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Gerry Hemming

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Posts posted by Gerry Hemming

  1. Thank you, Ron. I assume you do not believe Oswald was in the doorway?

    Moreover, if he was being set up as a patsy, one would think the conspirators would ensure he was not with a bunch of witnesses at a place he could be photographed! So whether shooter or patsy, it seems logically unlikely that he was in the doorway.



    Far from me to impugn the "sworn?" testimony of folks that wished they had been Hoboken, NJ that day; but, if some "gummint" official "really" asked me about having been in the same city as LHO, I would have mumbled *&^%$!! "...Say WHAT? MoFo??!! Like "Davy" told Winslow: "....Briefing...at the MI/HQ...on Sunday, November, 17th, 1963....for a security detail at MIA....NAH!!!...I think I was in Chicago that day !!"

    The "patsy" plotters physically controlling LHO 24/7? NOT!! They didn't then, nor they do NOW, really give a xxxx where "Ozzie" might have been standing [or squatting on a commode]!! They had MULTIPLE patsies.

    First, I can't believe that YOU believe that the final transcripts are actually what was said -- and if said, not coached and parroted out of sheer terror. Worse, the FBI/SS, et al. agents who later refuted many of the "302s", transcripts, LHMs -- did not always voluntarily do so, it seems that some seriously nasty folks chatted with these "darlins'" while being hosted at some rather remote and ominous locales. Scared xxxxless, is too mild of a term for those "investigator's" feelings -- as they were months later being confronted with "inaccuracies" -- by a few PAID operators. You know, the kind who are prepared to go to extremes in order to determine whether these clowns were also complicit in the hit plot, and not just "along-for-the-cover-up". One didn't have to be a Hannsen, Ames, Howard, Walker, et al. to be convinced of the many benefits of "going along" with the Hoover "script" back in the old days.

    Did LHO cautiously check out the "whos" standing in the doorway? -- Ya know...for his future ass-covering alibi? And then stroll on up to the 6th Floor. If he did, than he was lap-dancing with the "ouga-bouga" who was still chomping his (whole) chicken down to the bones, and washing it down with a Coke -- all the while chokin' the other chicken while leering at a girly mag.

    Now I get it, the lap-dance got him so angry...that he pushed the black dude out of the way and cranked off some perfect "Camp Perry" shots at the nearest targets of opportunity !! You know, LBJ and the "Babushka" gal -- but, he missed and accidentaly hit somebody else ??!!

    Get REAL, or give-it-up !!

    Kellog's Corn Flakes,



  2. Wim Dankbaar has posted some early reviews on his website regarding his new book "Files on JFK".

    John Hughes - Co-author of "Sam and JFK" - "...Wim Dankbaar and his colleagues Zack Shelton and Jim Marrs, have provided the public....".

    Jim Marrs?

    Wim drops some more names on this site as he lists his correspondance with esteemed researchers such as Gaeton Fonzi, Fabian Escalante, Dick Russell, Robert Groden, Walt Brown, Peter Dale Scott etc...

    Do they all believe the James Files story or merely offered opinion and assistance along the way?

    I recently asked my membership on Wim's forum be terminated. He suspected and I agreed that I would have nothing positive to say regarding his theory James Files was shooting from the grassy knoll. What concerned me most about the gathering of that forum was the cult-like atmosphere that was beginning to develop regarding the prisoner who claims the act of shooting Kennedy was akin to "taking out the garbage."

    Wim has begun posting some of Files "poetry" on his site. He is affectionately referred to as "Jimmy". Members are beginning to parrot some of Files phrases as one would do with any of Arnold Schwarzenagger's(sp) characters. Questioning the veracity of the Files theory will not get you banished from the forum. It is said questioning Wim's motivation will.

    The moment I began to recognize File's charisma/legend overriding what little objectivety I felt Wim had left was the moment I knew that the Files story and Wim were practically the same anyway. Questioning his story is a direct threat to Wim's theory and the resultant book sales.

    I conducted psychological assessments on a diverse prison population for about half a year in the 1990's. Some of them were headed for minimum security get aways...others would go to supermax centers. One thing they all had in common, in my opinion anyway, was they all lied the same. You just get used to it. You can smell it, feel it a mile away. When I rented "Confessions of an Assassin", I saw the same body language I saw years ago of a xxxx. Many will discount this as a gut feeling and not objective. I realize that. I've only got my own experience to go on.

    In researching James Files, there are just two instances that I cannot accept as adding credibility to the Files theory. The first being Antonio Veciana. James Files says Veciana was a good friend and in Dealey Plaza during the assassination. Files saw alot that day. He was even able to see a shot hitting JFK's head 1/1000 before his shot. Since Veciana was still alive it seemed natural that this would be the best way to cooberate Files claims. My question to Wim..."Did Veciana tell your investigators he knew Files?" Bob Vernon claimed on JFK Lancer that he did not. One of Wim's responses was...

    "No, he never reacted, or it must be that his son told me that he has 'no comment'".

    Which one is it? If Wim corresponds with Gaeton Fonzi then was Fonzi able to ask directly since nobody did before the book came out? Another researcher told me that Fonzi still sees Veciana from time to time.

    The second problem is the claim that Files did not have access to any JFK material during his incarceration. I heard the interview and thought to myself..."Hmmm...this guy just got done reading 'The Last Investigation'". Based on information acquired in the public domain, I quote the following correspondance from James Files to Mr. Joe West. Mr West has asked Files about is recollections (7-30-92)...

    "...The two (items) tha I know of outside the movies and books are....". Pow. Files just admits he has information OUTSIDE the movies and books which one could reasonably deduct he knows what at least are INSIDE SOME movies and books. One of the things Files claimed he knew to be outside the books was that David Phillips perjured himself before HSCA. Most of us knew this to be covered in Summers "Conspiracy" which was written well before Files was imprisoned in 1991.

    There are other problems with the Files theory but what concerns me the most is alot of younger researchers are parroting the information as fact and it is leaking into other forums. I maintain that Files story lacks cooberation and that the book was put out admittedly without peer review or verification. This is a shame but perhaps there are those on this forum who believe in this theory to the point I may be enlightened. Thank you. Jason Vermeer

    Jason Vermeer,

    For some reason you seem hell bound on destroying the credibility of the Files story, to the extent of attempting to smear the messengers now. Actually, I believe you are doing Wim a big favor, for you draw more attention to the subject and drive traffic to Wim's website, which by the way is one of the best documented according to many sources, where the visitors will find what a sore loser your are.

    Wim let me know he is too busy now to deal with characters like you outside his own forum, and probably your post should not even be dignified with a response. However , I find it so repugnant I would like to put something opposite of it.

    You started your presence on Wim's forum with this thread:


    Can you be a member here and NOT believe the Files story?

    A careful analysis of this discussion reveals that Wim answered all your questions, including the one in the title with YES. But it also reveals you did not answer any of Wim's valid questions, other than by evading them with other questions. You questioned Files' military service in South East Asia for instance, which Wim, despite the purging of Files' military records, then pointed out convincingly, here:


    and more recently here:


    You avoided Wim's question to explain the "hoax" with the dented shell casing, found in Dealey Plaza: "Also, if you believe Files has made up his story, would you take the trouble and think about how the "hoax" of the shell casing was put in place? When , how and by whom? Who "coached" whom? Who planted it, and when? "

    That discussion shows further that Wim's website and forum is not only about James Files, but also Chauncey Holt, Tosh Plumlee, Judyth Baker and other subjects. It is people like you who want to concentrate on Files. Finally, it shows that in the end you had no valid arguments left, along with a general concensus that you lost the discussion, a phrase you took in your mouth the first time by joking that Wim had lost, only to provoke a reaction from the rest of us that nothing was farther from the truth. Hence you did not make yourself liked on the jfkmurdersolved forum, which by the way becomes a busier place by the day, and finally you decided to leave, with an amazing request to terminate your membership. It reminded me of Bob Vernon, who requested the same. I never understood why you would ask that, until it struck me you that you, like Vernon, may not have wanted to leave a record of making yourself ridiculous.

    Anyway, the facts are that you left voluntarily, only to vent your anger and insinuations elsewhere. Can't you deal with Wim's answers directly anymore? Or is it just that you can't stand the fact that a growing number of people, including credited researchers and authors, are starting to look through the curtain of discreditation?

    I would avoid looking at the reviews of the book then, for that page will be extended over the next months, no doubt, and your task to ridiculize them all, might turn out to be a hard job.


    It is quite telling to me that you attempt to condemn Wim for selling a book on this important information, like any author would, without even having read the book itself yet, something you said you would do. The fact that you did not do this, makes your ignorance the more embarassing, for if you would have aqcuired the DVD for example, you would have known that it was Jim Marrs and Wim conducted that interview. Thus you could have avoided a dumb question like: Jim Marrs?

    It is further telling that you have to resort to flatout untruths like "the Files story lacks cooberation", because if you would have concentrated on studying the wealth of information on Wim's website (which is completely free by the way) instead of firing cheap popshots, you would have known that Files' story does not lack cooberation, for example from this page:


    In conclusion, Jason Vermeer, why are you asking your questions here? You know that Wim is the best person to answer those, and actually he has. Heck, since you left voluntarily from JFKmurdersolved, he might even honor a request to re-instate your membership.



    Mark, Wimp Dunk-Beer ["Tiptoe thru the tulips in your widdle wooden shoesies gullible Gomer], et al.

    Talk about gullible/sucker "True-Believers??!! -- Y'all really take the cake !! Like I have repeatedly told other NAZI collaborating Dutchmen - whose antecedents surrendered to Hitler's Wehrmacht even BEFORE they were asked to. What a low-lying, lying lowlife bunch of WIMPS. You think that we have forgot that your famous WWII 'resistance leader" [King Kong in the Clark Gable, Lana Turner, Vic Mature, et al. 1950s movie "Betrayed"] who snitched to PanzerGrupenFuhrer Guderian the details of the planned Montgomery [and typically absurd] "Operation Market Garden" -- who was known as "Bill of Seeman's House" earlier under the Abwehr's "Op North Pole"; is still much admired by your neo-NAZIs !!

    However, our paratroop drop zones [DZs] here at Fort Bragg still retain those famous Netherlands city names: Nijmegen, Maas, Arnhem, and Holland DZ. This is due to thousands of still loyal Dutch who maintain memorials, museums, and plant flowers over the graves of Allied KIAs even today. Were it not for Anne Frank, there would be few stories of Dutch Gentiles risking their lives to hide Jews, and sometimes assist shot-down bomber crews.

    The dumbest of our Cuban training Americans laughed at James Files load of horse-xxxx; and repeatedly queried: "...This IS some kind of sick joke...isn't it??"

    How can somebody "pull" Spec-2 James E. Files alleged military records when he claimed to have enlisted under his "true?" name Sutton? in the first place. And he claims that he started using the Files alias after 1963, but was in Laos under Files in 1959??!!

    As far as the Florida clown who concocted HIS "15-nanoseconds-of-fame letter", he is NOT the "Official" 82nd Airborne Division Historian, in fact he was refused membership in the Daytona Beach area Chapter of the 82nd Div. Association !! The official 82nd A/B Div. Historian is a Colonel here at Fort Bragg, NC. The nationwide & overseas Chapters of the "Association" sometimes elect/appoint a senior member to "volunteer" as a "local" historian only. The headquarters of the 82nd Association is here at Ft. Bragg, and ALL of the chapters defer to them on DD-214s, service records, awards & decorations, but mostly to assist the VA, VFW, DAV, American Legion, etc. to seek supporting records for medical and pension disability claims.

    Firstly, there were NO 82nd personnel sent into Laos with the late Col. Arthur "Bull" Simons "White Star Mobile Teams beginning during 1960; they were all SF Green Berets at the time, even though a few had served with the 101st A/B & the 82nd during years past. NO "teeny-boppers" on those trips girls, just grown men in their 30s [with a minimum of 6 years prior service

    There were NO anti-Castro training camps in the Everglades until 1961. The first group of Cubans who later became "plank-owners" in BA2506 included Basulto, et al. -- and was funded by Pawley as a Usseppa Island [near Punta Gorda, FL -- DCI Goss's hometown] CW Radio training Op for "infiltrators". As with FDR for AVG and Chennault in 1941 China, Pawley put in the seed money knowing that with success he would be reimbursed. This was also the case with Jack Clements, Whiting Willauer, et al. for the "Guatemaltazo" in 1954 -- invest the minimum, show progress and viability, then "Walaah..Voila" it gets crypto'd as PB/SUCCESS and we are off to the races. For the BOP, Pawley got some financial assistance [seed money] from the Alejos brothers, and some Gulf & Western folks.

    "Mercury filled bullet" -- straight out of Freddy Forsyth's wet dreams, about as ridiculous as Redford's "frozen bullet" in 3 Days of the Condor !! But, who can tell Goldman anything; even though he used my former Marine commanding Officer as "The Major" character in the movie.

    Why does "Files?" have SO much time on his hands at Stateville? Because he is a malingerer who shirks 8 hour a day work that EVERY OTHER con and inmate is required to perform, and want to do, so as to shorten time, and give distraction, plus the extra "work credits" and "good-time" which earns earlier release.

    I spent 8 years in the Florida Chain Gang, and ALL cons & inmates get lovenotes from strangers, usually weird girls & old "prune-pussy" women -- and especially if you are on "Death-Row". Sometimes "real" wives showed up at the weekend "Visiting Park', where they had sex in front of everybody [except children were always moved to the other side] -- and oftentimes, the "wives?" brought girlfriends and neighbors so that they might get laid also.

    Sometimes the inmates would correspond with the "fairies", and in return for a real "sexy" letter; would give a contribution to the "Inmates Canteen Trust Fund". Most letters to non-family members were smuggled-out [past the female censors] by passing them during "visiting". Outrageous abuse by a minority of these assholes has caused many states to require "State Prison, Correctional Facility, etc." on ALL outgoing/incoming mail envelopes. Worse, "collect only" telephone calls [from pay phones only] begin with a recording stating: "This call is coming from a state prison, FCI,etc." after the party picks up on the other end. Any children who thought daddy was away to the wars, quickly learned the facts of life.

    There was NO M-14 as regular issue until 1960. I instructed on the then XT-44 [M-14] at Annapolis during 1958.

    There were NO "crash" language courses before 1961, you either went to "The Presidio Language School" [near San Francsco] or you stayed stupid !!

    There was never a shortage of "weapons, demo, etc." instructors, and they sure as hell wouldn't use a snot-nosed 1st tour quasi-draftee to teach even ass-wiping/toofie brushing drills

    You alway put two caps and two separate detonators on ALL demo charges -- somebody send that asshole a couple of freebie army manuals/pamphlets off of the Internet, will you? PLEASE ??!!

    The "Warden" says he never saw any JFK books in "Jimmy's" cell. Jesus H. Christ, will somebody show me a warden who will even risk going "On-the-Yard", much less visiting a cellblock without a SWAT/SRU Team in front of him/her !! Ever heard of "Prison Libraries??" They are quite large, and publishers regularly write off their tons of over-published tomes "donated" to the prisons. I know, because I ordered thousands of them, and had to unload, "dewey", and shelf them -- bust my balls !!

    This xxxxhead phony was on the street during and after the HSCA, soaking up ALL the inside scoop -- yet he still gets it ALL wrong. Veciana's daughter Anna worked for the Miami Herald during the 1990s, I presume she is still reporting -- I haven't e-mailed with her in years.

    Poached Eggs on Toast,


  3. John wrote:

    But the potential scale of reparation payments has complicated attempts to win an apology to blacks for slavery.

    John, put this into your thought processes:

    A U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, a Republican, conservative, anti-abortion obstetritian, was one of the sponsors (when he was in the House) of a bill to apologize for slavery.

    I see a strong relationship between the abolitionist movement and the anti-abortion movement. I am convinced that if Wilbur Wilberforce was alive today he would fight as hard to end abortion as he did to end slavery. And by the way, John, I like your biography of Wilberforce. In fact, I believe your entire section on religion is fairly written and educational.



    Donna be suckin' up to John by failing to illucidate upon the ONLY REAL "reparations-for-slavery" argument that is legally and historically CORRECT !!

    The Brit monarchy brought the first slaves to "the colonies" during the 1600s, and there was no U.S. Government at the time. And NOT all of the "slaves" were black.

    For a period, the majority of imported slaves were the Irish folks, despite the use of the "polite" term -- "indentured servants".

    Most of the blacks in my extended family agree that the first entities which should be the subjects of reparation demands are:

    The Brit Monarchy [a forfeiture lien against the "British Crown Jewels", and ALL of the Billion$ in UK, Continental and overseas "real properties" owned by the Windsors, Battenbergs (Mountbattens after WWI), et al.];

    The Portuguese Monarchy [a forfeiture lien against its "Crown Jewels", properties, etc.];

    The Spanish Monarchy [ibid.];

    The Nigerian Republic [specifically against the wealthy Hausa & Yoruba Tribes];

    The French Republics (and past/current overseas departments, to include Martinique, St. Martin, Algeria, Morocco, djibouti, etc.) [lien upon the crown jewels & artifacts, whether considered part of the treasury or not];

    The lawful governmental entities descended from the Arab Caliphates which acted autonomously during the 1600s forward [ibid., a lien aagainst their mineral resources]; and,

    The Spanish plantation acreage (and value accrued) in Cuba, to be equally distributed amongst those African slave descendants currently in residence there, and those who were later shipped to Jamaica, Trinidad-Tobago, Antigua, etc. !!

    The then extant international law [1700s] required the rebel American colonists to draft documents [later presented to European entities] which would be later incorporated first in "The Articles of Confederation", and later in the first ratified U.S. Constitution; articles/amendments guaranteeing a specific or general adoption of the English Common Law, and specifically inclusive were those "property rights" involving both slavery and servitude. Moreover, the new Constitution prohibited the future importation of slaves upon a date certain [1802].

    However, the Brit monarchy continued the slave trade under the guise of issuing "Commissions to Cruise" [Letters of Marque to Privateers], which included the "Shanghai-ing of America sailors -- which caused the Virginia Chamber of Delegates to make formal protestations !!




  4. Visualize where the fully opened bolt lays [necessary to feed another round out of the magazine]; and then wrap LHO's front teeth around the middle of the bolt; that is: if he attempted to "crank" a fresh round into the chamber whilst holding his eye to the scope. Ridiculously apparent to any proffessional shooter.


    I first purchased a M/Carcano at 11 years of age -- it was the 6.5 mm "Cadet Carbine" with folding "spike" bayonette. No scope, just "iron sights". As with the alleged LHO MC, the rear aperture sight and the front blade sight are immovable [and un-adjustable for elevation or windage]. First to go on MY "guinea/wop toy", metal fatigue caused failure in the rear bolt assembly, just as was predicted to me by the hardware store owner who refused me any of the out-dated "Japanese" [Arisaka] 6.5 mm and 7.7 mm ammunition. "...This piece-of-xxxx" will blow up in your face...you stupid oversized punk !!" [i traded a Sailor for an Arisaka [plus hooked bayonette], but was never able to get "safe" ammo for my 7.7 mm Navy Model.


    So, now we know that LHO NEVER "dry-fired" his alleged MC; that is: unless he enjoyed black eyes and a toothless mouth. Check with any other purchasers of Jap-scoped MCs, if it didn't go immediately to hooks on the den wall, then the dumbass rookies paid dearly in both eyes and teeth !!

    Grits !!



    Gerry, Thank's a heap.

    The first hand on site descriptions are most useful. I'm not a shooter, but my left shoulder itches/cringes in trying to picture myself in place there with pipe etc. I wonder also as Oswald wasn't a short person, and he seemed to me to have a fairly extended head shoulder configuration, trying to crouch and bend around the pipe and get off a good shot would be hard. Also tucking the rilfe in place and getting eye on scope and recycling fast seems a bit of a task? Also the rising trajectory as the Limo proceeded would make each shot harder as he'd have to crouch down more for each shot?

    I can see that the bore at muzzle end is centered. The barrel itself is step tapered(?) to other end.

    Exactly where the centre of bore is at this end I'm not sure of.

    The strike pin is centered in the body of the bolt assembly, and presumably the tip of the pin is centered on the bore.

    The precise location of the centre of the strike pin at the rear of the bolt assembly when mounted is hard to see on the photo. It seems to me it may not be where it seems at first glance.

    There is a faint indication that the top edge of the bolt is at a, and this would place the c/l at b. Does this look right?



    I got lost somewhere along this "center-of-bore" thesis. With most rifles the "firing pin" is centered upon the centerline of the rifle barrel; save for "rimfire' actions [.22 cal. rifles/pistols especially are NOT] -- and even most "rolling-block" rifles, such as the 45-70 cal. Dutch rifle I purchased at 12 years of age. [That rifle was almost "taller" than me, plus it had a short-saber bayonette which was almost 3 feet long to boot. The 45-70 rounds had lead slugs with solid brass cartridge cases, and were the size associated with "Elephant Guns"!! Wow! It was really some kick from the recoil !!]

    The firing pin is engineered to "center-strike" the primer cap, which in turn ignites the powder in the cartridge case. Properly loaded with "x" number of grains of powder, combined with the weight of the bullet [measured in grains also]; most of the powder will be burned before the bullet leaves the crimped front of the "hull". Thereafter, even more powder is burned before the bullet leaves the muzzle of the weapon.

    Since bullet loads were never an exact science from muzzle-loading musket/long-rifle days to the pre-WWI era, as you can see in hundreds of the yearly re-enactments [with safer modern replicas]; the shooter is temporarily [if windy] enclosed within a blinding cloud of smoke -- ergo, the need for smokeless powder.

    The very first consideration for smokeless powder was NOT concealment of the shooter, but to "unblind" him for repeated shots, especially with the emergence of the lever action Henry, Winchester, etc. rifles and carbines. One of the first issue bolt action rifles [Army/Navy/Marines/Balloonists] was the side-loading Krag-Jorgenson .30 cal.; and was carried to Cuba during 1898. Next official issue of course was the "03" Springfield with a Mauser "type" bolt action, and in "30-06" calibre.

    The firing pin in the MC [as is the case in some other rifles] is not directly centered within the bolt, and this is due to lugs and cams protruding outside of the body of the bolt.

    The only thing I know is that, with metalurgical frailties, an MC shooter could easily end up wearing the thin cylindrical firing pin as an eyeball ornament -- similar to the toothpick through the cherry mode !!

    Returning to the now famous "dent/groove" in the "allegedly" recovered "hull" on the 6th Floor. First, these casings were NOT factory manufactured rounds [as has been mistakenly believed by Russo, and hundreds of others -- both LNers & CTs]; but instead were "hand-reloads", made from 7 mm brass-coated "hulls".

    Should one fire a "grooved" [fully loaded live round] casing, the heat would either expand the groove and remove the deep impression, or, and most often: the cheap brass would explode at this weak point, expand inside the chamber, be jammed enough that the extractor would strip brass, leaving the weapon in an unfirable state.

    In order to fit the MC chamber, said hulls had to be "chopped & re-throated" before being loaded with fresh powder and new [or used!!] bullets -- "slugs" usually means lead bullets as used in revolvers, shotguns, and few rifles. That Winchester/Remington or Western fabricated a large number of "original grade" rounds which would fit the MC is total horsexxxx, as the weapon was considered to be extremely dangerous.

    [Fidel was incensed that a large number of MC [sans ammunition] "carbines" took up valuble space on the 1958 (Costa Rica to Manzanillo) C-46 flight piloted by Guillermo Verdaguer]

    One of Rolando Masferrer's Miami trainees lost an eye [1962] to a defective MC, one of the 132 he then owned. Moreover, the secondary problem was that a shooter needed "face" protection from the still burning powder spewing forth from the extracted/ejected spent hull -- as it spun, twisted and turned over your face and right shoulder. Plastic shooting glasses [yellow lens] were pitted from burning powder residues. So you wonder, not about the LHO absence of "positive parafin test results" -- but more importantly is: where are the burn marks on his face, which are ALWAYS the result of MC firing, and especially with old ammo which has been degraded by moisture and thus guarantees that at least a third of the powder remains unburnt, as it spins spewing forth very hot gases and powder residue upon the shooter's faces and hair !!

    Note also, that during 1963, LHO [who was only trained in auto-loaders, not bolt action rifles] had an excellent opportunity to purchase a surplus M-1 Garand [the very rifle he trained on in the Marines] for slightly more than double the cost of an MC "p.o.s."!! Moreover, it still today breaks down into a smaller package than the alleged LHO MC; and most important: giving him a full 8 round clip which he was trained to expend in rapid fire, while maintaining target aquisition. [a proper leather sling tension insures that no matter how violent/rapid the firing is, the "sight-picture" quickly returns to the aquired position automatically]

    For about $12 more, LHO could have purchase my all time favorite, the Brit Enfield SMLE "Jungle Carbine".

    "Fastest-bolt-action-in-the-West" [10 round magazine. 303 calibre] -- the Royal Marines of #41 * Commando routinely beat us Marines at annual competition !! "Blee-dat Mo-Fo!!" Bolt actions winning over semi-auto M-1s and M-14s ??!! We always bitched because the Brit firing course meant emptying upon your target, then runninbg forward to the next shorter firing distance position -- even while troops on each side might still be live-firing. USMC "Range-Safety Officers" absolutely forbade us running forward until the "all-clear-on-the-firing-line" order was given.

    My first Op back into Cuba was with Menoyo's 2nd Front folks, accompanying former Rebel Army Captains Roger Redondo, Rafael Huguett [plus 4 CIA sponsored pre-BOP infiltrators], et al. -- and Roger chose my SMLE "jungle Carbine" [with its cool flash-hider] as his primary weapon; Rafael chose my MP-40 Schmeisser" burp-gun; while I opted for the M-1 Garand grenades, 2 canteens, 10 8-round .30-06 clips in a WWII/Korea ammo belt -- along with 4 cloth "bandoleers" across my chest Pancho Villa style. [about 300 rounds of ammo counting clips on the sling and shoulder harness]

    [i had the intent of "reaching-out-and-touching-someone" at maximum M-1 range, that is: before the "hostiles" got with 1,000 yards of us]

    With the SMLE "Jungle Carbine", even LHO could have expended the full .303 calibre magazine in under 10 seconds, and it would have sounded like machine-gun fire to boot !! [and absolutely NO need for a useless scope]

    What amazes me [with Russo and others] is that nobody to date has come up with a reasonable senario of LHO's "plan" [if any, and if NOT -- Why??!!]; with the major deficiencies as follows:

    [1] LHO "spontaneously" decides to "off" JFK because Marina wouldn't give him any pussy the night before !! Yeah -- right on;

    [2] His fails to take the easy [& preferred by experts] "head-on" shot before the "J/Canoe" turns in front of the TSBD;

    [3] He opts not to "shoot-it-out" [and "shaheed" himself as a martyr]; but yet carries the MC all of the way across the crowded floor to "hide" it near the rear stairwell/elevator area;

    [4] LHO allegedly then humps down the wooden staircase [a-la Dan Rather in his CBS cover-up], walks out of the building -- catches a bus to the Viaduct, taxi-cabs to his "safe-house" for what ?? Oh ! To pick up his alleged snub-nosed .38, and a jacket; and,

    [5] Thereupon allegedly encounters JDT and blows him away. [even Jim Leavelle told me in Dallas that had Tippit searched LHO and found a gun -- it was NO BIG DEAL for everybody to be "packin' Heat' (His term), and any Texican would have fully expected to be sent-upon-his-way [except that "packin'" was illegal in Bars].

    Kinda reminds me of the scene in the Kostner flick "The Untouchables" -- wherein Sean Connery's character [just before he is murdered by the "Frank Nitti" character] encounters a "knife-wielding" assassin inside his apartment, and states: "....Just like a dumb-xxxx Dago...you bring a knife to a gun fight...!!"

    Well, we are expected to beleive that LHO rushed off to the "gun fight" sans his .38 calibre revolver; and he wasn't even Italian !!

    This insult to ALL Marines was "spoofed" by former USMC 'nam vet/ D.I. at P.I. now actor R. Lee Ermey

    [who played the typical GPH foul-mouthed Drill Instructor in "Full Metal Jacket"] when he lectured his recruits as to the well-earned pride in marksmanship expected of all Marines. "...And that guy on the Texas (Univ. of TX-Austin) "Tower"....he took out targets with most every shot he made...and WHY girls ?? "Sir...Because he was a well trained Marine..Sir !! -- "...And who was it that got off every necessary shot in Dallas...even a final head-shot..girls??" "Sir...that was Lee Harvey Oswald...and he was a well trained Marine...Sir!!"

    Biscuits & Gravy,



  5. I believe that the bore in a rifle barrel is concentric with the barrel. I'm not sure, but I believe that this is so that there are no "hot spots"where the metal is thinner and more prone to damage or fatigue after firing multiple rounds. I have seen barrels that taper from the breech to the muzzle, but they usually exhibit a uniform thickness at a particular circumference...exceptions being for mounting lugs and such.

    To further clarify, compensation for the upward part of the trajectory is accomplished by raising the rear sight, or the rear portion of the scope, slightly. [Most modern scopes have adjustments for windage and elevation on the scopes themselves, but that's a separate issue.] But the barrel itself is mounted "straight", and it's the sight that is adjusted to compensate.

    Beyond this point, you're pushing the limits of my firearms knowledge.


    The "thicker" barrel at the chamber end serves multiple purposes.

    1. Of course, this allows for the machining down of the breech end of the barrel for threads which thus allow the barrel to be screwed into the receiver/frame of the weapon, and still maintain barrel integrity.

    2. The "chamber pressure" is greatest at the breech end where initial ignition of the propellant must create the chamber pressure necessary to begin to drive the bullet/projectile forward into the rifling of the weapon.

    Once the projectile begins movement, chamber and barrel pressure begin to decrease with the advancing movement of the projectile.

    Barrel thickness/outside diamater must also contain the functional co-efficient for adequate cooling of the metal between rounds fired at the maximum sustained rate of fire for the weapon.

    All of which is based upon the grade/type, strength, expansion, contraction, and heat dissipation capability of the specific steel utilized in manufacture.




    If I might add: When we finished the shooting of "JFK", Hargraves and I went over to Frederick, MD to once again visit with Harold Weisberg. He had a somewhat different version of the M/Carcano in his "Office", and this one didn't have a scope attached. After getting past his disagreements with Oliver Stone, I went into the fact that our movie armorer had to cut the very strong bolt spring in half, in order that Gary Oldman, Kostner, and Sanders might work the action rapidly.

    This seemed to astound him, and I looked at his wife -- seeking a response if we were over-taxing his waning energies -- but she nodded OK. I further explained to Harold that said mainspring is so strong that, with the action cocking upon opening the bolt [as opposed to the British SMLE Enfield, which cocks upon bolt closing, making it one of the fastest bolt actions made] causes the shoulder stock to be rotated out of the shoulder position. This Mauser type action, though much more fluid in the Wehrmacht's "Kar-98" in use throughout WWII, on rare occasions required use of the sling -- especially for 1,000 metre shots.

    The Japanese Arisaka "Meiji-38" used the "Mauser" straight shank [WWI issue] bolt, and it too would sometimes cause the weapon to be pulled from the shoulder. So, Harold said: "....What you are telling me is that LHO would have had to return the shoulder-stock back into his shoulder the first time he reloaded...and this would cause how much interval between shots...?" I told him that Stone had sent the whole crew down to the rifle range the first week in Dallas, where we fired live rounds in a dozen different models/brands of rifles and carbines. Everybody lost the shoulder seating upon "cranking", and this required more time to reacquire the target using the scope. So we switched to not using the scope, and instead used the "iron-sights" -- but, without a "PROPER" leather sling, shoulder seat was lost every time.

    Further, I explained that in order to aquire/re-aquire a target with the alleged LHO scope, the shooter's eye had to be within a half inch of the rear of the scope; thus due to heavy recoil: the shooter gets a "black eye" !!

    Moreover, I mentioned that when Stone had rented the "6th Floor Museum" for 3 hours of our use, I had pointed out to Bob Groden that: with the bottom of the window-sill just 7+ inches above the floor, that a shooter [with LHO's upper torso measurements] would have great difficulty "hunching-down" so as to shoot through the window -- which only opened to the half-way point. I further pointed out that the FBI re-enactment photos show that the man holding the rifle is practically a midget, which you can verify with comparative measurement of the M/Carcano versus his upper torso.

    BTW: A Silencer/Suppresor will leak smoke even after the first shot, due to an accumulation of gases within the tube, which acts to both give more accuracy & range [more burning of powder] and reduces the noise level.

    Rice Krispies !!



    Gerry, right to the heart of the matter.

    Would one assume that Oswald was aware of this stock shift? Is it something that comes with experience with a particular gun. Does the habit of someone as stated in evidence 'buried the gun near walkers place to retrieve later' indicate a knowledge of guns. How delicate exactly are sights. How 'lucky' was the seemingly perfect head shot? Is the pipe in the way for a comfortable shot?


    Groden went "slack-jawed" and turned away from the "6th Floor" so-called sniper's nest, and went to look out on Dealey Plaza. I was just about to inform our "Official Project Camelot BRIEFER" that a right-hand shot towards the "kill-zone" was IMPOSSIBLE due to the vent-pipe's intrusive location. A left handed shooter would have needed to completely remove the weapon from his left shoulder just to crank the bolt handle. Obviously, Groden didn't take to listening to matters beyond his ken, which might have resulted in his having to ask some (seemingly) VERY stupid and amateurish questions -- in public NO LESS !!

    [However, that didn't stop Groden from forgetting to mention to Oliver [across the room at the time] that I would recommend loud music as the motorcade races for Parkland -- Judy Collins singing "Amazing Grace".

    He DID remember to mention it to the employers on the Jack Ruby film -- beautiful song, even for an atheist such as I.

    Visualize where the fully opened bolt lays [necessary to feed another round out of the magazine]; and then wrap LHO's front teeth around the middle of the bolt; that is: if he attempted to "crank" a fresh round into the chamber whilst holding his eye to the scope. Ridiculously apparent to any proffessional shooter.

    I first purchased a M/Carcano at 11 years of age -- it was the 6.5 mm "Cadet Carbine" with folding "spike" bayonette. No scope, just "iron sights". As with the alleged LHO MC, the rear aperture sight and the front blade sight are immovable [and un-adjustable for elevation or windage]. First to go on MY "guinea/wop toy", metal fatigue caused failure in the rear bolt assembly, just as was predicted to me by the hardware store owner who refused me any of the out-dated "Japanese" [Arisaka] 6.5 mm and 7.7 mm ammunition. "...This piece-of-xxxx" will blow up in your face...you stupid oversized punk !!" [i traded a Sailor for an Arisaka [plus hooked bayonette], but was never able to get "safe" ammo for my 7.7 mm Navy Model.

    A real scope, as opposed to the "cheapo/worthless" P.O.S. farce in the WC exhibits, has either a "T" or a "X-Hairs" painted or engraved on the lens. Moreover, a useful scope has both windage and elevation "ticks" which allow the user to "lead" the moving target [and adjust for wind, mirage, light, etc.] and vertical plane ticks so as to compute in elevation necessary for the range [distance to the target].

    Even with an adjustable scope, a shooter must first "bore-sight" the rifle in order to align the bore with the scope "sight-picture". My last tour at the National Matches, Camp Perry, Ohio -- was during the Summer of 1965. I had been issued an M-14 semi-auto U.S. Rifle [NATO calibre - .308 / 7.62 mm] with "Nat'l Match" Heavy Barrel and fibre-glass bedded stock/barrel/frame. My fellow team members became aggravated when I scored in the "low-masters" rather than the "high-expert" range. This meant that further competetion by me would be against "high-masters"; in other words the best in the country, both civilian and military.

    My last rotation was as a competitor for the "President's 100", was on the 1,000 yard firing line. I had adjustable [1 minute clicks of windage & elevation] "iron sights", while many on the line had expensive bolt-actions with scopes. We all have "spotter scopes", and at 1,000 yards, that is the last time you will physically "see" the target. You can make out the "number board" next to the target frame, and that is what you "zero-in" on -- making large windage and elevation adjustments in order to move the bore in line with the "V-Ring" of the distant target. Your sling has to be so tight that no pulse is transmitted to the forearm,

    else your wrist-pulse can throw the strike of the bullet off as much as 6 inches !!

    I missed the Prez-100 shoulder patch and trophy by one "V" -- Boo-Hoo.

    Back to the MC. First thing that you learn is that "dry-firing" without a plug or bullet in the powderless cartridge case results in: A severe dent in the throat of said "hull" as it strikes the none-grooved face of the chamber. Big drawback on dry-firing the MC: The magazine follower [lever which pushes upward on the bullets in the magazine] quickly wears a "groove" in the body of both loaded and powderless cartridges; which insures that they can never be reloaded with fresh powder and bullet. Both evidenced in the WC exhibits.

    So, somebody foolishly claimed that LHO had used an empty [expended] cartridge case as his bottom-most round [of a 6 round full?? clip !!]; and moreover, this impossible to chamber casing was chambered, extracted and ejected from said MC. Outrageous horsexxxx!! Take that from this wannabe competetive shooter and later sniper. BTW, Col. Wm. Craig Roberts has been a close friend for years. I competed against Hathcock [and a few others] long after leaving the Marines for the Green Berets; however, gunsmithing always mystified me -- seems that it takes more patience than I ever had.

    So, now we know that LHO NEVER "dry-fired" his alleged MC; that is: unless he enjoyed black eyes and a toothless mouth. Check with any other purchasers of Jap-scoped MCs, if it didn't go immediately to hooks on the den wall, then the dumbass rookies paid dearly in both eyes and teeth !!

    Grits !!



  6. What do you make of the claim made by William Torbitt (David Copeland) in Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal (1970) that J. Edgar Hoover and Louis M. Bloomfield planned the execution of Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy? He names Albert Osborne (John Howard Bowen) as the man who organized these two assassinations.



    If it ain't in one of Khazar Weberman's "Nodu-Rhoids", It is absolutely NOT worth reading or regurgitating !!

    Because it is very apparent that several seemingly autonomous entities raised funds, recruited teams, and thereafter were heavy into "taking somebody out"; doesn't necessarily prove that any of them actually "did-the-deed"!!

    Espaillat, REJ, et al. either scammed or later extorted monies from Madame Nhu [her first name, not surname]; the Ramfis T., J.A.G., "Papa Doc" et al. cabal; and others yet unmentioned -- or the "Operators'" statements as to the "shaped-charge" car bomb are reall. Other miscreants made "admissions-against- interest" [inculpatory] years later while working for the Colombia/Bolivia/Peru drug cartels, and/or seeking re-employment with the "Death-Squads" in Central America & Mexico. Mario Sandoval Alarcon had direct contact [1970s] with one of the Corsicans [union Corse] who had "feet-on-the-ground in Venezuela [November 1960] for the Trujillo sponsored car bomb assassination attempt against Romulo Betancourt. Had Mario ever found ANY operators short of bona fides, they would have been ultimately ground into the dirt by a D-8 Bulldozer, that is: after begging for a merciful bullet in the head for endless days !!

    Marcello was sucked in by Jack Dragna, Cohen, the Cellini brothers, et al. -- and upon discovering the scam, whined to Garrison to get the heat off of him, which started the whole "Big Jim-and-the-Katzenjammer-Kids" carnival road show to begin with. It is guaranteed that Clay Shaw, et al. were "conspiring" to assassinate somebody [multiple state & federal felony violations]; but that someone was Fidel, and McClaney & Company were calling the shots from "jump-street". [All purportedly at the behest of RFK]

    Hoffa was "agent provacateured" into a simultaneous scam, and as anticipated; the Teamsters Pension Fund shrunk in the same measure as the blackmailers' later demands. Ooops, I forgot: Yadda, Yadda, Yadda !!

    [Hey it ain't my fault the snitching sweet sisters names aren't to be found in any book index, or movie credit titles, nor any "peer-review" type articles or treatises. Boo Hoo, to the widdle goils, and they DO SO WANT to be "FAMOUS" now don't they??!! So, they are left to snivel & whine, heckle & nag, and submit absolutely nothing factual or "new", and can't even cite to the scribbler's tomes they so voraciously ingest. Book readers to the extreme, get a life !! And as "Granny Cajun" says: "....Get that thing outa yer mouth...Y'all don't know where its been.."]

    My biggest "Turn-off" with Pepper: His reckless naming of my unit [20th Special Forces Group (Airborne)] as having somehow played a major part in the MLK, Jr. murder. It was bad enough that King was in Memphis to support an A.F.S.C.M.E. union strike, while I was an A.F.S.C.M.E. local union president in Los Angeles at the same time.

    What some of these otherwise "respectable?" scribblers will stoop to, never ceases to amaze !!

    Post Toasties,



  7. I believe that the bore in a rifle barrel is concentric with the barrel. I'm not sure, but I believe that this is so that there are no "hot spots"where the metal is thinner and more prone to damage or fatigue after firing multiple rounds. I have seen barrels that taper from the breech to the muzzle, but they usually exhibit a uniform thickness at a particular circumference...exceptions being for mounting lugs and such.

    To further clarify, compensation for the upward part of the trajectory is accomplished by raising the rear sight, or the rear portion of the scope, slightly. [Most modern scopes have adjustments for windage and elevation on the scopes themselves, but that's a separate issue.] But the barrel itself is mounted "straight", and it's the sight that is adjusted to compensate.

    Beyond this point, you're pushing the limits of my firearms knowledge.


    The "thicker" barrel at the chamber end serves multiple purposes.

    1. Of course, this allows for the machining down of the breech end of the barrel for threads which thus allow the barrel to be screwed into the receiver/frame of the weapon, and still maintain barrel integrity.

    2. The "chamber pressure" is greatest at the breech end where initial ignition of the propellant must create the chamber pressure necessary to begin to drive the bullet/projectile forward into the rifling of the weapon.

    Once the projectile begins movement, chamber and barrel pressure begin to decrease with the advancing movement of the projectile.

    Barrel thickness/outside diamater must also contain the functional co-efficient for adequate cooling of the metal between rounds fired at the maximum sustained rate of fire for the weapon.

    All of which is based upon the grade/type, strength, expansion, contraction, and heat dissipation capability of the specific steel utilized in manufacture.




    If I might add: When we finished the shooting of "JFK", Hargraves and I went over to Frederick, MD to once again visit with Harold Weisberg. He had a somewhat different version of the M/Carcano in his "Office", and this one didn't have a scope attached. After getting past his disagreements with Oliver Stone, I went into the fact that our movie armorer had to cut the very strong bolt spring in half, in order that Gary Oldman, Kostner, and Sanders might work the action rapidly.

    This seemed to astound him, and I looked at his wife -- seeking a response if we were over-taxing his waning energies -- but she nodded OK. I further explained to Harold that said mainspring is so strong that, with the action cocking upon opening the bolt [as opposed to the British SMLE Enfield, which cocks upon bolt closing, making it one of the fastest bolt actions made] causes the shoulder stock to be rotated out of the shoulder position. This Mauser type action, though much more fluid in the Wehrmacht's "Kar-98" in use throughout WWII, on rare occasions required use of the sling -- especially for 1,000 metre shots.

    The Japanese Arisaka "Meiji-38" used the "Mauser" straight shank [WWI issue] bolt, and it too would sometimes cause the weapon to be pulled from the shoulder. So, Harold said: "....What you are telling me is that LHO would have had to return the shoulder-stock back into his shoulder the first time he reloaded...and this would cause how much interval between shots...?" I told him that Stone had sent the whole crew down to the rifle range the first week in Dallas, where we fired live rounds in a dozen different models/brands of rifles and carbines. Everybody lost the shoulder seating upon "cranking", and this required more time to reacquire the target using the scope. So we switched to not using the scope, and instead used the "iron-sights" -- but, without a "PROPER" leather sling, shoulder seat was lost every time.

    Further, I explained that in order to aquire/re-aquire a target with the alleged LHO scope, the shooter's eye had to be within a half inch of the rear of the scope; thus due to heavy recoil: the shooter gets a "black eye" !!

    Moreover, I mentioned that when Stone had rented the "6th Floor Museum" for 3 hours of our use, I had pointed out to Bob Groden that: with the bottom of the window-sill just 7+ inches above the floor, that a shooter [with LHO's upper torso measurements] would have great difficulty "hunching-down" so as to shoot through the window -- which only opened to the half-way point. I further pointed out that the FBI re-enactment photos show that the man holding the rifle is practically a midget, which you can verify with comparative measurement of the M/Carcano versus his upper torso.

    BTW: A Silencer/Suppresor will leak smoke even after the first shot, due to an accumulation of gases within the tube, which acts to both give more accuracy & range [more burning of powder] and reduces the noise level.

    Rice Krispies !!



  8. John,

    Because of the Wilson/Palme affair, I have been thinking a lot about Phil Agee, who was recruited out of Notre Dame by the CIA, and who, I believe, is responsible for the law that make it a crime to knowingly reveal the identity of a CIA agent.

    Agee identified not only the agents he knew and worked with, or knew about - like LICOVY3 of Mexico City, a double agent American student from Philadelphia who is suspected by some of being the student "Steve" or "Ed" Keenan who rode Oswald around Mexico City on the back of his motorbike, but others as well. After the agents he exposed were taken out of the field, and the networks he exposed disassembled, he came out with another book that also exposed many agents, though not Welsh - the one he is accused of exposing who was then murdered.

    Upon investigation, it was discovered that when replaced, the new CIA agents in embassies abroad merely took over the same offices and phone numbers as their predecessors, so it was no problem for Agee to out their replacements as well.

    Agee is still alive, I believe, and his take on the Wilson/Palme affair would be interesting.



    Phil runs a travel agency in Havana, and pray tell I wouldn't want to cause any difficulties, BUT:

    His "Company Diary" fails to include ANY entries for November, 1963. Has he corrected that mistake in later published materials.

    I for one am still anxious to hear his immediate reactions to the "Crime-of-the-Century", and moreover, where was he when he got the sad news.




  9. To Those unfamiliar with the Bay of Pigs fiasco, The CIA code named it Operation Zapata and I believe that I can prove that G.H.W. Bush and Edwin Pauley (Chairman of the Democratic Party of California) were running a front corporation in Mexico City with Pemex. Both were friends with Lee Harvey Oswald's closest friend GEORGE DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Whom I have dedicated the past 13 years and over 200 K on his life and CIA/oil ties, connections to the rich, famous and to Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Please visit website http://ciajfk.com/home4.html

    Bruce Campbell Adamson



    The most common cryptonym used in CIA cables, Memos, and the Inspector General report with reference to the Bay of Pigs Project is JM/ATE. In other declassified documents, the cryptos for more of the pre-Bay of Pigs project bases were identified as JM/TIDE, JM/TRAX, etc.; and many more are found in recently declassified documents.

    The phony "Operation Zapata" title was fronted by a leak to a newshound from a bottom feeder in the FBI. Now, don't you think that giving a code-name such as "Zapata" pre-BOP would be kind of stupid, especially considering that the Zapata Swamps landing sites were substituted for the Trinidad/Casilda beachheads, only at the last minute. So what did they call it before March 1961, "Operation Trinidad"??!! Get real.

    "Pluto" is another phony reference, in fact since it had already been used during the pre-Normandy landings of WWII, it would never again be used. [see: "Pipeline-Under-The-Ocean" = PLUTO]

    Firstly, the CIA has always prefered the "less-Hollywood" words, such as "Projects", Task-Force", etc. -- and moreover, the "slash" after the digraph indicates a project, entity, team, etc.; and was used only on the "7th Floor" at Langley. However, the Church Committee received so many "7th Floor" documents that they opted to include the slash in the final printing of their report. Lansdale had asked his secretary to select a none giveaway digraph for the post-BOP Ops; and he agreed upon Thailand, which was "MO"; thus his inclination to crypto said project as MO/ONGOOSE. Others were MO/SQUITO, MO/ONRISE, etc. !!

    Once again, it was after the RFK, Max Taylor, et al. "Green Committe" report, that some wonk in another agency later captioned it with the [so velly sexy] "Operation Zapata"!!

    Puffed Rice ["Shot-from-Guns"],



  10. Compare how we handled Batista, when Earl Smith essentially ordered him out of Cuba. I suspect we had the same power we could have told Trujillo he no longer could count on US support for his wicked regime.

    After Trujillo tried to kill Betancourt of Venezuela, the OAS ostracized the Dominican Republic and looked to the U.S. to set an example. After all, we were angling for OAS support for the overthrow of Castro, since he was purportedly exporting terrorism, and a right wing exporter should deserve no less. And so the U.S. cut the Dominican's sugar quota and basically cut off ties, which had the same effect it had on Castro--it drove Trujillo closer to the Soviets. I can't remember where but I've seen several sources that assert Trujillo, the strongest and craziest anti-Communist in the hemisphere, was playing footsie with the Soviets by early 61, thereby writing his own death warrant.


    Colonel Arturo Espaillat [self-styled General] was permitted to sneak inside Cuba during February, 1961. Trujillo's "secret emissary" offered a "non-aggression compact" between Fidel & "El Generalissimo". Trujillo had arranged for the sale of his sugar through "cut-outs" long before RFK/JFK got pissed at him; and to sweeten the deal he offered:

    [1] Inside Intel on the BOP plans, which he tasked Robt. E. Johnson to gather from Somoza & Ydigaras Fuentes;

    [2] The return of millions of the old Batista pesos, which trujillo had confiscated, thus protecting the peso's mark-up with the Dollar;

    [3] The guarantee of all POL supplies needed by Fidel, especially the spare parts and lubricants for the sugar mills;

    [4] An unlimited supply of US greenbacks as commissions for the sugar, tobacco, etc. exports via Santo Domingo [Gringos called it the DomRep, Cubans called it Santo Domingo, which is the Capital City now, replacing the obnoxius "Ciudad Trujillo"];

    [5] Fighter & bomber aircraft [some Hawker-Hunter Jets] in support of the FAR against the BA2506 at the BOP; and;

    [6] Intel [ELINT, HUMINT, and SIGINT] alerts if the US escort task force transited south of the D.R.

    This was just enough for RFK's group to make a deal with Marcello to supervise the take-down of the Afro/Mestizo dictator. After the "Little Man" meandered as a lost soul through Guatemala sufficiently enough, and upon finally reaching the airport at La Ceiba, Honduras -- he was picked up by Dave Ferrie and flown to a Gulf & Western cane-field airport in eastern Santo Domingo. The charade continued until Marcello whined to Garrison that the Cellini's [or their cohorts] were blackmailing him as having assisted in the JFK hit -- which is what started "Big Jim;'s" quijotic" quest in the first place !!

    Quaker Oats,



  11. So, Gerry, what was Espaillat's relationship with Maheu? Since they are believed to have teamed up on the Galindez kidnapping, would it be wrong to think they may have teamed up once again on the Kennedy assassination, what with Maheu's mob and CIA contacts, and an unlimited bankroll from Hughes?



    I first met Maheu at Aureliano Sanchez Arango's home pre-BOP. I immediately classified him as just another "mobbed-up Thug" [along with his two Tony Soprano-like buddies]. Aureliano's "AAA Movement" headquarters was situated on the ground-floor of Trafficante's "Flagler Street Bridge" building. [santo's brother lived in the top floor apartment.]

    During early 1962, Maheu attempted to instigate Espaillat's team to recruit one of our original InterPen members, who had returned to Montreal during late 1961. His name is Francois Schirm. He was a Hungary born "Kraut/Magyar", and served 6 years in the Legion Etrangere [French Foreign Legion]. He survived combat against the Soviets during the 1956 Buda & Pest uprisings. Lucky that he was wounded [Feb. 1954] at Dien Bien Phu's "Strongpoint Huguette", and was one of the last to be choppered out with me (16 years old) from "Strongpoint Annabelle" -- and thus missed capture, the Viet Minh death march and death-camps.

    He was later with the Legion's 1st Parachute Regiment in the "Battle of Algiers". When his officers opted to defy DeGaulle and side with the "Pied Noirs", he was forced to desert just before the 1er Regiment Parachutiste was abolished in disgrace. [Much like the phony crap the Canucks inflicted on their own Airborne Brigade -- "peace-sucking" ignorance of half a Century of heroism and sacrifice !!]

    Chef/Sgt. Francois joined the FLQ in Montreal [Front de Liberation du Quebec], and was wounded during a shootout in the attempted robbing of an armory. Johnson sent us a photo of him being carried out wounded on a stretcher. He was one of the top 3 "Felquiste" [FLQ] leaders, and commanded the ALQ commandos.

    He later did the longest prison term [14 years] meted out to FLQ shooters.

    Maheu joined with Espaillat, the RCMP "Security Service", Johnson, FBI Legats, et al. in the creation of the right-wing R.I.N. ["R'assemblent de Independence National] and stupidly thought that Schirm would come over to their side as a "hitter", or remain as an "agent-in-place".

    Mitrohkin debunked the forged G.R.U. "fable/cable" document alleging that the CIA admitted to creating the FLQ.

    Pay close attention -- I only know limited amounts of compartmentalized Intel, which JJA expounded upon in an extremely limited fashion -- such as when Francois or Espaillat become items of conversation over wine and "Mother's Orchids".

    I have NO evidence proving culpability of anyone !! But, the fact that the car-bomb wasn't VBIED'd means that: a commo controller ordered abatement, or the device was set as remotely detonated. The same signatures of this typed device showed up in the assassination of a German industrialist some years ago -- the fact that a "plastique/RDX platter charge" could thrust a virtual "torch" across 10 meters of roadway, and fry a vehicle's occupants with specificity. I worked for the "Cleveland 8" defense team during 1978, where C-4 IED "shaped charges were used to kill Irish mobster Danny Green, and later WerBell's previous co-defendant, teamster boss John Nardi.

    Mort Franklin claimed that the C-4 came from the Powder Springs "Farm". We got aquittals in the Cuyahoga County State court, but they were re-indicted during June 1982, convicted, and sent up xxxx-creek without a paddle -- save for Angelo Leonardo, who was "rolled", testified and caused the destruction of Licavoli's "Mayfield Road Gang". All of which opened the door to the takeover of the billion dollar Teamster pension fund by Jackie Presser, who later served on "Ronny-Raygun" Reagan's presidential transition team.

    However, a couple of his FBI stooges went to prison for him.

    November 22nd was NOT a very complicated contract -- and even Stone understood that autonomous teams were involved, albeit while possibly under centralized radio command.

    While Y'all focus on the RFK/LBJ/Hoover, et al. cover-up, you fail to grasp the simplicity of the plot itself. Someone was quoted as saying: "...invite (involve!!) the largest numbers of guestds to the Ball...so as to screen out the actions of the Orchestra..!!"

    As far as I am concerned, and with all due disrespect, Maheu was just another snitch bag-man like Johnson, except that REJ bagged Trujillo's bucks to Smathers & Cooley, et al. !!




  12. I posted a lengthy reply which took me an hour and somehow it disappeared into virtual space!

    Just means I need to put more thought and less emotion into my reply.

    Find it curious that John brags about his rudeness to me. I have never considered rudeness a sign of either a great intellect or of a gentleman.


    SHOCKING !! One of the Forum's renowned wannabe xxxxheads has been offended ??!! Seri-assly, Gratz -- you might follow John's instructions. Type the goddamn posting up first as an e-mail, and then copy and paste same while on-line for 37 seconds -- plus send the original as an e-mail to John or Andy as back-up. We sure wouldn't want to miss out on any serious neo-con rants now, would we ??

    Moreover, as far as that Winslow e-mail -- where "I stammered" during the 1996 Nov. in Dallas "set-up"!!

    They paid my way... but when they failed to preview the "panel" subject matter the night previous, I knew it was going to be a "sandbag-job". "Stammered-my-ass" -- I was livid, and pulled out my wallet and laid out a couple of $100 bills, inviting them to call the Nov. 18th 1963 MIA participants. Garman in Bowling Green, Dempsey in Kitchener, ONT. and others -- save for Whatley [then in Saudi], HKD [who wouldn't give out the time-of-day except to Oliver Stone in '91]; nor "Fat" Ralph G. Edens, and of course not the late Jim Lewis, Eddy Collins. Czukas may have blurted out, same with de Torres, as both had admitted their presence at the MI briefing on Sunday, and presence near Air Force One -- all to Epstein.

    Winslow confessed that it was "all theater" during coffee shortly thereafter. Winslow's prime JFK "sources" over the years ?? Marty Casey, who was NEVER in a training camp, and was invited by Davis on the Papa Doc" Palace bombing only as an afterthought And this after he had whined in a letter to judge "Smiling Clyde" C. Atkins that he believed it to be a "Company-approved Op" [which it was !!] "because he had met with WerBell at my "crib" earlier. How quickly he forgot that I went to our ex-private JBS lawyer, Robert Rust [by then appointed as MIA US Attorney by Nixon] and threatened to expose ALL if the guys got more than 90 days at a "Club-Fed Country Club -- Eglin Air Force Base FCI]. Plus I got my SF "First Sgt.", the Hialeah P.D. Jailer -- to arrange for phone calls and contact family visits before they were shipped-out !! [and NOT to the "max-pens" at Atlanta nor Lewisburg, which were their original destinations !!]

    Another Winslow insider source was Tony de la Cova, who, because he hung with Miami terrorists, was labled same.




  13. Finally: During the Russo interview with Angelo, I ordered my daughter to turn off the tape recorder when Angelo casually "blurted out" that "..When Benny and I were Monitoring Oswald.." -- I quickly advised that we were not going into that matter, that this was NOT on the agenda. The RFK R/V with Rothmann, no big deal. The BIG deal was the RFK meet on the "Surfside 6" houseboat, where RFK was warned that "these strangers" didn't smell right !! I advised Russo that I had spoken with the then owner [and 1st inventor of houseboats] of same and that he confirmed that during that timeframe, Larry King was running his radio show aboard the house-boat. I further advised him that King had overheard some interesting dialogue through his cracked door after RFK had left for McClaney's house on Pine Tree Drive.

    This is the same "Rags-to-Riches" Larry King who fled Miami in disgrace shortly thereafter for "kiting checks"; and defrauding Louis Wolfson out of monies purportedly transferred to Garrison. The same Larry King, who, standing outside the Federal Grand Jury Room [1977]; commented to a Deputy U.S. Marshall that: "...See the big guy there...Hemming...He is the prime suspect in the Kennedy murder...!!"

    Surprise !! That same Marshal had been a Green Beret with me, and had broken his ankle at Fort Benning Jump School [1964] -- and thus left me as the only member of our unit in that class. He immediately repeated same to me, which my brother had also overheard, but not being familiar with any aspect of the case -- couldn't figure what the hell King was ranting about.

    And inside knowledge doesn't spring one to the top of the heap quite dramatically? Naw, its just raw talent & "the breaks" ??!!

    Cheerios [the cereal]



    "WHAT ! Me Worry ?" -- Alfred E. Neumann, 1953

    So, does this mean Larry King was a witness to RFK's meet with Rothman? If so, why has he never discussed this?

    And why prevent Angelo from telling Russo about de Torres and Oswald? Were you holding on to this like a rare stamp, hoping this info would go up in value? Or were you concerned for your safety?

    Just trying to make sense of it all.


    "Rare Stamp !!" "Bullxxxx !!" I gave my stamp collection to my oldest daughter while ensconced in the VA hospital for 8 months, as I anticipated a somewhat dim outcome due to my afflictions.

    My extreme reluctance to join with Russo in the Jennings/ ("Coward-ass" Canuck warmonger who got us into Somalia !!), /Sy Hersh (Hero? of the My Lai "Pinkville-4" massacre expose') "Dark Side" castigations, caused me to set strict guidelines as to interview content. I sure as hell didn't want Russo going on to the others, Reboso, McClaney [and his aide "Steve"] prefacing his queries with: "...Well, both Angelo, Hemming, and AM/LASHs 6 thru 17 said that.....!!" [a-la AJW] -- and either turning them OFF, or worse, causing them to believe erroneously that said Intel was declassified at NARA.

    "Go up in VALUE?? -- to whom !!" Most insights will NEVER see the light of day, no matter what the offer.

    I have no clue as to whether "Rough House" Norm was at the Surfside-6 meet; as I never asked the two "Hickory Hill" RFK Cubans anything further on same. As far as I recall, the "multiple" R/Vs with Rothman were at his home on Star Island [in sight of Al Capone's winter palace] -- and the island is between mainland Miami and Miami Beach, and thus -- nowhere even near Collins Avenue..

    Larry King "discuss this??!!" He would be retired the same day !! Don't you understand the real world at all?? He is where he is at today because he DID NOT disclose "this"; you think he is stupid or something??

    Nor, does he have a "duty" to disclose [or enlighten] anything to anybody, and even if given immunity before a grand jury -- would seek the protections of the 5th Amendment -- and would gladly do a "Susan MacDougal" or a "Judy Miller" martyr routine; especially considering the very apparent [to HIM] risks; something that you will never face in your hindsight tabloid reading !!

    My brother recently nagged me about "speeding-up" my tape recordings, as without my "initial disclosure" of "highly classified Intel"; he will be left to write only about a limited number of our Ops after I have passed. Some of you people just don't get it !! If my family has limited knowledge of specific instances, why the hell should I blurt out a goddamn thing to total strangers ??

    Wise-up -- I have no NDAs hanging over my head, since I was never "on-the-books" with CIA, save for certain instances. And by-the-way: The "nasty-ass" CIA is prohibited by law from answering questions posed by anyone, any "Body", any entity, under any circumstances outside the NSC/Oval Office locale !! Some of that has been changed by the so-called P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act -- but don't hold your breath in anticipation that "The Company" might respond to "uncleared" busy-nobodies.

    Moreover, had there been a C/CI half as competent as Angleton during the 1980s thru 2001, there would have never been: a 9/11, a traitor Howard, a traitorous Walker Family USN spy-ring -- same goes for Ames, Hanssen, "Falcon & The Snowman", and especially those dozens of others who have been kept out of "the system", or quietly "cardiac'd/car wrecked", etc. -- the same moves that Fidel made inside Cuba with HIS "rogue-conspirators"; only he has thrown in a few aeroplane and helicopter crashes. Too bad the late SOV/General Lebed didn't heed the warning about avoiding excursions in delapidated Mi-8s !!

    Go ahead and do a Khazar with King, you know the routine: "...GPH says that you are a two-bit paper-hanger thief...and that you traded "insider info" to gain the "prestige??" and extreme wealth held currently....Larry, old chap...eh wot ??" Hell, Boris Pash did the same, and even got CIC "Op-ALSOS" staff/ sergeants installed as junior CEOs with "Fortune-500" corporations !!

    'Nuff said, ["personal safety my aching ass -- NOT likely -- especially when the likes of Chacon, Masferrer, "Benny", et al. considered me as the genuine "enfant terrible" -- and me just a home-loving wannabe-SOF nice-guy; shocking !!, it hurts SO !!]




  14. Harry, sorry to hear you were burned; I guess it's par for the course, from what I've been told.



    Hi Matt

    Burned is to be expected when one, 'for good reason' blabs after the resigning. The

    fear was that it might upset some ongoing intelligence operations if I became publically

    known. But I had to get out for 'urgent reasons', and did so. It was then a withering

    present and future for a time.

    In any case, thanks for your kind post.


    This post is addressed to Gerry Hemming. Gerry, I follow your posts very closely as you are a legendary figure in JFK lore, as well as being privy to matters that for the most part, the rest of us on the forum are "outsiders looking in," when it comes to the JFK assassination. Can you tell us anything concerning Michael and Ruth Paine and how they fit in to the real story of November 22, that has been heretofore unrevealed?


    "LEGENDARY ??!!" "...In my own mind buddy...or have you missed out on the snitch A/P rent-a-pig's rants ?

    Freddy Forsyth was our first & last move on the JFK matter; that is: until I dragged Hargraves away from Grady Partin in Baton Rouge [June 1967]; and got some deep insights into Garrison's REAL motives, moves, and strategies -- which I eventually reported to Charles Bartlett in Georgetown, who thereafter passed same on to RFK. [is Blakey blissfully unaware of this ??]

    I volunteered NO interviews, but answered Weisberg's very LIMITED inquiries [1967-1968]; and those of 2 other "Big Jim" investigators ?? Dick Billings came out during '68 to attempt an identification of the Mexico D.F. LHO !! -- and I simply told him that the dude "resembled" Capitan Johnny Mitchell Deveraux, as I was then sure as hell not about to mention "Saul Saggy"; especially since McDonald was still investigating him !!

    Aaron Kohn ["Rolling Stone"] came around during 1975 with some worthless B.S.; and this while I was "outing" John Adrian O'hare for "Bud" Fensterwald & Kennard Smith.

    Most likely James can't publish the other pics of O'hare because they are the property of LIFE, which did an interesting piece on O'hare, his young son and some Green Berets. O'hare had the same contact number as myself -- that is: when we needed a Navy aircraft [for SF & ANGLICO parachute jumps, and/or when we needed an H-3 "Sea King" helicopter for transporting our "InterPen" Everglades firefighters [1962] because the Bureau of Land Management couldn't seem to accomplish same.

    This same H-3 helicopter was parked behind "Air Force One" at MIA on 18 November 1963, and as we were leaving "in disgust" -- the Navy Commander called me over and joked as to "... we were still "fighting fires" in the "Glades". I remarked to him [Just before this H-3 transported JFK to Miami Beach] that they sure had a "ridiculous" (and un-authorized) US Army "Logo" painted on the tail -- and the "Squid" commander stated that they had been frequently tasked to fly the "AG" around Florida, and he didn't want a US Navy "Modex" on the bird !!

    A recently involved "author", who was constantly in my presence during ALL interviews, got some stuff wrong -- no doubt to either lack of shorthand abilities, a tape-recorder, or personal agenda -- was told about RFK having been exposed to LHO [by dossier or personally] at SGA "Isolation Sites Alpha or Bravo" [Chekika State Park now, was then called "Grossman's Hammock" -- pronounced "Rosamon Hamuk" by the "Hickory Hill" Cubans] and CIA communications/swimmer site on SW Avocado Drive -- about 2 miles from Homestead General Aviation Airport (NOT the USAF Base).

    Moreover, ALL personnel at these two sites were "Roadwatchers", NOT shooters -- and scheduled for insertion into Cuba, usually by the most convenient Mex/DF or Merida departure points.

    Recently, said author insisted that of, course, said sites should have been visited -- but forgot that there was gross insistence the prior interviewing of other personalities -- and ignoring the fact that they didn't want to talk about the past, much less be "interviewed"!! Family members [as in the case of Gloria Estefan] are very much chagrined that these elders refuse to discuss these matters, even within their households. It wasn't that long ago that Habana charged Estefan's father [bOP & 'nam vet] with being a terrorist, and that; many years after his demise !!

    I really never gave a rat's ass about the Paines or any of the other "White Russian Industrial Espionage Support Elements !!" This is the same type of entity which "sold" worm/trojaned software to the KGB, and caused the Trans-Siberian Gas Pipeline to "accidentally" explode in a mushroom cloud !!

    When I mentioned to Oliver Stone that Johnny Brewer's kin were CIA Marine (Ship) Surveyors in Miami, and working alongside Tom McCrory, Mike & Nick Zapetis, and Capt. Hans Gudda Milton -- he responded that: "...Naw...Johnny said to me personally that he was just a ("Al Bundy type ??") shoe salesman !!

    [NOTE: The GRU styled a face-time meet with an asset as a "Treff"; and most "Treffs" were held in shoe stores or libraries. Shoe stores, because physical contact could be made without arousing suspicion, even if the "courier" was totally "in-the-dark" and "muling it" -- and thus didn't realize that data was being transferred via the heels of said shoes !!]

    AND James, like this Norton dude stated "..What kind of nutball whacko is going to call up out of the blue and ask about somebody's relationship with LHO ??!!"

    You called Freddy Duran and questioned him about his 10/20 on November 22nd ??!! Why not do a Weberman and frame it thus: "...Hemming says that you were...??!!" When he did this with the former US Customs Miami Boss, Wallace D. Shanley -- he was loudly told to "Bugger off, Mate !!"

    Freddy is the former Florida State Chairman of the Democrat Party. He enlisted as a private in BA2506, even despite his wealth -- and has been booted out of the BA2506 [bOP Brigade] for engaging in "dialogue", visiting with Fidel & Company in Havana, and speaking on C-SPAN at The Brookings Institution. Damn right I know where he was and what he was leisurely doing that week, and I am not about to expose him to further phony DP pix personalities & vilification, and that despite the fact that we really never got along that well together.

    I would strongly recommend some changes in your "alleged" Op-Tilt [AM/TILT ??] picture gallery. Rolando Eugenio Marinez never left the SS REX when the weapons, ammo, and explosives were delivered to "Bayo's team on Great Inagua (Bahamas Outer Islands). [Y'all remember Eduardo Perez, given the "War Name" Bayo by Raul Castro ??!!] NONE of the other Watergate "patsies" were ever even near the REX, much less the H.K. Davis/Hemming maritime Op which was diverted by Pawley, John Perry, Martino, Weyl, et al.

    Speaking of Martino. The very first anti-Castro exile Cubans he ever met was through me. After I called him down about the "Tales of William Morgan" crap [He was never in La Cabana Fortress, much less "Gallery 14" -- he was always imprisoned only at "El Principe", across the harbor. He was stunned when I confronted him with former Principe Captain/Jailer Luis Castillo [one of "Bayo's" guys] -- and was reminded that Luis was the one who finally brought him his shoes for his terribly suffering feet !!

    When Twyman asked my ex-wife the same crap, she was restrained from slugging both he and Fonzi by my large daughter. To this day I am forbidden to have Twyman's tome on my bookshelf, so I keep it inside its shipping box.

    Why does everybody, including Nigel Turner, et al. go catatonic when I state that NOT ONE US Customs document has ever been released, even to NARA ??!! OH! OH! -- I mispeak, Greg Burnham sent me 4 pages of Customs/INS pages -- they covered 1914 and 1916 !! So much for the one agency that did ALL of the Cuban Intel, and employed the majority of the JM/WAVE folks.

    Finally: During the Russo interview with Angelo, I ordered my daughter to turn off the tape recorder when Angelo casually "blurted out" that "..When Benny and I were Monitoring Oswald.." -- I quickly advised that we were not going into that matter, that this was NOT on the agenda. The RFK R/V with Rothmann, no big deal. The BIG deal was the RFK meet on the "Surfside 6" houseboat, where RFK was warned that "these strangers" didn't smell right !! I advised Russo that I had spoken with the then owner [and 1st inventor of houseboats] of same and that he confirmed that during that timeframe, Larry King was running his radio show aboard the house-boat. I further advised him that King had overheard some interesting dialogue through his cracked door after RFK had left for McClaney's house on Pine Tree Drive.

    This is the same "Rags-to-Riches" Larry King who fled Miami in disgrace shortly thereafter for "kiting checks"; and defrauding Louis Wolfson out of monies purportedly transferred to Garrison. The same Larry King, who, standing outside the Federal Grand Jury Room [1977]; commented to a Deputy U.S. Marshall that: "...See the big guy there...Hemming...He is the prime suspect in the Kennedy murder...!!"

    Surprise !! That same Marshal had been a Green Beret with me, and had broken his ankle at Fort Benning Jump School [1964] -- and thus left me as the only member of our unit in that class. He immediately repeated same to me, which my brother had also overheard, but not being familiar with any aspect of the case -- couldn't figure what the hell King was ranting about.

    And inside knowledge doesn't spring one to the top of the heap quite dramatically? Naw, its just raw talent & "the breaks" ??!!

    Cheerios [the cereal]



    "WHAT ! Me Worry ?" -- Alfred E. Neumann, 1953

  15. The play refered to in the previous post is based on the book "The Feast of the Goat" by noted Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa. Below is an excerpt from the New York Times Book Review of the book (the passage relating to Abbes Garcia):

    Assisting Trujillo is a cast of zombies that the author must have given himself nightmares raising from the crypt. By alternating fatherly affection with calculated silences, the dictator fosters a chronic, low-level panic among his spiritually gelded lackeys. The scariest is Col. Johnny Abbes Garcia, the Goat's intelligence chief, who dabbles in Rosicrucian hocus-pocus and claims to be able to read his victims' auras even as he burns them with lighted cigarettes and jolts them with voltage from an electric chair. Abbes Garcia is an archdemon of great refinement, a connoisseur of terror who prides himself on killing within a budget and on schedule. His henchmen scoot about the capital city in identical black Volkswagen Beetles -- a touch of macabre, comic genius. For Vargas Llosa, Abbes Garcia is the dictator's perfect psychic instrument, an externalized id. The pair's sinister duets, shot through with the uneasy familiarity of shrunken host and swollen parasite, are some of the book's most vivid, troubling scenes.

    And consider this passage from the Wikipedia entry on "The Feat of the Goat":

    Vargas Llosa dedicates a large portion of the novel to narrating the eventual sad fates of Trujillo's assassins. Principal among these stories is that of the ex-Secretary of the Armed Forces José René "Pupo" Román, who had a minor role in the conspiracy to kill the dictator. Román was tortured in the most brutal and horrendous manner possible for several months before dying by Trujillo's son Ramfis. Some of the tortures described in The Feast of the Goat are so horrific as to be incredible; nevertheless, the writer insists that he had to tone down some of the procedures used in the La Cuarenta prison in order to make them more believable, which is not to say more palatable.

    (By the way, Vargas Llosa ran unsuccessfully for President of Peru in 1990.)


    NOT an "electric chair", but an Oak chair with a large "Hot-Plate" rigged to fry the balls & bums of the victims. My comrades who actually survived to be captured after we landed at Maimon, Luperon, and Puerto Plata -- were victims of this sadism. The DomRep invasion, sponsored by Cmdte. Camilo Cienfuegos, had June 14th 1959 as "D-Day" -- This was a birthday present for "Che".

    I was able to fly out a number of Delio Gomez Ochoa's rebels back to the Baracoa airstrip -- but we lost all of the Puerto Rican lads.

    And GRATZ: I am thoroughly pissed off by Khazar Weberman style quotes, i.e.: "Hemming said this..Hemming claims that !! Any of the sissy sisters who opt to challenge an operator's statements, especially by reference to the MOSTLY WRONG scribblings that are styled as books [or NODU-RROIDS] -- can put on their knee-pads and give me a "Lewinksy" !!

    For the sissy muz-biz groupies & the "Village Idiot" -- I will shortly cover how your CSIS bossman Jim Judd, [re: THE RCMP "Security Service"] HAS EVEN TODAY an ongoing cover-up of the facts that: Two major assassin teams transited Montreal with their permission. And I mean the French car bomb team hired by Espaillat/Ramfis (who hated Espaillat and was false-flagged by Robt. Emmett Johnson) which was in Dallas for the JFK hit, and later the MLK, Jr. hit [and later facilitating "Patsy" James Earl Ray's alias identification & further sojourn] -- and many other hits long forgotten.

    Jim Judd either had a working relationship [or handled documents] reference Carlos Andres Perez, Orlando, Garcia, "Bambi" Posada, Orlando Bosch, Hernan Ricardo, "Monkey" Morales, Rolando Otero, et al. -- while he was based at the Canada Embassy in Caracas !! So don't snivel & whine when Judd calls you in -- or maybe not; if you are just one more of his gadfly sissy snitches.

    Freddy Forsyth was directed to Espaillat's group in Montreal, NOT as a "wild-goose-chase" -- but to investigate the one entity which had enough advance notice of Dealey Plaza schemes to send one of our guys there that week. Just like the Braden collect call, this alias ID'd lad was instructed to call collect to a Montreal number if "anything-out-of-the-ordinary" occured. Thus Espaillat collected huge sums from Ramfis, Papa Doc, Madame Nhu, and others !! This was our singular "lead" during 1964, and we sure as hell didn't press the issue !! ["COME FORTH -- TO WHAT AUTHORITIES ??"" -- The perps and/or their accessories ??!!]

    [And don't forget to have the "guts" to publish "your" personal e-mails -- W.I.M.P. !! (per the 'nam vets: Worthless Incompetent Malingering Pansies)

    Some ranking law enforcement officials have inquired how exactly does a public employee residing in an extremely conservative city, explain his siding with self confessed current or former Communists who are spouting forth in a "Stalinist/Disinformatziya Forum" ?? Along with my chastizing them for their rigid right-wing attitudes; I admit that this type of agent provacateur might well claim that he is "infiltrating" said bunch of "nasties" !! And GRATZ: I am pro-choice, pro-abortion, pro-welfare state, and you are goddamn right that the rich pigs should be paying even more than their lousy 51% of tax revenues received -- and moreover, they made their big bucks off of the backs of us "Po' Folks" who built this great nation. How many of you whiners have run an under-capitalized company [$50,000 per week payroll within 2 months]; or have just had to ever make a payroll -- if their entire miserable lives, much less created jobs ??

    Forsyth [Whom I never dealt with directly] was advised to make non-threatening inquiries about "Mercenary/SOF" tales, and warned NEVER to bring up JFK or hits !! He was told that these folks could "read-his-eyes", and that he was safer to play it stupid -- which he had an affinity for doing. So much for "wild-goose-humps" !! And when are you girls going to spell-out your political leanings ?? And John, being "baited-into-COMING-forth" went out with Weberman -- who by the way is under investigation for violations of the 1934 FCC Act, to wit: "Transmitting by wire, or electronic device...the results of unlawful recordings which have been transcripted" -- all in violation of Federal, New York, North Carolina, and Florida law. Each instance [per the sentencing guidelines] is a 5-year felony. Wasn't it Monica Lewinsky's fat girlfriend who got into the same trouble in Maryland ??

    TOO BAD you pissed me off !!




  16. This is probably a whole bunch of nothing but if we go back to 1958, Trujillo recruited Herminio Diaz Garcia into an assassination plot to whack Costa Rica's President Jose Figueres. It all went wrong and Diaz Garcia and his cronies were chased out through Mexico City.

    The Agency would have been well aware of Diaz Garcia's Latin American exploits, and given his connections to Trafficante and hence Roselli, he would have been the right man to turn around for the Trujillo hit.

    I have a single source that says Diaz Garcia was a part of an off the books Agency sponsored assassination squad called 'Los Comandos Mambises'. In mid 1963, Tony Cuesta supposedly joined their ranks. Has anyone ever come across any references to this particular group?

    Any information would be appreciated. The image below shows Trujillo's car after he was whacked. BTW, this images gives us a good look at bullet holes through a windshield.



    "Los Comandos Mambises" was the general reorganization of the Guatemala/El Salvador death Squads funded by the MNR ["Nat'l Revolutionary Movement", which was founded by Castillos Armas' handlers during the "Guatemaltazo" (PB/SUCCESS): Jack Clements, Whiting Willauer, Wm. D. Pawley, and two other U.S. Ambassadors, et al.] The public spokesman for the "Mambises" was CIA/journalist Salvador Lew -- a close buddy of Paul Bethel & Dave Phillips. The top dog in Guat. was Mario Sandoval Alarcon, and in El Salvador it was the "very" late Col. Jose Maria Rene Chacon [boss of the "Treasury Police" which operated out of fire-stations. Chacon was written into the script for Jimmy Woods AMEMB/EL SALVADOR garden party confrontaion with the CIA/COS -- screenplay written by Oliver Stone: movie title "Salvador" (also starring Jim Belushi)

    Col. Chacon was taken out by a hit team set up by Robert Emmett Johnson ["Raul" of MLK, Jr.] who left the DomRep with Espaillat for work with the RCMP "Security Service' & FBI Lagats in Montreal. The hit was funded by wealthy oligarchs of both countries who, after hiring us to investigate, discovered that the "nasty-old-commies" ("Faribundo Marti", et al.) where NOT behind the kidnappings of the rich kids. Though we traveled to Guat/Salv to complete our investigation, we turned down the "Neutering" contracts because of their long list of targets: which included Arch-Bishop Romero, and 24 other priests, labor leaders, and military pogues !!

    My exact verbage: "...Y'all are offering $250,000 so that my guys...who recently were run out of Nicaragua...would 'do their ongoing duty'...well, gentlemen...they are in the 'hay-hauling business right now.. and that is the kind of 'pocket change' that they carry in their $400 'Luchesse' boots & and their 'Ostrich-skin' wallets...!!" "...They just recently turned down a gold dredging security job with Lester Logue on the Piragua River in Southern Venezuela....for more than twice that amount...!!"

    [The rich guys brought to the meeting [sheraton Airport Hotel -- early 1980] had all received their entire educations here in the States, and spoke perfect American English without a hint of accents.]

    However, I did insist that Chacon be taken out with sawed-off shotguns, rather than silenced MAC-10s -- so that he would feel the exploding car window glass, and hear the loud blasts. They followed my script, and if any family or friends of that "Hijo de Puta y Maricon" are reading this: I am in the telephone book here in Fayetteville...Y'all stop by and visit now...Ya hear !!



  17. FWIW, my take on this is that if a policeman is murdered, and that "fact" linked as quickly as possible to Oswald, then in those circustaces I can think of nothing more likely to give the arresting officers itchy trigger fingers. If this can be accomplished hey presto, "He was armed and resisting arrest" is elevated from plausible to understandable in the publics imagination.And Ruby gets to keep buying Cops drinks.



    The term "Eeisenhower Jacket" refers to the U.S. Army adoption of the short [belt level] "Class-B" belt level uniform jacket just before the Korean War. Generals "Ike", George Patton, et al. adopted these specially tailored [and non-authorized War Dept. niforms] because the "Sam Browned" belt on the full-length "Class-A" coat rode much too high on the abdomen, and was thus very irritating to the wearer. [General officers can get away with these unauthorized accoutrements -- as did Brevet General George Armstrong Custer did during the "War Between the States"; and up until his stupidity at the "Greasy Grass" ["Little Big Horn River"]; he was very much renowned for his unconventional [and privately tailored] uniforms.

    Also, during the Korean War era, we Marines oftentimes chose to wear our version of the "Ike" jacket [which was much prettier that that of the "Doggies"] rather than the full-length "Class-A" blouse. Until 1955, its wear was not authorized on "Liberty" [Off of the Ship, Base/Air Station, or Army= "Off Post"].

    Most major metropolitan police departments didn't adopt the "Ike" jacket, viz: the NYPD -- and many officers constantly complained that "quick-draw" access to their service revolvers was made impossible with the wear of the full length "blouse". The Dallas P.D. seemed to be much more wiser in their concern for their officer's safety !!



  18. Whoa, folks thats my last post on this subject, some of my clients at work are of Jewish extraction,and as the theraputic relationships I attempt to biuld are based on trust, and cooperation it is professional suicide for my name to be linked with anti-semetic beliefs in any way shape or form, I know this is not what was meant, but inferences are so easily drawn, and once formed, damned difficult to dispel. I dissassociate myself from any web-sites, weblogs, books or articles, that attempt to link the events of Sept 11th 2001 to any kind of Jewish conspiracy, cabal, or assorted nonsence.. Stephen Turner.



    There is no such thing as being "of Jewish extraction"!! People are not born Jews as an ethnic entity, but practice the faith mostly because they have been raised to practice same, by their parents, or other religious family members. There are NO DNA markers that would indicate Semite identity in the vast majority of those who have practiced Judaism over the last 1,000 years. However, there are experts of the "Barry Sheck level", who claim that Palestinians, Jordanians, et al. DO INDICATE definite DNA "Semite/Hamite" genetic markers.

    Those members of my extended family, who have "converted" to Talmudic teachings and the Torah, would argue against ANY said ethnic identity !!

    I have to chuckle at Jack's "..some of my best friends are Jewish.." because long before "Archie Bunker"

    ["All in The Family" television series] left the United Kingdom's "Telly" for the Colonies -- That very expression ["some of"] was considered to be a serious racial epithet !!

    While I have sent infrequent articles to Fetzer, until now I had not rechecked his website. It is astounding that anybody with an I.Q. above room temperature, would fall for the wing-nutter conspiracy crap about the "takedown" of the WTC complex !! I was an ironworker during the 1960s & 1970s, and I had many opportunities to work the "High Steel" ["Red-Iron"] as a "Bridgeman" and "Connector" on high-rises.

    Most simply put, the mob controlled unions & Port Authority traitors, failed to complain -- about the below minimum "Building Code" violations in the design, engineering, and architecture; but moreover, kept quiet about the use of "bar-joists" as floor deckings, coupled with the "cheapo" blowing on of insufficient fire-proofing chemical upon said steel. The so-called fire-proofing was blown on by cheap copies of the real blowers, and were nothing more than glorified "hair-dry blowers". The "load-bearing" components were the "central core" and the "outer steel framing" -- and when "pre" or "post-stressed" concrete beams, slabs, and shear-walls were not implemented, structural failure was guaranteed !!

    One of the hundred reasons that the American taxpayers were stuck with paying out for this homicidal negligence was: The Jap firm involved has a nexus with the"Yakuza" crime cartel, which dates back to the MacArthur days in post WWII, wherein he let these war criminals off of the hook [selectively] at the insistance of Truman's cohorts.

    More on this 9/11 CT crap later. Being an ironworker is no big credential, but I was a partner [with Peyton Marshall Magruder] in a "General Engineering Construction" firm [Technicon, Inc.]; a heavy time pilot; a former air traffic controller; and currently a member of a professional association which includes among the membership -- many of those very same FAA/ATC & military controllers, involved directly in the 9/11 matter, and have since learned to keep their mouths shut, or risk vilification by wing-nutter CTs.




  19. Cram was singularly well situated to pass such a judgement. Freshly retired after a quarter century at the Agency, Cram was drafted by Kalaris and Shackley to do a review of the Agency's counter-intelligence history, and was eventually granted access to all the super-classified files needed to do the job. What was originally supposed would be about a one year effort lasted six years, and Cram generated a twelve volume analysis of Angleton's work, each volume between 300 and 400 pages in length. If a single person inside CIA knew fact from fiction, truth from trash, it was Cram. Though the twelve volumes have yet to be made available to anyone in the general public, to my knowledge, the monograph you cite no doubt reflects the knowledge Cram obtained in the process. His view should be taken more seriously than those of just about everyone else in the Agency.

    Intriguing post, but I am inclined to give Epstein the benefit of the doubt - i.e I think he was deceived along with nearly everyone else. That is not such a great disgrace on Epstein's part: Bear in mind that if he was deceived, then he was deceived by the best in the business. Epstein, who is a very bright man (taught at Harvard, etc) and from my experience a perfect gentleman, reminds me of the old adage about Clever John. "Clever John could name a horse in seven languages, but bought a cow to ride on."

    As Robert points out, Cram is an important investigator that should not be ignored. It should also be remembered that when Cram wrote this he did not know it would one day enter the public domain.

    Cram does not take the view that Epstein was fooled by Angleton. Instead he believes he was a willing conspirator in the plan to mislead the American public. According to Cram, Epstein virtually admitted this in an interview in May 1989 when he confessed that he never really believed Angleton’s stories.

    The important point is that researchers like Gus Russo and Joe Trento (another one that Cram criticizes for believing Angleton's disinformation stories) continue to write books and articles claiming that Angleton was telling the truth about Cuban and KGB plots to kill JFK. This in turn helps to convince others like Tim Gratz to believe this nonsense.


    Not that I would know anything about "Clyde" Cram !! His older brother "Jack" was a WWII Marine Corps hero. He strapped two torpedoes onto the struts of a PBY "Catalina" and nearly sank a Jap Cruiser in the Central Pacific. [The PBY was designed only for dropping ant-submarine depth charges, and never expected to mount external bombs, much less torpedoes]

    I flew with the late Colonel "Jack" Cram (USMC) while at MCAS Kaneohe Bay, T. H. during 1956-58, while he was Operations Officer for H & MS Squadron-15, MAG-15, 3rd MAW, 1st Marine Brigade]



  20. In September 1963 Loran Hall was en route from LA to No Name Key with a trailer load of weapons when he was stopped and detained for questioning by the Dallas PD. FBI agent W. Harlan Brown was called in and he set Hall free. Brown was a senior Dallas agent working Neutrality Act matters. His partner was James Hosty. Some six weeks after the assassination a source close to the Dallas FBI office divulged that Hosty and Brown were running LHO as a potential criminal informaner. This ties in with the urgent attempts on 11/22 by a Dallas SO deputy, Buddy Walthers, to inform the Secret Service that Oswald was seen at the Harlandale safe house occupied by exile militants who split just before the assassination.

    In September 1963 Loran Hall was en route from LA to No Name Key with a trailer load of weapons when he was stopped and detained for questioning by the Dallas PD. FBI agent W. Harlan Brown was called in and he set Hall free. Brown was a senior Dallas agent working Neutrality Act matters. His partner was James Hosty. Some six weeks after the assassination a source close to the Dallas FBI office divulged that Hosty and Brown were running LHO as a potential criminal informaner. This ties in with the urgent attempts on 11/22 by a Dallas SO deputy, Buddy Walthers, to inform the Secret Service that Oswald was seen at the Harlandale safe house occupied by exile militants who split just before the assassination.

    Hall, Howard, and Celio Castro Alba managed to get some weapons from various sources. According to Howard the weapons consisted of a “. 30 caliber, there was a scope weapon, and there was M-1s, standard M-1 Girands and M-14, modified, strictly semi...” Some of these weapons were supplied by Ergiaga Arms Company owned by Juan Ergiaga, the former top arms ordinance man for Fidel Castro. The trailor also contained medical supplies. According to Harry Dean, Hall and Howard were given the medical supplies by Harry from Guy Gabaldon’s supply.

    The trailor was left in Dallas at Lester Logue's house. Now I'm going to talk out my arse and suggest that Hall left the semis to be converted to fully automatic by a local gun dealer. This would be John Masen. Hall and Bill Seymour came back a week later to pick up the trailor. It was on this return trip that Hall and Seymour were arrested for drug possession — a bottle of Dexedrine. While in custody, Hall was questioned by an FBI agent whom he identified as “Hostel or something”, a Military Intelligence agent, and a “CIA guy.” The “CIA guy” was probably ATF Agent Frank Ellsworth who was working closely with FBI agent James Hosty and Military Intelligence agent Ed Coyle on a gun smuggling case. He claimed that the MI Agent attempted to recruit him. Hall remained in jail for two days before being released. Hall had called Dr. Robert Morris who in turn called Lester Logue. Logue secured an attorney for Hall.

    As Gerry mentioned, Hall was probably an FBI informant and this is where he informed on Masen. Heck, he probably informed Hosty when he and Seymour were coming back to Dallas and the PD arrested him and Seymour on a trumped up "Dexedrine" possession charge that they found in the glove compartment.



    Juan ARQUIAGA was NEVER Fidel's "top-ordnance man". He was later forced to go to Peru in failed attempts to manufacture his worthless sub-machine gun design. He couldn't go to Havana because during 1958 he was the one who wasted "M-26-Julio" money on Mannlicher-Carcano carbines; which were later flown into Manzanillo, Oriente on the C-46 piloted by Guillermo Verdaguer.

    Later, some of these M/Carcanos were the bait to be used by Sturgis/Fiorini, Crozier & Wiecha [CIA Santiago Base] in a "stalking-horse" scheme to assassinate Fidel in Minas del Frio, Sierra Maestra.

    Dumb-ass Sturgis [and the CIA officers] were later pissed off when they discovered that the "hit" was to be carried out by B-26 Bombers & F-47D "Thunderbolt" Fighter aircraft; and would have killed all of them along with Fidel & company !!

    The "medical supplies" were from John Bircher doctors and dentists, and were "samples" commonly fronted to physicians to garner future purchases or R/Xs of those brand named products.

    "Guy" Gabaldon was Larry Howard's buddy, gained fame from a movie about his WWII Japanese linguistic capabilities [raised by Isei, Nisei folks in East Los Angeles]; and blew off Hall at their singular meeting due to Hall's foul mouth -- even fouler than mine !!

    ALL of the medical "samples" were later shipped to Cuba, for the families then desperately in need of same. Of course the Fidel folks purloined their percentage for later "sale' to the misbegotten.

    While Hall had only shaken Logue's hand during 30 seconds of presence [January 1963], he was never knowledgeable of Dr. Robert Morris; that is until his FBI handlers gave him a script and sent him out to all of my contacts [better, who they then thought were my VIP contacts !!]

    The Dallas FBI/CIA wanted Hall to continue on safely to Miami in order to set up the Masferrer types for later arrest.



  21. John:

    In the "Queen's English" -- There were NO "confessions" by either Tony or John. This is the total horse-xxxx that was swallowed by PDS, Winslow, Turner, Smith, et al. while socializing with bullxxxx artist Escalante, and which was further overblown in the "cow pies" scribbled out by the "Portagee bitch" Furiarte. They should join arms with the Khazar this year, and sing two choruses of "Kum-Bayah"!! Had they the "stones" to hold the meeting in La Habana, they would have really beenl wetting their communal pants. I mean, dumb-ass P. D. Scott didn't even know that the "Contra/CIA agent" Felipe Vidal was in fact the nephew; Felipe Vidal Rivera, and that FVS had been executed before the "Paredon" during may of 1964 !!

    Ya got it now??!!


    Still having problems with question 3. Is it true that your father was a friend of James Angleton?



    My late father was an Irishman born of a "Limey" father in Colombo, Sri Lanka [then called Ceylon]. He grew up hating the "English", and sometimes my rich uncles [maternal]. But it was those uncles who got him work as a Marine Deck Electrician" at CalShip, and later, work on the Pan-American Highway in Costa Rica.

    He busted his ass 18 hours a day to raise what became 10 kids. He was against my Cuba, etc. excursions, as he had hoped that upon leaving the Marines, I would sign up with the California Highway Patrol.

    He operated a radio/television repair shop in Alhambra, California -- constantly struggling to feed too many mouths. He died while I was on No Name Key. For many months afterward, I would call the TV shop telephone [long-distance, and very late at night] just to hear his voice on the answering machine.

    He wouldn't know an Angleton from a Watutsi, and never once ever showed any interest in anything save electronics, The Classics [large library], Chess [Master], and watching "wrassling" and "roller-derby" on the "Telly".

    "...Are we clear ?!",



  22. Gerry, any chance of you providing an outline of what you think happened regarding the assassination of JFK?

    Do you think John Martino and Tony Ceusta told the truth with their “confessions”?

    Is it true that your father was a friend of James Angleton?



    I have no conclusions as to the JFK murder. It isn't a matter of the "Jury still being out..!!" -- it is more of a case where not all of the evidence is in. So, therefore, there has been no "closing argument", which means that it will be some time before the jury can retire to their room to deliberate.

    The deliberations might be just a "preponderance of the evidence"; or less likely: "Beyond a reasonable doubt". [The level of guilt with most wing-nut CTs is "less-than-an-unreasonable-rumor !!"]

    If you can sort through the fantasy-land of the Khazar's rantings, you might find that two of my uncles were in business [During WWII -- (CalShip) California Shipbuiding Corporation] with John McCone. I "stumbled" into contacts with the "spook community" quite by accident, and this was most likely due to the fact that ALL U.S. Marine Corps personnel selected for radar jobs/schools [M.O.S.s -- Military Occupational Specialties] were [unknown to me and most others] required to have a "blood" relative within the sphere of the "Intelligence Community". This was the case with Oswald [GCI Operator - "Ground Controlled Intercept"], and has been the case for most of the Marines I am still associated with; which includes some who were interviewed by WC "investigators??"; and many more who still wonder "Why Not??!!"

    I was always the FNG, the "Newbie"; and just kept my eyes open and my mouth shut -- except for the thousand times that I pissed off my superiors with juvenile and unprofessional antics. When I first dealt with JJA, I hadn't a clue as to who he was, what he was, nor much of any fathoming of what the CIA was, and really didn't give a "rat's ass".

    Marines were selected for "Spear-head" slots for what would have been a "back-door" pre-emptive strike by land & air forces into Siberia, and thence westward. The informal names given to two of the penetration operations were -- "Tiger-Bike" & "Tiger-Pen". LHO would have been, and was, on a "Bigot List" for those Ops, which cleared him for the "dangles" with the Manchurian/Siberian "White Russian" assets which were originally developed during 1920-1922; and once again heavily during and after WWII.

    Marines are considered to be "Infantrymen first" [regardless of whether a pilot, cook, or bottlewasher]; and the evidence of why Marines were exclusively selected for these Ops lays with what happened to the U.S. Air Force "Fly-boys" at "Lima-Site 85" [GCI mountain-top Radar Facility] in Laos during the late 1960s.

    This was why LHO's M.A.C.S. -1 Detachment was pulled out of Iwakuni, Japan, and sent to Ping-Tung North

    in Taiwan, and shortly thereafter was deployed to support the 1958 coup against Sukarno in Indonesia; the operation that was spearheaded by "Tony Po" [CIA Officer Anthony Poshepny]; who later became the model for the Marlon Brando character [Col. Kurz] in the film "Appocalypse Now".

    I got the answer to the first question. However, I am not sure about questions 2 and 3.



    In the "Queen's English" -- There were NO "confessions" by either Tony or John. This is the total horse-xxxx that was swallowed by PDS, Winslow, Turner, Smith, et al. while socializing with bullxxxx artist Escalante, and which was further overblown in the "cow pies" scribbled out by the "Portagee bitch" Furiarte. They should join arms with the Khazar this year, and sing two choruses of "Kum-Bayah"!! Had they the "stones" to hold the meeting in La Habana, they would have really beenl wetting their communal pants. I mean, dumb-ass P. D. Scott didn't even know that the "Contra/CIA agent" Felipe Vidal was in fact the nephew; Felipe Vidal Rivera, and that FVS had been executed before the "Paredon" during may of 1964 !!

    Ya got it now??!!



  23. Gerry, any chance of you providing an outline of what you think happened regarding the assassination of JFK?

    Do you think John Martino and Tony Ceusta told the truth with their “confessions”?

    Is it true that your father was a friend of James Angleton?

    Secondly, John Martino [nor Roy Hargraves, et al.] made NO "confessions" to anyone -- this has been overblown hyperbole bullxxxx. Martino did later realize that beginning with his arrest in Cuba [1959], and specific dealings thereafter -- that Trafficante [in whose house he lived on Alton Road, Miami Beach] was a Castro agent, and had sold-him-out. Moreover, he once grimly "chuckled" that: most likely he and others had been stupidly correct when they gave out with the phony "LHO was a Castro agent" crap. My reponse to him then [and still is] that: "It is a finger of suspicion, high probability...but fraught with false-flag implications, and doubtful that Fidel knew or would have approved of the Cuban "conspiracy. Escalante worked for Manuel "Barba Roja" Piniero Lozada ["Wet Ops" for DSE/DGI in Cuba, North-Central-So. America, Angola, Ethiopia, The Levant, West Bank, and both "Congos" !!] -- and his disinformation as to Tony Cuesta, Felipe Vidal Santiago, and others, is an expansion upon their very own suspicions as to what occurred in Dealey Plaza. Not so unlikely when prisoners are suffering from what is now termed "Stockholm Syndrome"!!

    Does MININT agent Escalante himself know the "truth"?? -- I really doubt it -- as everybody in the "business" is completely compartmentalized during ALL Ops.

    Cheers (less),



  24. Gerry, any chance of you providing an outline of what you think happened regarding the assassination of JFK?

    Do you think John Martino and Tony Ceusta told the truth with their “confessions”?

    Is it true that your father was a friend of James Angleton?



    I have no conclusions as to the JFK murder. It isn't a matter of the "Jury still being out..!!" -- it is more of a case where not all of the evidence is in. So, therefore, there has been no "closing argument", which means that it will be some time before the jury can retire to their room to deliberate.

    The deliberations might be just a "preponderance of the evidence"; or less likely: "Beyond a reasonable doubt". [The level of guilt with most wing-nut CTs is "less-than-an-unreasonable-rumor !!"]

    If you can sort through the fantasy-land of the Khazar's rantings, you might find that two of my uncles were in business [During WWII -- (CalShip) California Shipbuiding Corporation] with John McCone. I "stumbled" into contacts with the "spook community" quite by accident, and this was most likely due to the fact that ALL U.S. Marine Corps personnel selected for radar jobs/schools [M.O.S.s -- Military Occupational Specialties] were [unknown to me and most others] required to have a "blood" relative within the sphere of the "Intelligence Community". This was the case with Oswald [GCI Operator - "Ground Controlled Intercept"], and has been the case for most of the Marines I am still associated with; which includes some who were interviewed by WC "investigators??"; and many more who still wonder "Why Not??!!"

    I was always the FNG, the "Newbie"; and just kept my eyes open and my mouth shut -- except for the thousand times that I pissed off my superiors with juvenile and unprofessional antics. When I first dealt with JJA, I hadn't a clue as to who he was, what he was, nor much of any fathoming of what the CIA was, and really didn't give a "rat's ass".

    Marines were selected for "Spear-head" slots for what would have been a "back-door" pre-emptive strike by land & air forces into Siberia, and thence westward. The informal names given to two of the penetration operations were -- "Tiger-Bike" & "Tiger-Pen". LHO would have been, and was, on a "Bigot List" for those Ops, which cleared him for the "dangles" with the Manchurian/Siberian "White Russian" assets which were originally developed during 1920-1922; and once again heavily during and after WWII.

    Marines are considered to be "Infantrymen first" [regardless of whether a pilot, cook, or bottlewasher]; and the evidence of why Marines were exclusively selected for these Ops lays with what happened to the U.S. Air Force "Fly-boys" at "Lima-Site 85" [GCI mountain-top Radar Facility] in Laos during the late 1960s.

    This was why LHO's M.A.C.S. -1 Detachment was pulled out of Iwakuni, Japan, and sent to Ping-Tung North

    in Taiwan, and shortly thereafter was deployed to support the 1958 coup against Sukarno in Indonesia; the operation that was spearheaded by "Tony Po" [CIA Officer Anthony Poshepny]; who later became the model for the Marlon Brando character [Col. Kurz] in the film "Appocalypse Now".




  25. From history matters site:

    "The committee, in executive session, questioned Ramirez, ...The committee sought from the FBI and CIA independent evidence

    of the accuracy of Ramirez' allegations, but there was no corroboration

    of the existence of an "Osvaldo-Kennedy" file to be found. On the

    other hand, in every instance where there was independent evidence

    of allegations made by Ramirez (the identities of Cuban officials

    named by him, for example) Ramirez' statements were found to be

    accurate. (151)In the end, however, the committee was forced to dismiss Ramirez'

    story about the "Osvaldo-Kennedy" file. The decisive factor was the

    committee's belief that the Cuban intelligence system in the 1961-63

    period was too sophisticated to have been infiltrated by Ramirez in

    the manner he had described. While some details of his story could

    be corroborated, the essential aspects of his allegation were incredible."

    IMHO, you couldn't have read this manuscript (in Holmes collection) "incredible" is right, and have come to this conclusion without some add'l chking around. Maybe a case of running out of money but I doubt it.



    Maybe some of these folks forget that: not only was your Father Paul a colleague in the Cuban Rebel Army,

    and despite you and your sister being very young while lodged in Habana -- you have kept abreast of most things "Cubano" !!

    The first time that I was arrested by Fidel's D.I.E.R./G-2 and incarcerated at their headquarters [in the garages/stables] located in the "Villa Marista" -- more commonly styled as "Quinta y Catorce" [5th Street & 14th Avenue in Miramar]; I walked out of their using the name of a prisoner who had been released days before [by the name of Castillo]. [G-2 HQ is now the MININT Museum]

    Their "Files ??!!" were crap, and I almost laughed when, upon subjected to a pretend "booking photo" [mug-shot]; not only was there no flash attachment in a totally dark upstairs room; but no name & number board around my neck for I.D. File purposes !!

    The head "Cop" at the "Seminary/Convent" was a Batista/thug holdover who went only by the name "Camilo" -- more than likely to prevent his recent past from surfacing.

    Now, as far as names go: My ID had "Gerald Patrick Hemming" typed on it [Rebel Army ID]; and that is why, ever since then, they always call me "Gerry (Yetti) Patrick" -- thinking that my middle name was my father's surname, and that "Hemming" was my mother's maiden name.

    Moreover, I guess that everybody has forgotten that your dad (Capitan Paul Hughes, 2nd-Front-Escambray) had a boss called "Menoyo" -- not Cmdte. Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo !! In fact, his brother Carlos, a veteran of the Spanish Civil War; and later martyred during the D.R. [later under Cubela -- The 13th of March Organization] attack on Batista's palace on the 13th of March, 1957 -- was also known as "El Gallego (The Galician) Menoyo".

    Cmdte. [later General] Raul Menendez Tomassevich, who later commanded the D.S.E./L.C.B. ["Lucha Contra Bandidos"] forces against Duque, Ramirez, Thorndyke, et al. in the Escambray Campaign -- was always only called Tomassevich. In Angola, he once again commanded the MPLA/Cuban "LCB" teams against Zavimbi's "Contras", and even today is remembered as "Toma" or Tomassevich.

    I know hundreds of Cubans [and other nationalities] who prefer to be called by their mother's maiden names.

    This brings to mind the 1st chorus of the popular Cuban song [written immediately after the anti-Trujillo double-cross]; which was heard on every radio station in Cuba, and which pissed off Fidel & Raul: "Menoyo, Menoyo, Lo que tu tienes is corazon..."

    More efficient files were kept by the "Confidential Section" of D.I.F.A.R. [offices in Vedado near the CMQ/TV building & "La Rampa"]. The Investigations Dept. of the Revolutionary Armed Forces [DIFAR] was slightly more competent, but nevertheless, remained "Keystone Cops" for years afterward. DIFAR always doubled its filing system with cross-checks of both surnames !!

    That doesn't mean that anyone should give an ounce of importance to said statements by this "Ortiz", as to Havana having a purported file. More importantly, they had the wrong "Ortiz", and I advised Joe Gonzalez and Fonzi of same -- and explained that I had shared a Marshal's holding cell with the dude just a year previous !!




    "Que -- Yo me voy a Preoccuparme ??" -- Alfredo E. Neumann, 1953.


    "Armas..para que ??" -- Pa'lante, pa'lante..Los que no le gusten, que toman Purgante !!"


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