead of "Tooshy'; is he worried about having to put something down under oath ?? And how about giving us a clue as to when and where he testified before ANY governmental body/tribunal/forum.

    As for his snitching out to Gary hart's clowns [1983], who later passed it on to "Band-Aid Purple Heart Squid" Kerry. Most of that "drugs Intel?" had already been in the press, and that is why they blew him off -- they had read the very same reports in the media long before him, dumbass !!


  24. I was surprised to find John's assertion, quoted by Hemming, missing from the original post with no sign of it having been edited.

    I believe I can help. John posted essentially the same post in two different threads. The "missing" assertion quoted by Hemming is not in this thread, but in the almost identical post that is found in the thread "William 'Tosh' Plumlee: The Value of Inside Sources."


    First: Here is just a little touch of what Mellen, and the entire group of "gullible-groupies" is SOON to encounter with reference to the entire "Garrison Investigation?" !!

    This will further explain a bit of the "WHY" -- Harold Weisberg went against Garrison (and Oliver Stone, et al.) -- even after he had been the singular source/impetus behind "Big Jim's" leap for glory !!

    WHAT do you suppose that Roy Hargraves, Dick Whatley, and "QJ/WIN" were doing in Baton Rouge from late 1966, and through June of 1967. And why, on the "Set" -- and while we were filming "JFK" in the New Orleans area; did we instruct Perry Russo NOT to show familiarity with Hargraves ??

    More importantly, Perry Russo was instructed to:


    Garrison was HAD!! You all have been HAD. "Pervert" Garrison was out to "blow" critical national security intelligence for his personal gain, the interests of organized crime, and specific hostile intelligence agencies !! [This time, Garrison was attempting much more than "blowing" little boys]

    As anticipated, this corrupt New Orleans prosecutor of long ill repute, was given the opportunity to engage in criminal acts, trumped-up charges, and malicious prosecutions -- something both he and the City had been infamous for during more than five decades. Only this time he wasn't going to get away with "framing" and using the law to "roll" drunks and queers.


    As for Lamar Waldron? have made an erroneous reference on one page of a 900+ page book -- no big deal.

    From Ultimate Sacrifice, p. 408: "A former anti-Castro activist, whose CIA and FBI files are extensive, claims that Bobby Kennedy actually met Johnny Rosselli on one occasion in Miami. The meeting occurred in '1962,' sometime 'before the Cuban Missile Crisis' of October 1962." Source: "Phone interview with Gerry Patrick Hemming, 4-10-96."

    Since ALL but a few of my "sources" (Bay of Pigs Warriors) remained imprisoned as POWs on the Isle of Pines, Cuba -- why would I ever make any references to RFK's activities before the prisoner release of Christmas Eve, 1962 ?? I have spoken ONLY of two events with reference to "RFK 1962": And that is, "...Reboso was dating Jackie Kennedy's appointment secretary [Pamela Turner] whilst he was a guest at RFK's home ["Hickory Hill"] on Chain-Bridge Road, McLean, Virginia....and that we had provided photographs of Ms. J. Edgar Hoover's "Queer" partying to RFK, in order that he might counteract Hoover's attempts at blackmailing the Kennedys..."!!

    Rosselli was NOT yet involved in any Cuba matters "..before the Cuban Missile Crisis..". And Brad Ayers does NOT indicate that Rosselli was present during the times that RFK visited either the Elliott Key training site, or the various safe-houses during 1963 !! [see: "The War that never Was", by Bradley Earle Ayers]


    From A Farewell To Justice, p. 201: "Without corroboration, offering none, Hemming spins a story of Bobby choppering from Palm Beach to a training facility near Homestead Air Force base. There, Hemming imagines, Bobby met with Cubans, many of them Bay of Pigs veterans, who were part of his Special Group. According to Hemming, among the Cubans that day stood one Lee Harvey Oswald, even as independent corroboration does indeed place Oswald in Miami that summer of 1963." Source: "Interviews with Gerald Patrick Hemming, November 15, 2000; June 5, 2005."

    I had NO personal contact, NOR telephonic interviews with Mellen between 2001 and June 27th, 2005.

    Moreover, it was ONLY after we met in Coral Gables, that I was able to assure her that she would have at least one interview with a Cuban who had been part of "Bobby" Kennedy's Team during 1963 !!

    The fact that Mellen NEVER takes notes is vividly demonstrated by her "FUBAR" footnotes, and confused prolix strewn throughout her "gullible-girly-groupie" pervert Garrison book? !! ANY references made to "HOMESTEAD GENERAL AVIATION (CIVILIAN) AIRPORT" and the "Isolation A & B sites" was intentionally made AFTER her initial interview with Angelo. I did NOT want her raising THAT subject matter with Angelo, otherwise -- he would have terminated said interview.


    My records show that I made numerous calls to members of Gordon Winslow's "Master Researcher List"

    during 1994, and ALL calls were made from my daughter's telephone in Fayetteville, NC.

    In accordance with my studies of the law during 40+ years, I have strictly adhered to the practise of maintaining "Contemporaneous Records"; and this so as to insure their admissibility in any court of law within the United States. The other reason was to have accurate "time & charges" for reimbursement purposes.

    Winslow's MR "Directory" was coded in a fashion where members might indicate the areas of research interest; and with coded numbers that traced to both individuals and subject matter.

    I had made it a point to determine which researchers were interested in the subjects heading: "Gerry Patrick Hemming" and inter alai; "InterPen", "No Name Key", etc. !! Amongst those indicating interest in my activities were: Gooch, Sheldon Inkol, Lamar Waldron, et al.!!

    I therefore, took the time to initiate calls to those parties of interest. I always prefaced my telephonic conversations by making reference to their membership and listing in Winslow's MR List [Directory].

    Moreover, I explained that it would be more convenient to respond to ALL inquiries via the telephone, as I had absolutely no time to be engaged in written correspondence. I have made it a habit of not giving out my family members' telephone numbers while using same temporarily. Reimbursing telephone charges required record-keeping.

    I advised all parties that even Winslow did not have my various telephone numbers, but that I did indeed check with him frequently. [punching "*72" would de-activate "Caller I.D." before all calls]

    During late 1994 I was called to return to the Fort Lauderdale area to correct a "home purchase" fraud which had been perpetrated upon members of my family. The telephone at this residence [Riverland Road, Ft. Lauderdale] was never in my name. After my February 1996 heart attack, and after winning the fraud case in court; I was left with the house. My son had the telephone reinstated in his name.

    [shortly thereafter, Roy Hargraves and family moved into the house, or lived in a Winnebago RV parked on the front lawn.]

    During April, 1996 -- Gordon Winslow told me that A. J. Weberman had attempted to contact me. Winslow then gave me Weberman's NYC phone number.

    Weeks later, Weberman arrived at the house, and proceeded to video-tape an interview with me.

    Therefore, I believe that Lamar has mistakenly made reference to Weberman's "Nodules", or that video as "HIS" interview? during 1996. Other than the Weberman episode, I made NO other calls, nor received any -- from JFK researchers, or anybody else !!

    Again, as for Mellen's "FUBAR footnoting?!" and "cites?" -- they are total fabrications, and/or outright lies !!

    After Amaury Murgado called me the last week of May, 2005. I then called his father, and partially covered a few aspects of what previously had been "compartmented information" to. He requested that I go down to Miami ASAP for a visit.

    A few days later I called Mellen at her "51" number, and she stupidly asked how had I obtained that phone number ??!! I reminded her that I had "Caller I.D." and that this was hooked up via special software to my computer. This had been made necessary when challenging the telephone company as to long distance billing. [since then, I have had "unlimited/free LD service"]

    My records show the entirety of both mine, and Mellen's telephone calls. Had I not taken notes; I would now be left with only dates, length of call, times. ALL of these records are now being transferred to CD-ROMs, and will have accompanying affidavits attached thereto.

    A few days later, I called Mellen again; and the subject of conversation [raised by her] was activities by RFK. Upon my referring her to Gus Russo's book "Sword", she scoffed and retorted that she would "never-read-anything-written" by that "CIA Stooge" !! I again referred her to those parts of "Sword" which made specific reference to RFK's activities with a limited group of Cuban exiles.

    [Mellen had long before, strongly indicated that she was an "RFK HATER" !!]

    Mellen said she would rather do interviews herself, and thus avoid "enmeshing" herself in Russo's "CIA propaganda"!! I then told her that I had recently spoken with one of Russo's "VIP subjects", but refused to give her a name. She then asked "how helpful" would any re-interview(s) be ? I told Mellen that one of the few remaining "RFK Cubans" might? be able to give some insight into what the Kennedys were "up-to" during 1963.

    I told her that none of my sources would do telephonic interviews. I then told her that: Considering my health problems, it would be quite some time before I would be up to traveling down to Florida.

    Mellen argued that: "...We can be a big part of history...if we can get any of the Cubans to go on the record about RFK.."!!

    I explained that: My closest Cuban contact was like a brother to me, and of my other siblings, only Robert was closer. Mellen queried as to what he might say that was NOT included in Russo's book ??

    I repeated to her that: I had "cut-off" Russo's interview when it inadvertently had shifted to the "Silvia Odio" matter. Moreover, that -- there was NO guarantee that this Cuban exile (or any other) would submit to any questioning about matters already covered in Russo's book !!

    At NO TIME did I insure any new revelations regarding RFK, and especially with reference to the "Odio Matter". That any Cuban exile who had been close to RFK; might reveal a nexus between LHO and RFK, was preposterous on its face.

    ALL INTERVIEWS (if there were any?) would be limited to anecdotal recollections of what RFK did, and/or said during those several months of 1963.

    There followed a series of calls [by me] with reference to travel arrangements, up-front travel money,

    and approximate dates and length of stay in Miami.

    I later told Mellen that my son had intervened, and that he had "objected to" any air or train travel, and especially traveling alone.

    Shortly thereafter, my son Felipe was "put-in-charge" of estimating vehicle rental, fuel and food expenditures -- and the amount of time he could be allowed away from his job as a Firefighter/-Paramedic in Charleston, SC !!

    Within a week, I advised both Angelo and Amaury that me and my son expected to be in Miami during the last week of June, 2005. I made NO references about Ms. Mellen whatsoever, much less that there might be an interview involved during the visit !!

    My son calculated a departure date of 23rd June, 2005, and everything relied upon Mellen supplying the funds for the trip, "Up-Front".

    [My son never gave a thought to any remuneration for his participation. He had arranged for a brother Firefighter/Paramedic to "stand-by" for him during that week]

    Our greatest worry was: We both might get stuck with some of the expenses for "Mellen's Adventure??!!".

    [in the end -- the return trip cost us both a collective $500+, and this was due to Mellen's "short-changing" my son on the estimated costs, and all the while promising to "pay-up" later ?!]

    I called Ed Sherry in West Palm Beach (only after Felipe received some money) and told him I would be passing through his neighborhood the weekend of June 25th. Ed called back to advise that he would try to put a "special" S.F.R.G. meeting together, and that members would be glad to see me again, after so many years of absence.

    Finally, and to wrap this up, the facts are:

    [1] Angelo and Amaury were not told of any interviews, nor that Mellen would be in town with us;

    [2] Ed Sherry and the SFRG gathering were not told of why we were traveling through West Palm Beach to Miami;

    [3] Howard Davis was not forewarned of our visit;

    [4] We arrived at Angelo's residence late in the afternoon (June 26th), and discovered that Amaury had already headed north (with his wife) some 30 minutes previous. Angelo used Felipe's cell-phone to call him back to Miami;

    [5] It wasn't until Amaury was there that I "broke-the-news" of an interview, and Angelo was somewhat chagrined -- while Amaury was all for finally hearing something of his father's past. However, his wife's prior doctor's appointment required that he leave that night, and return a day or so later;

    [6] At the Coral Gables hotel the next morning, Mellen was told that ONE interview "was on", and that it would cover ONLY the RFK Cuban exile activities, and maybe a discussion of the"Silvia Odio Matter";

    [7] I told Mellen that I would be urging other Cubans to submit to interviews, but that there was absolutely NO guarantee that they would agree to same;

    [8] It was only at the latter stage of interviewing that I made reference to the "Isolation A & B Sites", and that there existed a slight possibility that RFK had been "seen" by LHO at either one, or both of said sites;

    [9] I further indicated that there existed the possibility that RFK had ONLY remembered LHO's name from a previous dossier, that is: When he remonstrated more than once (during November 22nd thru 26th, 1963) to certain persons that "...One of your guys did it..."!!;

    [10] Over the next two days, Mellen insisted upon getting interviews with other RFK Cubans, and showed NO interest in visiting the two RFK/CIA Sites; and,

    [11] It was a week after my returning to NC that she said that she had been interested in visiting and viewing the sites. I reminded her once again that Chekika Park had been damaged by the Hurricane, and entry permission by the Park Ranger might have been denied. However, given that the Avocado Site was solid concrete (and abandoned) we could have had an interesting "inside" tour of the premises.

    As for "mis-quotes/mis-statements" by hordes of scribblers over the last 40+ years, just go to "Google" for some hundreds of sterling examples !!




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