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Gerry Hemming

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Posts posted by Gerry Hemming

  1. I do have this image but as a 5 X 7 hard copy. My scanner hasn't been working for some time so I have not copied it. The version I have shows the image flipped to the one John posted. I asked my contact who gave me the print originally to send me an electronic version.

    My comments were based on the photographs of William Harvey on your Photo-Archive website. According to Gus Russo, the photograph came from his second wife, Clara Follich.

    The best book on William Harvey is David C. Martin's Wilderness of Mirrors (1980). It is a dual biography of William Harvey and James Angleton. As one can expect, Harvey hated Angleton and suspected him of being a Soviet mole. Harvey never forgave Angleton for stopping the arrest of Philby when his mates, Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean, fled to the Soviet Union in May 1951.



    The ONLY intelligence service that had "Flag Rank" penetration agents inside the Politburo, KGB, GRU. MVD, etc. was the Israeli Mossad. One of the biggest mistakes they made was to "loan" Col. Oleg Penkoskiy to the MI-6 and the CIA/COS-UK !! They almost compromised him early on by flying him to one of the 22 S.A.S. safe houses, where they photographed him in both U.S. and Brit Army "Dress" (Class A) uniforms -- with a General's rank to boot.

    As for Oleg's desire to "take-down" the whole world with him via the telephone contact (where nothing was spoken during the two calls); was due to his firm belief that General Pribikov's "autonomy" in pre-emptive nuke launch status (from the Sov/Base @ Banes, Cuba) did indeed indicate a 90% chance of attack against CONUS.

    The question is WHY didn't he make the "Rally"Call" -- which would have sent out a recovery team to pick him up, and then quickly extract him out of the USSR ?? The alternative would have been safe-haven inside the U.S. (Moscow) Embassy, which he didn't even contemplate -- as he would have had to live inside the compound for years before receiving a safe-conduct pass.

    He made the proper calls to the "secure-room", and the fact that he didn't follow those calls with a "pick-me-up" signal, meant that he felt secure enough to continue gathering Intel on the Cuba matter.

    Moreover, he realized that absent a series of calls by other assets, for instance: Reports of large numbers of Bear & Bison Bombers heading (enmasse) north over the Pole. His calls indicated that his focus remained on Operation Anadyr.

    Without the massing of Soviet Armor, mechanized infantry (with tactical nuke missile regiments in support) together with "tactical air" ["en marche" to the "Fulda Gap"] -- only an idiot would think that "War was Imminent"!! [Euro-War, that is]

    As for JJA "letting" Philby, Burgess, and MacLean "escape" -- even the Soviets soon figured out that either one of them had been "doubled"; or they were to be received by Mossad assets inside the USSR. Despite the fact that both Shin Beth & Mossad were in their "infancy" during that period -- they already knew that Josef "Stalin" Dugashvilli was on his way out of that "losing game"!!

    And whether it was to be by "executive action" or by a coup, they knew that it was only a matter of months until that serial mass murderer was eliminated permanently. The Mossad, backed up by Frank Wisner, Sr., Magruder, FNG Dulles & his brother -- insisted on allowing these three faireys to "evict themselves" !! JJA had NO final say on the matter at the time, and had only served as an intermediary for the Israelis. Carmona, and some of the other "Old Boys" had that singular authority in those matters !!




  2. GPH,

    Many thanks for the quick and interesting response.

    I wonder with Hunt, as with Ian Fleming,

    how much is fiction and how much real ops?


    Gerry, how do you type with an accent,

    faster than you can talk?



    Might as well save the members surfing time, so I insert some more of the Cermak "Hit" references here:


    Franklin D. Roosevelt (Assassination Attempt)

    Information released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Gathered from the FBI Website April 16, 2002

    PDF documents originally posted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 254 pages. View Pages: Part 1a • Part 1b • Part 1c • Part 1d

    Abstract: Contains files released by the FBI related to the assassination attempt of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Miami at Bayside Park.

    From the Department of Justice Website: "On February 15, 1933, Guiseppe Zangara attempted to assassinate Franklin Delano Roosevelt while the then President-elect was giving a speech in Miami, Florida. The United States Secret Service was responsible for the primary investigation and the FBI's role was mainly administrative in nature."

    Zangara, an Italian anarchist, had lived in New Jersey since 1924, and had only been in Miami for a couple of months. According to the papers, "he was in Miami because it was warm and he was out of work, and that he had lost $200 on the dog races." It is said that he wanted to kill kings and presidents of wealthy governments since he was 17.

    By chance, Zangara heard that FDR would be in Miami to give a speech. Three days before the shooting, Zangara purchased a 38 caliber pistol at a Miami Avenue pawn shop. As Roosevelt finished a short speech at Bayside Park, Zangara fired five rounds from 25 feet. Roosevelt was completely untouched by the gunfire due to Zangara losing his footing atop an uneven chair, and a bystander striking his arm. One bullet struck Chicago's Mayor Anton Cermak who was shaking hands with Roosevelt at the time. Four others were wounded, including Mrs. Joseph Gill, wife of the President of Florida Power and Light.

    An example of swift justice, Zangara pled guilty five days later and was sentenced to 80 years in Raiford Prison. At his sentencing he said of the President-elect, "I decide to kill him and make him suffer. I want to make it 50-50. Since my stomach hurt I want to make even with capitalists by kill the President. My stomach hurt long time."

    Anton Cermak subsequently died from his wounds two weeks later, and Zangara was immediately tried for his murder. Zangara was sentenced to the electric chair and executed on March 20 at Raiford. Unrepentant, Zangara was cursing and railing against capitalists as he was put to death.

    Although Zangara said he acted alone, some evidence and theories link him with organized groups responsible for additional terrorist acts. Others claim that Zangara's true target was Mayor Cermak, who had alleged ties with organized crime.

    Superintendent of Documents Local Number: J 1.14/2:FDRx

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    Department of Government Information and Special Formats • Otto G. Richter Library

    Miami's Public Pages

    Last updated April 5, 2002


    © 2002 The University of Miami


    Five Weeks of Giuseppe Zangara: The Man Who Would Assassinate FDR

    Blaise Picchi


    Five Weeks of Giuseppe Zangara: The Man Who Would Assassinate FDR


    In Miami, Florida, on February 15, 1933, Giuseppe Zangara, an unemployed New Jersey bricklayer from Italy, fired five pistol shots at the back of President-elect Frankly Roosevelt's head from only twenty-five feet away.

    While all five rounds missed their target, each bullet found a separate victim. One of these was mayor Anton Cermak of Chicago, who died of his wound some three weeks later. A scant two weeks after that, Zangara was executed in the electric chair. It was perhaps the swiftest legal execution in twentieth-century American history.

    With his death, Zangara took to the grave the answer to one of the most baffling unsolved mysteries in the annals of Presidential assassinations. Was FDR Zangara's real target? Or was he a mob hit man who actually intended to kill Cermak, as legendary columnist and FDR confidant Walter Winchell believed? Was he a terrorist, as the LA police contended? Could he have been a member of La Camorra, a Neapolitan crime society, as the prison warden insisted? Was he simply insane, as many at the time thought? Or was he really a martyr for the cause of the Common Man, as he himself proclaimed?



    Kirkus Reviews:

    A detailed and unnecessary look at a failed assassination. Picchi, a former prosecutor and criminal defense attorney, believes there is mystery surrounding Giuseppe Zangara's attempt to shoot Franklin Roosevelt shortly before his inauguration in 1932, but this premise seems overdrawn.

    The facts are straightforward. Zangara, an Italian immigrant, went to a Miami event at which Roosevelt was scheduled to appear and fired five rounds in an attempt to kill the president-elect. Zangara's short stature prevented a clear view of or shot at Roosevelt, leaving the intended victim unharmed but several bystanders injured. The most critical wound was suffered by Anton Cermak, mayor of Chicago, who eventually died. Zangara's arrest, initial trial and conviction for assault, subsequent trial and conviction for murder after Cermak's death, and finally his execution, all took place in the amazingly short time of five weeks.

    Everyone seemed intent on swift justice, including not only the court-assigned defense lawyers intent on doing the prosecution's job, but even Zangara himself. Prejudice against southern Europeans was clearly present, Zangara's sanity was too easily affirmed, medical incompetence probably caused Cermak's death, and the judicial proceedings were a mockery given the significance of the case. While there are grounds to give Zangara "his day in court" then, it is not clear what purpose it serves.

    Zangara's lack of remorse may have been unsettling and his ill-formed personal political philosophy, suggesting that leaders of all countries should be shot, unsatisfying as a motive. However, Picchi's account leaves little room to doubt that this is genuinely what Zangara believed, and that if alive today -- he would welcome an opportunity to shoot the president.

    Although inexplicable in rational terms, this hardly constitutes a reason to reexamine the case, for in the end Zangara's behavior simply falls outside the realm of rationality and there is little more to be said. An interesting historical footnote that can be bypassed without severe costs. (b&w photos)


  3. Wilson Hudson (Brit under journalistic cover Chile) did give FBI lead and FBI did follow it up to extent that they knew to back off IMHO. Like others (perhaps justifyably) Wilson soundly discredited and the story of Ruby Santo Cuba etc went away like it was supposed to.

    Another Mob did it book? Yawn and stamp it "JFK."

    I've read a lot about the Cermak killing, and I'm still undecided. Those who came in contact with Zangara swear he was completely off his rocker. I also found a book published right before the killing that insists that Cermak was himself completely corrupt, and in bed with gangsters. If so, his death might make more sense as the rub-out of a competitor than as the rub-out of an upright politician out to clean up the town.

    The strangest aspect of the Zangara as mob assassin scenario is that Gus Russo, Tim's hero, subscribes to it. Even better, he claims that Dave Yaras--JACK RUBY'S CHILDHOOD FRIEND--was the brains behind it. Seeing as he believes this, is it possible he honestly believes Ruby's involvement in the Kennedy assassination, where another "lone-nut" just went haywire and killed a prominent politician, was a coincidence? I think not. I think Russo changed the premise of his book at the last second, either on a whim, or under pressure from his publisher, and now he's stuck with it.


    The Guns Of Zangara

    Part One

    By John William Tuohy


    Almost 70 years ago, an enigmatic Italian immigrant bricklayer named Giuseppe Zangara momentarily leaped onto history's stage and took a misguided shot at President-elect Franklin Roosevelt and, accidentally, killed Chicago's reform mayor, Anton Cermak. Or so the story goes. But over the next six-and-a-half decades, the shooting only created more questions than it answered. Who was Zangara, and who was his intended victim Anton Cermak, and did the Chicago mob order the killing?

    The recent discovery of lost government records can now answer those questions and forever seal the case of the Guns of Zangara.

    Like most mob murders, it started over money, greed and the lust for power. In 1931, the labor rackets business in Chicago was worth $145,000,000.00 or about a half billion dollars in today's value. In fact, unions were such easy prey for gangsters, that before prohibition, the mob saw control of labor unions, not bootleg beer, as the quickest route to riches.


    The job to end the union war with the Touhys and take out Anton Cermak fell to Paul Ricca, acting boss since Nitti had been shot. Ricca determined that the only way to deal with Cermak was to kill him. But, knocking off the mayor of the nation's second largest city would bring down more heat on the mob then Cermak ever could have gathered. Unless, of course, the murder could be thumbed off on a "nut case."

    The "Nutcase" they found was Giuseppe Zangara, a hapless Italian immigrant with a gambling problem, who was into the outfit for his eye teeth.

    To be continued

    Mr. Tuohy can be reached by writing to MobStudy@aol.com


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    1933-1935 Page 1 of 2


    Inmate population

    December 31, 1933:


    Giuseppe Zangara attempts to assassinate President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt in Miami's Bayfront Park. Instead, he mortally wounds Chicago mayor Anton J. Cermak. In perhaps one of the shortest periods of time between crime and execution (32 days), Zangara is executed on March 20, 1933 in Florida's electric chair. The bizarre story of Zangara is detailed in a book by Blaise Picchi entitled "The Five Weeks of Giuseppe Zangara: The Man Who Would Assassinate FDR."


    The following is an excerpt from a review of that book, written by Florence King.

    "......At 9:15 on the evening of February 15, 1933, the greatest "what if" in American history was played out in Miami's Bayfront Park. The attempted assassination of President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt is almost forgotten today, but for connoisseurs of Fate there is nothing quite like it..."


    "......Walter Winchell, who was in Miami that night, immediately concluded that Zangara was not a presidential assassin but a hit man for the Chicago mob who had been sent to shoot the man he did in fact shoot: Mayor Anton Cermak. Many people agreed; Cermak was a reform mayor and dedicated anti-Prohibitionist who had made enemies in the underworld, but Zangara insisted that he wanted to shoot only "kings and presidents" and disclaimed all ties to all groups except the bricklayers' union, which, he said, he had joined only because he had to. "I don't like no peoples," he explained.

    The FBI investigation proved him right: He belonged to nothing and no one. An atheist, he believed only in "what I see. Land, sky, moon," and said he felt no remorse over wounding Cermak and Mrs. Gill, but his rationale was not so much cold and psychopathic as matter-of-fact and practical: "You can't find a king or a president alone. Lots of people stick around him and you got to take chance to kill him. All the chiefs of people, never alone. The chief of government you no see alone. He go all the time with a bunch."

    Since Cermak and Mrs. Gill were still alive, Zangara was arraigned on four counts of assault with intent to kill, with a murder charge pending should one or both of them die. He insisted on pleading guilty, saying, "I kill capitalists because they kill me, stomach like drunk man. No point living. Give me electric chair." Sentenced to four terms of 20 years each, he told the judge, "Don't be stingy, give me hundred." He rejected an appeal.

    The whole picture changed for Zangara when Anton Cermak died on March 6, two days after FDR's inauguration. His death came about through a misdiagnosis of his injuries that his doctors tried to cover up by citing a pre-existing condition. This opened a legal door for Zangara to claim that his bullet had not caused Cermak's death, but he insisted on pleading guilty.

    He was electrocuted on March 20 in what still stands as the swiftest legal execution in this century. It's a measure of his unknowable personality that he was able to be both stoic and cocky in the death chamber. To the minister intoning sonorous prayers he snapped, "Get to hell out of here, you sonofabitch," and strode toward the chair unassisted, shouting, "I go sit down all by myself." A reporter-witness compared it to a man hopping into a barber's chair. As they put the hood on him he called out, "Viva Italia! Goodbye to all poor peoples everywhere!" His last words, spoken to Sheriff Hardie at the controls, were "Pusha da button!"

    The story of the attempt on FDR's life has never been told except in a few magazine articles, but now Florida criminal lawyer Blaise Picchi has filled the 65-year gap with The Five Weeks of Giuseppe Zangara, a book that is impossible to put down. A native Floridian, Picchi paints an evocative picture of a vanished Miami that conveys the texture of a bygone age, interviews the still-living persons who were there on the fatal night, digs up never-published documents, and presents a Zangara who is intriguingly reminiscent of Celine, the French writer who was cleared of charges that he collaborated with the Nazis when the judges agreed that "he was too much of a loner to collaborate with anybody......."


    From: www.namebase.org/


    Giancana,S.& C. Double Cross. 1992 (64)

    Moldea,D. Dark Victory. 1987 (21-2)

    Scheim,D. Contract on America. 1988 (7-9)

    pages cited this search: 6

    Order hard copy of these pages


  4. A query for Gerry:

    Would you have any idea whether or not these "wire" recordings have survived, lo these many years hence?

    If so, could they possibly be accessed through any means? [FOI lawsuit?] If so, possibly by whom? [Who might have sufficient standing, in whatever capacity, to access the info?]

    Or am I poking a stick into a hornets' nest here?



    As I stated, Jack Mohr told his cohorts that he had recovered and "secreted" Hoover's confidential files. It didn't take long for some folks to figure out that: If "indeed", he now controlled "in-toto" this horde of "black-mail" material, then most of those who constantly suffered under "Queen" Hoover's threats -- would now be expected to "cow-tow" to the new "Curator of the Crown Jewels"!!

    This very thought struck panic into the hearts of certain politicians (mostly those who were guilty of "venal", not "mortal" sins]; but for those who were "close to the seats of power" -- Things didn't look so good.

    Included in this "primo" group of "patriots" -- were those absolutely corrupt federal, state, and municipal politicos (and certain military "Honchos"). They all immediately hit the panic button and began to feverishly "thrash about in the bushes"!!

    Some very bright folks on the 4th floor at Langley decided to run a little test on Mohr's main "claims to fame". He had a certain "weakness", and this was used to bring him into several closed social events; where he had previously boasted of his new ill-gotten "powers".

    The CIA guys, having previously discovered exactly how Hoover was "storing" said files, spent weeks setting Mohr up at a locale where the $64 question could be posed.

    This, in and of itself -- was an extremely innocent set of (half a dozen "casual") questions. One was: "....Jack...aren't you allergic to all of the mold and dust which has accumulated in these old file cabinets and boxes...??!! "...Jack...one would think that only a very few close associates would have been permitted access to those files...so hell...I imagine that some went untouched for years..and have most likely degrade..??!!

    His first response just about answered the question: The original suspicions as to: Did he really have the files, was suddenly moot, just like water evaporating into a cloud of steam, rises and blows away. The very next task was to determine IF he had even seen any of the files.

    Over a period of weeks, he always answered casually, to these seemingly innocent questions, as he felt that they were of no real consequence. Then he made the fatal error of describing how he had held specific files in his hands. And moreover, that while most of the samples read were serious subject matter -- oftentimes they were outrageously funny !! That was his ultimate and fatal blunder.

    Mohr, on more than one occasion had insisted that: His biggest worry was NOT, that his secret cache hiding place might be discovered, but that his greatest fear was more along the line of his getting a serious infection from a simple paper cut, which might put him in the hospital. How courageous indeed was this genuine "Patriot" !!

    A "Voice Stress Analyser" (P.S.E.) was used during two of these sessions, and as expected -- he showed absolutely no stress when referring to the "paper cut" worries. This spoke volumes, and it was decidedly obvious that Mohr didn't even have the slightest idea of the format or composition of "his" files.

    While I was working on the "Dark Side of Camelot" project, and in a conversation about Hoover's having had "the goods" on most of the "Kennedy Clan" -- I mentioned that: Should a person "accidently" come across just a portion of these files, wouldn't they serve to verify that either Hoover was bluffing, or he actually "had the goods" ??!!

    The response was: That this "illegal blackmail" material could be presumed as being "highly classified" data, and even getting near it could invite a federal indictment or two. And moreover, it was still quite possible that some of the "powerful folks" [who might still be sweating out Jack Mohr's bullxxxx tales] -- could become pissed-off enough to take "precautions" ??!! Especially precautions of a degree a tad higher than just "damage control" -- Like actual physical violence !!

    Later, and presuming that they had "run-it-past-the-lawyers" at ABC; within a week -- they said that we might as well "go for it !!" -- even if we decide later that we can't use any of it on the air.

    I had recounted the story of a prisoner in a lock-up [1976] who had made urgent efforts trying to contact Mitch WerBell -- had eventually drawn me down the into the "Intrigue Alley". When the convict got the message that "Mitch III" wasn't interested in autograph seekers or "groupies"; he cautiously explained that WerBell and he had done a lot of business together. And more importantly, that the mere mention of his name would result in "instant" efforts by WerBell to locate him.

    When"Mitch II" was apprised of this dude's urgent desire to make contact; his response was of an "excited" voice, urging that immediate measures be taken to arrange a meet. WerBell indicated that this was a "really important" person, and that he had been frustrated for months in his own attempts at locating this guy.

    "..Where the hell is he...and how soon can you set up a meet..??!! I explained that this character was not available locally, and that it might take a few weeks to get through to him. Mitch III responded: "...Well...I guess that this guy took my advice and got the hell out of the country...??!! I responded that indeed it was something like that.

    After casually inquiring as to the "great importance" of any dealings with this character, he vaguely mentioned that this guy has some critical documents. And that anybody with the right connections could either "name-his-price", or even better yet -- "Do a Hoover on a bunch of very vulnerable VIPs up in Washington" !!

    Needless to say, this didn't clue me in on "zip". I decided that during the next conversation with this guy (using a cut-out] -- I would insure that sometime during the R/V a mention would be made as to "Hoover". And hinting that If the guy couldn't "do the deed" -- then WerBell wasn't interested in even hearing from him at all.

    Surprise !! During the very next conversation -- the dude whispered that: WerBell should be informed that he still had the "Hoover Stuff", and that he wanted to either get rid of it -- or as agreed before, transfer ALL of what he had to WerBell. A test question was popped at him, and it concerned the bulkiness & weight of the "load". He correctly answered that these thousands of files didn't weight anything at all, and could be moved in a small van. When that response was passed back to me, I said: "...Correcto Boyo..!!

    I was never interested in determining what role WerBell, or for that matter, the Quantum Corp. folks might have had going with this whole scheme. A couple of times, I actually considered sticking my fingers in my ears -- so as to clue WerBell in that: I really didn't have any interest whatsoever in hearing about something which I was never about to involve myself in.

    Dribs and drabs over a few weeks, up to "The Farm" at Powder Springs, Georgia, and in my private aircraft -- the usual circuitous route of leisurely flying back to Miami. What I reluctantly pieced together was that when WerBell was first apprised of this cache of Hoover files, he immediately checked with Col. Bob Bayard [later murdered in Atlanta] and ultimately with Col. Lucien Conein.

    Both had advised WerBell to absolutely stay away from this crap !! But, when he persisted (and reinforced by certain financiers); he was told to put this character to a specific Q & A test -- with a focus on the size and weight, or even the appearance of said files.

    When WerBell passed the results of the "test' on to Lou Conein and Bayard, they both agreed that indeed this guy must have at least a portion of the "goods" under his control.

    When Jennings and Hersh passed the word down to Ft. Lauderdale -- to "have a go at it", I reminded them that it would take a few days to locate this clown. After that, I would need at least 4 days [and some airline tickets] to perform this "feat". I informed them of the need of expense money, but that I didn't want it sent to me immediately. I wanted that to await untill I was close to the "subject-of-interest". Then it should be wire-transferred via a law firm only. [Nothing like doing investigations for lawyers to cover one's ass !!]

    I located the dude out West, and had the travel agent route me the long way around. Thus I ended up spending a few days staying at Noel Twyman's "gated community" estate. [Nothing like keeping the surveillance down to a minimum]

    While at Twyman's, we spent a couple of days going over his files & "galleys" for "Bloody Treason". He later insisted that: As I continued my journey, that I should use his brand new "Jeep Cherokee". Good idea, and leave at night, and take the long route up to the Los Angeles area.

    Once in the L.A. "smog-belt", I stopped by my brother's law offices, and made a few more calls -- and thus pin-pointed, and later set up, a meet with the guy. I decided to parked Twyman's Jeep at my brother's place, rent another "Cherokee" -- and after the funds were wire transferred, start trekking ever onward.

    A couple of days later, while meeting with the dude, I opted to pose the very same Q & A test that had been done years before. And again he passed with flying colors. He wanted to know how soon he could unload this stuff -- and was a little curious as to who the parties of interest might be, since WerBell had died some years before ??!!

    As expected, his attitude was one of complete indifference. He stated that he had no need for money, but that the travel involved wasn't going to come out of his own pocket. "...No sweat Jose..we'll cover everything..that is...if my contacts are still interested this week...!!" And what did that mean ?? I explained that since we were involved with extremely outdated material, and my contacts already were showing signs of hesitation -- I would get back to him the next day to report whether the "trip-was-on"!!

    I wasn't at all surprised when the very next day -- the "Dark Side" folks called a pre-arranged telephone site, stating that: "the-powers-that-be" suddenly wanted nothing to do with this cache !!

    The "Big-Ass-Secret" as to why the Langley folks knew that Jack Mohr was lying ?? Well, it seems that "Queen" Hoover, upon inquiring as to the possibilities of reducing the enormous volume of his files -- it was suggested to him that: An exploration of "micro-dot" film recordation techniques might be in order.

    Back during the 1960s, "Micro-Fiche" had been developed by CIA using German experts in Frankfurt. So,

    when FBI "coolies" inquired of this "Kraut-GMBh" for a price estimate of this [not yet available "to-the-public" commodity] -- Langley gave the "go-ahead". They hoped to "scrounge" some "freebie" FBI files during the processing. But, it didn't work out that way -- as Hoover's goons made damn sure that everything was done in a secure area.

    All tape recordings were transcribed, and all files ended up on fibre cards. Weird that even by 1972, Jack Mohr was completely ignorant of the existence of Micro-Fiche ??!!

    So, out there somewhere is a small cache of hermetically sealed miltary electronics cases (with dessicant packs attached) -- full of, mostly outdated "Tabloid-Style" materials, and about now -- I could really give a xxxx !!




  5. Mark: Actually, if I understand Gerry correctly (and he can be difficult to understand), he doesn't believe in the validity of Habeas Corpus. He went on a rant (directed at me, incidently) in the best books thread. During the course of this, he related how during some unspecified time he confronted some unnamed "Habeas Corpus law professor" and totally debunked and disgraced him, sending him back to the books.


    I routinely try to avoid "tutoring" folks who are expected to: Either know and understand their subject matter, or de minimus; ask for clarification as to ANY posting. But, it seems that ego always gets in the way, and far too many want to be seen as "all-around-experts-in-the-every-field-and-category" !!

    If you are ignorant in the law, there is definitely no shame attached thereto!! It is one of the most difficult of professions to learn -- save for medicine and nuclear physics. Unfortunately, the majority of those whom "Practise" in this field, seem to look for the easy way out. They consistently resort to the use of "pre-printed pleadings" [documents filed before a tribunal] andwhich, most attorneys call "Boiler-Plate".

    That law professor [like hundreds of like-minded "loafers"] also took the easy way out; in that he tended to accept the current state of "Habeas Corpus Law" as being totally correct. He was quite dismayed to learn that "The Great Writ" -- and as it exists today, is what I have styled as "Unconstitutional Vel Non".

    One of the first "Defenders of Freedom" to unlawfully "Suspend the Great Writ" was President Abraham Lincoln !! And he did it illegally on several occasions !! [see the "Milligan Case" - SCOTUS 1863] Lincoln was repeatedly upset that certain "Draft Dodgers" were being released from military custody by federal judges. Even worse, those accused of aiding the CSA Rebels were also being released, or at least being brought before a magistrate -- where their arrest and jailing by the miltary was successfully challenged, and the prisoners were freed.

    [Congress later took action against this usurpation of law enforcement jurisdiction by the use of the military, and they did this by enacting the "Posse Comitatus Act" -- which Bush 43 is attempting to have amended, or outright repealed. So far, every such move would be immediately held as "unconstitutional" by the federal appellate courts, especially the 9th Circuit !! -- But only "IF" there were lawyers with the requisite skills, and more importantly -- the requisite "Balls"]

    It took me almost 16 years to even get a handle on "Habeas Corpus Law" -- and my final effort cost me 1,704 hours of law library research, and consumed routinely an average of 12 hours per day. That professor, and many others, including law deans, professors, and currently "famous" attorneys have always resorted to the same retort: "...You had the luxury of considerable amounts of "free" time, and which enabled you to advance far ahead of we practicioners...!!" "...Our reality is...that we must earn a living...and this consumes most of our working days...and 'Sabbaticals'....!!

    I have always agreed with them, and in making reference to the number of attorneys in my own family, and the numerous law firms which I have labored for, I have responded thus: "...Other than in those very frequent 'child custody' challenges (during divorce proceedings)....Habeas is actually the singular tool for 'post-conviction relief' [for those who have been convicted of crime]...and whom are currently serving out their sentences...".

    "...SCOTUS has ruled repeatedly that: Convicts have NO RIGHT to an attorney [viz: Public Defenders, or court appointed private counsel].....especially where the taxpayers have to foot the bill...in either the preparation of the 'petition/application'...or the later representation necessary, should the convict actually get a hearing -- or an 'exceedingly rare' trial in the matter..."!!

    Because some of the Alcatraz convicts had prevailed in Habeas matters [before San Francisco federal magistrates and district court judges; the Congress opted to "unconstitutionally suspend Habeas through the enactment of the 1947 "Judiciary Act"!! These laws also caused the "re-codification" of the U.S. Code [by the employment of so-called "legal experts" hired by WestLaw, Inc.] What never ceases to amaze me is: Most of the Senators and Representatives actually believed that they were "liberalizing" the old "illegal theories" [and case law - stare decisis] which had effectively denied prisoners their constitutional rights. [see: Congrssional & Administrative Law Reports (1947-48]

    My first "Habeas Victory" was: In changing of the law in Florida, and in several other states. The 1983 issue was: Whether a person, other than the convict himself, could "lawfully" [and within "The Rules of Court"] file a pleading ["Petition" or "Civil Complaint"] to a trial court, an appellate court, or to a state supreme court ??!! And especially where: The convict is NOT "noncompis mentis", and is physically and mentally able to scrawl out his own "pleadings" to a court of competent jurisdiction ??!!

    My argument before the 1st District Court of Appeal (Tallahassee, Florida] began with my citing of the not well known SCOTUS ruling of the late 1800s. In ts opinion, the Court firmly held that: Family members, associates, and/or friends [styled as "Next Friends"] were lawfully entitled to file on behalf of the jailed [or imprisoned or convicted] person, regardless of his abiltity to do so himself.

    This case involved Justice Stephen J. Field, when he was "riding circuit" [as all justices were then required to do, acting both as trial and appellate judges in the several states within their Circuits]. He was the target of an attempted assassination, which was planned to go down while he was lunching at a train station in central California. When the nascent Secret Service and the "Pinkertons" informed the Chief Justice of The United States, all involved were in a quandry [or "... an enigma inside a puzzle...etc."] !!

    The Secret Service had NO jursdiction, funding, nor authority -- which might permit that agency to provide "executive Protection" for the Justices. The Chief Justice implored Justice Field to delay, or completely abandon -- his legally required "Riding of the Circuit"; but to no avail !! The Deputy U. S. Marshals were at that time, authorized ONLY to provide protection during the annual "Term of the Court"; and then only in the immediacy of the court itself; and sometimes involving infrequent home security.

    [sCOTUS begins now begins its "Term"on the 1st Monday in October, and ends during July of the following year].

    The Chief Justice "ordered" Field to permit "an off-duty/vacationing" US Marshal to accompany him while riding circuit. The "Chief" paid all of the salary and expenses for this Marshal out of his own pocket. This Marshal had been briefed [days before departure from Washington, D.C.] in almost exacting detail, as to who the suspected "assailants" were, and more or less, which spot on the train ride was selected for the"Killing Zone".

    The SCOTUS decision in this later "Habeas Matter" gives only the barest of outlines as to the name of the shooter, and the fact that the US Marshal had killed him in "self defense". One then wonders, why the hell would a US Marshal be jailed in the local calaboose for doing his sworn duty ??!!

    Nevertheless, the opinion centers upon the fact that: Justice Field took it upon himself to file a "Writ of Habeas Corpus" in the U.S. Marshal's name. It was summarily denied -- and upon an appeal to the California Supreme Court, it was denied once again ["Affirmed the lower tribunal's ruling"]. Justice Field thereupon filed a "Writ of Error" directly to SCOTUS. [The current "Writs of Certiorari" didn't replace the W.O.E.s until 1917]

    So, to get the "real inside story on this case" -- one has to go to that section of the law library where -- they have the "Law Review Articles" (from Universities) on the shelves. Then you have to make a trip to the local (and hopefully well stocked) metropolitan library in order to finish up your research into this very strange case.

    The shooting scene is portrayed as follows: The assassin, who was accompanied by his wife; approached Justice Field's dinner table, and all the while wearing a look of fury and grim determination. The Marshal ["body-guard"] immediately recognized the assailant (and his wife) from "Daguerrotype Photos" shown to him during his briefing, and had carried two of them on his person throughout the trip.

    Upon his rising from the table, the US Marshal reached for his "Colt Dragoon" (.44 calibre 'cap & ball' revolver), and at the same time ordered the assassin to "Halt"; and loudly declaring to the "assassin-to-be" that he was under arrest !!

    The assassin's wife had been carrying his "Horse-Pistol" concealed in her purse -- and she promptly drew it and handed it to her husband. The US Marshal shot him dead with two slugs taking out both of the assassin's eyeballs. [The corpse's gruesome appearance at the "Undertaker's" almost caused a riot by the townfolks !!]

    And WHY was there NO understanding nor sympathy for either Justice Field or the US Marshal ?? First, they were "Yankees" in "Confederate States" territory. Secondly, and moRE importantLY was the fact that:

    (1) The assassin was well known to almost everybody in central and northern California; and this was because he had been the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court, that is: until Stephen J. Field exposed him as a leader of both the KKK and the "Barbary Coast Gangs" [HQ in "Frisco"]; and those charges caused his removal from the "Bench & The Bar" !!;

    (2) Since every official in that area was a colleague (and fellow criminal & "klansman") in "Cahoots" [from the Spanish word "Junta"] with these assassins, any thought of "justice", "due process", etc., was totally out of the picture; and,

    (3) That is why SCOTUS held that: A person "acting as Next Friend" could make the application in the stead for an occused or convicted felon !!

    Because almost ALL of the States ignore the case precendents laid down by the Supreme Court of The United States, and despite over 120+ plus years of following cases "On All Fours" with the Field Case; there continues to be a never ending plague of "Fascists" who are bound-and-determined to ignore the Great Writ and continue this unconstitutional "Suspension of Habeas Corpus" !!

    [All the while ignoring the clause in the U.S. Constitution which "clearly prohibits suspension of same" save for very specific and limited circumstances.]

    Finally, why are most legal practitioners and politicians totally igorant of Habeas law ?? Because it is NOT taught to any sufficient degree in law colleges, and more importantly: Convicts ain't got no Money !!

    So what would encourage an attorney to summarily abandon his practise; and for the minimum 6 months of special courses on Habeas, especially when he finishes said courses of instruction; he will make absolutely "nil" on any of the convict's cases ??!!

    So I "Hate Habeas ??!!" Either your feigning stupidy in the grasping of "plain English", or you are attempting to gain a "freebie" legal education ??!! Which is it -- "KID?"




  6. It seems to be Tim's suggestion that there was to be a failed assassination attempt to be blamed on Castro to justify a US invasion of Cuba ("C Day".) If the proposed invasion was known and approved by the Kennedys, as "Ultimate Sacrifice" posits, then arguably the Kennedys even knew about the fake assassination attempt.... And what a perfect opportunity for the Mafia to "hijack" the fake attempt and make it real. The CIA had already created and had in place a man the assassins could turn in to "the perfect patsy".If the above is close to what happened, it would certainly explain RFK's desperate attempt to "cover up". A most interesting scenario.
    "I now believe you are right to suggest to me that the person who was supposed to be sitting in that seat was Ralph Yarborough, LBJ’s liberal political enemy, which explains not only why they were shooting at him but also why LBJ put up such a huge fuss over who should ride with JFK. When Jack insisted that the Chief Executive of the state should ride with the Chief Executive of the United States that morning, it must have been too late to change the arrangements that were in place." http://www.paranormalnews.com/article.asp?articleId=569

    A fake assassination plot being hijacked to become a real one brings up the issue of who was the intended passenger with the president. There is no debate that people were arguing about it right up until Air Force One landed in Dallas. Many have suspected that LBJ was strongly motivated to have the passenger be Yarborough because he had foreknowledge and wouldn't want his protege, Connally, in the line of fire. But considering foreknowledge that the passenger is to be a target and lending consideration to the possibility that the fake attempt was an Operation Northwoods plot to create a precipating action for the Cuban invasion, it would have been the Kennedy forces most adamently arranging for it to be Connally. In this scenario, Oswald, who personally loathed Connally, would be assigned to shoot the Governor, with the appearance being a Castro attempt against Kennedy. This has its historical percusor in the murder of Chicago Mayor Cermak while in the presence of FDR in 1933.



    Elliot Ness considered Kennard Smith to be the "Last of his Untouchables" -- because Smith had worked with Ness as an investigator, almost up to his death during 1957.

    The actual "Last of The Untouchables" died many years later, and had lived out his last years in Perrine, Florida -- just south of Miami.

    Smith also had a loose acquaintanceship with Melvin Purvis, but this was when Smith was quite young. When I asked Ken about the "inside scoop" on the shooting of Mayor Cermak, he related to me that: Both Ness and Purvis believed that "Queen" Hoover had tried to do a complete cover-up -- but had failed.

    The first salient "facts" that came out immediately upon a cursory investigation were:

    (1) The bullet recovered from Cermak's chest was a .45 ACP calibre round, not a .32 cal., and moreover, no attempt was made to trace the recovered slug back to Zangara's .32 cal. revolver;

    (2) The doctors at Jackson Memorial Hospital had very good reason to go along with the cover-up. This was simply because it was their malpractice [in the E. R. and post-Op] which caused an otherwise non-fatal wound to became infected. This being coupled with a failure to close one artery completely, ultimately led to internal bleeding -- and this was the actual cause of his death;

    (3) The "Hoover-fabricated-legend" about Zangara faded greatly a few months later. This occurred when a high ranking official of the Italian Caribinieri passed some military documents to the Rome based representative of the National Cash Register Company;

    (4) But, since Zangara had already been electrocuted ["after a speedy trial"), said documents were just filed away. These documents were Zangara's military records, and they showed that he had been a member of the Italian Army Olympic Pistol Team -- and was one of their top shooters;

    (5) The documents further disclosed that: Zangara had illegally supplied the Mafia with both police and military dossiers and "anti-Mafia plans". The last segment of an investigative file indicated that Zangara had been forced to cooperate with the Mafia only after both his mother and sister had first been threatened, and shortly thereafter -- kidnapped and held hostage;

    (6) The high ranking Italian officer would add verbally only [to the NCR Rep.] that: Zangara had been encouraged to cooperate with the criminal element, and especially when Zangara informed this superior officer that he was scheduled to go to America to "work" for the Mafia; and,

    (7) The top ranking superiors of this officer were thrilled that they would be able to once again form a relationship with the American law enforcement authorities, and this had been a firm "Compact" due to the fact that Italy had been a WWI Ally. However, and beginning even before the Volstead act took effect, the U.S. Government was quite angry at the widespread corruption linked to the bootlegging the drug trafficking. Blatant corruption of American police departments and politicians had soured completely all of the prior formal agreements !!

    One wonders whether Jack Ruby was in the process of protecting members of his own family when he executed LHO ??!!


    From Where Were You Before The Tree of Life? Vol 5

    by Peter Farley

    . . .How limited the human mind is in being able to grasp the concept of a conspiracy so big as to have lasted tens of thousands of years. The following excerpts from Contract on America The Mafia Murder of President John F. Kennedy by David Scheim, even show how long (and how obvious) has been the relationship between these ruling families, the political and judicial arms of the United States, and one of its enforcing agencies—organized crime:

    The Assassination of RFK:

    "The key to unraveling this mystery may lie in thousands of documents collected during the investigation that for nearly twenty years were locked away in Los Angeles Police files. All that was released was a widely expurgated summary that is of no value to scholars. Finally, in December 1986, after calls to open these files from two Los

    Angeles newspapers and several concerned citizens, Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley fulfilled a promise to press for such disclosure, and the City Council passed a resolution to effect it. Although these RFK files have been turned over to the California State Archives, nothing has been released as of this writing. It is imperative that this evidence be expeditiously and fully disclosed.

    "If in fact hints of underworld involvement in the RFK killing are true, we have come full circle in the Mafia's contract on America. For recall that on February 15, 1933, Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak was shot together with several bystanders as Guiseppe Zangara stepped forward and fired his revolver. Cermak, who dies after accusing the mob of the shooting, had, like Robert Kennedy, aroused its wrath by intensive official action against it. And Zangara, the conjectured victim of a Mafia squeeze play, was, like Sirhan, a drifter who spent much of his time betting at race tracks.

    "But most chillingly reminiscent of the Cermak slaying was the role of suspected second gunman Gene Cesar. For, according to noted sociologist Saul Alinsky, the way Cermak was killed had "been commonly known for many years in many circles in Chicago." As quoted earlier from The Bootleggers by Kennedy Allsop, "In the crowd near Zangara was another armed man—a Capone killer. In the flurry of shots six people were hit—but the bullet that struck Cermak was a .45, and not from the .32-calibre pistol used by Zangara, and was fired by the unknown Capone man who took advantage of the confusion to accomplish his mission."

    (^Like JFK and RFK's killers, there has always been at least one other professional to do the job while the front man takes the blame)..."


    Warren Commission Report: Page 512

    (APPENDIX VII - A Brief History of Presidential Protection)

    As the scope of the Presidency expanded during the 20th century, the Secret Service found the problems of protection becoming more numerous. In 1906, for the first time in history, a President traveled outside the United States while in office. When Theodore Roosevelt visited Panama in that year, he was accompanied and protected by Secret Service men.41 In 1918-19 Woodrow Wilson broadened the precedent of Presidential foreign travel when he traveled to Europe with a Secret Service escort of 10 men to attend the Versailles Peace Conference.42

    The attempt on the life of President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 further demonstrated the broad scope and complexity of the protection problems facing the Secret Service. Giuseppe Zangara was a bricklayer and stonemason with a professed hatred of capitalists and Presidents. He seemed to be obsessed with the desire to kill a President. After his arrest he confessed that he had first planned to go to Washington to kill President Herbert Hoover, but as the cold climate of the North was bad for his stomach trouble, he was loath to leave Miami, where he was staying. When he read in the paper that President-elect Roosevelt would be in Miami, he resolved to kill him.43

    On the night of February 15, 1933, at, a political rally in Miami's Bayfront Park, the President-elect sat on the top of the rear seat of his automobile with a small microphone in his hand as he made a short informal talk. Fortunately for him, however, he slid down into the seat just before Zangara could get near enough to take aim. The assassin's arm may have been jogged just as he shot; the five rounds he directed at Roosevelt went awry. However, he mortally wounded Mayor Anton Cermak, of Chicago, and hit four other persons; the President-elect, by a miracle, escaped. Zangara, of course, never had any chance of escaping.44

    Zangara was electrocuted on March 20, 1933, only 33 days after his attempt on Roosevelt. No evidence of accomplices or conspiracy came to light, but there was some sensational newspaper speculation, wholly undocumented, that Zangara may have been hired by Chicago gangsters to kill Cermak.45

    The force provided since the Civil War by the Washington Metropolitan Police for the protection of the White House had grown to 54 men by 1922.46 In that year Congress enacted legislation creating the White House Police Force as a separate organization under the direct control of the President.47 This force was actually supervised by the President's military aide until 1930, when Congress placed supervision under the Chief of the Secret Service.48 Although Congress transferred control and supervision of the force to the Secretary of the Treasury in 1962,49 the Secretary delegated supervision to the Chief of the Secret Service.50


    Anton Cermak

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

    Anton Cermak, in Czech Antonín Čermák, (May 9, 1873 - March 6, 1933) was the mayor of Chicago, Illinois, from 1931 until his death in 1933.

    Born in Kladno, Bohemia (now the Czech Republic), Cermak emigrated with his parents to the United States in 1874. He began his political career as a precinct captain and in 1902 was elected to the Illinois state legislature. Seven years later, he would take his place as alderman of the 12th Ward (Bridgeport, the home base of future mayors Richard J. Daley, Mike Bilandic and Daley's son Richard M. Daley). Once elected mayor of Chicago in 1931, in the wake of the Great Depression and the deep resentment many Chicagoans had of Prohibition, Cermak treated the city as if it were a personal business and tried to provide the best service possible. He was so popular that anyone who went up against him was achieving their own political death. While riding in an open car next to President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt in Miami Beach, Florida on February 15, 1933, Cermak was shot and fatally wounded when Giuseppe Zangara tried to assassinate Roosevelt and hit Cermak instead. Some have theorized Cermak, not Roosevelt, had been the intended target as he was intent on driving the Mafia (at least its Capone faction) out of Chicago. Cermak died of his wounds on March 6 and was interred at Bohemian National Cemetery, Chicago.

    Cermak is considered the father of Chicago's powerful Democratic political machine. Before Cermak, new immigrants in the early 1900s such as Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, Italians, and blacks were apolitical. Cermak, with help from FDR on the national level, also gradually wooed blacks into the Democratic fold. The taunt of William Hale Thompson in the 1931 mayor's race, representative of the WASPs who had led Chicago for years, only backfired on him.


    Cermak's son-in-law, Otto Kerner Jr., was Illinois governor from 1961 to 1968 and later headed the Kerner Commission, which issued a report on race relations in the United States. Kerner was appointed a judge of the United States Court of Appeals, a post he had to resign in 1973 after being convicted for his role in an illegal racetrack financing scheme while serving as governor.




  7. On a November day some 373 years ago the pope named Cardinal Richelieu Protonotary Apostolic in France.

    Cardinal Richelieu is known for starting the secret police. While he was dying, his chaplain asked if he forgave his enemies. Richelieu replied, "There are none left."

    Proving, I guess, that there is indeed nothing new under the sun!

    The funny thing is, they think they fool history in the process.

    Tim, Not sure where the Chevmeister lives these day's. Always felt his post-SNL career, after a pretty good start really tailed off.

    Lynne, If Richelieu thought he was going to be able to fool history, he certainly was proved wrong. BTW, Is it true that you only date men who don't like Jim Garrison?


    HEY !! HEY !! ME !! ME!!

    I'm a dirty old man -- and divorced [The "Ex" is out visiting right now!!]

    By that photo -- she looks like a Beverly Hills Babe. I sure hope that she didn't "do-a-Mellen" and submit a photo which is a few years old. You know, like the one John posted for ME !!



  8. FWIW a faked assassination attempt would explain the first shot missing the limo completely and hitting the pavement. This would be followed (perhaps unbeknownst to the first errant shooter) by shots meant to kill.

    The idea of a deliberately errant shooter might also explain that only one conventional rifle/ammunition was in play that day. Those who don't believe in the SBT are at a loss to explain why more shots weren't heard. One explanation is that the shots came in volleys, but an alternative would be that one conventional rifle was firing while other rifles were silenced and possibly firing frangible bullets. This scenario would likely still involve the Carcano firing into the limo to plant evidence.

    The Tague shot is another element which defies easy explanation. Even a deliberately errant shooter would have to be missing the limo by a wildly huge margin to hit the Tague curb. Given that there were no traces of copper on the curb, the bullet would have to have been a dejacketed ricochet [even the WC didn't believe this latter-day Posner contrivance] or a non-jacketed frangible bullet from a near-miss which reverse trajectory would demonstrate to have originated from the Dal-Tex building.




    While working on the "JFK" movie [both in Dallas & later in N.O.] I took great pains in detailing the years of "Ballistic-Tradecraft" used by ALL security services when executing "Wet/Ops".

    First: Years before I had explained these "techniques" directly to "Jimbo/Gumbo" Garrison in a "well-swept" and-presumably-BUG free" hotel room [randomly-picked by ME !!] at the N.O. Fontainebleau Hotel. [June 1967]

    At the onset of a "glazed-eyeball" look, I shortened my "perenniallly-wandering" narrative to short and sweet paragraphs. I sure as hell didn't want him gong catatonic on me once again -- and then reaching for his "Meds ?? -- which guaranteed that he would be "Out-of-It" within minutes !!

    The "spiel" to Stone was: "..Oliver...when I explained this same line of supposition to Billings during 1968... and again later during 1992 [Washington, D.C.]....I described in great detail exactly how a "Meat-Shot" was accomplished...and this was the 'ultimate-frame-up' in which an "Almost-Pristine" bullet would be recovered by the forensics folks during the post-mortem...!!

    [Too bad that the "C.S.I. TV Producers" are extremely wary of including same within any of their episodes]

    The son of my most favorite war correspondent works onboard said series !!

    I "tutored" Garrison as follows: The "Meat-Shot" is done witha semi-pristine bullet, which usually has been fired into a barrel of water [NOT cotton] -- and thus it carries the "lands & grooves" drilled inside all rifle barrels; and is acepted by ALL courts as admissable evidence, and even beyond that of latent fingerprint lifts, which might well be challenged as to "number-of-points" by a "Defense Expert Witness".

    The "Meat-Shot" bullet -- unfortunately carries the "Signature" of having been previosly fired into water; and that "signature" is: The rearmost lead core of a "Full-Metal-Jacket" slug will exhibit an "OVAL" disfiguration, which is caused by the "water-ballistic-wave" causing a crimping type effect. Note that WATER cannot be compressed -- and therefore reacts to ANY high velocity passage of a missile with this "crimping effect"

    [The Navy scientists at AU.T.E.C. (Fresh Creek, Andros Island, Bahamas) faced a minor version of said effect while testing torpedoes at the "Tongue of The Ocean" deep trench underwater test site.]

    [Google "Atlantic Underwater Test and Engineering Center, Andros, Island, Bahamas]

    Note also that Senator Arlen Spector's "Magic Bullet" exhibits such an "Oval" disfiguration !!

    As explained to Stone, and in much lesser detail than with Garrison -- the "Meat-Shot" must NOT be allowed to penetrate the target torso very deeply. The most common device used to deliver this "Sabot-Encased" round is by "Saw-Off Shotgun" !!

    But I as had explained to Garrison. "...Sir...you do recall that as a miltary pilot...you carried on board your "Grass-Hopper" (Cessna or Taylor-Craft "L-5")...an emergency flare pistol...and that when you rode the "jumps-seat" behind the pilots flying a Douglas C-47...and when you glanced up...just aft of the "Navigators Sextant Window" (Plexiglass bubble)...there was affixed to the "overhead"...an identical model of flare pistol....Right ??!! "..Yeah...I do recall...but what is all of this leading to...??!!

    "..Well...Sir...a Sabot-Encased "meat-shot" bullet can oftentimes be fired by this very [37mm or 40mm] calibred flare pistol...!! "....Uhuh..I think I get it now..??!!

    Further expounding upon this matter included the "facts" that the major drawbacks to this specific techniques was: The accuracy of the shot decreases after 100 +/- feet, unless you are firing "downhill".

    The 2nd "imperfection" is that when this weapon is fired, it GOES OFF WITH A VERY LOUD FIRE-CRACKER LIKE SOUNDING "BANG" !!

    I reminded ALL that contained within a forensic report there was a doctor who claimed that he had inserted his forefingers inside of JFK's back wound -- and that his finger stopped after about 4 inches, and without encountering muscle fiber -- which indicated a "minor entry" wound, and reflected a 44 degree up-angle entrance from the vertical !!

    Once again those "famous" Ballistic/Mob/Silencer-Experts" [Dale Dye & Sgt. Stanley White] disagreed profusely. And once again, Stone said those details would be researched by Rusconi, et al. -- to see if "Big Gumbo" had actually known these details during 1966-1969 ??" I retorted that: Why don't we just drive over to his hotel and see if he remembers ??!!

    Guess what ??!!"




  9. Joan Mellen employs Hemming's assertion that RFK had a face-to-face meeting with Oswald in Florida in the summer of 1963. Waldrop and Hartmann employ Hemming's assertion that RFK had a face-to-face meeting with Johnny Rosselli.
    My series of extremely "lengthy" narrative "tutoring" of Mellen [and witnessed by others -- and since reduced to sworn statements (Affidavits)] -- included that: RFK had "foolishly" presented himself before the "Road-Watcher" [NOT the "Shooter-Teams"] at either "Isolation-A" or "Isolation-B" -- or at both locales.... However, other sources also insist that RFK was NEVER face-to-face with LHO; but instead took with him, the "201 File" type Dossiers [not LHM or "302" FBI style] -- and later were kept at the Kennedy Compound in West Palm.

    If Gerry Hemming's assertions to Joan Mellen have been "reduced to sworn statements (Affidavits)," it would be illuminating to be able to read them directly. I would personally find it very disturbing to provide information to an author, only to find it misstated in the resulting book in some fundamental way. Here we have Gerry very specifically and clearly asserting that the antecdote about an RFK-Oswald face-to-face was from a secondhand source and that "other sources also insist that RFK was NEVER face-to-face with LHO...." This is not the impression created by Professor Mellen, when she wrote:

    "Without corroboration, offereing none, Hemming spins a story of Bobby choppering from Palm Beach to a training facility near Homestead Air Force base. There, Hemming imagines, Bobby met with Cubans, many of them Bay of Pigs veterans, who were part of his Special Group. According to Hemming, among the Cubans that day stood one Lee Harvey Oswald, even as independent corroboration does indeed place Oswald in Miami that summer of 1963." p. 201.

    So, contrary to Gerry Hemming's post, Professor Mellen represents that he unqualifiedly said that Oswald was among the Cubans with whom Bobby met. Professor Mellen's very next line, following the previously quoted segment, said: "The story recalls the scene in the Oval Office witnessed by attorney F. Lee Bailey." I was unable to find anywhere in the book where a scene in the Oval Office was witnessed by F. Lee Bailey. I also know of no "independent corroboration" of Oswald being in Miami in the summer of 1963.

    As for any meeting with Rosselli, that would have been under the same circumstances that Captain Bradley Ayers went into: With reference to folks "standing nearby" -- during either on ONE of RFK's visits to the Elliott Key CIA Base; or the visits to the Coral Gables-by-the-Sea safe house that Gray Lynch operated out of !! [Post-BOP with "Rolando" Martinez, et al.] The other "alleged-meeting" between RFK and "Hollywood Johnny" Rosselli NEVER happened, and was THE "intentionally-missed" encounter aboard the "Surfside-6" houseboat -- which was then tied up in front of the Fontainebleau Hotel on Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL.

    Here we have Gerry saying that there may have been some RFK-Rosselli contact at Elliot Key or at the Coral Gables-by-the-Sea safe house, but that the meeting depicted in Ultimate Sacrifice, attributed to Gerry, "NEVER happened, and was THE 'intentionally-missed' encounter aboard the 'Surfside-6' houseboat...." This is very different from the impression given by the book:

    "A former anti-Castro activist [Hemming], whose CIA and FBI files are extensive, claims that Bobby Kennedy actually met Johnny Rosselli on one occasion in Miami.... The setting for this historic meeting was the distinctive houseboat used as the setting for the briefly popular TV series Surfside Six. The houseboat would later become infamous as the place where Gianni Versace's murderer Andrew Cunanan was captured [found dead]." p. 408.




    Said Affidavits are currently held by a law firm under "Attorney-Client-Privilege" !!

    [These are just some of the documents which might find their way; as inclusions within pleadings styled as "Suggestions of Presentment" to more than one State and Federal Grand juries.] (Google or go to WestLaw for "Presentment")

    While working with Russo on the Peter Jennings/ABC/Sy Hersh "Dark Side of Camelot" production; I had numerous interviews with the "inventor" of houseboats. He stated that the "Surfside-6" H/B was one of his first production models -- and was a SINGLE STORY manufactured-house, and thereafter welded onto a barge of his own design.

    This guy recalled that: Indeed, while Larry King was using his houseboat (via a Louis Wolfson lea$e), that he was invited more than once to be onboard -- especially when certain "RFK" type personages would be visiting.

    He declined to go further until he received absolute proof that this interview was being authorized by Peter Jennings of ABC; and moreover, that he would be given editorial rights as to the "final product" to be shown on TV !! [He wanted to have his attorneys and family review said film "footage/nexi & voiceovers" prior thereto]

    As to the Versace case, this guy stated much later that THIS "long-since-sold" houseboat was: A 2-story model, and that he hadn't even kept track of it -- that is: Until the Miami Beach Police Detectives contacted his attorneys.

    In the end, both Jennings and Hersh opted to strictly avoid the "Surfside-6" scenarios -- and most likely because Larry King is a multi-millionaire, and moreover: With access to bus-loads of shysters who might "warehouse-them-to-death" most rikky-tik and "toot-sweet" !!




  10. It's interesting to note that both of the new books, A Farewell To Justice and Ultimate Sacrifice, rely upon Gerry Hemming for the major factual hooks upon which they support their respective theories. In both cases, the intriguing hooks involve Bobby Kennedy's supposed actions. Joan Mellen employs Hemming's assertion that RFK had a face-to-face meeting with Oswald in Florida in the summer of 1963. Waldrop and Hartmann employ Hemming's assertion that RFK had a face-to-face meeting with Johnny Rosselli that same summer in Florida. Does Hemming really have a singular knowledge of Bobby's activities, unmatched by any other?




    My series of extremely "lengthy" narrative "tutoring" of Mellen [and witnessed by others -- and since reduced to sworn statements (Affidavits)] -- included that: RFK had "foolishly" presented himself before the "Road-Watcher" [NOT the "Shooter-Teams"] at either "Isolation-A" or "Isolation-B" -- or at both locales.

    Moreover, I emphasized that my sources (multiple) indicated that: Though RFK was easily recognized & discernible by ALL of those present!! Most of the trainees at "Chekika" were standing in the shadows of the trees and/or alongside the "trailers/mobile homes". -- Those at the Avocado Drive facilty, were lounging about the pool area. [A stupid violation of Op/Sec & "trade-craft" in that: All concerned "already knew" that this operation was endorsed by the "Highest Authority"]

    The Navy SEALS who acted as his "Security Detail" were well armed [wearing "utilities/dungarees"] and were positioned on top of the "flat" concrete (and very solid & thick) roof of the "Shops/Garages" side of the main building. Other SEALS were positioned by the "Suburbans" (and one "Land-Rover") -- which were parked in the circular driveway. One each was posted at the two entrances to that facility.

    However, other sources also insist that RFK was NEVER face-to-face with LHO; but instead took with him, the "201 File" type Dossiers [not LHM or "302" FBI style] -- and later were kept at the Kennedy Compound in West Palm. Other sources indicate that most of these files were later removed to the "safe house" on Chain Bridge Road, a short distance from the "Hickory Hill" residence in McLean, VA.

    [LHO's complete "Bio" was included in "HIS" individual "Dossier"; and moreover, indicated that he HAD BEEN "Fluttered" on more than just one occasion !!]

    [Afterwards, RFK invited the SEALS to accompany him back to HST, and from there: Fly with him to Lantana Airport.

    [Just south of West Palm, on Hyperion Drive] -- and spoke of "drinks while sitting on the shore". The NAVY Lt. Commander in Charge, told one of RFK's "Guys" that: There was NOT enough seats in the USN H-3 "Sea King" Helicopter for any additional personnel !!]

    As for any meeting with Rosselli, that would have been under the same circumstances that Captain Bradley Ayers went into: With reference to folks "standing nearby" -- during either on ONE of RFK's visits to the Elliott Key CIA Base; or the visits to the Coral Gables-by-the-Sea safe house that Gray Lynch operated out of !! [Post-BOP with "Rolando" Martinez, et al.]

    The other "alleged-meeting" between RFK and "Hollywood Johnny" Rosselli NEVER happened, and was THE "intentionally-missed" encounter aboard the "Surfside-6" houseboat -- which was then tied up in front of the Fontainebleau Hotel on Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL.

    ["Check-Kiter/Wolfson Scammer" Larry King, was then broadcasting his radio show from that very same houseboat -- and during said "R/Vs"; eavesdropped on some of the chatter by participants -- both before and after RFK departed !!]

    [RFK was urged to leave this particular R/V because: "His" Cubans suspected that this was a yet another "Queen" Hoover "photo-op" scheme -- to give some "pay-back" for RFK's having thrown the "Fag-Orgie" pix [from Chi-Town] on his desk at the DOJ Bldg. -- and forced Hoover to "back-off" [1962] !!





  11. John, it is not my theory that Oswald acted on behalf of the Soviet Union. I suspect he may have been a US intelligence agent.

    The fact that Oswald was not a KGB agent does not mean the KGB did not do it. (Gerry Hemming says it was the GRU not the KGB.)

    I would like to know the documents to which Mr. Morley refers in order to adequately respond.

    But I would ask you this question:

    Assuming Oswald (or any other agent for that matter) killed JFK on behalf of either the CIA or the KGB (take your pick) do you think either agency would archive documentary "smoking gun" evidence?

    Somehow I do not think an intelligence agency would be so stupid.

    Let me put it this way to all who think the CIA did it: Do you think if you had unlimited access to all CIA files you would find a file proving CIA complicity in the assassination? I highly doubt it.



    Didn't I tell you, NOW how many times ??!! I told you to get rid of ("xxxx-Can") that "Super-El Cheapo" cell phone -- How many times NOW ??!!

    NOW, you need to go see the nearest Optometrist [or better yet - an Opthalmologist] 'cause your 'splainin ain't cutting it !!

    BELAY THAT LAST BLARNEY, and secure the halyards !! Get thee to a Proctologist [who is an "Optimist"] and have him immediately remove your cranial appendage from your rectal cavity !! [Howzdat for getting more PC on this "G" Rated Forum ?]

    I stated that a "COMPLOT" existed (You know, Cuban for a scheme, plot, etc.) -- and wherein a small group of serving DGI/DSE & "Rogue" G.R.U. Intel/Officers were schemeing to "pull off" a coup d'etat against Fidel, Raul, et al.!! And in order to conceal (camouflage) this effort [at beating the U.S., UK, France, etc. to the punch] by making it appear to be a "protective measure" saving the lives of the Cuban leadership.

    Otherwise, the most critical components [and personnel] involved, would have opted out in a very violent manner !! [Which some of them did, but many months, and sometimes years, later]

    Now, here is what seemed to confuse Mellen. Silvia Odio's initial statements [some to FBI snitch Connell] implicated a seeming effort by the "Barba Roja" Piniero/GRU cliques to "just penetrate", and NOT to actually neutralize -- RFK's "road-watcher/shooter teams".

    However, and by the time that the SG(A) & Langley guys took a closer look, they suddenly realized that this was NOT just some "Counter/Intel" operation by the opposition; but a FULL BLOWN scheme to assassinate JFK, RFK, and other VIPs in the "Administration" !! [including some now well known "private persons" who were essential to JFK's policies]

    Check out the "very sanitized" versions of Sylvia Odio's "testimony?", and "might" discern that she "attempted" to reveal that: Amongst a "series" of visitors to Magellan Circle [and at least two other safe-houses] were the leadership of J.U.R.E., including its Counter-Intelligence Chief, Rogelio Cisneros [War Name: "Eugenio", carried by him since his 1957 thru 1959 "M-26-7" underground cell efforts].

    THE MOST disturbing recollection by Sylvia was: 'HER" reference to the very first (known-to-her) visits by the now Mexico based Piniero/GRU "wet/ops" agents. This is how the names Leopoldo, Angel, and Leon(ardo) were later to be transposed, redacted, re-scripted, and rewritten.

    The correct version of this first DGI/GRU operators visit caught her just as she was leaving the shower, and therefore -- she hastily queried them as to their business, and WITHOUT ALLOWING THEM ENTRY, asked them to return later that week !! [Which gave her time enough to report same to her local J.U.R.E. C/I "cut-out" -- WHO, by the way -- was under the direction of one George Joannides, a (then detached from) JM/WAVE based CIA "Case Officer"]

    The very next visit was by Angelo and Bernardo, and either because Angelo desired to conceal his strong Cuban accent [whereas "Benny's" was "Spanglisized"] -- or because of "instructions"; De Torres did most of the talking.

    And what permitted them entry into Sylvia's apartment ??!! Her acceptance that: Since these "new" guys used the "seeming" code words: "....We are with Leopoldo and Leon(nardo)...they must indeed be part of this group "just-up-from-Mexico".

    The extent of her prior briefing as to how much she should know, and especially where it concerned her about her being "dangled" to the Mexico based Cuban 'penetrators" -- IS for HER to state!! And if she so elects to do so -- then you ALL better start buying bottles of "WHITE-OUT"!!

    Especially disturbing to her is that: Even today, there exists a possibility that these "wet/ops" Cubans & Soviets "ACTUALLY" were successful in their schemes to neutralize the "Camelot" dreams !!

    One of those Castro operators later went to the Congo with "Che", and thereafter on to Uruguay and Bolivia.

    He is one of those who escaped, and is currently retired from the Cuban military, and lives in Cuba.

    [We were pulled off of Ascension Island ("Congo Ops") a few days after this "known Che cadre member" arrived in Assuncion, and this thereby gave very strong indications to the "rumors" that: Che's teams had departed across Lake Tanganyika -- as "Raw Intel" indicated at that time]

    The other guy at the door during the first "Piniero C/I Cadre" visit [and even darker complected] is also now a retired Cuban General who lives on the island.

    'Nuff said for now.




  12. [quote name='Robert Charles-Dunne' date='Nov 27 2005, 05:07 PM' post='46606']


    Need I say more?

    Actually, yes you do. You gotta lotta 'splainin' to do Lucy.

    The Democrats knew only what they'd been told, just like everyone else in the country. Had Blix and El Baradai been allowed to complete their task, think of the untold lives spared from the current carnage, including the 2,100 men and women in your country's uniform who have so pointlessly been sacrificed for lies. For some reason, Bush and Blair became sputtering, hysterical shrews at the very notion that UN inspectors be given sufficient time to complete that task. "But.. but... we know Saddam can blow us up in 45 minutes!!! The sky is falling, the sky is falling." You may recall both the US and UK insisted that they knew the locations of those WMD being sought by the UN, but wouldn't tell Blix and El Baradai. Neither country would disclose, because then Saddam would simply move them from those locations. Lies, lies, and more lies, as we've found out to our eternal nausea.

    As Paul O'Neill, Richard Clark and the Downing Street memos have already made perfectly clear, invading Iraq was on the agenda from the outset, and intelligence was both manufactured and misinterpreted to achieve that predetermined goal. Yet, you claim there were no dissenting voices raised at the time. Another lie. Dissenting voices were excluded [Colin Powell] and drowned out [moderate UN proposals] by the shrill insistence upon war as the only recourse.

    As I've already pointed out, Canada declined to join the stampede toward slaughter. While I cannot assure you on what basis it made that prescient and principled stand, despite the most undiplomatic arm-twisting from you Ambassador to Ottawa, it is clear that had Canada swallowed the "faulty intelligence" bruited by your administration, Canadian troops would currently be in Baghdad, just as they are in Khandahar. Presumably, our government knew something that disinclined it to participate. For God's sake, if Canadians knew this was a fraud, shouldn't you have known it too?

    Your mea culpa won't wash, ex-counsellor. Every time you point to the "faulty intelligence" trafficked by the Bush administration then, you only display your own faulty intelligence now.

    You seem to feel that being incredibly stupid is an excuse for what Bush has wrought. "He didn't lie. He was just stupid." Where I come from, that's grounds for removal from office and punishment, not an acquittal. 9-1-1 happened on his watch, and by thereafter divining the future from the tea leaves and chicken viscera supplied by the likes of Chalabi, Bush screwed the pooch. Now you seek to mitigate that guilt by claiming that nobody else briefed by the Bush White House knew anything more than it did. Gee, what a revelation. I guess everything's OK, then. Bush is great after all.

    "Saddam has WMD." Nope.

    "Saddam's working on nukes." Nope.

    "Saddam's sponsoring Al Quaeda." Nope.

    "Saddam was behind 9-1-1." Nope.

    "We will be greeted as liberators." Nope.

    "The insurgency is in its last throes." Nope.

    "Why do people around the globe hate us so?" One can't imagine...

    I shall continue to remind you of these facts for the next 20 years, which is about how long it will take you to disengage from the mess you've made.


    Please get neo-con Bill O' Reilly's email address and send him the news. Perhaps if you can't convince Tim of these "self evident truths" -(in my opinion)- you can enlighten W's biggest cheer leader in this evil war.

    Or at least try.



    Aaah !! What fond memories are brought to mind. The "Commie-Symps" and their "fellow-touristers" [in Havana 1959-60] cheering us on -- to go out and "liberate-the-toiling-masses" from ALL of those nasty-ass right-wing oligarch/police states, which were then "ruled" by serial mass murderers such as:

    "Little Joe" Mobutu [Mobutu Sese Seko]; Somoza; Ydigoras Fuentes; "Papa Doc"; Stroesner; et al. !!

    They even volunteered their own sons to join with us !! Seems that they had personal engagements elsewhere, otherwise they were "willing and able" to support-us-troops from some distant locale.

    As for those "brave" Canuck troops -- I remember them from the Congo, and because they [and others] failed miserably -- we had to jump in with Belgian paratroopers to save the Stanleyville hostages from the cannibal "Simbas" [Ops/Dragon Rouge, Noir, & Vert] whilst the "brave canucks" hid out in the whorehouses of Leopoldville.

    Show me ONE Canuck Op since Korea, which will remove them from the same "Halls of Infamy" -- which are now topped by the Dutch UN troopers, who coward-ass stood-by and permitted the Screbernica massacre of 3000+??!!

    Now we hear nothing but sniveling & whining that the U.S. "dared" to topple just another right-wing [baathist] serial murdering regime. maybe the "ex-counselor" might remind some of the scribblers who have NOW aligned themselves with the oldest enemies of the civilized world, that:

    [A] The "War Powers Act" does NOT require the President to even inform either the Congress, or the citizenry that: It might well "take military action" against ANY foreign nation, whether friend or foe. It is ONLY covert type actions which are covered by current law, and even there -- a limited few Congressional leaders [from select committees] are required to be briefed, and moreover. More importantly, that involves a "window-of-time" which covers: An either "after" or "before" briefing reference such operations !!;

    The U.S. Constitution and Laws [repeatedly affirmed by SCOTUS] mandate that: Where it is ONLY an "armistice" which has been signed, this fails to carry the same weight as a compact, sponson, or a even a formal [and Senate confirmed] "Treaty".

    Iraq remained a "lawful belligeent" even under the provisions of the extant UN charter, along with the 1977 Geneva Protocols. And moreover, this was the exact case with both Germany and Japan until the1952 "Final" peace treaties !!

    That is why many of my fellow Marines still wear the "red, white, and black" occupation ribbon/medal on their blouses. A select few have the "Berlin Airlift Airplane" device attached thereto; and demonstrating that they were amongst those who risked their lives -- and saw militar/civilian brothers & sisters die -- saving the starving & huddled masses of our former enemies.

    [C] Once again, I will repeat that: Saddam Hussein's butchers repeatedly violated both the UN sanctions and the armistice -- and not just by attacking the flyers who protected the Kurds and Shia folks in both of the "No Fly Zones"; and,

    [D] Once again, while I am more than disappointed with "shrub" and his fellow bible-thumpers. However, it was the liberal/left-wing Pols who forced us out of The Levant ["purse-strings-wise-threats"] when "Ronny Ray-Gun" pissed his pants after the USMC B.L.T. barracks suicide BVIED bombing. And who gave us "Desert One", and Mogadishu -- whilst Monica hummed a tune on his flute ?? Oooops !! I forgot about his "Heroic" lanuching of a few million dollar$ worth of Tomahawk cruise missiles at a cluster of sheep and goat sheds.

    Man, I bet that messed up "Ussama-ain't-been-Laid-in-how-long" and his al-Quaada ["Toilet"] troopers sex live for at least two weeks !!

    Go back to your squatting upon thy throne, whilst your [knee-pad wearing] punk-rocker "3-Stooges" pay homage to their big Sister -- "Da Queen of the Village idiots"!!




  13. Bill:

    Of course this was NOT directed at you. You had quotes from "The Kid?, Gratz, and these were continuations of the bullxxxx about Bohning !! So what if a news scribbler has a "201 File", or better yet, a "cryptonym", e.i. "AM/CARBON-69" ??!!

    Maybe you just haven't noticed this "Stalinist" ranting against either specific individuals, or an agency in general. And where is the "solid" evidence ??

    Oh, give it a rest Gerry. There is nothing "Stalinist" about what I posted. I just pointed out that there is no reason why Bohning shouldn't be called "CIA linked," in answer to Tim's objections. I don't think that makes Bohning, or anyone else the CIA wants to utilize, a bad person. Nothing to do with "Enemies" or "Evil doers."


    Yeah, and we should send this "Kid?" to Stanford, or maybe "Hashbury-Berkeley". You seem to forget that it wasn't that long ago that the big "slur" was that LHO had a "201 File"; and that, according to Weberman and his fellow snitches -- this was sufficient enough proof that: "Indeed LHO was NOT just an informant [or had been the subject of a "00" Domestic Contact Service interview]; but had been an salaried employee [viz: Contract Agent"] -- or even a "Career Intelligence Officer" !!

    Those fantasizing whacko CT clowns discovered that: While an enlisted Marine has an S.R.B. [service Record Book] -- only officers of the Corps have "201 Files"; which contain the almost complete history of their USMC and/or other branch previous military service. NOT amazing at all that we continue to hear very similar rants [from identical-twin] eminating flatulently from multiple orifices.

    NOW, it is "proof beyond a reasonable doubt" that: Should an individual [entity or group] have a cryptonym, that is a sure fire "Gore-in-tree" that said "subject-of-interest" was linked to the CIA, or snitched for the CIA, or did propaganda work for the CIA.

    Now there is a big fat "war crime" for you -- a citizen collaborating with his "own country's" Intel/Services, the military, or law enforcement agencies. Just what I expect to hear from one of the "starving masses loafing about in "South Central Los Angeles, i.e.: "..Da POH-lice done did dat...done did dis..!!" NOT what you might well expect from ex-cons, probationers, and parolees who brag daily that: "... They are just going to work..." -- when queried as to which Korean convenience store they plan to rob that night !!

    Sometimes I spent an entire shift, just sitting with I.A.D. at Parker Center in downtown L.A. -- and that was just so that I might enjoy hearing allegations that some minority pogue "felony-bender" had just got his ass whipped by the "Hollenbeck Goon Squad".

    "...Well S/A Hemming..you were there...now tell us what 'really' happened..!!" Well, for some strange and unexplained reason, and no doubt due to early onset "old-Zeimers -- they never really ever got the "inside track".

    What really happened was: That while putting one gang member [of several, who had been stopped from killing one another] into the back seat of a "Black & White". Thereupon, the doped-up dude quickly turned and kicked the dumb-ass rookie "Copper" in the balls. And then what did the now pissed-offrookie do?? Nothing more nor less than just "what-comes-naturally" -- especially to someone only partially recovering from excrutiating pain ?? He quickly put ON his lead-weighted "Sap-Gloves" and pounded the dog-xxxx out of said "misbehaving" miscreant !!

    Now, back to the slurs against Bohning [and many other journalists]. Most often it is to get the bona fides of some person/source as to the verity of an Intel story being floated by a "disinterested?" party. NOT some "whistle-blower" [from within the ranks of the agency]; but too frequently from one of the sweating masses -- who do grunt work on the outermost periphery of some "proprietary".

    Oftentimes it comes from some "day-laborer", who want to impress his boyfriends [and/or girlfriends] with tales of intrigue, and how important he is to this great nation's security. You know the type:

    "Elderly-cynical-self-important-egotistical-low-life-wannabe-operator/SOFers" !!

    ONLY the ignorant or ill-informed would doubt the lawful mandates of an Intel/agency, and which requires that it liaise with the media, and oftentimes "asking" either for a "temporarily-sit-on" or a complete "kill" of a proposed "minor expose". Most likely it is something which hostile services might add to their "sources & methods" chatter filters.

    NOW, and because of 9/11 -- there is NO "asking" anymore. Should you be one who is without Diplomatic, Parliamentary, or Congressional immunities -- then you are soon going to experience the many pleasures of a "War Daddy" or ["Momma"] useing the moniker "Rocky" whilst you "sun and loaf" about in a distant "Cell-bar Inn" !!

    Also, as John well knows -- there is an abundance of "Trolls" who front their kid's [or somebody elses kid's] personal identiites [including pictures and bios] -- just so as to "spoof" the gullible. These pesky critters know that: In this country it is against the law for unauthorized parties to garner information about pre-teen/teenage shool students.

    Therefore, your personal photograph is a complete waste of time. Even your volunteering as to your school, personal ["job-type"] references would be inevitably of no avail.

    Proof of that is the Khazar "snitch" A.J.W. -- he sent me e-mails from a "family member's account", and immediately thereafter, I received several inquiries as to my knowing the "true" identity of said author of said e-mails ?? And moreover, notifying me that they originated from an illegal account. Always a pleasure hearing from the Secret Service & the UCE.Gov folks during dinner-time !!

    Do me a favor, and don't bother giving us that line: "...I are just a simple widdle "speed-reader" -- with a 200+ gigabyte PC my mommy bought me..!!" Yeah, THAT along with an alliance with Google surely provides one with a "personal collection" of the entirety of the Library of Congress !! That was AJW's dodge in his attempt to cover the illegal reality that he has not given up using "Captain Ball-Buster" as his personal "phone-freaker" when hacking into a Super Cray Mainframe.

    Of course, one has to be more than wary of those who: Via personal contacts with some of the "good-guy" hackers; with just a little bit of your personal Bio might open the floodgates to volumes of realities

    SO, give it a rest -- why don't ya "KID?" We already have hordes of anarchistic "doodlers" jamming up the band-widths in cyber-space !!,





    ....You, who have made the CIA [and other Intel/Community agencies, law enforcement, and the military] "your personal & preferred enemies"


    -- will go no further than the gullible masses!! This is especially so for those who have made Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Mohammed. Hubbard, Smith, Manson, Jones, or some rock or tree "their personal Savior"!! You will fail miserably in your endeavors, and thereafter that will be the case with your repetitive and continuing "realizations".


    You will be reduced to the existance of frustrated and "nay saying", self-appointed gadflies


    ; destined to sink ever deeper into paranoia,


    and ultimately to "burnout". As was the case with Whitaker Chambers, Koestler, et al.!! ARTY KOESTLER? I'M HONORED THAT YOU MENTION HIM IN THE SAME THREAD AS ME.

    The "fortunate? amongst your ranks


    will: And without a doubt, jump the seeming "vast-crevasse" to the opposite polarity, and thereafter join with the neo-con right-wing "whackos"!!

    Unfortunately, and far too often, I have "witnessed" these trials & tribulations over the last 40+ years. Yet, even today -- I feel empathy for those close colleagues who: On a daily basis, habitually look over their shoulders, into the rear-view mirror, listening for clicking sounds on their telephones,


    giving one another "code names" ["handles"]; and wondering all-the-while: Why their physicians are prescribing even more analgesics, palliatives, and intestinal remedies.


    Typically, you have an urgent need and desire for: "Enemies", because any effort at trying to "live" without the "self-inventing" of a few "Hostile Entities", you are forced to grapple with the grim reality that:


    [A] You are a "Nobody", and in even with the drastic reduction in the circle of your "friends/associates" you inevitably are forced to face the realization that -- you are NOT an essential factor in "anybody's" life; and,


    You continue, on a daily basis, to have "encounters-of-the-3rd-kind" -- with the reality that : Not only were you never "a contender" -- but that in NOT having the guts to enter "The Ring"; you have forfeited the "Right" to even be a "Spectator" in, what you have foolishly attempted to make into a game of "SPORT" !!

    Get a "Life"!! It is never too late.






    Gerry Patrick hemming




    Of course this was NOT directed at you. You had quotes from "The Kid?, Gratz, and these were continuations of the bullxxxx about Bohning !! So what if a news scribbler has a "201 File", or better yet, a "cryptonym", e.i. "AM/CARBON-69" ??!!

    Maybe you just haven't noticed this "Stalinist" ranting against either specific individuals, or an agency in general. And where is the "solid" evidence ?? All of this rant about the "Evil doers",and the "Rogues", and it is so very easy to forget about what our enemies were all about -- the Gulags, psycho experimention [so-called "mental institutions"]; and what exactly is the big bitch?? Oh ! We started operating just like the "Bad Guys"!! The problem here is that far too many have identified themselves with the "Heroic Soviet Forces" that alone won WWII; and we nasties dropped "The Bombs" on the poor innocent Japs -- who, according to the latest "wet dream"; were just begging to surrender ??!!

    NOT that the "Code of Bushido" General's weren't about to stage a coup even immediately after Hiroshima; and which involved the assassination of Hirohito -- and that the Soviets slaughtered Jap Army divisions when they were attempting to surrender in Manchuria and northeast China -- and that Soviet troops sat across the river and allowed the Wehrmacht to slaughter the rare warrior Jews of the Warsaw Uprising, and on, and on !!

    The ONLY current debate I might have with you is: Exactly how to proceed with a multiple grand jury operation on these matters [JFK, RFK, MLK. Jr., et al.] -- and why in the end you might face some situations that have never appeared in public heretofor, and are of current interest with regard to the Geneva Protocols, detainees, The Rules of Land Warfare, International treaties, and why our Contitutions forbids specific compacts with foreign nations, yet permit "pre-emptive military actions !!

    Let me know if you are interested. Leave the diatribe to be absorded by those antagonist who have posted absolutely NADA, and just are here to xxxxx !!




  15. An unwitting asset? An oxymoron if I ever heard one.

    Is not a "CIA asset" a journalist who is pledged to do the bidding of the CIA regardless of anything?

    How can one be a CIA asset and not know it?

    I suggest there is a difference between a "CIA asset" and a journalist whose views are generally sympathetic to the position of the CIA.

    And I think it reasonable for a historian to check with a person before writing that he is a "CIA asset". Would you agree, Owen?

    A CIA media asset isn't pledged to do whatever the CIA tells them. The CIA is satisfied that they will report in the way the CIA wants them to and feeds them information accordingly. The issue of whether or not Bohning was being paid by the CIA or whether or not his editors knew and approved of his CIA contacts is pretty irrelevant. Bohning had a cryptonym (AMCARBON-3), Covert Security Approval, and was DDP approved. If this doesn't make someone at least "CIA linked" (which is the actual word Mellen uses) or "CIA sponsored" (the original word), I don't know what does.......I too would welcome more information from Mellen, however.

    Owen, thanks for your reasoned responses re: CIA media assets.

    When I was checking out the source of numerous CIA leaked stories thru Scripps-Howard, I found a recent one in which the reporter couldn't believe that the CIA had leaked a report through them - they must consider SHNS a virtual pipeline, except the report said the Al Quada suicide bombers were getting better from experience, which if not an oxymoron is something eqilivant.

    As for more info from JM,

    I emailed Joan Mellen, requesting a formal, on the record interview, and she's agreed, but needs to wait a few weeks until school is out, as she is a prof (Teacher of the Year, 2004). While she is still promoting her book and keeping up teaching duties, I hope she can check in with this forum in the meantime.

    Bill Kelly



    It is quite evident that we have very few "C-SPAN "Junkies" amongst the members on this Forum !!

    However, "I be one of dose" and this addiction goes back almost 25 years.

    Last month I twice watched the "Q & A" segment hosted by Brian Lamb. This is the replacement for the previous "Book Notes" series. [on C-SPAN-1 - which was moved to C-SPAN-2 and is unavailable here].

    This segment had Lamb doing an "in-depth" interview of the Director of the N.A.R.A., who has held this post for many years. Evidently, Lamb was quite interested in exactly how he [or the "staff"] handles very highly classified documents.

    He inquired as to the protocols and "formalities" "they" utilized when faced with deciding to declassify or NOT declassify, sensitive government documents? Said inquiry included the personal ["private"] diaries, letters, journals, etc. -- of Presidents; and many of the other VIP members of ALL branches -- especially wherein said items in the collection might have impinged upon the necessary requirements of LAWS and/or REGULATIONS !!

    [Pursuant to the Federal Adminstrative Procedures Act: When an Agency of government has been delegated "specific authority" by the Congress, ALL of said "Rules", "Policies", etc. are considered (by SCOTUS) "....To effectively carry the full weight of the Law...and ARE comparable to, and carry the full weight and authority of....any "Act or Law"....which has been enacted and signed into Law by the President...!!"]

    I would respectfully suggest that the FEW [law school graduate] members of this Forum reacquaint themselves with this utterly boring, tiring, and definitely non-remunerative specialty area of legal practise !!

    Brian Lamb made very specifically interested inquiries of this gentleman, and amongst the many: He asked whether "his" board members did convene in the fashion of the Supreme Court justices, especially where it when it came time to "deliberate" on decisions, i.e., all of the SCOTUS law clerks are not permitted to remain in the chamber, and participate in those forums ??!!

    Upon Lamb's amending this question, with the use of the words "voting to declassify"; the NARA "Bossman" retorted quite strongly that: The statutes controlling both the NARA and "Intelligence Community" agencies/ bureaus -- mandated that HE ALONE is the person authorized with this responsibility. Moreover, he insisted that: He was lawfully delegated to be the only entity which decided whether to continue archiving files, douments, etc. as classified -- or make a determination whether to fully and/or partially declassify ANY and ALL such materials.

    Moreover, he insisted that: Despite the fact that many of his "staff" held high security clearances, there was never a legal requirement that he even request nor take any "collective" judment decisions; but that the sole authority rested with him, and him ALONE !!

    So where is this aforementioned "Board" coming from?? And since this long-term "Director" has stated elsewhere that: The only way that any of his employees [or advisory parties] learn of HIS decisions -- is only after he issues his "Edicts" on those respective issues.

    As for all of this "Op Mockingbird" bullxxxx; I would also direct my contemporaries to the nearest Law Library and, and thereup, and without-a-doubt, and for the first time in their "confused" lives -- might well read the entirety of the 1947 "Government Re-Organization Plan", including ALL of the rarely read "Statutes-at-Large" components of same. Said "Plan" culminated in the 1947 Defense Act which, inter alia, created the US Air Force. the CIA, etc. !!

    As amended by the Congress since 1947, the parameters of ALL agencies of the "Executive Branch"

    are quite explicit -- and save for the sections wherein the broad jurisdiction and charters were "Explicitly" drafted [and enacted as law] are requireed to be read as "Implicitly Authorized"!!

    Long before I was "Outed" by Miami Herald reporter Dom Bonafede [May 1961], I had been at extremely strong "odds" with the CIA; and not just with the WH desk, but even more bitterly with the REMFs at JM/WAVE.

    [bonafede was not just some "scribbler" who collaborated with the CIA as many "police beat" reporters continue to do with law enforcement personnel. And moreover, he didn't have an "AM" Digraph as I did, and quite possibly -- was the case with the Herald's Al Burt, Jim Buchanan, John Dorschner, et al.!!

    That this was the case with our fellow member Don Bohning, remains subject to speculation -- as I have yet to see a sworn statement [or Congressional testimony], not even some "Agee" type "Fessin' up" for that matter. Bonafede was one of the "few" who had a "JM" Digraph, and this was NOT the equivalent of a 'AM/CARBON" type cryptonym, but this definitely identified Bonafede as a CIA employee, not just some CIA "asset" utilizing "journalistic cover"!!]

    In fact, the pogues at the Miami Station put several of our lives at risk, as we became the focus of many of the both "friendly" and "hostile" intelligence services. We were forced to spend an inordinate amount of time "checking-out" our associate's and a considerable number of the trainee's bona fides -- and where necessary, communicate our suspicions to the FBI, ONI, or other agencies.

    When it became very obvious that the goverment field employees weren't abiding by the regulations and the laws, I went to D.C. to brief HUAC, Subversives Activities Control Board, etc. folks [1962]. When they reported frequent episodes of "stonewalling", I went to some Senators, Congressmen, and other VIP "Insiders" to finally gain some resolution.

    You, who have made the CIA [and other Intel/Community agencies, law enforcement, and the military] "your personal & preferred enemies" -- will go no further than the gullible masses!! This is especially so for those who have made Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Mohammed. Hubbard, Smith, Manson, Jones, or some rock or tree "their personal Savior"!! You will fail miserably in your endeavors, and thereafter that will be the case with your repetitive and continuing "realizations".

    You will be reduced to the existance of frustrated and "nay saying", self-appointed gadflies; destined to sink ever deeper into paranoia, and ultimately to "burnout". As was the case with Whitaker Chambers, Koestler, et al.!! The "fortunate? amongst your ranks will: And without a doubt, jump the seeming "vast-crevasse" to the opposite polarity, and thereafter join with the neo-con right-wing "whackos"!!

    Unfortunately, and far too often, I have "witnessed" these trials & tribulations over the last 40+ years. Yet, even today -- I feel empathy for those close colleagues who: On a daily basis, habitually look over their shoulders, into the rear-view mirror, listening for clicking sounds on their telephones, giving one another "code names" ["handles"]; and wondering all-the-while: Why their physicians are prescribing even more analgesics, palliatives, and intestinal remedies.

    Typically, you have an urgent need and desire for: "Enemies", because any effort at trying to "live" without the "self-inventing" of a few "Hostile Entities", you are forced to grapple with the grim reality that:

    [A] You are a "Nobody", and in even with the drastic reduction in the circle of your "friends/associates" you inevitably are forced to face the realization that -- you are NOT an essential factor in "anybody's" life; and,

    You continue, on a daily basis, to have "encounters-of-the-3rd-kind" -- with the reality that : Not only were you never "a contender" -- but that in NOT having the guts to enter "The Ring"; you have forfeited the "Right" to even be a "Spectator" in, what you have foolishly attempted to make into a game of "SPORT" !!

    Get a "Life"!! It is never too late.


    Gerry Patrick hemming


  16. Hello Gerry,

    How ya doin?

    I wanted to get back to you on the Somoza visit to Port Norris, but first I have a question for you about Frank.

    Now Frank Forini was born in Philadelphia, and then his mother married a guy named Sturgis, and then Frank joined the USMC, right?

    And your mutural friend E. Howard Hunt wrote a pulp fiction novel, Bimini Run? in which a character like Frank is named Forini, is that right?

    I appreciate your experiences and first hand knowledge on all this, and as I have made all of the typical researchers' mistakes over the years, I'm still trying to keep it straight and get it right.


    Bill Kelly




    I sure as hell don't want to go into some of the "Eduardo" Hunt & Fiorini/Sturgis "evidence" I gave to the "Church Committee" [May 1975] and that which was further expanded upon in my HSCA testimony [1978] !!

    I was advised that: While my 7 1/2 hour testimony before the HSCA folks has been "officially-reduced" to about the same number of transcribed pages that a real slow stutterer might cover in a 2 hour Q & A -- I was later reminded [during the 1980s] that said transcript remained classified.

    In more simpler terms: I might have visited upon me once again -- a few "ham-sandwiche" indictments similar to those made against me during 1976. That is where I refused to "back-off" from assisting the WerBell, et al. defense team in the "Marijuana Watergate" case -- which later went to trial in Miami.

    As for Hunt: Some of my quite specific allegations against Hunt, Fiorini/Sturgis, Barker, Czukas, Diosdado, Posada, Bosch, et al. -- which I had made during the Sunday briefing to Gene Propper, Larry Barcella, et al.

    [1977 - MIA/DEA HQ] -- and with reference the "Letelier Embassy Row assassination"; ALL of that has been removed from my HSCA transcript.

    The "No Name Key Bunch" fondly? remember Hunt as the guy who tried to bribe & threaten the "30th of November" Cubans [1961]. CIA demanded that they withdraw their members from our Everglades training camps. "Carrot & Stick" was the typical routine, e.g., the "Company" puts y'all back on the monthly stipend, doubles the Dept. of Agriculture "Refugee Rations" to your families, no searches of your weapons & explosives caches [which we have located] -- and everybody is going to be once again, very "HAPPY".

    NO fond memories there, and most of the InterPen guys never became aware of the even more devious schemes perpetrated by the DGI penetrated "Girls of JM/WAVE" !! Else, they might have suffered morale problems, or worse: taken matters into their own vigilante hands.

    Frank was born a Fiorini. Served in WWII USMC under that name until he was "section 8'd" out with a "General", rather than the usual "Medical Discharge". When he wanted to play "Cops" after the War, he found that a USMC/SRB ["Records"] check by any police department, would quickly result in a job rejection ina couple of days !!

    He was coached by a corrupt ex-cop that: One way to insure police employment was; to first go get a "constable appointment", then get a city license as a private investigator -- and soon thereafter join up as an auxiliary or reserve cop. Once that was accomplished, he was sure-fire guaranteed to be "in harness" as a "Bull" within a couple of months.

    But, tough xxxx -- it didn't work out that smoothly, and this was due to the USMC "Fiorini" medical discharge.

    So, he got more advice, "...legally change your name by going into court.."!! "..And in order that the court doesn't suspect that you are "dodging" an unsavory past...claim that you want to change your name to your step-father's surname.....just to make him happy....and that because you're really too old to be adopted by him...!!"

    That is how we got a guy who continued to be a Fiorini, but also had the lawful credentials of also being a "Sturgis".

    FBI, CIA, ASA, ONI, etc. -- all punched out LHMs, RIOs, & 302s that referred ONLY to one Frank Fiorini.

    In Cuba, late 1958 thru July 1959 he carried Cuban papers & "Carnets" [official I.D. Card] which identified him to Fidel & Co. as FIORINI".

    Jack Anderson had him on the cover of PARADE Magazine [1961] as "FIORINI".

    You just can't imagine my disappointment, when FBI S/A Bob Dwyer showed me the files on one Frank STURGIS. [1963] I was devastated, imagine -- my hero with a name sounding the same as a fish that xxxx-out eggs, which the Russkies called "Caviar" [that's Sturgeon folks] !! Yeah -- about 4 seconds of devastation, and then we were both roaring with loud enough laughter that: The MIA/FO ASAIC came by and told us to "hold-it-down-a-bit" !!

    Did "Eduardo" use Fiorini as one of his principal characters in the novel "Bimini Run" ?? Well, according to "Fat Daddy Frank" -- who lived about a mile from my house in Opa-Locka, he was indeed one in the same.

    To prove it -- he showed me a signed book, which he took off of his shelf !! Yep !! Frank was indeed our E. Howard Hunt "Hero", that daring Bimini rum-bum-runner styled as "Hank Sturgis" !!

    And who the hell really gives a xxxx ??!!

    More later.




  17. Hi Tom, at this link there is a photo of him in 1960, hope this helps..

    My Webpage

    Hi Ryan,

    That photo which identifies Sturgis and Barker circa 1960 is in fact not Barker but Remigio 'Cuku' Arce. I made a mistake here which will be rectified as soon as John settles back in after his return from Dallas.

    My apologies to all.


    Hey James - that's very interesting!

    - lee


    As I posted earlier this year, that is a February 1963 photo of Fiorini/Sturgis chatting with Remigio "Cucu" Arce -- onboard Alex Rorke's "Bertram Craft", which was named "Violin III".

    Shortly after this photo was taken, "Fat Daddy Frank" once again waved "Bye-Bye" to yet another group of pogues who were out to "strike-a-blow-for-freedom"!! Typical of Fiorini/Sturgis was: That in more than a dozen "expeditions" [which had been organized by he and other "bunko-artists"] -- they had skimmed the majority of "mission donations"; and thereafter sent some more dudes to their deaths at sea; or up against "the wall" in Cuba.

    When he lied in claiming that he flew "co-pilot" with Fidel's [appointed] ex-Chief of the Cuban Rebel Air force [Cmdte. Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz] during the Oct. 1959 Havana "leaflet-drop" -- Pedro kept his mouth shut, and opted to NOT expose that lying son-of-a-bitch !!

    Frank never flew an airplane even once during his entire miserable "agent provocateur" life. When it came time for the fateful Rorke/Sullivan operation [sept. 1963] -- he sent DGI agent, Capt. Enrique Molina Rivera in his stead !! And this was after all three of them had been warned more than once about Molina's double-agent activities !!

    "Cucu" Arce was arrested with us [by Diosdado, Shanley, et al.] on Sombrero Key during the 1st week of December, 1962. He is in the group photo with us standing in front of the Monroe County Jail [Key West] some two days later -- when the media insisted upon a "photo-op".

    Later, during 1964-1965: "Cucu" skippered a "Swift Boat" on Lake Tanganyika during the COIN Ops against the Simbas [Lawrence Kabilla's rebel group]; who were then being "advised" by "Che" and the DSE/LCB Castro-Cubans.

    "Cucu" was a step-uncle to Alfredo Duran, having married Anita Duran's sister Rosa. I put him into the "Marimba Ops" during 1974, and after a few years at skippering the "mother-ships" for the "Cali Cartel"; he retired as a gentleman multi-millionaire -- and built a home in Cali, Colombia -- where he died during 1989.

    During the late 1970s, he had financed the mayoral campaign [Cali] of Fidel's "ex-Goebbels" radio haranguer, Jose Pardo Llada -- the "Rush Limbaugh type"; who during mid-1959 had coined the phrase: "Cuba Si, Yanqui No" !! [Pardo Llada defected while in Spain during 1962]




  18. I said this in another forum, and I think it's just as true here:

    If the 'government' faked the moon landings (where there were tens of thousands of personnel involved, warehouses full of technical documentation, thousands of images, the programme was in the public eye, and subject to enormous scientific scrutiny as perhaps the most significant event of history), and the 'government' faked 9/11 (where there were hundreds of people at the scene, a few videotapes of the events themselves, and subject to massive government / public / scientific scrutiny as one of the most significant events in history).... why didn't they fake finding WMDs in Iraq?

    The area was under tight control and security, few people would have been involved, the faking (either chemical or nuclear) of WMDs is well within the capability of the forces involved, it would have justified events in Iraq to both domestic & foreign opponents, and it would have been a great PR boost for G.W. Bush.

    Yet nothing was found.

    Think about it.


    As was stated previously. Whenever POTUS travels, be it "Marine-1" (USMC HMX-1 Helicopter Squadron, now based at MCB Quantico - same locale as the FBI Academy & the FBI H.R.T.) -- or in the Boeing 747 "Air Force-1" -- the FAA continously provides a wide circle of security for ALL POTUS, VPOTUS & VIP aircraft while enroute to their destinations.

    The FAA styles these as T.F.R.s (Temporary Flight Restictions [zones]] which are treated just as seriously as the "P" circle on all aeronautical charts [Flight Prohibition Area]!! Said "P-Area" was previously centered on the White House area, but since 9/11 has been widened to include all of Washington, D.C. !! The FAA "TFRs" are in reality -- "Moving Prohibited Areas"; but are difficult for unauthorized folks to monitor, even with the $9.95 per/month software program styled as "Flight Follower".

    The public is encouraged to use this program, which monitors ALL aircraft which are flying on an "Instrument Flight Rules" [i.F.R.] flight plan -- excepting of course Air Force-1 and many other military and civilian "security flights"; such as the now infamous CIA "Rendition Flights". FAA Regulations require that ALL aircraft flying above 12, 500 feet msl are REQUIRED to file (well in advance of takeoff) an IFR flight plan.

    The public oftentimes get anxious about family & friends air travel schedules. Therefore many have opted to monitor specific commercial airline flight schedules and enroute activities. This keeps them abreast of both flight delays and early arrival times. Moreover: this provides a "heads-up" as to whether they must drive to the airport as per previously announced -- or delay same due to the enroute delay. Or, in the event of an early arriva, scramble to the airport to meet their parties.

    As for the Secret Service protocols activated during the 9/11 attacks, USSS "Protective Research" gives continous threat updates -- both to the "onsight protective entities", and the "National Command Center".

    The NCC based USSS "Control Group" sits at computer & communications consoles. If the USSS/CG @ the NCC decides that the on site protocols must be abrogated [due to latest threat intelligence] -- then orders are given immediately to change some; or all of the executive protection/tactical protocols.

    This means that the POTUS "onsite/enroute" teams might well be ordered to use surface transportation and even avoid going near Air Force-1!! That is: Should Intel give warnings that the 747 is either NOT in a secure locale; OR that takeoff and/or enroute threats have been discovered.

    The previous post hinted at SAM threats. While Air Force-1 indeed has anti-MANPADS countermeasure modules installed -- which include laser devices, E.C.M (Electronic Counter-Measures), chaff-foil dispensers, flare dispensers, etc.!!

    However, the new Russian "Stinger" type MANPADS [beginning with the SAM-17 series] carries upgraded anti-countermeasure devices; which might foil ALL of the Air Force-1 CMs !! Moreover, intelligence community sources have advised the Congress, et al. that: Some of these advanced design MANPADS have been inside CONUS since 1998 !!

    The Israeli commercial airline "El Al" is constantly updating their anti-MANPADS, air-to-air, and mobile SAM


    Without a doubt, on that tragic "date of infamy" (9/11), once POTUS had just about finished his "children's goat story", the USSS NCC controllers had already decided that immediate departure by Air Force-1 was the safest option. And this was the result of rapid scanning of all FAA, military & commercial radar "repeater" scopes -- then being displayed on their NCC computer consoles.

    The first worry is the number of aircraft in the immediate vicinity -- especially those which are NOT "squawking" transponder codes. Most of these "blips" are the result of airplaneswhich are then flying under VFR (Visiual Flight Rules). VFR aircraft don't require an FAA "flight Plan", nor "Flight Following" radar surveillance. The primary focus of their scrutiny is: The estimated size and speed of the "radar return blips".

    For instance, a large blip which appears to be above 12,500 ft. msl, and is NOT "squawking" an IFR code number, automatically is labeled as a "Hostile Bogey". If it obviously deviates from its flight path,and flies toward where POTUS is situated [on ground or in the air] -- it is immediately labled as a "Hostile Bandit"!!

    The S.O.P. for POTUS routing while under "potential imminent threat of attack" is either to a nearby bunker facility [police or military] which has FEMA approved communications capability. The secondary option is immediate diversion [if airborne] to the primary ["ex-S.A.C.", and now NORAD] command center at Offutt Air Force Base.

    Cheyenne Mountain is NOT an option, because there are NO air base facilities located closer than Colorado Springs AFB. Returning POTUS to the Washington D.C. "Maximum Threat Area" [Washington, D.C.] is out of the question!!

    The available enroute protection for Air Force-1 is primarily the airborne command center platform styled as "Looking Glass"!! That "platform" itself is also supported by a nearby AWACS "Scanner Bird" -- which provides up to 300 miles of radar detection capability.

    A C.A.P. ["Combat Air Patrol"] of escort fighters is launched, and are promptly directed to position themselves in a formation which then flies parallel to AF-1's flightpath -- but are NOT allowed to fly in close proximity to POTUS.

    Primarily this is soas to avoid causing "radar clutter", and more importantly: To avoid any possibility that the escorting fighters might inadvertently become engaged in a "friendly fire event"!! Said "F/F Event" might well occur when: ordered to interdict and attack a designated "Bandit" -- and subsequent to their having received a "Call Sign/Buster" command, air-to-air missiles are launched !! A "stray friendly" A/A missile might well penetrate ALL of the AF-1 countermeasures and cause a strike !!

    Oftentimes, "Out-Rider" Hawk-Eye Radar/ECM aircraft are launched, and thereafter provide an even wider cordon of protection/detection for an enroute AF-1.

    POTUS has very little to say about any of these activities. And it would be especially foolish for a president,

    [especially one who is an "ex-fighter jock"] -- to either countermand: Or even attempt to offer advice to those professionals, who have the firm mandate to provide executive protection !!

    I am open to any expert opinions on this matter.




  19. I am very suspicious of Mark, who claims he cant remember what he was doing, isn't that Nixons alibi.


    Did you make any phone calls in Cambridge on 11/22/63?


    Ron, my Lawyer has advised me not to answer that question. Seriously the closest my family got to owning a phone before 1970, was two tin cans and a piece of string.

    Thanks for your recolections. It would be nice if as many members as possible posted, after all for many of us it was the start of a 40+ year's search.

    Interesting side note, my father was a great sports fan, and would often wake me up to watch games, matches, fights beamed in via the new (1960's) satellite technology, on one such occasion we got up at one in the morning to watch the Ali- Liston second fight 1964, we both loved the fights, and had been looking foward to this one for weeks. Anyway to cut it short Ali wiped the floor with Liston in under one round and Dad made some hot chocolate, to help us sleep, we both had a moan about the poor show Sonny had put up, and chatted the way Boys do with their dads,when out of the blue he said, "There's no way Oswald could have made those shots" we chatted a bit about the assassination, and went to bed. Funny thing is, despite my abiding interest in JFK, I cant recall us ever talking about the subject again.


    Minor point. The second Ali-Liston fight was in 1965--May 25 in Lewiston, Maine. The first fight was February 25, 1964--Miami Beach, Florida.

    Mark, your quite correct, it was the 65 one round knock out. Sonny was very pally with the mafia I believe.


    Let me think back NOW !! OH Yeah !! Just as Twyman suspected: "...I was leaving...on a jet plane...and would not soon be back again...!!"

    When Twyman's "aviation expert" tried to suggest various models and routing of jet aircraft, said expert could only reduce the enroute time to about 1.3 hours !! I then told him that the 600+ nautical miles from DAL [DFW didn't exist back then] to HST [Homestead AFB] would have required an enroute time of ONLY 47 minutes !!

    That would have been due to the Navy TF8U-4 "Crusader" having been "On Burner" [After-Burner throttled-in] all of the way, and ground-speeding at Mach 1.3 !! That is: until we slowed ["speed braked & went into "wing-upknotch"] at "Gulf-Point Mac/West #4" [27 deg. North Lat. & 127 W-Long] for aerial refueling off of a KC-97 Tanker (based at Keesler AFB, where LHO had radar trained); which required slowing down to 200 knots for 12 minutes !!

    But, then again -- Bill Baggs, [ plus JM/WAVE's Hal Hendrix, Mary Louise Wilkerson, et al.] would have had to put my arrival time at the Miami news Bldg. at later than "1417 hrs" [2:17 PM MIA local time].

    I must have really cut that one even more tighter than many of the others ??!!




  20. Great post, John!

    I had not noticed that before.

    Certainly seems it might tie into the Waldron thesis.

    It is my belief (no hard evidence) that the Oswald trip to Mexico City was tied to a U.S. intelligence operation against Cuba. Of course, the conspirators could easily have used it to try to tie Oswald to Castro.


    And since LHO never went to Mex/D.F. in his entire life; it MUST have been made in reference to the 1963

    Cuban "Thanksgiving Turkey Operation" [which Cubans never bothered to celebrate]; or LBJ's Gall Stone "Operation" -- WAIT ! Now I've got it, they were discussing Fidel's hernia surgery !!

    Get real !! "Queen" Hoover had been "trying" to keep LBJ "Up-to-Speed" on RFK's every move, and especially with reference to the Fidel shooter & road-watcher teams. That is, about a mere 10% of Bobby's operations, because Siragusa's snitches ["Benny" de Torres, "Gito" Del Valle, Mariano Faget, Esteban Ventura, Carol, Masferrer, et al.] had failed miserably in "connecting-the-dots" on what the CIA crypto'd as AM/TRASH !!

    [However, and during 1963: LBJ was much more interested in what information he could garner about RFK's ongoing 'criminal" investigation against LBJ; especially worrisome since: Bobby's "Guys" had "doubled" Walter Jenkins and some other LBJ intimates !!]

    However, with a little help from Valdez & Piniero in Habana, Trafficante was indeed able to "fill-in" just a few of the "gaps" !!

    ALL of the FBI pogues [including those employed by CIA] were prohibited from generating any "302s" whatsoever, and ALL of said Intel on the RFK Op went into the "Division-9" files as old fashioned "wire" (NOT tape) recordings -- using a telephone-type "scrambler" handset during the making of the "Brief-Notes".

    [Too bad that neither the "Church/Tower/Rockefeller" committees, the HSCA, nor the A.R.R.B. had the guts to demand these "wire" recordings -- about which, they were bamboozled into believing were just more "telephone wire taps" -- and therefore, much too voluminous to spend time or money upon.]

    NO "18-minute gaps" to be found anywhere, especially when reviewed by JJA just after his alleged "firing" by DCI Colby; nor later by Jack Mohr -- when he "thought" that he had recovered [and secreted] all of the Hoover "Confidential Files"; and immediately post-mortem the "Queen's" demise !!




  21. Igor Vaganov loitering at the corner of Tenth and Patton.




    You might direct the members attention to the first article that used that "Igor" pic. It was written by one of the most expert "JFK/NARA Gurus" in this field. Malcolm Blunt flies from his home in the U.K. (and across "the pond") quited frequently -- to do intensive research at College Park; and also travels the U.S. doing one-on-one interviews.




  22. http://www.einsiders.com/reviews/videorisks/hitmen.php

    Based on Fredrick Forsyth's novel of the same name, Fred Zinnemann's "Day of the Jackal" is a taut tense assassination thriller. Based on factual events, the film traces the hunt for an English hitman known only as the Jackal (Edward Fox.) The Jackal has been hired to kill French president Charles De Gaulle by members of the French OAS. The OAS believed that De Gaulle had betrayed the men who died fighting in Algiers by giving that country independence in 1962. After the OAS fails to do the job themselves, they bring in a professional.

    This movie is deliberately paced. The direction is lean and mean. The script by Kenneth Ross is excellent. There is so much going on in every scene. This movie gets better with every viewing. At the center of the masterpiece is the rock solid performance by Edward Fox. This is without a doubt his best work ever. The viewer never doubts that he IS the Jackal. The Jackal is the Lon Chaney Sr. of hitmen, he is a master of disguise. He uses his environment, whatever and wherever it is to blend in and hide. Whether he is living off a wealthy, neglected French woman (Delpine Seyrig as Colette), or sharing a flat with a gay Dutchman he met in a bathhouse, there is nothing the Jackal won't do to complete his job. The Jackal also is devoid of any sympathy or mercy. If someone needs to die to insure his success, they will die.

    Failed OAS assasination attempt from 'The Day of the Jackal'

    Though he too is a lone wolf, the Jackal relies on other underworld figures to succeed. Cyril Cusack is a standout as the gunsmith who designs and builds the Jackal's special rifle. One standout scene takes place as the Jackal takes his new rifle out in the woods and zero's his scope. He hangs a watermelon with a face drawn on it from a branch and fires. Once the scope is zeroed, he places and explosive tipped bullet in the chamber. The melon explodes as will De Gaulle's head once the Jackal gets him in his sights.

    The doggedly persistant Inspector Lebel (Michael Lonsdale) tracks the Jackal

    The other standout performance is that of Michael Lonsdale as the persistent Inspector Lebel. Lonsdale uses the law enforcement resources of the Surete and Interpol to track down and stop the Jackal. Zinnemann spends as much time detailing the efforts of law enforcement as he does those of the Jackal. This movie is a brilliant chess match played between good and evil. Students of history will know how the story ends, but that fact in no way detracts from the suspense which permeates this great film.

    Amazing parallels.

    Back to Rivele:


    I have not touched the case since 1988; as my old friend Josiah Thompson says: it eats your soul. David was released from prison a few years ago and is alive in France. I assume that Nicoli is still alive. David's letter to his lawyer was obtained (I don't know how) by two researchers (one in Dallas, one in Paris), who promised to make it public last spring, but evidently were frightened out of doing so. They still won't share the contents with me.

    I believe that Sarti was involved, but apparently I was wrong on the other two. If I were working on the case today, I'd look at Paul Mondoloni of Montreal and a mafia type named Le Blanc, also out of Montreal, I think.

    Two points I would add: I saw a documentary TV show last year about the KGB's investigation of the assassination, and was amazed to learn that they came to the same conclusion as me. Second, I was contacted two years ago by a former CIA agent (who worked in the mind control program among others), who told me that I was right about the assassination. Small comfort but better than nothing.

    The Montreal connection is interesting.

    Add his last 2 names to the list:




    Savor Pironti

    Roger Bocagnani

    Paul Mondoloni

    Le Blanc

    Were any of these men heavy-set, with white or grey hair, middle aged, and in the US on 11/22/63?

    - lee



    Norman LeBlanc worked with Arturo Espaillat, Robert Emmett Johnson, et al. during the 1962 thru 1964 era, and they spent most of their time in safehouses in Montreal.

    They all worked in close coordination with the R.C.M.P."Security Service", FBI Legats, et al., and this operation was mainly focused on the recruiting of Latinos, Americans, Canadians, Europeans, etc. for several "team" trips to Cuba for guerrilla warfare training. Separate groups had already traveled to Cuba via chartered aircraft.

    [Typically, the flights flew first toNassau, Bahamas, and after a one night layover [R.O.N.] they flew direct to Kawama Airport, Varadero, Cuba.]

    The cover for this operation was: The phony recruiting of foreign volunteers that would thereafter join with the "Antonio Maceo Brigade". The Matanzas based AM/BRIGADE [Goicuria Army Barracks] quickly weeded out the wimps & sickly; after just a few days at cutting sugar cane. Of course, nobody noticed that the sugar cane harvest had been completed months before !!

    This same Quebec operation focused on the Montreal to GITMO "Venceremos" march -- that continued on into 1964. Eddy Collins was recruited for penetration of this GITMO Op via Robert Emmett Johnson's having requested same of the Ottowa (AM/EMB) FBI/Legat -- who relayed same to the Miami FBI Field Office. Amidst this operation, Bernardo de Torres opted out, and drifted into yet another anti-Fidel scheme.

    I was somewhat shocked to receive an e-mail from a long time friend of Robt. E. Johnson, and wherein he stated that: Upon my mentioning that Francois Schirm ["Felquiste" FLQ/ALQ] had been with us in Miami [post-BOP -1961] -- and did I know that R. E. Johnson had met with Francois and attempted to recruit him into the right-wing "Quebecois" terrorist organization "R.I.N." ??!! He went on to mention that Schirm had turned down the "lucrative offer" -- mainly because it was very apparent that: Johnson & Co. wanted him to later infiltrate the FLQ.

    This guy remembers Bob Johnson as just a nice guy, who had been one of the "China Marines"; and later did "publicity" work for both Somoza and Trujillo. He hasn't a clue as to the emerging "Dark-Side" of Bob Johnson whatsoever. He just wanted to do a book about Bob, beginning way back when they first met during the 1960s. Moreover, he believes that just as Johnson had worked for the U.S. Gov. & the NYPD BOSS Unit against the I.R.A. -- this Montreal "Gig" was just some more of his UC "police" work !!

    I doubt that Freddy Forsythe ever even thanked Espaillat, R.E.J, et al. for hooking him up with the OAS "Jackal" folks in Lisbon and Calvi, Corsica.




  23. Thomas wrote:

    Thanks for keeping us up to date. Excellent stuff, indeed. (You are to be commended for bursting Tim's ballon so quickly and so diplomatically.)


    John wrote:

    I have not yet read the book, John. Nor, I imagine, have you. From its reviews I know it does not posit Cuban participation.

    Where John has, I think, made progress is in now concluding that there was significant Mafia involvement (a point he had contested with me last winter) and that there were serious efforts afoot for a coup in Cuba (apparently under the code name "AMBLOOD", a rather chilling code name to be sure).



    Only a PART of the intended coup d'etat was held within the cryptonyms, AM/TRUNK; AM/TRUCK, etc.;

    whereas the categories under AM/BLOOD [and other cryptos] represented the several [and distinctly autonomous] disaffected Cuban civilian & military leaders, and which included aiding & abetting by the Soviet commander of the Banes Naval Base -- where the nuke-tipped "Luna" missiles remained in place !!

    JFK & RFK sure as hell weren't going to put their "Nuts-in-just-one-jockstrap", and no way would the scheme have gotten off of Lansdale's now dusty "shelf" -- had there not been several Cuban CIVILIAN (PSP) cliques willing to go the distance !!

    Ramiro Valdez [DGI] and "Barba Roja" Piniero [DSE/LCB Cent-Comm "Americas-Wet-Desk"] later came down severely upon some of these suspected "traidores y countrarevolucionarios" !!

    Lamar and Thom aren't about to further embarrass the surviveing familis [some of whom are now in CONUS] by giving justification to Fidel's ultimate "Fatal Reaction" to these "complots" !!




  24. Just to add this to the mix.



    Hi James,

    From the way that newspaper article is written, it sounds like Hicks claimed to know that the hole wasn't in the sign before the shooting. I wonder how he possibly could have known that? I don't suppose he was an official "traffic sign inspector??"

    BTW, I've never been able to discern a radio in Hick's back pocket either! I guess we need one of our resident "photo enhancers" to do a little enhancing of that photo for us!!

    FWIW, Thomas


    Hi Thomas,

    Yes, I'm not sure how Hicks would have known that there wasn't a hole in the sign before the shooting which I think makes him sound like kind of a flake. Also saying that he saw a guy in the trunk of a car with something that looked like a gun? Surely this would have been suspicious in anyone's book.

    I'm not sure about anyone else, but I'm just not buying it.




    NOT that I would give any support to Hicks, or for that matter, any other "eyeball witness" [who have been repeatedly & scientifically proven to be 80+% UNRELIABLE] -- but then I guess Y'all missed the REDACTED testimony as to the "ping" sound of a bullet striking metal somewhere near the "J/Canoe" that day.

    That same sound was first used in the Charlie Sheen movie "Navy Seals" -- at the insistence of that movie's senior SEAL adviser, whose burnt body was hung from a bridge in Iraq a while back !!

    Dozens of movies since the 1990's have thrown in that "rounds" impacting steel & metal objects [ping & clanking] -- the most famous being "Saving Private Ryan", where Dale Dye [of "Platoon" & "JFK"] insisted on copying the then very new "SEAL acoustic style"




  25. Ron wrote:

    Connally was not shot from the front, but obviously LBJ and Hoover thought that he was at the time of their phone conversation.

    To Ron and Dawn: I agree I did misunderstand the salient point in Ron's post. I think I did so because I thought it rather clear that everyone knew from "Day One" that Connally was shot from the rear. Ron, do you have any information to indicate that LBJ and Hoover were not aware of this rather self-evident fact at the time of the conversation?

    This does raise an interesting point, however. Could Connally have been shot from the rear and hit where he was only if the bullet did in fact first traverse JFK?

    Gerry Hemming states he has information that there was a shooter in the west window of the TSBD shooting specifically at Connally. Others on this forum have agreed that Connally's wounds would be consistent with a shooter posed at the west window of the sixth floor of the TSBD.

    Are the only logical explanations of Connally's wounds that: (1) if from the alleged shooter's nest, the bullet had first traversed JFK; or (2) that Connally's shooter was in fact in a different position, e.g. the west window?


    Gratz, et al.:

    If you had spent less time "bible-thumping" [on another forum] against women's [and raped little girl's] Constitutional "Right to an Abortion", you might have read what I have posted [more than ONCE] that stated:

    [A] Connally's wounds WERE from the Front -- both LBJ and "Queen" Hoover knew this, because they had both been briefed on same by government agents & one CIA cover physician at Parkland !! [said physician held officer's rank in the US Army Reserve & had worked for the "Epedimiology Intelligence Service" which was then under the US Surgeon General];

    LIFE Magazine's "very short-lived 1st edtion on the assassination showed artist's renditions [from the Zapruder frames] which showed "CLEARLY the impacting of bullets into the Governor's frontal torso whilst he turned to his right rear to look at JFK;

    [C] That this edition of LIFE was pulled with 4 days and replaced by one with a somewhat different aspect, but with a removal of the "offensive" artist's "Zap-frames";

    [D] That even the next edition was pulled because it cast doubts upon the LHO/LN theory already being propagated; and,

    [E] The Connally hit was a "separate deal" and the west-end window shooter had no urgent intent at hitting either JFK, nor anybody else in the "J/Canoe" -- but if he had to complete his contract by switching the "Broom-Handle Mauser to full automatic ["spray & pray"] he would have unhesitatlingly done so !!

    I have been corresponding with Dave Kaiser for years, and he was gracious enough to forward signed copies of his extremely well researched books, especially the one on the Vietnam failures.

    With that said, I doubt that Lamar and Thom have reached the point where they have conclusively decided that the "Dagos & Wops" dood da deed ??!! Even our "alleged LNer DisInfo Agent" Gus Russo has never expounded fully on the "final proof" that "El Jefe Maximo Fidel" was holding LHO's purse for him on the 6th Floor !!




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