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Gerry Hemming

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Posts posted by Gerry Hemming

  1. Did anybody else notice Gen. Victor "Brute" Krulak in the Penthouse story on Coply?

    He was Fletcher Prouty's commander, who later confirmed Prouty's identificaiton of Gen. Ed Lansdale walking in the background of the tramps at Dealey Plaza.


    It's worth noting that in his ARRB interview, when asked if he would identify the "acquaintance" who corroborated that it's Landale in the photo, Prouty said, "No. No, that's a personal matter." Why would Prouty say that when his identification of this person as Krulak was a matter of public record?

    Also, Gerry Hemming, who apparently knows Krulak and tells of a recent fall that he suffered, has stated on the forum that Krulak "denies ever even hinting at said statement." Gerry may wish to clarify whether he heard this denial from the horse's mouth.


    IMO (thanks to James Richards first pointing out the resemblance) the man in the photo looks more like Maxwell Taylor (the hair, plus a drooping shoulder just like Lansdale's) than Lansdale (again, the hair).

    John Newman said he was working on Lansdale, and discovered Lansdale was in Ft. Worth on 11/21/63, possibly staying in the same hotel as JFK.

    Certainly a significant find. Do you have details as to how Newman discovered this, etc.? Stone's people were able to trace Lansdale through a "claim check" to the Hotel Texas where JFK stayed, but didn't have the date he was there. The ARRB considered looking into Lansdale's travel records on this question, but unfortunately decided that the records "are not worth our checking out."



    I met with Greg Burnham in San Diego [at my daughter's house] about 5 years ago, and we discussed how close he was to Prouty. [Greg was at Arlington for the burial] Some time after that, I received a copy of the letter from Krulak to Prouty RE: Lansdale passing the tramps pic, and I sent that off to a retired General who is a member of my Marine Association -- who then forwarded it to his son Charlie Krulak, who had been a Commandant of the Marine Corps during the 1990s.

    Charlie sent it back, and said that upon reconsideration, his dad had been mistaken and hoped that none of Lansdale's friends or family had been offended. Neither "Brute" Krulak nor Charlie had seen "JFK", and when "E-Ring types" pointed out the scene where Lansdale's desk name-plate is partially obscured by a potted plant during a pan -- and while the character is allegedly given the assassination order -- a bunch of folks were highly annoyed that Krulak had been suckered into re-affirming murder allegations against Lansdale.

    Greg sent me another copy of the Krulak letter earlier this year. NOT really "Cricket" old man !!

    I told the General to welcome everybody to the club, especially our members who served with LHO in MACS-9 & MACS-1; and are still alive and breathing.




  2. Well, I don't know Hemming. The fact is that Ferrie wasn't under house arrest. They might have wanted him to stay in one place, but its not the same thing. You either misheard or misremembered what Ivon said.


    Negatory Owen [and this is one of the many snivel factors by Mellen]

    I asked Jim how they got a judge to sign a criminal complaint affidavit to execute even a "house arrest ??"

    Lou interrupted to explain that pursuant to the "Napoleanic CIVIL Code" under which LA still operates, they had utilized a "material Witness" warrant; the same kind that hundreds of Muslim detainees were grabbed by the FBI since post-9/11. The "screw-up" was in saving the overtime buck$ for a baby-sitter, which bail bondsman [like my nephew] use renta-a-pigs or P.I.s instead of regular [or reserve] cops/constables. That is why every Cajun in N.O. still has a constable's badge, unless Katrina washed it away !!




    Its not just Mellen, but every other book and account, pro- or anti-Garrison. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy reading your posts and appreciate your presence here, but I don't attach a lot of credibility to this account. And really, I have no problem with accepting it either, if you can back it up.


    Just after Oliver odered my 2nd haircut, on the sidewalk across from the "Bannister Office" locale; and in full view of the cordoned off & very amused spectators across the street -- me and Tomas Milian sat down with Joe Pesci on some garbage cans. In less than 20 minutes we had taught the little guy about 15 complicated phrases in Spanish [Cuban slang].

    Tomas, though Cuban raised, had lived in Italy for years, and quietly insisted on pure Castillian phrases. We finally agreed that evidence showed that Ferrie used "guajiro" slang with a strong American accent, and thus reached a compromise. It amazed both of us that Joe could pick up these phrases so quickly, and we both then accused him of having at least taken a Berlitz course before filming started. He admitted to "messing" around with half a dozen languages since childhood.

    When I heard that Tomas was going to be the "boss" killer of Ferrie, I questioned Oliver as to where was the evidence of any "anti-Castro" Cubans having killed Ferrie. Response: Jim Garrison had a surveillance report from somewhere, that: "Cuban" looking men had exited Ferries place within the "time-of-death" window. "...Surveillance...by cops?...or neighbors making reports?" "[shrugged shoulders]"

    I asked for the OK to go see Garrison to check out exactly which was the case, or both !!" After mentioning that Lou had confirmed "house arrest" -- "...We will see about that later".

    After doing the scene inside the Bannister office with Joe, Asner, and Jack Lemmon, I went back over to the restaurant [where John Goodman still "hangs", and also where Garrison often had lunched] to once again speak with the owner about doing both a Garrison and Perry Russo set of scenes inside, or at least exteriors.

    Moi !! An assistant-set locale "director"once again. [Having done the same for the LaFitte 'training camp" set]

    While there, Hargraves showed up with one of the guys closest to Stone, and over a beer was advised that Garrison got real upset over a certain line of conversation -- and further asked that Kostner not do the restaurant scene to boot !! [This was THE actual restaurant where LHO was reported to have met with government agents, and was also frequented by Garrison quite regularly]. Seems that everybody was "pleasantly" surprised that we had "accidentally" found it ??!!

    Making mention of LHO to the owner, caused him to wobble a bit; and he said his dad ran things then -- and considering health matters and all, the family would gladly grant access at NO cost -- but no LHO, and no Kostner scenes !! A bonus from Kitman Ho or "bean-counter" Townsend ?? Don't be silly big guy, their giving you, Davy, and Roy unlimited meals & beer there !! Wow !! Thanks-a-bunch.

    Of course, Jim didn't want to go beyond the anti-Castro Cuban hit on Ferrie, and sure as hell didn't want to talk about a "screw-up". Now it is up to Lou Ivon's small circle to explain, or resolve -- or except that the "minor" scenario is meaningless, and was just more "Theater"!!

    Milian remained curious as to any evidence of Cubans killing Ferrie, and he asked Kostner about it during the filming of "Revenge" with Tony Quinn in Mexico.

    No NEWS here,



  3. Well, I don't know Hemming. The fact is that Ferrie wasn't under house arrest. They might have wanted him to stay in one place, but its not the same thing. You either misheard or misremembered what Ivon said.


    Negatory Owen [and this is one of the many snivel factors by Mellen]

    I asked Jim how they got a judge to sign a criminal complaint affidavit to execute even a "house arrest ??"

    Lou interrupted to explain that pursuant to the "Napoleanic CIVIL Code" under which LA still operates, they had utilized a "material Witness" warrant; the same kind that hundreds of Muslim detainees were grabbed by the FBI since post-9/11. The "screw-up" was in saving the overtime buck$ for a baby-sitter, which bail bondsman [like my nephew] use renta-a-pigs or P.I.s instead of regular [or reserve] cops/constables. That is why every Cajun in N.O. still has a constable's badge, unless Katrina washed it away !!




  4. Yes. I have a masters degree and still spell things wrong. You're the second person to correct my spelling on this forum. I'm not a messenger boy for Wim. I don't know who Snidley P. CONvict is.

    You know where Tony was on 11-22-63?

    Files says Tony was in Dealey Plaza. I say Files is full of it.

    Do you care to let me know if I'm right or left on this one or are you just gonna yank my crank? Jason Vermeer


    Just yanking your chain Jason [on the spelling] just like others do to me every now and then.

    As I told James Richards [perhaps you missed it] -- that is a rude, insulting, and scandalously disrepectful question to ask anybody who name has surfaced reference the JFK/RFK/MLK/M-X cases.

    It is accusatory to the extreme, and sure as hell wouldn't be asked "in person" of even the most timid of the "subjects/usual suspects" involved herein !! I would suggest a "Masters" in the martial arts, coupled with a CCW firearms permit if you ever chance doing it in person -- because they WILL damage you !!

    It is up to the individual to "out" himself/herself as to locale during said event. And especially so since it IS absolutely meaningless whether a person was in DP and witnessed the murder. And it is up to them to discern whether they were lured or placed there for nefarious purposes -- and moreover, their call what to do about it. Years ago, some DID -- and got away clean with their acts against specific evil-doers.

    I remain shocked that wimp Sturgis didn't shoot Weberman for doing same. But, then again, either the Khazar ran out the door, did it as his last telephone call, or as usual -- is lying through his teeth !!

    Asking for an alibi statement from high-profile "subjects-of-interest"; Jesus H. Christ [not AJW's CIA Christ]

    Get real -- we are trying to get these people on the Forum for Intel sharing; not Trolling or proving that the wing-nut CTs are alive-and-well !!

    I can't comment on CON(man)vict Files' references to the (Nov. 22 '1963) 10-20 of these folks !!

    Keep up the great work,



  5. P.S. John, you can keep referring to LHO as an "FBI Agent" from now until forever. This will not make it so.

    An "Agent" is a full time employee of the Federal Government, of which, rest assured, LHO was NOT.

    Is it true that someone can only be a full-time FBI undercover agent? I remember William Sullivan once telling J. Edgar Hoover that there were more undercover FBI agents in the American Communist Party than there was actual committed members. I expect the same was true of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. In fact, the whole thing could have been what the British intelligence agencies call a "honey trap".


    John and Tom [and even for the "lurking" Trolls]

    As both JJA and Theodore Racoosin [one of the 5 founders of the State of Israel] told me; were it not for the Shin Bet/MOSSAD 100% funding of Geo. Lincoln Rockwell's U.S. NAZI Party, it would have faded into oblivion quickly !! [Nothing like a few armband Swastikas "on-parade" to boost the Israel Bond sales !!]

    As former DCI Jim Woolsey told the seminar in Cleveland [Feb. 1998] -- a CIA "agent" is the snitch, spy, traitor, etc. who is recruited by the career CIA "OFFICER" to betray everybody from his country to his mother & goldfish!!

    An FBI "AGENT" is a career employee [not a clerk nor janitor] who is ultimately sworn in as law enforcement officer, and given a "scrolled & embossed" Commission [as required by the Constitution] as an active FBI SPECIAL AGENT !!

    An FBI "INFORMANT" is carried under the title as an S.S.C.I.; an S.C.I.; or mostly as a C.I.!!

    An S.S.C.I. is a Salaried Special Confidential Informant.

    An S.C.I. is a Special Confidential Informant [receiving a regular or infrequent "stipend" and/or "expenses"]

    While a C.I. [the most common], is a Confidential Informant, and usually is cooperating because felony charges have been "temporarily" abated/suspended; or he has been paroled or otherwise released to "custody-at-large" status, and remains free as long as he continues his work as a "UC" snitch, or an agent provacateur !! [beginning during the Victorian Era -- in the UK; this was styled as a "Ticket-for-Leave"]

    Valerie Plame Wilson was still a "NOC" [Non-Official-Cover] & Covert CIA OFFICER [not Agent] when she was traitorously "outed" by Cheney, Libby, Rove, and "Shrub" via Novak, Miller, et al. !! The difficulties with proving the "Intent" [mens rea] requirements of the 1982 Intel/Identities Act forced Fitzgerald to go for the "cover-up" indictment counts. But, there will indeed be more. Y'all...down there in Crawford, TX -- be kind to "Shrub" when he retires there next year, cause he WILL be pardoned by Hastert or Frist...Y'all hear now !!

    Nothing really NEW here,



  6. I don't believe the stuff about bus and cab rides. Roger Craig saw him run down the embankment and jump into a Nash Rambler and I believe him.

    It seems to me that Oswald's escape would have involved better planning than that. How would the conspirators know that after shooting JFK on Elm Street, the street would promptly be reopened to traffic, so Oswald could come out and be picked up on Elm?

    I believe Craig also said he heard the man whistle for the Rambler, as if saying, "Hey, don't forget me!"

    It just strikes me as a haphazard way of getting away, unless, of course, Oswald wasn't supposed to get away but to be shot in the building.

    Hi Mark and Ron,

    I know that this is probably a silly question, but I wonder if anyone knows whether or not the real LHO could even whistle like that........

    FWIW, Thomas


    Like Ron, I can't whistle like that either though not from lack of trying. My 16 year old son can do that two finger whistle so loud birds fly out of trees. I'm so lame.

    Your question is an interesting one, though. I wonder if Marina has ever been asked.

    Ron, when you suggest LHO was supposed to be shot in the TSBD, do you mean by the cops?


    Years ago, I spent hours on the telephone with some kind of DP, LHO, Nash Rambler "expert?".

    I related to him that H. K. Davis had loaned his old Rambler to Dick Whatley and Bobby Willis for their trip to California, and then on to Mexico and British Honduras [belize]. The FBI/CIA 'flap" documents as to the stolen CIA .45 Colt automatic & the CIA "00" Office [Los Angeles - Overt] and the Temple City L.A. Sheriff's substation investigation into the punk who stole said pistol from Dick's rucksack occurred just after their arrival in Alhambra, CA. [January 1962]

    Three weeks later, long after crossing the Mexico "frontier/migra" station, they encountered a shanty "mordida" 4 man checkpoint. Various weapons [including my old Schmeisser MP-40, now "Tefloned green"] were wired up under the chassis of the ramber.

    Refusing to pay the $20 bribe, a detailed search of the station-wagon commenced. The next spid move by these clowns was to make a run for it -- but a few bullets into the radiator quickly stopped the fleeing Gringos.

    They spent 6+ months in the same prison with Joel Kaplan, failed in two escape attempts...yadda, yadda !!

    Davy had immediately reported the Rambler as stolen upon learning of their arrests.

    I called General Walker in Dallas, and around August he convinced both the "Chili-Belly Beaners" and "Fairy" Hoover's minions that both would serve more time stateside under the "Hobbs Act" [10 years] than

    under the weak weapons charge [no trial yet] in Mexico.

    I had Walker send them money to bribe the warden, and they were driven to the U.S. Border and handed over to the FBI. Bob Dwyer[MIA/FO Div-9 ASAC] -- bursting with laughter, called Davy's house and asked

    whether we were going to "Testi-Lie" against these horse-thieving/car-rustling scalawag miscreants ??!!

    Davy responded -- "...What solen Rambler ?? Once we found out it was stolen from them as a loaner...we forgot to give you a call !!" We hear that they are in Texas now ??"

    Whatley and Willis got some more buck$ from Walker, and they arrived at No Name Key a few days later.

    The Rambler was hauled to an impound yard on Meachum Field [Airport] 14 miles west of Dallas, and remained there until it disappeared during November 1963.

    Nothing "NEW" here -- back to C-SPAN,



  7. Folks it's really time to just IGNORE this xxxxx. Maybe then she will go away.

    Responding to her is like responding to a dog in heat...

    She only have one thought and it's been beaten to death.

    As for Ferrie he was NOT in Garrison's custody. Another lie.


    "She only have one thought"?

    I don't think you are in any position to criticize me.

    In my opinion, Jim Garrison was a white collar, Jack Ruby.

    Jack Ruby silenced Lee Harvey Oswald and Jim Garrison silenced David Ferrie.



    Lou Ivon told me that "fairy" Ferrie [his words] was under house arrest custody -- and that "they blew it !!; and "Big Jim" grudgingly admitted to it !! [June 1967 -- N.O. D.A.'s Office & Fountainblaeu Restaurant]

    Back to the books and those "Alpha-Male" defendants Counselor !!



  8. I should address this to all...Does anyone know the whereabouts of Antonia Veciana on 11-22-63? James Files claims Veciana was in Dealey plaza. Jason


    That's AntoniO Veciana - but "Tony" will do. I know !! But, pass this on to "Snidley P. CONvict" and Wim:




  9. Here's a link to a Newsday article on conspiracy theories. It's mainly about 9/11, but it spews the same old Peter Jennings/establishment crap about CTs being people who have a need for a "sense of comfort," to make some "sense of the senseless," etc.

    I guess it's good to be reminded occasionally how pathetic we are, as irritating as it is to hear.


    Certainly worth reading!

    The "PsyOp's" aspects have of course been going on for many, many years.

    A prime study of this can be done of WWI.

    The US printed numerous/varied posters which demonstrated the Kaiser and his troops frequently in some variation of assault upon the "ladies".

    All of which fed the fire of American will to become involved in the war, merely to protect the honor of the women, if for no other reason.

    Certainly, the means and methods are far more complicated and complex today.

    Nevertheless, they continue, and continue to work.



    The PHONIEST propaganda ploy was the "Nurse Cavell" torture and execution by "Kaiser Bill" [battenberg/Mountbatten] and his "Huns/Boch" underlings !! Next was the "Bayonetting Babies" theme posters !!




  10. Gerry and Al, I (and no doubt many others) am most grateful for your advice and insights. I've slowed down on this to absorb the information and to learn some of the concepts.

    One thing I've found is that the location of the pipe is not clear, I've had to use a roof pic from floor 5 and a floor pic from 6 plus some long shots, and it seems to me it is not quite where indicated on diagrams.

    I think the guy doing the tests is tucked right up to it and, in another photo, there is a guy sitting on a box for dimension study and one can see his left shoulder bent forward to avoid the pipe in order to be where the WC suggest the sniper was.

    (*A thought on this : could the pipe be an aid to steady by leaning in ot it or is it basically an obstruction?)

    Here is an estimate where I think the pipe is, based on photos. I've not been there so can someone who knows comment?

    Also I understand the floor has been refloored (more than once?) what is the distance in 63 from floor to ledge? I can count bricks and guesstimate on mortar thickness,. What are standard US brick / mortar dimensions in 1900?)



    I opted for this shorter post in order to avoid that members would be forced to scroll down through all of the excellent photo/simulation that you contributed.

    The very short hours that we spent on the 6th floor during 1991 confirmed my recollection of what I had discerned from all of the WC/FBI phoney re-enactment crap years before doing the "RFK" gig. I have a letter from the 6th floor bossman [can't recall his name now -CRS no doubt -- afflicts us elderly types !!]; but he approached me after Oliver told everybody it was time to leave...and he said it in a very loud and gruff voice. I attributed it to the emotion of being a belated witness to the scene of a horrific murder.

    As I politely stopped to hear what the guy was saying, I looked back towards Stone...who had a nasty look on his face...and the bossman/director [whatever his title] turned and looked at Oliver...raised his hand in a gesture indicating...one moment...if you don't mind ?? -- and Stone turned and stormed out !!

    All that the guy wanted was if I would submit to an oral history, and make recommendations as to more materials which might balance the "theme" away from a TOTAL concordance with the Warren Comm'n Report.

    My extremely polite answer was: "....You gotta be xxxxting me...they would close you down in a heartbeat if they even heard that you talked to me...!!" He responded: "....We are granted wide autono..." -- And I interrupted with: "..Bullxxxx...the only reason we were allowed up here...even to redo the 7th floor...even to close off Dealey Plaza...even to be in this goddamn city...is because of the BIG bucks Stone is paying the local godfather assholes...don't xxxx me now...I'm too big a turd...anyway...I will call you from Miami...And I will be astonished if you are still here..!!"

    I had previously asked Jane's underling at the "Art Department" [in a warehouse blocks away] to supply me with ALL of the 6th floor photos, especially those of the so called "sniper's nest" -- and especially the FBI re-enactment phonies. Armed with these I made visual comparisons. Standing outside of the plexi-glass barrier wall, I compared window sill height above floor, positioning of the book boxes [6th floor had it wrong, plus left out the rear-barricade pile in order to give the public a clearer view] -- and tried to imagine how the hell somebody 5' 9" tall could contort himself into a firing position ??!! [especially when taking the head-shot].

    The pipe [as then portrayed] appeared to be the original. It appeared to be 4 inches to the left of the window, and 3 inches off of the brick wall. To me, that indicated that it might be a "heat" vent stand-pipe; but not insulated with wrap, because the temperatures were most likely hot -- but not fire-hazard hot.

    I suspected that on that November morning, the pipe was more than just warm -- and anybody leaning against it, would have been either burned or very uncomfortable. Neverthetheless, hot or cold, it blocked a right-handed shooter from taking ANY shots, even if employing the rarely used Marine Corps semi-kneeling position !!

    As expected, nobody making the movie [or consulting/advising upon same] wanted to hear zip about the pipe, window, shooter position, etc. --especially Gus Russo and Bob Groden.

    Nothing "NEW" here -- back to C-SPAN, and feeling like a "Big-shot". [better watch those X-Rays Lady, maybe some lead shielding for your head might help with your disposition, or better yet -- a DIET !!],

    "Patria o Muerte" / "Venceremos" -- Love that "paratrooping" Hugo Chavez !!



  11. The opinions of Summers' and Weisberg are no more than their opinions. Like I have said, the Garrison investigation was made into an albatross around the necks of the critics by the media (see Summers passage, which you quote, about "discrediting... genuine researchers for a full decade.."). I have asked you to deal with the facts.

    The FBI says Harold Weisberg knows more about the Kennedy assassination than the FBI itself. Who do you work for?


    Lynne, Lynne -- This is a high school kid. Don't do the "McArthyite" xxxxx routine on him. "...who do YOU work for...??" -- Jeez...he probably flips burgers at a Wendy's...which by the way is ass-busting work, and a good way to enter the labor pool. Back in my union "organizer" days, I would have ALL of those minimum-wage/slave labor & greedy bastard outfits blocked by picket lines for years !!

    While helping Joe Caleb organize the Black laborers' [Miami - 1966-67] "Int'l Brotherhood of Labor...etc." I taught the picketeers to sing a Miami Beach favorite:

    "...Men with broken noses....armed with rubber hoses....join the fight for Israel" [or "Palestine", depending on the neighborhood] Man, did that piss off the white crackers !!

    Tragically Joe was assassinated, and my Ironworker's Local "business agent" [who was also Mayor of Opa-Locka] was fingered as the perp. Didn't fly though, and the guy now doing life in the Chain Gang was the crane operator's union Prez [int'l Eng/Operators]. They did build a big ass building and named it for Joe.

    [Howza about that for you lovers of "unverifiriable anecdotes" -- poor widdle babies !!]

    Anyway, cut the kid some slack -- let Gratz ["El Fascisti] get on his case. Let me see...Oh yeah...Tim would contemplate: "...A 'PROGRESSIVE !!??...isn't that the new catch-phrase for a commie/symp fellow traveling snot-nose...." Well, you get the idea.

    I know, let's BAN the kid...and then we will burn all of his Garrison books...Mein Fuhr...oops -- my good buddy !!

    The "debate?" protocol should be: write nasty as all hell...but be POLITE !!

    "Good Morning Viet Sussex",




    Sounds spirited to me. The fact that you would dismiss the CIA's connections to the assassination as "preposterous" says a lot about the opinion you hold them in.

    Also, please explain how the FBI's stonewalling and wiretaping of Garrison fit into your "Hoover is behind Garrison" scenario.

    I know I'm just kicking at the pricks here, but refuting you has become such an effortless action at this point.

    I think everything is relative. Compared to the wholesale assault on the CIA, a single sentence is a rather muted response.

    As for the FBI, even J. Edgar Hoover could not control all his agents. If there were a number of "spirited" ones who investigated Garrison the hoaxter, kudos to them as well.

    As far as I am concerned, Garrison was useless because he did not even prove Oswald's innocence. Instead, David Ferrie died in his custody.

    I am sure that J. Edgar Hoover did not have to investigate Garrison, he was too busy investigating real, Kennedy assassination investigators. He didn't bother with a hoaxster like Garrison because he knew what he was all about.

    I really do not understand all this hero-worship regarding Jim Garrison, maybe you are all Kevin Costner fans or something... but don't expect me to get on your bandwagon.


    Ms. Lynne:

    You got real close to getting it right. I have been a member of the South Florida Research Group for many years. One of the leading members is a co-founder of C.O.P.A. along with John Judge. However, I am not so sure about Judge sometimes, he reminds me of quite a few seemingly intelligent and skilled researchers [but not skilled pro-Invstigators of the Fonzi class] -- but somewhere along the line they have found it either convenient or urgent to team up with some very strange folks -- and since I include myself as strange; I know them well !!

    Oftentimes they have reached the "burnout point" [as John Newman told me years ago -- had happened to him]; so they network with people that operate on their "wavelength" -- which some "shrinks" claim is a form of "holding on to their Linus blankets".

    Some indeed actually do see Kostner as the "real" Garrison, and because they never dealt with the actual man; they quickly become "music" and "movie star" groupies. Much of this is quite positive, as close friends [and many on this forum] only began their quest because of Oliver Stone's courage in undertaking the filming of "JFK". While I was working on the movie, I had arguments with folks who had worked on other films with Stone -- were almost family to him; but ranted that: "....This whole project is a bunch of phony bullxxxx!!"

    I first thought, yeah guys, your just probing to see if I am a "team player"; and this is your technique for uncovering dissidents or disgruntled employees who might want to do a "Lardner" and sabotage the "Camelot Project". WRONG !! They were then, and remain today, convinced that "JFK" is totally fiction; outrageously absurd, and edifies a probably corrupt and mentally disturbed publicity seeker.

    Two of these folks joined us from having just finished putting "Backdraft" in the can, and I was a bit upset that they, having arrived just few some weeks into filming, had quickly formulated any opinion at all. I later discovered that working with the Chicago Fire Department, and seeing famous actors doing their own very dangerous stunts ["Gags"]; they must have expected a more serious-faced crowd on the lots and sets.

    Maybe they had other reasons, but one still owes me a "Backdraft" black T-shirt !!

    I have received dozens of e-mails from people who "lurk", and members who post. Some forward articles of a psychology 101 nature, which I have trouble relating to; while others send items such as: the "Internet xxxxx" article; which I found easy to read and grasp. However, as I stated in a different thread, somehow the wrong party was being identified as "Trolling" -- but, then again -- I might just be misinterpreting things.

    Others have put it more simply: You have people that are obviously very bright, and who have invested enormous amounts of time [and money]; and what do they face? More questions than answers. So, they take the easy way out -- enough is enough, I've arrived at a definite conclusion; here is what happened to JFK, and here is who did it, and here is the WHY !!

    Hell, both petit and grand juries do it all the time -- the "O.J. Case" is the classic example. However, many forget that the burden is on the prosecution in a criminal case.

    And that burden is to "prove-guilt-beyond-a-reasonable-doubt"!!

    Moreover, the defendant doesn't have to "prove" anything. Using the term "found innocent" is a misnomer, nobody is EVER found innocent -- they are found "Not Guilty"; and innocence has nothing to do with the case at all. The prosecution failed to "prove" its case to the jurors [or judge in a Bench trial] that its case was proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Some of the CT researcher/writer/groupie element have long ago cast their ballots for "Guilty on all counts", but when queried [as some jurors are on 60 minutes, etc.] they fail to explicate or expound upon what was the crucial piece(s) of evidence which convinced you to vote out "Guilty" ?? Or, what was the admixture of singular pieces of evidence [which includes testimony not stricken as hearsay] and after finally having been thrown together, swung your vote -- that is: if you didn't lie on voire dire that you had no bias or preconceived notions of guilt ??

    So far, for over 40 years, I have yet to see, or hear for that matter: any of their alleged solid evidence!! Just endless speculation and wild guesswork theorems. And whose fault is that, pray tell ?? Why you know, it's all a gigantic cover-up by hundreds of Cabals [not just individuals or entities]; but seeming "Cartels" of evil demons who have conspired, one with the other, to commit horrendous crimes -- and then blatantly proceed to cover it all up with lies and thousands of shredding machines !!

    Evidence ?? One scribbler confabulates "insider" [almost whistle-blower level] tips in a tabloid, a magazine, a book, and shortly thereafter; more scribblers hit their keyboard and repeat the same "evidence", but with more page-filling embellishments. And once again another "Eric Brockevitch" clone is off to save the world.

    My feeble conclusions, albeit rather limited in scope -- don't want to keep you up all night.

    The first major myth: The CIA [per the 1947 statutes, as later amended] "expliciitly" states a prohibition against "investigating U.S. Citizens, especially those who are domiciled within the U.S., its Territories, and Possessions.

    WRONG !! The whole of the CIA "charter" forbids investigations for "law enforcement purposes", and this has been unchanged -- even after the passage of the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act. Even Congress has shown displeasure with that last "catch-all" caveat in the Charter: "...and other matters of which the President shall so direct"!!

    But, they have never seen fit to repeal or amend those few words. Far too many people, with absolutely not even the barest grasp of either law or government -- rant that: "...It is all a conspiracy !!" Could be, but I am still awaiting that sworn conclusive testimony and other evidence which proves same.

    The CIA does exactly what the President directs it to do, and oftentimes this is amended via the National Security Council; just as the statutes command.

    An old phrase comes to mind; '...There are no bad Regiments...only bad Colonels". If the CIA violates its charter under orders, than file a "Bill of Impeachment" in the House of Representatives" -- even Cynthia McKinney knows how to type one up !!

    Finally, pay no mind to the real TROLLS, and continue with any iconoclastic missives; and don't feel sorry or pity for the gullible idol worshipers; you didn't force them to buy the wrong books, or listen to the bullxxxx artists, they screwed up -- TOUGH !!

    From one who is: "....the prime suspect [along with his buddies] in this whole matter"...er.. for a while I thought that I was the guy that Posner described as "self-interposing into a matter not related to him at all".

    Even the ad hominems are confusing and contradictory -- Imagine that.

    Keep on truckin'

    Gerry Hemming


  13. Gerry,

    It seems to me that what you are saying could be the reason Johnson as president vetoed the "blame it on Castro" part of the JFK plot. I believe that Johnson was in on, or had foreknowledge of, the assassination, knew that Castro didn't do it, and didn't want the problems that blaming it on Castro would create.

    The one big problem for Johnson (how to become president and stay out of prison) had been taken care of. I'm sure it was with relief that he promptly opted for the lone-nut scenario, against the wishes of CIA and military folks whom he figured he could pacify by giving them (and his fat-cat Texas friends) the Vietnam War.




    NO ! That is NOT what I'm saying !! Now you are borderline mimicking what too many over eager scribblers have "quoted" me as "saying, stating, alleging, swearing, farting and mumbling".

    I understood you to say that Johnson knew there were still nuclear weapons in Cuba. I suggested that if that is true, that may be why Johnson wanted to leave Castro alone. How did this misquote you?



    "Borderline mimicking" is the operative statement. Your merging of your "belief" that LBJ "knew" [for certain?] that a nuke threat remained with Cuba [solo] within the same paragraph, congruent with your inculpations of guilt, foreknowledge, acquiesence, etc. would cause the reader to believe that I had made an identical statement or this was a paraphrasing of same. Not starting a new paragraph with an "however" [for example] would have indicated that your "quote" was in agreement, but with a caveated addendum or correction.

    I failed English in high school [1st year], so I shouldn't be heard to bitch too loudly !!

    Permit me to restate: That LBJ knew for certain ??, and "Whiz-kid" MacNamara didn't "know for certain" as to nukes armed and ready, or stored, or deactivated -- I've not spoken with anyone who claims that LBJ had the "perfect" inside Intel scoop. In Havana, 1992, "Slack-Mac" stated that his belief during 1962, and until the Soviet statements during his meetings, believed that the nukes had never arrived "inside" Cuba.

    The singular evidence is that LBJ's administration took specific measures in "attempts" to verify absence or presence of nukes, and their delivery capabilities. The Thermo-nukes were wired for delivery ONLY by the Iluyshins being reassembled at the air base which I had commanded until mid-1960. [b.A.M. San Julian, Pinar del Rio Province [western], Cuba. The T/Nukes could NOT be launched by IRBMs, MRBMs, submarines, or ships. Part of the modules required for the prepping, arming, targeting, and launching the T/Nukes were copies of our AN/ARN-21 Navigation/Prepping/Guidance/Delivery computer [transisterized].

    The PIC ["Pilot-in-Command"] and the Bombardier would make the ultimate decision of the weapons delivery method , e.g.: "Over-the-Shoulder" or "Forward Pitch" [i'll skip the Mil/terms for same].

    The options would have been:

    [1] If targeting Washinton, D.C., NYC, etc. -- the distances needed to be flown would have precluded "slipping-under-the-radar while penetrating the A.D.I.Z. ["Air Defense Identification Zone"] which began at "24 North Latitude" & wrapped around Florida and up the east coast at an average of 30 miles offshore; because this low altitude flight would have consumed all of their fuel by Richmond, Virginia.

    Therefore, the bombers would have been forced to "sneak-under" till Georgia, and thereafter pose as a commercial cargo or passenger jet flight at above 20,000 feet msl till target IP. Jets are designed to fly at high altitudes. "Down-on-the-deck" usually burns 10 times the fuel rate, which means that fuel cells would have had to be installed inside the bomb bays to even get close.

    Op/Sec would have required that a decoy aircraft launch from within Georgia and coordinated with the bombers ETAs. [a light twin with large radar reflectors onboard, plus ECM gear -- to impersonate a medium commercial bird when they popped up on FAA and/or NORAD radar screens south of Atlanta] ALL aircraft cruising above flight level 20 circa 1962 would have to be on an FAA approved IFR "Flight Plan" [it is 12,000 ft. now]

    It would have been highly irregular for a large jet to file the flight plan in the air as is done by light aircraft, but filing under VFR ONLY ["Visual Flight Rules"] -- and this is permitted because many small airplanes launch from airports without control towers or telephones, or farmer's fields. [oftentimes the VFR pilot will telephone from home and be permitted to takeoff with a specified "time-window", or file no flight whatsoever. This is not the case with Jets]

    [2] Targeting the B-47 SAC bases at McDill AFB [Tampa] and Homestead AFB [Miami] would NOT have been a decapitating blow, but would have permitted low-level surprise and short-range attacks;

    [3] The preferred routing for the eastern seaboard would have been a decoy Int' flight plan via Bermuda,

    and after passing D.C. or NYC; doubling back for a low-level "over-the-shoulder" or "forward-pitch" delivery maneuver. Because all of the FAA/NORAD radars would have been "fried" by EMP, the crews could continue on to secure landing sites in Canada. This would avoid a "one-way-Kamikaze" mission crew state of mind; which might have encouraged their aborting the operations before weapons delivery IP;

    [4] The high altitude dropping requires the bomber to remain within the "Victor Airways" [VOR highways in the sky] and be subjected to the FAA rules requiring the radio reporting of "station passage" and ETAs of "Next Waypoint". Moreover, even at high altitude the bombers dropping T/Nukes would have suffered severe EMP "frying" and radiation, as the Soviets had not then perfected "Iron-Clad" models; and,

    [5] High altitude dropping might have risked the above-mententioned aborting. Since their bomb-bays were not pressurized, the weapons would have been subjected to below freezing temperatures above 15,000 feet msl [temperate zone freezing level]; so the AN/ARN-12- type module incorporates such things as "Guidance Fin De-frosters" warming up the weapon some time before dropping. The T/Nukes had J/DAM type guidance fins, and if frozen -- would go astray.

    "Over-the-shoulder" means a manuver where the bomber passes abeam of the target, executes a computer controlled "inside loop" headed back towards the target, and at a critical point the computer releases the weapon, and the bomber completes the loop back to "on-the-deck" and escapes while being shielded from EMP by surrounding terrain features.

    "Forward Pitching" requires the bomber to start the loop short of the target, and at the critical moment, the weapon is released -- and the bomber returns via the approach route, but "on-the-deck" once again.

    LBJ's only option was to continue the installation of the "Hawk" anti-aircraft missile batteries all over the U.S., and since these AAA [sAM type] missiles had similar abilities as the later Patriots; it was expected that incoming warhead capsules could be at least be "fried" before descending to detonation altitudes.

    Regardless of whether he even commanded the DP shooters [by Dick Tracy "wrist-radio" mayhaps??] from his very own vehicle, he still had to deal with the Cuban Nuke threat in the near term.

    Why the statement that: "Most active and EFFECTIVE Cuban exile raider groups were being 'shut-down' or 'thwarted' by JFK/RFK -- is total horse-xxxx -- is soon to follow !!

    "Patrick did it !!" -- Common refrain heard in Florida during 1961 thru 1967.



  14. Since the CIA asked for a law enforcement complaint about the "outing" of Plame but never made such a complaint against Will I suspect that may prove that Buckley was not on the CIA payroll. (Why would he need to m oonlight anyway?).

    Of course, Buckley is not on the payroll. You don't insult a groupie by offering her money.

    Tim, you're last post offering a "better safe than sorry' view of the world is one of the saddest things I've ever read. President Bush' job is to make the right decision and trust the most credible intelligence. His refusal to follow the CIA and his decision to follow a "better safe than sorry" strategy in Iraq was the sure road to hell. In the 70's, his father adopted a "better safe than sorry" strategy on the national estimates of Soviet missile defense. As a result, we suddenly found ourselves on the wrong side of a second "missile gap," which cleared the way for Reagan to engage in the largest military build-up in U.S. Peacetime history. One Trillion dollars later, we're still funidng Star wars etc. "just in case.." Why you're unable to see that that TRILLION dollars could have been better spent on education, better public transportation, better health care, etc... is beyond me. Why you're unwilling to acknowledge that the Reagan/ Bush nexus might have had other things on their mind than the welfare of the American people, namely the welfare of their MIC backers, is beyond me. I think you are terrifyingly naive...



    I could NEVER stomache that asshole "Ronny-RayGun" even when he was a "Z" classless "actor?" Moreover, you might have read where I went against "Bush-41" during 1991 in encouraging Larry Nichols to rescind his state and federal law suits against "Slick Willy" -- and advising Larry that further "Jennifer Flowers, et al. exposes" would operate to insure that an inadequate Geo. H. W. would emerge as the reigning Mogul of the ruling Cabal.

    And this, after days of re-drafting the dismissed original pleadings [prepared by a law professor??] and having both the Arkansas and federal district court reinstate same.

    Google and discover that Clinton made over 50 official declarations of Iraqi WMDs. In fact, Saddam had previously purchased "Yellow-Cake" 4 times since the 1980s. Prez Geo. "Shrub" the 43rd was threatened after 9/11 with an even more heavily documented [this time legal charge] that Saddam's "Republican Guards" took down the Murrah Federal Building [OKBOMB]; and that said terrorists had been granted DCI/ INS immigration waivers [the 100 limit anaully was violated] by both Bush-41 and Clinton "Bribers" !!

    [see: "The 3rd Terrorist" - by Jayna Davis & the multiple court case transcripts which followed].

    Moreover, there was a threat that observations made by my Son's Long Island based Para-Rescue Unit [NY Air Guard - See: "The Perfect Storm] that one of their "Blackhawk" Pavelows had witnessed a MANPADS ["Stinger" or SAM-17] launched against TWA-800 from a "Go-Fast" Cigarette boat. That said 50+ knot speedboat used Sov-type ECM & FLIR "blooming" devices to elude capture, and disappeared toward an Iraqi flagged [enroute to the Caribbean] merchant vessel [read "mother-Ship"].

    I was pissed at the RMK/BRJ" consortium in Vietnam long before Jeb Magruder called his cousin [and my business partner] Peyton Marshall Magruder [ex-WerBell business associate post-WWII] during early 1973.

    The DEAL?? Go to RVN, asssit in declaring over $200 million worth of mostly still crated heavy construction vehicles & equipment and declare same as surplus salvage !! -- And, after bribing RVN prez Thieu [via mistrees who kept $1.5 M] with $21 Million -- ship ALL to the Shaw in Iran. Magruder got a measely $60,000+, and I got a Saigon to Miami to Saigon telephone bill for almost a thousand buckaroos.

    The USS Stark was an "Act-of-War"; moreover, a "State-of-Belligerency" continued between Iraq and the U.S. even despite the 1991 "cease-fire" sponson/compact. According to the U.N. Charter, a member belligerent state has every right & privilege to reinstate active military actions should ANY substantive part of the "cease-fire" be violated. This remains the case with North Korea since July 26th, 1953 [uS Time] and the Panmunjon "interim" agreements. This is also why the Congress continued the complete "War Powers Act' delegation of authority to all Presidents; that is: until it expired sine die with Nixon during April 1973 !!

    These belligerent Iraqi acts centered on violations of [uN approved] "No-Fly Zones" and the "lighting-up" of coalition fighters/recon/bombers enforcing same; by Iraqi use of Soviet supplied SAM radar and a few missile launches.

    The second half of the "War Powers" clause in section 8 states "...and may issue Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make regulations as to captures and prizes..."!! Declarations of War are obsolete, and inimical to world commerce. A war delaration immediates requires ALL nation states to either declare their neutrality -- or their alliance as to the belligerent entities, be they "Prince, Power, or State"!! Because this paralyses world commerce, it is to be avoided. Therefore, the president [unilaterally] or the Congress [by "Joint Resolution"] may authorize reactive, defensive, or pre-emptive military action. The Boland Amendment was an example of the Congress using "the-power-of-the-purse" to abate belligerency. Had the reverse been the case -- the "Executive" being the "branch" which hesitated to respond; the results would have been similar: "Privateering & outsourcing the combatant arms.

    These U.S. actions [recognized in both military & Int' Law] were in response to the new Sandinista regime's overt "Declaration of War" against the U.S. [at Las Mercedes, Oriente -- July 26th 1979]. Noriega later complied with 1,000+ years of Int'l Law by overtly [and before his subjects] declared War against the U.S., whilst adhering to the ancient requirement that he hold a wepon in one hand, and the banner, colors, flag, or shield of his "Liege" [Nat'l Flag of the Republic of Panama] in the other -- while verbalizing in clear language his declaration of belligerency [1990]!!

    We are at War gentlemen, and despite the insidiousness of the Bush, Cheney, Halliburton, et al. concorderie; Y'all should either delare your loyal opposition, or join with the enemy -- IF you have the balls.

    You can't have both ways. "Hanoi Jane", Hayden, Kerry, or GO! John McCain in 2008.

    'Nuff said,



  15. John wrote:

    Tim, as I have already pointed out, William Buckley is a long-time CIA operative .

    John, you are now being investigated by Patrick Fitzgerald for "outing" William F. Buckley, Jr., who had always claimed he only worked for the CIA for a brief time.

    Fitzgerald will ask you to identify your source that Buckley remained a CIA operative (as I do now).

    Is that another one of your threats? Do you really think Patrick Fitzgerald is going to come after me?

    For evidence that William Buckley was a long-time member of the CIA and that the National Review was/is a CIA front see the article by George Will's article in the Washington Post on 29th January, 1975. Will was actually the National Review’s Washington columnist. He explained that most senior members of staff knew that the National Review was a CIA operation. He revealed that the journal had four CIA agents on its staff. He claimed that he had evidence that the National Review had been receiving funds from the CIA. He also revealed that Buckley was very close to E. Howard Hunt and had been raising funds for him. (The article was published during the Watergate Scandal). Will lost his job in the National Review but was never prosecuted for outing Buckley. In fact, the article received very little attention at the time and Buckley was pleased to let the subject drop. As this thread is linked to my very popular page on William Buckley, I don't think you will have pleased your idol by raising this issue.



    I just interrupted Fitzgerald's post-jogging breakfast via a telephone call to his "work-a-holic" office. He reminded me that George Will published his "theory" long before the "1982 Intelligence Identities Act" took effect as law !! Any indictment of Mr. Will would be violative of our constitutional prohibitions against "ex-post facto" prosecutions, "written" into our "Law-of-the-Land"; something you Brits have failed to do [writing a Constitution] and opting instead for "Statutes-at-Large"!!

    However, the U.S. / U.K. Treaty providing for concurrent prosecutorial jurisdiction might just subject you to a "love-cruise" rendition aboard one of the outsourced PSC's lavishly equipped Grumman "Jetstreams" -- that is: if you don't demand an "unhooded" voyage in one of their hot-air balloons.

    Should you so desire, I could file [as "Next Friend"] in your name a petition directly to Justice Scalia, to wit:

    Seeking the invocation of the "All Writs Act" [Title 18 U.S. Code, section 1361]; and seeking abatement of all proceedings [or renditions] whilst I prepare a Writ of Prohibition, consolidated with Quo Warranto, and a "Bivens Action". Appended thereto will be found an "immediate-cease-and-desist" demand against any further stupid "Gratzonianist" accusatory/threatening and obscene blatherings !!

    John !! "...Who will rid you of this pries...er...shyster wannabe.."!!

    NOW that we have had our Sunday "funnies", let us return to more serious TROLLING --Pull-ease.

    Crumpets soaked in Guinness old boy, Eh wot ??



  16. Gerry,

    It seems to me that what you are saying could be the reason Johnson as president vetoed the "blame it on Castro" part of the JFK plot. I believe that Johnson was in on, or had foreknowledge of, the assassination, knew that Castro didn't do it, and didn't want the problems that blaming it on Castro would create.

    The one big problem for Johnson (how to become president and stay out of prison) had been taken care of. I'm sure it was with relief that he promptly opted for the lone-nut scenario, against the wishes of CIA and military folks whom he figured he could pacify by giving them (and his fat-cat Texas friends) the Vietnam War.




    NO ! That is NOT what I'm saying !! Now you are borderline mimicking what too many over eager scribblers have "quoted" me as "saying, stating, alleging, swearing, farting and mumbling". Some of this began with "novice" wannabe authors who falsely wrote that: "...GPH states that the tall tramp is Miami JBS

    member Ted Slack...yadda...yadda.."! Where in fact, as was my routine response to silly-xxxx amateurs [some of whom have since matured greatly], to wit: "...If you properly phrase your question in the form --

    Does the tall tramp "RESEMBLE IN ANY PHYSICAL WAY" somebody you have known, encountered, or been told about"; then I will respond that the tall tramp resembles (deleted); (deleted); (deleted); but ONLY has similar "facial" character indicators close to that of Ted Slack...but I think that this guy is much taller than Ted. The only indicative comparison is the known length of the riot shotguns carried by the cops, that is: when measured against leg and upper torso parts. Other than that, I haven't the foggiest as to who this "hobo" might be -- but if he actually was part of a professional shooter support team, then you wouldn't be looking at photos of tramps -- but photos of the dead cops who attempted to arrest/detain said operators. The standard [sOP] being, that backup security shooters would have taken out the dumbxxxx cops, the tramps, or ALL !!

    This is what I later advised Oliver Stone on when he accepted my theory that the alleged "E. Howard Hunt" tramp [per the psycho Khazar, et al.] might have been concealing a handie/talkie [with earpiece] inside his "wino" paper bag bottle holder. This tramp was played by an old Oliver Stone family friend and ex-CIA assassin

    [siragusa Team] Ronald Von Klaussen -- known in the Guat/BOP camps as "El Tigre". RVK [we would only give Ron's initials to Oliver at the West End Marketplace briefing upon his querying as to who was "El Tigre".

    Ron came and went with the 1st instructor cadre which was bossed by old Lansdale crony: Filipino Colonel Napoleon D. Valeriano [a/k/a "Col. Vallejo"]. a WWII anti-Jap guerrilla leader and one of Ramon magsaysay's top HUK [Hukbalahap - "Anti-Jap Army Fighters, etc."] hunter/killers. The BA2506 Cubans nick named them "The Blackhawks" -- after the 1950s comic strip characters, who while being of diverse ethnic backgrounds (including an F5U1N Chinese fighter/bomber pilot), saved the world from "evil-doers" on a weekly basis.

    How stupid we felt [later that very same day] when RVK appeared alongside Stone, and they both chuckled that they had been working together for many years.

    Don't anguish, even Gratz has fallen into that "cub reporter trap" of editing/shortening/rearranging answers to: "...GPH claims, states, alleges, reports, fatulates, mumbles..that -- It was Cock Robin who did it, and later was suicided.."!! Then, like Gratz -- they whine that: My Editor dood it, or My Editor made me do it.

    That feeble trick always makes for a more sensational tabloid article !!

    As to LBJ foreknowledge -- anything is possible, but I would hesitate to "Barr" him without more grand jury level evidence. [That reminds me. On another thread, lawyer Pepper alleges that he has "proof positive" that some "auto-worker ??" -- whose home he regularly stalks, is the "real" Raoul/Raul, not REJ. Well, Mr. Perry Mason, why is it you haven't attempted to prosecute said schemer ??!! As I recall, under Tennessee

    Law, you (as an attorney or private citizen) have the right & privilege of submitting a "Suggestion of Presentment" to the Chief Judge in Memphis; thus bypassing the prosecutor's office totally, and thereafter call the grand jury into chambers, and then: either you, or counsel(s) of your choice [per court approval as qualified] may seek to obtain a "True Bill"!! Thereupon, you may continue to serve as prosecuting attorney in the criminal courts against this "guilty-son-of-a-bitch"!!

    This is why so many "ham sandwiches" get indicted??!! This procedure goes back 300+ years in the English Common Law [which TN has adopted both "specifically & generally" -- see: Sutherland - Statutes & statutory Construction] where the King's subjects (usually "Lords"] ran their own private justice system, and filled the infamous debtor's prisons, and the floating "Gaols" on the Thames [which were styled as "The Hulks"].

    Of course these procedures were abolished after the outcries against "Private Appeals" (prosecutions in the 1st instance) conducted before "Coroners" [who had comity with the King's Bench] and the "framing" of innocents using the doctrine of "Common Law Approvement". This is how the KB/QB apparatus was substituted for the rantings of the "Approvers", into the quasi-rantings of the new "Prosecutors" !!

    The biggest improvement in the UK came with the early 1700s "Transportation Act" -- which exiled debtors, slaves, and Ind/servants to the "American Colonies". However, some 'fussing-about" by certain upstart & disloyal [to H.R.H. Geo. III] ruffians during 1775; and thus forceing the "transportation" to be shifted to Norfolk Island, Australia, and New Zealand.

    Don't anguish "Dr. Pepper" [i see you have a J.D.], just pop the top and sit back with Gratz -- knowing that I handled more cases every year than both of you could do together in a lifetime !!

    As for Joannides, Martino, Hendrix, et al. -- these were spontaneous "knee-jerk" [and NOT authorized] attempts to "turn-the-tide" against Fidel [sua sponte in Dr. Pepper's legal parlance] and unilaterally "strike-a-blow-for-Cuban-freedom" !!

    As for the phony MIC/LBJ/Bell choppers/Ibn Saud/Alfred E. Neuman, et al. murder motives -- the heartful lustings (a-la Carter) for anticipated grandiose profits from Vietnam [Fed. Reserve, Exec. Order 15,731, & other Montana Bo Gritz Militia credos]; there were minimal "advisor's" [under JFK's limited rules of engagement] in-country at the time, and as Krulak has frequently stated: JFK had already approved plans for forcing Ngo (Diem) to quit encouraging "Budhist Bar-B-Qs" and accept several thousand more SF "counter-insurgency" experts.

    [COINS being the new fad religion of the Kennedys, even before the O.D.A.(Green Beret "A" Team) demos at Hickory Hill !!

    Youse godda da proofs enuff for da gran' jewries bro' -- if NOT, faggeddaboutit.

    Too early for Oprah -- back to posting, wouldn't want the "village Idiot" [or his punkrocker groupies -- "Da 3 Stooges"] to think that this "prime suspect in the assassination" is asleep at the wheel..er..keyboard !!



  17. I am not persuaded by this new witness of Mel's. Having Sirhan's gun "arc" over Bobby's head does not place the gun behind his head where it needs to be. Unless you are suggesting that Sirhan twisted his hand around to do this, which is still an event unsupported by any eyewitness testimony and would seem a strangely arbitrary and unnatural action. Nor does this account for the other wounds from behind, the bullet holes in the doorframe (please don't say it was the food carts, this is ridiculous), etc.

    As for Serrano, it is hard to believe the retraction the LAPD obtained from her if you've read the excerpts from her interrogation in "Shadow Play," which can only be described as "bullying." The stuff you quote only came after the repeated insistence that Serrano was a xxxx and contributing to the anguish of Ethel Kennedy. Needless to say, I don't have much respect for Hernandez. The LAPD made her say that she got her story from DiPierro and made DiPierro say that he got his story from her, which is a clear impossibility.

    Mel's political motive for Sirhan is the same one that has been provided for him from the very start with a new coat of modern relevance (Sirhan the arab terrorist).



    You might as well here it firsthand from me. I don't think that my old ex-LAPD buddy Mike Ruppert has ever mentioned our first raps during the mid-1990s. I was working full time for the City of Los Angeles in a non-law enforcement slop from 1967 thru 1970. My brother and I worked part time as Special Agents for the L.A. [D.R & P.] "Special Problems Unit" [the infamous SPU]; which in reality was an Intel Unit working out of Democrat Mayor Sam Yorty's office.

    We routinely rode with the Division "Watch" Supervor Sergeants, and in their special "Command Center" station wagons -- which had call signs such as "L-10", "L-20", "L-30" -- depending on workload and how many sergeants were "out-and-about". [if you recall the LAPD series of the '60s "Adam-12", the "black & white" 4-door patrol cars were "Adam Units"; and the full call-sign was "1-Adam-12" -- with the "1" signifying a Central/Downtown Division car]

    We usually worked out of Hollenbeck Division, which gave us the call-sign "4-L-10" -- "4" being the code for Hollenbeck. Hollywood, Ramparts, Newton, 77th Street, etc. all had their own call-sign prefix numbers.

    June 5th started out as a warm evening, and right after a "code-7" coffee break [freebie as usual]; the dispatcher called my "L-Unit" Sgt. and said: "...Have the SPU agent riding with you go to the gamewell box [police telephone land-line call box, made out of thick steel]....ask him to call the station for a non-emergency message..."

    Minutes later I was whipping out my Gamewell Key [The Gamewell Company manufactured the system]

    and calling the "Night-Desk" -- the Watch Captain came on the line and said: "...Hemming, instruct the Sgt. to bring you back to the stationhouse ASAP...one of the Inspectors [Deputy LAPD Chief] wants to to meet up with an "X-Ray Unit Sgt." ["X-Ray" meant an unassigned "extra" 4-door black & white, which roamed at will, giving back-up to whoever had a 'crunch" call]

    Once back at the "new" Hollenbeck station-house -- No inspector, just one Sgt. George Wright, whom I had seen around town, but never rode with before. Couple of minutes later, we hit the famous "clover-leaf" and get on the Hollywood Freeway. Passed Ramparts border, and kept on towards Hollywood. What's up Sarge ??..anything special ?..." -- "..Naw...orders to go to the Ambassador Hotel for some-such crap...anybody tell you anything ?" -- "..Nope...I've never even rode Hollywood Division before.." "..Well, we got to switch to "TAC-2" [radio channel]...but we are still a "4-X-Ray" unit..." !!

    About two blocks from the Ambassador, the Tactical Dispatcher calls: "....All units..and "4-X-Ray-10"...shots fired...MEN down...Ambassador Hotel (address)...All units...Code-3 [lights & siren]...be advised...plain clothes officers and security guards in the area...be advised...all units..Code-3"!! [i was stilled chilled listening to that tape months later !!

    Sgt. Wright did a "180" [u-turn] and we raced, now Code-2 [w/o lts. & siren] straight back towards East L. A. "...Waddaya think Sarge...??!!" "...Don't know and don't care...we belong somewhere else..I'll drop you near the station...and then I'm going home..!!"

    I walked to my "personal" CHP black & white, drove home to El Monte. The wife met me at the door with a gun...asking if I had worked Hollywood that night?? Nope, what's up Kid ?? Somebody shot Bobby Kennedy in Hollywood...see...it's there on the TV".

    Early next morn, drove my B & W to Sirhan Sirhan's mother's house -- parked in front, and walked towards the open front door. [in my best suit, and packing a .357 Magnum "Python"] Out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of a cameraman with a large TV reporter type shoulder camera. I pulled back my sports coat, exposing my weapon and belt badge -- he turns white and appears like he is about to stop breathing !!

    Surprise, it's ex-P.I. Dick Hathcock, the same WC wit who testified as to me and Hall leaving my rifle, a camera, golf clubs with him as security for a small loan for our expenses to Miami [back in February 1963].

    In New Orleans with Jim Garrison [1967] limey-snitch Tom Bethell pointed out to Garrison the documents referring to the "Hathcock Matter" -- wherupon "Big Jim" sayed: "..Right time..I've read them...you can leave us now..!!"] Hathcock stuttered out "...Been a few years.....Yup...You working Hollywood Division..??

    "...Nope...Hollenbeck.." -- '...I'll give you a call...Night or day watch...??" "...Nights...who you filming for..??" "..Baxter Ward...Channel 7 TV.."!!

    As I entered the house, Hathcock scurried like a crab to his car and roared away. Upon entering I discovered that some family members were sitting there almost in a catatonic state. But no other LAPD officer in sight, looking outside quickly, notice that there was not a B &W nor UC unit in sight. Politely mumbled a few "Salaams" and "Inshallahs", and got the hell out of there.

    Absolutely uneventfull two weeks later, while working with "Gang Squad" or "Metro" -- Gamewell again..You have a message to call Baxter Ward at Channel 7...you some of of trouble with IAD ?? "...Nope, some "Cold-War" crap.." -- "..Good Luck !!" [Yeah, Thanks Baxter for tipping the LAPD about your interest in me !]

    Burbank, sitting with Ward and hathcock at the studio -- all about JFK -- absolutely nothing about RFK. Sorry, too busy with LAPD to give interviews on anything. "...Oh,we can throw some weight with Chief Gates if...." No thanks, they'll think I'm doing a Joe Wambaugh expose [not even published yet as "The New Centurions' -- Wambaugh ("Onion Field", etc.] worked as a Detective on the 2nd floor at Hollenbeck.

    Never saw Sgt. Wright again before I went to Peru in 1970. Another "Kowinky-Dink" -- the first "4-L-20" Sgt. I rode with [1st night] was a Next door neighbor of Loran E. "Skip" Hall, and he said that Hall had told him long stories about me and him, Cuba, Fidel, Miami & of course JFK & Garrison.

    The only 2 documents [slightly redacted] that I ever received [RE: California] from the CIA [upon FOIA/PA demand] covered a pair of tidbits styled as MHCHOAS and Project (blacked out).

    Billings came out during late Summer 1968, but never even mentione the RFK murder, just wanted me to I.D. the LHO impersonator in Mex, D.F. !!

    I have never worked up the guts to look closely at the RFK matter, much too obvious

    I am not persuaded by this new witness of Mel's. Having Sirhan's gun "arc" over Bobby's head does not place the gun behind his head where it needs to be. Unless you are suggesting that Sirhan twisted his hand around to do this, which is still an event unsupported by any eyewitness testimony and would seem a strangely arbitrary and unnatural action. Nor does this account for the other wounds from behind, the bullet holes in the doorframe (please don't say it was the food carts, this is ridiculous), etc.

    As for Serrano, it is hard to believe the retraction the LAPD obtained from her if you've read the excerpts from her interrogation in "Shadow Play," which can only be described as "bullying." The stuff you quote only came after the repeated insistence that Serrano was a xxxx and contributing to the anguish of Ethel Kennedy. Needless to say, I don't have much respect for Hernandez. The LAPD made her say that she got her story from DiPierro and made DiPierro say that he got his story from her, which is a clear impossibility.

    Mel's political motive for Sirhan is the same one that has been provided for him from the very start with a new coat of modern relevance (Sirhan the arab terrorist).



    You might as well here it firsthand from me. I don't think that my old ex-LAPD buddy Mike Ruppert has ever mentioned our first raps during the mid-1990s. I was working full time for the City of Los Angeles in a non-law enforcement slop from 1967 thru 1970. My brother and I worked part time as Special Agents for the L.A. [D.R & P.] "Special Problems Unit" [the infamous SPU]; which in reality was an Intel Unit working out of Democrat Mayor Sam Yorty's office.

    We routinely rode with the Division "Watch" Supervor Sergeants, and in their special "Command Center" station wagons -- which had call signs such as "L-10", "L-20", "L-30" -- depending on workload and how many sergeants were "out-and-about". [if you recall the LAPD series of the '60s "Adam-12", the "black & white" 4-door patrol cars were "Adam Units"; and the full call-sign was "1-Adam-12" -- with the "1" signifying a Central/Downtown Division car]

    We usually worked out of Hollenbeck Division, which gave us the call-sign "4-L-10" -- "4" being the code for Hollenbeck. Hollywood, Ramparts, Newton, 77th Street, etc. all had their own call-sign prefix numbers.

    June 5th started out as a warm evening, and right after a "code-7" coffee break [freebie as usual]; the dispatcher called my "L-Unit" Sgt. and said: "...Have the SPU agent riding with you go to the gamewell box [police telephone land-line call box, made out of thick steel]....ask him to call the station for a non-emergency message..."

    Minutes later I was whipping out my Gamewell Key [The Gamewell Company manufactured the system]

    and calling the "Night-Desk" -- the Watch Captain came on the line and said: "...Hemming, instruct the Sgt. to bring you back to the stationhouse ASAP...one of the Inspectors [Deputy LAPD Chief] wants to to meet up with an "X-Ray Unit Sgt." ["X-Ray" meant an unassigned "extra" 4-door black & white, which roamed at will, giving back-up to whoever had a 'crunch" call]

    Once back at the "new" Hollenbeck station-house -- No inspector, just one Sgt. George Wright, whom I had seen around town, but never rode with before. Couple of minutes later, we hit the famous "clover-leaf" and get on the Hollywood Freeway. Passed Ramparts border, and kept on towards Hollywood. What's up Sarge ??..anything special ?..." -- "..Naw...orders to go to the Ambassador Hotel for some-such crap...anybody tell you anything ?" -- "..Nope...I've never even rode Hollywood Division before.." "..Well, we got to switch to "TAC-2" [radio channel]...but we are still a "4-X-Ray" unit..." !!

    About two blocks from the Ambassador, the Tactical Dispatcher calls: "....All units..and "4-X-Ray-10"...shots fired...MEN down...Ambassador Hotel (address)...All units...Code-3 [lights & siren]...be advised...plain clothes officers and security guards in the area...be advised...all units..Code-3"!! [i was stilled chilled listening to that tape months later !!

    Sgt. Wright did a "180" [u-turn] and we raced, now Code-2 [w/o lts. & siren] straight back towards East L. A. "...Waddaya think Sarge...??!!" "...Don't know and don't care...we belong somewhere else..I'll drop you near the station...and then I'm going home..!!"

    I walked to my "personal" CHP black & white, drove home to El Monte. The wife met me at the door with a gun...asking if I had worked Hollywood that night?? Nope, what's up Kid ?? Somebody shot Bobby Kennedy in Hollywood...see...it's there on the TV".

    Early next morn, drove my B & W to Sirhan Sirhan's mother's house -- parked in front, and walked towards the open front door. [in my best suit, and packing a .357 Magnum "Python"] Out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of a cameraman with a large TV reporter type shoulder camera. I pulled back my sports coat, exposing my weapon and belt badge -- he turns white and appears like he is about to stop breathing !!

    Surprise, it's ex-P.I. Dick Hathcock, the same WC wit who testified as to me and Hall leaving my rifle, a camera, golf clubs with him as security for a small loan for our expenses to Miami [back in February 1963].

    In New Orleans with Jim Garrison [1967] limey-snitch Tom Bethell pointed out to Garrison the documents referring to the "Hathcock Matter" -- wherupon "Big Jim" sayed: "..Right time..I've read them...you can leave us now..!!"] Hathcock stuttered out "...Been a few years.....Yup...You working Hollywood Division..??

    "...Nope...Hollenbeck.." -- '...I'll give you a call...Night or day watch...??" "...Nights...who you filming for..??" "..Baxter Ward...Channel 7 TV.."!!

    As I entered the house, Hathcock scurried like a crab to his car and roared away. Upon entering I discovered that some family members were sitting there almost in a catatonic state. But no other LAPD officer in sight, looking outside quickly, notice that there was not a B &W nor UC unit in sight. Politely mumbled a few "Salaams" and "Inshallahs", and got the hell out of there.

    Absolutely uneventfull two weeks later, while working with "Gang Squad" or "Metro" -- Gamewell again..You have a message to call Baxter Ward at Channel 7...you some of of trouble with IAD ?? "...Nope, some "Cold-War" crap.." -- "..Good Luck !!" [Yeah, Thanks Baxter for tipping the LAPD about your interest in me !]

    Burbank, sitting with Ward and hathcock at the studio -- all about JFK -- absolutely nothing about RFK. Sorry, too busy with LAPD to give interviews on anything. "...Oh,we can throw some weight with Chief Gates if...." No thanks, they'll think I'm doing a Joe Wambaugh expose [not even published yet as "The New Centurions' -- Wambaugh ("Onion Field", etc.] worked as a Detective on the 2nd floor at Hollenbeck.

    Never saw Sgt. Wright again before I went to Peru in 1970. Another "Kowinky-Dink" -- the first "4-L-20" Sgt. I rode with [1st night] was a Next door neighbor of Loran E. "Skip" Hall, and he said that Hall had told him long stories about me and him, Cuba, Fidel, Miami & of course JFK & Garrison.

    The only 2 documents [slightly redacted] that I ever received [RE: California] from the CIA [upon FOIA/PA demand] covered a pair of tidbits styled as MHCHOAS and Project (blacked out).

    Billings came out during late Summer 1968, but never even mentione the RFK murder, just wanted me to I.D. the LHO impersonator in Mex, D.F. !!

    I have never worked up the guts to look closely at the RFK matter, much too obvious.......


    Once again got cut off. ...Much to obvious an M.O., and sickening even to think about. no Tank you velly much !!

    Back to Oprah.

    Gerry Hemming


  18. The movie, Seven Days In May, has a great scene in which the President makes the point to the coup general that if the Soviets understood America to have been militarily overthrown, a nuclear conflict would be imminent. Game Theory.
    I haven't seen that film yet but I've heard about it and I know it's a classic. I'll try to rent the DVD today.... Another thought: maybe the U.S. WAS overthrown militarily (as in the sense of a coup organized by Major General Gordon Lansdale (ret.)) on 11/22/63....

    Don't rent the remake; the original with Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas was actually filmed in the White House as a result of JFK's own encouragement that the movie be made as a warning to the republic. He said: "It's possible. It could happen in this country, but the conditions would have to be just right. If, for example, the country had a young President, and he had a Bay of Pigs, there would be a certain uneasiness." If there were a second Bay of Pigs, the military would begin to feel it their patriotic obligation to preserve the nation. "Then, if there were a third Bay of Pigs, it could happen.... But it won't happen on my watch."



    I used to piss Dickey Chappelle off regularly by making reference to her "real-boss", you know: General "gordon Lonsdale"!! On schedule she would retort: "...Thats GEN. EDWARD LANSDALE you asshole...and he is NOT my boss..don't you know he was a Limey traitor!! "...Your boss was WHAT ??..." [as I ran out of the room].

    Enjoyed the "Internet xxxxx" thesis -- Wow !! What fertile ground we have to plow here on the Edu/Forum.

    OOPs !! The article stated that it is WE old-stuck-in-the-mud members who xxxxx against the "NEWBIES ??"

    Somebody got it twisted around: Alleging that the FNG [who has a "Love-Hate" going with "Big Jim"] is the xxxxx despite being a "newbie" ?? Send in Oliver and Joan, and lets get this "newbie" corrected to the straight-and-narrow-path.

    O.K. !! Would ALL Trolls immediately revise their "Bios" to reflect their status -- that indeed they are secret agent Trolls.

    Come on now, don't be crying 1st, 5th & 13th Amendments, start "fessing-up" We know who you are. maybe you haf freunds oder familie in Cherminy -- vee know how to makes you talk -- Sprache yetzt, dumslechten !!

    Back to Oprah.



  19. Esterline doesn't like anything like the "Maurice Bishop" sketch, IMHO. In addition to that, there is also Frank Terpil's identification of Bishop and Phillips as being one and the same.



    Now let me grab a handle on this: Veciana told tall tales, but we can still nit-pick [out-of-context] other "truths" which might fit some of our pre-conceived notions, I guess thats, OK -- everybody else dooz-it !!

    Tony grew tremendously annoyed that Fonzi, et al. were "centering-upon": That LHO with "Bishop" in Dallas automatically means that -- either they were complicit in the conspiracy to murder JFK; or maybe "Bishop" was "Patsying" LHO by taking him by Bunker's office; or......never mind.

    Tony was compartmented, but aware of the RFK "road-watcher/shooter" teams, especially the South Dade and McLaney [Hammond, Algiers, Covington, LaFitte] teams; but really wasn't in the mood for endlessly drawnout tutoring of [obviously-being-sabotaged] "investigators" who had mostly "nil" at the time. He knew that Gaeton, Gonzales, et al. were being vectored away from serious "subjects-of-interest" by the HSCA & Intel Community upper/mid echelons. Moreover, he suspected that the exposure of many of these people would solve nothing but DGI's interest in documenting JM/WAVE and other CIA operations. The NSA's most dreaded "Flap", the emerging ability of code-breakers to de-cipher ancient cable intercepts through the matching-up of the then current subject matter.

    As for where Veciana was on 11/22/68 ?? Now let me see, if you can give me a few more "suspects" I can consolidate most of my long-distance calls to maybe three nights. Would the other inquiring member prefer that I preface each query with "...picking your toes.." or "...quit beating your wife...?"!!

    I don't know whether Tony got the November 18th, 1963 urgent calls for Dallas & Ft. Worth meetings with VIP "financiers" who were in a funds disbursment mood. Felipe did, and "Bishop" went with him to Dallas.

    Sturgis and Diaz Lanz [sans "Monica" Lorenz] did and hit Dallas on Thursday [11/21/63]. Many others, and I only suspect that Tony also, heeded my advice about staying clear of JFK's travel itinerary; especially after the MIA scenario.

    Felipe vidal Santiago [and brother Ivan] were encouraged to defect personnally by the then Caracas, Vanezuela CIA/COS Jake Esterline. Jake got him an urgent P.OA., and dispatched him to a Bogota, Colombia safehouse. [Felipe was then Fidel's Cuban Naval Attache in Caracas] Once in Miami, Felipe was quickly vetoed by the Bender [Droller] Bastistiano-loving clique -- and especially since Felipe had been one of the leaders of the 1957 Cienfuegos navy base uprising against Batista's thugs.

    What I do know is: The "Bishop" CIA case officer for Felipe [1962-1963] was NOT either Jake nor Philipps.

    Say, I know what -- Frank Terpil has been "hanging-out" in Habana for years, not sure if he ever "chilled" there with Phil Agee; but give Phil a call, maybe he has Frank's number, and...maybe Frank has more "Intel" or might want to rephrase or recant. NOT that I would ever think that he had any malice whatsoever against Dave Philipps [perish-the-thought]. And especially NOT because Dave was promoted over him into the Clandestine Service -- and egaads, up from being a Paul Bethel type [but just CIA/jounalistic cover "NOC"] to a career DDP/DDO pay grade to boot !!

    I guess Ed Wilson [who knew Veciana way back when] really knew how to pick them for the MOSSAD penetration Op against Qhadaffy-Duck. Tony could have "chilled" with Ed at "Super-Max" Marion FP if they hadn't sent him elsewhere. Then again, bunking 4 levels underground might discourage a tropicalized Cubano.

    The only thing that irritated me, was that the .357 Magnum used on the anti-Daffy-duck raghead in Idaho was purchased from my Son's Fire Chief at Bonnie Doone V. F. D., FAY/NC !!

    Oh well, nada new here...but Yada, Yada...so its back to Oprah for me...maybe then Dr. Phil -- mucho mas intellesting for us Yanqui-running-dogs-of-imperialism; eh wot ol boy ??!!

    Hasta Luigi,



  20. To repeat an oft made observation, Castro could not have managed the cover-up. It therefore follows, for those who believe that Castro was behind the assassination, that Johnson and the WC covered up for Castro. Why? Because Johnson told crying Earl Warren that if it came to light that Castro did it, it would lead to WWIII. Well, I for one refuse to believe that if Castro assassinated JFK, and we rightfully retaliated by invading Cuba to get rid of Castro, that the Russians would have launched WWIII to protect the assassin. That possibility was nothing but BS from Lyndon Johnson, because Johnson knew damn well who did it and it wasn't Castro. As I recall from Caro's book, even back in his college days Johnson was known by his fellow students as Horsexxxx Johnson.



    Mayhaps Gratz should take a few more correspondence courses on articulate historical writing -- Maybe John might assist in this "schooling" !!

    One again, and firstly: Did you miss my post on LBJ wanting to use the SR-71 ["Oxcart"] instead of the U2 for imaging/SIGINT/and Gamma/Beta emmission dectection during the 1965 Cuba overflights cycle ??!!

    [Google "Sierra Aranzazu" and it will lead you to the State F.R.U.S. declassifed lenghty documents reference same] This was in response to Dawn's rejection of my "blasting out all of the windows in Cuba, from one end of the island to the other.

    LBJ's intimidation of Warren and others had absolutely nothing to do with the Soviets reacting to: either a "surgical-strike" attack [NOT invasion] against specific Cuban targets, or other means as a reaction to publisizing of any inculpatory evidence as to DGI/GRU having "plotted" a JFK or RFK assassination.

    LBJ KNEW at the time that: not only were the nuke-tipped "Luna" [scud/golem/cruise] anti-maritime defense missiles still in place at the Sov/controlled Banes Naval Base [Oriente]; but even after Gribkov was "promoted" -- these nuke missile site commanders had autonomous authority to fire upon any hostile amphibious task force. The shallow water sub-surface nuke detonations would have been slightly less than "Crossroads" [bikini Atoll]; but the prevailing "easterlies" would have carried sufficent fallout so as to cause the southeastern U.S. to"glow-in-the-dark" for a 2,000 year half-life.

    More worrisome to LBJ & cohorts, was the fact that the Soviets had been forced to leave 2 thermo-nukes

    buried [under concrete, lead & copper mesh - no re-bar] after losing Sov/technicians to radiation poisoning while transfer was attempted from storage-site "Bejucal". These were "city-buster" T/Nukes, and intentional or accidental empathetic detonation would have affected everything within a circle which included: mid-Caribbean and north to Pennsylvania, east-west from Bermuda to New Mexico !!

    The Soviets had failed in their ["miniaturizing"] engineering of warheads, and had replaced the triggers with Tritium-based modules -- but unlike our "Trit" modules, theirs degraded rapidly and horrifically. This is the reasoning behind the suitcase nuke "deniers, whom recently claimed that the late Sov/General Lebed was full of xxxx because the mini-Trit modules required contstant care, electrical power A.P.U.s, etc. -- so therefore, any of same would be out-of-date or inert by now -- so therefore [they insist] any Spetnaz SC/Nukes installed in CONUS [Malmstrom & Minot USAF Missile Silo AF Bases] are NOT a current threat.

    The biggest LBJ worry was that an insane Fidel, Raul, et al. might attempt an "empathetic" detonation of one or both T/Nukes by using "Luna" [fission] warheads as initiators. The Soviets lost 2 "Yankee Class" converted "Boomers" while attempting to remove the last T/Nukes, and most likely it was a "China Syndrome/Chernobyl" meltdown caused by the degrading Trit-modules.

    Most of the 1963 thru 1968 evidence indicated that the DGI/GRU JFK "plot" was done behind Fidel's back, and amongst those highest on the "protect el maximo jefe/boss" list was Cmdte. Manual "Barba Roja" Pineiro, the DSE boss of the "Americas Desk-Wet Ops". Since others on the "Bigot List" have family here, in Cuba, Spain and Eastern Europe, they will remain unnamed.

    During the late 1970s, one of my guys had purchased a surplus USAF jet fighter warbird, and since he had been "inside" on our reporting pre-missile crisis -- he was contracted to high altitude flights, with radiation sensor pods attached to the fuselage. He regularly flew the Key West [south of 24 North Habana Center control] non-stop to the ex-Ramey USAF Base at Borrenquin, Puerto Rico. No, he wasn't interested in anything about these upper-air samplings, other than enjoying the blackening sky, and watching for rare MiG flights. [Rare, because Cuba was short of JP-3 and AvGas, not to mention spare parts]

    Y'all need to get on up to NSArchive and NARA. The risk of the Congress issueing "Letters of Marque", and thus bypassing completely the "Executive Branch", was what worried "Horexxxx/Dumbass" Johnson the most during the initial stages of the WC cover-up.

    Semper Ignoramus,



  21. Quote on Tim Gratz, June 21st 2005.

    "I can now report the identity of one person who reported seeing a cuban spy in a photo of Dealy plaza, the man identified the spy as Raul Diaz. The man who made this report to the Church Committee was Antonio Veciana."

    1, Tim, any further news on where this photo may be located?

    2, Could you please provide dates, names and places, when Oswald was seen with DGI officers, who according to this story must have been the ones who "Patsyfied" him?

    3, Do you now except that Veciana's statement about Diaz is not formal church Committee testimony? But is simply an off the record interview that ended up in a dumpbin, That it was not taken under oath, that you have no idea who took the statement, or actual dates?

    Regards, Steve.



    What Gratz is NOT going to discover is: The D.G.I./D.S.E. "illegal" Raul Diaz, later went on to work with Sov/Spetsnaz as an "LCB" combatant in the Escambray, Angola, both Congos, and Syria. He opted out of the "Che" Bolivia operation during 1966. He was initially trained by Czech Intel in Prague [highest rated after MOSSAD]. A cousin, one Sgt. Raul Diaz [later Lt.] worked for the Organized Crime Bureau, Dade County Sheriff's Dept. -- based at the old "corrosion corner" Air Corps barracks at Miami Int'l Airport.

    He grew incensed at Veciana's "sworn" statements [affidavits], most of which remain classified, and especially those regarding his Habanero cousin. An "Internal Affairs" and FBI/SS investigation seemingly cleared him of the later attempt on Tony's life, while some now retired L.E. types remain curious as to his proximity in the assassinations [& attempted hits] of numerous Cuban exiles during the 1970s, including BA2506/BOP Chaplain Fr. Cruz [silenced MAC-10s, broad daylight, passing tinted window van, on the Palmetto X-way -- during rush hour];

    Torriente, Peyuyero, et al.!! However, the actual perp on Prio, Pawley, et al. was identified later and ignored. One of my daughters had a pre-teen crush on him, and she thoroughly enjoyed a group lunch with him [as a adult] during the 1990s.

    At the time of the HSCA, I held a desk at a Miami trucking firm, which was directed by an active D.G.I. agent. When "deputy dog" Diaz came by one day to intimidate me into intimidating Veciana, but upon his glancing over to the DGI guy's desk, his face went stark white -- and he asked me to step out into the hallway. Once there, he urged me to "forget" that he was ever there !! [Man could that DGI guy write like John Hancock, I mean, rapidly and every page looked like the Declaration of Independence or The Constitution. An amazing caligraphist]

    Within the hour, I got a "mis-dialed old lady call", which told me that somebody in D.C. wanted to chat. The "secure" telephone was downstairs in the coffee shop, and for those astute enough; simple checking will show that at that time, and into the 1990s, said telephone was registered in Orlando, not Miami.

    The "Yankee" contact wanted to know "what-the-hell-was" Diaz doing there ??!! Moreover, this person insinuated that it was my obligation to "Put-a-Lid" on any further comments by Veciana, as it was the "highest-priority Nat'l Security interest" to shut him up !! In closing, the "cut-out" stated that Diaz would be handled discreetly, and WITHOUT prejudice. [Diaz later retired with "Honors"]

    For those who might have missed it: The Odio sisters were recruited into Manolo Ray's J.U.R.E. during 1963 [by Cisneros], precisely because they had arranged for both to be "dangled" to Fidel's Mex. D.F., Monterrey, and Juarez based D.G.I. agents. LHO's purpose in visiting Sylvia & Annie was to gain even more pro-Fidel bona fides, and amongst others visited, were a few other DGI "sleepers"! He also played the same game with "sleeper suspect" Nico Crespi, and "Commandante Diego's" 1st cousin, a DGI agent who had been dispatched to CONUS from Monterrey, Mex. !!

    LHO's "monitors", as opposed to his RFK "handlers", still remain "compartmented" as to the "big-picture" even today. Mellen insisted on speaking personally with both the "monitors" and the "handlers" [some of whom reside outside CONUS today; but she wouldn't take NO for an answer """...Even after more than 40 years ??!!..."; and moreover, ran out of time to make physical inspections of the two "Isolation Sites" ["A" & "B"] where RFK had been in LHO's presence twice !! The sites are "Chekika State Park" and "Avocado Drive" Commo/swimmer training/transit bases. RFK was choppered by USN H-3 "Sea King" from Lantana

    Airport, West Palm Beach, FL [CIA "Jump School/Transit base] directly to Homestead General Aviation [civil] Airport [always at night]; where he transferred to a loaned SS Van equipped with hi-tech commo. gear, and was thereupon driven to both sites.

    The Navy H-3 crew was the same used by both me and John Adrian O'hare when transport was needed, especially when we were temporarily fighting the Everglades grass fires during early 1962. This same crew parked their two H-3s behind Air Force One upon JFK's visit to Miami [11/18/63]; and upon the PIC calling me over, as we left [during JFK's speech at MIA] -- I asked why the ridiculous [and unauthorized] "U.S. Army" Modex was painted on the tails. Response: "...That is what the A.G. insisted upon...we have been flying him around all year.."!! This "lead" H-3 later flew JFK to Miami Beach via a circuitous air route.

    "Nothing new here...so velly solly..you plicks donna like flied lice ??.."



    "Great Scott...I've run out of sky" [incident during 1958: US Navy "Anymouse Reports"]


  22. Aside from all the BS that is associated with Files, it is frightening to see that anyone believes in this hard-up loser in need of attention. I am shocked that I am supporting the likes of GPH, as everyone knows my opinion on him, but he has done his research here.

    Away from all of the Files History (chuckle), I have shown how he is a joke from the word go on his storytelling on how it went down in DP. I have posted on Lancer numerous times on how the XP-100 was not designed for what Files claimed to have done with it. Utilizing a bipod or stand out to 100m, it is extremely accurate with the right optics. I own one and know what the hell I am talking about. To believe one could pan a shot on a moving target at this angle and achieve this accuracy is laughable. To believe one could follow their shot through the optics of impact at under thirty yards is histerical.

    The man is a loser from the word go and in need of attention. He has found a following in the likes of Wim and other uninformed individuals of even lesser knowlege who believe everything they hear on the Files issue. Let the man rot in the joint and move on!



    It's been a while... Interesting to see your comment regarding the propensity of Dankbaar et al. to "believe everything they hear." Dankbaar has also swallowed Dangerous Dan Marvin's claims, as did you in posts on another forum. Marvin recently changed part of his story (not for the first time): he now says that his CIA-instructors-in-assassination told him in 1964 that President Kennedy was assassinated by two US mafiosi and two Corsican mafiosi. This stands in stark contrast with what he stated in his 1995 article in The Fourth Decade. Marvin also now says that he "believes" that the man on the GK was Files. I'll leave it to you to judge the extent to which this belief is linked to the fact that Marvin's chief supporter these past few years has been Wim Dankbaar. Marvin authors the foreword in Dankbaar's book on James Files, by the way.




    Clarifying [if I might be so bold?] what Lt. Carrier was stating reference to "optics" and "tracking":

    I have never liked using scoped rifles, and this was even before becoming a teenage Marine; sniping with a scope is extremely uncomfortable to say the least -- because you have usually had a very close-up visual of the target's face, and when that extends beyond seconds to minutes, you have already gotten to know the person a little too much !! When it becomes hours [stalking or "hide-place"] it is a truly horrible event.

    Even when you have been briefed on the target's vicious history, and the fact that even friends or family wouldn't be overly disturbed to do a "New Orleans Style" jazzy funeral over him/her in the near term.

    The use of "Iron Sights" makes it considerably more impersonal, plus you aren't constantly wiping the lens clear of moisture from sweat and fear. The saving factor when using a scope is that upon firing, the recoil throws your visual away from the target, thus you NEVER see the horrendous damage done by your "deed".

    Moreover, if you have the safety margin of doing a "shoot & scoot", you are spared witnessing the agonized writhing and death throes.

    Therefore, any "teller-of-tall-tales" who claims that he saw a target's head explode, etc. [through his scope and just after recoil] is totally "out-to-lunch" !!

    "Tracking", even at moderate distances [ranges] is difficult enough with "iron-sights", but to hear one claim that he was "tracking" through a scope at close range translate to: He is full of xxxx and should scrub the brown off of his dentures.

    As far as "Dangerous Dan", I think that in "finding Jesus" his cranial CPU "downloaded" and "crashed". This poor old man, who never once held a Special Forces "Team M.O.S." [Crypto/Comm -Intel - Wpns/Demo, etc.] should have been offered therapy for what apparently is some "civilian incident" causal factor P.T.S.D.

    The SFers at the Fayetteville "Team House" sure don't ever want to hear his name repeated; that is, until they hear there has been a successful outcome from the lawsuit filed against him [publisher, et al.] on behalf of just some of the Green Berets maligned and dishonored by him. Shades of Tony Po being thoroughly dishonored by Coppola in "Appocalyspe Now" !!

    While I regularly correspond and speak with Mike Sallah [Toledo Blade], and congratulate both he and Mark

    on their 2004 Pulizter for the "Tiger Force" expose' series -- I have pointed out that these were just 57 "men??", mostly just kids [and draftees] who rampaged in a "Free-Fire Zone" after exposure to VC/NVA atrocities.

    So, big deal, welcome to the real world, where 24/7 extreme fear is the diet, coupled with city boys suffering the effects of a harsh climate which they were never prepped for. Abu-Ghraib and GITMO are almost tasteless jokes compared to when one views a couple of the beheadings, women and children, their bodies shredded by VBIED/IEDs, or by "Islama-Kazes" using the vests or packages.

    Over the years I have witnessed infrequently [fortunately] the scenario of a pacifistic "bleeding-heart" being

    suddenly morphed into the most vicious animal you might imagine -- and this after a singlular event where this "wimp" was unexpectedly exposed to extreme gore and his/her mortality -- coupled with the expectation of imminent death at the hands of total strangers !! Today, somebody should erect signs in Kuwait, Kabul, Baghdad, and Kandahar: "NO WIMPS BEYOND THIS POINT -- VIOLATORS FOUND INSIDE THE AOR [War Zone] WILL BE PERSECUTED !!

    Back in 1967, just after arriving and settling the family in the Los Angeles area [in anticipation of 2 tours in the RVN with USAID/DPS], one of my uncles called me to his home -- and shortly after greeting "auntie", et al., he took me aside and said: "...You are no doubt aware that your cousins are up for the Draft ??...what do you think of this Vietnam business...I was informed that you are enroute there...and I would like to hear your recommendations..." I responded: ".....We are going to lose this one...and my advice to you is to go out and purchase some handcuffs...or I will loan you mine.....cuff the guys...throw them in the trunk of your car...and drive like a bat-out-of-hell for Canada...I don't see any justification in the sending of wetnosed kid-draftees into that mess...and I sure as hell don't want them in-country with me...!!"

    Wouldn't you guess that one retired as a Marine "full-bird" Colonel !!

    Yadda, Yadda, Yadda -- enough already !!

    Semper Fi,



  23. Aside from all the BS that is associated with Files, it is frightening to see that anyone believes in this hard-up loser in need of attention. I am shocked that I am supporting the likes of GPH, as everyone knows my opinion on him, but he has done his research here.

    Away from all of the Files History (chuckle), I have shown how he is a joke from the word go on his storytelling on how it went down in DP. I have posted on Lancer numerous times on how the XP-100 was not designed for what Files claimed to have done with it. Utilizing a bipod or stand out to 100m, it is extremely accurate with the right optics. I own one and know what the hell I am talking about. To believe one could pan a shot on a moving target at this angle and achieve this accuracy is laughable. To believe one could follow their shot through the optics of impact at under thirty yards is histerical.

    The man is a loser from the word go and in need of attention. He has found a following in the likes of Wim and other uninformed individuals of even lesser knowlege who believe everything they hear on the Files issue. Let the man rot in the joint and move on!



    It's been a while... Interesting to see your comment regarding the propensity of Dankbaar et al. to "believe everything they hear." Dankbaar has also swallowed Dangerous Dan Marvin's claims, as did you in posts on another forum. Marvin recently changed part of his story (not for the first time): he now says that his CIA-instructors-in-assassination told him in 1964 that President Kennedy was assassinated by two US mafiosi and two Corsican mafiosi. This stands in stark contrast with what he stated in his 1995 article in The Fourth Decade. Marvin also now says that he "believes" that the man on the GK was Files. I'll leave it to you to judge the extent to which this belief is linked to the fact that Marvin's chief supporter these past few years has been Wim Dankbaar. Marvin authors the foreword in Dankbaar's book on James Files, by the way.




    Clarifying [if I might be so bold?] what Lt. Carrier was stating reference to "optics" and "tracking":

    I have never liked using scoped rifles, and this was even before becoming a teenage Marine; sniping with a scope is extremely uncomfortable to say the least -- because you have usually had a very close-up visual of the target's face, and when that extends beyond seconds to minutes, you have already gooten to know the person a little too much !! When it becomes hours [stalking or "hide-place"] it is a truly horrible event.

    Even when you have been briefed on the target's vicious history, and the fact that even friends or family wouldn't be overly disturbed to do a "New Orleans Style" jazzy funeral over him/her in the near term.

    The use of "Iron Sights" makes it considerably more impersonal, plus you aren't constantly wiping the lens clear of moisture from sweat and fear. The saving factor when using a scope is that upon firing, the recoil throws your visual away from the target, thus you NEVER see the horrendous damage done by you "deed".

    Moreover, if you have the safety margin of doing a "shoot & scoot", you are spared witnessing the agonized writhing and death throes.

    Therefore, any "teller-of-tall-tales" who claims that he saw a target's head explode, etc. [through his scope and just after recoil] is totally "out-to-lunch" !!

    Tracking at a moderate distance is difficult enough with "iron-sights", but to hear one claim that he was "tracking" through a scope at close range is full of xxxx.

    As far as "Dangerous Dan", I think that in "finding Jesus" his cranial CPU "downloaded" and "crashed". This poor old man, who never once held a Special Forces "Team M.O.S." [Crypto/Comm -Intel - Wpns/Demo, etc.] should have been offered therapy for what apparently is some "civilian incident" causal factor P.T.S.D.

    The SFers at the Fayetteville "Team House" sure don't ever want to hear his name repeated; that is, until they hear there has been a successful outcome from the lawsuit filed against [publisher, et al.] on behalf of just some of the Green Berets maligned and dishonored by him. Shades of Tony Po being thoroughly dishonored by Coppola in "Appocalyspe Now" !!

    While I regularly correspond and speak with Mike Sallah [Toledo Blade], and congratulate both he and Mark

    on their 2004 Pulizter for the "Tiger Force" expose' series -- I have pointed out that these were just 57 "men??", mostly just kids [and draftees] who rampaged in a "Free-Fire Zone" after exposure to VC/NVA atrocities.

    So, big deal, welcome to the real world, where 24/7 extreme fear is the diet, coupled with city boys suffering the effects of a harsh climate which they were never prepped for. Abu-Ghraib and GITMO is almost a tasteless joke when one views a couple of the beheadings, women and children, their bodies shredded by VBIED/IEDs, or by "Islama-Kazes" using the vests or packages.

    Over the years I have witnessed infrequently [fortunately] the scenario of a pacifistic "bleeding-heart" being

    suddenly morphed into the most vicious animal you might imagine -- and this after a singlular event where this "wimp" was unexpectedly exposed to extreme gore and his/her mortality -- coupled with the expectation of imminent death at the hands of total strangers !! Today, somebody should erect signs in Kuwait, Kabul, Baghdad, and Kandahar: "NO WIMPS BEYOND THIS POINT -- VIOLATORS FOUND INSIDE THE AOR [War Zone]

  24. Jim Marrs sometimes does answer emails.

    Hemming what is the reasons for breakfast at the closing of each writing you do?

    Love to ask questions to you but not on any forum? Rather get into conversations but you are wrong on a few points? Not going into them on any forum any more. Not worth the hassels. My say is probably on purpose you are posting some wrong points. Just a guess here?


    Ms. Nancy:

    My father was born an Englishman, but he was more a Gallagher Irishman, and grew very unfond of the Brits by WWII. His siblings, and others [Hemming, Coleman, et al.] retained their English accents and proper diction, "Eh Wot, old man -- cheerio, bloke, "Shed-yule", prO-gress, bloody well, old chap, etc. -- and as a child I thought some of it was quite interesting, and some extremely "humouring". Especially "cheerio", which immediately caused me to think "Christmas CHEER" [during mid-summer ?], and later it always brought up the vision of a box of the cereal Cheerios.

    Everybody needs a logo, or a phrase, metaphor, famous quotation, etc. -- but, I just got tired of Alfred E. Neuman's "line". Real chuckle that a thread on MAD Comics popped up. I must confess, I too was one of those subversives who read MAD, Terry and the Pirates, Steve Canyon -- and most certainly caught every show of "I Led 3 Lives [Herb Philbrick, FBI snitch].

    Moi, wrong on just a FEW points ??!! Then you must send a missive, and I'll try to make either corrections or bald-face excuses. I never expected to get everything right, and especially when, during the early years, it appeared that "getting it right", might be hazardous to one's health -- you know, like the Flu or something ??!!

    Anytime you feel you have the time to correct some of my petty or gross errors, or curious about some not too widely known anecdote -- drop me a line.




  25. Robert, "chill out" a bit. My comment that Diaz was the "badgeman" was obviously tongue-in-cheek (at least I thought it was obvious).

    No, Tim, I will not "chill out." Despite what you clearly fancy yourself to be, you are not funny, and to the vast majority of people who post here, there is little funny about the murder of the President. Your propensity for glibness in the face of a historical tragedy marks you as a dabbler of no serious character or fortitude.

    You have always freely engaged in speculation and musing, where one might hope to see the presentation of something akin to evidence. Yet when faced with a most obvious question for which you have no answer, you resort to schtick. You were asked a very direct question. Try answering it. Or acknowledge that you cannot.

    Better still, stop making assertions if you don't have the evidence or intellectual heft to back it up.

    Also, if Veciana saw Esterline with LHO, that does not necessarily mean that Esterline was Bishop.

    Again, you confuse the most basic facts. According to your pal Hemming, Esterline told him he was the man seen by Veciana with Oswald. Veciana swore under oath that he had seen "Bishop" with Oswald. Now, if Hemming and Esterline are truthful in this [for which there's no guarantee], then you must claim Veciana lied under oath.

    But, wait a minute... Veciana's your witness, isn't he, counsellor? You know, that whole Diaz-in-Dealey deal that you can't seem to find the slightest evidence for... Now you again impeach your own witness? Like I said, Tim, a dabbler.

    Bishop could still have been David Atlee Phillips (as most people think).Once Veciana saw LHO with a CIA officer, he could have claimed it was Bishop just to "even his score" witj Bishop. He was upset with Bishop, as you know.

    False imprisonment and a gunshot to the head tend to do that to people.

    However, it's becoming increasingly obvious that you don't really care about any of this. Bishop could be anyone, for all you care, as could the killers. Fact is, it's all just one long wankathon for you. Your interest in this subject is a mile wide and an inch deep, so long as it allows you to cherry-pick a few tellingly insignificant crumbs for use in your pathological obsession with Castro. Your lack of substance or a serious contribution here is a continuing insult to all the good people here who've devoted significant portions of their lives to seeking redress of an historical wrong. Your problem with Castro requires professional help.

    So, again, Tim: You've had forty years in which to find it. Where's the photo of Diaz in Dealey Plaza?


    Yeah GRATZ !! Who the hell do you think you are ?? The "Jokester" from the "Fatman and Ruben" movie.

    [Hey, I'll loan you my picture of Alfred E. Neuman in DP for only $5]

    How dare you NOT take seriously the pontifications of these so very dedicated [for almost a half Century now] "scribb...er..scholars-in-Residence". Oh, I forgot -- you seem to remember Bud Fensterwald's folio file & photos of Col. Morris Bishop, US Army -- yeah, the same dude that the CIA later "c.y.a.'d" as some kind of freelance meddler in Cuban affairs. And, NOT that I coached Tony on what to say to Gaeton on OUR first official HSCA meet -- but, then again, Tony wouldn't talk with Fonzi until I convinced him to do so.

    [Check with him, or his daughter Anna. But don't do a Khazar, i.e.: ".....Were you pickin' your toes in Poughkeepsy on the night before you quit beating your wife ??!!

    Bud first heard of the visit to Bunker Hunt's office from me in May 1975. I was there. I waited outside while Jake and LHO went in -- and I was damned sure keeping my distance from that snitch suspect.

    When I went in much later [and after both had departed] I spent all of 5 minutes chatting with Bob Morris, Bunker, and two others unknown to me. I had made sure to disremember the foregoing until 1970.

    During late 1970, I was on a land fraud, multiple-murders investigation in Hendersonville, with the local Sheriff threatening physical harm upon moi -- maybe because we were laying claim to the town of Laurel Park, the city center of Hendersonville, NC, and the large properties of NYT's Sulzburger, Roone Arledge, et al. ??!! But, this all faded when the local nasty-ass & vicious moonshiners switched sides with OUR clients, whom they discovered were blood kinfolk. Today, there still are $17 million of Trust Deeds in my name at that courthouse. Not of any worth to me, but check with Roland Braswell, Esq. in Goldsboro about the matter -- and yes, he was one of the 1976 "Marijuana Watergate" lawyers representation a co-defendant of WerBell, Franklin, Bell, Damesworth, Nardi, et al. !!

    The second week there, I ran into Jake while he was checking out his future retirement home on Sean Way.

    He asked me what I thought of the JFK matter, and did I think that LHO really "dood-da-deed?" Off course I mumbled &^%$# and changed to talking about the late Capt. Tom Chamales, OSS Det #101; and how he was tight with Sinatra & the "Rat Pack" before his divorce from Helen O'Connell and dying in a fleabag.

    Ask Jack Hawkins if Jake EVER wanted to talk about ANYTHING after the BOP !!

    My goodness gracious Gratz, don't you "unnerstan" that you can't "trip-the-light-fantastic" over such serious and tragic events....wait 'alf a mo !!.. I'm blinded by a tears coming out of my bad eye...NO..not to worry....it was a fly turd !!

    How dare you YOU YOU. These Socratic/Talmudic scholars are just about to solve a tragic coup d'etat, treason, MIC/CIA/FBI/SS/YMCA/B'nai Brith/MOSSAD/3rd Reich/BUSH -- conspiracy, cover-up, GWT, Neo-Con, Globalization....anyway, you know -- ASSassyNation !!

    And don't you ever mention ANY bad thingys about our dear friends down in Habana, and especially NOT the G.R.U. "Glee-Club" !! Sieg...er..Tovarishin...lend me your ears [you won't be needing them anymore]

    Mein freund, don't you know we have vays of making you schutz-up -- Du hast family in "Cherminy?", nicht war ??




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