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Gerry Hemming

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Posts posted by Gerry Hemming

  1. William Seymour, there is a name that keeps showing up, that for some strange reason nobody talks about.............

    I agree with James, I have no doubt in my mind that is Alfredo Duran in those photo's in DP after the shooting.



    RE: that Spartacus collage w/ reference to Sturgis and Barker. The I.D. is incorrect for the boat pic in the second row.

    That is a pic taken onboard Rorke's boat "The Violin III" [dated February 1963]

    and the guy w/ the spectacles is our Remigio "Cucu" Arce. He skippered the boat to the Bahamas South Banks with some college kids looking for adventure and putting out Buck$. Jerry "Bucky" Buchanan was aboard, and they ran out of fuel off of the Cuban Coast. Freddy Duran called us to make an airdrop of fuel for the ChrisCraft. ["Cucu" Arce was arrested with us at Sombrero Key a month and a week prior and is pictured w/ us at the front of the Monroe County [Key West] Jail.]

    "Cucu" was married to Freddy Duran's Aunt Rosa. Freddy's step-father was former President of the Cuban Senate, Anselmo Alliegro, who took power for three days after Batista fled on New Year's Day 1959. My business partner at Parabellum Corporation was Freddy's half brother "Anselmito" Alliegro. Anselmo senior died just after the Bay of Pigs, lamenting the fact that his wealthy teenage stepson [Freddy] had enlisted in BA-2506 as a private and was then a POW in Cuba.

    Reinaldo Pico came back to Miami during the negotiations to ransom the BOP POWs,

    this was during late 1961. Pico dishonored his pledge to return to captivity [given to Cmdte. Fernandez Mell], remained hidden in Miami -- and was scorned by all of the BA-2506 families and 99% of the extant Miami exiles. He quickly moved to NYC, and later to Union City, NJ. He was not of any use to JM/WAVE, or any of the Cuban groups -- he remains an outcast to this day.

    During late 1964, "Cucu" Arce went to the Congo where he skippered a swift boat on Lake Tanganyika. He was involved with the Mercs & the CIA Cuban T-28 & B-26 contingent that roamed in northern Kivu Province. He almost caught "Che" one night as Guevara's group was being transported across the lake to Uganda aboard a ChiCom barge. The CIA boss on duty diverted them to another barge that was loading near Baraka, which they attacked and sank.

    [Che had decided after the debacle at the "Battle of Baraka" that he and his advisors were wasting their efforts supporting the cannibal "Simba" rebels.

    Freddy Duran later became Chairman of the Florida State Democratic Party [but continued to practise law] during the 1970s.

    More later if you need it.

    Cheerio Mate,



  2. Thank you Ron, most helpful as always! On the surface of it both the

    primary articles seem to be from exiles and are written with an agenda.

    Which doesn't mean they are wrong but it true they are picking up some

    history totally outside normal historical sources and we would need to

    see some FBI documents and wtiness, news coverage etc. - something

    beyond what is in the articles and in what Ron turned up.

    We do have some fairly new historical sources that show us Castro browbeat

    the Soviet air defence commander into firing the SAM that brought down the U2 and almost triggered an American response - with the Soviets being none too happy about that.

    While I have no doubt Castro would have used nukes, could he get them, against an American invasion its another thing entirely to start the war knowing the result.

    Tim, I'd say if you are going to use this incident as a source then you probably need to go further back to try and find some corroboration as well.

    I'm certainly going to see if I can find those two books myself.

    -- Larry

    If everybody else knows about this great but I'd like to see a source and

    some corroboration as it strikes me as a serious cold war history incident that

    needs some attention.

    I did a web search on Santiestaban. Correct spelling is Santiesteban. I found these two articles about the Manhattan bombing plan:



    The first article cites no sources at all. The second article cites the following two sources for the portion of the article about the plot:

    plot to destroy Manhattan in Andrew Tully, White Tie and Dagger. New York: Pocket Books, 1968, 74-78 (Tully mistakenly believes the plot was a Soviet idea, but it was Castro's), also in Andres Oppenheimer, Castro's Final Hour. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992.

    I checked at Amazon.com on these two books. The Tully book is out of print. The Oppenheimer book is still in print, and you can do a search inside the book. I did a search and there is no reference in the book to Santiesteban or Santiestaban, Manhattan, or TNT. There is one reference to New York in the 1980s.



    Fidel had nothing to do with the U-2 shoot-down. The Sov-Art/Def. Officers never allowed any Cubans of ANY rank to enter any of the SAM, MRBM, IRBM sites during the Missile Crisis ["Caribbean Crisis"]. The U-2 was approaching the 5 kiloton nuke warheaded SCUDS [Golem] sited at the Sov-controlled Banes Naval Base [Oriente Province] -- and when the pilot ignored the "Painting/Lock/Tones"; they launched in order to protect the nuke anti-shipping missiles from being pinpointed.

    Due to a fire onboard their "Yankee Station" type Comm/Ship in the mid-Atlantic

    during August, strategic intercom between Havana & Moscow was lost, and General Pribikov was then given autonomous authority to launch pre-emptively or while under attack.

    Costner got real pissed after "13 Days" was released and he learned that NO Cubans were permitted anywhere near any missile site construction. [The flick showed Cuban engineers working bulldozers, etc.]

    He discovered more O'Donnell lies with reference to the reconnaisance flights taking hits. In actuality, the Cubans & Soviets shot down 4 of our recce-aircraft, including a Florida Air Guard RF-102.

    The respective families are still pissed. They got some of the same threats and actions that Janet Ray Weininger's Mother and siblings got years after Pete was downed during the BOP.



  3. I see your on Gerry,

    How about a hint to discredit this. Two positions for shot origin disruption on the ground that would serve to view high elevation viewpoints to alert of shooter origins in positions on buildings on Houston and Elm. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to disrupt an ambush in the confines as small as DP. What went wrong?



    OK Mr. Lieutenant of the CSI Nightwatch [i have had both your home & City PD E-mail addresses for months thank you] -- You see that I "am on !!" -- as I stated, my AOL connection got dumped and I was never able to log out of this forum yesterday due to the wierd crash on my server, so, as I noticed, (tonight) I was still logged on. I detect in your numerous snide remarks the very same attitude of our famous fantasizing Kazakh Jew, AJ Weberman. What went wrong?? How the hell would I know??!! I have shot low masters at Camp Perry since 1965 [Nat'l Match F/Bedded M-14 w/ iron sights] and missed the "President's 100 Team" by one "V" -- BOO-Hoo !!

    Your file shows that you, as a 42 year old "Techie" in a City P.D., are the recipient of two glorious awards from the Iowa State Police Academy: one for "Most Conscientious", and the other "Most Congenial". So where is "Miss Congeniality" when it comes to decent converstion with yours truly??!!

    What SOF ramblings are you pissed most about? I have answered directly what queries were posted, and so far none of the interested parties have reacted like some wannabe "rent-a-cop". I hear that Chief Jennings [is it?] thinks highly of your talents -- have you introduced him to any of your spook mentors??

    Why would Izqueirdo [and others] be receptive to being placed in a snipers post as security assist for JFK. The same reason that my team was placed in similar circumstances at MIA on Monday afternoon, 18th November 1963. And this was after FBI S/A George Davis [without his partner Paul Schrand] showed up at my riverside [Just Island] cottage on Saturday the 16th. Davis initially stated that MI & SS had firmly determined that one of the Cubans that we had extracted via the USS Oxford [AGTR-1] during the Missile Crisis [one Ismael Santana, known before the extraction to be a Castro D.S.E. agent]

    represented a threat to the Prez during the Miami visit. Upon my challenging same [our Info showed that Santana was attending an Intel course at Las Mercedes School, Oriente Province [eastern Cuba] that weekend !!

    Davis then shifted gears and said that the really big threat was from Eduardo "Bayo" Perez and his AM/TILT group. Davis insisted that both myself and HKD attended a special briefing at the MI [covert] HQ sited at SW 12th ave, & 1st Street the following day, Sunday [11/17/62] morning.

    Present at that briefing were:

    Secret Service S/A Ernesto Aragon [latered authored numerous WC docs.];

    Fed. Bureau Narcotics A/SAC Nick Navarro [later of TV "Cops" series fame];

    Bernardo G. De Torres;

    A now retired Miami PD Homicide dick [who later was promoted to Parole Commissioner during the 1970s] Ray Fontana (the cop who Identifieded the corpse of "Gito" Del Valle at the morgue in 1967;

    Two JM/WAVE operators, who coming out of retirement, are currently working for Homeland Security, and;

    seven others that will remain unidentified until an NARA check is made.

    Who was missing?? The Fed. Bur. Narc SAC [Navarro's boss] S/A Gene Marshall.

    [2 months later he was set up with a Miami cop and a Dade Co. Deputy Sheriff on a phony drug deal -- just as the WC was shaping up. At that time, Gene was sharing a condo with our lawyer Chuck Ashmann. I found him during late 1966 working on a construction site -- under an alias given to him after a few months at the Fed nut house at Springfield, MO.

    Our instructions were to carry our regular sidearms, pick up a govt. suburban, and enter MIA through the Delta-Dash security gate using the password "Lancelot". We were then instructed to be at the airline stairway set up forward [portside] of Air Force One -- in the receiving line.

    After adjourning, we discussed serious flaws in this operation: No attendance at the morning roll-call [MIA west end barracks (Intel Section) "corrosion corner"] that would allow ALL of the civvy & uniformed cops and agents to exchange "face-time"; no issuance of bouttoniers for ID purposes, etc. !!

    I instructed my team to go unarmed on this detail, and so informed the agents at the Delta-Dash gate. They weren't happy campers on this. "Little Joe" C. Garman disobeyed and carried his Colt .45 Auto. !!

    When we saw that the sundecks were bulging with crowds, and that JFK was stopping to make a speech at a makeship platform nearby, we bailed out of the airport "toot-sweet". We observed Frank Fiorini/Sturgis at one side of the platform, and this caused some dismay from two of our folks who had been under him on "Operation-40".

    Lt. Carrier, you made vague reference to the fact that you were in the "Army".

    Do you have a DD-214? Gots any jump wings, Ranger Tab, or C.I.B.?? or were you a REMF -- "in-the-rear-with-the-gear-troop"??

    If you want to pose some numbered paragraph queries rather than snidely-P-wierdf...k rants, then I will attempt to answer any that are not in violation of NDAs, or the 1982 Intel-Identities Act.

    What I know comes from "being there" sonny, not from book-reading, and definetly NOT from swallowing disinformation put out by the damage control artists and "Moles".

    I didn't ask to be on this forum, but I do see that you are amongst a large group in the membership who have made intense and tedious study of difficult materials -- so lets get off of the juvenile ad-homonym (sp) blatherings, and simply state your case. I then will state mine [with extensive redactions; due to the bare faced fact that: Most is none of your business, and I am not in a tutoring mood.]

    Pat Speer: That was a hand gun, not a rifle [.22 cal. Hi-Standard semi-auto pistol w/ suppressor/silencer] that RVK displayed during late 1961.

    J. Tim Gratz: Buy a damn tape-recorder, and use a landline. [Florida law permits consensual taping for press work]. I didn't say that Fidel had anything to do with the 2 thermo-nukes buried [a-la Chernobyl] under tons of domed (w/copper mesh) concrete. It was Raul who made references to Fidel's son {"Fidelito"] -- a Soviet trained and expert nuclear physicist -- that an empathetic "shaped-charge" might set off the decaying Tritium triggers used by the Soviets during that era. "Fidelito" convinced his dad to shut down the Chernobyl model nuke reactor [under-construction] sited near Cienfuegos.

    The Soviets lost 2 "Yankee-Class" boomers [submarines] transporting the '62 and '65 warheads [onboard fires caused by decaying triggers]. The 5 kiloton fission scuds remained at the Sov-Naval base at Banes, Oriente -- until late 1966. [47 in total] The 2 thermo-nukes were removed from storage at the Bejucal facility [southwest of Habana] when the Gamma, Beta, rads went of the gauges. Bejucal [becausing of anti-EMP/RFE emission shrouding (we term it "Iron-Clad") is now used to beam "white-sound" against our satellite heretofore used by "Marti/RA/RME" entities to broadcast Farsi language "news" to Iran. [The technology and advisors were provided by Belarus via Iran to Cuba two years back.]

    The dawn is breaking, and Fort Bragg is waking, so I am hitting the rack toot sweet,



  4. A question which occurred to me recently is, exactly who had custody of the briefcase referred to as "the football", the one containing the confidential codes to begin/control a nuclear attack, on November 22, 1963, between 12:30 and the time of LBJ's swearing-in aboard AF1?

    I tried to do a Google search, but came up empty...and I know that Alexander Haig wasn't there to claim "I'm in charge"...so who was, as it were, "holding the bag?"

    A recent report in the newspaper on the history of "the football"--so named, according to this article, because of the code name "dropkick" once associated with the nuclear defense plan--said that "the football" has existed since at least the days of the Cuban Missile Crisis.  So...who had the football when the QB got sacked, and before the second-stringer got suited up?

    Hi Mark-

    If I'm not mistaken, I believe it was Kennedy's military attache, General Godfrey McHugh. I cannot immediately recall where I read this, so (anyone) please correct me if I'm misinformed here.


    The Colonel G. McHughe was the Command Pilot [PIC] of Air Force One that day. The football [as it is today] was carried by an NSA Officer given the "simulated" rank of Army Warrant Officer, and an alias name & ID.

    The Halliburton [bullet/blast resiatant] casse contains an always "ON" beeper transponder so that "Looking Glass" [RC-135 / Boeing 707 then] can insure that its repeaters will forward all nuke codes via VHF/UHF to NORAD and Omaha.

    Should the "Football" malfunction, the VP's QB passes it to the Prez's W/O !!



  5. Thanks, Gerry.

    That certainly fills in some blanks regarding Ron Von Klassen.

    BTW, I take it the Stanley White you mention is the same guy as the one who popped up in the film 'JFK' - the big guy who is seen in Banister's office and on the 6th floor during the shooting?




    I played "the big guy" in Bannister's office -- Joe Pesci almost got "M-1 Thumb" [fingers caught in Garand rifle change as the bolt slams home]and that gave the whole crew a hoot. I am the guy with the group entering the 6th floor, and later on the radio [large camera crane needed to get to the 7th floor for my outside shot] directing the automous shooter teams using US Navy/USMC vocabulary on the Motorola radios, so that if NSA/NORAD's "Looking Glass" orbiting Dallas that day intercepted same, they would beleive that it was normal air traffic control chatter [the kind that LHO learned at Biloxi Air Force Base [Leesler AFB] while undergoing GCI Operator course of instruction.

    Even today, NSA refuses to release the "Looking Glass" [11/22/63] tapes that recored these latered proven to be false broadcasts. "Looking Glass" also recorded that the beeper signal from the nuke code football had been disrupted just before Dealey Plaza, and notified NORAD of same.

    'Nuff for now.



  6. Pat wrote:

    When one takes into account Oswald's involvement, this scenario becomes LUDICROUS; why would the GRU pick a shooter (or a patsy) who would immediately be linked back to Russia and Cuba?

    May not be ludicrous, may indeed be brilliant if in fact Oswald was, as many believe, an agent or asset of U.S. intelligence. To frame such an individual for the operation would surely generate a cover-up. The plotters were not concerned with what the public knew but rather with what the government knew.

    If Oswald was indeed a CIA operative, I think that clears anyone in the CIA. It would be ludicrous to use someone who could be traced to you when there were certainly other potential patsies not linked to the US government


    Tim -- you have my OK to publish why the U.S. will never invade Cuba [since 1963], and why Felipe Vidal Santiago's brother Ivan killed himself after learning these facts. I named my son after Felipe, and had warned him to refuse Bishop's demands that he travel to Dallas with Roy Hargraves.

    More via E-mail to John.



  7. I tend to agree with Ron. There's just too much evidence that CIA and/or anti-Castro Cubans were involved. The Robertson likeness is convincing to the point that it merits a full-fledged investigation into his whereabouts on that day.

    Gerry, since in the past you've hinted that the hitters were anti-Castro Cubans, and have even thrown out some names, are you now of the belief that these men were working for the Russians, even though they DESPISED the Russian influence on Castro? Are you saying they were duped by the Russians into thinking they were working for an anti-Castro group? What about Oswald? Was he duped as well? I find your change of heart on this matter very dis-heartening. I don't think this scenario of anti-Castro Cubans, who were financed by the mob and the ultra-right wing, and sometimes by the CIA, taking orders from the GRU, makes ONE BIT of sense. When one takes into account Oswald's involvement, this scenario becomes LUDICROUS; why would the GRU pick a shooter (or a patsy) who would immediately be linked back to Russia and Cuba? Were they trying to start a war? Why not just start a provocation in Berlin? Or elsewhere? Were they specifically trying to provoke an invasion of Cuba? Why? So they could justify an invasion of Berlin? Well, that's like trading Queens, isnt it? They could have done that without killing Kennedy and under-taking all the risks associated with killing him.

    A scenario involving the GRU could only make sense if they used Castro double-agents to pretend to be anti-Castro, and then used THEM to kill Kennedy, thereby discrediting the anti-Castro movement. Now THAT would make sense, and might have even worked. Ironically, Oswald's involvement, on any level, destroys the likelihood of such a plan. That would be like using a gun registered in your name as a throw-down. Dumb.

    If you're really going to push this crazy theory, then I can only conclude you're just playing games with us.


    Get real Pat. Ask why Tim's editor left out my statement that Izquierdo later stated inCentral America that:

    (1) He was a member of RFK's Castro Hit Teams, as was LHO -- and was there when RFK choppered in to the camp and shook hands with him and LHO, all the while perusing the 201 files in his hand so that he would get the names and bio details correct during the chats.

    [Ever heard of "False-Flag" recruitment ??!!]

    (2) Izquierdo stated that he beleived that his mission in Dallas was to "PROTECT" JFK -- just as we were lured to the Miami Airport on Monday afternoon, 18th November, 1963 -- where it was planned that we would be left dead and/or dying on the tarmac after JFK was murdered.

    Enough of misquotes, hints, and all of that crap -- get the files, and the published materials, and learn some REAL facts for a change -- OK ?? !!



  8. Mr. Hemming,
    Mayhaps in the near term I will give out with some more "Obscene" comments as to my sit-down with LHO at MCAF Santa Ana (LTA) during January 1959 -- at the coffee shop just outside the main-gate [LTA has since been renamed MCAS Tustin]. And Shanet, et al.: I have affidavits (sworn statements) from Cubans that were side-kicks with my old buddies "Che" and "Barba-Roja" -- showing the interaction between Soviet GRU [not KGB} operators !! in the planning and financing of the JFK hit. Che left Cuba because of his anger over both the Missile Crisis and JFK. [for every KGB illegal in the USA, there were 100 sov/military (G.R.U.) agents haunting our missile silos, SAC bomber bases, and penetrating the entire US Intel-Community !! Their retired/active "Moles" are in imminent peril today.

    This is indeed tremendous stuff - and I'd say it carries a lot of weight. Why are these moles in imminent peril today? Isn't it possible that some are still unknown quantities?

    - lee


    Simpy put -- Putins FSB have determined them to be a "Rogue Threat" to both the U.S. and Russia some years back. Yuri Andropov [KGB] was the first to locate and neutralize a considerable grouping based in Canada. The task with reference to these groups and "Leaderless Resistance" cells in the U.S. is made almost impossible by the Aldrich Ames/Hannsen type moles infesting the Intel Community today !!

    To Pat Speer and John Simkin: My online attempt to respond last night was cut short just as soon as I was midway into the sentence "..still classified file (mentioned by Jim Angleton...!! I checked my task manager and it showed a duplicate AOL program running; CPU peaked to 100%; and RAM zeroed out. I will shortly send this very lengthy missive by E-mail -- John, you might check with an IT "Guru" to weed out the back-door on your site or within the ISP.

    This is why I avoid online keyboarding -- you need to have anoffline method for scrivening these replies !!



  9. When Mr Hemming speaks of Korean War era Rangers, is he refering to those "Rangers" that were trained by Edwin Anderson Walker?

    The more I read Hemming's words the greater my interest!

    Jim Root


    Walker was the # 2 Commander of the U.S. Army/Canadian Army Regiment that was featured in the Wm. Holden movie "The Devil's Brigade". He was not portrayed in the movie due to objections by veterans of The 1st Special Service Force;

    and principally by the late Duff Matson of Miami [Check-out the Soldier of Fortune article (1980s) RE: Duff and his Everglades Cuban training camp.

    Duff was one of the last of the group styled as the "Dirty Dozen" [Hollywood screwed-up the whole story]; and was General Bob Frederick's prime WWII bodyguard. Duff donated one of his residential properties for the use of our 82nd Airborne Division Association for meetings.

    The prime objection to Walker was his blatant homosexuality behavior and the fact that he screwed uthe UN Partisan Ranger Ops in Korea during 1951.

    Airborne & Semper Fi,



  10. Tim,

    We must add an additional factor to the strong resemblance in the photo of two known CIA agents. Namely the factor that agents of the CIA ("rogue agents" as they're usually called) are among the prime suspects in the assassination.

    If Robertson and Conein had been, say, State Farm Insurance agents on their lunch break, the resemblances in the photo wouldn't be quite as significant. But they were CIA.



    "Rogue Agents [Officers]?? My large aching arse !!



  11. Tim,

    We must add an additional factor to the strong resemblance in the photo of two known CIA agents. Namely the factor that agents of the CIA ("rogue agents" as they're usually called) are among the prime suspects in the assassination.

    If Robertson and Conein had been, say, State Farm Insurance agents on their lunch break, the resemblances in the photo wouldn't be quite as significant. But they were CIA.



    It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how these Intel & contract agents were set-up -- just WHO do you think would "BURN" all of these "Company & Military figures ?? -- The PTA or the Girls Scouts ??

    Wake up and smell the "Disinformation Roses" folks !!



  12. James,

    It is certainly easy to get carried away with photos. I'm not impressed by many of the Dealey Plaza lookalikes seen in photos. McCord, for example, and I don't buy the Estes lookalike for a second. But Robertson and Conein are dead on, and both are in the same photo, showing a limited number of people. Yes, it could conceivably be chance, but the odds of that must be astronomical.



    As Angleton commented during 1967, quite a large number of suckers/probable "Patsies" were lured to Dallas the weel of November 19th thru 25th, 1963 !!

    Keep on "Trucking"



  13. Thanks, Gerry.

    That certainly fills in some blanks regarding Ron Von Klassen.

    BTW, I take it the Stanley White you mention is the same guy as the one who popped up in the film 'JFK' - the big guy who is seen in Banister's office and on the 6th floor during the shooting?




    Stan White portrayed the DalTex shooter, and Davy was replaced with a Black Extra when Oliver re-checked the files.



  14. Has anyone in their research ever come across the name Ronald Von Klaasen?

    On the 'JFK' director's cut DVD, Oliver Stone in his commentary mentions that the guy who plays Oswald's boss at the photo mapping place was Ronald Von Klaasen who he describes as 'the real deal' and someone who was around at the time.

    This photo below shows Howard K. Davis on the left and Ronald Von Klaasen on the right (circa 1963). I have Googled the name and several possible spelling variations but have come up with nothing.

    Interestingly enough, in the film 'JFK', there is an actor named Ronald Von Klaussen who is credited as playing the First Hobo. The same actor was also in the Stone film 'Nixon' and played James McCord.

    Anyway, I was hoping someone was familiar was the name Ronald Von Klaasen who was mixed up in the anti-Castro cause.

    BTW, the original identification came from Howard K. Davis himself.



    Ron Von Klausen was a paratrooper during the Korean War [1950 - 1953] and was attached to the U.N. Partisan (Guerrilla) Army, and operated behind Communist lines while covertly based on an island off of the North Korean Coast.

    He grew up in New York City, and was a close friend of Oliver Stone's parents. Even today he lives one floor below Mrs. Stone's [Oliver's Mom] condo in Central Park West. Ron practically raised Oliver as a kid.

    When I got Howard K. "Davy" Davis and Hargraves signed up with Camelot Productions, Davy received a call out of the blue from Ron, not having spoke with him since the mid-1960s. Ron was ranting about how this JFK movie was going to damage CIA, and was something to stay away from !! Davy called me, and queried as to what the heck was this dude from the past up too?? I told him that Ron was most likely helping out one of his old CIA bosses in an attempt to discourage us from working on the flick.

    Interpen's first encounter with Ron was when Hunt and Barker came around the 30th of November Headquarters [Nov. 1961] with cash in hand to put Carlos Rodriguez Quesada, et al. back on the "Company payroll" -- and thereby extort an agreement from that group that they would abandon our training camps, expell us, and return to their post-Bay of Pigs status as a dormant non-entity.

    The MR-30/11 took the cash and then ignored threats and continued working with us. Shortly thereafter Ron came by the HQ [private home] and displayed his assassin's .22 cal Hi-Standard [w/ silencer]; and less than subtlely hinted dire consequences should we not back off. Within a couple of hours he discovered that amongst our cadre were Korean veterans who had been [like Davy] US Army Rangers. Thereafter he was quite amicable and hinted that he would "straighten out" the "Leg" CIA assholes who had misinformed him [a "Leg" or "Straightleg" is a non-paratrooper.]

    Ron had been with Lansdale's group of instructors training the Brigade 2506 troops just before the Green Beret contingent arrived in Retalhuleu & Base Trax, Guatemala during late 1960. The boss of that group was Frank Egan, and his numbers 2 and 3 were Filipino Col. Napoleon Valeriano [a/k/a Col. Vallejo and a veteran of WWII ant-Jap guerrilla warfare with Col. Wendell Fertig on Mindannoa -- along with Marine Col. Jack Hawkins [Dep/C/WH-4 during JM/ATE (B.OP.) -- and before Hawkins was exfiltrate via US Submarine to Australia and then on to Iwo Jima.] and number 3 was Charles Bohannan, of similar WWII vintage.

    The Brigade Cubans in Guat. nicknamed that group "Los Halcones Negros" after the popular comic strip ("The Blackhawks") due to their racial/ethnic diversity.

    Oliver Stone held a closed door briefing/interrogation during January, 1991 [at Larry Howard's Assassination Museum, West End Marketplace, Dallas -- and during which, Oliver slipped in a question as to our identifying the Gringo BOP instructor known as "El Tigre". We all hesitated, and ultimately stated that we would only give out with his initials -- "R.V.K." !!

    Shortly thereafter we discovered that Ron had been in the movie business for over 30 years (oftentimes w/ Stone), and had worked on the "Flipper" TV series at the same time I was working for IvanTors/Paramount making "Daring Game" w/ Lloyd "Bud" Bridges, Perry Lopez, et al. !![1966-67]

    Ron had worked as an assassin for CIA proprietaries since the end of the Korean War. [The UN Partisan Army was an OPC project organized/directed by Frank Wisner, Sr.] Ron developed a strong dislike for "JFK" consultants Dale Dye & Stanley White [both had worked in the Philippines on "Platoon" w/ Stone.] -- mainly because Stan was [and still is] a full-time Homocide/Robbery Dectective Sergeant with L.A. County Sheriff's Dept.; and moreover, they both hung with the local Narcs who had been hired as security on the Dallas Set after threats and penetrations.

    In the Stone flick "Wall Street", Ron is the airport mechanic who tips Charlie Sheen as to where Mike Douglas' character "Gekko" is flying off to.

    Ron had a falling out with Davy during the 1980s shortly after the R.I.C.A. Association was created at great expense to HKD. [RICA is the acronym for "Ranger Infantry Companies (Airborne) which were organized during 1951 and disbanded after the Korean truce/armistice.] It seems that due to heavy classification of files, most UN Partisan Rangers went unrecognized as real Rangers -- and thereafter, their individual DD-214 (Mil/Separation Document)

    fails to include their authorization for both Ranger status and the "Ranger Tab". Ron's TDY attachment to one of the R.I.C.A. Companies during the war

    and graduation from the Camp Drake (Japan) Ranger School has gone unrecognized,

    and HKD denied him membership in the R.I.C.A. Veterans Association.

    Ron keeps his Hollywood S.A.G. card currently, and is never without film work.

    Mayhaps in the near term I will give out with some more "Obscene" comments as to my sit-down with LHO at MCAF Santa Ana (LTA) during January 1959 -- at the coffee shop just outside the main-gate [LTA has since been renamed MCAS Tustin]. And Shanet, et al.: I have affidavits (sworn statements) from Cubans that were side-kicks with my old buddies "Che" and "Barba-Roja" -- showing the interaction between Soviet GRU [not KGB} operators !! in the planning and financing of the JFK hit. Che left Cuba because of his anger over both the Missile Crisis and JFK. [for every KGB illegal in the USA, there were 100 sov/military (G.R.U.) agents haunting our missile silos, SAC bomber bases, and penetrating the entire US Intel-Community !! Their retired/active "Moles" are in imminent peril today.

    Tim Gratz: Pay no mind to some of these "MacArthyite Commie/Symps"; they have nothing to offer but sniveling and whining whilst wandering about "Neverland"!

    'Nuff said for now -- ever onward droolers !!

    "illigitimati non carborundum"



  15. Good one, John.

    He looks like Barry Bostwick.



    I doubt very much that Frank G. Wisner, Sr. was in any kind of shape to do any plotting in the JFK matter. While at the Naval Academy [Annapolis, MD] during 1958, I visited Frank at the Hospital? near Baltimore -- and he was definetly on his way out of reality shortly thereafter. My uncles [partners in CALSHIP during WWII with John McCone] had arranged for me to meet Frank early in my Marine Corps career.

    During a 1975 visit with Vic Marchetti [at his home in Vienna, VA] I queried him as to Frank being the lead (and fatal) character in his first novel, "The Rope Dancer". The plot is centered on a DDP discovering that eith the DCI or the Deputy DCIA is a Soviet "Mole", and is ultimately "suicided".

    Vic wouldn't comment on the story-behind-the-story at that time !!

    I was in D.C. at that time [May 1975] to give testimony to the "Church Committ-ee"; visit with "Bud" Fensterswald & Andrew St. George; and give warning to Lou Conein that the "Quantum/WerBell Op" was about to be blown.

    Gerry Patrick Hermming


  16. Also in 1992, Robert Morrow claimed that just before the publication of the Warren Commission Report, Marshall Diggs requested a meeting. Diggs told Morrow that Tracy Barnes was concerned about information Mary Meyer had about the assassination of JFK. He asked Morrow to pass this information onto Cuban exile leader, Robert Kohly. When told, Kohly replied: “Tell Diggs I’ll take care of the matter.” A week later Mary Meyer was dead.

    Does anyone know anything about Robert Kohly or Marshall Diggs?

    Is Robert Morrow a reliable witness?

    Robert Morrow is another of the "B.S. Clique". His singular involvement in the anti-Castro affairs in Miami was in that he was a facilitator for Mario Garcia Kohly, Sr. -- a wannabe ex-Batista politico.

    Morrow was a snitch for the F.B.I. and joined with Kohly senior in the infamous plot to counterfeit Cuban currency [Pesos]and thereafter flood the island with same so as to sabotage the economy. This is a phony plot, as Castro ordered "Che" [as President of the Cuban Central Bank] to create new [non-Batista] Pesos, which would contain revolutionary portraits and symbols, i.e. INRA [The Agrarian Reform Institute], etc.!!

    Much adoo was later made of the fact that "Che" signed the new bills with his nickname "Che".

    Mario Kohly, Jr. ran a Judo "Dojo" located on S.W. 8th St., 3 doors west of 12th Ave. -- and collaberated with an O.N.I. informant [Cuban] who ran a TV shop across the street. Our man Richard "Dick" Whatley worked as a Kohly, Jr.

    Judo/Karate assistant during 1961 [part-time].

    Kohly, Jr. was extremely talkative [1961 thru 1965], but suffered from Tourette Syndrome [his head constantly vibrating right to left and back]; and moreover, was a terror to ride in a car with as a passenger. We had to yell at him at least 100 feet before a necessary turn, or he would miss it and continue straight ahead -- or worse, make the turn where no street was situated !!

    Upon abandonment of the counterfeiting of the old Batista Pesos, Morrow, the Kohly group, et al. were permanently out of the anti-Castro scene. This was made very clear to them when Paulino Sierra came down from Chicago during 1963 with a failed attempt to penetrate the newly authorized [by JFK/RFK] Artime operation being located in both Nicaragua and Costa Rica [styled as "2nd Naval Guerrilla", and based at Monkey Point, Nicaragua and Tortuguero, Costa Rica (now a national park)]

    The Kohly bunch uniformly scoffed at Morrows scrivened fantasies.

    Gerry Patrick Hemming


  17. Ron:

    I know Pat disputes GPH's story about the escape by the elevator shaft but if GPH is correct and the assassins were in good shape they could descend via the elevator shaft in very short order.

    Good shape. We have skinny young ladies (Airborne Parachutists) rappelling down the 50 foot walls every day of the week here at Fort Bragg. As I explained to you on the phone, the rappellers have formed "Sheepshank Knots" on their ropes -- cut the center strand under tension with a knife -- then upon reaching the bottom, all they have to do for line recovery is to shake the rope. Total time to rapple down 70+ feet is 8 seconds unless a foot bounce is made -- then it is 11 seconds !!


  18. Ted Slack was a Miami businessman [insurance/real estate] who belonged to a local chapter of the John Birch Society. Ted, like many of the other "Birchers", wanted to assist in the anti-Castro fight; but, they never really figured out how to do that. We refused any type of cash funding, as that would draw too much attention from Fidel's agents, especially those who were on the FBI & US Customs Service payrolls as informants !!

    Angelton's standing orders to the numerous InterPen Groups around the eastern U.S. were:

    (1) No Tea/Coffee plantations as base camps [a-la-"Bridge on the River Kwai" and "Helvetia" in Guatemala. [The Bay of Pigs Brigade 2506 utilized Roberto Alejos coffee plantation near Retalhuleu on the Pacific coast as their first base camp, and then were moved higher into the mountains to "Base Trax"];

    (2) All camps must be rudimentary, ease in abandonment, extremely harsh, and designed to train infiltrators to be able to live off of the land, not the local peasants!! [Most of whom had already been relocated away from the mountains and into holding newly constructed villages - thus denying the inserted Guerrillas "...the fish that swim in the sea and supply sustenance to same"!! Survivors of Brigade 2506 training with us were unanimous in declaring that had they received "our" type of very harsh training in Guatemala, more would have escaped with them;

    (3) Harsh Everglades/Keys camps would weed out the phonies, weak-willed, and informants post-haste, and moreover, would convince ALL of the opposition [both U.S. & Fidel] that we were just a bunch of vagrants and vagabonds living in "Hobo-Jungles" - and thereby causing a lessening of surveillance activities against us, and more importantly: prevented them from any serious tracking our movements the "Bush"; and,

    (4) All of the above would complete the pre-infiltration "Isolation" requirements, and moreover, later movement to an airstrip [for airborne insertion] or the Everglades shorelines [for Maritime insertions] would go undetected due to the impossibility of tracking our cross-country marches through the "Wilds"!!

    Slack's name came into focus just after I was queried by an amateur "JFK" sleuth, who showed me the "Tramp" [Hobo] photographs, and asked me if I recognized any of them. As I told Noel Twyman in his book, I NEVER identify people under any circumstances, especially where the evidence consists solely of poor quality photographs. But if you ask me correctly: "....Does this person "resemble" anyone who might have crossed your path??" -- then, at that moment I might respond that the person in question might "remind me" of a particular movie star, public figure, etc.!!

    In Ted's case, I blundered in stating that the singular person who might possibly have similar "facial characteristics", would be Ted; but I quickly insisted that this was absolutely NOT Ted. Typically, and in the Weberman fantasy fashion, this xxxx-head spread the word that one of the "Tramps" was an infamous Bircher who had been a long-time financier of the "No Name Key Bunch" !! I have since continued to suffer from a "World-full-of-Assholes" !!

    John Blumer was a petty "Gauleiter" with the N.S.R.P. [National State Rights Party].

    Another bunch of xxxxhead informants and Agent Provocateurs. Blumer approached us during 1962 with offers of hiring some of our instructors to train their gut little NAZIs. We weren't interested in any of their "Minutemen" style racist schemes.

    Saul Sage was a buddy of the other CIA contract "assassin-of-interest" Larry LaBorde. They had worked in Mexico during the 1950s for short periods [under Dept. of Agriculture cover] on specifically targeted subjects. Saul is the same person that Macdonald ["Appointment in Dallas"] ran into post-Bay of Pigs at the CIA's old "T-Buildings" on the DC Mall. [Langley HQ didn't open until January 1962]

    Saul is the person erroneously identified as LHO when photographed leaving both the Soviet and Cuban Embassies [and the separate Cuban Consulate residence where I stayed after leaving Cuba, and was assisted by Sylvia Duran in my Sandinista activities.] in Mexico City.

    He was born Mario Tauler Sague near Leipzig during the 1920s, and was recruited by Bill Harvey in Berlin after years of work with the "Gehlen Organization". Our "Little Joe" Garman called him "Sal Saggy". He assisted the "Raul" in the MLK, Jr. assassination during the "bug-out" to Montreal, Quebec; where Saul had helped organize the right-wing "R'assemblent National" terrorist group. One of our ex-French Foreign Legionnaire instructors was wounded during a shoot-out involving said group.

    Mario Tauler Sague's name appeared on the list of assassins and assassination attempts given to Senator McGovern by Fidel. Mario/Saul figured prominently in the repeated hit attempts generated by Sylvia Odio's parents before they were imprisoned. Incidentally, Sylvia's parents invented "Operation Pedro Pan" -- which was to serve as a quasi hostage brokering of the children of hesitant insurgents pre & post Bay of Pigs.

    Some misguided clowns still believe that Tauler was arrested and imprisoned at Guanajay, 42 miles west of Havana -- an ex-Batista's prime estate. However, Guanajay is a women's prison, and had Mr. Tauler been caught, he would have been summarily executed at the "Paredon" toot-sweet !!

  19. As you know, I have spent quite a bit of time working on the photos and films concerning the events that unfolded in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. I have come to the conclusion that the entire event was filmed - not simply the motorcade, but the entire assassination - from cameras located in various locations. Camera 'teams' I should say. One team was located on the stairs at Elm street, at the Knoll, another was behind the retaining wall, another behind the fence -- but the one that interests me most is the one at the North Peristyle position - at the corner of Elm and Houston.

    From examination of the Zapruder film, it appears that CD Jackson [or someone given the task of 'altering' the film], took it upon themselves to introduce segments or sequences from some of the other camera's footage, as an underlayer in the 'extant' version of the film. In the upper righthand corner of the film, IMO, is a view of the knoll, taken from the North Peristyle position. This is consistent with other sequences, which I believe were taken from other locations [z196 - z206 for example, I believe is a sequence of a film taken from the retaining wall position].

    Anyway - I put this theory out on a forum and was told that perhaps a dog could be seen lifting it's leg in the picture, which would account for why the area appears tinted. In your travels and through any of your connections, has it ever been drawn to your attention that the entire assassination may have been recorded? Any reply would be confidential - I'd simply reference 'an unidentifiable source.'

    Since your first E-mail last year, and after forwarding all to experienced researchers, reporters, authors, et al. - the consensus was that you were up to speed on most of the critical background information; so you passed the test. Since then you have been in touch with many of our group. But my problems remain as a constant:

    1. I am doing telephonic interviews over the last three months with Pulitzer Prize winning (or nomin-ated for same) reporters from the Toledo Blade, The Washington Post, Boston Globe & WGBH, and recently with Tim Gratz down at the Key West paper. Everybody has deadlines, or are racing ahead in attempting to fill in critcal blanks for their work.

    2. Even while I was in the VA hospital, the inquiries kept rolling in. A German Public TV crew couldn't wait for my release (having just finished filming in Cuba); so the VA boss allowed the filming to take place in the luxurious lobby of the hospital -- and which drew a crowd of uniformed military and hospital staff. The Administrator was worried that I was going to "bad-mouth" the VA; but I assured him that this interview was about "Cold-War" issues of long past.

    3. In every case, including your own -- there are questions, and more questions. Before answering, I usually do an actual or mental review of whether my answers are amongst declassified documents, or generally or specifically available to the Public. As I told many authors and reporters, I am not deferring to the "Intelligence Identities Act of 1982" -- because I don't give a rat's ass. But then, I think that Bob Novack is going to pay the price under that law for "Outing" covert CIA Officer Valerie Plame, along with Rove and some other worthless miscreants.

    4. No, my greatest focus is on the 40 years of misquotes, lies, libel and slander -- aimed specifically at "The No Name Key Bunch"; as the perpetrators or support element in the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK, Jr. (and they might throw in "Cock Robin" and Judge Crater also) -- and the stupid bastards just can't grasp that this was engineered by faggot J. Edgar Hoover in retaliation for getting the goods on his ass and delivering same to RFK. His final queer stroke was to cover his ass on the Sylvia Odio meeting with Oswald in Dallas, Sept. 1963.

    5. Most of the InterPen guys aren't even aware (nor interested) in this JFK fantasy crap -- and those who are don't really give a xxxx. However, some have been called out of retirement and are currently serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, etc. -- and others non-military are working (even in their late 60s) for government agencies -- including "Homeland Defense". They sure as hell don't need snitches like Weberman, et al. bandying their names about on the internet at this stage in their careers.

    6. I put out what some called a "new name" on the UK Forum last month, and forthwith there was confusion. Well, let me clue you in on the reality; there are over a hundred VERY serious names that absolutely nobody in the game has ever seen nor heard -- and the UK bunch are some extremely sharp people, save for a half dozen self centered egoistic xxxxheads who obviously have too much time on their hands -- "and act like they had sense of their own !!"

    7. When I worked for Oliver Stone I insisted to him that we be treated as shooters who had been just hired to assassinate the President -- and that we would try our professional best to go through ALL of the movers that genuine "Operators" must go through !! The biggest problem was Stone's self imposed limitation on scripting only those "facts, data, and evidence??" THEN known by Jim Garrison during his "Tour" [1966 thru 1969].

    8. I had a couple of arguments with Oliver over those weeks of 1990-'91; The most salient being:

    (i) The shooting teams were autonomous and unknown to one another -- and moreover, there existed the strong possibility of autonomous financial sponsors and "directors";

    (ii) The "soldier filmer Arnold?" story is total bovine feces; as is the "black-mutt man", the"umb-rella-man, and most important -- the worthless toy Oswald rifle was NOT purchased from Klein's, and was never lawfully imported into the United States. It was given to him by the same man whose photos appeared in the CIA Mexico, D. F. surveillance shots. His alias at that time was Saul Sage". His real name is Mario Tauler Sague, and he appeared on the list of assassins given to Senator McGovern by Fidel in Havana. He was born before WWII in what later became Sov-controlled East Germany, raised in Leipzig -- worked for the Gehlen organization until hired by Harvey in Berlin. Our "little Joe" Garman always called him "Sal Saggy". [More on "Saul" (MacDonald's) and his role with "Raul" in the MLK, Jr. hit later]

    What we have here is "The-Failure-to-not-Hallucinate" !! Citing forged W. Comm'n documents and thousands of other "Legend" and "Black-Tape" files has been the catastrophic failing. As an aside, has anybody ever spoken with other purchasers of the said M. Carcano rifles?? Primarily to ascertain if they were in compliance with the National firearms act, the IRS A.T.T.U. Regs published in the Federal Register, and the rules/regulations of State Department's "Office of Munitions Control" that so frustrated Sam Cummings (InterArmCo), Numrich, et al. -- in that a lawfully imported weapon MUST have a serial number on the frame, not on the barrel of every weapon imported?? [circa 1958].

  20. In response to all of the heartfelt "Welcomes" to the Forum, I would like to say thanks to all of the long-time members. Last year "A. J." Weberman suggested that since I was soon to "Croak"; then I should "fesh-up" to my participation in numerous "Crimes-of-the-Century" - "get-if-off-of-one's-chest" is the term used here in the Colonies. Anybody who is interested in reading my somewhat caustic response to "AJ's" offer of large sums of money (in return for my "confessions") should indicate same on the Forum, and I will submit it posthaste.

    Wim Daankbar forwarded to me the latest Forum comments, but neglected to insert a remark or qualification?

    "AJ" believes that my demise is very imminent because he has learned that I suffer from some ailments which are considered "Terminal" -- but then again: Aren't we all "Terminal"?? Currently, and since 1996, I have suffered from Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Bronchitis, Diabetes (Type-2), Cervical Vert- abrae anomalies (C-4,5,6, Disc Ruptures, and Calcium Spurs) which in turn has caused Carpal Tunnel Syndrome -- and therefore limits the opportunities of using a keyboard. So, most of the time on the PC is consumed with simple "Copy & Paste", which I send out to my associates & family members.

    I am wheelchair/housebound, and have only limited opportunities to venture about the Fayetteville, North Carolina scenery. That is: when the City wheelchair van takes me medical appointments at the Veterans Medical Center. Uh-oh, did I hear some giddy rejoicing mixed with deep-felt pity?? "...Serves him right, the bastard!!" I heard that!! And you will find many in agreement, especially from those with whom I have "crossed-swords" over the last 50 odd years.

    Why am I here?? What am I doing responding to queries about JFK, RFK, MLK, Jr., et al. - Well, for a dude who intended to be a career operator in Special Forces, it was NOT fate [nor intent] that has delivered me to this situation.

    When "Dame" J. Edgar Hoover pointed his finger at the No Name Key Group, it was his prime act of retribution for deeds that we had perpetrated against him two years previous. His "Out", when queried by two members of the Warren Commission as to the identities of the visitors to Sylvia and Annie Odio's during September 1963, was to lie and continue with his cover-up by scapegoating his longtime foes in Florida. He believed that since I and other in the InterPen Group had "unsavory" reputations, it would be an easy scheme to point his finger our way, and continue to befuddle the Commission.

    [Hoover attempted to guarantee that InterPen would be considered an "unsavory element" (having criminal) by inserting ex-convict informants/snitches into the Group on a frequent basis; thereby showing the world that we were a "suspect" entity. We routinely "played" the snitches, and fed them disinformation, which usually angered their handlers in the FBI, CIA, US Customs Service, et al. !!]

    Thus we gained the fabulous reputation of being liars/bullxxxx artists - as shown in the thousands of their declassified files since 1992. As a example, one of their early snitches was a Latino who claimed to be a Panamanian citizen, and upon request for ID proof, he produced a Panama Passport "issued in Trieste !!" We turned that document over to the O.N.I. case agents. When this "Beaner" clown was caught up in a tree in the Everglades, signaling towards the road with a flashlight, we sent him off on some harsh forced marches - and shortly thereafter, he twisted his ankle and wanted to go home to "Mommy" !!

    Hoover's focus on me personally [as being of unsavory character] was due to the following:

    In Cuba (1958 thru 1960) I was a member of Fidel's Rebel Army (later transferred to the Rebel Air Force); and under the orders of the late Chief of the "Ejercito Rebelde" (Rebel Army) Cmdte. Camilo Cienfuegos, I lead a team of former Rebels and defected Batista soldiers as a mobile execution squad.

    This was ordered by Cmdte. Cienfuegos (Cmdte "Comandante/Major/Commander"). It seems that Raul, "Che", Fidel, et al. felt that Rebel soldiers, by 1959 stationed in barracks ("Quartels") in their home-towns - would escape reprisals/vendettas by relatives of the condemned "War Criminals" if "Gringo-led" Firing-Parties/Squads" did the executions. However, this failed to quash the "drive-by" shootings (stabbings, grenade attacks, etc.) that we were experiencing throughout 1959.

    At La Cabana Fortress in Havana (Habana), this task was assigned to one of Cmdte. Ernesto "Che" Guevara Lynch's combat commanders in the Sierra Maestra - Capt. (Capitan) Herman Marks. Herman defected back to the U.S. during 1960.

    Jumping ahead to 1962, just before "The Cuban Missile Crisis", Bobby Kennedy had suffered a series of insults and blackmail threats from the perpetual head of the F.B.I. - "Dame" J. Edgar Hoover !! At that time, some of our Cuban associates, veterans of Brigade 2506 (Brigada de Asalto 2506) - having evaded capture at the Bay of Pigs; were oftentimes living at RFK's home ("Hickory Hill") on Chainbridge Road, playing "touch-football" and keeping "Camelot" up-to-date on the Cuban scene.

    "Dame" Hoover ordered Bobby to present himself at the Director's office for a "briefing". [said offices of RFK & FBI were then located in the old Dept. of Justice Building] Upon arrival, RFK was immediately threatened with exposure - i.e., that both he and his brother would be disgraced if the FBI released ALL of the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s photographs and files it possessed. Hoover threw a dozen or more files and photos on his desk, and reportedly, Bobby was stunned !!

    Shortly thereafter, RFK asked his Cuban friends to contact their best operators [Not traceable back to him] who might gather evidence enough to force "Dame" Hoover to "back-off". Guess who got the job "toot-sweet"?? During early 1962 [after my return from California] I was approached by a Brigade 2506 Intelligence Officer. He was then visiting at "Hickory Hill" and dating Pam Turner, "Jackie's" appointments secretary (East-Wing of the White House). He asked if my guys might come up with some proof of Hoover's "Sins-of-Commission-or-Omission".

    We dispatched two of our "Outfit" connected [Chicago Mob] guys up to "Chi-Town" -- with a duffle/sea-bag full of Marijuana for bartering purposes. In short order they returned with sample of the evidence needed. What was delivered to RFK, and later thrown on Hoover's desk (this time)??!! High quality photos [which passed all of the forgery/fakery tests]:

    (1) Hoover performing oral sex on Adlai Stevenson's boyfriend; (2) Hoover dancing-about in a red dress at a homosexual conclave; (3) Hoover prancing about with nude queers -- dressed in a NAZI SS uniform [complete with ribbons & badges].

    Hoover immediately surrendered all of his Kennedy, et al. files to RFK shortly thereafter. [Jack Mohr later claimed he had possession of duplicates taken from Hoover's "disappeared" confidential files]

    It took Hoover's "Retainers" about six months to trace this RFK "Coup d'grace/d'main" back to InterPen. He, according to insiders, vowed consummate revenge against us "perps". His principal act of revenge was placing me, and some of my associates, in harm's way. This was accomplished by "setting-us-up" to be involved in the "Security Detail" which welcomed JFK at Miami Int'l Airport on Monday afternoon, November 18th, 1963.

    One of the original plans was to assassinate JFK, et al. at MIA, and leave us dead or dying on the tarmac near Air Force One. We foiled this by disobeying instructions - arriving at the airport unarmed. We had discovered that a back-up squad of assassins was ensconced in the bushes on the airport expressway median. And that they were armed with some deadly weapons, including a 57mm Recoilless Rifle. These were the same weapons that I had purchased from Rich Lauchli in Collinsville Illinois some weeks previous - and were supposedly scheduled to be inside Cuba before the end of the Summer of '63. The guy who arranged for the weapons buy was one of the "Hickory Hill" touch-football players.

    Because we alerted John McCone [then DCI], JFK was transported to Miami Beach via helicopter rather then by the planned motorcade.

    Hoover's next big shot at revenge came during September 1964, upon demand by two members of the Warren Commission that: The Silvia Odio/Oswald visit issue be resolved or they wouldn't "sign-off" !! Hoover's girls surfaced their long faithful and trusted "snitch", Loran Eugene "Skip" Hall [the unearned "war-name" Lorenzo Passillo translates as: Hallway in Spanish is "Passillo", while Lorenzo is the equivalent of Lawrence. was bestowed upon him by active Castro double-agents. These two Castro double-agents were Manolo Aguilar and Enrique Molina Rivera. Molina Rivera later "disappeared?" while flying with Rorke and Sullivan during September '63 -- after picking up Oswald and flying him from New Orleans to Merida, Mexico for further infiltration inside Cuba.

    For those who have done their research, there is no necessity in going into the details of what I did in Miami on the day of JFK's assassination. A few days after 11/22/63, a lone FBI Special Agent [previously assigned two years before as case agent] dropped by my apartment [alarming the neighbors by loudly proclaiming his identity upon my asking who was knocking at the door]; and asked some perfunctory questions. He was simply inquiring if I, or any of my team, might have something to say about the murder. I responded in the negative, and he rose to depart. I asked: "...Is that all you want to know?" He responded: "...That is all I was ordered to ask !!"

    At that point in time I felt the first inklings that something was amiss, that maybe somebody was cover-ing-up something -- but, then again, I tried to convince myself that it would take a considerable amount of investigating before any real conclusions might be reached.

    I continued with the preparations for a run inside Cuba, commanded by Felipe Vidal Santiago, and partially financed by the late lady War Correspondent, Dickey Chapelle [$15,000].

    End of Part 1

    [NOTE: It is now Monday, February 7th, and I have been working on this missive for about a week. Saturday, I had an telephone interview with Tim Gratz (Key West, Florida); and I presume that he will no doubt cover my identification of the two Cubans who took Oswald to visit with Silvia Odio during September of

  21. My last encounter with Plumlee was on the telephone last year, and it was non-productive to say the least. The last time I met with him was in Miami Beach (1998) when Gus Russo and I were busy doing investigations for the Peter Jennings/ABC/Seymour Hersh/ "Dark Side Of Camelot" production. I made a few thousand dollars on that job, and the only annoying experience was to have to listen to Plumlee (eagerly lapping-up acceptance & approval) spin his well-worn and obviously phony tales of his legendary (In-His-Own-Mind!!) "Terry & The Pirates" escapades!!

    Just like your guy Files - TOTAL BULLxxxx!! Just like Chauncy Holt -- TOTAL HORSExxxx!!

    Absolutely nobody in "The Joint" - "The Pen" -- "The Chain Gang" -- "The Gaol" etc., etc., spill-the-beans on ANYBODY'S criminal acts, not even his own - without getting his canary-ass "Shanked" [stabbed with a knife]; because his fellow Cons would put out a 2 carton of cigarettes murder contract on him "toot-sweet"!!

    I have read "Plumlee's Interviews, PDFs on FBI, etc. "Files"; and they are totally worthless collection of fantasy-land scrivening.

    Firstly, the CIA/DEA/Customs Service/FBI only hire contract pilots who are previously MILITARY PILOTS!! Moreover, they only hire "Rated" pilots, preferably those with the highest category ATP (was ATR) "Airline Transport Pilot". A "Rated" pilot is one who holds a certification to fly aircraft which weigh more than 12,500 Lbs; such as the DC-3, DC-4, etc.!

    Plumlee started out as a "Private Pilot" (less than 200 hours flight experience) during the 1960s. Now, some 40+ years later, he has a "Commercial" designation (only +200 hours flight time and passing a written exam and check ride is needed.)

    So, what does he have now in the 21st Century? "Commercial" with "A.S.E.L." -- "Airplane - Single Engine - Land". Where is his "Multi-Engine Ticket"? Where is his "Instrument Ticket"? Check with Brad Ayers, he has all of the above since the early 1960s. (During the 1960s, Brad ran a company styled as "AyerVentures" at the old "Tamiami Airport, Miami, Florida".

    The majority of pilots I flew with (some were Air America, C.A.T., CIA, etc.) possess "A.S.M.-E.L &S." (Airplane-Single & Multi-Engine Land & Sea), together with a wallet full of separ-ate licenses exhibiting "Ratings" in Turbo and pure Jet, heavy aircraft of all types, includ-ing commercial airline models; and also hold foreign pilot licenses from a dozen different countries around the Globe.

    One of my last flying partners held just about every category and rating existing, including Hot-Air Balloon (Instructor), Aircraft Mechanic (A & P, E & E, Hydraulic, etc.), Rotorary-Wing Instructor (Helicopters - even one that was + 12,500 Lbs.).

    No way Delta Airlines would have given him "The-Time-Of-Day"!! No way he would have manned the right-seat (Co-Pilot) in a DC-3 without a "Rating".

    Lastly, the aviation outfits (including CIA proprietaries) carry insurance - and no way would Plumlee get insurance cover with his meager "Comm/Pilot - A.S.E.L." !!

    More importantly, "Covert Ops" are always compartmentalized, so there is no way an individual operator can know even 2% of any given mission !!

    "Velly Strange" that within a week of my informing Chris Cox as to my heavy doubts about Plumlee's veracity RE: his legendary and heroic tales - that he informed the UK/Forum that he was "bowing out"; his last communication, and I guess that he then "Exited Stage-Left"??!!

  22. Gerald Patrick Hemming joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1954. He left the marines in October 1958 and the following year travelled to Cuba where he gave help to Fidel Castro and his revolutionary forces. In January 1959 he met Lee Harvey Oswald. Later he switched sides and in 1961 established Interpen. This group of experienced soldiers were involved in training members of the anti-Castro groups in the early 1960s.

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