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Gerry Hemming

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Posts posted by Gerry Hemming

  1. This article is typical Tom Flocco, is full of wild absurd claims back only by the unsubstantiated claims of anonymous or pseudonymous sources. This one of the most loony tunes of loony tunes of CT sites. On the home page the question "Where would Jesus bank?" is posed in thinly disguised ad for an investment scheme. Among the stories reported on it's homepage: Barbara Olsen arrested in Poland, Harriet Miers "is a “deep-cover espionage agent” who is “representing as many as two or possibly three foreign governments” ", "CIA, French intelligence kill 4, capture 5 Israelis in NY subway attack ", "Bush and Cheney indicted", 20 -30 pedophile Congressmen are involved in a snuff film ring which also involved Hunter [s.] Thompson and possibly the Secret Service. This id the Weekly World News of CT cites. These stories are always based on unnamed sources or self proclaimed experts

    In this case were supposed to take Floco's word for it some guy who wants only to be known as "Delbert," a former Interpol operative Special Forces and CIA Division 4 team member told him "about his team’s suppressed and classified final report naming former Presidents Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush, President George W. Bush and Senator Hillary Clinton among others as being involved in orchestrating the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr". The only citations in the story are other Tom Flocco stewweb.com articles. [stew Webb seems to be Flocco's sidekick]

    The supposed motive was that John-John supposedly was thinking about running for Senator against Hillary or President against Bush. This absurd since he never expressed interest in getting involved in politics. Quite to the contrary, he resigned his job in the Manhattan DA's office, a potential stepping stone to elected office after only 4 years and when urged to run for Congress in '92 said "I frankly feel there are many opportunities and avenues outside of elective office to become involved in issues, issues that have the same broad scope that government or elected office provides you." http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/kenne...file/index.html

    There is no way he could have been a credible threat to Bush's presidential ambitions. Except for six war hero generals [Washington, Jackson, W.H. Harrison, Taylor, Grant and Eisenhower] There never was an American president who did not have previous experience in elected office and/or held important anointed positions. And as far as I can tell that applies to VPs, major party nominees and all serious contenders for major party nomination. Ross Perot the only important third party candidate for president without such previous experience only got 19% of the vote in 1992 and 8% in 1996 and many of those were protest votes.

    There are no indications Kennedy was interested in the job or would have be such a strong candidate that would merit killing him.

    "Two witnesses told the team they saw George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush at the Essex County, New Jersey airport with Israeli Mossad agent Michael Harari and another Mossad agent who were both seen standing next to JFK Jr.’s Cessna--all four were at the airport just two days before the doomed plane took off"

    This the most absurd claim in the report, Even if the Bushes and the Mossad conspired to kill John John, obviously the Bushes and Harari [who would have been close to 72 and was the retired head of the Mossad] would not have gone to the airport personally. There would have been no reason for them to have done so and this would jepordise the entire mission. They would have sent agents who would not draw attention to themselves and had a cover story. I find it hard to believe that anyone who is not intellectually challenged and/or crazy would find such a claim credible.

    The Mossad's motives for killing John John are never explained.

    Also who these two witnesses were is never explained why would some who could recognize a Mossad agent be at the Essex County airport?

    Even for Jack White citing this article is beyond belief.

    Jack do you really find this story credible or are you pulling our legs?


    STRANGE INDEED !! Wasn't Harari still under Larry Barcella's gun after being charged with smuggling both Israeli Galil and AK-47 assault rifles to the Colombian FARC via Antigua ?? [The Antigua Parliament had hired Larry (of Letelier investigation fame) to convict Harari??



  2. Thanks, Gerry. That is terrific information.

    On Izquierdo, do you have a theory as to why there is just so little on him to be sourced? Being a million miles away from Miami, I can't dig there but if you Google him, there is virtually nothing. He was obviously much respected given that the exile community through Gilberto Casanova spent $60,000 on a statue to be displayed in Little Havana.

    You also mentioned Manolo Rebozo. I have him solidly connected to Bernard Barker. I also have a photo of them together somewhere which I will try to dig up. Was Rebozo related to Bebe do you know?





    I discern that some enlightenment is in order, now that the sissies [the "Village Idiot & newly signed on from another forum ("Chi-Town" groupy cohort) who offer absolutely nothing herein, save for gad-fly bitching & nagging from day one !!] alongside their snitch-renta-pig "madesmoiselle from the field of dreams" -- no doubt have their mouths full of some African "Pork-Roll" !!

    Check the spelling, it's ReboSo, without a "Z" -- no relation. He was once Vice-Mayor of Miami, and was one of RFK's fvorites, as was Tony ["Izquierdito"].

    Most likely the Kennedy Klan has insured that minimal information is ever released on Tony.

    John & Andy: I have NEVER been a Republican, and only voted as an Independent in locales where it was permitted. I detest the phony Republican charlatans as much as I do their Democratic cohorts, who while in power for over 40 years, didn't do squat for the working classes, nor zip for the labor movements. Che commented more than once that: "...I was more radical than most of the other revolutionaries.."; and it was my opposition to the BOP [JM/ATE] project AB INITIO that "endeared" me ?? to the straight-leg REMF "Company" pogues.

    Bill Turner writing that I was "unreliable" type, I couldn't find it ?? -- strange that he writes instead that I gave him the inside scoop on the Fidel assassination Ops [Veciana, et al.] a full two years before I testified to same before the Church Committee. Moreover, Bob Brown [sOF/Mag] disbelieved the Bayo/Pawley operation until both Turner & Billings straightened his ass out !! The SOF article was styled "Operation Red Cross", which he invented -- just where is the documentation that this was ever called "Op Tilt" or crypto'd as AM/TILT ??!!

    RE: That operation. It started out as a anti-Papa Doc Haiti Op during February 1963, and was initially funded by Robert Emmett Johnson's donations from the Baltimore & NYC crowd [$75,000]; and as previously, Johnson intended to sell us out to the HNIC in Port au Prince for bigger buck$ !!

    James, John, Spartacus, et al. -- most of the guys in the photos were Eduardo Perez troops [War name "Bayo" -- got that correct now -- nobody ever existed with the name "Eddy Bayo" !! Raul Castro gave Perez that war name during April 1958, just after he had left Fidel in the Sierra Maestra and set up shop in the northern Oriente Province mountain range [La Sierra Cristal] with headquarters in Mayari-Arriba.

    InterPen was NEVER affilliated with Sturgis/Fiorin's imaginary A.C. Brigade, whose membership consisted of his old lady Jan, Jerry and Jimmy Buchanan, and Larry de Joseph. He was pissed that Rothman, ex-Colombia dictator Rojas Pinilla, Venezulan Perez Jimenez, Mike McClaney, et al. had cut off funds after the fiasco at Playa Giron, and was constantly lying about his partnership with us in attempts at more groceries. Fiorini/Sturgis always demanded ca$h, we insisted on grocery store lines of credit ONLY.

    The name of the religious zealot was OSCAR PINO y PINO !!, and he survived about 4 days on No Name Key before running off to church in Perrine.

    Returning to Bayo/Pawley: Rolando Martinez remained aboard the CIA subchaser "REX" while the weapons were off-loaded on the Bahamian island [Great Inagua -- check with the lighthous/bouy afficianados to identify the beacon and monument in the background of the photos.] The Soviet SAM artillery Regiment defectors had been originally taken prisoner during the shoot-out and capture of the Sov-Air Force manned SAM site, and the commandos [99% idigenous] then launched against Rudy Anderson's U-2, puncturing his pressure suit, and exploding his body [human blood boils at 98.6 degrees F. at 47,000 feet MSL] This was an Op partially coordinated by Bill Harvey, and it was this [amidst the Missile Crisis] raid which infuriated RFK; not the Matahambre Mine Op] A-la "Northwoods", they hoped that this would instigate a full blown invasion -- which with the "Luna" nuke-tipped/ant-maritime "cruise-missiles-- directed against the Task Force, would have left the southeastern U.S. glowing in the dark for 2,500 years !! Virgilio Gonzalez [Watergate] was NEVER "Sea-Borne", but instead worked out of Barker's office. Rip Robertson was NEVER on the "Flying Tiger II", but remained aboard the REX at all times. I have been in contact with the son of the late "Gringo" skipper of the REX [brooks was "paper-skipper" due to the Nica- flag]. However, this guy wants nothing to do with people that would immediately excoriate any and all, just as has happened with every person who I have "surfaced" !!

    My only contact with Don Bohning while he was prepping "Castro Obsession" was my disputing that it was NOT Col. Frank Regan who advised Oliva, Artime, et al. to take the CIA instructors prisoner if the WH called the BOP off. Two of the Cuban Intel folks who testified [before RFK, Gen. Max Taylor, et al.] in the post-Op fact-finding hearings -- told both me and Tad Sculz that the following exchange occurred:

    Taylor: "....You are the second person to relate this story of "pressing-on" if the invasion was called off.."

    "..and who gave you these instructions??"

    Cuban Intel Operator: "....It was Colonel Frank who briefed us first seperately, and then together.....

    Taylor: "...And just WHO THE HELL IS THIS COLONEL FRANK..??!!"

    Jack Pfeiffer: "..General..there actually were two Colonel Franks, and...."

    Taylor: "...I don't give a damn about two...I want to know who the ONE is...the one who had this rogue plan...!!"

    RFK: "...It's OK...you can go ahead and tell us everything.."

    2nd Cuban Int/Op: "...He apparently outranked the first Colonel Frank [Frank Regan]...and the only thing that the other gring....Americans bragged on him was that....in the movie about the Normandy..you know in France...during the 2nd World...

    Taylor: "...I was there...I jumped into Normandy...get on with it..."

    2nd Cuban I/O: "...He was played by John Wayne in the movie...you know..where John Wayne broke his foot and had to be pushed around in a wheel-barrow..."

    Taylor: "...You mean Sands of Iwo...."

    RFK: "...No..he's referring to Ryan's book..the movie was D-Day the 6th of June..."

    Taylor: "..Never saw it.."

    RFK: "...OK...Jack...what is his real name..?"

    J. P.: Colonel Benjamin Vandervoort..he has been with CIA for a few years..."


    Col. Ben Vandervoort died at his home in Savannah, Georgia during the early 1990s, and he had retired with 25 years of loyal service to the CIA. In the ultimately released CIA I.G. Report, he is shown as being lesser in rank/job than Regan, but in fact was a D.C. honcho during the BOP.

    Bayo/Pawley: The Soviet Missile Air Officers were transported to the Baracoa area, and the REX told Bayo by radio that the Sovs had to come out on the rubber boats...first and alone. That completed, when Bayo, et al. were approaching the REX, they were fired upon...and one guy was killed, with 2 wounded. The Soviets were delivered to GITMO, and either "Nosenko'd" or absorded into the American comfort zone with lips zipped. Bill Pawley abruptly cancelled the rented PBY-5A "Catalina" flying boat cruising off Cuba and attempting to make radio contact. Pawley went "ape-xxxx" after hearing a partial account of said events.

    [More later on how he fell out-of-love with JFK, et al. after July 1963]

    When FBI S/A George Davis came to my Just Island apartment to advise that we were needed at MIA when JFK came in on the 18th of November, he initially claimed that the older Santana brother was back in CONUS, and represented a threat to the President. Upon my correcting his bullxxxx, he switched to saying that Bayo had been turned and was the greater threat to JFK. When I asked why the hell would Bayo turn against us, he stated that nobody would give him all of the "skinny"; but somebody had betrayed Bayo, and it smelled like the "Company" !!


  3. While researching Tony Izquierdo, I came across this item from 1977; two years before he was killed in Nicaragua. As a Miami resident, the San Antonio angle is curious. I have no more details than what is written so if anyone can fill in the gaps, it would be greatly appreciated.




    This was two years after I supplied several military T-10 parachutes [w/ 24 ft. T-7a reserve chutes] after Tony, "Papito" [of Contra fame], Frank Castro, et al. had experienced equipment difficulties while operating their "Sky Diving Club??" -- Los Halcones Dorados ["The Golden Hawks"]. Their DZ [parachuting "Drop Zone" was located some 65 miles west of Miami on the "Tamiami Trail" [u.S. #41]. Not surprisingly, this dirt airstrip/DZ was used regularly as a marijuana ["Marimba"] smuggling terminus. A fancier resort style private club/airstrip located some 7 miles further west, was denied to them, and the wealthy owners quickly got busted by our So. Fla. FBI/DEA-Drug Interdiction Task Force.

    When Tony was mistakenly busted by a stupid Texas assistant U.S. Attorney, who sought instant fame [but was later fired instead], Manolo Reboso, Freddy Duran, et al. ran around like they had "sense-of-their-own" and almost blew the case. My suggestion was to leave Tony with his appointed federal public defender, and in open court use my previously proven tactic, to wit: pursuant to Farretta vs: California [sCOTUS-1975], make a demand in open court that he represent himself "Pro-Se" [in propria persona] with assistance of counsel.

    This still terrifies prosecutors, who realize that the defendant MUST be permitted to join in both the "opening statement" and the "closing argument". Moreover, not only are these opportunities for severance from co-defendants, but permits the accused to give purported "testimony" without being under oath -- which obviously, and much to the chagrin of most "persecutors"; humanizes the defendant before the jury -- and usually costs a bundle for interpreters [and allows defendants to slowly contemplate their answers on "direct" & "cross' -- thereby raising a Socratic air of mystery, suspense, and sympathy.]

    Tony submitted "Miami-prepared-pleadings" to the court, most notably a "Motion" format where he would question himself in long narrative fashion, and continue same during cross. Result: One pissed-off judge, who quickly made short work of the whole matter.

    With thousands of "wet-backs" & "OTMs" streaming daily across the Rio Bravo, any focus upon a lowly CIA asset [especially one w/ mucho VIP supporters] was visibly an exercise in futility !!

    Tony died in Nicaragua, strapped into one of my T-10 parachutes [w/reserve chute] when the WWII C-47 "Goony-Bird" blew an engine and the beaner drivers screwed up and "feathered" the wrong engine. The mission that day was to insert by parachute his ODA SF type team behind the Sandinistas lines near Rivas.

    San Antonio was where the 5th Army Headquarters still stands. [Gen. Mark Clark's old North Africa WWII command]. The "Texicans", both Nat'l Guard & Reserves were more than happy to "lose" equipment to the anti-Sandinista fighters, as they were totally pissed off at "peanut-grubber" Carter's continous denial of aid to the ant-Fidel commie fight, and more so with the then aborning give-away of the Panama Canal -- which is now controlled by the same government which holds 57% of our Treasury Bonds, The Communist Chinese -- our new-found brothers ??!!




  4. Gerry Hemming has made a lengthy post on another thread. It demonstrates what "Minesport" was.

    Here is what he wrote:

    The term "Minesport" [which is similar sounding, but incorrect for that era] referred to a backup football which was ordered sent by the Looking Glass CT commander at approx. 1627 hours G.M.T.

    See his Post (#20) on the thread Oliver Stone's "JFK".

    Thank you, Tim. I just read Gerry's post. However, does it explain the dispatcher's message to George Lumpkin at 1.44pm (or 1344 hours)? Why the time discrepancy? And why is it mentioned over the DPD radio? Forgive my ignorance on this, but its a bit confusing.



    You misread my post. There is NO time discrepancy !! NOTICE the G.M.T. after the 1627 hours -- all aviation, Intell, and "snuffy" entities operate on "GREENWICH MEAN TIME" [Ya know, that Prime Meridian that Simkin's folks established during the "Great Depression" [of A.D. 1678].

    This is what gave the lie to the bum-wipe excuse that: "...The USS Essex (CVA) aircraft carrier fighters didn't arrive in time to support the BOP B-26s due to the FACT??!! that one party was on "local" time, and the "OTHER" party was on a different time..."!! What a bunch of bullxxxx, both Playa Giron and "Happy Valley" [JM/TIDE] at Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua even today are on MIAMI TIME, and ALL aircraft involved in JM/ATE operations, which began during mid-1960, always were on the routine G.M.T. !!

    Moreover, ALL "Operation Puma" Bomber & Paratroop aircraft were on GMT, as were the folks in the "Hunter-Killer Carrier Task Force", and moreover, as is common in both military and civil aviation -- ALL aircraft altimeters were set at "QNH" [29.92 inches of Mercury].

    One late night, back during the 1970s, I was on a "Red-Eye" flight out of Atlanta and enroute to Miami. I recognized the A/C skippers voice as he gave his name -- "...Good Evening...this is Capt. Ferrer..." -- so I took a napkin and wrote "B.A. 2506". gave it to the "stew", and within a minute Eddy Ferrer was sitting alongside me. We updated recent histories, and mentioned mutual friends and their latest shnenanigans.

    Capt. Eduardo Ferrer took on a bitter look when I "re-hashed" the phony BOP time story; but that didn't keep him from spending the entire flight chatting -- that is, until the nice lady told him that the nice "2nd Officer" would love to have him up front for the Miami landing [around 4 AM MIA time].

    Dallas was then on CST [Central Standard Time]. Miami is on EST. I was hoping that somebody might notice the very interesting "speculation" that the NSA Looking Glass CT Commander issued that order fully ONE HOUR before the motorcade reached D.P. ??!!




  5. Pat, I always respect your opinions (and I always preface my responses that way!) but, one easy way to refute the lofic of your position is that, apparently, LBJ used the logic that a war might necessarily follow if a foreign conspiracy was proved to convince Earl Warren. True?

    Your statement that only LBJ could trigger a war is certainly true. I think it was the logic that if a foreign assassination was proved, the weight of public opinion would be strong enough to force LBJ to take some action against the foreign nations involved (short of a nuclear launch, of course) that might have, inexorably, led to a nuclear exchange, even if our enemies fired the first nuclear missile.

    It was, of course, an assassination that led to WWI.

    Also is it not true that many theorists believe that Oswald was selected as a patsy in hopes of forcing an invasion of Cuba? And if we had invaded Cuba might that not have led, ultimately, to a nuclear exchange?


    Gratz, et al.

    I do believe that you need to bleach the "Dr. Strangelove" scenario out of your respective minds !! That is where the "Brit" movie infers that president dipxxxx lost launch control to a renegade General played by ex-O.S.S./Marine Corps Officer (WWII) & actor Sterling Hayden; who launches B-52s under his control against the USSR !!

    Ever since the early 1950s [per Harry Truman's best braintrust] there has been 2-man & 3-man rules as to launching strikes. Y'all need to rent "Crimson Tide" [Gene Hackman, et al.] the movie and witness that it is not at all difficult to bypass any launch protocols, especially where our "Boomers" [sSN Nuke Subs] are involved. In the missile silos, both launch officers have been weighed by their command chairs as they sat down upon starting their shifts, and the computers insure that not only must both launch keys be turned simultaneously, but both officers must be seated and harnessed. Some LOs were ordered to carry lead waist belt weights in order that the computer carried a distinct weight rather than their known normal body weight, so as to frustrate use of a doppleganger or "barbells??"

    [For general reference purposes only, see: "Launch under Attack" - Scientific American (1984)]

    There is a general igorance as to the function of the "Nuclear Suitcase", commonly referred to as "The Football". [i had a member inquire as to more on same, but AOL screwed me up and I lost a Gig of e-mails] The "Football" is a transmit ONLY cipher device, but can be queried by transponder from either the flying command post styled as "Looking Glass", or other relay vehicle. During the JFK era, "Looking Glass" was an RC-707, same fuselage as "Air Force One" [tail #25000] but cram packed with ELINT/ECM & communications relay equipment. Later, an AWACS type aircraft was used [one with the dorsal rotating radar antenna], and thus it was not only a signals relay vehicle, but had the ability to observe and track all aircraft [and vehicles] in the vicinity of either the president on the ground, or when airborne.

    "Looking Glass" can transmit its discrete frequency messages via both "line-of-sight" (VHF/UHF) and low frequency (HF/SSB) to predetermined radio relay sites, which then pass same to the command authority.

    Therefore, the president exercises NO direct control over any launch components, he just has the capability to use a communication link which in turned is relayed to SAC/NORAD/NCA.

    The "Football" contains a transponder which alerts "Looking Glass" as to whether the cipher device is up and running, or has failed and gone off of the air. I was told that NSA refused to release the "Looking Glass" tapes generated on November 22nd, 1963. Some retired NSA CTs "speculated" that:

    (1) There were numerous spurious radio transmissions recorded that day, and they were disguised as

    air traffic control verbage; [we used similar background radio traffic in the JFK movie, and Dale Dye was the voice responding to my transmissions]

    (2) The transponder inside the football sent a "red-alert" to Looking Glass, indication power supply or tranmitter failure moments before the motorcade entered Dealey Plaza; and,

    (3) The term "Minesport" [which is similar sounding, but incorrect for that era] referred to a backup football which was ordered sent by the Looking Glass CT commander at approx. 1627 hours G.M.T.

    Nevertheless, it would take, even today, serious collusion to replicate the events depicted in "Crimson Tide" and other movies. However, the Soviets before, and the Russians today, have serious deficiencies in their "Fail-Safe" protocols, despite what Tom Clancy has projected in "The Sum of All Fear" !!

    Case in point, a cashiered Russian Colonel who currently lives in a rundown Moscow apartment, the very one who refused to launch during a false crisis during 1993.

    So, to wind it up -- could a military clique, or a single subordinate group, have had the capability to unilaterally & spontaneously "launch" upon discovery of a foreign nexus to the JFK murder ?? MAYBE !!




    PS: In the movie "3 Days of the Condor", actor John Houseman [CIA/DDO] is heard to state to Cliff Robertson's character that: During WWII OSS service, he sailed aboard a vessel cruising the Adriatic with a "movie Star" -- that was a reference to Sterling Hayden's tale of covert ops service in his book "Wanderer".


  6. Mr. Russell, delighted to hear from you.

    I assume you know that in June of 2005 Professor Joan Mellen interviewed Angel Murgado and he confirmed he visited Silvia Odio in late September.  He told her, however, that Oswald was at Odio's when he got there--but he knew who Oswald was.

    Cannot see any reason why Murgado would lie about his involvement in the incident.


    What did I say about either buying a goddamn tape-recorder or learn shorthand !! Or do you feel constrained by your upcoming "review" of Joan's book ?? Angelo NEVER came forth, and it was an associate who called me; advising that I make a quick call to Miami after I had "outed" his name on the forum, and it was picked up by a web search.

    It took me two days in Miami just to get him to even consider speaking with Joan, and has since stated to Dave Talbot, that he will make no further statements on ANY subject whatsoever.

    Dick, I am surprised that you would fall into the same BS trap as this Canuck DJ.; i.e., citing to the "cover-up" WC documents on Sylvia ?? Sylvia was furious upon reading this faggot Hoover's crap many years later. Not only did she deny EVER stating that one of the "visitors" was Mexican "looking/sounding", she centered upon the singular factual items contained therein: The references to J.U.R.E., and Rogelio Cisneros, war name "Eugenio". [Cisneros had been Fidel's #2 underground fighter, under his president of the CTC Electrical Workers Union -- Amaury Fraginals, who remained loyal to Fidel even after Rogelio's defection.]

    She was later intimidated with threats of prosecution under Title 18 US Code Section 1001, to wit: "Making false statements to a federal agent."

    [Martha Stewart can expertly discourse on section 1001. This is a post Civil War/Reconstruction statute which quickly ended certain citizen's false claims, in seeking reparations from the government (US Marshals). Said law obviated the previous requirement of a "sworn" statement. Then and now, a false UNSWORN statement to a federal officer carries a heavier penalty than does perjury !!]

    Most laypersons can't grasp that there is a second paragraph to the perjury statute, which is incorporated in the stare decisis of section 1001. That is:

    "...Any person making a false declaration under oath is guilty of perjury."

    "...Perjury is defined as making two or more statements which contradict; both statements may be false, or both statements may be TRUE; the fact that they contradict is Perjury."

    Sylvia, Marina, et al. weren't the only ones burdened with this statutory threat, and worse; there is no statute of limitations if you TODAY, once again, are tricked into re-affirming, modifying, or changing previous statements.

    I will not go further until Joan's book is firmly lodged in the libraries; and this despite rumors of her having made disparaging remarks about me !! As she said, if you want "insider scoop"; pony up the trip expenses for June 2005.

    Hoover's gay-blades deliberately inserted the "Mexican" bit so as to inculpate Larry Howard. From what I hear, Joan claims that Larry was also in Dealey Plaza; man that place is getting crowded.

    'Nuff said,



  7. From the news article in Ron's post:

    The appellate court, while rejecting Minier's claims, was clearly intrigued by this tale and particularly with the idea that Minier may have unearthed information that could shed new light on the Kennedy assassination.

    I do not read it the decision as the newspaper did.  When the court characterized the theory of CIA involvement in the assassination as "infamous" I think it was messaging its scorn of that theory. An attitude shared, of course, ny most of the "establishment".

    But if the CIA is entitled to withhold names and addreses of employees, informants, etc. Minier would have lost regardless of the court's opinion of the theory of CIA complicity in the dastardly deed in Dallas.


    Jim Lesar, Esq. is the highest rated FOIA expert in this community, and he might well agree that the good judge should have petitioned for a "Vaughan Index" while the matter was still in the "Administrative Law" arena.

    As for Capehart, we knew him as "George Damon" during 1962. The NARA FBI files

    [both "302s" & "LHMs"] describe him as a transient gun dealer. He first showed up amidst our Missile Crisis operations during the Summer of 1962, which automatically made him suspect. He arrived at the doorstep of our "Federicos" safehouse on NW 6th Ave., driving a gaudy white Cadillac convertible; with the top down of course.

    [Tom Dunkin mentions having to sleep in a car outside Federico's one night]

    Damon got to the point quickly, in his, what I then thought then, was a Texas, not "Okie" twang. He had guns for us, but we would have to run a "special" mission with these weapons before we could use them elsewhere. When warned that the local cops & ATTU were "coming-down-heavy" on gun-runners, he pulled out a brand new business card with the name of a Justice Department official embossed thereon, along with the usual color DOJ seal. He stated more than once that anytime he was stopped by Feds, he simply displayed one of these cards, and told the agents to make the call from a secure telephone -- which quickly caused them to ride off into the sunset !!

    When I stated that this wouldn't work with local cops, he said that he didn't exhibit the card, but simply stonewalled them, or bailed himself out of the "vagrancy" charge; but if a ranking cop entered the picture, he would direct him to call the Miami FBI/FO for further info. This routinely caused his immediate release and the return of his impounded convertible "Canoe".

    Manolo Reboso stated [at the Banak Lumber Company "cover" office] that he had seen Damon at Hickory Hill more than once, and that folks there considered him to be a quite reckless "wild-card" -- but in Spanish he used "rienda suelta" [loose reined]; and that we should be careful in dealing with this "Yonny".

    Years later, when infrequently watching "Starsky & Hutch", the actor David Soul would remind me of this clown.

    We never heard anything on him after 1962, and it was the FOIA releases which reminded us of this one of the many strange dudes-about-town of the era.




    "What, me worry !! -- Alfred E. Neumann, 1953.


  8. On the 12th November I posted a message about the behaviour of members.


    This in itself has been taken over by personal bickering. I have therefore decided to make a new statement about the aims and objectives of this forum and to stress the kind of behaviour that we expect from members.

    JFK Forum

    The main objective of this forum is to bring together researchers into the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It is hoped that this forum will enable researchers to share information they have acquired about the case. In this way, the forum will become a major way of communicating information about the assassination to the wider community (we have a far larger number reading the forum than those posting information).

    Rules of the JFK Forum

    (i) All members have to provide a biography. A link to this biography should be added to their signature (see below for instructions how to do this).


    (ii) All members should use a photograph of themselves as an avatar (see below for instructions how to do this). If you still find you have problems with this please email me and I will help you with this.


    (iii) Wherever possible, members should give references (books, documents, etc) concerning the comments that they make. This will help those carrying out academic research into this area.

    (iv) Members should not make personal attacks on other members. Nor should references be made to their abilities as researchers. Most importantly, the motivations of the poster should not be questioned. At all times members should concentrate on what is being said, rather than who is saying it. It is up to the reader to look at the biography submitted by the poster, to judge whether they are telling the truth or not. The word “xxxx” is banned from use on the forum.

    (v) Members should take care over the accuracy of their postings. This includes spellings, capital letters, etc. This is important as the forum is read by young students and therefore we should not be setting them a bad example. I would suggest you write initially in a word processing program that automatically checks spellings, etc. The finished work can then be copied and posted into the forum.

    (vi) Make sure your postings are relevant to the thread. Please start another thread if your comments do not belong to any existing threads.

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    (viii) Members should use the quote function of the forum when replying to people’s posts. To do this click the REPLY button. Pressing this button will allow you to reply to a topic, and have the text from a particular reply quoted in your own reply. This can be edited so that only the relevant passage is included. If you want to reply to several postings, copy and paste the relevant comments into your own answer. To make this clear use the colour options to highlight what someone else is saying. Type in the name of the person after the quotation.

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    I have attempted to "Log-Out" 12 times so far, using 6 different methods, and all failed. Any suggestions ??



  9. John has a great idea, to which I want to respond in stages.  Here is information

    about MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA (2000), where our basic findings about the

    death of JFK are presented and justified on the basis of medical, physical, docu-

    entary and witness testimony.  In a subsequent post, I will outline what I have

    come to conclude about the assassination, including who, how, and why.  In the

    meanwhile, I would like everyone to consider our findings about this case, with

    particular emphasis not on the commentary but on specific (*-ed) discoveries.


    From Publishers Weekly

    A compendium of recent thought and discovery about the Kennedy assassination, this volume makes a case for official malfeasance and against the "lone gunman" explanation. Fetzer (Assassination Science), a professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, sets the tone for an in-depth revisionist history in his prologue, in which he makes note of what he views as 16 "smoking guns" in the Warren Report and questions the veracity of the JFK autopsy photographs and tissue samples, and even the Zapruder film. Most contributors explore these topics in detail, aided by Ira Wood's precisely detailed "November 22, 1963: A Chronology." In provocative essays, Douglas Weldon explores tangled vehicle-related evidence that he concludes indicates that JFK was shot through the throat from in front of the car rather than from behind; Vincent Palamara names several Secret Service agents who he believes may have been compromised; and Fetzer discusses the little-seen "Assassination File" of former Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry. Also included is Bertrand Russell's acid 1964 assessment of what he viewed as a nascent coverup. With much discussion of alleged manipulation of forensic and photographic evidence, the book's overall focus is primarily technical, on what the contributors see as the wealth of evidence of a multiple-shooter assassination, with likely complicity of the Secret Service and other government agencies. This coolly angry dismantling of the theories of the Warren commission and lone-gunman supporters like Gerald Posner will be fodder for conspiracy theorists.

    Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

    Book Description

    In its publisher's words, on the basis of the findings presented in MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA, "it is possible to say with moral certainty and with considerable scientific authority that the murder of President Kennedy was committed by a meticulously executed conspiracy which was then obscured by an extensive cover-up." The progress we have made in sorting out what happened to this country on 22 November 1963 has resulted from the application of scientific, technical, and scholarly expertise in a systematic effort to take rumor and speculation out and place the study of the assassination on an objective and scientific foundation. This work extends previous studies pubished in ASSASSINATION SCIENCE, especially by taking into account more than 60,000 documents and records recently released by the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB). The results of these efforts have been remarkable.

    The contributors whose work has been brought together in this volume include the leading authority on the Secret Service (Vincent Palamara); the most knowledgeable student of the Presidential limousine (Douglas Weldon, J.D.); a leading expert on the medical evidence at Parkland and at Bethesda (Gary Aguilar, M.D.); the single most highly qualified person to ever study this case (David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D.); the Senior Analyst for Military Records for the ARRB (Douglas Horne); a legendary photoanalyst who advised the House Select Committee during its reinvestigation (Jack White); a world-famous philosopher who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950 (Bertrand Russell); a prize-winning director and playwright, who has produced a brilliant chronology (Ira David Wood III); and a philosopher of science who has published more than 20 books and 100 articles in his fields of expertise (James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.).


    The evidence presented in this volume demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt:

    * that JFK was hit at least four times (once in the back from behind; once in the throat from in front; and twice in the head, once from behind and once from in front);

    * that the wound to his throat was caused by a shot that penetrated the limousine windshield, which was subsequently destroyed and replaced by a substitute windshield;

    * that the shot to the back was well below the collar, entered only about as far as the second knuckle on your little finger, and evinced no point of exit from the body;

    * that no bullet transited the President's neck without hitting any bony structures and exited at the level of his tie, a trajectory that in fact turns out to be anatomically impossible;

    * that, as a consequence, no bullet passed through the President and hit the Governor, who was hit by at least one and perhaps as many as two or even three separate shots;

    * that, including the shot that missed and injured James Tague, an absolute minimum of six shots had to have been fired during the assassination, where the total was more likely eight, nine, or even ten;

    * that at least 59 witnesses reported that the limousine slowed dramatically or came to a complete halt after bullets began to be fired, which supports the conclusion that it slowed dramatically as it came to a complete halt;

    * that the first shot to the head was fired from behind and entered in the vicinity of the external occipital protuberance at the back of the head;

    * that the second shot to the head was fired from in front and entered in the vicinity of the right temple;

    * that the second shot was fired with a frangible or "exploding" bullet that transmitted shockwaves through the brain;

    * that the impact of this bullet combined with the weakening of the skull by the first shot to the head caused 1/3 to 1/2 of his brains to be blown out in Dealey Plaza at the time;

    * that the massive blow-out to the back of the head was concealed by imposing a "patch" to the right lateral cranial X-ray (of the skull taken from the right side);

    * that the brain had to be reconsititued since, once the defect to the skull had been "patched", there was no place for that brain matter to have gone;

    * that the brain shown in diagrams and photographs in the National Archives cannot be the brain of John Fitzgerald Kennedy;

    * that two brain examinations were conducted, the first of which was with the President's brain, the second with a substitute;

    * that the autopsy report was prepared without the benefit of the autopsy photographs, which were removed by the Secret Service;

    * that the photographs were subsequently altered and reshot in various ways to conceal evidence of the cause of death;

    * that the Zapruder film of the assassination was in the hands of the National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) run by the CIA already the weekend of the assassination;

    * that the extant "Zapruder film" has been massively edited to remove evidence of the actual cause of death, including the limousine having been brought to a halt in order to insure that the target would be killed.


    The evidence that substantiates these conclusions is abundant and compelling. None of the findings presented here has the status of rumor or speculation. If the American government had wanted the American people to know the truth about the death of their 35th President, it would have been easy to have shown them. Because of its intransigence, fabrication, and manipulation of evidence--which appears to continue to this day--however, the American government has denied, concealed, or ignored evidence of all the kinds that we have discovered. And it is not alone in wanting to keep the truth about the death of JFK from the American people. There are many individuals who, for reasons of their own, do not want you to read this book and to learn the truth. Some may be motivated by vanity, because their own theories have been proven to be wrong; some may be motivated by ignorance, because their own preconceptions blind them to the truth; and some may be motived by money, because they work as operatives for shadowy government agencies. Their attempts to conceal the truth are separate from their motives.

    Even a forum of such as this, which might be presumed to be dedicated to open and public discussion or even debate of published work, can be subject to abuse by those who want to deny your access to the truth about the death of JFK by one means or another, typically by making false, distorted, and misleading claims about the content and the quality of books. MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA, however, satisfies exceptional standards of scholarly research. The conclusions enumerated above are fully substantiated in the chapters of this book. These authors were selected for their expertise with respect to the subjects they addressed. The authors of reader's reviews are not. So when you see a trash review suggesting that nine contributors have nothing of value to say, consider its implausbility and judge for yourself. Read the excerpts and prepublication reviews provided here. You have the right to know the truth about your nation's history. No one should deprive you of that.



    LIFE Magazine's first edition after November 22nd '63 was immediately recalled, this was upon the insistence of "Dame" Hoover; and was done because of the following:

    [1] An artist's color renderings of Gov. Conally being hit in the right-front upper torso by multiple projectiles.

    [2] These frames were later altered or deleted.

    While working with Oliver Stone on the movie, he grew furious with Costner & Jay Sanders, who were "blowing-their-lines" and causing us to "lose daylight".

    Critically important to Oliver was the scene where my character would be glanced at by "Garrison/Costner" during 6th floor remeniscing of the motorcade events. Costner was to glance to the left and see LHO [Gary Oldman], but in a blink the figure would change to a [Cuban?] shooter, and then upon glancing to the right, would see my character shooting Conally with a silenced/suppressed "Broom-Handle Mauser M1898" [w/ artillery barrel & wooden shoulder-stock/holster].

    However, and because we ran out of light, my character is shown ONLY as the radio director on the 6th floor of the TSBD, using the then extant Motorola HT200 models, which we bought from our buddies at Microwave Corp. near the Miami Int'l Airport during the filming.

    Stone also decided against filming the alleged "Master Controller" [code-name "Lord"] at the Adolphus Hotel site. Moreover, and upon my recommendation, he opted not to style the TSBD "Director" as "God"; despite its currency in use by military snipers of that era. "...Don't want the Bible-Belt folks getting mad at us..huh, big guy ??!!"




    "What, me worry" - Alfred E. Neumann, 1953.


  10. Gregory, great post.  Interesting that the doctor disavows it (apparently rightly so).  I did not include his name in case it was in error.

    However, whoever did write it is certainly a racist!


    Here is a NEWS-FLASH Tim [but I don't think that snopes.com will go along with it ??]



    President Bush and a giddy Jacques Chirac shake hands on the deal.

    BATON ROUGE, LA. - The White House announced today that President Bush has successfully sold the state of Louisiana back to the French at more than double its original selling price of $11,250,000.

    "This is a bold step forward for America," said Bush. "And America will be stronger and better as a result. I stand here today in unity with French Prime Minister Jack Shirok, who was so kind to accept my offer of Louisiana in exchange for 25 million dollars cash."

    The state, ravaged by Hurricane Katrina, will cost hundreds of billions of dollars to rebuild.

    "Jack understands full well that this one's a 'fixer upper,'" said Bush. "He and the French people are quite prepared to pump out all that water, and make Louisiana a decent place to live again. And they've got a lot of work to do. But Jack's assured me, if it's not right, they're going to fix it."

    The move has been met with incredulity from the already beleaguered residents of Louisiana.

    However, President Bush's decision has been widely lauded by Republicans.

    "This is an unexpected but brilliant move by the President," said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. "Instead of spending billions and billions, and

    billions of dollars rebuilding the state of Louisiana, we've just made 25 million dollars in pure profit."

    "This is indeed a smart move," commented Fox News analyst Brit Hume. "Not only have we stopped the flooding in our own budget, we've made money on the deal. Plus, when the god-awful French are done fixing it up, we can

    easily invade and take it back again."

    The money gained from 'The Louisiana Refund' is expected to be immediately pumped back into the rebuilding of Iraq.


    Finally, the wannabe draft-dodger is doing "Duh Rite Thang"



    "What, me worry !! -- Alfred E. Neumann, 1953.

  11. I disagree with Paul that LBJ was a conspirator.  I think it is possible the conspirators forewarned him of the assassination (and I suspect within twenty-four hours before).  J. Edgar Hoover had no clue.  His interest was protecting the reputation of the FBI.

    Why would Fidel Castro/KGB do that?



    NOT the KGB [or the MVD], but the GRU. You can find [on the Web] the evidence that KGB boss Semichastny thwarted the plot by the GRU boss to assassinate Krushchev even before "Op/Anadyr"; and was counseled that "...We will remove him by political means..." -- which they did soon after the JFK murder.




    "What, me worry !!" -- Alfred E. Neumann, 1953.


  12. Re Hendrix, I do know Hal, although as a foreign reporter I was at least a half generation behind him. We were friendly but now close. As you I don't if he was a CIA "asset," and in fact not quite sure what that means. I do know that he had close ties to the Agency and to Shackley.


    I also think the quote in the Crile/Branch article from the anonymous CIA official was a bit overstated, at least from my experience in later years.

    My understanding is that a journalist who is a “CIA asset” is someone who will in certain conditions publish information in articles that is in the interest of the CIA. Sometimes this information is true and sometimes it is untrue.

    Hal Hendrix is a good example of a CIA asset. Information from the CIA enabled Hendrix to write in 1962 several articles on the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba. According to William Pawley, Hendrix was fed information by Ted Shackley, the CIA chief in Miami (quoted by David Corn in his book, Blond Ghost: Ted Shackley and the CIA's Crusades).

    As Hendrix found, it could be very helpful being a CIA asset. Hendrix won the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism in 1963 as a result of his CIA inspired Cuban reports. In September, 1963, Hendrix joined Scripps-Howard News Service as a Latin American specialist. Instead of moving to Washington he remained in Miami "where his contacts were". In an article on 24th September, 1963, Hendrix was able to describe and justify the coup that overthrew Juan Bosch, the president of Dominican Republic. The only problem was the coup took place on the 25th September. Once again, being a CIA asset helped him get a scoop. However, it also confirmed that he was relying on information from CIA. His attempts to justify the coup undermined his credibility as a independent journalist.

    Hendrix’s involvement with the intelligence agencies was further highlighted when JFK was assassinated. A few hours after Kennedy had been killed, Hendrix provided background information to a colleague, Seth Kantor, about Lee Harvey Oswald. This included details of his defection to the Soviet Union and his work for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. This surprised Kantor because he had this information before it was released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation later that evening.

    Hendrix left the Scripps-Howard News Service in 1966 and went to work for the International Telephone & Telegraph Corporation, as director of inter-American relations in Buenos Aires. Officially, Hendrix worked in public relations but according to Thomas Powers, "he was something in the way of being a secret operative for the company".

    Hendrix moved to Chile. It later emerged that Hendrix worked with the CIA in the overthrow of Salvador Allende. His CIA contact during the Chile operation was David Atlee Phillips.

    On 20th March, 1973, Hendrix appeared before Frank Church and his Multinational Corporations Subcommittee. He denied that he ever been a paid agent of the CIA. However, an investigation by Justice Department lawyer Walter May discovered documents that showed that Hendrix had lied under oath.

    Hendrix was allowed to plead guilty to lying under oath (which cost him a $100 fine and a one-month suspended sentence) in return for his cooperation with the Justice Department in its pursuit of perjury charges against higher-ranking ITT and CIA officials in the Chile matter.

    As you have admitted, you have received information from the CIA. Did you assume this information was always accurate? Did you ever think you were being manipulated by the CIA?



    Some of what was removed from my HSCA deposition was my reference to Hal Hendrix tieing up the telephones [with another CIA asset, Mary Louise Wilkenson] at the Miami News Editorial Room, where I rushed to see the late editor Bill Baggs immediately after the first news of the JFK murder. Baggs ordered them both OFF of the phones in order that I might call Logue and others -- to determine the facts-on-the-ground in Dallas that sad day.

    Moreover, one of the reasons that Kantor's FOIA tlephone bill documents were redacted was: That while he had dialed Hendrix's home phone, it rang at Hal's Miami News desk. CIA had "Call Forwarding" [courtesy of ITT] long before us peons were given access to same, and they wanted to cover up said [CIA/TSD]technological advances. The same with regard to the ability to make calls to Cuba [as a "local call"] , rather than going through the Habana & ATT&T International Operators. We used this technique on many occasions as well, much to the chagrin of JM/WAVE, who really never had anybody to call in Cuba anyway !!

    [that is, outside of 2 snitches they had in the Brazil & Argentine embassies]

    During the 1970s, Aerocondor [Colombian airline] controlled the offices where these links were situated, and thus we were able to not only make "local calls" to Cuba, but to Colombia and all other Western Hemishphere locales.

    [Aerocondor was then owned by our buddy "Georgie" Barco, who later was "elected??" to the presidency in Colombia]

    Hendrix's "Pulitzer" should be rescinded, as his articles were jam-packed with JM/WAVE hand-outs, and was designed to cover CIA's ass-full of failures during the M/Crisis !!

    Cheers mates,



    "What, me worry !!" -- Alfred E. Neumann, 1953.


  13. Call me a disinformation agent, call me a spook, call me an asshole, but this is the first time anyone on this Forum has challenged my gender!  My gosh!!

    For the more gullible members, the above is a joke.

    But John seriously would you not agree there should be a distinction between a "disinformation agent" and one whose views are strongly influenced by a political ideology?  Otherwise, probably most of your members could be considered "disinformation agents".



    I think that John was referring to "Lady Mac Beth" -- she of the "heros" (sic) !!



    "What,me worry !! -- Alfred E. Neumann, 1953.


  14. An interesting letter.

    Can you give any more information on these documents, Lee they're very interesting.

    They are letters and details written by Roland Culligan - addressed to the CIA - who cut him adrift and set him up when he refused to continue to perform [allegedly]. The letters are copies - Jimmy Carter is even cc'd on one. I don't know what happened with Nasser - can only assume it was ugly. I wonder who the CIA agent was that said he rode around with Lumumba's body in the trunk of his car after curfew wondering what to do with it.

    There are many more - he was in a very similar situation as many - which would include at a minumum Richard C Nagell, IMO.

    I'll try to post another one soon.

    - lee



    This is the same guy who has repeatedly attempted to blackmail Joel Kaplan's family there in Santa Fe, NM. [see Turner's "10 Second Jailbreak"]

    "3000" !! FBI profilers & most of my associate Polygraphers repeatedly hint that the use of the "3" digit indicates deception. Also "AAF" is a WWII term [Army Air Corps/Force], and he indicates post 1950s documents.



    "What, me worry !!" Alfred E. Neumann, 1953.


  15. Al wrote:

    [Gerry Hemming] has produced nothing substancial [sic] in regards to the assassination and succeeded in nothing when he was operational.

    Al, understand, please, that I have had numerous telephonic conferences with Gerry Hemming and it is my assessment that he is an extremely intelligent individual with an amazing memory. His intelligence often comes through in his written postings.

    It was Mr. Hemming who identified Silvia Odios's visitors as Angelo Murgado (now Angelo Kennedy) and Bernardo de Torres.  Because many have problems with Mr. Hemming's credibilty, that is why I was so pleased that Professor Mellen had interviewed Angelo and confirmed exactly what Mr. Hemming said. 

    It was Mr. Hemming who introduced Professor Mellen to Angelo Kennedy.

    The identification of Odios' visitors may very well be one of the most significant developments in assassinatyion research in years.

    Obviously some things that Mr. Hemming says come not from his personal knowledge but from what others in intelligence operations have told him.  In those cases, of course, his information is only as good as his source is accurate and truthful.

    But Hemming has also identified, from his working with the man, the Mexico City mystery man, a second development that may very well prove as significant as his identification of Odio's visitors.

    The substantiality of either of those identifications can scarcely be exaggerated.



    That is twice now that the "snitch-rent-a-pig" has spelled it as "sematic" (sic). As for "checking-up" on Ms. Congeniality, he is just making a "limp-wristed" attempt at identifying who amongst his working colleagues and associates is badmouthing him, and if it is somebody lower on the food chain, she would love to impose a chastisement. Otherwise, there is absolutely nothing to be found with this snitch, other than attendance at a few wing-nut forums during November pasts.

    As for the "derelicts" remarks, they are straight out of news accounts which were generated by Justin Gleichauf ["00" Domestic Contacts/Overt MIA/CIA] and he was later disciplined by Angleton for his use of journalistic cover assets, that included Dom Bonafede of the Miami Herald [AM/CARBON-4]. JJA later reminded us of the standard order for the InterPen elements [his titled groups modeled after his mentor in the Haganah days, Orde Wingate]; "...keep a low profile...no River Kwai plantations or traceable funding...and keep putting dye in the water for counter/Intel purposes..."

    The then Broward County Sheriff was then, and is today, a CIA asset [it didn't stop with Nick Navarro, Felix's hometown buddy of Piragua fame & "Cops-TV"]; and the "vagrancy statute" was widely used to harass targets, even it was overturned by the US Supreme Court in the Jacksonville case. It stopped after large judgements were issued [via 18 US Code Section 1983, et seq.] and the taxpayers quickly tired of this primarily anti-Negro tool. Before that, even if you had 4 $100 bills in your pocket on Miami Beach, you could be busted for "vagrancy".

    "Derelicts", sure...we inherited some from the post-BOP Op-40 Sturgis group, but they were soon driven off by the mosquitos and diet of rye bread [Adolph's Bakery on Flagler Street]. The Micosukee Indians who gave us Everglades support loved that "day-old" rye bread, so we dropped a few bags every trip along the Tamiami Trail out to 40 Mile Bend.

    "Derelicts??" One ex-77th SF Group veteran retired from 25 years in the Middle-East during the '90s,

    two others are now with Homeland Security, others have been recalled to active duty and are serving here at Bragg, or in the OIF/OEF AOR. [others are deceased or after years in Fidel's Gulags, have slipped into obscurity]

    I identified Bernie de Torres even after both Gene Propper & Gaeton Fonzi [held to NDAs they signed]

    used code-words when referring to him. [see "Labyrinth" ("TB") & "Carlos" (The Last Investigation) for reference] One of our guys was dispatched to Dealey Plaza that week by Colonel Arturo Espaillat, who was then based in Montreal. A month later, he recounted said "mission" to me after too many beers, and was furious at having been used once again by Robert Emmett Johnson, the "Raul" of the MLK, Jr. matter.

    "Correcto" sister !! I am not about to name some of the guys or gals that are still breathing, and it is based on the treatment delivered so far by the likes of the "sematic" (sic) Kazakh Jews like Weberman, Dankbaar, et al.; and most assuredly not to be used as fodder by snitch rent-a-pigs from Iowa.

    "Self-proclaimed??" Faggot Hoover fingered us for the WC Report, and Weberman continues to carry out his "assignment" from the moles in the Intel & LE Community !!

    During the rare interviews post 1967, I answered only those questions posed, and limited same to what could be safely disclosed at the time. No "volunteering" of interviews ever occurred, and some scribblers went away mad [like Dorschner of the MIA/Herald] and later attempted scrivener's retribution. When Freddie Forsythe came nosing around, he was dispatched to visit Espaillat in Montreal, and that sent him to Skorzeny in Lisbon -- and thereafter came "Jackal" the book & movie.

    So, all of the "sisters" should keep their panties dry, and try to abstain from this series of silly-girl postings on this very important forum !!

    As for Weberman "coaching??". Affirmative, and he did this with CIA/US Customs snitch Steve Sczukas, who was baby-sitting the whore during the time of Sturgis' fury with her. Sczukas is the same terrorist who attempted to "borrow" several Ingram M-10s (silenced/suppressed) from my Parabellum Corp. business partner, and these were to be used to initiate firefight slaughters at one of the 1972 National Conventions. He was particularly interested in our attache-case M-11 (.380 cal.) unit for said massacre. By the way, a similar weapon was on the scene in Dealey Plaza, but no details are available as to where, who, and if it was even utilized. [for the uninitiated, the Ingrams are now sold as "MAC-10s"] I have no evidence of exactly how much money Weberman handed to Lorenz [or Sczukas], but he hinted that this was the case.




    "What, Me worry" Alfred E. Neumann, 1953.


  16. Members of Hemming's group brought out the first evidence of the Soviet missiles in Cuba.

    That is Gerry Hemming's claim, though I've yet to see any confirmation for it.  [For instance, his HSCA deposition might have offered him an opportunity to substantiate the claim.]  Whereas, I have been able to determine other sources for such information, and they had nothing to do with Hemming whatsoever, despite his contrary assertions.  Moreover, between the capabilities provided by the U2  and the Corona satellite, HUMINT may have been helpful, but of secondary importance.

    One could not have accomplished anything much more important than discovering the missiles before they were fully operational.  His group deserves to be in the history books for that mission.

    Which may explain Hemming's claim.  Perhaps you could trouble Gerry to provide some basis for believing it to be true.

    I also believe (and I gather it from sources not from GPH himself) that it was Hemming who tipped off the authorities to Masferrer's planned invasion of Haiti from Marathon, Florida.

    "Believe" is the key word.  The distance between "believe" and "know" can be quite a gulf.

    Since that act of ratting out Masferrer wouldn't have endeared Hemming to certain Cuban exile elements, one can imagine that Hemming might not be anxious to make that claim for himself.  One might also wonder why nothing untoward befell Hemming as a result, particularly since Rolando Masferrer wasn't known for his willingness to forgive such a betrayal. 

    How odd, then, that instead of becoming a target for Masferrer's vengeance, Hemming ended up working for Mitch WerBell with Masferrer's nephew, Rolandito.  You may wish to double-check the veracity of your sources on this, Tim.  By all means, listen to everything, but believe nothing that cannot be independently verified.  That same caution should hold true for Hemming, too. 

    No one in our government who was trying to overthrow Castro succeeded.  That does not mean they should not be recognized for their efforts--or, in many cases, of course, criticized for extra-legal actions against Castro.

    Al, I am sure you believe, as I do, that the greatest honor should be accorded police officers who give their lives in the line of duty.  If they die in a gun battlle in which ther bad guys escape that does not mean their sacrifice should be minimized, does it?  I think a police officer upon normal retirement should be accorded the highest plaudits even if he or she never solved a great crime, don't you?

    If deserved, yes.  If claimed without substantiation, what does one make of those who make such grandiose claims, and allude to much clandestine knowledge without actually divulging anything probative?  Again, the deposition for the HSCA may have provided Hemming with the perfect vehicle to place your foregoing assertions into the record, under oath.  That he refrained from making those claims then only renders questionable their veracity now. 


    When you have the time?? You might go to the website and re-read the "229" pages of my HSCA "testimony??" You might notice that we started around 11:00 AM and finished up around 6:00 PM that evening. My brother says 7 & 1/2 hours. Even reading stutteringly slow, 229 pages can't be stretched for 7+ hours. I later signed [per the law] a corrected copy of the transcript, and it was then paged at +600 pages. During 1988, Sylvia Chase, then of KRON/TV San Francisco, lied to me in stating that she had the FULL copy of said deposition. When she arrived with her camera crew, she was able to only produce the 2-page "Index", part of which was redacted. I said "screw you" and walked out.

    Despite knowing that the HSCA was another WC type farce, I did include some of the pertinent facts RE: the "Missile Crisis", amongst much more interesting items. Call Fonzi, and he will tell you how many times both he and Joe Gonzalez were told to leave the hearing room -- because they were NOT "cleared" !! [Gonzalez (NYPD) was fired from the HSCA staff shortly thereafter]

    Corona was having mucho problemas with the C-119 "Flying Boxcar" capsule-snatch retrieval process, and wasn't available during the Summer of 1962.

    Generals Lemay and Powers were interferring with the U-2 overflights, McCone was off in the "love-nest"; and the phonied-up history BS says that there was TOO MUCH cloud coverage for good Land-KH pix. Ask Bill Turner why my ex-Marine Colonel commandin officer [then at NAS Boca Chica, Key West] sent up 4 F-4 Phantom jockeys [with Cuba charts] to Nellie's -- looking to verify the actuals against the decoys. [2 front-seaters & 2 GIBS/WSOs] Costner is still pissed off that O'Donnell lied to him {"13 Days" flick] throughout, and hid the fact that we lost 4 photo-recon fighters shot down by the Cubans the first week !! The families are even more pissed at the training accident BS tales from the White House at that time.

    Our reports to Florida Governor Ferris Bryant and staff members of the "Johns Committee" [beginning in July 1962] is still held classified both at Langley and Tallahassee. I could give a rat's ass what some amateur scribbler says about the whole business, get a lawyer [if you can afford one] and file your own FOIA/PA challenges -- you might get lucky -- NOT !!

    Get back to the books Sister !!



  17. All

    It would be foolish for me to attempt to decide who is or is not telling the truth in these matters.  From the beginning it has been my hope that I could accept whatever a person says, realizing that all have there own prejudicial way of seeing things, then take the infromation that is provided, digest it, investigate it further and come to my own conclusions.  For example if you have four eye witnesses to a crime you might find that they do not all agree on every detail.  It becomes the job of the investigator to look deeper into the information that is provided and follow the best leads.

    From my standpoint, where I have found that Gerry Hemming has provided credible information was when he spoke about the role of Korean War Rangers.  His knowledge about this little known group of persons who became a major part of unconventional warfare lore was right on the money with my own independently gathered infromation.

    I will continue to read and evaluate every poster that takes the time to provide information to this forum.  I am not interested in engaging in disputes that deal with who is or is not credible except in a collegial manner.

    By the way, maybe Walker had the window open because it was July 4th, in the Dallas heat and he did not have air conditioning.....rather than "living quite recklessly" seems kind of normal for 1963 in Dallas, Texas for a person "too cheap to buy air conditioning units." (Walker had resigned from the military and in so doing had given up his pension.  From my research of his life, it seems Walker had very little income at this time.  His pension was,years later, reinstated in an interesting manner)

    Jim Root


    That is a commendable post.

    - lee


    Great Scott: Here I erroneously thought that Ms. Congeniality was still holding her breath and threatening to turn blue on us. Girl ! Does the truth really hurt, you really got me by the 'nads; which I am given to understand -- is one of your favorite areas of anatomical study.

    I don't respond to "rent-a-pig" snitches anymore, and we do have more than just a few amongst the CT "Community??" The Kazakh Jew was [and still is] a snitch for the NYPD B.O.S.S.; and still brags about "snitching-out" the JDL, and especially Maier Kahane's cohorts -- for years !! He got out of his latest drug bust by "cooperating" [ratting out some fellow Kazakhs -- he can't get inside the Gentile miscreant element].

    Ed Arthur ["Glory No More" -- whata-howl, that bunch of crap !!] was a dispatched federal snitch, sent to spy on the exile groups; as were too many others. And now, like snitch Tosh: They would lay claim to some part of the JFK infamy.

    Thanks Tosh for reminding me about "filming". You see folks, there was no filming, just taped interviews; but now I recall that [mayhaps a "Tosh" impersonator/doppleganger??] at about that same time I was on the Beach to do a hour+ video-tape with Mark Lane. And Tosh is most likely pissed because; when Lane inquired as to Plumley's bona fides; I clued him in on the reality of his being a dispatched snitch -- which, without a doubt, Lane repeated same back to him, just to stir up the usual pot -- which he is famous for. Musta reawwy hurt da feelins' of poor widdle Tooshie !!

    How come Brad Ayers doesn't remember "Tooshie" running around with Roselli way back when ??

    How come NOBODY recalls "Tooshie" running around anywhere ??

    I could be wrong, but my NARA "Gurus" have NOT found a scrap of paper at College Park which connects our "Mr. Single-Engine-Land-Pilot" to anything whatsoever !! I know it is a bitter pill to swallow when you have been taken in by a con-artist, really hurts, doesn't it !! Get over it, and get a life. Enough of this "idolizing-crap" -- it just so happens that, along with Ms. "snitch-leftenant", there are a world full of rectal orifices who want their "15 seconds of fame".

    I have tired of [many years ago] of clowns who wear out ZEROX machines, hooking up actual LHM logo 'd pages with their own typed out bullxxxx "documents". Sorry girls, but way back then the FBI "indented" 10 spaces, and so your forgeries have failed to fly !!

    As to my recounting "successful" covert Ops & other "secret missions"; there were just a few, and that is measured by the fact that Fidel has outlived a "gazillion" presidents and their lackeys. More importantly, I don't want to get some poison pen e-mails from Ms. Congeniality's boyfriend. You know, the kind that complain about "long hours and exhaustion/failure to perform". We know that [or is it a rumor??] that some snitches are known to make hard copy of Operator's missives, then they hide same inside their "girly-boy-hunk" magazines when they go to the latrine to "choke-the-chicken".

    As for "law-suiting" the penniless Ms. "whore-about-town" Lorenz !! Get real. The Kazakh Jew no doubt retains the [federal law violating] tapes/transcripts wherein he asked me if it was "OK" to coach Marita Lorenz into inserting my name into the phony caravan story. I replied that I didn't gives a rat's ass, and thus it could [libel/slander-wise] indicate my "assent" to same. Maybe the "night-watch/rent-a-pig/snitch" could convince the Kazakh to modify most of his "Nodules" [i call them "Roids"] wherein he has GPH [his ol' penniless buddy] directing traffic all around Dealey Plaza and Langley !!

    The Kazakh would no doubt call upon his "pie-hurling" cohorts to lawyerize Ms. Lorenz, just so he could lay his hands on a 4 inch stack of subpoenas from the court clerk, and thereafter hound everybody [including the "Hitler-Jugend" Pope] to death with phony depositions.

    As for citing to Jennings and others "dearly departed" ?? -- I made no citations to Jennings personally when exposing snitch "Tooshie"!! And, this is directed to the Lady Mac Beth public defender, who must have been much "too-busy" to check out the below mentioned posting last January, when Jennings was still with a pulse, in comments as to snitch "Tooshie".

    James: The photo you sent privately is not Ponce de Leon, but one Roy Bryant, another of the Sturgis Op-40 guys who I inherited after the BOP. Roy, along with ex-French Foreign Legion veteran [sergt-Chef Francois Schirm] left us during late Summer 1961; just before we started the training cycle for the 30th of November exile folks. By the way, in the Morgan article [Miami Herald] posted by Gratz, the one other interviewee [Hiram Gonzalez] was one of our prime conduits inside the Habana Uruguay embassy; that is after he escaped from La Cabana Prison dressed as a female visitor. We picked him up during the "Camarioca Boatlift" [1965] when he couldn't make the pickup by the USS Oxford (AGTR-1). He has since become a real estate/homebuilder "Mogul" in Miami.

    The Captain of the Port at Camarioca [Tammany] later joined Che in the Congo, and later died alongside "Vilo" Acuna and "Tanya" in Bolivia. He was one of our valued assets. "Vilo" was one of the first campesinos to join Fidel after the 1956 Niquero/Belic landing of the Granma. He is terribly missed.

    Too bad Felix couldn't communicate directly with Angleton's "Rep" [CIA/DCOS Am-Embassy Uruguay -- a Cuban American] in time to countermand xxxxhead Banzer's "5000-order" to murder Che. But, then again, Gary Prado, Banzer, and ALL other parties paid the ultimate for that crime !! Felix had orders to take Che alive !! The SF "B" Team leader [who trained the Bolivian Rangers] "Pappy" Shelton went on to become Chairman, Joint Chiefs, under "Slick-Willy" Clinton.

    What amazes me is that the minority view of Sy Hersh, the guy who broke the My Lai 'Nam "Massacre" scandal, is that even after exposing the Spec/Ops Iran teams this year -- he is now labeled somehow as a CIA "Disinfo-Dude" !! Y'all don't like Gus Russo's disagreeable LN & "Fidel-dood-it" views, tough-titty -- prove him wrong, I have !!

    As for the "alleged" [and phony] references to Hargraves' inculpating statements during the Twyman interviews ?? Bullxxxx, ALL interviews were done at my brother's law offices, and he holds the originals. So, if you have some toilette paper forgeries, present them, and my Bro' will correct your gullible minds.

    In closing, I would greatly appreciate that the "girly-boy" snitches address me as "MISTER- wannabe-right place/right time-lowlife-SOF"; that is: If it would NOT be too much of an imposition ?!!

    Now, I will get back to watching Hurricane Rita chew-up the Texican/Cajun landscape.

    Gerry Hemming


    Tosh Plumlee, James Files & Chancey Holt

    Gerry Hemming Posted on: Jan 24 2005, 10:41 AM

    My last encounter with Plumlee was on the telephone last year, and it was non-productive to say the least. The last time I met with him was in Miami Beach (1998) when Gus Russo and I were busy doing investigations for the Peter Jennings/ABC/Seymour Hersh/ "Dark Side Of Camelot" production. I made a few thousand dollars on that job, and the only annoying experience was to have to listen to Plumlee (eagerly lapping-up acceptance & approval) spin his well-worn and obviously phony tales of his legendary (In-His-Own-Mind!!) "Terry & The Pirates" escapades!!

    Just like your guy Files - TOTAL BULLxxxx!! Just like Chauncy Holt -- TOTAL HORSExxxx!!

    Absolutely nobody in "The Joint" - "The Pen" -- "The Chain Gang" -- "The Gaol" etc., etc., spill-the-beans on ANYBODY'S criminal acts, not even his own - without getting his canary-ass "Shanked" [stabbed with a knife]; because his fellow Cons would put out a 2 carton of cigarettes murder contract on him "toot-sweet"!!

    I have read "Plumlee's Interviews, PDFs on FBI, etc. "Files"; and they are totally worthless collection of fantasy-land scrivening.

    Firstly, the CIA/DEA/Customs Service/FBI only hire contract pilots who are previously MILITARY PILOTS!! Moreover, they only hire "Rated" pilots, preferably those with the highest category ATP (was ATR) "Airline Transport Pilot". A "Rated" pilot is one who holds a certification to fly aircraft which weigh more than 12,500 Lbs; such as the DC-3, DC-4, etc.!

    Plumlee started out as a "Private Pilot" (less than 200 hours flight experience) during the 1960s. Now, some 40+ years later, he has a "Commercial" designation (only +200 hours flight time and passing a written exam and check ride is needed.)

    So, what does he have now in the 21st Century? "Commercial" with "A.S.E.L." -- "Airplane - Single Engine - Land". Where is his "Multi-Engine Ticket"? Where is his "Instrument Ticket"? Check with Brad Ayers, he has all of the above since the early 1960s. (During the 1960s, Brad ran a company styled as "AyerVentures" at the old "Tamiami Airport, Miami, Florida".

    The majority of pilots I flew with (some were Air America, C.A.T., CIA, etc.) possess "A.S.M.-E.L &S." (Airplane-Single & Multi-Engine Land & Sea), together with a wallet full of separ-ate licenses exhibiting "Ratings" in Turbo and pure Jet, heavy aircraft of all types, includ-ing commercial airline models; and also hold foreign pilot licenses from a dozen different countries around the Globe.

    One of my last flying partners held just about every category and rating existing, including Hot-Air Balloon (Instructor), Aircraft Mechanic (A & P, E & E, Hydraulic, etc.), Rotorary-Wing Instructor (Helicopters - even one that was + 12,500 Lbs.).

    No way Delta Airlines would have given him "The-Time-Of-Day"!! No way he would have manned the right-seat (Co-Pilot) in a DC-3 without a "Rating".

    Lastly, the aviation outfits (including CIA proprietaries) carry insurance - and no way would Plumlee get insurance cover with his meager "Comm/Pilot - A.S.E.L." !!

    More importantly, "Covert Ops" are always compartmentalized, so there is no way an individual operator can know even 2% of any given mission !!

    "Velly Strange" that within a week of my informing Chris Cox as to my heavy doubts about Plumlee's veracity RE: his legendary and heroic tales - that he informed the UK/Forum that he was "bowing out"; his last communication, and I guess that he then "Exited Stage-Left"??!!


  18. Gerry,

    Did you ever meet Tosh Plumlee?

    Steve Thomas



    The last time I met with "the illustrious" Tosh was at the hotel in Miami Beach, along with Gus Russo -- while doing the interviews for the ABC/Jennings/Sy Hersh "Darkside of Camelot" production. He is enrolled upon my "embossed" short list of wing-nuts [along with a recently inscribed female "author"] who collectively fail to realize the gross damage they do to history [and personal reputations]! Yet, they continue peddling ever onward with their "McCarthyite" spouting-forth of weirdly distorted anecdotes, emphasizing same with outright confabulation -- which they would have us all believe is: The "Verity -- Truth & soundly Historical".

    The first clue for me [and other Operators] is always: When some "groupie" starts arguing with you about incidents which occurred around us at the time, especially where THEY were completely distant from said scene, and said subject matter. More importantly, they ALL have some weird personal agenda that forever obviates the possibility that they will get ANYTHING straight and/or correctly recorded in an historically correct fashion.

    I have grown very annoyed with "interviewers??" who are neither accomplished in "shorthand", nor utilize audio/visual recording devices -- which guarantees totally erroneous results in their fruitless endeavors.

    Quite opposite are those like Nigel Turner, who use professional equipment, but become terrified upon entering upon what they perceive as dangerous and uncharted waters. Worse yet are the Kazakhs who take out of context or completely fabricate purported "documentation" in order to suit their predatory and obscene behavior !!

    I am constantly nagged about "giving-up the goods for free"; that is: After engaging in the very few interviews done in recent years, and moreover, am warned that each time I expound upon these matters, I increase my forfeiture of ever publishing a tome. LIKE A GIVE A xxxx !!

    Gerry Hemming


  19. Thanks, Gerry, for joining in in this discussion.  Would appreciate your input to the main question addressed.  Did Seymour know Ferrie?  Is it conceivable that Russo met Seymour with Ferrie, and confused himself over time into thinking Seymour was Oswald.  I don't think that his being with Ferrie necessarily reflects badly on Seymour, if that's a concern, as I imagine a lot of the get-Castro crowd knew Ferrie.  Conversely, do you think Russo just made it all up?  Did you meet Russo through Garrison?  Was he just an attention-seeker?



    When we were filming the "training camp" [alleged falsely, never was a camp !!] near LaFitte, LA, Russo came driving up to the high school [which we rented as a wardrobe. etc. base-camp] in his N.O. taxi cab [adorned in blazing flourish with his name, etc.]; and attempted to engage us in conversation. We profoundly ignored him. A. Kitman Ho, the Chinese producer/money man said afterword that we had been wise to avoid Russo, as he was a complete PHONY !!

    [Kit Ho was responsible for the funneling of the Israeli movie money [managed by our buddy Arnan] through the Hong Kong banking systems.]

    Bill Seymour was a quiet ex-Navy guy ["Squid"] who just went along with interesting schemes, but was very sharp, and was multi-lingual. I am confused as to this "William Seymour/Double-Chek Corp." spiel. Is somebody inferring that this is the same Seymour as ours ??

    There is no way that Seymour could have met up with LHO or Ferrie, as in his travels with Hall, he, like Howard, were never allowed to ever meet [or attend meetings] with Lester Logue, et al. in Dallas, or the VIP folks in Los Angeles.

    Seymour spent the maximum of his "off-duty" time working at shops, as did Bobby Willis -- and this was due to the fact that they didn't enjoy running around without beer money.

    The entire Russo/Hall/Seymour/Howard tale was an invention of Jim Garrison, who relied upon Hoover's FBI bullxxxx story to the WC. Oliver Stone was well aware of this, but hesitated to confront Garrison with same due to his health problems, both mental and physical. Both Kit Ho and "bean-counter' [& Exec-Producer] Clayton Townsend argued with Oliver about much of Garrison's bullxxxx throughout the Camelot/JFK Production months, but to no avail.

    Larry Howard told me during January 1981 [Los Angeles] that Garrison had made reference to the "coaching" of many "witnesses??!!, including Russo, when he finally went to N.O. to confront Garrison. "Big Jim" told him repeatedly that it would be wise for him {Howard] to go along with the same program, as this would "clarify" matters to everybody's satisfaction !! Larry refused, and this was because he was still operating as a "salaried CI" for Paul Hughes, ASAIC of the Los Angeles BATF field office. [Paul later became Under-Sheriff of the locale where the terrorist/bunko artist "Mahatma" WOG had his Ashram compound sited.


    Gerry Hemming


  20. Gerry

    Could you share your thoughts about Maxwell Taylor?  Not just as a military man but in any other areas you may deam relavent.

    Could Taylor have played a role in the assassination of JFK?  If so in what manner (I realize this would just be speculation)?

    Thank you,

    Jim Root



    I have never heard even a murmur about General Taylor's involvement in ANY plots or schemes reference to unauthorized tasks.

    As for his relationships, especially those with reference to Walker, et al.; you must remember that the OFFICIAL U.S. Army ["A.U.S.A." The Army of the United States of America], as opposed to the reservists and Nat'l Guard officers, was then a very small and tight-knitched bunch. Before WWII there was almost NO army, and that was why FDR forced the Congress to initiate the 1940 Draft Act. As with the Marines, in a then very small band of officers, everybody mixes with, and knows personally, everybody else.

    SIDEBAR: When Howard Davis ["Davy"] and I flew out to Dallas on July 4th, 1963

    [via private aircraft]; we stopped over at Walker's place on Turtle Creek Drive. Our meeting lasted until just before 5:00 AM, and we left there quite tired. But, one of the first comments by Davy upon leaving in the car was: "...You know, I think that our sitting with this clown....in front of open windows [warm summer temps] all night...and after he got shot at in.... April ??...was it ??...it...all sounds like some phony publicity stunt to me."

    We have been somewhat nervous all that evening and into the early morn, wondering how this guy could just sit there, running his mouth at great length,

    in front of uncurtained and open windows [too cheap to buy air conditioning units]; especially after the "alleged" sniper incident !!


    Gerry Hemming


  21. Link to Another pic with Seymour.  Bears a very strong resemblence to LHO in this photo.  I'm curious as to when this photo was taken.


    Hi Lawrence,

    The image was snapped by Tom Dunkin at Nellie Hamilton's boarding house. Dunkin mixed with these guys in October of 1962, was with some of them again mid 1963 and photographed Hall and supposed Castro agent Manuel Aguilar around the October/early November 1963 period.

    The image you asked about I assume was from that period.




    This Tom Dunkin photo was taken during August 1963 at the "safe-house" rented by Castro agent Manuel "Manolo" Aguilar [sW 23rd Avenue & 9th Street]. Neither Howard nor Hall were EVER at Nellie Hamilton's, even for a visit. Nor were any Cubans ever permitted to stay or even visit at Nellie's.

    As for Bill Seymour's HSCA testimony remaining classified, it is due to his testimony regarding his conversations with the Cubans picked up by the NSA intelligence ship [uSS Oxford-AGTR-1] off of Havana, and amidst the "Missile Crisis". One of the Cubans in the group [delivered to No Name Key by Diosdado] was a known DIFAR [Castro Counter/Intell] agent. This "Rafael Santana" was allowed to join those extracted because of DIFAR insistence, coupled with their "desire to penetrate" U.S. Maritime Intel Ops. We had suggested that the extraction of the group would be impossible without this known DIFAR agent onboard, so they accepted that conclusion, and some of the initial missile data came out with this group.

    Seymour's testimony would even today reveal the identities of person's involved in supplying said intelligence, as they [or their immediate families] continue to reside in an hostile environment, and have refused repeated offers of relocation to either the U.S. or some other Central/South American/Mexico locale.


    Gerry Hemming


  22. Many of us are wondering how sites related to the JFK assassination, such as the Oswald's apartment and the Reily Coffee Company on Magazine Street, survived Katrina and its aftermath.  Here is a link to a flood map that shows current and highest flooding of the different areas.


    It looks as though Magazine Street survived ok, although I have also heard that David Ferrie's apt. on Louisiana Ave. was flooded.

    An empty city with old buildins scoured by federal agencies? Hmmm..wondering who is monitoring what they find in the old boxes tucked away in the attics? ..........Anyone?


    Well, as long as Bush's Department of Homeland Security finds the Blackwater Mercenaries method of security measures applicable to New Orleans, his loyal constituents and lobbyists have nothing to fear. Wouldn't you agree?

    And BTW, is there anyone out there, besides myself, who thinks that the name,

    "Department of HOMELAND Security" leaves alot to be desired? Such as the use of the initials, "DHS" as possibly being counter-productive since they are the same as those used by the "Department of HEALTH Services?" Not to mention the hokey-sounding "HOMELAND", which is more indicative of a bread factory, or bakery, rather than that of a NATIONAL police force, in charge of the defense of everything within the borders of the UNITED STATES with which it's supposed to be identified? How about The Department of NATIONAL Security, for instance? The DNS? Or better yet, The Department of The NATIONAL Police Force, or The NATIONAL Police Force Department, or NPFD? Or, The NATIONAL Police Department, or NPD? Anyhow, you get the idea, don't you? ANYTHING but "HOMELAND." "HOMELAND" sounds like a Kindergarden security system. Can't this administration be a little more creative than to think up anything less innovative than, "HOMELAND"? Or, is this merely a reflection of the level of demented originality, acceptable to the citizens of the U.S.?

    And, as in the article below, the name "Blackwater". Was the deployment of this group of organized thugs and mercenaries something the Department of Kindergarden Security figured was applicable to the City of New Orleans, based upon the color of the water under which the city is now submerged?


    Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans

    By Jeremy Scahill and Daniela Crespo

    t r u t h o u t | Report

    Saturday 10 September 2005

    New Orleans - Heavily armed paramilitary mercenaries from the Blackwater private security firm, infamous for their work in Iraq, are openly patrolling the streets of New Orleans. Some of the mercenaries say they have been "deputized" by the Louisiana governor; indeed some are wearing gold Louisiana state law enforcement badges on their chests and Blackwater photo identification cards on their arms. They say they are on contract with the Department of Homeland Security and have been given the authority to use lethal force. Several mercenaries we spoke with said they had served in Iraq on the personal security details of the former head of the US occupation, L. Paul Bremer and the former US ambassador to Iraq, John Negroponte.

    "This is a totally new thing to have guys like us working CONUS (Continental United States)," a heavily armed Blackwater mercenary told us as we stood on Bourbon Street in the French Quarter. "We're much better equipped to deal with the situation in Iraq."

    Blackwater mercenaries are some of the most feared professional killers in the world and they are accustomed to operating without worry of legal consequences. Their presence on the streets of New Orleans should be a cause for serious concern for the remaining residents of the city and raises alarming questions about why the government would allow men trained to kill with impunity in places like Iraq and Afghanistan to operate here. Some of the men now patrolling the streets of New Orleans returned from Iraq as recently as 2 weeks ago.

    What is most disturbing is the claim of several Blackwater mercenaries we spoke with that they are here under contract from the federal and Louisiana state governments.

    Blackwater is one of the leading private "security" firms servicing the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. It has several US government contracts and has provided security for many senior US diplomats, foreign dignitaries and corporations. The company rose to international prominence after 4 of its men were killed in Fallujah and two of their charred bodies were hung from a bridge in March 2004. Those killings sparked the massive US retaliation against the civilian population of Fallujah that resulted in scores of deaths and tens of thousands of refugees.

    As the threat of forced evictions now looms in New Orleans and the city confiscates even legally registered weapons from civilians, the private mercenaries of Blackwater patrol the streets openly wielding M-16s and other assault weapons. This despite Police Commissioner Eddie Compass' claim that "Only law enforcement are allowed to have weapons."

    Officially, Blackwater says it forces are in New Orleans to "join the Hurricane Relief Effort." A statement on the company's website, dated September 1, advertises airlift services, security services and crowd control. The company, according to news reports, has since begun taking private contracts to guard hotels, businesses and other properties. But what has not been publicly acknowledged is the claim, made to us by 2 Blackwater mercenaries, that they are actually engaged in general law enforcement activities including "securing neighborhoods" and "confronting criminals."

    That raises a key question: under what authority are Blackwater's men operating? A spokesperson for the Homeland Security Department, Russ Knocke, told the Washington Post he knows of no federal plans to hire Blackwater or other private security. "We believe we've got the right mix of personnel in law enforcement for the federal government to meet the demands of public safety." he said.

    But in an hour-long conversation with several Blackwater mercenaries, we heard a different story. The men we spoke with said they are indeed on contract with the Department of Homeland Security and the Louisiana governor's office and that some of them are sleeping in camps organized by Homeland Security in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. One of them wore a gold Louisiana state law enforcement badge and said he had been "deputized" by the governor. They told us they not only had authority to make arrests but also to use lethal force. We encountered the Blackwater forces as we walked through the streets of the largely deserted French Quarter. We were talking with 2 New York Police officers when an unmarked car without license plates sped up next to us and stopped. Inside were 3 men, dressed in khaki uniforms, flak jackets and wielding automatic weapons. "Y'all know where the Blackwater guys are?" they asked. One of the police officers responded, "There are a bunch of them around here," and pointed down the road.

    "Blackwater?" we asked. "The guys who are in Iraq?"

    "Yeah," said the officer. "They're all over the place."

    A short while later, as we continued down Bourbon Street, we ran into the men from the car. They wore Blackwater ID badges on their arms.

    "When they told me New Orleans, I said, 'What country is that in?,'" said one of the Blackwater men. He was wearing his company ID around his neck in a carrying case with the phrase "Operation Iraqi Freedom" printed on it. After bragging about how he drives around Iraq in a "State Department issued level 5, explosion proof BMW," he said he was "just trying to get back to Kirkuk (in the north of Iraq) where the real action is." Later we overheard him on his cell phone complaining that Blackwater was only paying $350 a day plus per diem. That is much less than the men make serving in more dangerous conditions in Iraq. Two men we spoke with said they plan on returning to Iraq in October. But, as one mercenary said, they've been told they could be in New Orleans for up to 6 months. "This is a trend," he told us. "You're going to see a lot more guys like us in these situations."

    If Blackwater's reputation and record in Iraq are any indication of the kind of "services" the company offers, the people of New Orleans have much to fear.


    Jeremy Scahill, a correspondent for the national radio and TV program Democracy Now!, and Daniela Crespo are in New Orleans. Visit www.democracynow.org for in-depth, independent, investigative reporting on Hurricane Katrina. Email: jeremy@democracynow.org.


    Terry, et al.:

    I heard that the first name suggested was "Der Fuehrer's Department of Fatherland Security" [a-la Sicherheitsdienst]; but then they decided that it was a bit bold and premature, and that renaming it would have to wait awhile.

    Sieg Dubya Shrub !!

    Gerry Hemming


  23. Mr. Hemming,

    Excuse me for being an amatuer in this investigation.  But I believe I caught on quite some time ago that the lobbing of nukes was a real possibility had the investigation of the JFK assassination actually revealed the truth.

    And when ACTUAL national security issues are involved, I agree that the public has no "divine" right to the truth.  But after witnessing all the bullsh*t that has been swept under the rug in the holy name of "national security" over the past 42 years [i'm only 50, so I couldn't possibly have witnessed much more than that and actually understood any of it], I wonder just how much of what we're told is "for our own good" rather than having any remote connection with the truth.

    While I don't think anything you might reveal would put your life in danger anymore [just a guess...'cause I figure anyone who actually cares, that was involved, is probably dead, in a vegetative state, or sitting on a beach thousands of miles away sipping drinks with umbrellas in 'em, knowing that by now there are so many crackpot theories out there that another one implicating THEM would be like another grain of sand on the beach], I can understand the potential economic implications of your telling of the entire story.

    I know it's been said that history is just the winners' version of what happened, but I would hope that you could eventually tell your story and set the record straight, as you know it, for the sake of history as well. 

    While you've revealed a lot of tantalizing bits and pieces, I just don't have the inside information necessary to crack all your cryptic comments [but some read more clearly after they've had a few days to sink in and mesh with other known elements].  Rather than antagonize you, I'd rather see you keep posting your comments and tidbits...because, eventually, I might just learn enough to end up asking the right questions myself.  Just hope neither of us runs out of time before that happens.



    You sound to me like a very "savvy" Hoosier, and no excusing is necessary since we ALL are amateurs, even when we are sometimes paid good money for our endeavors. [As member Dolva brought to our attention, "language" can be a very "puzzlin' melange", i.e.: "savvy" comes from the Spanish "Saber" = "To Know", and "comprende" comes along as to comprehend, or "do you understand?"]

    Oftentimes what might appear "cryptic" is actually shorthand readily understood by the many "advanced/super members"; and were I to add definitions or addendums, they would most likely be offended/insulted considering the massive amount of work that they have put into this subject matter.

    Contrary to one member's insinuations, I have NEVER feared harm or physical retribution against my person, as I have for many years possesed a Class-3 Federal Firearms License; and therewith I had lawful permission to carry submachineguns [silenced/suppressed] upon my person and in my vehicles and aircraft. That, coupled with executive protection security work [and lowclass "rent-a-cop" uniformed tours] abated any apprehensions that would-be attackers would escape unscathed. I have taken great pleasure over recent years that I no longer am burdened with the responsibility of going armed.

    That same member [a peace officer] would most likely tell you that the uppermost burden on someone who "carries" is that dreaded scenario of sitting in a restaurant with family -- when armed felons initiate a robbery. What do you do when they confront you at the table, demand your wallet, and upon opening same, find your badge or just your CCW licence ??!! Do you take the bullet, or risk a shootout, surrounded by family and other innocent people ??!!

    Throughout the late 1960s and into the early 1980s, carrying the "legend or reputation" of being one of the JFK hit team actually blazed a path of comraderie during my travels, especially when rubbing elbows with various and assorted "death squads".

    Sadly, I experienced the burden of feeling responsible for the demise of a few of the persons named on that long list of "mysterious post-JFK deaths". The Dallas reporter, who interviewed Hall and I during January 1963, was killed by a "karate-chop" to the neck. The reporter sent by Weisberg or Garrison to California contacted Hargraves instead of me, and his focus shifted to the activities of the L.E.I.U. [Law Enforement Intelligence Unit]; and after speaking with Lt. Hendricks of the Long Beach Police Department; he was killed by the "accidental discharge" of a cop's service pistol in the police station locker room. [Lt. Hendricks was at the time the President of the nationwide LEIU]

    You struck a cord with the "national security" reference. Immediately after giving testimony to the Church Committee [May 1975]; I filed under the FOIA/Privacy Act, and months later, just as heavily redacted copies started arriving in the mail [some pages were completely blacked out]; I was indicted by a federal grand jury. The few unredacted pages were documents related to my work with the drug interdiction task force, and it was obvious that these documents were being released for consumption by, inter alia, the Colombian drug cartels.

    Shortly thereafter, some friendly news media folks called me, and expressing great alarm, stated that the media had received hundreds of "unredacted" documents. After changing my skivvies, I asked them to forward these copies to me posthaste, so that I might formulate a salvageable response during my travels in the near term. What the "suits" who sought revenge failed to grasp was: The cartel folks valued agents and cops highly, as they believed that ALL cops are on the "pad", and usually quite handy to them. Soon I learned that Colombia and Ecuador had received copies even before I had. They "own" a large number of highly placed [and assorted low-lifes] within most governments, including both state and federal.

    Only in novels and the movies do you witness the scenario of the "insider" who has "tell-all" documents safely stashed somewhere, and those being a life insurance policy, nobody dares risk that person's untimely demise. More than once over the years [and recently with a family member] I have had to caution people about raising such an issue. Why? Because the enemies of those who might be "exposed" might just do the job in the hope that exposure does indeed occur !!

    As for "geriatric limiting factors", some of my associates [now in their 60s and 70s] have been called out of retirement, and are with DHS, or over in Iraq/Afghanistan plying their skills. Moreover, whether elderly or young, terminations are always "outsourced".

    One of my favorite movie scenes is where Max Von Sydow and Robert Redford are exiting the recently deceased DDP's home [last 10 minutes of "3 Days of the Condor"], and Max "the contract assassin" counsels Redford's character: "....It will happen like this...it wil be a nice day..." -- well, let me tell you how it happens since 1980.

    The "Marielito" Cuban, a veteran of bayonetting and other brutalities suffered inside Fidel's gulags, and who works full time as a bodyguard/collector for the Cartel folks; is given a small down-payment and some expense money. [All of the necessary photos, addresses, bios, etc. are garnered via a simple credit check. etc.]

    The target is just putting his key in the parked car door, the ethnic minority [of the crack-head pursuasion] grabs from behind. The shooter aims for "center mass" [solar plexis, so the lungs are frozen -- thus no screams]; and once down, two "taps" to the head. The "silent" weapon ? A 5 or 6 shot lightweight/featherweight 2-inch revolver with hammer shroud (so as not to foul while firing). Ordinarily revolvers are difficult to "suppress", but in this case it is inside a ziplock back [up to the wrist], and attached to the muzzle is an ordinary plastic squeeze bottle [softer the better, but some prefer plastic peroxide bottles].

    The plastic expands upon each discharge, and is usually good for 7 to 8 shots,

    totally silent. The ethnic minority is disposed of down the road a ways. The homicide dicks right it off as a robbery "gone bad".

    The shooter makes a handsome profit selling the dope he has transported into the locale. Everybodys happy !!

    Just to spite Kazakh Weberman [my extended family members who practice the Jewish Faith chuckled at the allegations of "anti-semitism" in my missives] I'll make it a point not to "run-outta-time !!"

    More later,



  24. James: the person in the Seymour, Harber, "Benny" photo is none other than CIA Officer Joannides' principal D.R.E. contact -- Isidro "Chilo" Borjas. (Gerry Hemming)

    WOW! I've just picked my jaw up off the floor. Did Chilo ever use the name Rudolfo Fasco that you are aware of?

    So below we have Chilo, Ed Collins and Ralph Schlafter.

    Thanks for the ID, Gerry. Most interesting.



    We have done quite a bit of private e-mail correspondence over many months, but

    in this case I will correct once again a false assumption which is not your fault, but one which can be laid at the doorstep of "THE AUTHORITIES" who have good reason for obfuscation.

    "Rudolfo Fasco" does not exist. This real person of interest is Rudolph "Rudy" FUSCO, who ran a store in the 1800 block of West Flagler Street, Miami. He was the cousin of Hyman "The Jeep King" Berg of Chicago, and was related by marriage to Yonatan Rubenstein, a/k/a "Jack Ruby. The sign on the front of Fusco's store read "Fishin' Fusco", and he approached us after the Bay of Pigs attempting to make yet another surplus U.S. military equipment & vehicles sale, just as he had scammed "Mineral Carriers, Ldt." on Stock Island, Key West (Their unofficial Logo was: "Minerals? We Carry Hot Lead & Cold Steel"). [This occured while Bob Reynolds' predecessor at JM/WAVE was attempting to insert his then miniscule "boy scout troupe" into the JM/ATE [bOP] Task Force.]

    Zenith Technical was originally situated at the former NAF (LTA) Richmond [blimp Base] PRIMARILY due to the fact that the acreage hosted the US Coast Guard "antenna farm" -- which would serve as cover for their original "PRIMARY" F.B.I.S. [Foreign Broadcast Intercept Bureau] tasking, which was intended to be a "monitoring only" facility ONLY, despite individual fantasies that it would serve as a transmit/receive/covert communications entity serving the "anti-Castro underground". Since simple "DFing [Direction Finder] techniques used by Cuba would have compromised Op/Sec, Mr. Prinz of Gibraltar Steamship, was given the "green light" to imitate the WWII style ["Verlain Letters" in the book & movie] broadcasting "in-the-blind" !! Thus arose Bill Turner's comical assessment [and book title] "The Fish is Red".

    [This completely ignored Frank Wisner, Sr.'s bald and deadly compromising of both Comm/Sec & Op/Sec during his O.P.C. Ops; especially those with the N.T.S. entities in the Ukraine, and the "Partisans" in Albania [doing the early 1950s !!]

    "Fishin' Fusco put us on the telephone with Hyman Berg [during early 1962] once again, and without getting into a similar call to Ruby that same week, the only item we ever received from "Rudy" was a WWII 1/2 ton "Weapons Carrier".

    However, when just driving out to the Everglades in said vehicle raised our profile drastically [suddenly appearing that we weren't "rag-tag" waffle-eaters at Nellies' anymore, we returned same to the store.]

    Ruby had involved the whole Chicago crowd in the 1959 attempt to sell surplus junk to Fidel's nascent Rebel Army & Air Force; along with Dominic Bartone of the Cleveland mob ["The Mayfield Road Gang"].

    The above referenced photo centers on Fusco's minor contribution [1963] to the "Pirate Radio Transmitter Boat", which was mostly financed by Freddie Duran's wealthy mother.

    NOTE: I would assure all, that NONE of the foregoing and above-mentioned had anything whatsoever to do with Dealey Plaza. Not that I would want to admonish the loud-mouth "Canuck" who joined this Forum last January, and along with his "music biz" has "studied?" the JFK matter for "40 years ??". Just what was around in 1965 for you to study "Mr. DJ" -- mayhaps Epstein's inconclusive "Inquest"; or maybe Lane's "law review article" which he styled as "Rush to Judgment" ?? I suspect that you shant admit "studying" the 26 volumes of cover-up, perjury, forgery, and blatant lies.

    Not that I disagree with the motives for said cover-up, which RFK obligingly encouraged during 1964. Why, because then, as today, the threat of nuclear holocaust hung in the air like "Damocles' Sword". The greatest fear of the Washington elite was that Congress would [in accordance with the Constitution]

    issue "Letters of Marque" instead of a "War Declaration", because Congress knew well that such a joint resolution would NOT be prosecuted by the Executive Branch, which retained fears of a launch of the 5/10 kiloton (fission) warhead tipped FROG "Cruise Missiles" retained at the Soviet naval base, Banes [Oriente Province/north coast], Cuba until late 1966.

    [FROG was the NATO designation, and translated as "Free-Ranging-Over-Ground"]

    Also, the publisher I signed a contract with during the mid-1990s was threatened with both the "Espionage" and "The Itelligence Identities Act", and quickly chickenxxxxted out. So much for the "contract signing cocktail party" we had celebrated prior thereto.

    Methinks I will add just another ridiculous "closing motto" which has been adopted by some members. Mine is from circa 1953 "Mad Comics". Moreover, the one used erroneously and quoting E. Howard Hunt, needs to be clarified. Firstly, I never like Hunt in the old days, and even less today -- and principally because he defied Joannides in putting the "30th of November" group back on the JM/WAVE payroll, which was conditioned upon their severing ties with our instructor cadre, and pull their trainees back to "couch-potato" and suck up " Dept. of Ag. refugee rations". And Hunt coupled this with threats to take their entire families off of the relief roles should they not cease and desist.

    However, the reality of "Eduardo's" many rants as to "one's right-to-the-truth"

    [and avoiding comparisons with Jack Nicholson's USMC Colonel in the "A Few Good Men" ant-War movie] -- whether at Weberman's or Spotlight's depositions,

    NO PRIVATE CITIZEN HAS A "RIGHT" TO THE "TRUTH" !! And this is especially so when the "leading" question's response might be inculpatory, and violative of 5th Amendment protections.

    Amazing, Now I am hearing that I had a duty to "report" something to "The Authorities ??!!"; coupled now with a duty to "report" everything to some completely unknown scribbler on this Forum !! I don't need either family members or prospective publishing houses to once again nag the hell out of me for giving away the goods for free, and thus abrogating their financial interests !!

    As for Nellie Hamilton's: that was set up by Sturgis prior to BOP, and we used that boarding house for exactly two weeks. When Sturgis failed to pay the rent, and told her to seek same from me, we were "Outta-there". Some, with jobs or family stipends, stayed on -- but after CIA Jounalist cover Dom Bonafede [Miami Herald] did "Hank" Chavez's bidding [JM/WAVE] to "burn" us, we rented several safehouses in the Negro district where "lilly-white" FBI agents and local cops couldn't do any unobserved surveillance of same.

    As for Tony Summers [and Robyn Swan], I have done interviews with both. Unfortunately, a-la-Weberman, they can't get their stories straight, or refashion same to suit their's, or their editor's agendas and demands.

    As for my buddy Bill Turner, The only thing he got correct in "10 Second Jailbreak" [later styled in the movie with Chas. Bronson as "Breakout"] was the fact that our "Canuck" Bill Dempsey did in fact return $40,000 to Joel Kaplan's sister. Surprise, Surprise !! [Gomering] It was Howard Davis who was approached by the "Folk Singer", and he set up the entire prison helicopter snatch in Mexico.

    I recruited "Chopper Pilot??" Vic Stadter at Bartlett Field [Ontario, California] via my kindergarten pal, Art Dodd, who was then a Rotory-wing CFI ["FAA Certified Helicopter Instructor"]. However, and due to the Federal 5 year statute of limitations [and the "ongoing criminal enterprise/conspiracy statute sans limitations]; not too many of those involved in "derring-do" are stupid enough to expose themselves to government retribution just to satisfy a scribbler or a scrivener !!

    Somebody had better check that brown neck stain, it definetly is NOT "ring-around-the-collar" !!

    Cheers mate,



    "WHAT, ME WORRY ?" -- Alfred E. Neuman


  25. I think so but I think I recall there was some controversy about his testimony.  I assume it is easily researched.



    I will repeat what I stated on the telephone yesterday, "...we are OFF THE RECORD as to what is being discussed !!"

    Responding to the clown who questions my "scooping" Joan Mellen, and why didn't I "come forward" some 40 years ago ?? Sounds just like Kazahk Weberman, and; I am beginning to suspect that this is Weberman using an alias.

    Go to his "Nodules" and read my response to his query about not "coming forth";

    and I repeat: You don't want to know where on your anatomy I will do my "coming" !!

    I took Joan Mellen to meet Angelo on June 27th this year; just as I took Russo to interview him years ago. Joan paid the expenses down to Miami, but my son and I got stuck with the costs returning north. Nevertheless, as Joan complained in an e-mail last month; If any "so-and-so" wants the inside story; then they can pony up their share of the travel and other expenses.

    Now it gets very clear why certain professionals avoid forums !! Why should anybody expose themselves to having their "chains pulled" by complete amateurs ??

    Joan Mellen has yet to completely resolve specific issues' specifically those which she intends to elaborate upon in more detail within her prospective tome. When she finally asks the correct questions, she will get the facts "Maam". There are others out their attempting to accomplish similar interviews, but I can assure you that they will fail.

    I worked with Sylvia in Cuba. Long after both the Warren Commission and the House Select Committee coverups, she stated, after her review of those documents purporting to be her "testimony" -- she bitterly denounced EVERYTHING contained therein as having been FALSIFIED.

    Mrs. Connell was a longtime FBI informant, and one whom had been tasked to monitor; among others, the Odio sisters. I knew her husband, who divorced her after she snitched him out to the FBI. The last time we spoke was when he was running a "veterans" bar on West Flagler Street and 26th avenue in Miami [during 1965]. He had a lot to say about the "Odio Incident", primarily because he wanted to discover enough of the facts to "burn" his ex-wife !!

    Mea culpa for not having called any of the current or past members of this forum some 40 years ago, or are you bitching because I didn't "drop-a-Dime" to Hoover, or one of LBJ's cohorts. Well kiddies, I kept my Kennedy Family intermediary up-to-date on most everything, especially after dealing with Garrison in N.O. during the Summer of 1967. My contact with Bobby ?? His name is Charles Bartlett, and he is still alive and well in Georgetown. He was the person who introduced "Jackie" to JFK at a dinner party at his home.

    But don't expect that newspaperman to even answer the telephone -- girls !!

    RFK spent large sums of money in his efforts in ultimately clarifying specific facts, and thereby resolved that his initial contemporaneous beliefs and suspicions were in total error. RFK "DID NOT" begin his inquiries until late 1965 !!

    "Benny" de Torres was nowhere near Dealey Plaza. Moreover, the first instance of his being associated with the "investigation" of the JFK matter was via an Edward J. Epstein article in New Yorker Magazine, and wherein it was hinted that "Benny" has expended approximately 50% of Garrison's "Truth-or-Consequences" funds while "checking-out" the Miami Cubans !!

    James: the person in the Seymour, Harber, "Benny" photo is none other than CIA Officer Joannides' principal D.R.E. contact -- Isidro "Chilo" Borjas.

    I have no doubt that when more facts are exposed on this "Odio Incident", and hopefully by Joan Mellen ?? -- there will be the usual rants by the self-styled "critics" on this forum even then. John, I suspect you have some "damage control" artists amongst the membership !! Who are they "assisting" ?? I seriously doubt that they even know for certain. It is called "false-flag" recruitment -- Girls !!

    John Martino met ALL of his Cuban contacts through me ONLY. As for his purported "confession" to John Cummings [then of NewsDay] -- Bullxxxx. I took over John's Central American import/export business, at his request, after his second committment to the cardiac unit at Cedars in Miami Beach. During the late 1960s, and into the mid 1970s, John ran his business from the Biltmore Hotel in Guatemala City -- where I joined him from time-to-time.

    Due to compartmentalization, neither Angelo nor "Benny" ever had the full scope of exactly what they had been tasked to do, and moreover, had less knowledge of each other's moves doing that, and later operations.

    "Benny" still is a pro-shooter, or facilitator, even today. However, nobody in their right mind would suspect that he was part of the "plot" -- especially

    the "so-called" plot "formulated/discovered/uncovered" by the majority of wing-nutters I've encountered in my recent travels. As more than a few of the members have stated in their private e-mails to me: "....What a bunch of stupid assholes....they should get-a-life !!"

    As a side-bar: I had to repeatedly twist John Cumming's arm in order that he might show even the slightest interest in the JFK matter. Bill Turner was of the same disinclination, and they, along with many others, wouldn't make ANY inquiries until they were fed inside scoop on other stories of "greater" interest. Even today, Don Bohning could give a rat's ass as to the JFK crap being spewed forth, and this is no doubt a result of his experiencing the less than adequate bona fides "brandished" by the "wing-nutter" groupings & "groupies".

    I made no reference to the JFK matter to anybody of consequence until dealing with Garrison during 1967. During 1968, Harold Weizberg came to El Monte, California for a week of interviews, and it was through him that the Paul Coates TV Show producer demanded an interview. During that same short timespan, Bob Dornan & Maria Cole were prompted by Art Bell [all of Channel 9 TV, Los Angeles]to make inquiries, but we diverted them to some insider scoop on the Panthers, Ron Karenga's "US" organization, and the Brown Berets -- ALL of which entities had been created by MH/CHAOS Operators.

    I will be speaking with Joan today, and if she asks the specific questions, then her book might eventually contain some more enlightenment for those of a serious nature. But it is not about to happen on this forum, that is: before she gets her chance to assemble the facts a bit more coherently !!



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