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Gerry Hemming

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Posts posted by Gerry Hemming

  1. I am afraid my presentation overrun and I was unable to take questions. Please post them here if you have any.

    You will find my Dallas presentation here:


    However, I will be updating it as a result of what I heard from Lamar Waldron. It is now clear why Robert and Edward Kennedy refused to act after hearing Grant Stockdale's story. In fact, they virtually signed Stockdale's death warrant.

    Dorothy Kilgallen's death now also makes much more sense. She probably knew about JFK's dual Cuban policy via Florence Pritchett (the coup plot via Earl Smith and the secret negotiations via JFK).

    I hope Pat Speer will also post a link to his excellent seminar.



    Might I be so bold as to suggest a couple of minor corrections to your "Presentation" and bio details on Eddy Collins and Jim Lewis.

    Collins was never a Marine, nor had he ANY affiliation with the Navy UDT [underwater Demolitions Teams].

    You might have been confused by my having mentioned that numerous No Name Key Pics show him wearing the "UDT" style Life-Jacket ["Mae West"] around his waist -- which was issued to all InterPen GW instructors.

    Collins came to us just after he had been seperated from active duty with the U.S. Army in Europe. His last

    Army assigment was with "E-Comm-Comm" [a similar sounding name was used in the movie "7 Days in May" -- cited as the "illegal" military unit (supporting the coup d'etat plotters) and led by the JCS General, who was played by Burt Lancaster]

    "E-Comm-Comm" translates from "Pentagonese" as: European Communications Command, S.H.A.P.E., and headquartered in Frankfurt, West Germany [1952 - 1964].

    Collins was a communications [CW radio/teletype M.O.S.] specialist/operator, and had a security clearance just below the "Q" and "Umbra" crypto categories.

    James Arthur Lewis indeed was a Marine, and moreover, held U.S. and numerous foreign maritme licenses up to the category of "Unlimited Master" [of steam & motor vessels]. He also held certificates as "Master" of the "Sailing Class" schooners. For a while he captained some of Mike Burke's "Windjammer Barefoot Cruise" Tall Ships, from the Port of Miami.

    Jim was employed by both Alaska Barge & Mining and Pacific Architects & Engineers -- to ferry some vessels to Vietnam during the late 1960s. Other InterPen members joined him, and upon arrival [much to Jim's chagrin] opted to remain in the RVN to work for the "RMK/BRJ" construction consortium.

    Capt. Hans G. Milton had arranged for Jim's vessel ferrying jobs. Some vessels were CIA spec/war boats which were later assigned to the MACV/SOG sub-unit -- the N.A.D. based at Cam ranh Bay and Danang [Tourane]. The "Naval Advisory Detachment" at Danang was tasked with raids, supply barge interdiction, and the insertion of Vietnamese commandos & spies into the coastal [littoral] areas of North Vietnam.

    The Danang N.A.D. use Norwegian "Nasty" MTBs [Motor Torpedo Boats] which routinely outran the NVA PT Boats and the PLA [ChiCom] "Swatow" boats. During 1962, and just after JFK approved the creation of the Navy SEALS [1962] -- he personally drafted the plans for the specific use of these very PT Boats in the 'nam.

    Ironically, the very same two ASR-81 Boats used in the filming of "PT-109" [re-built by Tom McCrory at Miami Ship] were later sent to Danang, but they both turned out to be miserable failures -- and were later shot up and destroyed during routine target practice off of Cam Ranh Bay !!

    The N.A.D. Danang "Nasty" boats were the very same ones involved in the "Tonkin Gulf Incident" [Aug. '64]

    wherein while being pursued by NVA PT Boats [after raiding Vinh] they fled for the "safety/fire-cover" protection offered by the Destroyers "Turner Joy" and "Maddox".

    Jim Lewis had previously been hired by a group of Euro-American artifacts/treasure-trove marketeers, who had heard of his skills as a treasure hunter, and moreover: That he had visited the Spanish Archives in Seville, Spain on more than one occasion.

    He got into a little trouble when he pre-emptively "Jumped" a treasure trove -- which he had been hired to locate, and had subsequently "dived uppon" same !! [without informing the sponsors]

    [His death resulted from his secretly "claim-jumping" one of our ventures]

    Upon his final return from the 'nam, he had a fat bank account, and decided to join CIA's Tom McCrory in a joint-venture merchant vessel operation -- which focused on trade between Dominica, Antigua, and other Lesser Antilles locales.

    He postponed that plan to have a go at our "treasure trove" operation; this one in 1970s Dollar$ was estimated at over $200 Million. [After the 1979 explosion of Gold prices to $500+ per ounce -- this "trove" would have been worth over $2 Billion ("melt-down" value -- NOT artifact value, which is many times higher) had we had sat on it till then !!]

    James Arthur Lewis died while diving "alone" [a big No-No] near Egmont Key, at the mouth of Tampa Bay, during 1970. He was using a recently purchased "Beckmann Electro-Lung" [Re-Breather SCUBA] which permitted a diver to go to extreme depths without the risk of getting "Bent" -- or having to "decomprees" at multiple ascending "stage" levels. His "Diver-Tender" was Ralph "Skinny Ralph" Schlafter.

    It took us two days to find his body !!




  2. In "Disappearing Witnesses," Penn Jones wrote: "(Elardio) Del Valle had been identifying some men in a photo taken in New Orleans for Jim Garrison. One of the men in the photo was Lee Harvey Oswald."

    1) Does anyone know whether or not this is true? If it is true, then:

    2) Which photo was Jones writing about? Is it from the film footage (taken by a television station) of L.H.O. handing out his infamous "Fair Play for Cuba" flyers?

    3) Do you think this is why Del Valle was killed?


    Gordon Winslow, the archivist of city of Miami, who put together the original JFK Researchers Directory, and attempted to have the tapes of the COPA-CUBAN meetings transcribed, once did a COPA conference presentation on the details of the Del Valle murder, debunking many of the distorted reportings on the incident. I'm not familiar with those details but they might be on his web site, I think it's called Cuban Archives or something like that. The DelValle murder is also mentioned in Mellen's book.

    GPH and others probably know more, but Gordon's site is where I would go to answer your questions.

    B. Kelly




    Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza DeBayle traveled to New York City during the Summer of 1970, and this was so that he might attend the 25th anniversary of his assassinated father's signing of the original draft Charter of the United Nations.

    During that same week he came down to Port Norris, NJ to visit with us [Capt. Hans Guda Milton, et al.] at the local [DOD contractor] boat yard -- situated on theDelaware River. He, and his armored car "convoy" cohorts admired the converted "Bug-Eye" Schooners -- purchased as additions to his ever growing lobster fishing fleet industries.

    The schooners, [originally built as single & two masted sailing vessels] had been converted to diesel power years before.

    The tax incentives had permitted the owners to re-invest all tax monies directly back into the constant improvement of the schooners. Most of the "wheel-houses" were paneled in fine woods, and reminded me of high class lawyer's offices !!

    However, and due to the MX parasite infestation of both the Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, the Oyster and Clam "Drudgers" [local terminology] had been tied up to their docks for months. When their "bean counters" advised them that: Even more tax refunds would be forthcoming upon the sale of said "jinxed" vessels -- they were all put on the market !!]

    We had purchased two of the schooners, [one for $5,500 & the other for $6,500] and they were the "Crown Jewels" of that fleet. Somoza was extremely pleased, and handed the boat yard owner a paper bag full of cash. He told him to continue with the "corking", [caulking of the hull seams] engine rebuilding, etc.; "El Prez" then departed in a roar of armored cars -- all escorted by Secret Service, NJ State, NY State, and a few very happy local & county police cars and motors.

    The boat yard owner asked: "...And just who was that gentleman...and why all of the hullabaloo with the cop cars...??!! I responded: "....John...what you are really asking is...who the hell was that masked man...?!!"

    Even after a short explanation, he was even more mystified; as he had never even heard of a country called "Nicka-wawg-waw" and could even care less. He was thoroughly unimpressed. I told him to just count the money, and give us a receipt -- and "don't sweat the petty xxxx"!!

    Once back in Miami, at Capt. Milton's "7 Seas Enterprises, Ltd." office [7th floor, Ingraham Building, downtown Miami] we finished up the "Mackerel Fleet" sales exemption documents for the Dept. of Commerce.

    [Capt. Milton was well known to Grant Stockdale, and Hans had completed a "Marine Survey" of His ?? yacht a few weeks before his tragic fall ?? from his office !!]

    That same week we were visited by an old associate of the Cuban exiles, one Teodisio Bahadu. He was there to inquired as to the purchase of some surplus U.S. Coast Guard patrol boats [wooden hulled ASR-81 boats] -- and he wanted the very same deal that had been given to "Fiorini's" buddy Pedro Diaz Lanz for his "81-Boat" !!

    Capt. Milton explained that said sale had been made prior to the BOP, and that prices were somewhat higher now. As an example, he mentioned the cost of Aldo Vera's "81-Boat", and that an additional $5K had been invested by Aldo in switching the Alllison aircraft engines over to "GMC-671s".

    Bahadu snorted that Vera's boat was "junk" and that he got suckered in paying double the "pre-BOP" CIA prices !! I interrupted stating that: Aldo Vera's "PT Boat" was kept tied up at my dock -- 55 feet in front of my apartment on "Just Isle" [the ex-CIA safe-house cluster -- Miami River near NW 27th Avenue Bridge] -- and since I was caretaker, I spent considerable time onboard; and it was a great boat.

    When I mentioned that Eladio "Gito" Del Valle had never once "bitched" about our boat prices for his set of "81-Boats" -- Bahadu just snorted, and mumbled something in Arabic. I then qualified that statement by referring to "Gito's" wealth, and the fact that he always had carried a "Gold-Plated" German P-38 "Pistole".

    [Hinting that perhaps Teodision was poor and couldn't afford things now]

    Bahadu then retorted: "..Well..that 'hijo de puta' is good and dead now...and I now am the sole owner of his P-38, CIA Rolex Watch, pinky ring, faggot necklass, and a few other things..."!!

    I queried as to whether he was a relative, or had some family member -- given or sold said items to him??

    He leaned across the desk with a nasty glare in his eyes and shouted: "NO Gerry...I took them off of his already stinking body...after I had chopped his fingers...and his head with THIS..!!"

    He pulled a BOLO Knife out of his belt...and threw it on the desk...!!" With my anal orifice suddenly crimped down to the point that a "Q-Tip" wouldn't have passed -- I gleefully?? stated that it was the exact same model as my WWII Marine Corps Bolo.

    At that moment, Hans jumped up and shouted that he would NOT stand for any SHOUTING in his office -- and that he would not tolerate any more talk about Gito's demise !! [although put in his Swedish version of English -- and with his typically humorous abuse of same]

    Bahadu was eventually indicted for the murder, but somehow "skated".

    While Bahadu did indeed [ and much later] further expound upon Gito's "secret missions" with "that Kennedy punk CIA group", he did this in a way that more than hinted that: should I 'accidently" reveal anything, I would surely have a "fatal accident" !! [experienced some more of my sphincter tightening as usual]

    Indeed !! A rather complete set of files of the Dade County [11th Judicial Circuit] Criminal Courts records [state vs: Bahadu] are on Gordon Winslow's website !!




  3. Marcello had taken out Trujillo under an agreement with RFK's guys, and he figured that he was "immune-while-owed-BIG-Time" !!

    RFK had Marcello abruptly deported in April, 1961, the same month as the Bay of Pigs and just three months into the administration. Who would have been "RFK's guys" so early in the administration, in the month after Marcello's deportation when Trujillo was killed?



    MORE nit picking "amateur-night" horse-xxxx !!

    So now we are to believe that RFK hadn't been calling hoods like Hoffa, et al. "little Giggling Girls" during years of hearings before the Congress. That he hadn't availed himself of the opportunity to slip his "guys" in under the funding disbursements of the Congress. Well, where that didn't work out -- Papa Joe paid the freight !! Too baad YOU weren't around to arrange the "CHAIRS" and music back then !!

    Nawh !! RFK was just some "book-reading/frat-house" punk, a real lonsome-dove-ranger -- and he was greased into the AG slot by a "recess appointment' -- maybe ??!! Wise Up !! Of course he had an organization, and he had "guys" !! And RFK sure as hell didn't wait for the post-election [Nov. '60] transition period to scheme out "What Must Be Done" !! Those that bitched and whined about his alleged "complete and total under-qualification for the job !! So now, those very same accusers -- who ranted about his "youth-and-inexperience" are your "guiding lights".

    With George Smathers being blackmailed by Trujillo, Hell -- he was sure as xxxx, a dead man -- even long before JFK's candidacy !! We got into Smather's good graces through Trujillo's "Bag-Man" -- One Robert Emmett Johnson. Wow !! was Smathers relieved when we assured him that we were NOT in on the "Generalissimo" hit -- and that we didn't have our grubby hands out.

    But we sure as hell had the "inside-track" on White House events after that first little chat up in West Palm !!

    Get real !! And don't waste my time with bullxxxx allegations. You got a reasonable query ?? STATE IT !!



  4. De Torres set up a lot of hits, and the problem was that they mostly favored Fidel's people.... He did NOT call Sylvia ever, and Angelo never hinted at same. Mellen alleges that the call was made behind Murgado's back. Who is the source. Not one of the compartmented guys & gals on the Odio matter have ever talked to anybody, save their "cutouts" to RFK's teams.
    Why am I so sure that "Benny" didn't make a call to Sylvia ?? Because her telephone was tapped by multiple agencies, including FBI, US Customs, ATTU, etc. !!

    I can't help but wonder what changed, such that Gerry decided, after years of interviewing with Joan Mellen, to e-mail her the assertion that CIA agent Steve Czukas arranged the Odio visit. Also, a direct confirmation from Gerry that he personally witnessed personal contact between Oswald and RFK would be helpful in determining what to make of Mellen's tome.



    My brother, and some of my other associates ranted "years ago" that: I was wasting my time with this "Girlie Groupy" [1969] of Garrison -- not to mention my wife, and others who met her while she was here in Fayetteville a few years back.

    While they never will read her book, I eventually will -- and then, after a long period, might make some comments reference to said tome.

    Mellen stared off into space on many occasions; especially when the details were beyond her compre- hension -- and it wasn't do to my use of acronyms or "tradecraft-speak". She, like a few others [and not all females] just haven't taken the time to get to "theinside" of how things work. Which to me, always indicated a "personal crusader" agenda, as was the case with Twyman and some others.

    Czukas was Federal Bureau of Narcotics agent [under Siragusa]; on loan to the CIA -- which, as in dozens of other cases, [viz: Diosdado] placed him under US Customs "cover". Czukas "controlled" Bernie de Torres !! You might have to wait a while for anything further on that business.

    As for me "personally" dealing with RFK at that time. Negative !! We vociferously disagreed with his "hit" Fidel "obsession" -- but we were encouraged to stay in touch with those we called "The Hickory Hill Boys".

    My "information" comes from "reliable" sources, and these folks gave reliable insights -- time-and-time- again.

    NO braggadocio, and it was always dribs and drabs spread over many years. Nothing was as a result of inquiry. It mostly came out as comparisons to similar tasks being done over the following years.

    Sometimes a comment from a [previously compartmented] individual who was venting -- or trying to connect the dots. The more expansive comments came from operators -- who, years afterward, were THEN deep into some very risky business 'ventures", and they weren't at all sure that there would be a tomorrow.

    Sometimes folks don't want to go down without clearing up a few mysteries in their lives. I NEVER took advantage of their emotional situations -- just listened and remembered. THEY firmly believed that I might have some of the answers which they were so desperate to resolve.

    In most cases "I didn't know xxxx from shinola" -- and ultimately couldn't give "resolve" to their problems !!

    I have NOTHING to prove, and moreover -- the family static just gets worse for me with every stupid ass comment or remark made over the many years !! Years that I spent mostly dodging the scribblers !!

    You will "know" [maybe] only after I am sure that I "know". I can damn well guarantee that: There will NEVER be another Mellen ordeal in my future !!

    "A.J.W. Type Baiting" is a sure-fire guaranteed way to shorten my list of correspondents !!




  5. Don't bother asking a veteran grunt; they don't talk "outside of class" -- and operators -- If you ever find a real one, he/she won't be a conversant one.

    I am sure this is usually true. However, there are times when you do reveal a great deal. For example:

    De Torres set up a lot of hits, and the problem was that they mostly favored Fidel's people. He approached me to take out Torriente for $25K, but I said that domestic work on noncombatants wasn't my line - and moreover, I questioned exactly what was, and who had, the beef against this guy ??

    He did NOT call Sylvia ever, and Angelo never hinted at same. Mellen alleges that the call was made behind Murgado's back. Who is the source. Not one of the compartmented guys & gals on the Odio matter have ever talked to anybody, save their "cutouts" to RFK's teams. These folks refused to discuss these matters with anybody else but me [and on a limited basis]. They didn't even want to speak with others they knew or suspected to be amongst the compartmented elements. And they dogmatically and absolutely refused to talk to talk to any reporter, writer -- even if the party was from the CIA/I.G.s office, and especially not with any CIA elements !!

    Isn't this an example of you talking outside of class?

    How can you be so sure that De Torres did not call back Sylvia?

    I am also interested in your comment "These folks refused to discuss these matters with anybody else but me". Who are these folks? Why would they only talk to you?



    I am not that familiar with Brit metaphors/slang -- and I realize that in some English speaking societies, what we Americans spout quite often is sometimes misunderstood elsewhere. For instance, in a different thread, I "rapp'd" about how in Mexico: A neighhood [or urban/suburban] district is styled as a "Colonia".

    While in Cuba, that ver same type of locale is styled as a "Barrio". A "Barrio" in Mexico is slang for a whorehouse. Whilst in the Philippines, a "Barrio" is a village.

    "Talking Shop": In police, military Intel, etc. slang -- means discussing past, current or future "activities" in some detailed manner. With the police, if it pertains to "snitches" [CIs - confidential informants] this information is routinely kept just as compartmented as it is in the military, and Intel communities !! An open discussion of just "your" snitch's activities -- beyond a "need-to-know" basis; may well endanger that informant's future activities, or even his/her life !! [As was the case with my niece -- who was "executed" by members of a Mexican drug cartel]

    "Talking Out of School": This is the most egregious violation of compartmented information/intel; in that it is a knowing and willing disclosure of confidential/secret information/intel to other persons !! And especially to those who have been purposefully or deliberately excluded from said knowledge base !! In the realm of police operations, this is styled as "burning-your-snitch". Oftentimes a corrupt/murderous cop will do this to silence the singular witness/co-perp' to his crimes and/or corruption -- and is intended as a device which will surely get the CI murdered, and usually by the very folks he is snitching on.

    An "Operator" is guilty of "T.O.S." when he deliberately reveals classified and/or compartmented information to persons who: Have "no-need-to-know" -- or worse, persons who are known to be "chatty" -- or worse, are verified hostile CIs or agents !!

    With respect to "..why somebody would ONLY speak with ME.." indeed smacks of being a rude and insulting ploy. The very kind which might encourage me to describe my relationship with specific [subject matter] "persons-of-interest".

    Just a vague description of said relationships is usually sufficient for those skilled [in news or intelligence gathering] persons to thereafter, quickly identify said folks.

    It may well just be the person who gets angry at a breach of trust. Or it might be a family member who is unable to stifle curiosity, and therein lies the risk of "outsiders" reporting same to hostile elements/entites. [as was the case with Ms. Odio, who thought Mrs. Connell was "just" a friend; and didn't realize that she had been "planted" as an FBI "S.C.C.I."]

    Why am I so sure that "Benny" didn't make a call to Sylvia ?? Because her telephone was tapped by multiple agencies, including FBI, US Customs, ATTU, etc. !! Moreover, "Benny's" every move was being surveilled by CI folks. I DO KNOW who called Sylvia during that same period, and with reference to J.U.R.E. matters -- and I will shortly get into that unique area of inquiry, just as soon as I verify the NARA stamps on some documents which were proffered to me recently !! Y'all don't wanna see Fitzgerald come chasing me down now, or do you ??!!

    Am I to presume that you are that deficient in "tradecraft"?? Most of us who have developed a reaonable modicum of "Intel Savvy" [within what that term represents] -- would take this as an insult, and indicating one's "lower cognitive abilities" !!

    I am reminded of the fellow member who so boldly asked: "...WHO are the MONEY MEN..??!!"

    Firstly, I had verified by Tuesday night [November 19th, 1963] that: NOT one of our "financiers/sponsors" had called for a meeting in Dallas that week !! Upon their making even further inquiries; ascertained that absolutely nobody [connected within their circle] had even heard of such a "CALL" !!

    Giving that member the "benefit-of-the-doubt", and recognizing that said member is quite articulate -- I presumed the query to be a joke and/or -- at least a humorous ploy. That I would "give-out" specific names/identities, or even occupations -- to total strangers is ludicrous. And moreover, after the subsequent "bandying-about" of accusatory allegations directed at some of the few "subjects-of-interest", whom I have named over the years -- You've gotta be outta yer mind!!

    I determined to my satisfaction that Sturgis, et al., were not "Once Again" -- "going-behind-my-back".

    After months of Sturgis, et al. making repeated attempts at ascertaining who were our sponsors; which oftentimes were simply centered on"suckering" money out of the gullible right-wingers. However, I suspected [and was later proven to be true] -- this activity was something that the FBI and Trafficante had urged Sturgis, Hall, et al. -- to accomplish during most of that two year period [1962-63] !!

    Let's get real folks. Do your homework, and stifle yourselves, especially when presented with those tempting shortcuts to "no-where-land".




  6. To Whom It May Concern:

    There is a Bush/JFK Assassination connection!

    Why is Simkin defending Bush? There is not a word said about de Mohrenschildt and Bush's long friendship which began in 1942. Bush Sr. wrote me a letter in 1993 admitting such and I have posted it, FOR FREE!

    No discussion of Bush's role in the Bay of Pigs Thing.

    No mention of the Bush phone call to the FBI office in Houston on James Parrott? I prove that he made the call. FBI agent knew Bush's voice when he took call in.

    Why is Bush Sr. suing the Governor of Texas in the Houston District Court? The one who rode shotgun with JFK.

    Why did Prescott Bush's banking firm give de Mohrenschildt a $300,000 line of credit in May of 1963?

    Bruce C. Adamson --

    One thing is certain the FBI added the paragraph so Simkin suggests .


    Jun 20 2004, 07:14 AM

    Post #20

    Super Member

    Group: Admin

    Posts: 5367

    Joined: 16-December 03

    From: Worthing, Sussex

    Member No.: 7

    I also find this document difficult to believe. I suspect that the

    last paragraph has been added to a genuine document. Larry has made

    some good points about why it is unlikely to be genuine. It seems to

    me a very crude attempt to implicate George Bush. What is very

    strange is the document suggests that Bush had close contacts with

    pro-Castro forces. I wonder how he managed that? Bush's political

    opinions on the subject were well known in 1963. I would have thought

    he would have found it impossible to have got close to this group.

    Even if he did, what does it prove in itself?


    John Simkin

    Biography: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=1365

    General Website: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk

    JFK Website: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKindex.htm

    Operation Mockingbird: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKmockingbird.htm




    Jun 18 2004, 08:47 PM

    Post #11



    NOT that I give a rat's "patooty" about "Poppy's", or for that matter: Even "Shrub's" alleged Nexi to the JFK business -- but iam might be one of those included in your "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN" !!

    Last year when I threatened to sue "Ancestry.com" for ripping me off for some buck$ under a phony CD contract ["bait & switch deal"] -- their Mormon shyster in Provo, Utah threw me an "Olive Branch"!!

    THAT: I could forthwith use their services to search out the "Roots" of any group of folks whom I might have a continuing interest in.

    Hey Bruce -- I chose you as # 1 [numero uno] -- knowing that you are heavily into checking out the "hung horse thieves" and "Queens" in your family tree.

    And what did they send back ??!!

    "....We have certifiably traced Mr. Bruce back to the Garden of Eden, which is currently occupied by Bush controlled Marines of your old Marine Corps outfit [Hotel Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment (H/2/4)]

    Moreover, all evidence points to the fact that: One of Mr. Bruce's earliest ancestors was a fellow named "Scooter" Adamson -- and we was an adviser to a wannabe "Warlord" called "Snake" -- who at one time was involved in an extortion scheme against a recently co-habitating couple by the names of "Adam" (LNU) and "Eve" (LNU)!! HOWEVER: From there we lose track of his progeny,that is; until he departed an Alpine region with some dude known as "Hannibal the Cannibal" ??!!


    JUST KIDDING BRUCE !! [And as far as any evidence, there is none that proves any cannibalism !!]

    Check this out and see if you can find a "Bush" hiding somewhere in the "Woodpile" !!






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    SRILANKA-L Archives

    Archiver > SRILANKA > 2001-06 > 0991415599


    From: Gordon Allison gordona@alphalink.com.au

    Subject: Re: Roll call

    Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 03:13:37 +1000

    References: 008101c0ea53$0006ba80$173bb818@computer

    Hi Arnold

    I don't know whether you have already looked at the 1881 census of the British Isles yet, but I found your family of Hemmings listed on it (see below). Obviously a quite well to do family of some means. Henry is

    undoubtedly the eldest son as his mother Harriet was 21 when she had him in 1857. You're even lucky enough to have the elderly mother in law in the house on the night on the census - Harriet Oldridge, widow, age 79. If you checked the indexes to English civil registration you will most probably find a marriage for John J Hemming to Harriet Oldridge? in the preceding year or two. More census and certificates should get you back another 2 generations without much trouble.

    You don't say in your message whether you are only interested in coming down to the present to find relatives in Ceylon. Why do you need to find the birth/baptism of Gerald Hemming when you already have the relevant information? Are you looking for confirmation that Gerald was in fact born in Ceylon while his parents were out there. My feeling is that even if the father Henry did spend time on the island he most probably eventually retired back to England and whether or not any of the children stayed on is open to question. Some of the daughters may have if there were any and if they married into the local high society.

    Do you have the marriage certificate for Henry J.R. Hemming to Ellen C. Gallagher? Were they married in England or Ceylon?

    Another resource to check out which is probably impossible from the US, are the English civil registration indexes to overseas births. Henry as a solicitor would be mindful about getting the births of any of his

    children registered back in England for legal purposes. Also if you don't already know, the Mormons have filmed every surviving birth, marriage and death certificate issued on the island. Not just the indexes but the actual certificate registers and all these films can be got into whichever is your nearest LDS FHC. A trip to Salt Lake City would allow you to view them all in the one place. The registers from memory, go from the start of civil registration on the island in 1867 to 1930 and even later. Finding the right film among the 100's of films may also prove to be a difficult task.

    Best regards for the moment.


    Melbourne, Australia

    arnold roepken wrote:

    Hi Listers:

    I'm trying to find the birth/ baptism records of one Gerald Patrick Hemming, b 31 May 1902 in Columbo, Ceylon - Parents:

    Henry Joseph Randolph Hemming, Solicitor age 45

    Ellen Cecilia Gallagher, wife age 26

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Any other Hemming(s) born there around that time would be helpful

    also. TIA and EA

    Arnold W. Roepken in Garden City, NY

    Genealogy means "Never say die".


    Ancestry.com Genealogical Databases


    Search over 2500 databases with one easy query!

    Dwelling: Exeter House

    Census Place: Cheltenham, Gloucester, England

    Source: FHL Film 1341619 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 2569 Folio 51

    Page 16

    Marr Age Sex Birthplace

    John J. HEMMING M 56 M Leonard Stanley, Gloucester, England

    Rel: Head

    Occ: Solicitor

    Harriet HEMMING M 45 F Cheltm

    Rel: Wife

    Occ: Lady

    Harriet OLDRIDGE W 79 F Kings Stanley, Gloucester, England

    Rel: Mother In Law

    Occ: No Occupation

    Henry J.R. HEMMING U 24 M Leonard Stanley, Gloucester, England

    Rel: Son

    Occ: Solicitors Clerk

    Richard T. HEMMING U 21 M Leonard Stanley, Gloucester, England

    Rel: Son

    Occ: None

    John S. HEMMING U 19 M Leonard Stanley, Gloucester, England

    Rel: Son

    Occ: Medical Student

    Ruth A.M. HEMMING U 13 F Cheltm

    Rel: Daur

    Occ: Sch

    Bessie F. HEMMING 9 F Cheltm

    Rel: Daur

    Occ: Sch

    Alfred E. HEMMING 5 M Cheltm

    Rel: Son

    Catherine G. WATT 23 F Kings Stanley, Gloucester, England

    Rel: Niece

    Occ: No Occupation

    Annie H. WALTERS U 30 F Stockport, Cheshire, England

    Rel: Boarder

    Occ: No Occupation

    Thomas HODGKINS U 18 M California

    Rel: Boarder

    Occ: Brewer

    Sarah EDWARDS U 19 F Cheltm

    Rel: Ser

    Occ: Dom Ser

    Emily MOLE U 26 F Cheltm

    Rel: Ser

    Occ: Dom Ser


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    Re: Roll call by Gordon Allison < gordona@alphalink.com.au>

    Re: Roll call by arnold roepken < aroepken@optonline.net>


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  7. I, for one, don't doubt Hemming's affection for Guevara.... He represents something--idealism and concern for the common man--that is badly missed in today's world.
    And therein lies his downfall and defeat. Che demonstrated an absolutely complete "idealistic" approach to resolving all social problems.... For some reason, CHE just could not seem to see or accept the fact that other humans did not see the world in the same light as did he. Exactly how many others have "gained it all", only to give it up and thereafter deprive oneself and family of the fruits of victory, based on an idealistic view of how the world should be.

    Supplant the word principled for idealistic and it becomes more clear why Che and other historically noteworthy figures wouldn't compromise in order to enjoy the "fruits of victory." Sheesh!

    Tim Carroll









    Original Article at http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_th...beas_corpus.htm

    November 15, 2005

    Losing Habeas Corpus - "A More Dangerous Engine of Arbitrary Government"

    About a year ago, an op-ed article on Al Jazeerah's website by Fawaz Turki titled "For Bush, A Hot Line To Churchill" opened by noting that Tony Blair had given George W. Bush a bust of Winston Churchill, which sits in Bush's Oval Office. Turki then quotes Churchill:

    "The power of the executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious, and the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist."

    The oldest human right defined in the history of English-speaking civilization is the right to challenge that "power of the executive" through the use of habeas corpus laws. Habeas corpus is roughly Latin for "hold the body," and is used in law to mean that a government must either charge a person with a crime or let them go free.

    And last week, U.S. Senate Republicans (with the help of five Senate Democrats) passed a bill that would begin to take down that right.

    Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, in proposing the legislation, said, "It is clear to me from Abu Ghraib backward, forward, and other things we know about, that at times we have lost our way in fighting this war." Few would disagree. "What we are trying to do in a series of amendments," Graham added, "is recapture the moral high ground and provide guidance to our troops."

    But destroying habeas corpus will not "recapture the moral high ground" or "provide guidance for our troops." It may, however, throw our troops (and citizens) into a living hell if they're captured by other governments that have chosen to follow our example.

    This attack on eight centuries of English law is no small thing. While their intent was to deny Guantanamo Bay Concentration Camp detainees the right to see a judge or jury, it could just as easily extend to you and me. (Already two American citizens have been arbitrarily stripped of their habeas corpus rights by the Bush administration - Jose Padilla is still languishing in prison incommunicado and Yasser Hamdi was deported to the police state of Saudi Arabia where every Friday they conduct public floggings and executions.)

    Section 9, Clause 2, of Article I of the United States Constitution says: "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."

    Abraham Lincoln was the first president (on March 3, 1863) to suspend habeas corpus so he could imprison those he considered a threat until the war was over. Congress invoked this power again during Reconstruction when President Grant requested The Ku Klux Klan Act in 1871 to put down a rebellion in South Carolina. Those are the only two fully legal suspensions of habeas corpus in the history of the United States (and Lincoln's is still being debated).

    The United States hasn't suffered a "Rebellion" or an "Invasion" Lincoln's and Grant's administrations. There are no foreign armies on our soil, seizing our cities. No states or municipalities are seriously talking about secession. Yet the U.S. Senate wants to tinker with habeas corpus.

    The modern institution of civil and human rights, and particularly the writ of habeas corpus, began in June of 1215 when King John was forced by the feudal lords to sign the Magna Carta at Runnymede. Although that document mostly protected "freemen" - what were then known as feudal lords or barons, and today known as CEOs and millionaires - rather than the average person, it initiated a series of events that echo to this day.

    Two of the most critical parts of the Magna Carta were articles 38 and 39, which established the foundation for what is now known as "habeas corpus" laws, as well as the Fourth through Eighth Amendments of our Constitution and hundreds of other federal and state due process provisions.

    Articles 38 and 39 of the Magna Carta said:

    "38 In future no official shall place a man on trial upon his own unsupported statement, without producing credible witnesses to the truth of it.

    "39 No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land."

    This was radical stuff, and over the next four hundred years average people increasingly wanted for themselves these same protections from the abuse of the power of government or great wealth. But from 1215 to 1628, outside of the privileges enjoyed by the feudal lords, the average person could be arrested and imprisoned at the whim of the king with no recourse to the courts.

    Then, in 1627, King Charles I overstepped, and the people snapped. Charles I threw into jail five knights in a tax disagreement, and the knights sued the King, asserting their habeas corpus right to be free or on bail unless convicted of a crime.

    King Charles I, in response, invoked his right to simply imprison anybody he wanted (other than the rich), anytime he wanted, as he said, "per speciale Mandatum Domini Regis."

    This is essentially the same argument that George W. Bush makes today for why he has the right to detain both citizens and non-citizens solely on his own say-so: because he's in charge. And it's an argument now supported by Senate Republicans and five Democrats.

    But just as George's decree is meeting resistance, Charles' decree wasn't well received. The result of his overt assault on the rights of citizens led to a sort of revolt in the British Parliament, producing the 1628 "Petition of Right" law, an early version of our Fourth through Eighth Amendments, which restated Articles 38 and 39 of the Magna Carta and added that "writs of habeas corpus, [are] there to undergo and receive [only] as the court should order." It was later strengthened with the "Habeas Corpus Act of 1640" and a second "Habeas Corpus Act of 1679."

    Thus, the right to suspend habeas corpus no longer was held by the King. It was exercised solely by the people's (elected and hereditary) representatives in the Parliament.

    The third George to govern the United Kingdom confronted this in 1815 when he came into possession of Napoleon Bonaparte. British laws were so explicit that everybody was entitled to habeas corpus - even people who were not British citizens - that when Napoleon surrendered on the deck of the British flagship Bellerophon after the battle of Waterloo in 1815, the British Parliament had to pass a law ("An Act For The More Effectually Detaining In Custody Napoleon Bonaparte") to suspend habeas corpus so King George III could legally continue to hold him prisoner (and then legally exile him to a British fortification on a distant island).

    Now, Congress is moving to similarly detain people or exile them to camps on a distant island. Except these people are not Napoleon Bonapartes. As The The New York Times noted in a November 12, 2005 editorial, "according to government and military officials, an overwhelming majority [of the Guantanamo concentration camp detainees] should not have been taken prisoner in the first place."

    It may well be that the only reason these Republicans are so determined to keep our Guantanamo prisoners incarcerated is to avoid the embarrassment and negative political fallout that would ensue if they were released and told the world's media their stories of false arrest, torture, illegal imprisonment, and hunger strikes.

    The Founders must be turning in their graves. As Alexander Hamilton - arguably the most conservative of the Founders - wrote in Federalist 84:

    "The establishment of the writ of habeas corpus ... are perhaps greater securities to liberty and republicanism than any it [the Constitution] contains. ...[T]he practice of arbitrary imprisonments have been, in all ages, the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny.

    The observations of the judicious [british 18th century legal scholar] Blackstone, in reference to the latter, are well worthy of recital:

    "'To bereave a man of life,' says he, 'or by violence to confiscate his estate, without accusation or trial, would be so gross and notorious an act of despotism, as must at once convey the alarm of tyranny throughout the whole nation; but confinement of the person, by secretly hurrying him to jail, where his sufferings are unknown or forgotten, is a less public, a less striking, and therefore A MORE DANGEROUS ENGINE of

    arbitrary government.''' [Capitals all Hamilton's from the original.]

    The question, ultimately, is whether our nation will continue to stand for the values upon which it was founded.

    Early American conservatives suggested that democracy was so ultimately weak it couldn't withstand the assault of newspaper editors and citizens who spoke out against it, or terrorists from the Islamic Barbary Coast, leading John Adams to pass America's first PATRIOT Act-like laws, the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. President Thomas Jefferson rebuked those who wanted America ruled by an iron-handed presidency that could -as Adams had - throw people in jail for "crimes" such as speaking political opinion, or without constitutional due process.

    "I know, indeed," Jefferson said in his first inaugural address on March 4, 1801, "that some honest men fear that a republican government cannot be strong; that this government is not strong enough.

    But, Jefferson said, our nation was "the world's best hope," and because of our strong commitment to democracy, "the strongest government on earth."

    The sum of this, Jefferson said, was found in "freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus; and trial by juries impartially selected. These principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us, and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation.

    "The wisdom of our sages and the blood of our heroes have been devoted to their attainment. They should be the creed of our political faith, the text of civil instruction, the touchstone by which to try the services of those we trust; and should we wander from them in moments of error or alarm, let us hasten to retrace our steps and to regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty, and safety."

    When I was working in Russia some years ago, a friend in Kaliningrad told me a perhaps apocryphal story about Nikita Khrushchev, who, following Stalin's death, gave a speech to the Politburo denouncing Stalin's policies.

    A few minutes into Khrushchev's diatribe, somebody shouted out, "Why didn't you challenge him then, the way you are now?"

    The room fell silent, as Khrushchev angrily swept the audience with his glare. "Who said that?" he asked in a reasoned voice. Silence.

    "Who said that?" Khrushchev demanded, leaning forward. Silence.

    Pounding his fist on the podium to accent each word, he screamed, "Who - said - that?" Still no answer.

    Finally, after a long and strained silence, the elected politicians in the room fearful to even cough, a corner of Khrushchev's mouth lifted into a smile.

    "Now you know," he said with a chuckle, "why I did not speak up against Stalin when I sat where you now sit."

    The question for our day is who will speak up against Stalinist policies in America? Who will speak against the man who punishes reporters and news organizations by cutting off their access; who punishes politicians by targeting them in their home districts; who punishes truth-tellers in the Executive branch by character assassination that even extends to destroying their spouse's careers? And why is our press doing such a pathetic job that in all probability 95 percent of Americans don't even know that the U.S. Senate voted last week to begin the process of suspending habeas corpus?

    As Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist Number 8:

    "The violent destruction of life and property incident to war; the continual effort and alarm attendant on a state of continual danger, will compel nations the most attached to liberty, to resort for repose and security to institutions which have a tendency to destroy their civil and political rights. To be more safe, they, at length, become willing to run the risk of being less free."

    We must not make the mistake that Jefferson and Hamilton warned us against. Contact your U.S. Senators (the Capitol's phone number is 202 225-3121) and tell them to stop this assault on eight hundred years of legal precedent by leaving our habeas corpus laws intact and quickly moving to ensure that the captives in our Guantanamo Bay Concentration Camps (and other, overseas, secret prisons) have the fundamental human rights of habeas corpus our Supreme Court has already ruled they should be accorded.

    Thom Hartmann is a Project Censored Award-winning best-selling author and host of a nationally syndicated daily progressive talk show carried on the

    Air America Radio network. www.thomhartmann.com His most recent books include "What Would Jefferson Do?" and "Ultimate Sacrifice: John and Robert Kennedy, the Plan for a Coup in Cuba, and the Murder of JFK" co-authored by Lamar Waldron.





    OH DARN !! I forgot that the "Village Idiot" has me running around "promoting myself" into the "JFK" Matter.

    NOT that other assholes came out of the blue [or some anal orifice] to suck me into this mess -- and starting with "Queen" Hoover [tough xxxx if that offends you Faireys out there !!] and continued by "Big Jimbo/Gumbo" Garrison in his phony quest to protect his "Rabbi" [Marcello] by fingering the "No Name Key Bunch" and the Miami Cubans in general. But of course -- he left out the DGI spies inside JM/WAVE -- because he didn't know "squat" about the Miami CIA Base nor its cryptonym.


    "....In one of Hunt's libel suits, one Marita Lorenz gave sworn testimony that Lee Harvey

    Oswald, American mercenaries Frank Sturgis and Gerry Patrick Hemming, and

    Cuban exiles including Orlando Bosch, Pedro Diaz Lanz, and the brothers

    Guillermo and Ignacio Novo Sampol, had met one November midnight in 1963 at

    the Miami home of Orlando Bosch and had studied Dallas street maps. She also

    swore that she and Sturgis were at that time in the employ of the CIA and

    that they received payment from Howard Hunt under the name "Eduardo," an a

    lias which Hunt is known to have used in his dealings with Cuban exiles.

    After studying the maps, she and the men departed for Dallas in two cars,

    taking a load of handguns, rifles, and scopes in the follow-up car. They

    arrived in Dallas on 21 November 1963, and stayed at a motel, where the group

    met Howard Hunt. Hunt stayed for about forty-five minutes and at one point

    handed an envelope of cash to Sturgis. About an hour after Hunt left, Jack

    Ruby came to the door. Lorenz says that this was the first time she had seen

    Ruby. By this time, she said, it was early evening. In her testimony, Lorenz

    identified herself and her fellow passengers as members of Operation Forty,

    the CIA-directed assassination team formed in 1960 in preparation for the Bay

    of Pigs invasion. She described her role as that of a "decoy." The group

    blamed Kennedy for the failure at the Bay of Pigs and conspired to kill him,

    she said. Knowing that something more sinister than gun-running was involved,

    she left the group about two hours after Ruby's visit and returned to Miami.

    Sturgis, she said, later told her that she had missed out on the group's

    killing of Kennedy (Lane 1991)...." !!





  8. I, for one, don't doubt Hemming's affection for Guevara.... He represents something--idealism and concern for the common man--that is badly missed in today's world.
    And therein lies his downfall and defeat. Che demonstrated an absolutely complete "idealistic" approach to resolving all social problems.... For some reason, CHE just could not seem to see or accept the fact that other humans did not see the world in the same light as did he. Exactly how many others have "gained it all", only to give it up and thereafter deprive oneself and family of the fruits of victory, based on an idealistic view of how the world should be.

    Supplant the word principled for idealistic and it becomes more clear why Che and other historically noteworthy figures wouldn't compromise in order to enjoy the "fruits of victory." Sheesh!

    Tim Carroll









    Original Article at http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_th...beas_corpus.htm

    November 15, 2005

    Losing Habeas Corpus - "A More Dangerous Engine of Arbitrary Government"

    About a year ago, an op-ed article on Al Jazeerah's website by Fawaz Turki titled "For Bush, A Hot Line To Churchill" opened by noting that Tony Blair had given George W. Bush a bust of Winston Churchill, which sits in Bush's Oval Office. Turki then quotes Churchill:

    "The power of the executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious, and the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist."

    The oldest human right defined in the history of English-speaking civilization is the right to challenge that "power of the executive" through the use of habeas corpus laws. Habeas corpus is roughly Latin for "hold the body," and is used in law to mean that a government must either charge a person with a crime or let them go free.

    And last week, U.S. Senate Republicans (with the help of five Senate Democrats) passed a bill that would begin to take down that right.

    Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, in proposing the legislation, said, "It is clear to me from Abu Ghraib backward, forward, and other things we know about, that at times we have lost our way in fighting this war." Few would disagree. "What we are trying to do in a series of amendments," Graham added, "is recapture the moral high ground and provide guidance to our troops."

    But destroying habeas corpus will not "recapture the moral high ground" or "provide guidance for our troops." It may, however, throw our troops (and citizens) into a living hell if they're captured by other governments that have chosen to follow our example.

    This attack on eight centuries of English law is no small thing. While their intent was to deny Guantanamo Bay Concentration Camp detainees the right to see a judge or jury, it could just as easily extend to you and me. (Already two American citizens have been arbitrarily stripped of their habeas corpus rights by the Bush administration - Jose Padilla is still languishing in prison incommunicado and Yasser Hamdi was deported to the police state of Saudi Arabia where every Friday they conduct public floggings and executions.)

    Section 9, Clause 2, of Article I of the United States Constitution says: "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."

    Abraham Lincoln was the first president (on March 3, 1863) to suspend habeas corpus so he could imprison those he considered a threat until the war was over. Congress invoked this power again during Reconstruction when President Grant requested The Ku Klux Klan Act in 1871 to put down a rebellion in South Carolina. Those are the only two fully legal suspensions of habeas corpus in the history of the United States (and Lincoln's is still being debated).

    The United States hasn't suffered a "Rebellion" or an "Invasion" Lincoln's and Grant's administrations. There are no foreign armies on our soil, seizing our cities. No states or municipalities are seriously talking about secession. Yet the U.S. Senate wants to tinker with habeas corpus.

    The modern institution of civil and human rights, and particularly the writ of habeas corpus, began in June of 1215 when King John was forced by the feudal lords to sign the Magna Carta at Runnymede. Although that document mostly protected "freemen" - what were then known as feudal lords or barons, and today known as CEOs and millionaires - rather than the average person, it initiated a series of events that echo to this day.

    Two of the most critical parts of the Magna Carta were articles 38 and 39, which established the foundation for what is now known as "habeas corpus" laws, as well as the Fourth through Eighth Amendments of our Constitution and hundreds of other federal and state due process provisions.

    Articles 38 and 39 of the Magna Carta said:

    "38 In future no official shall place a man on trial upon his own unsupported statement, without producing credible witnesses to the truth of it.

    "39 No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land."

    This was radical stuff, and over the next four hundred years average people increasingly wanted for themselves these same protections from the abuse of the power of government or great wealth. But from 1215 to 1628, outside of the privileges enjoyed by the feudal lords, the average person could be arrested and imprisoned at the whim of the king with no recourse to the courts.

    Then, in 1627, King Charles I overstepped, and the people snapped. Charles I threw into jail five knights in a tax disagreement, and the knights sued the King, asserting their habeas corpus right to be free or on bail unless convicted of a crime.

    King Charles I, in response, invoked his right to simply imprison anybody he wanted (other than the rich), anytime he wanted, as he said, "per speciale Mandatum Domini Regis."

    This is essentially the same argument that George W. Bush makes today for why he has the right to detain both citizens and non-citizens solely on his own say-so: because he's in charge. And it's an argument now supported by Senate Republicans and five Democrats.

    But just as George's decree is meeting resistance, Charles' decree wasn't well received. The result of his overt assault on the rights of citizens led to a sort of revolt in the British Parliament, producing the 1628 "Petition of Right" law, an early version of our Fourth through Eighth Amendments, which restated Articles 38 and 39 of the Magna Carta and added that "writs of habeas corpus, [are] there to undergo and receive [only] as the court should order." It was later strengthened with the "Habeas Corpus Act of 1640" and a second "Habeas Corpus Act of 1679."

    Thus, the right to suspend habeas corpus no longer was held by the King. It was exercised solely by the people's (elected and hereditary) representatives in the Parliament.

    The third George to govern the United Kingdom confronted this in 1815 when he came into possession of Napoleon Bonaparte. British laws were so explicit that everybody was entitled to habeas corpus - even people who were not British citizens - that when Napoleon surrendered on the deck of the British flagship Bellerophon after the battle of Waterloo in 1815, the British Parliament had to pass a law ("An Act For The More Effectually Detaining In Custody Napoleon Bonaparte") to suspend habeas corpus so King George III could legally continue to hold him prisoner (and then legally exile him to a British fortification on a distant island).

    Now, Congress is moving to similarly detain people or exile them to camps on a distant island. Except these people are not Napoleon Bonapartes. As The The New York Times noted in a November 12, 2005 editorial, "according to government and military officials, an overwhelming majority [of the Guantanamo concentration camp detainees] should not have been taken prisoner in the first place."

    It may well be that the only reason these Republicans are so determined to keep our Guantanamo prisoners incarcerated is to avoid the embarrassment and negative political fallout that would ensue if they were released and told the world's media their stories of false arrest, torture, illegal imprisonment, and hunger strikes.

    The Founders must be turning in their graves. As Alexander Hamilton - arguably the most conservative of the Founders - wrote in Federalist 84:

    "The establishment of the writ of habeas corpus ... are perhaps greater securities to liberty and republicanism than any it [the Constitution] contains. ...[T]he practice of arbitrary imprisonments have been, in all ages, the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny.

    The observations of the judicious [british 18th century legal scholar] Blackstone, in reference to the latter, are well worthy of recital:

    "'To bereave a man of life,' says he, 'or by violence to confiscate his estate, without accusation or trial, would be so gross and notorious an act of despotism, as must at once convey the alarm of tyranny throughout the whole nation; but confinement of the person, by secretly hurrying him to jail, where his sufferings are unknown or forgotten, is a less public, a less striking, and therefore A MORE DANGEROUS ENGINE of

    arbitrary government.''' [Capitals all Hamilton's from the original.]

    The question, ultimately, is whether our nation will continue to stand for the values upon which it was founded.

    Early American conservatives suggested that democracy was so ultimately weak it couldn't withstand the assault of newspaper editors and citizens who spoke out against it, or terrorists from the Islamic Barbary Coast, leading John Adams to pass America's first PATRIOT Act-like laws, the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. President Thomas Jefferson rebuked those who wanted America ruled by an iron-handed presidency that could -as Adams had - throw people in jail for "crimes" such as speaking political opinion, or without constitutional due process.

    "I know, indeed," Jefferson said in his first inaugural address on March 4, 1801, "that some honest men fear that a republican government cannot be strong; that this government is not strong enough.

    But, Jefferson said, our nation was "the world's best hope," and because of our strong commitment to democracy, "the strongest government on earth."

    The sum of this, Jefferson said, was found in "freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus; and trial by juries impartially selected. These principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us, and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation.

    "The wisdom of our sages and the blood of our heroes have been devoted to their attainment. They should be the creed of our political faith, the text of civil instruction, the touchstone by which to try the services of those we trust; and should we wander from them in moments of error or alarm, let us hasten to retrace our steps and to regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty, and safety."

    When I was working in Russia some years ago, a friend in Kaliningrad told me a perhaps apocryphal story about Nikita Khrushchev, who, following Stalin's death, gave a speech to the Politburo denouncing Stalin's policies.

    A few minutes into Khrushchev's diatribe, somebody shouted out, "Why didn't you challenge him then, the way you are now?"

    The room fell silent, as Khrushchev angrily swept the audience with his glare. "Who said that?" he asked in a reasoned voice. Silence.

    "Who said that?" Khrushchev demanded, leaning forward. Silence.

    Pounding his fist on the podium to accent each word, he screamed, "Who - said - that?" Still no answer.

    Finally, after a long and strained silence, the elected politicians in the room fearful to even cough, a corner of Khrushchev's mouth lifted into a smile.

    "Now you know," he said with a chuckle, "why I did not speak up against Stalin when I sat where you now sit."

    The question for our day is who will speak up against Stalinist policies in America? Who will speak against the man who punishes reporters and news organizations by cutting off their access; who punishes politicians by targeting them in their home districts; who punishes truth-tellers in the Executive branch by character assassination that even extends to destroying their spouse's careers? And why is our press doing such a pathetic job that in all probability 95 percent of Americans don't even know that the U.S. Senate voted last week to begin the process of suspending habeas corpus?

    As Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist Number 8:

    "The violent destruction of life and property incident to war; the continual effort and alarm attendant on a state of continual danger, will compel nations the most attached to liberty, to resort for repose and security to institutions which have a tendency to destroy their civil and political rights. To be more safe, they, at length, become willing to run the risk of being less free."

    We must not make the mistake that Jefferson and Hamilton warned us against. Contact your U.S. Senators (the Capitol's phone number is 202 225-3121) and tell them to stop this assault on eight hundred years of legal precedent by leaving our habeas corpus laws intact and quickly moving to ensure that the captives in our Guantanamo Bay Concentration Camps (and other, overseas, secret prisons) have the fundamental human rights of habeas corpus our Supreme Court has already ruled they should be accorded.

    Thom Hartmann is a Project Censored Award-winning best-selling author and host of a nationally syndicated daily progressive talk show carried on the

    Air America Radio network. www.thomhartmann.com His most recent books include "What Would Jefferson Do?" and "Ultimate Sacrifice: John and Robert Kennedy, the Plan for a Coup in Cuba, and the Murder of JFK" co-authored by Lamar Waldron.




  9. What was Lamar Waldron's topic?

    Lamar outlined the contents of his book Ultimate Sacrifice. I had dinner with him last night and he has agreed to discuss the book on the Forum. Interestingly, he says he made a lot of use of the Forum (and my website) in his research. I think he has got it about 95% right. I suspect that his theory will upset some members because he argues that JFK was serious about his plan to overthrow Castro in December, 1963. Others will disagree about the reasons why LBJ and RFK covered up the assassination. It is a very impressive book and recommend that you all buy it. It is possibly the best book written on the JFK assassination so far. It is mainly based on recently released documents.

    I really have no qualms about believing that the Kennedy's had a coup against Castro in the workings. This could well be valid, and, after looking at the book's website, I am actually somewhat excited about it and may attempt to get my hands on it. I also note that Vincent Palamara gives it his thumbs up on the Amazon page, as well as Bill Turner on the book's website, which are good signs. At the very least, it will have a substantial amount of new material to chew over. I think the stuff about the mafia being the primary mover behind the assassination is pretty much wrong, though.


    You are right on the money "Kid" ?!!

    About 10 years ago I spoke with Waldron at his home in Georgia. He later wrote some comment about why the hell I had called him -- and it appeared on my "Google-Alerts" notification some time later.

    Why the hell I had called him ?? He was then a member of Gordon Winslow's "Master Researchers List", and had indicated [along with Gooch & others] that: He was interested in all data & docs on one "Gerry Patrick Hemming" !!

    I said: Hey guy, I'm a member on that list, or hadn't you noticed ??!! Midway through the conversation I reminded him that if he wanted to get something from the [wannabe-SOF-egotistic-elderly, etc., etc.] "horse's mouth" -- then here is my telephone number, and when I get the chance I will have one of the NARA regulars forward some [usually derogatory] document reference one 'GPH" !!

    When I mentioned to him that I had competed against one of his US Army [Nat'l Guard] kinfolk at Camp Perry , Ohio during the 1965 "National Matches", he said "..Oh..I didn't know that..". When I went on to describe his kin as having used a very expensive leather [and body clinging] German shooting coat, he said

    "..Well..I don't talk with him much..". I went further to state that we both had tied -- and lost during the final "President's 100" competiton, and he mumbled something.

    I reminded him that one of the characters in the "JFK" movie had stated that: Had he been in charge of the Warren Comm'n -- he would have FIRST located and interviewed the 100 best rifle shooters in the country.

    [As I recall -- it was the Senator Russell character talking to kostner, and played by Walter Mathau]

    He didn't sound too pleased with that reference -- so I went on to say that his kinfolk was very close to the top of our "short list" of possible Dealey Plaza shooters, and not just for his skill !! But that this was due to much more serious evidence !! Specifically the information that: He had been associated with "subjects of Interest" during our investigation. Moreover, I stated that he was indeed assigned to the group supporting the Memphis P.D. during the MLK, Jr. hit !!

    That just about ended the conversation, and any further contact with Lamar !!

    I just ordered the book on Amazon.com, and it will be here on the 25th. So far, I think what these two authors have ignored [might be wrong] -- is the fact that Santo Trafficante was a "known" agent for Fidel's DGI security service !! And moreover, that he reported to Cmdte. Manuel "Barba Roja" Piniero [Chief of the DSE/DGI "Wet Ops" unit for the Western Hemisphere]

    I had arguments with Dick Billings over the "Cosa Nostra Dood It" routine -- and insisted that the Dagos & Wops in the "Cozy Nostril" were heavily penetrated and controlled by both DGI & GRU !!

    This was during the 1992 "JFK Act" hearings, where I also confronted Blakey as he left to leave the Hearing Room. "Da Nasty Ol' Mob Dood It !!" What a bunch of horse-xxxx. Marcello had taken out Trujillo under an agreement with RFK's guys, and he figured that he was "immune-while-owed-BIG-Time" !!




  10. Gerry::


    However strange it might seem to those who have never served, whether by age, infirmity, or by design: as seems to be the case with "Chains" Cheney and most of the White House lackeys -- the business of the military is not "going on parade"!! It is their business to commit frequent homicides and "break things".

    We Marines and ex-SFers are now facing the stark reality that: "this job is never finished" !! Moreover, we have to suffer the mixed fear and pride, when it is that: NOW our sons and daughters, members of extended family and close friends, are having to "ship out/deploy" to hostile environments -- where they must kill and face death on a daily basis.

    We Marines are very fortunate in that: From the first moment after "debarking/un-assing" from those chartered buses inside the Recruit Depots -- we were faced with a small, but very fierce cadre of NCOs, who immediately dedicated themselves to destroying ALL remnants of any previous "silly-villian" attitudes and behaviors. You quickly learned that ALL of that which you have previously experienced -- had by your "Mommy" been taught, was as worthless as dog xxxx !!

    One of the first "allegories" phrased by these seemingly evil Drill Instructors is: "....The only thing lower and more worthless than a civilian is a Navy cook..!!"

    Oftentimes the realization that this complete destruction of your civilian psyche, followed by the rebuilding of boys and girls into male and female "killing machines" is life-saving -- only comes upon one's first "taste" of combat.

    What a shock it is -- even despite ALL of the hard training, suffering of privations, and extreme hazards, whilst with a short distance their are fat boys and girls scoffing up their "Big Macs", "Super-sized" fries and shakes/sodas. And what are the near and distant plans being discussed during these "Miss Piggy Chow- Downs" -- critical matters; such as do they first get laid, or smoke a joint -- Nawhh! Let's order more food before we decide.

    NOW !! All of a sudden, some dude or bitch is shooting at you -- and I mean like they actually want to cause you great and grievious harm !! Don't they realize what a nice person you are ??!! How can it be that this total stranger, who you have never even thought ill of -- now intends to do you some serious hurt ??!!

    Don't ever expect that one's son or daughter is going to return from a combat deployment acting like that sweet young person who shortly before -- left home and hearth. They won't talk about the recent past, save for some humorous incidents; and they sure as hell won't gravitate towards anything which smacks of silly civilian bullxxxx ideals or attitudes. Some may give it a short try, but only until they once again congregate with fellow veterans of these horrors, will they even think about discussing vague events. Absent those contacts, they will tend to withdraw unto themselves !!

    Many who have watched the movie "A Few Good Men" failed to realize that "Code Reds" are usually left behind at Boot Camp. Elite units never "dry shave & shower" or "Code Red" a member, but instead immediately "blackball" him/her -- and they are soon gone to a different M.O.S. in a distant unit.

    Why is that, you say ?! First, because any repeated "failure-to-perform", disqualifies said individual almost without other recourse. Second, and most important -- try that on a veteran Marine, one who is long gone [months, NOT years] from the old boot camp days -- they would KILL immediately [if not sooner] any asshole who ever laid a hand upon their person outside of a training cycle !! While oftentimes we carried unloaded weapons, we ALWAYS carried a bayonet and a "K-Bar" [uSMC issued fighting/utility knife] -- which is a small "Bowie" type, bladed instrument of death -- and a much preferred instrument to boot !!

    The only "crime" exhibited throughout said "Hollywood" [bull xxxx] spectacular was -- Once again, THE COVER-UP !!

    Moreover, the J.A.G. Manual provides that whenever a "Field Grade" officer is to be called on "Direct" or "Cross" -- a "standby" counsel will be appointed to question said Colonel, and the questioner will be of at least equivalent rank, or one lower grade only !! NOT some snot-nosed Tom Cruise USN Lt. or Lt. Jg. !!

    However, the Jack Nicholson character did display, and expound upon -- the accepted and encouraged modicum of attitude/behavior expected of all members of the Combat Arms !! Like it or Lump it -- or better yet; sign up with an NGO and get your punk asses over to the "Sand Box" before overloading your "Canary Asses with your Alligator Moufies" !!




    Gerry, I think I get your point here. I'd certainly would have to defer to people like yourself and Tom on these matters. My personal pacifict inclinations that include such things as a total rejection of death penalty, and an acceptance of concepts of redemption and forgiveness, and other matters, combined with growing up in Sweden contributes to my overall neutral defense orientation re. armed conflict.

    My reference to the 'few good men' was in relation to separation of the professional soldier (perhaps better referred to in htis context as the experienced soldier, and the general population.

    My understanding from what you and Tom is saying is that this separation is a natural product of the experience of becoming a soldier. I guess I'm urging that this separation is not reinforced organisationally, officially, but provided with opportunity to break down, so that avenues always are available for cross 'cultural' exchange. Naturally, some would be unwilling to participate, but that's their choice. However, the choice to participate should be encouraged. The 'you can't handle the truth' mentality of the character in the movie, seems to indicate a separation that if a product of policy, would serve to limit access by the general citizenry to the military IF the situation ever arose whereby the military was about to be used against the citizenry in such a situation as tienanmin square.

    I wonder to what extent such would have been a factor in Kent state for example. Were the nat. guard there selected from out of state? Or were they the 'neighbours' of the shot students?



    I took a stand against the death penalty during the 1980s, wherein I challenged both Appellate Courts and the Supreme Court of Florida, and those of several other States. I was greatly pleased by Governor Ryan's [Ohio] "moratorium" and commutation of death sentences to life !! Especially where it caused a dramatic readjustment in the whole criminal justice system -- and that was couple with Barry Sheck's DNA work [w/ students assisting] !!

    My first serious "Lifer" case involved a young man who had barely avoided "Q" Wing [Death-Row] at Florida State prison, Starke, Florida. It took about a month before he would even discuss his case, despite the fact that we both worked side-by-side 7 days a week. 3 months later, after doing battle with a team of high-priced shysters -- I got him paroled, and moreover -- out of the state to his folks in Georgia !!

    My last case was the alleged serial killer: "Crazy Joe" Graviano -- and only after his convict brother pleaded with me for months to take the case. Got him off of "Q" Wing, but he remains "inside" due to a separate rape conviction -- which I refused to handle.

    I have brothers, cousins, nephews, etc. who are long time attorneys. Every one of them states the same refrain: That the whole "criminal in-justice system" sucks !!

    Can you even begin to imagine how a person feels, when he is wrongfully convicted of a serious crime ??!!

    I found that after the first two years, these "innocents" [as opposed to"Not Guilties"] try to dredge up false feelings of some kind of guilt -- which they feel is the only way to survive over the many years which lay ahead !!

    The "infamous" myth that everybody in prison claims "innocence" is total bullxxxx. You utter anything sounding like that, and you will shortly find youself under the "protection" of a "War-Daddy" !! The most "infamous" at "The Rock" [u.C.I., Raiford, FL] was a large 400+ pound dude who physically insisted that everybody call him "Mama Hurt" !! The old joke is that a "Rocky" will have you in silk panties the 2nd night on the cell-block !!

    I handled several of the only "TRUE" miscarriages of justice !!

    # 1. Is where absolutely NO crime has even been committed, yet the accused is ultimately sentenced to the harshest of punishments. Very sad cases.

    # 2. Is where by perjury and/or misidentification -- the wrong man is convicted for a crime that really occured. More than once, the not so innocent [but not guilty as charged] convict. Oftentimes he eventually runs into the actual perpetrator -- and the dude is amused at the whole affair !! However, and very soon, the real perp "checks-in" [to protective custody] -- in order to save his very life !!

    # 3. Is where, in a rare instance, a family member "takes-the-fall" for someone he knows cannot survive the rigors of the chain-gang -- and will ultimately committ suicide. So he is spared by a -- not so noble deed; because the guy taking the fall, usually has gotten away with a bunch of "jobs" -- and prison time is a vacation for him !!

    WELL !! enough of that yadda-yadda. I don't need to pop a Valium at this time of night !!

    "PACIFISTS" !! In over 50 years in the business -- I have yet to hear a genuine spec/war "Operator" bad-mouth -- either a straight-out pacifist, or a concientious objector. And why is that ? Because of our "selection process". We start out as triple-volunteers before even being considered for "training" in that field !! We DON'T want anybody around us who doesn't volunteer to be there !!

    One of my now deceased brothers-in-law was a "C.O." during WWII. So they made him a Medic. During the New Guinea Campaign -- he was wounded twice during the first week of the "Buna Mission" operation.

    After that [without more than 2 days of hospitalization] he was cited for bravery 7 more times. He discovered quickly that the Japs used the "Red Cross" on his helmet [and brassard on his arm] as center-aim targets. The Japs knew well that: Wounding a man, required the taking out of at least 2 or 3 combatants, who then had to serve as stretcher-bearers

    Killing the Medic caused even more shooters to "sling" their rifles and go to the aid of the untreated wounded !!

    My brother-in-law was forced to kill some Japs [never would say how many] because they ran up to bayonet his wounded patients -- so he grabbed one of the woundeds' rifles, and shot the xxxx out of them.

    Only after two more similar incidents, did he start to carry a .45 cal. Colt automatic pistol [under his shirt, not holstered in view]. He ended the War with about half the medals awarded to Audie Murphy. Had he served in the European Theater [E.T.O.] where the occupied countries freely gave out medals -- he would indeed have been awarded more than Murphy !! [A 3rd of Audie's awards were foreign]

    Just before the famous War Correspondent Ernie Pyle was killed on Iei Shima [1945] -- he visited my brother-in-law's Batallion Headquarters -- to do some of his famous one-on-one & group interviews. Company after company, platoon after platoon -- directed him to interview: "The Only Real Hero" of the outfit !!

    My late brother-in-law -- the "C.O.'!!

    As for Kent State. The coward-ass killers in that Nat'l Guard unit were all draft-dodgers -- who had joined the "Guard" to avoid being sent to the 'nam !! They were scared xxxxless, panicked, ran -- then trapped by a fence-line -- turned like chickenxxxx cowards and fired !!

    The famous picture of the young girl anguishing over the dead body of a Kent State student ?? Her name is Vecchio -- and she lived about 4 blocks from my house in Opa-Locka, Florida. Sadly, and without a doubt suffering from P.T.S.D. -- she turned to prostitution and was busted on several occasions. I firmly believe that the State of Ohio owes her big buck$ for therapy and a lost lifetime !!

    'Nuff said -- I am about to throw a "Hissy" !!




  11. Although I had never intended to bait you into a hissy fit, I certainly succeeded. I can only assume that this means that you will show us all that Murgado is doing your bidding and move this out of the area of speculation. Wonderful, Gerry. Blind us all with this light you speak of.

    You've lead a fascinating life, no doubt. Even making a fool out of a law professor. My, my.


    You suck-seded in WHAT ??!! Are you a "high school senior" in real life NEWBIE/FNG -- or NOT ??!!

    Where is your response to my BIO question ?? Cat got your fingers ??

    Join up with Ms. MATTine, your cruising in the same lane [Ford] !!



    Its true that I am quite hesitant about supplying a pic. I won't deny this. And yes, I am a high school senior in real life. What kind of idiot would fabricate such stunning credentials as those?

    I would certainly classify that outburst of yours as a "hissy fit." What would you call it?


    "Hissy Fit" ?? Your last to Ms. MATTine was the "HF" !!

    "....How in hell can I be a Nixon lover if I support Alger Hiss' innocence? And why is my post nonsense, since you obviously agree with my viewpoint here? You aren't making any sort of sense. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)..."

    And just why are you so HESITANT about posting your photo ?? Oh ! Another "secret-agent-boy" !! Got your "GTA" gameboy ready ??

    Afraid that somebody might recognize you ?? Can't imagine why ? Gratz says that Ms. MATTine's photo seems to have been taken from the LBJ Library !! Come on KID -- your not Weberman up to his usual hacking into a Super-Crey game -- via the usual phone-freaks that got you into legal trouble before ?? HUH ??!!



  12. Although I had never intended to bait you into a hissy fit, I certainly succeeded. I can only assume that this means that you will show us all that Murgado is doing your bidding and move this out of the area of speculation. Wonderful, Gerry. Blind us all with this light you speak of.

    You've lead a fascinating life, no doubt. Even making a fool out of a law professor. My, my.


    You suck-seded in WHAT ??!! Are you a "high school senior" in real life NEWBIE/FNG -- or NOT ??!!

    Where is your response to my BIO question ?? Cat got your fingers ??

    Join up with Ms. MATTine, your cruising in the same lane [Ford] !!



  13. William Turner has an entire chapter in Deadly Secrets about Bobby's post Bay of Pigs anti-Castro activity, but no one attacks him for it.

    Bill Turner is an example of a good historical researcher/writer. As for previously denied accusations about "attacks," it is precisely the distinction between Turner's scholarship and Mellen's that is at issue. Bill Turner didn't use the hook of a face-to-face meeting between Bobby Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald, only to discredit the story's source.

    Angel Murgado's story endows Bobby with knowledge of Oswald, but not face-to-face contact. Hemming's story conveys the same gist, but more strongly. She uses it to make Bobby's alleged knowledge of Oswald more forceful to the reader, but it is not the source of her point. It is a "metaphor" for it, as explicitly stated.

    I assume you are refering to Hemming's tale for Oswald being in Florida. Again, this is not treated as true and is not supposed to be taken that way by the reader.

    The reader is supposed to treat Hemming's tale as a metaphor rather than historical narrative? What kind of sense does that make? Looking at the sum total of the use made of Gerry Hemming for this book, one can see that he was a serious contributor to the work, both above and behind the scenes. If one dismisses that contribution as not to be "treated as true," one is cutting out a substantial amount of the new material contained therein.

    Tim Carroll

    I really don't see Hemming being a "serious contributor to the work" or contributing a "substantial amount of new material." Angel Murgado is a different person than Hemming, and Mellen assumes that he is not doing Hemming's bidding. Cut out every instance where Hemming is cited, and you will lose next to nothing.


    WHAT ?! You have the "nads" to think that your Khazar Weberman style of "Baiting" is going to have me go into a hissy-fit and get into a rush to tell ALL ??!!

    NOT going to happen sweety-pie !! As I said in a recent post, when Prof. Mellen has undergone "peer review" -- then, and only then -- will I make comments with reference "new" her book.

    You gullible, silly fools are going to be in the same "slump" as one "Habeas Corpus" law professor was, when after 5 short hours -- I demolished his entire "theory of law" on that subject matter. He had already been published inside the U.S. 4 times, and in the UK twice -- ALL wrong. His tearful comment as we left him -- making some reference to a 5-gallon can of "white-out" necessary to "adjust" HIS tomes !!

    I gotz some news for you honey -- NO more freebies -- and all of the stupid trash written about this JFK matter is going to be bathed in a flood of "white-out" !! I am being encouraged to go back to private e-mails so that most of you -- who have wasted tons of money, and years of time -- won't be let down TOO hard.

    There are a few shockers coming, so get out your crying towels and "worry beads" -- you and a bunch of wannabe authors are about to see THE LIGHT !!




    William Turner has an entire chapter in Deadly Secrets about Bobby's post Bay of Pigs anti-Castro activity, but no one attacks him for it.

    Bill Turner is an example of a good historical researcher/writer. As for previously denied accusations about "attacks," it is precisely the distinction between Turner's scholarship and Mellen's that is at issue. Bill Turner didn't use the hook of a face-to-face meeting between Bobby Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald, only to discredit the story's source.

    Angel Murgado's story endows Bobby with knowledge of Oswald, but not face-to-face contact. Hemming's story conveys the same gist, but more strongly. She uses it to make Bobby's alleged knowledge of Oswald more forceful to the reader, but it is not the source of her point. It is a "metaphor" for it, as explicitly stated.

    I assume you are refering to Hemming's tale for Oswald being in Florida. Again, this is not treated as true and is not supposed to be taken that way by the reader.

    The reader is supposed to treat Hemming's tale as a metaphor rather than historical narrative? What kind of sense does that make? Looking at the sum total of the use made of Gerry Hemming for this book, one can see that he was a serious contributor to the work, both above and behind the scenes. If one dismisses that contribution as not to be "treated as true," one is cutting out a substantial amount of the new material contained therein.

    Tim Carroll

    I really don't see Hemming being a "serious contributor to the work" or contributing a "substantial amount of new material." Angel Murgado is a different person than Hemming, and Mellen assumes that he is not doing Hemming's bidding. Cut out every instance where Hemming is cited, and you will lose next to nothing.


    WHAT ?! You have the "nads" to think that your Khazar Weberman style of "Baiting" is going to have me go into a hissy-fit and get into a rush to tell ALL ??!!

    NOT going to happen sweety-pie !! As I said in a recent post, when Prof. Mellen has undergone "peer review" -- then, and only then -- will I make comments with reference "new" her book.

    You gullible, silly fools are going to be in the same "slump" as one "Habeas Corpus" law professor was, when after 5 short hours -- I demolished his entire "theory of law" on that subject matter. He had already been published inside the U.S. 4 times, and in the UK twice -- ALL wrong. His tearful comment as we left him -- making some reference to a 5-gallon can of "white-out" necessary to "adjust" HIS tomes !!

    I gotz some news for you honey -- NO more freebies -- and all of the stupid trash written about this JFK matter is going to be bathed in a flood of "white-out" !! I am being encouraged to go back to private e-mails so that most of you -- who have wasted tons of money, and years of time -- won't be let down TOO hard.

    There are a few shockers coming, so get out your crying towels and "worry beads" -- you and a bunch of wannabe authors are about to see THE LIGHT !!





    BTW Mr.? Parsons, I don't see your picture in your BIO -- let me guess, you joined about a month and a half ago.

    Are you the young kid that Mellen hired as a replacement for the other punk who ran off with her files after hacking her computer -- and inside her own home ??!!

    Vewwy Vewwy intellesting !! Nicht War ?



  14. John:

    Be sure to check out the Classic Gunman shooting location:



    Tim, Old Bean:

    Where you placed the red "X" is where I stood for hours during the numerous "JFK" motorcade filmings, as this kept me and others out of camera range. When Rick Rutowski [stone's closest confidante & plays the "Knoll Shooter" wearing a Dallas Police Dept. uniform] asked me -- while he stood alongside me at point "X"; wouldn't you think that where we stand now --could have been a good shooter hide-site ??!!

    I responded by pointing out that he was 3 inches shorter than me, and would he look again and take notice that: Because of the "grade" [ground level] being quite low -- we couldn't even see the motorcade once it passed our studio "re-planted" Stemmons sign !!

    Rick responded: "...Jesus !!...when you guys told Oliver that you considered your job -- NOT to be just consultants on this project....but hired to ACTUALLY plan the assassination of a President...you guys really meant it..!!"

    Oliver, Rick, and others agreed that there was a real possibility of a "Black Dog-Man" near the Pergola, however, they all asked me and my guys: Given that from this locale, that indeed one has a clear shot at JFK -- But how the hell could a shooter get away with using ANY weapon from such an exposed position ?? And especially without the other bystanders seeing and later reporting same ??!!

    The "LOCALE/POSITION" we were standing next to during said chat was the Pergola "walkway wall", which is quite lower than the Pergola "courtyard" decorative wall where the lady in the tan raincoat is seen to walk/ stand !!

    Moreover, we all agreed that most likely -- if indeed the blurred figure was human -- that "person" was most likely "sitting" astride the "walkway" wall. But again they insisted, how could[even if sitting] a shooter use ANY weapon without being seen ??!!

    I then explained that even prior to WerBell's marketing of the "Attache-Case" silenced/suppressed Ingram M-11 device; the Intel communities [Western, Asian, and Soviet Bloc] had perfected a somewhat larger box-shaped device.

    This somewhat "primitive-looking" assassination/executive protection weapons system contained a rapid fire weapon, but was not really a submachine-gun [sMG] nor machine-pistol. It was, and again, similar to or actually was: A modified [and silenced] Model 98 "Broom-Handle" Mauser with a "full-auto" selector switch.

    While primitive looking, in fact it was very well manufactured and equipped. This "weapons system" had a "ball-socket" [female] attachment bolted to the bottom of the box, and thereby permitting same to be mounted atop a tripod.

    Wow !! Talk about getting laughed out of Dealey Plaza ??!! "...Waddayamean Jean...this Pro is going to stand there behind some big suitcase mounted on top of a tripod...??!!

    In my most gentlemanly and polite manner I responded: "..No xxxxhead...and pay attention 'cause I might ask questions later...I'm saying that the guy most likely SAT....just like I'm doing right now...and..."

    "...So how the hell is this dude going to shot this 'trick-suitcase' thing from a sitting position...??!!

    [After mentally "slapping him xxxx-silly" and kicking him in the "nads" -- I continued my recitation.]

    This device [not mentioning which "Power" used this particular model/type] contained two sighting devices. One operated just like a surveyors "Transit", and thus assured that the shooter would be at the exact grade-level [above the ground-level] and within the pre-calculated "shooter's window".

    The "shooter's scope" was a combination of the standard "tube" with [etched lens] gradations just like those found in target/hunting rifle scopes -- but this was coupled with an "old-fashioned" portrait-type camera lens assembly. It had a "wide-angle" slide capability, which could be closed to a "target-aquisition-mode" view by simply clicking a "close" switch. [if placarded in German it read: "Geschliese"]

    The major advantage of this weapons sighting system was also the big plus. The shooter could sit upright while viewing a 4 x 4 inch refracted lens screen [but as with portrait cameras - viewed upside down]; and the operator could make immediate last minute adjustments -- if indeed "panning a moving target was necessary" !!

    The biggest drawback was that, as in portrait photography, in order to view the screen in daylight -- the shooter had to quickly [and momentarily] don a LARGE BLACK PHOTOGRAPHER'S HOOD !!

    And of course, since "Big Jim" didn't know xxxx about this during 1966-69, it couldn't be in the movie. When I raised the fact that: Garrison sure as hell didn't know about the alleged "Badge Man" photo analyses during that same time frame -- how the hell was Rick Rutowski going to be behind our newly rebuilt "Grassy Knoll Stockade Fence" -- and while wearing a god-damn Dallas P.D. uniform no less ??!!

    "...Well...Big Guy...That's Hollywood..!!"




  15. You must be the odd one out...a lot of people here don't understand him when he's NOT joking.



    I'm deeply hurt, and now I must call someone's "Mommy" and have her organize a raucous "Pity-Party" !!

    "...And if that Mommy has a hammer...!! Well, if she has a fine bod and whispers nasties in my one good ear -- I shall give her a severe "tongue-lashing" !! See, I did learn SOMETHING while in Cuba !! Uh-Oh, I hear the rapid hoofbeat of several of my little old lady neighbors -- rushing to my door !! Belay that last semaphore, Mates, elst I might soon be the victim of a "Big Mac Attack" and perish with a severe "Woody" !!

    As I have already informed Ms. "Public equal-opportunity-Offender" -- If you want me to decipher acronyms, cryptonym, BS-onyms -- or explain in depth the meaning of my more moderately offensive slurs, Just Ask.

    Tankyou velly much.




  16. WAR!

    [Good-gawd, Y'all]


    Evidently, waging war is the only method for waging peace, if I understand the arguments being put forth on this thread. The only way to ensure that our officers can keep their troops alive is to take troops to a combat zone and kill a few of 'em, if I follow the Orwellian logic, i.e., "war is peace." And despite all the combat exercises we've spent billions of dollars on, it's all money down a rathole compared with having actual American sons and daughters sent home in a flag-draped box.

    Do I understand you correctly?

    So...what's the rate of return on every life lost? One good lieutenant made? Two lives for a set of Captain's bars? How many for a "full-bird" Colonel? Maybe I'm too close to things, having my 25-year-old only son in the Army Reserve and living just a few miles as the crow flies from Ft. Knox. I never realized that all those millions and millions of dollars we've spent training troops at Knox is ultimately worthless, that only TRUE combat can prepare our officers. If that's really the case, then as a taxpayer I'VE BEEN SCREWED, AND I WANT MY MONEY BACK!

    Or did I misunderstand you?

    Mark, there are worrying aspects to what Tom is saying. I tend to agree with his analysis here. However as you indicate it has a dark side too.

    My take:

    In a coldly clinical sense, property and people damage (as much as possible) is very beneficial to a beleagured market economy. In a number of fell swoops, demands are created, over supply of labour and goods are eradicated. Space is made for new technologies.

    If we lived in a purely sane world we'd all be driving a updated version of the beetle or trabi, with parts inerchangeable with the models of 30 years ago, running on clean fuels. There are many other examples of development that take wrong turns driven not by what is good but by what has potential of selling in a continually reinvented marketplace. And if that market space is contracting? Make more.


    Another aspect to the professional army is the greater potential to recreate tienanmin square.

    The Chinese government response to the demonstrations in tienanmin square partly took time in that they had to, in drawing from a 'peoples army', make sure that the ties between demonstrators and soldier were as less as possible. The less the tie, the more likely to shoot on order.


    Further; the converse of the professional army is an unexperienced populace.


    The creation or drift towards a purely professional army is on sign that the future may be bleak for the already beleaguered population in th US, let alone the people of Iraq.


    (I'm reminded of the consequences of 'a few good men' guarding 'the truth'.)


    However strange it might seem to those who have never served, whether by age, infirmity, or by design: as seems to be the case with "Chains" Cheney and most of the White House lackeys -- the business of the military is not "going on parade"!! It is their business to commit frequent homicides and "break things".

    We Marines and ex-SFers are now facing the stark reality that: "this job is never finished" !! Moreover, we have to suffer the mixed fear and pride, when it is that: NOW our sons and daughters, members of extended family and close friends, are having to "ship out/deploy" to hostile environments -- where they must kill and face death on a daily basis.

    We Marines are very fortunate in that: From the first moment after "debarking/un-assing" from those chartered buses inside the Recruit Depots -- we were faced with a small, but very fierce cadre of NCOs, who immediately dedicated themselves to destroying ALL remnants of any previous "silly-villian" attitudes and behaviors. You quickly learned that ALL of that which you have previously experienced -- had by your "Mommy" been taught, was as worthless as dog xxxx !!

    One of the first "allegories" phrased by these seemingly evil Drill Instructors is: "....The only thing lower and more worthless than a civilian is a Navy cook..!!"

    Oftentimes the realization that this complete destruction of your civilian psyche, followed by the rebuilding of boys and girls into male and female "killing machines" is life-saving -- only comes upon one's first "taste" of combat.

    What a shock it is -- even despite ALL of the hard training, suffering of privations, and extreme hazards, whilst with a short distance their are fat boys and girls scoffing up their "Big Macs", "Super-sized" fries and shakes/sodas. And what are the near and distant plans being discussed during these "Miss Piggy Chow- Downs" -- critical matters; such as do they first get laid, or smoke a joint -- Nawhh! Let's order more food before we decide.

    NOW !! All of a sudden, some dude or bitch is shooting at you -- and I mean like they actually want to cause you great and grievious harm !! Don't they realize what a nice person you are ??!! How can it be that this total stranger, who you have never even thought ill of -- now intends to do you some serious hurt ??!!

    Don't ever expect that one's son or daughter is going to return from a combat deployment acting like that sweet young person who shortly before -- left home and hearth. They won't talk about the recent past, save for some humorous incidents; and they sure as hell won't gravitate towards anything which smacks of silly civilian bullxxxx ideals or attitudes. Some may give it a short try, but only until they once again congregate with fellow veterans of these horrors, will they even think about discussing vague events. Absent those contacts, they will tend to withdraw unto themselves !!

    Many who have watched the movie "A Few Good Men" failed to realize that "Code Reds" are usually left behind at Boot Camp. Elite units never "dry shave & shower" or "Code Red" a member, but instead immediately "blackball" him/her -- and they are soon gone to a different M.O.S. in a distant unit.

    Why is that, you say ?! First, because any repeated "failure-to-perform", disqualifies said individual almost without other recourse. Second, and most important -- try that on a veteran Marine, one who is long gone [months, NOT years] from the old boot camp days -- they would KILL immediately [if not sooner] any asshole who ever laid a hand upon their person outside of a training cycle !! While oftentimes we carried unloaded weapons, we ALWAYS carried a bayonet and a "K-Bar" [uSMC issued fighting/utility knife] -- which is a small "Bowie" type, bladed instrument of death -- and a much preferred instrument to boot !!

    The only "crime" exhibited throughout said "Hollywood" [bull xxxx] spectacular was -- Once again, THE COVER-UP !!

    Moreover, the J.A.G. Manual provides that whenever a "Field Grade" officer is to be called on "Direct" or "Cross" -- a "standby" counsel will be appointed to question said Colonel, and the questioner will be of at least equivalent rank, or one lower grade only !! NOT some snot-nosed Tom Cruise USN Lt. or Lt. Jg. !!

    However, the Jack Nicholson character did display, and expound upon -- the accepted and encouraged modicum of attitude/behavior expected of all members of the Combat Arms !! Like it or Lump it -- or better yet; sign up with an NGO and get your punk asses over to the "Sand Box" before overloading your "Canary Asses with your Alligator Moufies" !!




  17. Mr. Kelly, I was not baiting anyone but I was hoping for a response because I was wondering if the character Hammerstein was based on a real person from the Batista regime. I am sure one member knows who was the chief of counterrintelligence for Batista.

    JHC, Tim,

    stop calling me Mr. Kelly, I keep snaping to attention.

    I don't think you were baiting me now, it just so happens that I have a lot of information on this line of inquiry, re: Ian Fleming and company.

    While I have spent a considerable amount of time lining up Fleming's fictional characters with their real life counterparts, I have yet to get to Mr. Hammerstein. Maybe we can cut to the chase and see if there are any real researchers on this forum who can narrow it down a little bit.

    If his real life counterpart was the head of Batista's counter-intelligence, I'm sure JPH can fill us in, complete with the personal neuances of same.

    And btw, Joan Mellen, unintentionally exposes another Fleming character - Clay Shaw = Scaramanga.

    JM mentions in her attention to detail in one of the most disquisting paragraphs of AFTJ, "....Logan's testimony is in part cooroborated by his knowledge that Shaw had only one nipple...." a unique infliction and characteristic of Ian Fleming's fictional villan Scaramanga, played by Roger Moore in the movie.

    Now let's ID Hammerstein.



    Within Batista's Chief's of Staff at Camp Columbia, there was a General designated as "G-2" -- but he and his minions were just figureheads -- who were denied authority and jurisdiction so as not to present, once again the threat of a coup d'etat. This was the result of the coup attempt by Colonel Ramon Barquin's "Los Puros" ["The Pure Ones"] at overthrowing Batista using high ranking military officers. This happened during April of 1956; whilst Fidel, et al. were still inside Mexico, and undergoing training by Col. Albert Bayo.

    Amongst the many Barguin "Puros" officers sent to the Isle of Pines Prison was my future commanding officer of The Parachute Regiment; Cmdte. [Major] Enrique Borbonnet Gomez. "Came the Revolution" -- and since Barquin was considered a potential threat to the new revolutionary government [1959], Fidel very soon had Barquin shipped off to Spain. He later defected and took up residence in Puerto Rico. He was oneof the VIP founders both of Alpha-66 and later J.U.R.E. !!

    The most trusted [and effective] boss of Batista's CI entities was one Mariano Faget. Faget was the director of B.R.A.C. [loosely translated as -- "Bureau for the Repression of Communists"]. He fled Havana after having received safe passage from an embassy, and upon arrival in Miami was soon hired by the CIA.

    Faget continued with his BRAC type work, and assisted the CIA "Gringos" in building a family tree of all known leaders and cell members of the PSP [Partido Socialista Popular], and naturally included former anti-Batista rebels and underground figures in his thousands of dossiers. And this was irrespective of the fact that MOST of those listed in his dossiers were never even close to the PSP, much less members.

    One of the names at the top of his "short-list" was one Manuel "Manolo" Ray, who later formed the "Junta" styled as J.U.R.E. !!

    A few years ago, one Mariano Faget was charged with being a Castro spy and is currently serving a lengthy federal prison sentence.




  18. Thomas,

    My next trip to Dallas will consist of my taking many photos in the area of the Tippit killing [especially of the driveway and area behind the house and driveway there], and requesting access to the old Abundant Life Temple basement. Even if a bribe is required, I want to see the basement, where it seems very likely that Tippit's killer hid out until it was 'discovered' that the 'real' killer was in the theatre [The Abundant Life moved since then, but I believe the building remains].

    One wonders about how much radio communication went on back then. There is the Mathers / Tippit / Collins connection. And Vaganov was also in Oak Cliff - with no alibi until 1:00pm. Maybe they were panicking when the DPD were swooping down on the Abundant Life Building, but the fact is, based upon the dictabelt transcripts, it does not appear that there would have been time to perform the search.

    Austin was a Bircher. There was that letter to Garrison which alleged that Tippit was a homosexual. Olsen was in Oak Cliff and guarding an estate. Hicks was also off duty, as was Tilson - yet some 200 cops had to be obtained to provide additional support for the President's visit? I believe that I read that Tippit's partner was also requested by Tippit to call in sick [no reference]. Bizarre.

    - lee

    Hi Lee,

    Something I find very interesting is the statement of a woman who lived really close to where the shooting occurred. She said something to the effect that she saw Tippit's (police?)car at the house two doors (?) down from hers (and practically in front of which the shooting(s) of Tippit occurred) SO OFTEN that she thought that he actually lived there (later, interestingly, she denied that that was what she had meant).

    Separate issue: Just out of curiosity, do you know the address of the building where the Abundant Life Temple was located? I'd like to look it up and see where it was in relation to LHO's boarding house, Ruby's apartment, the safe houses, the place where Tippit was shot, etc.

    Thanks, Thomas


    Sounds like the building on Jefferson, which is on the second block of the purported LHO "escape" route from 10th and Patton. [about 4 to 5 short blocks from the Tippitt murder ? scene.

    While working on the filming of JFK, Roy Hargraves and myself [accompanied by my wife & son, who followed slowly in a van] walked and re-walked all of the possible variations of this purported route.

    Time wasn't as important as getting psyched up and trying to feel some adrenaline as one either "calmly" or "semi-frantically" escaped & evaded -- al the while searching for a safe hide-out.

    Most obvious to us was this church-like building on the left side of Jefferson [when walking towards the Texas Theater]. We approached this building, and as expected, both the front and a side door were open and unlocked. An obvious "safe-haven" where one might wait out the expected "Dragnet" ??

    Well, it depends on many factors. Was the perp under observation by folks along the boulevard, and/or did the perp just want to get some distance between his or herself before, as the Brits say: The quarry is forced to "Go to ground" ?!

    Within a short distance was a funeral home, and according to the sign: it had been there for many years. It too was also open and unlocked during this mid-day & mid-week of early 1991.

    The question I raised thereafter, with Oliver Stone, was somewhat inculpatory towards Johnny Brewer. Oliver immediately said that he had just finished one of many conversations with Brewer that very day. I asked [and received no definite response] from Oliver, Rusconi, et al.: What was the timeline from the moment of "confirmation" of the Tippit shooting -- and the time that Brewer either "heard the report on the radio" and/or "heard police? [or fire, ambulance] "SIREN(S)?? [multiple??] ??!!

    As far as the "Art Department" [Camelot Project] analyses, ALL police cars racing for 10th & Patton [as opposed to those headed for the Texas Theater some time later] across the Viaduct from downtown Dallas, would have turned "left" [and just short of Jefferson] within a block off of the Viaduct -- and then continued on THE most Direct route to the shooting scene !!

    Next we had some observers place themselves in the shopping strip [connecting the "Brewer" store with the Theater -- and awaited the sound of vehicles using the old "Q" type "air-siren", not the newer electronic ones. These sirens were used by all emergency vehicles; police, fire, and ambulance during 1963.

    Most critical was the estimated number of responding police vehilces [headed for 10th & Patton] and there spacing and sequence. This "test" showed that even with numerous emergency sirens sounding -- as they turned short of Jefferson, would NOT have been readily heard, even by those who might be standing in front of the Texas Theater !! While those inside of, let's say the "Brewer" shoe store [whose current management was definetly NOT pleased to have us hanging out there] couldn't have heard a siren until the vehicle pulled onto Jefferson Blvd.

    That I dared to raise the fact that Brewers kinfolk worked as "Marine Surveyors" for the CIA in Miami during 1960 thru 1965 -- raised some hackles. "...You mean that Brewer might have been complicit and yet he remains here speaking of those events in an open and friendly manner..??!!

    Mayhaps it was my tone or the words contained in my response to whomever was the "fool" who asked that question.

    I responded: "...Listen Asshole"....I just finished serving 8 years in the chain-gang...and let me set your ass straight...the nicest guys I dealt with on a daily basis...and inside the wire...were serial mass murderers...so don't give me that crap..!!" "...What I'm saying is...if he was just following orders...like awaiting a meeting or something...nothing sinister..and he thought he was just doing his duty or job...your goddamn right he could discuss these matters today...in a calm voice...especially after all these years...!!"

    Vewwy Vewwy Intelllesting !!




  19. Odio was shown photos of Hall and Howard and she denied they were Angel and Leopoldo.

    Would you believe Hall's statement{s} to the FBI, and 'later' Howards statement to me

    that they were at 'Bonita' Silvia Odio's residence. Hall of course naturally recanted his

    original Bureau statement........It was 'one' of their stops to raise badly needed funds

    to continue, at Gabaldon's instruction to Mexico City area. Howard made several other

    trips to see Gabaldon in Mexico.



    My brother, who like me, "regretfully announces" that WE have grown extremely tired of this "self-admitted" FBI "snitch" [of the "Tooshie" category no less] who falsely claims that he was once allied with, but later, "defected from" some unknown Chicago ?? based Castro "26th of July Movement" exile entity. Over 40 years ago, one Constatine "Gus" Kangles, one-time lawyer for Fidel Castro -- and a long time close family friend of the Kennedy clan -- told me [and separately Robert K. Brown -- now of SOF/Mag] that ALL elements of the "M-26-Julio" miniscule entity in Chicago were: Batistianos paid by the FBI to serve as "false flag" sting operating "honey-pots" and agent procacateurs.

    "Gus" Kangles was warned by Fidel's people about this, and the then 1st Lt. R. K. Brown, CIC Special Agent [Chicago Unit] re-confirmed same after returning from Cuba during 1959 -- and after having been informed , subsequent to his inquiring of Fidel's folks in Habana -- about whether he should do a story on Fidel's "Chi-Town-Troops" !!

    The Habana response was: "...Absolutely NOT...all of those false rebels ["Rebeldes Falsos"] were in fact Batistianos....and spying for the FBI...no less.."!! Now we hear that one Harry Dean continued to work with said "M-26-Julio" operators?? "...after Fidel went Communist??.."!! I do recall that it is historical fact that Fidel went Communist just after the January 1961 breaking off of relations with the U.S. [then reported as a reaction to orders that the AM/Embassy-Habana reduce its staff to just 8 officers]!!

    Well, Senor Dean, NARA backs up RKB's [and others] statements that the Chicago ["False-Flag"] entity shut down and died after February 1959 ??!! So exactly WHO were you snitching upon until at least 1961 ??!!

    [Moreover, filmographer Bob Taber didn't create the "Fair Play For Cuba Committee" until after the B.O.P. fiasco !! [1961]

    As for Larry Howard, he lived exactly 14 blocks from my apartment in El Monte, California. And moreover, be it Harold Weisberg, or the many other Garrison wannabe snitches and agent provacateurs who knocked at his door -- he told them to call back later. In the interim, he would come by [or call me] seeking advice and the bona fides of said inquisitors !! [Your name is NOT on that list !!]

    Where you have severely screwed up with your fabrications is that:

    [1] Larry Howard's first association with a later CIA operatvie occurred during the Korean War, where he, after being wounded in the ankle by ChiCom mortar fragments, ended up in the same M.A.S.H. Unit as a fellow Infrantryman [though from a different unit] -- who had also been wounded in that same battle. When they both were tranferred to a medical recovery unit at Camp Drake, Japan -- he grew brotherly close to this fellow wounded Staff Sergeant. This was S/Sgt. David Sanchez Morales, later of JM/WAVE !!

    Why didn't I tell Gaeton Fonzi and Joe Gonzales about this ?? Because, they NEVER once mentioned Dave's name, and moreover, I repeatedly told them ab initio that this HSCA bullxxxx was going to just another deepening of the WC cover-up.

    Even when "WWII War/Movie Hero" Guy Gabaldon and Larry were "photo-oping" around Long Beach Airport [post-BOP] Larry was working under the orders of the IRS's "Alcohol & Tabacco Tax Unit" [A.T.T.U.]!! Later on, and post No Name key, he became a full-time S.S.C.I. for the B.A.T.F., and under the supervision of the then asst/cover[L.A. Bureau F.O.] SpecialAgent Paul Hughes.

    Larry Howard would "sometimes invite" Gabaldon along on one of his annual "Grizzly Bear Hunts" in Mexico's Sierra Madre Mountains. After marrying into ex-prez of mexico Aleman's family, Gabaldon preferred the less stressful life of a "landed gentleman", not a revolutionary, and certainly NOT a bear hunter !!

    I sent Larry down with my brother to Central America during our PAID investigation of the "death-squad" kidnappers and killers. [1975]

    I employed Larry as a bodyguard in Puerto Rico [1980] whilst I investigated and "neutralized" [i thought] the perps of an assassination of a "Fortune-500" corporate executive.

    Perhaps you might give out with larry's wife name. The only time she got upset with me was when I expressed a preference for Hormel's "X-cellente Tamales" [boiled in watere "only" 30 minutes] over her hard cooked Mexican dinner one of many evenings. [How the hell did I know she had already cooked it ??!!]

    EVERY CONTACT by Larry was dutifully logged. These records are currently a part of the B.A.T.F. files. Your name, or "alias?" [especially an FBI snitch whom they had no Chicago record of] does NOT appear ??!!

    [Or are we to believe that "secret agent man" Dean's files are still "classified"?? You know, like the "classified records & secret mission" of the far too many phony Navy SEALS; festooned with medals -- as they "bar-hop" and regal the girls & boys with war stories??!!]

    Bob Brown called me last night, and I directed his attention to THIS Forum !! However, I may not contact Larry's beloved, as she is in ill health, and has no need for yet another inquiry reference ONE more bullxxxx artist wannabe !!

    Go "Fess" up somewhere else !! I think that Wim might welcome you ??!!




    I believe Fair Play for Cuba was actually founded in the first quarter of 1960. I have seen some but not all of NARA's holdings on Harry Dean and one thing strikes me. The ones I have seen all seem to be of the CYA variety--that is, they admit Harry was in regular contact with the FBI, but it was all initiated by Harry and they dumped him when they realized he was unreliable if not crazy, a picture of Harry as a wannabe spy. But they listened to him, and met with him, for a period of at least a year. So--where are those reports?


    Hey !! Gary, Old Bean:

    I haven't heard from you for quite a while -- didn't realize you have been "lurking" on this Forum ?!

    It was earlier this year when this "wannabe famous" xxxxx Dean -- started to get me a bit pissed, eh wot old man ?! One of the first "dead-ass giveaways" [as to this clown's true hustle] was upon his mentioning that he has long mourned the fact that: he had "helped put Fidel in power"!! Hinting that this had been a youthful and gullible "fox-pox" [or is it Faux pas ?] on his part -- and we should forgive him as some misguided "revolutionary ??!!

    Next, he scribbled a cryptic [and laughably short] "squibb" -- which mentioned "WILLIE" Morgan. This hinted that somewhere in "space" -- he had carried on a friendship with the late [executed by Fidel] Cmdte. William Alexander Morgan. "Willie" ?? Anybody who was with William Morgan, even for a short time, learned rather abruptly [and sometimes physically]; that this "American Guerrilla" didn't like the name "Willie" !!

    Even when visited by his Toledo "Mob" buddies, Bob Nichols, et al. -- he barely tolerated them calling him "Bill". When Nichols asked me [while touring a Havana whorehouse] why "...Bill's"jaw got so tight when we call him Bill...?" I responded that: "...You've just hit the nailhead...around here he is "William"....to the bodyguards...to fellow rebel soldiers....especially with his wife...I guess he feels like he is starting all over, and with a new life, family, and a new persona..". "...What the hell is a persona..??!! "..Never mind Bob...just tell the guys not to call him Bill...call him William....and don't call him late for supper.."!

    Now, let us be rid of this "stone in our shoes" and get on with more serious explorations.

    You know how I hate to be the bearer of bad news -- you know; when so many folks have been "herded" down the primerose path for so many years.

    The Cubans were correct when they blamed all of the spying and counter-revolutionary operations on the FBI, instead of the CIA. I had then assumed that they were ignorant even of the existence of "The Company" during those early days. As it turns out, Hoover did "have-it-his-way" when it came to spying in the Western Hemisphere. Everybody has read that Hoover was "hesitant" to surrender his WWII powers of ALL Intel operations in The Americas, especially with the advent of the CIA. Well folks, he did have it his way -- and where it came to "Intelligence/Counter-Intel" those were all former W/H FBI agents -- who were only temporarily loaned to the CIA.

    The late 1950s Havana Chief of Station, Jim Noel -- once foolishly complained to both Ambassadors Gardner and Smith that: "his" CIA officers were cableing Hoover's folks even before they briefed him; or sent their "CIA" cables to the "T" Buidings on the Mall, or even to the "E" Street HQ in D.C. !! After the Langley HQ was opened during January 1962, Ted Shackley bitched about "all of these CIA officers really being FBI agents"!!

    A team of those "dual-hatted spooks" inside the AM/Embassy-Havana hatched out an "agent-provocateur"/ "honey pot scheme". They received approval, first from Hoover [at his old DOJ Bldg. office] and later from "E" Street. The scheme centered on creating an entity -- one which might draw in and coallesce a menage of Castro supporting people, especially Americans and Western Hemisphere nationals.

    One of the early 1960 "tools" was one CIA asset who was close to Fidel -- June Cobb [Fidel's "secretary"]

    who reported to a CIA case officer named Elizabeth Vetter. [One day, while she was at Morgan's penthouse apartment [16th & Calzada, Vedado] -- William whispered to me: "...Fidel's secretary??...I have told all of the boys that she is "Fidel's SUCKretary..but I don't know how to translate that into Spanish...can you do that for me..?" -- Olgita [Mrs. Wm. A. Morgan] -- who had overheard that, and while understanding little English, she had a frown on her face -- and was shaking her head NO !!]

    Robert "Bob" Taber had shown great courage during his trips up into the Sierra Maestra [1958] to interview and film Fidel and the "26th of July" rebel guerrillas. After Batista "bugged out" [Jan. 1st 1959] Bob Taber traveled back and forth between CONUS and Cuba. He organized "tours" by left-wing activists, both the wealthy and those of moderate means -- even some of the veterans of "The Abraham Lincoln Brigade", who had fought so valiantly during the Spanish Civil War -- showed up to a "red-carpet" treatment [pun intended].

    The FBI/CIA decided to give both a financial, and a "networking" boost, to these initial excursions. Within months this morphed into a semi-formal organization -- and was loosely: "The Friends of Cuba Committee".

    Fidel's cadre grew to appreciate this admiration and assistance from the true "American people".

    During late 1959, the Havana/New York City nexus grew solid roots. This was being pushed by June Cobb, Juan Orta, Jesus Yanes Pelletier, et al. [Yanes Pelletier died, while still protesting against Fidel, as a dissident in Havana a few years ago, after a lengthy imprisonment]

    By the time Anastas Mikoyan visited Cuba during early 1960, the NYC FBI/CIA and Havana folks had built a solid covert Counter/Intel "Honey Pot" operation.

    Bob Taber was slyly guided into his leadership role in what was now spoken of informally as: "The Fair Play for Cuba Committee". Fidel's Intel agents at the U.N. warned him that he was under investigation for multiple federal felony violations of both the "Logan Act" and the "Foreign Agents Registration Act" [F.A.R.A.]. He immediately returned to Havana, where it was recommended that he "lie low" for a while.

    From that point on, the FBI/CIA conducted/controlled ALL activities of the nascent F.P.F.C.C. -- both in CONUS and many other places throughout the Western Hemisphere.

    Just before the Bay of Pigs, Bob Taber trained with Fidel's new militia forces. During "Playa Giron" he fought as a "foot-soldier" against the Brigade 2506 "mercenarios", and was later wounded and then hospitalized in the city of Cienfuegos [Las Villas]. Upon recovery, he once again began in earnest "HIS" re-shaping of this "Fair Play for Cuba Committee" !!

    During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the American cameraman that filmed for Taber while with Fidel in the mountains [Lewellen] was on No Name Key with us -- and he repeatedly expressed his doubts as to his buddy Bob Taber -- really "going-over-to-the-other-side".

    Maybe so, and maybe NOT ??!!




  20. And, it would not matter if Iraq did not have a "drop" of oil.
    Now that is naive.
    However, I would take umbrage in that a "book-reader" is seen to be making allegations of naivete' against a bona fide "Operator".

    Tom Purvis raised the issue of naivete, directing his comment to John Simkin. I did and do find the following statement to be naive, regardless of who claims some "Operator" status: "And, it would not matter if Iraq did not have a "drop" of oil." If Gerry disagrees, let him stop bloviating long enough to articulate why the U.S. involvement "would not matter if Iraq did not have a 'drop' of oil."

    Tim Carroll


    Kuwait had and still has "many" drops of oil, and yet today can you show me where either the MIC or the U.S. "Gummint" gained advantage by our investment of blood there ??!!

    Iraq's reserves are estimated to be several times larger than the Suadi's, yet we have invested billions -- but no returns as these buck$ were donations and NOT loans. Can you know the MIC or Petro-Cartel which has "Dibs" on any future Iraq oil ??!! However, one thing is being assure [again by blood & treasure] that said reserves will NOT fall under the control of the "Islama-Kazes" and their 600+ year continous crusade for a worldwide "Caliphate [as continued by Saladin -- real name Salah el-Dhin"] ??!!

    How much oild did Somalia have when we went there to feed the starving "Skinnies" [Thanks Ted Koppel and ABC/TV] -- more blood & treasure. Please tell me you actually read or saw the movie "Blackhawk Down" ??!!

    How much oil in Liberia, Haiti, the Tsunami devastated areas, Kashmir, Nicaragua [earthquake], Guatemala [earthquake], Honduras [1974 Hurricane Fifi], The Levant [1958 - 1980s], Peru [1970 earthquake], support for the Ibos of Biafra - 1969], and on and ON ??!!



  21. Following up on my previous post, it is the central thesis of Professor Mellen's book that the CIA as an institution killed Kennedy, and then hung Clay out to dry.

    If so, Hemming's alleged statement that Helms did it would be pivotal to support her scenario.

    If Hemming is a credible witness, of course. And Gerry does claim a relationship (perhaps that is the wrong word) with CIA officers, agents. (But not with Helms to the best of my knowledge.)

    So why does she simply slip this sentence in without an explanation of when it was made, to whom it was made, Hemming's basis for his belief, etc.?

    Because if the statement is true it makes her entire case.

    Now, if Professor Mellen does not believe Gerry is a credible witness, why would she even include his statement at all?

    Her treatment of this "bombshell statement" does not seem to make sense to me any way.


    Will see Bill tomorrow, he is already there a day ahead of us. I'm packing now, on vacation day today.

    Don't know this character, just another one on my list. Will verify the info in Dallas. Sounds like the frame swap that Noel Twyman had done after he proofed the book. They reversed some Z Film frames.


    ----- Original Message -----



    Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 12:20 AM

    Subject: Re: New book, A Farewell To Justice by Prof. Joan Mellen

    But Gaeton Fonzi never said in her book that it was true and accurate. I have a number of calls trying to verify her information and told them to find someone who knows. Some have said they cannot believe her English is so bad. Good luck. Did Bretz get his book yet?


    ________ wrote:

    I'm commenting on the verification of documents that are now available. I'm only on page 128 and you may have seen more pages.

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention, since we are all concerned about voracity of the book and attendant proof of the evidence provided.

    I have been apprised of the change order since last year. Please let me know if I need to provide any assistance.

    E. S.

    ----- Original Message -----



    Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:14 PM

    Subject: Re: New book, A Farewell To Justice by Prof. Joan Mellen


    As always, thanks for the information. There is a serious problem with the footnotes. About midway in the book, they do not correspond to the correct page making it tedious, if not impossible to check her sources. Incredible that the publisher would let this happen. I believe this begins with Chapter 12.

    Also, the book was written as a factual narrative, but in some cases, the events described come from dubious sources that are discredited later.

    Only by referencing the footnotes, can one ascertain this. For example, at the beginning of Chapter 12 the author describes Walter Sheridan knocking on Gordon Novel's house at 1313 Dauphine Street. The source is an interview with Novel himself. Yet by other accounts in the book, Novel is shown to be the source of many falsehoods.

    My point is that much of the book has to be taken with a somewhat jaundiced eye, and the events described may or may not be entirely factual, although they are presented that way. I could cite other examples.

    In other words, an interview with Novel does not have the solid bedrock of authenticity that many of the other events described in the book do, but it is presented in the same vein.

    Other than a review on Amazon.com I have not seen anyone else mention the footnoting problem, which makes me wonder how carefully some people check sources when they read a work like this.

    Having said that, I have thoroughly enjoyed the book and could not put it down until I finished it. Jim Garrison has been one of my heroes, and I still consider A Heritage of Stone one of the most moving books I have ever read.

    Hopefully the footnote problems will be corrected in future editions. I agree with you that it was well written. This is not meant to be a diatribe, but I just wanted to point out that you will probably reconsider your statement that "footnotes are by the page, and easy to verify" once you get to Chapter 12.

    Best wishes,

    M. H.

    ----- Original Message -----



    Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:00 PM

    Subject: New book, A Farewell To Justice by Prof. Joan Mellen

    Thus far I've read 128 pages, and it is fast moving, well written and contains numerous documents that are carefully indexed complete with RIF numbers. Footnotes are by the page, and easy to verify.

    Some of the documents referenced are in my personal file on Garrison and are corroborated. Andy W of the Last Hurrah Book Shop said that he just received a shipment of the new books and he will be at the D.C. conference this year, with his assistants at the other two conferences in Dallas. Yes, there are three JFK conferences this year, all at the same time.

    It is unusual for me to read a new book so quickly, but this has been in the works for 5 years. Joan was a guest of the South Florida Research Group 4 years ago and she would not reveal anything at that time, but now it all comes out in the clear.

    Another researcher that was at the Clay Shaw Trial and met Garrison said that this book is "The definitive book on Garrison that should be read by any serious researcher in the JFK case." He will be in Dallas this year.

    Gaeton Fonzi wrote in the cover, "She ultimately places in historical perspective the role Garrison's Investigation played in helping America understand the true significance of the assassination of President Kennedy, revealing a foreshadowing of events that brought us to these dangerous times in which we now live."

    Dr. Gary Aguilar writes, " The myth of Garrison as vile opportunist and Shaw as hapless victim has been incontrovertibly demolished, as has been the myth that the federal government and powerful media can be trusted when the stakes are high."

    F_____ recommends this book with two thumbs up.

    On the way to Dallas once more..........See you there.




  22. I applaud the fact that Mr. Carrier and Mr. Hemming are engaging in civil discourse and each providing useful information! I am sure other members share the sentiment.

    Tim, absolutely.



    .45 Delisle Commando Carbine

    Developed by the Brits in WW2, the Delisle Commando Carbine weapon was designed to be a sentry killer. Essentially a silent rifle, it used the sub-sonic .45 ACP pistol round, and a large suppressor to virtually eliminate the sound of the weapon. Purpose designed, only 130 examples were made. The design has been copied numerous times, and the weapon on the left is DVC Armaments modern version of the old warhorse.

    Specifications (old)

    Cartridge: .45 ACP

    Length : 960mm (37.80in)

    Weight: 3.70kg (8lb 2oz)

    Barrel Length: 210mm (8.27in)

    Rifleing: 4 grooves lh

    Feed: 8 round removable box magazine

    In production: 1942-1945

    Markings:Maker, date and SHT LE on right side of stock band

    Safety:Manual safety catch on left of action. Press forward to fire and rearward for safe

    The remake of the Delisle is known as the 45 Terminator, and rightly so. DVC Armaments have created a fine piece of weaponry, and the carbine is also available in numerous other pistol calibres, namely 40 S&W, 10mm Auto, 9mm Parabellum and .38 Super. Accuracy wouldn't be a factor, as the weapon could be modified to accept laser sighting systems, with range easily achievable out to 100 metres. And face it, when you take that sentry down you are probably going to be a little closer than that. I believe that the HK MP5SD is probably the better weapon, but hey, this thing looks so damn COOL!

    Nice cat remover, don't you think?

    Tuesday, June 29, 2004 in Shooting Stuff | Permalink


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  23. Ah, diagnosis, severe paranoid reaction. Therapy urgently required. Patient has lost touch with reality, and believes herself to be a JFK researcher. Nurse, the big injection please.

    Perhaps this is more relevant to the "media" thread, but I think you should know that when the CIA employs psychiatrists and lawyers, they act the way that you and Dawn are currently acting.

    Oops, another leak....

    Would you mind lying on that black couch please Lynne.

    Paranoia is a term used by Mental health specialists to describe suspiciousness (or mistrust) that is either highly exaggerated, or not warranted at all. This behavior can be classified into three main categories. 1 Paranoid personality disorder. 2 Delusional disorder (paranoid type) 3 Paranoid Schizophrenia.

    People suffering from Paranoid personality disorder tend to confirm their suspicions by latching on to any shred of evidence that supports their view, and ignore, or misinterpret any evidence to the contrary. They expect trickery, and doubt the motives of others. They tend to be defensive, antagonistic, argumentative, and uncompromising, yet, strangely, pride themselves on their rationality and objectivity.

    Sound like anyone we know???



    MY GAWD -- Sounds just like Moi !! I am about to call the Veterans Medical Center, or trek on up to nearby Fort Bragg -- and DEMAND an immediate appointment with the HNIC "Head" Head/shrinker !!

    Gee, I hope they don't want to just talk about politics again. This time they have to get seriously inside my cranial cavity -- might be some left-over "Mercury" fragments there -- OOOoops, that's the other dude -- what's his name?? Rhymes with Dealey or Hyde Park methinks ??!!

    Once again upon the beginning of this psych/session I will softly hum my favorite "Rude-Yard" Kipling song; or was it a sonnet, or a poem??

    Y'all gotta help me in this !! Oh ! Know I 'member -- it's at the beginning of the Afghan/Soviet war movie -- "The Beast" [came from some L.A. fruitcake play called "Nanawatai"]


    "...If you lie wounded on Aghanistan plains

    And the women coming running to cut up what remains

    Then roll over on yer' rifle and blow out your brains

    And go to your Gawd like a Soljer !!


    AAARGH !! "It's Chicken Man...It's Chicken Man...He's everywhere...He's everywhere !! [Miami Radio Commercial -- 1970s]




  24. Odio was shown photos of Hall and Howard and she denied they were Angel and Leopoldo.

    Would you believe Hall's statement{s} to the FBI, and 'later' Howards statement to me

    that they were at 'Bonita' Silvia Odio's residence. Hall of course naturally recanted his

    original Bureau statement........It was 'one' of their stops to raise badly needed funds

    to continue, at Gabaldon's instruction to Mexico City area. Howard made several other

    trips to see Gabaldon in Mexico.



    My brother, who like me, "regretfully announces" that WE have grown extremely tired of this "self-admitted" FBI "snitch" [of the "Tooshie" category no less] who falsely claims that he was once allied with, but later, "defected from" some unknown Chicago ?? based Castro "26th of July Movement" exile entity. Over 40 years ago, one Constatine "Gus" Kangles, one-time lawyer for Fidel Castro -- and a long time close family friend of the Kennedy clan -- told me [and separately Robert K. Brown -- now of SOF/Mag] that ALL elements of the "M-26-Julio" miniscule entity in Chicago were: Batistianos paid by the FBI to serve as "false flag" sting operating "honey-pots" and agent procacateurs.

    "Gus" Kangles was warned by Fidel's people about this, and the then 1st Lt. R. K. Brown, CIC Special Agent [Chicago Unit] re-confirmed same after returning from Cuba during 1959 -- and after having been informed , subsequent to his inquiring of Fidel's folks in Habana -- about whether he should do a story on Fidel's "Chi-Town-Troops" !!

    The Habana response was: "...Absolutely NOT...all of those false rebels ["Rebeldes Falsos"] were in fact Batistianos....and spying for the FBI...no less.."!! Now we hear that one Harry Dean continued to work with said "M-26-Julio" operators?? "...after Fidel went Communist??.."!! I do recall that it is historical fact that Fidel went Communist just after the January 1961 breaking off of relations with the U.S. [then reported as a reaction to orders that the AM/Embassy-Habana reduce its staff to just 8 officers]!!

    Well, Senor Dean, NARA backs up RKB's [and others] statements that the Chicago ["False-Flag"] entity shut down and died after February 1959 ??!! So exactly WHO were you snitching upon until at least 1961 ??!!

    [Moreover, filmographer Bob Taber didn't create the "Fair Play For Cuba Committee" until after the B.O.P. fiasco !! [1961]

    As for Larry Howard, he lived exactly 14 blocks from my apartment in El Monte, California. And moreover, be it Harold Weisberg, or the many other Garrison wannabe snitches and agent provacateurs who knocked at his door -- he told them to call back later. In the interim, he would come by [or call me] seeking advice and the bona fides of said inquisitors !! [Your name is NOT on that list !!]

    Where you have severely screwed up with your fabrications is that:

    [1] Larry Howard's first association with a later CIA operatvie occurred during the Korean War, where he, after being wounded in the ankle by ChiCom mortar fragments, ended up in the same M.A.S.H. Unit as a fellow Infrantryman [though from a different unit] -- who had also been wounded in that same battle. When they both were tranferred to a medical recovery unit at Camp Drake, Japan -- he grew brotherly close to this fellow wounded Staff Sergeant. This was S/Sgt. David Sanchez Morales, later of JM/WAVE !!

    Why didn't I tell Gaeton Fonzi and Joe Gonzales about this ?? Because, they NEVER once mentioned Dave's name, and moreover, I repeatedly told them ab initio that this HSCA bullxxxx was going to just another deepening of the WC cover-up.

    Even when "WWII War/Movie Hero" Guy Gabaldon and Larry were "photo-oping" around Long Beach Airport [post-BOP] Larry was working under the orders of the IRS's "Alcohol & Tabacco Tax Unit" [A.T.T.U.]!! Later on, and post No Name key, he became a full-time S.S.C.I. for the B.A.T.F., and under the supervision of the then asst/cover[L.A. Bureau F.O.] SpecialAgent Paul Hughes.

    Larry Howard would "sometimes invite" Gabaldon along on one of his annual "Grizzly Bear Hunts" in Mexico's Sierra Madre Mountains. After marrying into ex-prez of mexico Aleman's family, Gabaldon preferred the less stressful life of a "landed gentleman", not a revolutionary, and certainly NOT a bear hunter !!

    I sent Larry down with my brother to Central America during our PAID investigation of the "death-squad" kidnappers and killers. [1975]

    I employed Larry as a bodyguard in Puerto Rico [1980] whilst I investigated and "neutralized" [i thought] the perps of an assassination of a "Fortune-500" corporate executive.

    Perhaps you might give out with larry's wife name. The only time she got upset with me was when I expressed a preference for Hormel's "X-cellente Tamales" [boiled in watere "only" 30 minutes] over her hard cooked Mexican dinner one of many evenings. [How the hell did I know she had already cooked it ??!!]

    EVERY CONTACT by Larry was dutifully logged. These records are currently a part of the B.A.T.F. files. Your name, or "alias?" [especially an FBI snitch whom they had no Chicago record of] does NOT appear ??!!

    [Or are we to believe that "secret agent man" Dean's files are still "classified"?? You know, like the "classified records & secret mission" of the far too many phony Navy SEALS; festooned with medals -- as they "bar-hop" and regal the girls & boys with war stories??!!]

    Bob Brown called me last night, and I directed his attention to THIS Forum !! However, I may not contact Larry's beloved, as she is in ill health, and has no need for yet another inquiry reference ONE more bullxxxx artist wannabe !!

    Go "Fess" up somewhere else !! I think that Wim might welcome you ??!!




  25. As we in the UK have discovered, having troops in Iraq has only increased terrorist attacks in our country.... Unfortunately very few American politicians have understood this. That goes for George Bush as well. Is'nt it about time that America enters the post-imperialist world?
    This would appear to indicate that you are of the opinion that most of the politicians in the United States are either ignorant and/or uneducated, along with George Bush.... Or, on the other hand, it just could be that persons who make such statements, are either extremely niave [sic] of the world as it truely [sic] is, or else just somewhat left out of what long-term goals governments attempt to establish.

    Ignorant and/or uneducated are not the only choices. There are other choices, such as that the administration lied to further a hidden agenda (the majority of Americans now believe precisely this). There is the possibility that legislators who voted to support the administration were supporting the Commander In Chief, only to find they were lied to. Dismissing people who consider this possibility as "extremely naive of the world as it truly is" takes us back to that old presumption about who has a monopoly on grasping "reality." To describe John Simkin as naive is truly absurd, especially when that description comes from someone who can't even spell "naive" or "truly."

    As regards the "imperalist" theory: 1. That I am aware of, we are neither attempting to make Iraq the 51st State of the United States, nor or we attempting to make it a "Territory" of the United States. 2. That I am aware of, we are neither attempting to make Iraq a "dominion" or a domain of the United States, nor are we attempting to force it to become a self-governing portion of some commonwealth. 3. That I am aware of, we were not attempting to extend our "power" base into the country of Iraq, and in fact would like to get out of there and come home as soon as possible and leave it up to the Iraqi people to self-govern themselves. Since that pretty well eliminates the idea of our motives as being those old (& slightly worn out) "imperalistic" claims, it would appear that someone needs to come up with some other concept for our reasons there.

    That does not eliminate the possibility of imperialistic designs. These same claims were made about Vietnam and about Cuba, after the Bay of Pigs. The U.S. has a long history of concealing its hegemonic intentions by propping up strong man dictators, like Saddam Hussein. The history of Uncle Sam's interventions in Latin America is a litany of usurpation of the rights of men.

    As we in the UK have discovered, having troops in Iraq has only increased terrorist attacks in our country.
    Although I have no doubt that attacks in many countries have increased as a result of the support of their governments for the anti-Saddam efforts which are being carried out in Iraq, it is hardly the "cause" of your increased attacks. The "cause" is that several of the Arab nations (including Iraq; Syria; Lebanon; Afghanistan; etc; have fostered a climate of radical elements who are bound and determined to undermine all efforts at change within their societies.

    Therefore, the cause is "Terrorists". That you have become more of a target which has been hit, just may be more so due to the "liberalism" which seems to expouse, which most certainly makes one somewhat of a "sitting duck".

    The Arab world has its radical elements as does the United States. Christian fundamentalist thinking is far more naked in its aggression than the Islamic variety. Anyone who has an understanding of statistical analysis can see that prosecuting a Crusades-type action, violating the sovereignty of nations and cultures, has resulted in a dramatic increase in terrorism worldwide. When the will of the people is trampled upon, there will always be a terrorist backlash. This goes back to the Essenes' insurgency against the Romans in Israel, and includes Robin Hood's insurgency against the corruption of King John, which ultimately led to the adoption of the Magna Carta.

    And here I have been all along, operating under the assumption that the Iraqi people would ultimately be the ones who benefit most from this episode in world history.

    It's probably difficult to appreciate the benefits being bestowed by a benevolent occupation force that utilizes White Phosphorus and Napalm against civilian populations.

    And, it would not matter if Iraq did not have a "drop" of oil.

    Now that is naive.

    Tim Carroll


    I wouldn't hesitate to say: "Two Great Posts by Tom and Tim" !!

    However, I would take umbrage in that a "book-reader" is seen to be making allegations of naivete' against a bona fide "Operator". Apparently this is the norm, and is welcomed by those large numbers of scriveners who have, for whatever reason -- failed to educate themselves as to "things" both military and historical.

    Oftentimes I detect a hardline resentment and bias against those of us who might have "dabbled" on the peripheries of military and intelligence operations. That is: excepting Messrs. Jack Stockwell, Agee, Marchetti, Marks, et al, -- but then again, when even one of them strays from the party line of the "pack"; the jackals stalking their tracks are found to be most readily able and willing to pounce and go in for the kill -- and sometime the target might direct the "beastie" to a body part further south than the jugular !!

    Naive ??!! No Tim, I wouldn't recklessly charge Captain Tom Purvis as being naive. But I would say that:

    Both your historical and political perspectives reflect an abominable ignorance of both, especially when measured along with your ignorance of law, and its application congruent with past and current events.

    We, who were "genuine" revolutionaries at a young age, were more than just chagrined at the U.S. government's apparent failures to make "Regime-Changes" which might well have eliminated a cabal of "alleged" right-wing oligarchs here in the Western Hemisphere. Just what was the political/industrial credentials and motives of these dastardly "serial-Chamberlains" of the 20th Century ??

    The Democrat Party controlled the almost sequitered administrations of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, continued by Harry S. Truman, and while absolutely uninterrupted by Eisenhower; continued into JFK's and LBJ's "Liberal??" monarchial reigns.

    While FDR is credited with staving off the "Red Hordes" by his introduction of "Communism/Socialism/ Progressive-ism Lite" -- some of the "Latino" revolutionaries would remind you that:

    [1] The repeated "interventions", though quite legal under extant "International Laws & Norms", contributed to the murder of Caesar Augusto Sandino at the hands of Anastasio Somoza, Sr.

    [i served under a couple of Marine General officers who had fought the original & only genuine Sandinistas;

    but of course that didn't include the late Gen. Smedley Butler, USMC (Ret.)];

    [2] The rise and continued "Democrat" support for these "Caudillos" was nothing less than aiding & abetting serial mass murderers;

    [3] "Mamita Yunai" [then styled as The United Fruit Company] rose to power and dominance through financial "interventions" made by FDR bankers and other lackeys who -- excused their activities with the semi-coherent logic that: "...We are giving the masses of disease stricken and impoverished 'Indians' a new chance at grasping a modern lifestyle...and while it is disturbing that we are forced to ally ourselves with the several ruling oligarchs (and their cronies) in order to accomplish this....International Law and our own Treaties mandate our severe restrictions in these matters....!!"; and,

    [4] The seemingly endless litany of "abuses" by "Democratic" administration from 1933 thru 1969 are legion !!

    Once again the "feckles-focus" on "typos" ["naive & truly"] -- especially where Tim finds that his logic and "expertise" are "a'failing him" !! That some folks post while "live" and online, rather than by copy & pasting from an initial e-mail draft, which might be "spell-checked" -- this smacks of someone whose panties are knotted or has adjusted his trouser-suspenders so short as to give himself a "Wedgy" !!

    "Get thee to a Law Dean" Lad -- and inquire as to the legal parameters of past, recent, and current events.

    You might discover that:

    The U.S. Congress ["Jointly"] has opted against the use of that section of Article 8 which "delegates" the sole authority to that body [from the several State having surrendered same "partially"] to "..Declare War and Issue Letters of Marque and Reprisal..." !! The primary reason for the Congressional resort to "Joint Resolutions" or deferring to the Presidential "Emergency War Powers Act" [which expired for Nixon during April 1973] is that: Declarations of War have severe economic negative impact against both domestic and world-wide commerce -- and can cause world-wide recessions and even depressions !!

    In accord with the repeated rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court [sCOTUS] on these issue; belligerent acts, either pre-emptive, retaliatory, or defensive -- are supported by the U.N. Charter and/or our Treaties, which are termed "The Law of The Land" [regardless of whether found in the statute books of the several States]

    and said paraphrased description is found generally indexed under "The Supremacy Clause" !!

    Even without the U.N. Resolutions condemning Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq, or the joint resolutions by the Congress supporting "belligerent status" -- SCOTUS has held repeatedly that JUST the "funding" of said "acts of belligerency" -- has equal standing to now avoided "formal" declarations of war. Ergo, the "Boland Amendment's" use of the SCOTUS remedy for abuses; implementation of the limiting "Power of the Purse" !!

    Therefore, a "State of War" has existed between the United States [and its several allies] since the unlawful invasion and occupation of the [City-State] of Kuwait. Moreover, and even despite that: several allied nations failed to involve themselves directly in the "post-armistice" belligerent operations against Iraq [and which even to this day, are in accord with the U.N. Resolutions and signed conditions of said armistice] !! The years of "No-Fly Zone" attacks/defensive measures -- and the protection of the Kurds in the north and the "Shia" in the south -- were repeatedly held to be within the norms of both U.S. and International Law.

    The resumption of belligerent military operations [viz: "The now snivel & whined illegal invasion"] was well within the strictures agreed to by ALL belligerent parties who sat inside that tent, the coalition of allies and the representatives of a cowardly Saddam who opted to hide instead in one of his Baghdad palaces !!

    As for the 20th Century. Do we today hear from the Japanese or German peoples that they were conquered and thereafter enslaved and exploited !! NO !! And this, even after the deaths of a half million American men and women, not to mention the losses of the other allied combatants. But then again, I am wont to hear from "the usual progressives' (read Dzerzinski influenced Trotskiyists) that: "..Oh them...they must be either massively brainwashed or closet Shintoist followers of the "Code of Bushido" -- or worse, progeny of the 3rd Reich NAZI ["National SOCIALIST"] remnants speaking from a "Op Paperclip" or "Vatican assisted Rat-line" resort in the mountains far and away ??!!

    'Nuff said for now, "L.S.M.F.T." [a potty-mouth rendition of WWII green-packaged Lucky Strike cigarettes].

    In simper terms -- my finger is tired !!



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