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Gerry Hemming

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Posts posted by Gerry Hemming

  1. Quite some time back on another forum we were discussing the guy in the image below, the one wearing the silver cross around his neck. Due to some unfriendly people who kept redirecting the thread, I found myself completely confused.

    I believe the man wearing the silver cross was identified as Sergio Sanchez, brother of Celia Sanchez.

    The next morning, November 22, 1963, about 4:30-5 a.m., our weather briefing was not favorable for a VFR flight into Dallas's Red Bird airport. We selected Garland as an alternate in case the weather had not improved by the time we arrived near Dallas air space.... I only began to learn the full scope of the operation from my pilot Rojas and a field operative friend of mine named Sergio.... Although my specific assigned function was only as a pilot, upon arriving at Redbird Airport, Sergio asked me if I wanted to come along and see the President. I could also act as a spotter for him and his team, which, he said, were assigned to the south side of the plaza. I was told other members of the team would be patrolling the north side and the overpass. I understood we would be looking for a type of triangulation ambush. I gladly accepted Sergio's offer. It seemed like an adventure I didn't want to miss. We were driven from Red Bird Airport to a place not far from the Oak Cliff Country Club, then driven to Dealey Plaza, where we (Sergio and I) checked various areas and attempted to spot potential members of an attack team from the position on the South Knoll.... While on the south knoll, Sergio and I were attempting to evaluate the most logical places where shooters might be located, but everything was confused, the timing was off, team members were late getting into position. They were not where they were supposed to be and the limited radio contacts that we had with them were not working, or spotty at best. It was soon after our arrival that the motorcade arrived. When the shots rang out, I had the impression of 4 or 5 shots, with one being fired from behind and to my left on the South Knoll, near the underpass and south parking lot. While leaving via the south side of the underpass near the train tracks, Sergio and I smelled gunpowder....

    While he's at it, maybe Tosh could identify the men in the above photo?


    All I know about him is he was with Frank's Colum 9, or had been with, I was told. I had his war name at one time and his picture was hanging up in the old Alpha-66 Hdq before they move. I am the one behind him. I was only there because a weapons drop to Raul and Debora Espin (pho) went bad and they help me get out after our aircraft went down. I was not active with the rebels as some have said. Some of this has been posted on other places and it should be checked out. I am working of memory. I sure some will take exceptions. None the less, I am doing my best and can only talk about what I know or what I think I know. In 1957 I was 20.


    The photo was taken by Wendell Hoffman, Bob Taber's photographer. Wendell gave some of his exposed roles of film to Tom Dunkin, who took them out to Miami.

    When Wendell was at No Name Key, during September 1962, he met with Tom, and reminded Dunkin that: He had never seen any of the pix after that point in time [April 1957]. Dunkin told him he had them at his office -- at the newspaper he worked for [The Glades County Democrat, Moorehaven, Florida]. I presume that Dunkin never did deliver the negatives, but somehow the pic had been published 5 years earlier with no pic credits for Wendell [1957].

    The Rebel carrying the long-barreled 12 gauge shotgun is then Lt. Juan Nuiry Sanchez. [later Comandante, and retired as a General].

    The Rebel walking behind him is then Lt. William Galvez, who by July 1958, was elevated to Comandante, and given his own command of a Column. After Batista fled, and Fidel & Co. were enroute to Havana [8 days on a slow trip, taken precautions] -- Raul ordered Galvez to take over the large army barracks near Cardenas, Matanzas Province [Campo Goicuria].

    During February Galvez was ordered to cease roller-skating around town, as it was pissing off the M-27-Julio underground veterans, and they felt he should concentrate on business: Such as the Batistiano drive-by shooters, and rounding up the war criminals, who were then still at large, and continued to rape and pillage.

    My platoon was ordered to rush there by Cmdte. Camilo Cienfuegos, and to thereafter to take care of said war criminal problems. We had several courtsmartial, and executions !!

    Column # 9 was headed by Cmdte. Hubert Matos, and he had NO "Gringos" in the column, just one ex-German sailor/marine. Matos can be contacted in Miami. [He served 24 years in Castro's Gulags, having been arrested after he resigned (October 1959) his command of Camaguey Province and denounced the Communist attempts to indoctrinate his troops.]




    And now the rest of the story:

    The picture first appeared public in Life Magazine in 1957 in reference to the hostages taken by Raul at his northern camp. I think it was taken by Andrew St George. It was taken at the time that the US State Department sent a represenitive from Washington DC (Wieland or Whica ??) to negotiate the release of the American hostages. I think they settled for tractors. I am not sure if Dunkin covered this meeting at Raul's camp. I was only aware of one photographer from life Magazine.

    I was under the impression that Frank Parez (phon) headed up Col 9. At least this was what I understood at the time from Frank Bender of Miami who had or was working with Westbrok (Rosales) of the DR's M-26-7. with CIA support to the students at the University of Havana I do know that Matos did head up one of the Columns. None the less I am the man behind to one you refer to as Galvez as documented in the released CIA- 202-104-10406-10212 and the FBI 302's OO Miami. Those files were released in 1996 and 1991 Congressional request and FOIA to John Winer and Dick Mc Call of Senator John Kerry's Staff.

    William Galvez was with Castro in the southern part of Cuba at the time of the United Fruit hostages. There was one "Gingo with Matos for a short time before he went back to Gitmo and that was Tom Mosness (pho) also known as "The Cowboy

    The rebel in front of me could be the one you speak of. But I had another name in mind a war name perhaps you can tell me that name? The picture was staged for press coverage and Velma Espin (Debra) gave me the M-1 and I fell in behind this person. Carlos was behind me. Later these rebels (Carlos) got me to a safe place and I was picked up by a Texaco PBY from Marathon and then went to Miami.

    Carlos's daughter and her boyfried were both killed by Batista' goons at the Humboldt Apartment complex during a meeting. This was after the Palace Attack on Batista. Marquesto, an informant, was responsible for tipping off the police. Some years later Carlos killed Marquesto by throwing him, chained and bound froma C-46 Regina Air Cargo aircraft. I was co-pilot and Rojas was pilot IC. Sergio (?)Sanchez did have a brother who was with Castro in 1958 but not sure if he was at Rauls hidaway at the time of the hostages in 1957.

    I was debriefed at Sloopy Joes on Flager St downtown Miami and the Mc Allister Hotel. (Biscanne and Flagger) We meet others across the street at Bay Front Park where we meet with Johnney Farentallo and John Martino and Larry Allen. John Martino went to a rooming house (Nellies? I think it was) to pick up a package and then all of us went to the safe house on SW 9th Terrace in Coral Gables. I had a room at the Green Mansions, Miami Springs across from Eastern Airlines. I worked for Riddle Airlines and Regina Air Cargo of Miami The Dodge Corp was our cut-out cover employment (Dodge Island is where stolden guns were stored from National Guard Armories. They were later flown, by me and others, to the M-26-7 and the Students.




    "Frank Pais" had already started an uprising in Oriente Province on the 30th of November, 1956. The original plan was for the yacht Granma to land a week before, so that Fidel and the 85 others (Castro revised the number down to"82" -- when some of the original guys defected) would provide a strike force in support.

    Castro, and the "Granma" got lost, and eventually were forced to land at Belic, the westernmost cape of Oriente -- and over 150+ miles away from where Frank had staged the uprisings. Fidel's arrival was for naught, the uprising failed; and Frank Pais was later captured, tortured, and murdered.

    Fidel's guys were wiped out [down to just a dozen], but were saved by "Campesino/Rustler/Peasant" Cresencio Perez. Cresencio led them to safe have in the foothills of the Sierra Maestra.

    [The survivors of the Frank Pais uprising later created the "30th of November" organization. When Raul left Fidel behind in the Sierra Maestra [April 1958], he headed north to the Sierra Cristal. Within weeks he had done more skirmishes than Fidel's laggards had accomplished in the previous 17 months (since Belic). Raul styled his operation as "The Frank Pais 2nd National Front!!]

    The so-called "United Fruit Hostages" story did not involve anybody from "Mamita Yunai", as ALL of the hostages were from the Nicaro Mining Corporation. "Abuelo" Silva Tablada confiscated an OS2U "Kingfisher"

    at the Nicaro airstrip.

    [not the single-float model catapulted off of battleships, but the "tail-dragger" 3-wheeler].

    "Abuelo" quickly rigged the bird with some bombs and attacked a nearby Bastistano fortress -- and they all surrendered within 8 minutes !!

    "NO Tractors" -- just a deal like with the Marines and Sailors held hostage later. "STOP arming & refueling Batista B-26s and F-47 "Thunderbolts" at GITMO. However, they did confiscate all of the trucks, Jeeps, etc.

    and took them back up into the hills. They also "appropriated two "D-8" Bulldozers to be used for improving the two airstrips, and for plowing out one more.

    I have a 7 inch thick file on one Wm. Robert Plumlee [from ALL Mil/Agency/Bureau sources -- plus some interesting letters from Dick Clark and his show producers]; and I really don't think that you want me to "scan" them ??!!

    The picture taken of Raul was NOT taken at his Mayari Arriba headquarters, but at the Nicaro Mining airstrip.

    Both CIA officers Ron Cruziero and Wiecha accompanied Deputy-Und/Secy-Lat/Am-Affairs Wm. A. Wieland from GITMO.

    The USMC helicopter was from Marine Squadron HMR-362, normally based at MCAS Cherry Point, NC. The pilot was a buddy of mine, and we flew together with the 1st Marine Brigade in the Pacific

    [3rd M.A.W./FMF-Pacific]. NO C-46 ever landed at Raul's two airstrips -- Mayari Arriba or at Calabasas.

    The largest aircraft to ever land there, other than Howard K. "Davy" Davis' "Stagger-Wing Beech" was the two F-51 "Mustangs" that Michel Yabor & Adolpho Diaz flew in during November 1958. The ONLY gun-runners flying in for Raul in the "2nd Front" (Sierra Cristal) were Pedro Diaz Lanz, Yabor, Sergio Sanjenis, Jorge Sotu, and Davy.

    [Diaz Lanz was later to replace Capt. Orestes Del Rio as Chief of the Rebel Air Force after arrival in Havana. He later defected, along with his brother Marcos, and Frank Fiorini Sturgis during July 1959.]

    Juan Nuiry Sanchez (with the shotgun) used the war name "Anibal" for a short time [spanish for "Hannibal"].

    The pic was taken by Wendell Hoffman, and it was within 200 yards of Fidel's headquarters at Minas del Frio.

    William Galvez's column took the long march to the West [with Che & Camilo], leaving Fidel to keep bullxxxxting the peasants to death.

    Galvez missed the battle of Santa Clara, but that didn't stop him from grabbing a load of guns and ammo from my plane -- after landing at Mayajigua [Las Villas]. He also took Paul Hughes load from his twin Commanche -- and that load was supposed to go to Menoyo and the S.F.N.E. Rebels in the Escambray.

    Raul later married "Vilma Espin". She died of breast cancer over 20+ years ago !! Her war name "Debora" was never used after Jan. 1959.

    I have William Galvez's telephone number in Cardenas, if anybody wants to call and verify that: He is the one walking behind "Anibal". Or I can get his e-mail address from his cousin in Coral Springs, Florida.

    You are dealing with somebody he was there, "Walking-the-Walk" -- "But-NOT-Talking-the-Talk" -- Just LISTENING & LEARNING !!

    We are a small "family", and despite our "political" differences, we oftentimes stay in touch [between CONUS & Cuba] -- so I wouldn't tread too close to the real history/facts of guys who came from a small "family" of Rebels !! And especially not when we ALL knew one another; and quite a few of those still breathing, continue to stay in touch -- as often as it is safe to do so.

    NOTE: The #21 Humboldt address was never used after Echevarria, Joe Westbrook, et al. were arrested, and later murdered shortly thereafter -- That is to say; NOT after the week of 13th March, 1957.

    There were about 50 "Gringos" and other nationalities, working the "Cuban Deal"; and those of us who have survived, stay in contact. Like I said, it was a small "Family" and we all knew one another.

    Gerhard Droller ["Frank Bender"] worked for Harvey in Berlin until 1960, and was never near Cuba until then !! He was totally ignorant of recent Cuban history, and didn't knpw a word of Spanish !! So I am puzzled how he would have mentioned any of the #21 guys, or anybody else previous to 1960 ??!!

    NOBODY ever flew out of the Marathon, Key West or Coral Reef Country Club airstrips during the 1957-59 period. Monroe County Sheriff's deputies [paid by Customs] watched all three strips like Hawks. Everybody always flew NORTH if departing south Florida, and then turned east near Hobe Sound [Palm Beach]. After hugging the deck across Lake Okeechobee, and crossing the A.D.I.Z. at under 200 feet, so as to stay under Grand Bahama Air Force Base [u.S.] radar until making the turn to the southeast , and past the radar at Governeur's Harbor [Eleuthera, 57 miles northeast of Nassau].

    [The "Hobe Sound Maneuver" kept us below the N.A.S. "Banana River" Radar. Its name changed to Patrick Air Force Base when the "Zoomies" took over.]

    The farthest south anybody ever launched from was: At the abandoned Immokalee airport [Naples]; and that was for delivering to the Pinar del Rio ProvinceRebels [westernmost Cuba] that Neil Macauley later joined. [Cmdte. Dermidio Escalona in command] Flying due west [and on the deck] till well past Fort Jefferson [Dry Tortugas]; insured our avoiding the radars at Tampa [McDill], Avon Park Gunnery Range [Polk County], and N.A.S. Boca Chica [Key West] !!




  2. "......John: Just a note from memory: I too, was under Clines operations at one time and met with Wilson in Denver many times in the early eighties. I worked UC OPs MX for a brief time and was associated with KIKI and Shaggy.

    Susan Baldwin and Hector Gomez(?) two DEA agents and investigators of the time reported in a classified Secret memo on a ranch in MX that belong to Quintero. As a side bar it is interesting because it referes to the "CIA Thing" of weapons for the Contra. Wheaton knows about this. Its interesting reading...." http://www.toshplumlee.info/pdf/DEAfiles.pdf


    Larry Barcella, who I worked with on the "Letelier Assassination Case" (1977) -- lured Ed Wilson to the Dominican Republic during mid-1982. Barcella, after leaving his job as Asst. U.S. Attorney (Wash. DC); was hired by the Antigua government to get Israeli Mossad agent Mike Harari. Harari had imported a few thousand AK-47s into Colombia, and delivered them to the "Right-Wing Death Squads" [A.U.C.]

    Wilson was in continuous custody [bailed denied] since 1982, and remains so today !!

    So there is NO WAY that he was running around during the "Contra" business !!





    Archives -- November 10, 2003


    by Eric Margolis

    NEW YOK - The shocking case of former CIA officer Edwin P. Wilson recalls the words of the great American thinker, H.L.Mencken: ‘Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.’

    The Wilson case has outraged me for 20 years. In 1982, the federal court in northern Virginia ’ the same hang-em high, Soviet-style court the Feds now use to try terrorism cases ’ sentenced Wilson to 10 years in prison for selling 22 tons of explosive to Libya. He was also convicted on shaky charges of attempted murder and sentenced to another 15 years. Wilson, now 75 years old, has served 20 years in maximum security prison.

    I always believed Wilson innocent and spoke to him many times in prison. ‘I was framed by the government,’ Wilson told me, ‘they want me to disappear. I know too much. ’ His words shake me to this day. ‘They buried him alive in prison,’ a former CIA official confided to me.

    Last week, Federal District Judge Lynn Hughes in Houston, Texas, threw out Wilson’s two-decades old conviction. Judge Hughes wrote: ‘government knowingly used false evidence against him,’ concluding ‘honesty comes hard to government.’

    Wilson was no angel. The veteran, tough as nails CIA field agent specialized in running arms and mounting coups. He was one of the agency’s old-time ‘cowboys.’ In 1971, Wilson officially ‘retired’ from CIA and went into business on his own. In reality, CIA used Wilson for potentially explosive clandestine deals it wanted to keep ‘deniable.’

    I first heard of Wilson and partner, Frank Terpil, while covering the Angolan War between Soviet and Cuban-backed Marxist forces and Jonas Savimbi’s anti-communist UNITA guerilla army. UNITA was secretly armed by South Africa and the US, but Washington did not want to be seen as an ally of the apartheid regime. So CIA used Wilson and Tirpil to channel arms to Savimbi, using CIA-front firms and banks in Asia and Europe.

    In the late 1970’s, CIA sent Wilson and Terpil to Libya to covertly strengthen the regime of Muammar Khadaffi. Washington planned to use the fiery Libyan leader as its strongman in North Africa, just as it was using longtime CIA ‘asset’ Anwar Sadat in Egypt.

    Wilson sold Libya C-4 explosives and arms, and sent teams of ex-Green Berets to train Libyan commandos and ‘terminate’ some of Libya’s many enemies abroad. The explosives, Wilson has always maintained, were for Libya’s oil industry.

    But while CIA was backing Khadaffi, the new Reagan Administration sought to distance itself from the soft policies of the Carter Administration by denouncing Muammar Khadaffi as the world’s leading terrorist and a threat to America.

    CIA was ordered to overthrow Khadaffi, putting the agency in a frightfully embarrassing dilemma. Bureaucratic panic erupted at Langley. The Libyan operation was ordered immediately shut down and all records destroyed.

    As word of secret US backing of Khadaffi leaked out, Wilson and Terpil were cut adrift and proclaimed outlaws. They fled to the Mideast. In 1982 Wilson was lured by American agents to the Dominican Republic, kidnapped to the USA, and charged with gun-running.

    During numerous trials, Wilson maintained he had been working for CIA. He was not allowed to cross-examine CIA witnesses for ‘security reasons’ - shades of today’s terrorism trials.

    The third-ranking CIA official provided a false affidavit to Justice Department prosecutors that the agency ‘had no knowledge of Edwin P. Wilson.’ This was a lie, a fact discovered by Wilson’s tenacious lawyer, David Adler, by poring through 300,000 documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. A lie prosecutors were aware of, found Judge Hughes, who said the jury would have acquitted Wilson had government told the truth.

    In the early 1980’s, an old friend, Ed G, an Iranian-born American accountant with no intelligence experience, was convinced by CIA it was his ‘patriotic duty’ to go to Iran and build a new agent network in Tehran to replace the previous one rolled up by the Islamic revolution.

    After three years of amateurish spying, Ed’s cover was blown. He fled for his life. On returning to the US, Ed called his CIA controller and was told, ‘there is no one here by that name, and we have no record of you.’ Another disaster was simply erased by throwing agents to the wolves. Penniless, Ed was reduced to begging money from friends and finally working as a shoe salesman. Compared to Wilson, he was lucky.

    It is terrifying to see government’s massive weight crush an innocent man. Wilson became America’s ‘Man in the Iron Mask.’ Judge Hughes called the case ‘double-crossing a part-time, informal government agent.’ She aptly used the term ‘framed’ to qualify this disgusting legal outrage. High Justice Department officials involved in this crime are today serving judges. They, and the retired CIA official, should be prosecuted.

    The Wilson case should remind us of all the US Justice Department’s recent and ongoing ‘terrorism’ prosecutions, where individuals, mostly foreign-born, poor, and uneducated ’ many of them Pakistanis - have had the book thrown at them and are threatened with life terms if they do not confess to crimes. While truth is the first victim of nationalist hysteria, justice is always the second.

    In spite of Judge Hughes’ ruling, The government refuses to release Wilson and is now considering an appeal. Shame.

    Posted by Eric Margolis on November 10, 2003 11:50 AM


    Thanx Tosh. As always, fascinating. Now let's see GH come back and say these are "phony" documents!!

    Belated "happy birthday", by the way. I sure missed our buddy J this past 11/8 on his. Still hard to believe- (accept)- that he's really gone. J would always call on my birthday and say "let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday" and when I'd tell him my daughter, or sister had already called first he'd say "I'm talking about NEXT year". His wit lasted down to the very end.


    John: Just a note from memory: I too, was under Clines operations at one time and met with Wilson in Denver many times in the early eighties. I worked UC OPs MX for a brief time and was associated with KIKI and Shaggy.

    Susan Baldwin and Hector Gomez(?) two DEA agents and investigators of the time reported in a classified Secret memo on a ranch in MX that belong to Quintero. As a side bar it is interesting because it referes to the "CIA Thing" of weapons for the Contra. Wheaton knows about this. Its interesting reading.. pdf/DEAfiles.pdf]http://www.toshplumlee.info/pdf/DEAfiles.pdf


    Larry Barcella, who I worked with on the "Letelier Assassination Case" (1977) -- lured Ed Wilson to the Dominican Republic during mid-1982. Barcella, after leaving his job as Asst. U.S. Attorney (Wash. DC); was hired by the Antigua government to get Israeli Mossad agent Mike Harari. Harari had imported a few thousand AK-47s into Colombia, and delivered them to the "Right-Wing Death Squads" [A.U.C.]

    Wilson was in continuous custody [bailed denied] since 1982, and remains so today !!

    So there is NO WAY that he was running around during the "Contra" business !!





    Archives -- November 10, 2003


    by Eric Margolis

    NEW YOK - The shocking case of former CIA officer Edwin P. Wilson recalls the words of the great American thinker, H.L.Mencken: ‘Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.’

    The Wilson case has outraged me for 20 years. In 1982, the federal court in northern Virginia ’ the same hang-em high, Soviet-style court the Feds now use to try terrorism cases ’ sentenced Wilson to 10 years in prison for selling 22 tons of explosive to Libya. He was also convicted on shaky charges of attempted murder and sentenced to another 15 years. Wilson, now 75 years old, has served 20 years in maximum security prison.

    I always believed Wilson innocent and spoke to him many times in prison. ‘I was framed by the government,’ Wilson told me, ‘they want me to disappear. I know too much. ’ His words shake me to this day. ‘They buried him alive in prison,’ a former CIA official confided to me.

    Last week, Federal District Judge Lynn Hughes in Houston, Texas, threw out Wilson’s two-decades old conviction. Judge Hughes wrote: ‘government knowingly used false evidence against him,’ concluding ‘honesty comes hard to government.’

    Wilson was no angel. The veteran, tough as nails CIA field agent specialized in running arms and mounting coups. He was one of the agency’s old-time ‘cowboys.’ In 1971, Wilson officially ‘retired’ from CIA and went into business on his own. In reality, CIA used Wilson for potentially explosive clandestine deals it wanted to keep ‘deniable.’

    I first heard of Wilson and partner, Frank Terpil, while covering the Angolan War between Soviet and Cuban-backed Marxist forces and Jonas Savimbi’s anti-communist UNITA guerilla army. UNITA was secretly armed by South Africa and the US, but Washington did not want to be seen as an ally of the apartheid regime. So CIA used Wilson and Tirpil to channel arms to Savimbi, using CIA-front firms and banks in Asia and Europe.

    In the late 1970’s, CIA sent Wilson and Terpil to Libya to covertly strengthen the regime of Muammar Khadaffi. Washington planned to use the fiery Libyan leader as its strongman in North Africa, just as it was using longtime CIA ‘asset’ Anwar Sadat in Egypt.

    Wilson sold Libya C-4 explosives and arms, and sent teams of ex-Green Berets to train Libyan commandos and ‘terminate’ some of Libya’s many enemies abroad. The explosives, Wilson has always maintained, were for Libya’s oil industry.

    But while CIA was backing Khadaffi, the new Reagan Administration sought to distance itself from the soft policies of the Carter Administration by denouncing Muammar Khadaffi as the world’s leading terrorist and a threat to America.

    CIA was ordered to overthrow Khadaffi, putting the agency in a frightfully embarrassing dilemma. Bureaucratic panic erupted at Langley. The Libyan operation was ordered immediately shut down and all records destroyed.

    As word of secret US backing of Khadaffi leaked out, Wilson and Terpil were cut adrift and proclaimed outlaws. They fled to the Mideast. In 1982 Wilson was lured by American agents to the Dominican Republic, kidnapped to the USA, and charged with gun-running.

    During numerous trials, Wilson maintained he had been working for CIA. He was not allowed to cross-examine CIA witnesses for ‘security reasons’ - shades of today’s terrorism trials.

    The third-ranking CIA official provided a false affidavit to Justice Department prosecutors that the agency ‘had no knowledge of Edwin P. Wilson.’ This was a lie, a fact discovered by Wilson’s tenacious lawyer, David Adler, by poring through 300,000 documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. A lie prosecutors were aware of, found Judge Hughes, who said the jury would have acquitted Wilson had government told the truth.

    In the early 1980’s, an old friend, Ed G, an Iranian-born American accountant with no intelligence experience, was convinced by CIA it was his ‘patriotic duty’ to go to Iran and build a new agent network in Tehran to replace the previous one rolled up by the Islamic revolution.

    After three years of amateurish spying, Ed’s cover was blown. He fled for his life. On returning to the US, Ed called his CIA controller and was told, ‘there is no one here by that name, and we have no record of you.’ Another disaster was simply erased by throwing agents to the wolves. Penniless, Ed was reduced to begging money from friends and finally working as a shoe salesman. Compared to Wilson, he was lucky.

    It is terrifying to see government’s massive weight crush an innocent man. Wilson became America’s ‘Man in the Iron Mask.’ Judge Hughes called the case ‘double-crossing a part-time, informal government agent.’ She aptly used the term ‘framed’ to qualify this disgusting legal outrage. High Justice Department officials involved in this crime are today serving judges. They, and the retired CIA official, should be prosecuted.

    The Wilson case should remind us of all the US Justice Department’s recent and ongoing ‘terrorism’ prosecutions, where individuals, mostly foreign-born, poor, and uneducated ’ many of them Pakistanis - have had the book thrown at them and are threatened with life terms if they do not confess to crimes. While truth is the first victim of nationalist hysteria, justice is always the second.

    In spite of Judge Hughes’ ruling, The government refuses to release Wilson and is now considering an appeal. Shame.

    Posted by Eric Margolis on November 10, 2003 11:50 AM


  3. What many are confusing is official retirement from the CIA and covert actions afterwards. An example being Tom Clines and Edwin Wilson being present at an SOA class on Counterinsurgency in the late summer/early fall of '81. Wilson being the presenter for a large portion and utilizing the actual manual on Assassinations and Torture in Central America and Clines assisting him in the classroom. Clines supposedly being retired from service and Wilson supposedly being on the run from Federal Indictment for selling explosives to Lybia. My source on this, Me.

    Also be wary of believing that Hand was retired from SF. Ask Jack McConnell about his activities in El Salvador in '81.

    This is very dangerous ground we are treading on here when we start to link the names of Clines, Wilson, Hand, Secord, Conein and Chi Chi to activities of the '80's. Does this link back to the Kennedy assassination of 18 years prior, it would make an interesting jump off point for researchers. These were very dangerous times that dealt with very dangerous people who many are still around.



    Larry Barcella, who I worked with on the "Letelier Assassination Case" (1977) -- lured Ed Wilson to the Dominican Republic during mid-1982. Barcella, after leaving his job as Asst. U.S. Attorney (Wash. DC); was hired by the Antigua government to get Israeli Mossad agent Mike Harari. Harari had imported a few thousand AK-47s into Colombia, and delivered them to the "Right-Wing Death Squads" [A.U.C.]

    Wilson was in continuous custody [bailed denied] since 1982, and remains so today !!

    So there is NO WAY that he was running around during the "Contra" business !!





    Archives -- November 10, 2003


    by Eric Margolis

    NEW YOK - The shocking case of former CIA officer Edwin P. Wilson recalls the words of the great American thinker, H.L.Mencken: ‘Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.’

    The Wilson case has outraged me for 20 years. In 1982, the federal court in northern Virginia ’ the same hang-em high, Soviet-style court the Feds now use to try terrorism cases ’ sentenced Wilson to 10 years in prison for selling 22 tons of explosive to Libya. He was also convicted on shaky charges of attempted murder and sentenced to another 15 years. Wilson, now 75 years old, has served 20 years in maximum security prison.

    I always believed Wilson innocent and spoke to him many times in prison. ‘I was framed by the government,’ Wilson told me, ‘they want me to disappear. I know too much. ’ His words shake me to this day. ‘They buried him alive in prison,’ a former CIA official confided to me.

    Last week, Federal District Judge Lynn Hughes in Houston, Texas, threw out Wilson’s two-decades old conviction. Judge Hughes wrote: ‘government knowingly used false evidence against him,’ concluding ‘honesty comes hard to government.’

    Wilson was no angel. The veteran, tough as nails CIA field agent specialized in running arms and mounting coups. He was one of the agency’s old-time ‘cowboys.’ In 1971, Wilson officially ‘retired’ from CIA and went into business on his own. In reality, CIA used Wilson for potentially explosive clandestine deals it wanted to keep ‘deniable.’

    I first heard of Wilson and partner, Frank Terpil, while covering the Angolan War between Soviet and Cuban-backed Marxist forces and Jonas Savimbi’s anti-communist UNITA guerilla army. UNITA was secretly armed by South Africa and the US, but Washington did not want to be seen as an ally of the apartheid regime. So CIA used Wilson and Tirpil to channel arms to Savimbi, using CIA-front firms and banks in Asia and Europe.

    In the late 1970’s, CIA sent Wilson and Terpil to Libya to covertly strengthen the regime of Muammar Khadaffi. Washington planned to use the fiery Libyan leader as its strongman in North Africa, just as it was using longtime CIA ‘asset’ Anwar Sadat in Egypt.

    Wilson sold Libya C-4 explosives and arms, and sent teams of ex-Green Berets to train Libyan commandos and ‘terminate’ some of Libya’s many enemies abroad. The explosives, Wilson has always maintained, were for Libya’s oil industry.

    But while CIA was backing Khadaffi, the new Reagan Administration sought to distance itself from the soft policies of the Carter Administration by denouncing Muammar Khadaffi as the world’s leading terrorist and a threat to America.

    CIA was ordered to overthrow Khadaffi, putting the agency in a frightfully embarrassing dilemma. Bureaucratic panic erupted at Langley. The Libyan operation was ordered immediately shut down and all records destroyed.

    As word of secret US backing of Khadaffi leaked out, Wilson and Terpil were cut adrift and proclaimed outlaws. They fled to the Mideast. In 1982 Wilson was lured by American agents to the Dominican Republic, kidnapped to the USA, and charged with gun-running.

    During numerous trials, Wilson maintained he had been working for CIA. He was not allowed to cross-examine CIA witnesses for ‘security reasons’ - shades of today’s terrorism trials.

    The third-ranking CIA official provided a false affidavit to Justice Department prosecutors that the agency ‘had no knowledge of Edwin P. Wilson.’ This was a lie, a fact discovered by Wilson’s tenacious lawyer, David Adler, by poring through 300,000 documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. A lie prosecutors were aware of, found Judge Hughes, who said the jury would have acquitted Wilson had government told the truth.

    In the early 1980’s, an old friend, Ed G, an Iranian-born American accountant with no intelligence experience, was convinced by CIA it was his ‘patriotic duty’ to go to Iran and build a new agent network in Tehran to replace the previous one rolled up by the Islamic revolution.

    After three years of amateurish spying, Ed’s cover was blown. He fled for his life. On returning to the US, Ed called his CIA controller and was told, ‘there is no one here by that name, and we have no record of you.’ Another disaster was simply erased by throwing agents to the wolves. Penniless, Ed was reduced to begging money from friends and finally working as a shoe salesman. Compared to Wilson, he was lucky.

    It is terrifying to see government’s massive weight crush an innocent man. Wilson became America’s ‘Man in the Iron Mask.’ Judge Hughes called the case ‘double-crossing a part-time, informal government agent.’ She aptly used the term ‘framed’ to qualify this disgusting legal outrage. High Justice Department officials involved in this crime are today serving judges. They, and the retired CIA official, should be prosecuted.

    The Wilson case should remind us of all the US Justice Department’s recent and ongoing ‘terrorism’ prosecutions, where individuals, mostly foreign-born, poor, and uneducated ’ many of them Pakistanis - have had the book thrown at them and are threatened with life terms if they do not confess to crimes. While truth is the first victim of nationalist hysteria, justice is always the second.

    In spite of Judge Hughes’ ruling, The government refuses to release Wilson and is now considering an appeal. Shame.

    Posted by Eric Margolis on November 10, 2003 11:50 AM


  4. I asked John:

    If you are now aware of any evidence that supported plaintiffs' claims [in the Christic Institute case], let's hear it!

    To which John replied:

    Tim, it was just a matter of time before you came in to defend the corrupt activities of the CIA/Republican Party. That is in fact your main purpose on the Forum. Don't you have even the slighest doubts about the way these two political organizations have worked together in order to undermine democracy in the United States

    Any objective reader will note that John did not reply to my request for any evidence to support the claim. Not one single sentence to support the "merits" of the case. Instead, John immediately engages in an ad hominen attack on me since I had the temerity to attack the leftist "conventional wisdom". There is one word to describe this: typical. You see, like many members of the left, John cannot be detrerred by the facts. This is really McCarthyism on the left.

    Then John shifts the subject to attack another aspect of the Bush administration. Of course, this has nothing to do with the merits of the Christic Institute case.

    John, have you read Susan Huck's "Legal Terrorism"? (Of course you have not!)


    To Pat:

    In general I agree with your point. There should be greater judicial control exercised when one side is required to pay another's legal fees.

    One clarification, however: the plaintiff may lose on a summary judgment issue but the defendant is normally not awarded actual legal fees unless the court determines that the entire case is frivolous. That sanction is authorized by Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. In the Christic Institute case, four judges agreed that the case was indeed frivolous: the district court judge and three judges of the Court of Appeals.

    John, however, who has not read a transcript of the proceedings, believes he knows better than the combined wisdom of these judges. When all I did was post the appellate decision so members could make an informed decision, all he could do was accuse me of defending the evil CIA/Republican Party.

    Pathetic, actually.


    Sheehan promptly filed a "Motion for Rehearing", and days later, a "Motion for Rehearing Enbanc" [asking that the "Full Court" review the decision of the 3 judge panel which initially ruled on the case] The full court of the 11th Circuit (7 appellate judges) refused to revisit the case !!

    Both motions were rejected, and the first reason given was that: When "moving" for an "Enbanc" hearing, both motions must be stapled together, and thereby delivered to the clerk simulataneously -- which he had failed to do. [see: Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure - 1986].

    Judge Rosemary Barkett, more than once, later cited this case as being: An extreme example of both "Abuse of Procedure", and "Fraud upon the Court".

    [she was born in Mexico, and later took her vows as a nun in the Catholic Church. During the early 1980s, she was appointed by Democrat Governor Graham to the Florida 4th Circuit Court of Appeals]

    During the 1990s, and despite Republican political protests (that she was an extreme left-wing liberal); she was appointed as Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court.

    President Clinton, during the mid. 1990s -- appointed her to the Federal 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta.

  5. Quite some time back on another forum we were discussing the guy in the image below, the one wearing the silver cross around his neck. Due to some unfriendly people who kept redirecting the thread, I found myself completely confused.

    I believe the man wearing the silver cross was identified as Sergio Sanchez, brother of Celia Sanchez.

    The next morning, November 22, 1963, about 4:30-5 a.m., our weather briefing was not favorable for a VFR flight into Dallas's Red Bird airport. We selected Garland as an alternate in case the weather had not improved by the time we arrived near Dallas air space.... I only began to learn the full scope of the operation from my pilot Rojas and a field operative friend of mine named Sergio.... Although my specific assigned function was only as a pilot, upon arriving at Redbird Airport, Sergio asked me if I wanted to come along and see the President. I could also act as a spotter for him and his team, which, he said, were assigned to the south side of the plaza. I was told other members of the team would be patrolling the north side and the overpass. I understood we would be looking for a type of triangulation ambush. I gladly accepted Sergio's offer. It seemed like an adventure I didn't want to miss. We were driven from Red Bird Airport to a place not far from the Oak Cliff Country Club, then driven to Dealey Plaza, where we (Sergio and I) checked various areas and attempted to spot potential members of an attack team from the position on the South Knoll.... While on the south knoll, Sergio and I were attempting to evaluate the most logical places where shooters might be located, but everything was confused, the timing was off, team members were late getting into position. They were not where they were supposed to be and the limited radio contacts that we had with them were not working, or spotty at best. It was soon after our arrival that the motorcade arrived. When the shots rang out, I had the impression of 4 or 5 shots, with one being fired from behind and to my left on the South Knoll, near the underpass and south parking lot. While leaving via the south side of the underpass near the train tracks, Sergio and I smelled gunpowder....

    While he's at it, maybe Tosh could identify the men in the above photo?


    All I know about him is he was with Frank's Colum 9, or had been with, I was told. I had his war name at one time and his picture was hanging up in the old Alpha-66 Hdq before they move. I am the one behind him. I was only there because a weapons drop to Raul and Debora Espin (pho) went bad and they help me get out after our aircraft went down. I was not active with the rebels as some have said. Some of this has been posted on other places and it should be checked out. I am working of memory. I sure some will take exceptions. None the less, I am doing my best and can only talk about what I know or what I think I know. In 1957 I was 20.


    The photo was taken by Wendell Hoffman, Bob Taber's photographer. Wendell gave some of his exposed roles of film to Tom Dunkin, who took them out to Miami.

    When Wendell was at No Name Key, during September 1962, he met with Tom, and reminded Dunkin that: He had never seen any of the pix after that point in time [April 1957]. Dunkin told him he had them at his office -- at the newspaper he worked for [The Glades County Democrat, Moorehaven, Florida]. I presume that Dunkin never did deliver the negatives, but somehow the pic had been published 5 years earlier with no pic credits for Wendell [1957].

    The Rebel carrying the long-barreled 12 gauge shotgun is then Lt. Juan Nuiry Sanchez. [later Comandante, and retired as a General].

    The Rebel walking behind him is then Lt. William Galvez, who by July 1958, was elevated to Comandante, and given his own command of a Column. After Batista fled, and Fidel & Co. were enroute to Havana [8 days on a slow trip, taken precautions] -- Raul ordered Galvez to take over the large army barracks near Cardenas, Matanzas Province [Campo Goicuria].

    During February Galvez was ordered to cease roller-skating around town, as it was pissing off the M-27-Julio underground veterans, and they felt he should concentrate on business: Such as the Batistiano drive-by shooters, and rounding up the war criminals, who were then still at large, and continued to rape and pillage.

    My platoon was ordered to rush there by Cmdte. Camilo Cienfuegos, and to thereafter to take care of said war criminal problems. We had several courtsmartial, and executions !!

    Column # 9 was headed by Cmdte. Hubert Matos, and he had NO "Gringos" in the column, just one ex-German sailor/marine. Matos can be contacted in Miami. [He served 24 years in Castro's Gulags, having been arrested after he resigned (October 1959) his command of Camaguey Province and denounced the Communist attempts to indoctrinate his troops.]




  6. It was Molina Rivera whom arranged for the 5 Castro aircraft to slip into Cozumel [without flight plans nor payment of fees to R.A.M.S.A.] 2 days before Rorke, et al. arrived from Merida [after putting LHO on a Lode-Star twin (ex-USN WWII PV-2) owned by, and personally used by one Howard "Gomer" Hughes -- and returned to "Lakefront Airport, NO, LA]. From Cozumel, they (Rorke & Sullivan) were [as prisoners] flown directly to my old base [bAM San Julian], and thence on to the Villa Marista in Habana.

    What was it about the Rorke-Sullivan flight that would be worth such an extensive intervention as Castro sending 5 airplanes to Cozumel?

    Where was Oswald on his way from when flown into Merida and what would the Hughes connection be to that?

    Tim Carroll


    I have been asked already as to why the hell I am responding to a Lancer, Wim, Weberman type xxxxx.

    I still have the original cables which I stole [$20 mordida] from the little RAMSA radio shack back in the bushes on the east side of the Cozumel airstrip.

    5 planes, because the Rorke/Sullivan bird was just the first of a group of airplanes scheduled to follow over the next few days !! More importantly, Rorke was connected to "Queen" Hoover (does that term somehow offend you ??!!). Some months previous, Rorke had claimed affiliation with the D.R.E., and was the reason that we took "Chilo" Borja and Joannides to the Hollywood, FL "convention-CON-to-raise-$-and gain fame" -- and threatened Rorke with exposure of the "Les Violins" fiasco [Feb. 1963] should he persist !!

    Howard "gomer" Hughes involved ?? Who the hell knows, the Op with the Lode-Star was set up by Moody.

    Others going to Cuba via slipping on board the Cubana de Aviacion bird refueling at Merida -- well one was Saul "Saggy" my wiiddle friend. I could give a rat's ass who the others were.

    That would be Cmdte. Manuel "Barba Roja" Pineiro [DSE/DGI] NOT Fidel !! 5 airplanes an extensive operation ??!! GET REAL !! That was done every week for commercial purposes, and was sanctioned by the then Governor of Quintana Roo Province, Yucatan State. You know, Lazaro Cardenas, the ex-Communist President of Mexico during the 1930s/early '40s ??!!

    Usually, 2 INRA planes were used. When I ran BAM San Julian Air Base [1960] I regularly flew to Cozumel without any flight plan, and fees were waived if I brought some "Abajo - H. Upmann cigars" from the nearby plantation at San Juan y Martinez -- which is a tourist site now. My last gun-running Op was out of Cozumel [Dec. 1958] with the load destined for Cmdte. Dermidio Escalona's Pinar del Rio ("Alzados") Sierra Occidental guerrillas. The load was retrieved by the guerrilla column lead by 1st Lt. Neil McCaulley (US Army Reserve), and who later wrote the best book on Sandino -- whilst professoring at the U. of Florida [Gainesville]; and is now retired and lives nearby.

    During 1958, Howard K. Davis lead the first guerrilla/maritime expedition into Pinar del Rio, landing near Las Martinez on the south coast. Because the fishing village destination was call El Corojo", this was later written up in Cuba as the "El Corojo Expedition". Shortly thereafter, Davy started flying loads into Raul Castros "2nd Front - Frank Pais" which was headquartered at Mayari Arriba [La Sierra Cristal]. Davy usually landed at the "Calabasas" dirt strip, and one time had to leave his "Stagger Wing" Beechcraft there -- and Sanjenis or Jorge Sotus later told him that with Batista B-26s & F-47s scouting around, it was claimed that they were forced to burn his bird. Next time in they showed him a melted recip/engine block, and said that was all that was left. ["Calabasa" is Spanyiddish for Pumpkin]

    Had Davy left the Presidential Palace once in a while, and gone to the Ciudad Libertad Airbase in Marrianao, Capt. Paul J. Hughes would have shown him his Beechcraft -- with a brand new Rebel Air Force paint job, parked by the control tower. Diaz Lanz had flown it in, and had Capt. Evans Rosales get it painted. However, Davy was "too" close to "interim" President Judge Manuel Urrutia, and was asked to leave Cuba when "Da Judge" fell out of favor with Fidel.

    [Christy fondly remember Marrianao, a "burb" of La Habana]

    I've never had the heart to tell Davy about his beloved Beechcraft !! Maybe he should sue -- they sell for $300,000 now ??!!

    And you have read the already public technique for using the "Merida Switch" -- which I briefed Krulak, Cotrell, et al. on during Feb./ mar. 1963 -- in preparation for JFK's upcoming trip to San Jose Costa Rica.

    One of the demands to be made by JFK of Lopez Mateos was that ALL travelers to Cuba via Mexico would be photographed and fingerprinted at both Mex. D.F. and Merida, because some "Progressives" were also using the "Merida Switch" to bypass being identified at Mexico City.

    Maybe you should have spent your girly-men magazine allowance on buyring REAL books and documents !!

    I am not going to tutor you on much of what is already on the web and/or has been at College Park for years !!

    Where was LHO coming from ?? Well, dipsy-doodle -- Weberman got that 10 years ago -- don't you read his "Nodu-Rhoids ??!! He had been picked up by Rorke & Sullivan at "an undisclosed location" near either N.O. or Beaumont, Tex-Ass !!

    Go on back to Wim, why don't you. Why is it these Trolls can't ask a civil question without including libelous accusatory statements -- or are you a Weberman lackey hoping to launch a fishing expedition by libeling somebody ??!!



    Mr. Hemming. You spout of a lot of hot air and say a lot of things but as to date you have failed to back up one damm thing you have ever said. You say you have tons of documented support but fail to produce anything but hot air and wind. You say its true because you say it is. You have failed to document anything. You just rattle on like the old pathic man you are and expect others to take you at face value.

    I take exception to your remarks on Paul Hughes and Alex Rorke, Sullivan, and others. Who did you think you are to pass judgement on those who can nolonger defend themselves. These were good men and you, Sir use them and twist their activities for you own personal gain. You are a sick man. A man that puts words into deadmen mouths so you in your warped way can obtain some form of glory.

    You are so far from a professional operative it is pathic. You have infiltrated yourself into some kind of expert in your own eyes; a spoung that sucks up information and weaves yourself into it. You need to try and discredit others so as to "smokescreen" your disinformation.

    The BS you put out to the girls, who were only wanting solid information on their fathers fate, is appauling. You pull good people from their research work and run them in circles with your falsehoods, them perhaps laugh at them and the controls you have over them, when they only want the truth and the facts to support the truth. Anyone who can live with themselves after that is really a sick person.

    I was Army MI and CIA and proud of it. You Sir, could not make the grade or cut, although you tried, and you have never been able to live with the fact that nobody wanted you, then, nor do they want you now.

    I can care less what you think about me or how you try to discredit me. You do not know 1/10 of anything about me or my background... pro or con... I would not give you the sweat off my arm pits.

    Have a good day.


    NOW we have "Tooshy" giving a perfect description of himself. Yeah, was wid da "MI & CIA" my ASS !!

    That is, unless you are referring to "The Culinary Institute of America" and "Motorized Idiots".

    It appears that once again, you have gone back to the tabloids to soak up some more "wannabe" bullxxxx stories. And that you'll now feed them to a couple of your "Gullible-Groepies" !! Also, it looks like you finally have sombody who knows how to type in English, and doing your "Postings" for you now.

    Funny thing, one of your "Gullible-Ones" stated yesterday that: You have supplied "Tons" of documents ?? Well, I can't find a single one -- and "Googling" your name is a complete waste of my time. Everything must be STILL 'Classy-Fried" -- Huh, wannabe. I remember when I was giving an asist to Pete Brewton back in '92, he mentioned your name -- but I was mellower then, and refained from "burning" your ass then, as a "snitch-wannabe" !!

    Tell you what, find somebody with a scanner, and complete an affidavit under oath [Notarized] -- and with this same "claim" to CIA & MI "Fame?". I will then forward it to D.C. and see if they want to have a talk with you about felony violations of U.S. Code, Title 18. You got the balls for that "ACE"??!!

    What a stupid xxxxhead -- "Gomer" Hughes was a reference to HOWARD HUGHES, asshole --Christy's dad Paul died way back during late 1960, so how the hell could I be referring to him, especially when I was still inside Cuba ??!!

    Please give me a clue as to exactly where I might find "Your" documentation, other than the bullxxxx you fed Pete, Stich, Turner, and who knows -- how many other suckers. Clue me in, on exactly where these "Files" are, or does James Files have them up in Joliet -- saving them for you ??

    I don't have to "document' a goddamn thing, as it is all over the web already, N.A.R.A. RIF numbers and all.

    I wish you wannabe phonies would get it together. Why don't you explain to some of the "Sisters [and Weberman] that everything that they have put out is just my bullxxxx. That would make my family happier than xxxx.

    Everybody wants it "3-ways" -- "Patrick Dood Da Deed", but "Patrick is lying when he talks about Da Deed" ??!! And I am NOT about to sit here and give out with hundreds of hours of typing, so that one of you sissies can sell it -- just as like Weberman -- NOT !!

    Are we now going to have the Forum loaded up, once again -- with your endless scribblings, reciting inane and erroneous horsehit -- all over again ??

    Let us see your "SWORN STATMENT" -- as to your bona fies; my testimony under oath has been on the Internet for years -- where the hell is even a paragraph of "YOURS ??"

    You worked under Tom Clines, what a crock. And how the hell did you "work with Ed Wilson" during the 1980s, when he was already 4 floors underground at "Super-Max" FCI Marrion, Illinois ??!!

    Get a life, or I might just have one of your former cellmates tell this Forum about how you spilled your guts about your bullxxxx future schemes --lying to get out of a jam-up -- by snitching wild stories to the Feds, or anyone else stupid enough to listen !!

    CHAIRS, "TOOSHY" [And where is my taxi-way DC-3 answers ??]



  7. from Conway:

    ".....[Harvey continued to keep in contact with Johnny Roselli. According to Richard D. Mahoney: "On April 8, Rosselli flew to New York to meet with Bill Harvey. A week later, the two men met again in Miami to discuss the plot in greater detail... On April 21 he (Harvey) flew from Washington to deliver four poison pills directly to Rosselli, who got them to Tony Varona and hence to Havana. That same evening, Harvey and Ted Shackley, the chief of the CIA's south Florida base, drove a U-Haul truck filled with the requested arms through the rain to a deserted parking lot in Miami. They got out and handed the keys to Rosselli." ...".

    end Conway quote

    another post:

    Great thread !

    Debra, your post is very interesting, except for Maheau was closer to Hoover's FBI wasn't he?

    I think maheau used the CIA the way that Jim Garrison used it --to cover up the truth, in the name of the national security.

    quote from Tim:

    "....Lynne, you are of the mistaken opinion that all former Feebies remained loyal to Hoover. This was simply not true. Maheu was far more a spook than a feebie. There's a famous memo where RFK and Hoover discuss the CIA's use of Maheu and Giancana on the attempts on Castro. Hoover notes that RFK was concerned because of MAHEU'S reputation. And Hoover agrees! In other words, they trusted Maheu less than they did Giancana. While Hoover's memo fails to explain why, a little research will show you that

    Maheu was considered a prime suspect in the kidnapping of a Dominican dissident off the streets of New York. This dissident, Jesus de Galindez, was tortured and murdered by the Dominican dictator Trujillo.

    It makes sense that Hoover and Kennedy were both aware of this and were unsure of Maheu's loyalty. Particularly since the CIA had just taken out one of Maheu's clients, Trujillo.

    ...". end quote from Tim

    note previous post from Plumlee in 2004:

    William Plumlee Oct 23 2004, 11:28 AM Post #1

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    Thanks Tosh, it does help and does lead to more questions. Perhaps this is why we talk about the assassination as one event from many, involving Cuba.

    I wonder if the JCS was really surprised at this secret accomodation plan. When they learned of it yet knew of Bobby's work with the exiles, how could they not feel "dissed" to put it mildly. And the Cubans who had received assistance find that LBJ shuts it them down. The FBI and CIA, their constant monitoring of the various operations, ongoing since they early days in CUba, and the ops in Haiti and Domincan Rep. ongoing.

    Dallas event became a great liability for these factions on the perifery. Then we have Warren who cries at the great lie and Russell who knew of the operations in Cuba, yet questions the official story. Hard to know where to start.

    Great input Tosh.


    For those who have to have unquestionable documentation to put together the facts before they can grab hold of the truth of an OPS and fully understand how and why an operation is put together, then sheilded. I think the following, lost story of the Cold War, should be of interest.

    If researchers would care to look into the players of the "Glandez", matter of 1957, including, " Lester Murphy", Steve Guthrie, and other players connected with the United States Government ,the Dominican Republic , and Cuba, during and after the Dominican Republic and Hati matters, I think they would find it rewarding in reference to Cuban Operations of the sixties and the secret players involved in the Kennedy assassination.

    note: I am working on the other pictures ("Gator and The Cat') and replies to various questions and should have these ready by the end of next week. Until then consider the following:

    In Reply to Christy's earlier post:

    "....I'm sure it was hard on everyone involved in those operations from the JCS as well as the Oval Office.

    from tosh

    Another project you reminded me about when you mention other OPs going on in the Dominican Republic and Hati. Do you remember when we talked about "Lester Murphy" and the doctor who was kidnapped and flown from the Dominican Republic to New York? The aircraft a twin beach D-18 of which I think I might have mention your father or Sherry's father might have flown with Alex Rouke in the Florida Keys. The aircraft at one time belong to "Steave Guthrie" an associate of John Pasily (?). The story is recorded in the old Life Magazine about 1957-8, ref; "Galandez (?)" / "Lester Murphy a kidnapping". Galandez I think was the kidnapped person who was taken to NY at the request of the CIA. Well anyway, I find it strange that John Paisely, who was killed in the Cheespeak Bay boating "accident" who was weighted down with chains and found in the Bay with a bullit in the head commited suicide... I think the background of this OPS can be found in that life article. I think I sent you a copy a few years ago, or maybe it was Sherry. The aircraft ID I think was N6800, but not sure today. There is a picture of it with its NC number in the article. Its interesting as to who it was register two "Atlantic Richfield" "Mid States Aviation". and "Southwest Airmotive", Dallas Love Field. CIA fronts and companies used my them...Anyway if you like and you can find that information in your files it would lead into the Liza Howard material of 1962-63 and her murder and her trips from NY to Florida... OH yes. shortly after "Galandiz" was taken to NY. Lester Murphy was reported missing and has never been found... another CIA mystery... one of many... still that one is like the Rosellie mystery... none of these crimes have been solved as well as John A Pasiley murder (?) Three possible murders. never really investigated... Interesting.. Why? Later Tosh

    note: details can be found in Life Magazine 1957 ref; Galindez kidnapping, Lester Murphy and aircraft D-18 Twin Beach Christy has further info on this.


    Here are a few more postings from Oct 2004 that should be of interest concerning Murphy and Paisley:

    from tosh:

    1) Does anyone have any information on Galandez and the Domenican Republic around 1957?

    (2) Steve Guthrie, Lester Murphy? (Tosh Plumlee)

    from James:


    The Murphy you refer to, is that the freelance pilot who vanished in the Dominican Republic after flying Galindez who was then supposedly kidnapped?

    If so, I have a page from Murphy's notebook below which shows the entry Jesus de Galindez. Any of those other numbers ring a bell? I also have a shot of Murphy's house which I believe was under surveillance after his disappearance.

    If that is the same Murphy, I will try to get some information for you.




    Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar, and often convincing. - Oscar Wilde

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    William Plumlee Oct 29 2004, 06:20 PM Post #4

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    QUOTE(James Richards @ Oct 30 2004, 01:10 AM)

    (1) Does anyone have any information on Galandez and the Domenican Republic around 1957?

    (2) Steve Guthrie, Lester Murphy? (Tosh Plumlee)


    The Murphy you refer to, is that the freelance pilot who vanished in the Dominican Republic after flying Galindez who was then supposedly kidnapped?

    If so, I have a page from Murphy's notebook below which shows the entry Jesus de Galindez. Any of those other numbers ring a bell? I also have a shot of Murphy's house which I believe was under surveillance after his disappearance.

    If that is the same Murphy, I will try to get some information for you.




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    Quick Edit William Plumlee Oct 29 2004, 06:30 PM Post #5

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    QUOTE(William Plumlee @ Oct 30 2004, 02:20 AM)

    QUOTE(James Richards @ Oct 30 2004, 01:10 AM)

    (1) Does anyone have any information on Galandez and the Domenican Republic around 1957?

    (2) Steve Guthrie, Lester Murphy? (Tosh Plumlee)

    from tosh:

    Yes James. Thanks. Same Murphy.., same house. Lester and I used to fly together. We both flew Rosellie and others at different times. (mid to late fifties) Steve Guthrie owned the D-18 (? N6800 ?) that we used to fly. It was registered to 'Atlantic Richfield', I think and later to "Inter-Mountain Aviation'. (60's) For awhile it was based at Miami and Lantana, West Palm Beach. (1962-63) Was Murphy ever found? What happened to Galandez (Galindez)? I'll study the numbers and if I can help, I'll get back to you.... This is still real touchie stuff. Still to some degree "Classified". Anything on 'Inter-Mountain or Mid States Aviation?

    Thanks James This information helps a lot. tosh


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    Quick Edit James Richards Oct 29 2004, 06:42 PM Post #6

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    P.S to above post..

    Interesting note book. To some degree I am familiar with some of the notes. IF my memory serves me right there is information and contacts for the guns and ammo which were being moved around at that time. There are a few CIA cut-outs in those notes... Do you have the note book, because if you do then you will find Rosellies code name under 'R' and "S' ROSS and Soroco ( ?) Coral Gabels Florida S/W 9th Ter. Also I think John Paisely or his look alike worked as a case officer with operatives in Dominican Republic.. This is all memory... I'll geet back to you on this after I prod along... again thanks a lot.. Tosh (Tosh Plumlee)

    from Jim

    Hi Tosh,

    I don't have the note book and more than happy not to.

    Interesting sidebar on Dominican Republic dictator Trujillo. Seems he recruited Herminio Diaz Garcia to whack Jose Figueres. Small world.

    That aside, you may wish to check out this piece below. It gives some good information on what happened to Galindez and Murphy.




    By William Bryk

    The Galindez Case

    On March 12, 1956, Jesus de Galindez, a lecturer in Spanish and government at Columbia University, conducted a graduate seminar in Hamilton Hall on Latin American government. At 10 p.m., he entered the subway at 57th St. and 8th Ave. He was never seen or heard from again. n As Galindez was a bachelor of irregular habits, his disappearance went unnoticed for several days. The police found his apartment in order. Investigators found neither evidence of violence nor any decisive clues. However, hints and leads abounded. Most pointed toward the Dominican Republic, where Galindez had lived from 1939 to 1946 and which Rafael Trujillo had ruled since 1930. Galindez’s friends knew, and a note among his possessions confirmed, that he had feared violence from Dominican sources.

    On Dec. 4, 1956, some nine months later, a Ford belonging to Gerald Murphy, an American citizen from Oregon, was found abandoned by the sea in Ciudad Trujillo, the Dominican capital. Murphy, a pilot for CDA, the Dominican national airline, was never seen again. However, Murphy had confided to his fiancee, a Pan American Airways stewardess, about his experiences in Dominican service. She in turn told his parents, who harassed Murphy’s congressional representatives, Sen. Wayne Morse and Rep. Charles O. Porter. The politicians persistently lobbied the Justice and State Depts. to find out what had happened. The bureaucrats, in turn, pestered the Dominican government. In late December 1956, the Dominican government arrested and charged Octavio de la Maza, another CDA pilot, with Murphy’s murder. Apparently, de la Maza was advised to admit the murder while pleading self-defense. The story suggested to de la Maza was that Murphy had propositioned him during a drive. De la Maza had rejected him with horror and disgust. The men had brawled and Murphy had accidentally fallen from the cliffs where the Ford had been found. The catch was that de la Maza was unwilling to go along with the story.

    Then, during the early morning of Jan. 7, 1957, de la Maza was found hanging from the showerhead in his cell. A nearby note, claiming that he had committed suicide in a fit of remorse, conveniently explained everything.

    No one believed this. The American pressure became overwhelming. FBI agents were allowed to investigate de la Maza’s death. They found he had been too tall to hang himself from the showerhead. Moreover, the showerhead was too flimsy to have borne his weight long enough to permit his death by strangulation. Last, the handwriting in the note was a forgery.

    All these cases were intertwined by the hands of Trujillo.

    After Gen. Franco’s victory in the Spanish Civil War, Galindez had exiled himself to Ciudad Trujillo, where he taught and provided legal advice to the departments of National Economy and of Labor. He was pleasant, charming, bookish, scholarly and something of a poet. Nonetheless, he held strong radical and democratic opinions, however politely expressed, and thus found trouble in Ciudad Trujillo.

    Christopher Columbus had originally named the city Santo Domingo. However, the Dominican Congress had recently renamed it for the dictator. Rafael Trujillo had begun his career as a petty criminal and hellraiser. In 1916, President Wilson had sent the U.S. Marines to occupy the Dominican Republic after decades of political instability. The next year, the Marines created a Dominican national police force. Trujillo volunteered. Within months, the intelligent, charming recruit had become an officer. The Marines found him useful: aside from being an instinctively good soldier, he proved an amazingly resourceful pimp. By 1924, he was a major.

    Then the Marines went home, leaving the newly minted Colonel Trujillo as chief of staff. By 1930, the National Guard had become the Army, with Trujillo its commanding general. Trujillo manipulated a coup d’etat that ended with elections that he won through terror and ballot box stuffing.

    Trujillo ruled for the next 31 years. He built highways, low-income housing, hospitals and schools, balanced the budget, repaid the entire national debt and put the Dominican peso at par with the American dollar. The price was a totalitarian state. His spies and informers were everywhere. No man and no man’s family was exempt from the regime: the dictator’s arrest orders for political crimes usually named a suspect "and family," requiring the arrest of him and his relatives up to and including first cousins. Oppositionists were tortured in prison with beatings; they were whipped, stabbed or shocked in electric chairs; cattle prods were applied to their genitals; some were castrated.

    Trujillo demanded abject public adulation. The country’s highest mountain peak would bear his name. Robert D. Crassweller, in Trujillo: The Life and Times of a Caribbean Dictator, observed, "The anniversaries of Trujillo’s election in 1930, of his inauguration, of his redemption of the national debt, of his birthday, and of his entry into the army, were all days of nationwide demonstrations and celebration." Provinces, cities and streets throughout the Republic were renamed for him and for members of his family.

    His image, in plaques, busts, statues and portraits, was everywhere. His sycophants devised such honorifics as Generalissmo, Doctor, Benefactor of the Fatherland, Father of the New Fatherland, Loyal and Noble Champion of World Peace, or Maximum Protector of the Dominican Working Class. He was declared by law an authority on all subjects. The walls of even the humblest shack bore framed cards reading, "Thanks to God and Trujillo" or "In this house, Trujillo is the Chief."

    Through his family and cronies, he monopolized or dominated the production of salt, peanut oil, shoes, matches, cement, soap, paint, glass, beer, meat, chocolate, cigarettes and flour. Through his brothers, he controlled gambling and prostitution. His personal life was tangled by compulsive lust: he had three wives, two mistresses and hundreds, perhaps thousands, of one-night stands. He was cunning and ruthless: not so much sadistic as unrestrained by conscience in working out his ideas to their logical conclusions.

    In 1946, Galindez left for New York. He taught at Columbia. He also advised clients on matters of Dominican law, wrote articles and became active in various Spanish and Basque exile groups. His obsession with Trujillo’s character and career led him to write his doctoral dissertation on "The Era of Trujillo." It is a rigorously thorough, unprejudiced study of the dictatorship that discusses Trujillo’s accomplishments as well as his abuse of power and reliance on terror.

    Somehow, a Dominican consular officer in New York learned about the dissertation. Common sense dictates that no one pays attention to any doctoral dissertation save one’s own. Nonetheless, the officer wrote to Trujillo, suggesting that it would attack Trujillo’s family as well as the Generalissmo himself and that Galindez’s connection with Columbia would lend his work tremendous prestige. The dictator fell for it. By 1956, according to Crassweller, "Vanity and the need for adulation had ascended from obsession into monomania and now hovered on the fine edge of imbalance."

    Dominican agents offered Galindez $25,000 for the dissertation. Galindez refused. Then, Trujillo learned that Galindez would present his dissertation before the faculty committee of Columbia’s history department on Feb. 27, 1956: Dominican Independence Day. The dictator considered this a supreme personal insult. Galindez would have to be killed.

    His operatives schemed. They needed a pilot, preferably an American, who might operate in the United States without attracting much attention. Through his agents in America, Gen. Arturo Espaillat, the gracious, engaging and utterly lethal chief of Dominican military intelligence, found Murphy, whose single-minded ambition to fly had so far been thwarted by bad eyesight.

    In early 1956, Murphy was offered a contract to fly a charter from the United States to the Dominican Republic. On March 12, 1956, Murphy landed a twin-engine Beech airplane at Amityville, L.I. Late that night, an ambulance pulled up. A man on a stretcher was carried from the truck to the plane. Only Murphy and the night watchman saw the ambulance arrive. The night watchman told at least two other people before his sudden death from a convenient heart attack.

    The plane flew to West Palm Beach, FL. There, a mechanic entered the cabin to fill extra fuel tanks. He saw a body lying on a stretcher, either dead or unconscious, and smelled a peculiar odor that he thought might have been a drug. The mechanic died in an airplane crash six days before he was to testify under oath about what he had seen. The plane then flew to Monte Cristi in the Dominican Republic. According to Bernard Diederich’s The Death of the Goat, Galindez was transferred to a CDA plane and flown to Ciudad Trujillo. There, he was brought to Casa de Caoba, Trujillo’s favorite residence. He was carried into the huge barroom that occupies half of the second floor.

    The dictator strode in, carrying a riding crop. In his hand was a copy of Galindez’s dissertation. He extended the hand with the document. "Eat it," Trujillo barked. Still drugged, Galindez took the papers, gazed at Trujillo and then dropped his head to his chest and the papers to the floor. Trujillo cursed at him, shouting, "Pendejo! Pendejo!" as he beat Galindez over the head with the riding crop. Then he stalked out of the room.

    No more than 24 hours after his last lecture, Galindez was taken to an interrogation chamber in Ciudad Trujillo. He was stripped and handcuffed. A rope was tied to his feet and led through an overhead pulley. Then he was lowered inch by inch into a vat of boiling water. Then the remains were thrown to the sharks. Murphy carried out several other errands for Trujillo. In December 1956, he arranged to return to the United States. He met his girlfriend at the airport, where she was on a brief stopover. He told her that he had a 5 p.m. appointment at the National Palace. The next day his car was found.

    Galindez’s disappearance has never been completely solved. Neither was Murphy’s. De la Maza’s brothers conspired against the dictator. Trujillo was assassinated on the evening of May 30, 1961. Antonio de la Maza was one of the gunmen. He stood over the dictator’s body, took Trujillo’s pistol from his hand, murmured, "This hawk won’t kill any more chickens," aimed at the face and squeezed the trigger.

    thanks James for the update Tosh



    I'll make this short and "Sweet" El Snitcho !!

    When Somoza senior was assassinated during 1956 [by Union Corse shooters, not a punk student !!); Robert Emmett Johnson went to work for Trujillo under Espaillat. And one of his earliest "tasks" was to accompany Arturo to Montreal, where they picked up a 2,200 mile range Lockheed "Lodestar" [which had been "Exec'd" and used by Howie Hughes guys]. They picked up Galindez, and flew direct/non-stop to South Caicos Airport [Turks & Caicos "Brit" colony then]. At the Green Turtle Inn, they radio'd to Johnny Abbes Garcia; and clueing via said message that they would land at the Puerto Plata Airport on the DomRep north coast.

    Galindez and his "medics" DROVE him to the "Generalsisimo's estate outside Ciudad Trujillo. and that is where he got the "Hot-Seat" treatment. Garcia personally took-out Murphy after he sniveled and whined for more money. Johnny Abbes walked away with ALL of the money after "gutting him" !!

    As for Bill Harvey's April meeting on Miami Beach, the two "guests" were Sam Benton and RICHARD BILLINGS !! When we went by the Plantation Key site the second time [checking out why xxxxhead Loran Hall, et al. were on No Name Key without either the lady's or Rolando's permission] -- we once again stopped by Plantation. And Lo-and-Behold, there was "Bug-Eyed Bill" Harvey again.

    This time they had our old [sam Benton "stolen"] Chris-Craft "The Outlaw II"; which we hadn't seen since June 1962. Dave Sanchez was there, and Hargraves wanted to "take-him-out-on-the-spot" -- but Billings intervened. I asked Billings what the f..k were they doing with this piece-of-xxxx boat ?? He mumbled something about Bayo, and we being late for lunch in Marathon -- hit the road.

    Rooms at hotels like the Fontainbleu, Blue Moon, etc. were always rented by a cover officer [using a project "Alias", and was always a dude from the "00" (D.C.S.), under Justin J. Gleichauf -- NOT JM/WAVE pogues !! An address is provided should a "hostile" make inquiries. [Like one of "Queen" Hoover's little sisters].

    Later, and Chairs to "El Snitcho".



  8. John and all,

    g. Oct 30, 62 - All operations by Task Force W, the CIA 's action arm for Operation Mongoose activities, are called to an immediate halt. However, during the [Cuban Missile] crisis, Director of Task Force W, William Harvey, ordered teams of covert agents into Cuba on his own authority to support any conventional U.S. military operation that might occur. At the end of October, a new mission is about to be dispatched. One of the operatives, concerned about a covert operation so soon after a settlement to the missile crisis has been reached, sends a message to AG Kennedy to verify that the mission is in order. Kennedy, angered to learn that CIA missions are continuing, chastises Harvey and asks CIA Director McCone to terminate the operations. Harvey is demoted and is to be sent to Rome. Edward Lansdale is subsequently sent to Miami to oversee the end of Mongoose. However, three of ten scheduled six-man sabotage teams have already been dispatched to Cuba. On November 8, one of the teams carries out its assigned sabotage mission. (Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders, 11/20/75, pp. 147-48)

    3. Phase Three: Dec 1963, ZR/RIFLE is still in effect, continued contact with Rosselli under William Harvey; AM/LASH under Desmond FitzGerald, and also RFK's activities with the exiles.

    a. Dec 22-Jan 6, 63 Harvey is in Miami. Details of activity unknown.

    b. Feb, 63 - Harvey Demoted: Harvey is officially removed from his post as head of Project Mongoose on orders from Robert Kennedy and is reassigned to the Rome station as chief of station effectively taking him out of action. He meets with Rosselli in Washington, DC. (Inspector General 's Report, p 53) See entry for Oct 30th.

    Harvey gets back in touch with Rosselli in Miami and Los Angeles (Feb 13). Harvey is reportedly seen in Florida meeting with Rosselli as late as June 1963 and visited anti-Castro camps there. Asset is paid $2,700 for expenses. They agree to put assassination plots on hold but leave the bounty of $150,000 active. (Church Committee, 1975)

    c. Apr, 63 - According to his testimony, Harvey receives phone call from Rosselli.

    d. Apr 13-21, 63 - Harvey is at the Plantation Yacht Harbor motel/marina in Plantation Key, Florida according to his QJWIN/ZRRIFLE expense records. "John A. Wallston" (Rosselli 's alias was John A. Ralston), who listed his address as 56510 Wilshire Blvd the Friars Club in Los Angeles was registered in the next room which was charged to Harvey 's room #22. Harvey spent at least three days there making calls to Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Perrine, FL (possibly JM/WAVE station). Records show a boat was chartered to go to Islamorada, FL. There is reimbursement for dinner for three (two unofficial Americans and Harvey) at the Fountainbleu Hotel in Miami on April 20 and also "operational hotel rooms" at the Eden Roc Hotel in Miami. (Twyman pp 442-443; Mahoney p 268)

    e. Jun, 63 - Rosselli came to Washington to meet with Harvey who picks him up at Dulles Airport and takes him to dinner. This was to be their official last meeting. FBI surveillance of Rosselli picks up the meeting. Harvey meets with FBI 's CIA liaison Sam Papich the next morning. Harvey explains that he was terminating an operational association with Rosselli. Papich reminds Harvey of the FBI rule requiring FBI personnel to report any known contacts between former FBI employees and criminal elements and that Papich would have to report to Hoover that Harvey had been seen with Rosselli. Hoover and the Justice Dept. liaison Courtney Evans were given detailed reports on the contact. (Mahoney p 286, note 97, p 412)

    f. Note: RFK has formed close ties to several Cuban exiles: Roberto San Roman, Enrique Ruiz-Williams, and in '63, Manuel Artime. RFK 's "interference" led to arguments with Harvey (who routinely refers to the AG as "that xxxxer)." By this time Miami is no longer controlled by Washington. Besides Rosselli's kill team, Operation 40, a ZR/RIFLE unit created prior to the Bay of Pigs, brought together Cuban mob henchmen like Eladio del Valle and Rolando Masferrer, soldiers of fortune like Frank Sturgis, and CIA case officers like Col. William Bishop and David Morales, who managed assassins. (Mahoney p 174-175;HSCA staff reports)

    Jun 27, 63 - Harvey, winding up his headquarters responsibilities in preparation for assignment in Rome, writes a memo stating that the original justification for employing QJWIN (asset developed for original ZR/RIFLE projects.) no longer existed and raised the question of QJWIN 's termination. He is not terminated until Feb 14, 1964.

    For the most reliable and current information on William Harvey, I recommend the reader pair this memo with Noel Twyman's book Bloody Treason, specifically the chapter "The Cuban Obsession" and Larry Hancock's book, "Someone Would Have Talked." (new update coming in Spring 06)

    Hope this helps,


    Previous post by:

    William Plumlee Oct 13 2004, 07:08 PM Post #10

    Advanced Member

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    Posts: 301

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    Member No.: 1680

    In reference to an invitation" Rosellie aka Col. John A Ralston JM/Wave...... Log at Zenith Tech gate sign in sheet June of 62 Spelled as " Col Rawlston"

    note: " Wild Bill" Harvey as well as "Wild Bill" Donovan, Toney Bender (Doller) John Martino, Tracer Barnes were all contack operatives. Some were also my case officers at different times before and after the Cuban Project and Operation 40 and the formation of "Task Force W Section C-7 aka OMC-235 file locator Tab-B&D.(classified) John Rosellie was flown into Cuba the first time by Plumlee in October of 1961 to make contack with the old M-26-7 underground (DF) (phon. spelling, " ? Barquien" and Justo Carrellio phon? and ?Chromon "phon. that was supported by the CIA in the 1956-57 gun running days which were in support of the Castro rebels who were operating in the Mountains of southern Cuba... Fidel was in the south... Raul Castro was in the north.. timeframe 1956-58.

    Members of the old Cuban Underground were to set up a shooter, in October of 61, but the deal was shutdown by the CIA in April 62 when the "shooter" was found to be a Castro Agent. ( ref; background info; The Humboldt Apartment complex and the Presidental Palace Havana attack of 1957 the M-26-7, where Joe Westbrook Rosales a CIA paid operative contract employee was killed, because of an " Castro informant" along with many others by Batista's SS.

    )Later June of 1963 our team TFW-C-11b went into Cuba to try and find "Eddie Bayo" who was suppose to be in prison. Rosillie was now working with Harvey and others in the infamous ZR/Rifle on the assassination of Fidel Castro.

    If we do have debates I would be happy to go into detail on the dates, time and reasons of these operations and how they were set in motion and by whom and why. Also "How the "cut outs" were put in place for security of the operatives involved, inside Cuba and in southern Florida.

    This information first was given to investigators of the "Warren Commision in 1964 and later to Waren Hinckle and Bill Turner "Fish are Red" Deadly Secrets", by Plumlee. It has been twisted over the years to fit into "disinformation" most of the details are still classified and parts can be found in the Senator Kerry investigations of 1987-91 )Iran/Contra resupply Network.., ref; John Winner and Dick Mc Call Staff investigators for Senator John Kerry, as well as Senator Gary Hart, 1983-84.

    Also on file are the results of a polygraph exam conducted on August 2 1991 by the "Department of Justice", FBI results "No Deception found" part one.. Inconclusive Part Two, classified Top Secret Committee Sensitive" August 7, 1991.

    Another early Polygraph conducted in 1964 at the Colorado State Reformatory by the Denver FBI SAC Scott Warner, concerning Cuban Operations. Results "No Deception" was reported as stated in a FBI 302 file in FBI OO Denver Colorado and Pheonix Arizona , as well as the Phoenix Organized Crime Detail, The FBI 105 file states the original "302 File has been destoroyed" These polygraphs paved the way for the testimony to various committees. AND to this day most of this information is still CLASSIFIED ....".


    Jesus H. Christ -- Is there NO end to this snitch's lying through his "Tooshy Toofies ??!!

    Here is one of a few hundred tourists and snitches who got their picture taken alongside Nazario Sargent at the Miami Alpha-66 headquarters -- and tries to parlay that into being one of the "big-time" anti-Castro phonies. My biggest beef with Andres was that during 1970 he got his best crew sent into Cuba to die !! My last photo with him was at the "Congreso de Campesinos" which we held at "El Nicho, Sierra del Escambray, August, 1959; where we shared a slab of beef I cut off of a hanging carcass with my Marine "K-Bar Knife" !!

    ".....And we didn't even know you were around.."!! Because you weren't "even" around !! We had tabs on ALL of the U.S. and DGI/DSE "Snitches" -- and your name [or a/k/a/ doesn't appear !!


    Now, let us take a look at these "El Snitcho" droolings:

    Previous post by:

    William Plumlee Oct 13 2004, 07:08 PM Post #10

    Group: Members

    Posts: 301

    Joined: 11-October 04

    Member No.: 1680

    In reference to an invitation" Rosellie aka Col. John A Ralston JM/Wave...... Log at Zenith Tech gate sign in sheet June of 62 Spelled as " Col Rawlston"

    First off, ROSSELLI never used the alias of any John A. Ralston, and most certainly wouldn't have pissed-off the "real" Field Grade Officers in and out of South Florida. Secondly, Rosselli never once set foot inside of any one of the JM/WAVE safe-houses, proprietaries, docks, much less the "Zenith Tech. Base HQ" !!

    There was no "Log", and NO gate, and NO guard at JM/WAVE. Inside one of the former barracks on the old N.A.F. (LTA) Richmond "Blimp-Base" was used as a "reception area" for University of Miami VIP visitors -- who were few and far between, and mostly came by with the State Fire Marshal to make sure the "Corporation" was adhering to the "Fire Code".

    The late Sheriff Tom Kelly [brigadier General, Fla. Army Nat'l Guard] provided half a dozen off-duty deputies (in plain clothes) so that if there were any real security problems (intruders, tourists, etc.) there would be somebody with lawful arrest powers. [This was "County" territory/jurisdiction; not City of Miami !!]

    During 1964, my SF/ODA & a "B" Team element (Green Berets) regularly used the pistol ranges, and practiced snoopin' & poopin' attempts to penetrate the two large "Butler Buildings" [surrounded by chain link fencing] where the JM/WAVE dudes had moved all of their communications, weapons, ammo, and miscellaneous ordnance devices and other equipment. The off-duty deputies patrolled the perimeter "outside-of-the-wire" in pickup trucks, as they were never permitted inside.

    I gave Gordon Winslow one of our JM/WAVE maps (w/overlays) which we used on those "drills". It still had the grease-pencil lines & arrows on it. He added it to his "Richmond Blimp Base" collection, and still has it.


    note: " Wild Bill" Harvey as well as "Wild Bill" Donovan, Toney Bender (Doller) John Martino, Tracer Barnes were all contack operatives. Some were also my case officers at different times before and after the Cuban Project and Operation 40 and the formation of "Task Force W Section C-7 aka OMC-235 file locator Tab-B&D.(classified) John Rosellie was flown into Cuba the first time by Plumlee in October of 1961 to make contack with the old M-26-7 underground (DF) (phon. spelling, " ? Barquien" and Justo Carrellio phon? and ?Chromon "phon. that was supported by the CIA in the 1956-57 gun running days which were in support of the Castro rebels who were operating in the Mountains of southern Cuba... Fidel was in the south... Raul Castro was in the north.. timeframe 1956-58.


    "Numba One", nobody in their right mind would have ever called Harvey "Wild Bill". That "bug-eyed dude was just a little sensitive about "nick-names" -- and moreover, in "The Company" -- there was only ONE "Wild Bill" !!

    And whatever Gerhard Droller was, neither he, Barnes, nor Martino -- were ever "Case Officers"; and I don't know what the hell a "contack operative" is; as it doesn't even exist in tradecraft parlance !!

    More BULLxxxx" !! How the hell would you ever know about some such "Task Force W Section C-7 aka OMC-235....la, la, la, horse-xxxx ["classified??"]!! Only the crypto cable clerks knew the designations of operational entities, and most of the "real" Case Officers" not only didn't know their own personal cryptonyms, but NEVER were permitted to know any project or individual cryptonyms.

    Only HQ and the clerks knew those, and they were strictly compartmented to knowing even a limited number of those.

    "....phonetic spelling my sore ass -- Col. Ramon Barquin defected from Spain during 1960, and was kept in Luquillo Beach, Puerto Rico from then on. His very limited "operational capacity" was in assisting in the setting up of "Alfa-66" during late 1962.

    Comandante Justo Carrillo spent his time politicking with the "Monte Cristi" movement people, and rarely even visited their Dominican Republic training base during 1963.

    "...Chromon"?? What a dumb-xxxx. Faure Chaumon (M-26-7 underground & electrical workers union prez "CTC") remained semi-loyal to Fidel; but it was his #2, Rogelio "Eugenio" Cisneros who joined with Manolo Ray to create J.U.R.E. during early 1963. Moreover, Chaumon operated in Habana province, and never in Oriente. The CIA supply line from GITMO went to Cmdte. Felix Pena [Column #19, Rebel Army] and usually via Aton Constanzo Palau (my old buddy who was mentioned with me by asshole Dorschner [Mia/Herald "Tropic-Mag"] during 1977)


    "....Members of the old Cuban Underground were to set up a shooter, in October of 61, but the deal was shutdown by the CIA in April 62 when the "shooter" was found to be a Castro Agent. ( ref; background info; The Humboldt Apartment complex and the Presidental Palace Havana attack of 1957 the M-26-7, where Joe Westbrook Rosales a CIA paid operative contract employee was killed, because of an " Castro informant" along with many others by Batista's SS.


    Even more snitch stupidity !! The March 13th, 1957 attack on the Presidential Palace was orchestrated by the "D.R." [Directorio Revolucionario] a Habana University based group which used the F.E.U. as 'cover". After the attack, Echevarria, Westbrook, et al. -- fled to their safe-house a #21 Calle Humboldt,

    but they were snitched out and quickly murdered by the S.I.M. !! When Rolando Cubela, et al. went to the Sancti Spiritu mountains [next to the Sierra del Escambray] they renamed their guerrilla column as "M-13ce de Marzo"; and even after the arrival of Che in Santa Clara, they never joined under the banner of the "M-26 de Julio" !!

    "....CIA paid operative contract employee.." MY aching ass. CIA had no operations on the ground during Dec. 1956 thru December 1958, the only operators were FBI agents who worked under commercial and "Agri" cover. CIA Officers like Jim Noel's Habana Station pogues hid out in the US Embassy whilst Phillips, Anderson, et al. did the grunt work in the streets. Cruziero & Wiecha [santiago CIA Base] did actually hit the road a few times, but rarely -- and always making sure that the "Bureau Pogues" never noticed them.


    )Later June of 1963 our team TFW-C-11b went into Cuba to try and find "Eddie Bayo" who was suppose to be in prison. Rosillie was now working with Harvey and others in the infamous ZR/Rifle on the assassination of Fidel Castro.


    Try to remember this Numbxxxx !! Nobody was ever called "Eddie Bayo" !! Eduardo Perez (War Name "Bayo"] was rarely called "Eddy" (with a "Y", because "ie" would end up sounding like "Edd-EE-AY"); and even his chubby old lady called him "Bayo" !!

    "...our team TFW-C-11b.." Give me a f..king break xxxxhead !! Yeah, I once had an "11B" SF M.O.S. one-upon-a-time, and I bet you don't even know what that means ?? And the very next chance you get, give us some more Star Wars R2D2, 3CPO horsexxxx designations, Huh ??!! There was no CIA, JM/WAVE, TFW, YWCA, Girl Scouts, or anybody else looking for "Bayo's Team"; that is save for my guys, and financed by Bill Pawley. And "Bayo", et al. NEVER made it to any prison. We know where, when, and finally WHY they were executed -- and we know were they were buried too.


    If we do have debates I would be happy to go into detail on the dates, time and reasons of these operations and how they were set in motion and by whom and why. Also "How the "cut outs" were put in place for security of the operatives involved, inside Cuba and in southern Florida.

    This information first was given to investigators of the "Warren Commision in 1964 and later to Waren Hinckle and Bill Turner "Fish are Red" Deadly Secrets", by Plumlee. It has been twisted over the years to fit into "disinformation" most of the details are still classified and parts can be found in the Senator Kerry investigations of 1987-91 )Iran/Contra resupply Network.., ref; John Winner and Dick Mc Call Staff investigators for Senator John Kerry, as well as Senator Gary Hart, 1983-84.


    Bill Turner is most likely much too polite to comment upon ANY bullxxxx you might have thrown his way !! "...details are still classified.." My ass. How the hell would a snitch know what remains classified ?? Especially one who has NEVER logged into the N.A.R.A, College Park Campus. I bet you don't even know what that place IS ??!! "..Sen. Kerry & Sen. Hart..??"!! Now, there's a pair that would without a doubt "Test-Lie" to any dumbass story you could "come-down" with !!


    Also on file are the results of a polygraph exam conducted on August 2 1991 by the "Department of Justice", FBI results "No Deception found" part one.. Inconclusive Part Two, classified Top Secret Committee Sensitive" August 7, 1991.

    Another early Polygraph conducted in 1964 at the Colorado State Reformatory by the Denver FBI SAC Scott Warner, concerning Cuban Operations. Results "No Deception" was reported as stated in a FBI 302 file in FBI OO Denver Colorado and Pheonix Arizona , as well as the Phoenix Organized Crime Detail, The FBI 105 file states the original "302 File has been destoroyed" These polygraphs paved the way for the testimony to various committees. AND to this day most of this information is still CLASSIFIED ...."


    The D.O.J. doesn't do Polygraphs, they have an outfit sometimes called "The Bureau" which takes care of those things. And moreover, it isn't "A POLYGRAPH" (Examination) -- it is multiple, the protocol is a minimum of 4 examinations. And since neither the FBI nor the DOJ "Clears" anybody; how the hell would you even know the results of said "tests?" !! And it is "..still CLASSIFIED..."!! Once again "Secret-Agent-Man-Snitch -- how the hell would you know, by ESP -- or UFO messages to the Chip implanted in your ass !!


    Boy I am sure glad this xxxxhead is back, I'm kinda tired of picking on "Sister Canuck Sweets" -- The Village Idiot, and her "3-Stooges punky-rocky-groupy".





    Biography: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=1874


  9. I would be curious to get forum members opinions of the following.

    The attachment below ran in the classified section of a Dallas newspaper on October 15, 1963. Could this be a contact code Oswald used when reaching out to someone like say, James Hosty? Or is this just something completely innocent?

    Any comments would be appreciated.




    Anagrams for running man

    running man mung ran inn rung mann in rung man inn rum ginn ann

    rum ginn nan rug mann inn run manning urn manning run mann gin

    urn mann gin run man ginn urn man ginn nun grim ann nun grim nan

    nun gram inn nun mann rig nun arm ginn nun ram ginn nun man grin

    nun man ring nu mann grin nu mann ring





  10. ...H. K. Davis had loaned his old Rambler to Dick Whatley and Bobby Willis for their trip to California, and then on to Mexico and British Honduras [belize].... Three weeks later, long after crossing the Mexico "frontier/migra" station, they encountered a shanty "mordida" 4 man checkpoint. Various weapons [including my old Schmeisser MP-40, now "Tefloned green"] were wired up under the chassis of the ramber. Refusing to pay the $20 bribe, a detailed search of the station-wagon commenced. The next spid move by these clowns was to make a run for it -- but a few bullets into the radiator quickly stopped the fleeing Gringos.

    This must be a different Nash Rambler than the one mentioned by Gerry Hemming; this one has no bullet holes in the grill or signs of any shootout.



    My mistake !! The radiator had a leakage problem and they carried jugs of water to refill the radiator about every four hours or so. The comical aspects of the shooting by the "Meskins" involved the fact that: While the shooting started the moment they were some 50 yards down the highway [southbound] -- not one of the shots found any mark.

    They quickly realized that they were faced with two big "problemas", the "Beaners" had unloaded the back end of the Rambler first, and this had included all of their "782 Gear" [rucksacks, canteens, web-gear, mosquito netting, pistol belts,etc.]. Worse, the water jugs were left laying on the roadside in front of the shanty. Their ammunition was hidden behind door and floor panels, which required time-consuming screwdriver efforts. And their weapons were remained out of reach, "coat-hanger" wired to the bottom frame of the car.

    Bobby Willis jumped in the back, and went to work on recovering the 30 round magazines for the Schmeisser "Burp-Gun", which were secreted together with Whatley's .45 calibre "CIA" issue Colt pistol. The plan was to get enough distance ahead of the pursuers that they might stop and unhook the "Burp-Gun" and the Colt.

    Within minutes of "roaring" away [if you can do that with a Rambler ??] -- Bobby shouted: "...You ain't gonna believe this...they are chasing us with what looks like a 1930s 'Ragtop Touring-Sedan'...just like the one Pancho Villa drove..."!! Whatley replied saying: "....Where the f..k did they have that hidden..?" "...Musta been behind the shack..!" "...Well....they'll never catch us in that piece of xxxx..!"

    Within a few miles, the windshield was being fogged-up with escaping radiator steam. They swerved off the highway, and on to what they thought was a dirt road. But it quickly turned into deeper and deeper sand; and which brought them to a screeching halt. Next, they discoverd that the bottom of the Rambler was scraping the sand, and it was now impossible to reach the guns. So they made a run for it.

    Later, in describing how they dodged and zigg-zagged around mesquite bushes, and all the while howling with laughter -- because, when glancing back, they saw that the Mexicans; holding their pistols high over their heads while firing wildly over the tops of the bushes.

    No canteens, No water -- within a couple of miles, even the coolness of a January day, brought them to their knees in total collapse. But, they continued laughing -- and the "Policia" pursuers, instead of administering a severe beating to them both -- joined in the laughter !!

    The living conditions, how inmates were given Pesos to buy (then cook their own food), the frequent female "visitors ?", the two visits by the local U.S. Consular Official; and two tragi-comic escape attempts -- All made for many a humorous evening, later that year on No Name Key.

    The Mexican "Tourist-Vehicle-Permit" is about right; as they entered Mexico during January 1962. "Gringos" (especially) were forced to pay for a 3 year sticker (which would expire in 1964). It was (and remains so) with the R.A.M.S.A. sticker for aircraft -- traveling within Mexico. But is not required of aircraft which are just "transiting and/or refueling".

    I think that: If this is indeed Davy's Rambler, the embedded ends of the coat-hangers are most likely still jammed up under the frame. However, as I remember, his Rambler had a white paint-job. Moreover, this Rambler looks like it's right off the "showroom floor" (mint condition). Also, It appears to have been restored. What puzzles me even more: Why is the car parked alongside rusted-out wrecks? It looks like the dude pruning the tree, is doing so -- minutes after parking the Rambler, and their photo-taking ??!!

    "WHO Knows what secrets...Da Shadow DOO..!!"




  11. I think my own experience with the assassination is relevant to this discussion. I'm 44 and have no memory of Kennedy as President. I have quite clear memories of watching "Grandpa Lyndon" on TV however. A few years back, around the time a certain group of liars took over this country, I decided I wanted to look into recent history and determine whether or not there was anything to all this conspiracy chat on the internet.. the one world order, skull and bones, Bilderberger stuff . While I rapidly lost interest in that stuff, finding it too fantastic, my attention soon began to center on American politics in the sixties and seventies. It was astounding to me that after 30 years the era was still so controversial. There were still so many mysteries. In talking to my family I found out I had a number of personal connections to some of these mysteries. My father's boss when I was a kid was a Texas oilman with mob ties, who just so happened to be one of Robert Maheu's best friends. My stepfather, on the other hand, had been a mercenary in WW2 (Flying Tigers) and had known Claire Chennault. He'd later worked on the ARAMCO pipeline in Saudi Arabia. At one point he supposedly ran guns to Castro. (In the past I've mentioned this incident but hid his identity. He was reportedly quite ashamed of this incident. I no longer think he had anything to be ashamed about. If he's up there looking down, I hope he's not too angry...)

    Anyhow, the point is, my decision to help figure this stuff out came from both my desire to figure out the present, and my desire to figure out my family's relationship to history. I think younger people with similar interests will be drawn to this case for generations to come. When I was 3 years old, an old, old, man named Mr. Ellis took me aside and gave me a Kennedy half. He told me not to spend it, because the coin was printed to honor a great president. I still remember that day, and I still have that coin.



    On April 15, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Executive Order authorizing the formation of the American Volunteer Group. The Order permitted members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Army Air Corps to resign from their branch of the service with the assurance that they would be reinstated to their former rank or grade upon completion of their contract. The group was to defend the Burma Road, China's lifeline to Burma and Indian Ocean ports.

    Since the U.S. was technically at peace with Japan, the plan required some subterfuge. Central Aircraft Manufacturing Co. (CAMCO) was elected as the middleman. CAMCO, owned by William Pawley, had an aircraft factory at Loiwing, China, supplying parts and planes to Chiang's Air Force. The "Volunteers" would sign a contract with CAMCO for one year, performing certain services not technically relating to combat.



    Just before their 50th reunion in 1992, the AVG veterans were retroactively recognized as members of the U.S. military services during the seven months the group was in combat against the Japanese. Survivors were made eligible for veterans' benefits on the basis of that service, and were awarded medals for their participation.

    [ www.wikipedia.org/Flying_Tigers]


    www.flyingtigersavg.com/ - 8k - Dec 2, 2005

    Tex, what point about the American Volunteer Group do you most often tell and want people to know?

    David Lee "Tex" Hill, Squadron Leader, 2nd Squadron "Panda Bears" :

    There are several points about the Flying Tigers AVG that I want people to know. But one of the main points I would like people to remember is that this wasn't a bunch of mercenaries, mavericks or rouges that made up the AVG but rather a group of very talented, bright and energetic young men who were committed to the American cause of winning the War.

    Now, I'm not saying we were always angels, but we were all young adventurous and spirited. But the fellas of the AVG weren't dummies either. Most went home after the war and started very successful and even dynamic careers.

    Such as?

    Well, a great many became captains in the airlines such as Pan Am. One started the Flying Tiger Airline with the help of several of the Tiger group. Others became test pilots developing all kinds of projects. Some went on to very successful military careers including Major General. There was a doctor, a lawyer and one that was both. The presiding judge in the infamous Charles Manson murder trial was a Flying Tiger. Several became successful in agriculture while others found their success in businesses like restaurants and manufacturing.

    There were some who pursued successful non-flying careers in aviation as consultants, or one who was a state aviation director. One of the group helped pioneer the development of the jet engine and held many patents for engine components used today.

    One group member distinguished himself as a state senator for over 20 years. Another became an Olympic diving coach on top of other successes. We even had one member who wrote television scripts in Hollywood.

    There are other examples but the point is these guys weren't a bunch of dummies, they were some of the best young men this country ever produced.

    David Lee "Tex" Hill earned his wings and commission as an ensign at NAS Pensacola. He served on the U.S.S. Ranger when he was recruited to join the AVG. Tex became an ACE with the AVG on January 24, 1942 and later a double ACE before the Flying Tigers were disbanded on July 4, 1942.

    Tex then accepted an Army commission in order to continue his service to General Chennault in China and eventually commanded the 23rd Fighter group of the 14th Air Force. Col. Hill scored 12.25 AVG victories with a total of 18.25 including his U.S. Air Force Service. Tex Hill's decorations include:

    The Distinguished Service Cross, The Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, The Presidential Unit Citations with one Oak Leaf Cluster, The Chinese Victory Medal, Two Stared Wing Decorations and the Chinese Order of the Cloud Banner 4,5,and 6th Orders. Tex lives with his wife, Mazie in San Antonio, Texas.


    Of all your memories and experiences with the AVG, which one do you like sharing the most?

    Kenneth A. Jernstedt, Flight Leader, 3rd Squadron, "Hells Angels":

    Actually, there are more than one such experiences but one I would like to share here is an event that came after the Flying Tigers disbanded on July 4, 1942.

    I was a test pilot for Republic Aircraft on the P-47 in New York in 1944. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek had come to the States to promote China and was scheduled to make a speech at the Madison Square Gardens to a very large audience many of whom were dignitaries. There was a radio audience as well.

    Someone working on this event thought it would be fitting that Madame Chiang Kai-Shek's honor guard should be the Flying Tigers that were in the area. So they brought us in and among us was George Paxton, Bob Neal, John Hennessy, Parker DuPouy, John Croft and several others. We were all test pilots or flying for different projects and companies around New York.

    Well, General Hap Arnold was there also and during the event, he walked by and said to us; "Say, when am I going to get you boys back". Of course, he meant back into the Army. But since I was a Marine, I quipped that he never had me and wasn't going get me back. General Arnold and I were kind of standing together when he asked me what I was doing then. I told him test piloting the P-47 and he patted me on the shoulder, smiled and told me that I was "doing my part" for the war.

    By then he was being more open and conversational when he said "You know, you AVG boys have an impressive combat record over there". For Hap Arnold to say that caught my attention and he added "but you know, more than the planes you destroyed, your main contribution was really the morale boost you gave this country"

    He continued; "The six or eight months you fellas operated in the beginning of the war, there wasn't much good news for us. We, nor the British or anyone else were able to beat the Japanese in those early months of the war. You guys were really the glimmer of hope because you were the only ones getting results. That meant an awful lot back here."


    JBS History


    John Birch: A Patriotic Exemplar

    by William Norman Grigg

    December 13, 1993

    At the age of eleven, Birch expressed a desire to become a Christian missionary. Upon learning of the violence inflicted upon missionaries by Chinese communists, the youngster selected China as his mission field. When cautioned by his pastor that "more will be killed" in China, Birch replied: "I know the big enemy is communism, but the Lord has called me. My life is in his hands, and I am not turning back."

    Birch's labors in China began in 1940, a time when the country was being ravaged by the Japanese military. After Pearl Harbor he dyed his hair black, adopted the garb of the local population, and continued his underground work behind enemy lines.

    While near the border of Japanese-occupied territory on the evening of April 19, 1942, Birch came upon Colonel James H. Doolittle and members of the raiding party that had just completed a dramatic bombing raid on Tokyo. With his encyclopedic knowledge of the language, customs, and geography of China, Birch was able to convey Doolittle and the crews of 12 American bombers to safety in free China.

    Shortly thereafter, Birch became an intelligence analyst as a second lieutenant with the China Air Task Force -- General Claire Chennault's legendary "Flying Tigers." Performing high-risk intelligence-gathering missions on the ground, Birch acted as "the eyes of the 14th Air Force," devising an early warning system that enabled U.S. air units to come to the aid of Chinese units under enemy attack. He also organized a rescue system for pilots who were shot down by the Japanese. Chennault credited Birch with the fact that 90 percent of his downed flyers were rescued.

    On August 25, 1945 -- ten days after the end of WWII -- Birch (by then a captain) was part of an official military mission to Suchow that was detained by Chinese communists. Captain Birch and another man were separated from their group and shot. An autopsy later demonstrated that after Birch had been immobilized by a gunshot to the leg, his hands were tied behind his back and he was shot execution-style in the back of his head. The communists had also desecrated Birch's dead body.

    In its desire to depict the Red Chinese as innocuous "agrarian reformers," the U.S. government suppressed the news of the unprovoked murder of Captain Birch. It fell upon Robert Welch to rescue the memory of this selfless Christian patriot from the shameful oblivion to which it had been assigned. In December 1958, Welch named the new organization he created the John Birch Society to preserve the memory of this patriotic exemplar. Wrote Mr. Welch, "If we rediscover some of our sounder spiritual values in the example of his life ... and learn essential truths about our enemy from the lesson of his murder, then his death at twenty-six ceases to be a tragedy."





  12. Mr. Hemming. Go suck wind somewhere else. I know what you are and you know that I know. You were a "Wanta Bee, back then and your even less today. Your full of it and only quote dead people and produce nothing of value to the cause. I've known you for years and watched you add height to your BS stories of grander. I was around with others and you sir, never knew we were around. You and your wanta bees did more damage to the Cuban cause than will ever be known. You used wealthy unsuspecting Cubans to raise money for your cause and fed them BS adventures for their money and time

    I will not respond to you or your BS. You caused us a lot of pain in the days of old. ., even got some of my boys killed.. for that I will never forgive you. Would you like me to release the CIA application you summitted years ago and the profile on you from them as well? Why don',t you do that. I'm sure many would be interested That would be your first document... how about your Marine records... care to share?

    I suppose you will soon tell us you set up "Able_ Danger". Get out of my ball park you low life piss ant.



    Exactly how did I "..Get some of (Your)..boys killed...??" -- especially when you NEVER HAD ANY BOYS, that is unless you worked with Michael Jackson or N.A.M.B.L.A. ??!!

    YOU, like Ed Arthur, and an endless number of snitches [most of whom still fail to realize that they (like you) were "False Flag" recruited by Castro's DGI/DSE agents] continue to "wannabe-ever-onward" to some of the most gullible folks around -- and especially to some of our favorite "Groupie Adoring Females !!

    My "CIA Form-444" has been on the Internet ever since Khazar Weberman started his "NODU-Rhoids" back during the 1990s !! So, BIG F..king Deal !! And my USMC Records: Well, unfortunately the N.A.R.A. and Langley guys still refuse to release same. But, they just might give you a "Snitch-Badge up at Langley [and an escort"] -- and they just might show you the front cover of my USMC S.R.B. ??!!

    And just what do the "Girls of theCIA have to say about "Moi" ??!! PLEASE post whatever your juvenile pointy-little-fingers can lay yer hands upon !! You've got my OK. And please don't give us the phony microsoft desktop publishing or Xerox fabrications once again.

    Iwould suggest everone visit the current "South Africa Special Service" website for the best description of a "phoney operator" description yet !! "..My operations were secret..my testimony is classified..I was a black operator..."!! AD NAUSEUM !! Check out the SEAL website for more chuckles on phony wannabes like yourself.

    And what brought you back, got another boyfriend to scam out of some drinks or buck$ ??!! Or are you now a senior citizen snitching for "Shrub W's Clowns" NOW ??!!

    If you can remember, or get hints from a real C-47/DC-3 "Driver": Answer the following question; You are taxi-ing down the taxiway, and you receive tower instructions [ground control] to "taxi into postion and hold" -- this requires a right turn onto the runway and a left turn onto "the Numbers" -- Give me the few moves the right-seat guy has to do with his left & right hands -- that is if you were ever in a right seat ??!!

    Illigitimati NonCarborundum,



  13. For your information:


    These are PDF files and take awhile to download on dial up.

    Pages 11-14 I think are interesting.

    The #62-2116 files are from the Rosellie/Plumlee FBI files of 1976. In view of recently declassified CIA and FBI files I think these should be of interest to investigators.

    note: the John ArthurPaisley pages did not go to the HSCA in 1979, because they were classified top secret by CIA committee. A few pages were declassified in 1996. However, over two hundred pages of the #62-2116 Rosellie file are still classified. Three hundred and five pages DEA Iran-Contra are still classified and sch for declassifing in 2008 (I was told)


    The D.E.A documents (DEA Form-6 -R.O.I. "Report of Imvestigation") are obviously those released to an attorney(s) representing a "Federal Felony Defendant". These documents are usually released to the "Cleared" Defense Attorney(s) ONLY !! That is: Unless the accused has exercised his right to "self-representation" (in propria persona / pro se) under the doctrine of the Faretta vs. California "Doctrine" [sCOTUS - 1975]. Then, and only then, would the defendant him/herself be allowed to peruse said "Exhibits"!!

    This type of "Government Exibit" was only released to attorney(s) as a result of their having filed a "Jencks Act" and/or a "Brady Material" (U.S. vs. Brady - SCOTUS) "Motion for Discovery". Moreover, said motions must have been made long before the trial date. Today, these motions are included in a "Discovery Motion in ad liminum" (a "Threshold Motion").

    Prior to the decision in U.S. vs. James (5th Circuit - 1977) the government was permitted to retain all "Jencks Material" until the particular "Gummint" witness took the stand -- and thus leaving defense counsel with the choice of either reading the documents -- or listening to the witness's testimony and taking the appropriate notes for "Cross" & "Rebuttal" [These witnesses were usually DEA/FBI/BATF/etc. agents].

    This very effective government ploy/tactic won quite a few cases, and especially where it was used in wide-ranging "conspiracy cases"!! However, where it worked very successfuly under the prior "Apollo Decision"; everything was drastically changed under the "James" holdings.

    Take notice of the "water-mark" style "page numbers" on this ROI, as it indicates that it was included with those released had to a defense counsel -- and said counsel was required to reurn them "in toto" after the final appellate court ruling (if an appeal was "moved for").

    The page numbers were included on all DEA Form-6s after 1979, and this was because some schemers were selling copies to the Drug Cartels. This was done as ascheme to make "big buck$, and in order to identify "snitches". Said schemers would be heard making claims that said files had been purchased from "their very own" corrupted DEA agents !! [or clerks with contemporaneous access to the DEA's version of the FBI N.C.I.C. computer data base. The DEA styles its data base as N.A.D.D.I.S.].

    Embedded in the "paginated" R.O.I.s are [method remains classified] "signature flags" which will trace every page back to the attorney(s) who had them in their possession, and moreover; indicates whether the counselors have made any "prohibited" (see: DEA "Rules/Policies" with effect as law] "Xerox" copies of any of the pages.

    I am at a loss as to exactly what these pages purport to "verify" -- that is, unless this is an advance "taste" (for our beaks) of further "Enlargements" yet to come (Forth??).

    My file boxes here in Fayetteville are crammed with 8,000+ documents (not file pages), and quite a large portion contain "halucinatory" CIA/FBIONI/State/DOD, etc. (Both "Agent" & "Snitch" reports). These files have me "leaping tall buildings" -- and doing things that wouldn't even be written into a James "Bum" Bond film.

    WHY ??!! because they all are totally outrageous !! Yet these "scribblers" indeed did report same to their agency bosses, and their bosses firmly "believed" all of that bullxxxx !!

    However, and NOT even on a dare/joke would I submit any of these "Hero SOF/Secret Agent BS" files to this Forum -- and specifically NOT as a device intent upon "squelching" specific agent provocateurs and/or TROLLS !!

    One "Wag" recently joined with some of my associates, in stating that: "...Patrick...these clowns are doing a Weberman on you...they are collecting your postings/e-mails, etc., so they can come out with some tabloid article....or even a book..which will without a doubt carry some title signifying....'How I Crossed Swords With Patrick'...the 'primo' suspect in the JFK assassination..."!!

    Keep on "Trucking" ol' buddy !!




  14. WOW, more trashy propaganda.

    I think John buried that baby with this succinct post:

    Anyone read the recently published Ultimate Sacrifice by Thom Hartmann and Lamar Waldron?

    Apparently they argue that the Kennedys were secretly working with a high Cuban official (he refuses to name him for "national security" reasons) to topple Castro in a coup and then follow up with a U.S. military invasion of Cuba on Dec. 1, 1963. He further claims that the Mafia penetrated this plot and realizing that the government would do anything to keep it secret, took advantage of this veil of secrecy to kill JFK. In an interview with another researcher McNamara has denied such an invasion was in the works. The authors claim that McNamara was not in the loop. Dick Goodwin has commented “it's crazy to think the Kennedys, who were still riding pretty high after the Cuban missile crisis, would take such a huge political risk on the eve of the 1964 presidential season. JFK was too shrewd to flirt with another Bay of Pigs fiasco.”

    Thank God for original documents.


    And as Tim G. asked me earlier [over his "cheapo" cell phone]: "..Why are there Lansdale documents which show that Goodwin, while ignoring Bob Hurwich's useless (and "coward-ass") whinings NOT to travel down and meet me -- after RFK insisted that Lansdale was correct in suggesting said R/V...??!!" Goodwin also met with some very unsavory types during that same trip, and amongst them was Rolando Masferrer !!

    "Pineapple Face" Goodwin isn't about to admit to anything he believes might be considered untoward by the Kennedy clan, or his old lady !!

    He and Dan Rather are "rather identical" in this shared attitude, and I am further reminded of the week that Rather was ordered to come down to "No Name" amidst the Missile Crisis (to sniff out our Cuba assets, and then snitch us out to Hoover).

    But he never got out of the Motel on Biscayne & NE 6th Street due to his trembling from head to toe, and quickly left to "cover" a Hurricane in Mississippi -- and Hughes Rudd came down in his stead. Now we are to believe that he got promoted by CBS over the Hurricane coverage ??!!

    Ass-holery !! It was his threats to reveal that CBS had been doing "Queen" Hoover's bidding during all of those months of 1962 which got him "Tenure" at "Corrupt Bullxxxx Systems" !!

    You definitely need to take some of our members' "strident" recommendations, that is: suspend your nonsensical TROLLING", go back to any library for a few months; and then return to the Forum with something more advanced than juvenile utterances !!




  15. Did Ferrie ever get a new certificate for his Taylorcraft? A student taking a test flight in it is one thing, but travel across state lines seems another. Also, I think Ferrie may not have wanted to involve his friend's Cessna in assassination related activities.

    BTW, it is apparent to me (and has been for some time) that you have done a great deal of serious Ferrie research (versus me, who just reads books). I look forward to your tome.


    During my 50+ years as a pilot, I have flown "every" model of light aircraft in existence, and many of the heavy commercial cargo and passenger [type rated] aircraft which should never have existed. My flying of some of these "Junkers" (and brand new birds) took me all over the world.

    I have a few thousand hours flying all types of aircraft sans "Certificates of Air Worthiness". In the gun & drug running trade, the owner just wants to "lose" his heavily insured aircraft -- which usually doesn't have said "CAW" because he is too cheap and greedy to even do "I.R.A.N." !!

    Much less the "major" overhaul necessary, because it will tend to diminish his expected returns from the insurance company's pay-out. Most often, I insisted upon "minimal" maintenance and repairs before even a test-flight of their birds. There are NO "Inspections Stations (@ State borders) in the Sky".

    The only occasions where a pilot or owner might have to exhibit a "C.A.W." is:

    [A] To the personnel of an F.O.B. (Fixed Operating Base -- repairs etc., and airport located), and then only when an S.T.C. required modification is requested, or a 100 or 1,000 hour check is to be performed;

    To a F.A.A. designee (C.F.I. - "Certified Flight Instructor") who is there to give somebody a "Check-Ride", i.e.: For logging "Dual Instruction", or for acquiring a "Rating" in an aircraft weighing over 12,500 lbs. (empty);

    [C] To an F.A.A. "Inspector", or an N.T.S.B. "Investigator", and subsequent to a collision, failure (blown tire) which blocks a runway and causes a closure of that runway, or the entire airport, or a crash; and,

    [D] When the owner, after being cited via an "Air Worthiness Directive" -- has to exhibit same to the F.A.A. Representative to show compliance with same !!

    Every day of the year (according to the F.A.A., N.T.S.B., D.O.T., etc. websites) there are thousands of aircraft being flown without "CAWs", insurance, required "STCs", and many being flown by the hundreds of pilots with revoked, suspended, or voided "Pilot Licenses" and/or "Medical Certificates".

    The F.A.A. relies on thousands of private-citizen "FAA Designees", because the Congress has refused to fund inspections over the last 60+ years !!

    The few times I have ever had to show my licenses/cerificates -- was while undergoing "Dual Instruction", or when in a foreign country applying for one of their licenses, or validation of my U.S. or other foreign licenses.

    For more than 25 years I flew "Black Ops" -- where an "Alias I.D." was necessary, so I acquired quite a few licenses (U.S. & foreign) under other names. Moreover, I finally just stopped making any entries in my "Log Books", as no evidence of flights (purpose, departure & destinations, routes, etc.) could be made as a permanent record.

    This was the same case with parachute jumps. Since I never planned to have the "Top" rating -- A.T.P. ("Airline Transport Pilot" -- changed from A.T.R. "Airline Transport Rating", years ago.) in my own name; why the hell keep a record anyway ??!!




  16. Tim, you are revealing your bias.


    Tim Gratz, "biased??"

    IMVMHO, Thomas


    I fully agree Pat but we are wasting our time with Tim on this one. Tim will believe Russo’s theory whatever anyone says.


    I fully agree, John, but I'm afraid that not only will Gratz believe Russo's theory whatever anyone else says, but also that he believes Russo's theory whatever Russo himself says...

    FWIW, Thomas


    I find Thomas Graves comments reassuring that someone is paying attention to Tim's "abandoning?" the "Castro Did it" theory to the new and improved "Mafia Did It" theory.

    Tim: Contact People magazine I am sure they would love to put this on the cover.

    With apologies to those who are in love with Ultimate Sacrifice.

    When any Forum member doubts that the noble purpose of this Forum, I suggest they look at the "Members" JFK Debate listing. It IS a literal "whose who in JFK assassination lore." Peter Dale Scott, who postponed his newest work, to concentrate on research related to 9-11 and subsequent events ala "Crossing the Rubicon" by Michael Ruppert is one of the few authorities in JFK research who is "NOT" a member of the Education Forum/JFK Debate.

    Having said that "Ultimate Sacrifice" is IMO well researched and is part of the record of "credible books re JFK assassination," BUT and it is a big one, that has been articulated on this Forum by many; My problem is not the research but the premise.

    "New research indicates that there was a planned invasion of Cuba scheduled for Dec 1, 1963. Organized Crime figures knew this and eager to 'reclaim Isle of Cuber,' assassinate JFK, subsequently 'de facto invasion of Isle of Cuber' never happens.'

    Is reluctance to accept authors premise illogical?

    In the year 2005 those individuals who want the Crime of The Century resolved are now being faced with the unenviable task of doing so while individuals come out of the woodwork to "reveal" they were on the grassy knoll, flew into Dallas day before assassination; not to "solve the Crime of the Century" but to make some money, and/or create a "scenario where authentic research is at best, problematic". There have even been (gasp) allegations that dis-information artists deliberately "work" on websites that involve analysis of "controversial events in American History."

    I would ask Forum members "Do you think that people were coming forth in 1865 to admit "they were conspiring with John Wilkes Booth?"

    No, the reason why is that they would have been hanged along with "Booth's confederates." But claims of associations with a conspiracy to kill JFK find a very disinterested audience from Washington.

    (See House Select Committee on Assassination's recommendations to Justice Dept. regarding JFK Assassination).

    In the 1960's while "mainstream media" was nodding, affirmatively that Mr. Katzenbach's "suggestion" that "the public must be convinced that LHO did not have confederates," ad naseum......had been implemented successfully, there was a small band of "American's" - Mark Lane, Sylvia Meagher, William Turner, Penn Jones, Harold Weisberg etc...who were sincerely trying to discover the truth about November 22, 1963.

    For their efforts threy were mocked, attacked as Communist's, ridiculed as morons etc...While the historical record proves that they had done more than the Warren Commission did when it came to the "really deep waters" of what was at the heart of Nov. 22, 1963.

    In the year 2005, what is really sad is the same media shell game continues, the "Operation Mockingbird" intrigues seem to have quadrupled exponentially, and a entire generation of American's don't even care about Nov. 22 1963.

    But "We shall never surrender"

    Is Gerry Patrick Hemming's next revelation about "Justice for the Crew of the Thresher and the (near)Connally assassination?

    See Dallas Police Dept. Archives, Box 4



    The "Thresher" folks were quietly "squelched" [and mostl satisfactorly] some time ago when they were twice "confidentially" informed that there was a 99% possibility that:

    Their "Boat" had a "close-encounter-of-the-hostile-kind", which caused a hull/bulkhead structural failure long before it reached the "Red Line Implosion Depth".

    The Thresher, like the Nautilus (and all submarines since), carry an emergency ejectable capsule -- which is released when severe "bulkhead failure" is registered by the recording module contained therein. This was a closely held "secret"; and only known to the "cleared" engineering staff of the boat yard builders, and to only the "Key-Holding Officers" in the command echelon of the submarine.

    Not that they didn't want to demoralize the crews, but more importantly -- they didn't want hostile entities discovering that all USS(BN) "Boomers" carried the equivalent of a passenger airliner's "Black Box" [actually Int'l Orange in color].

    While a Marine, I attempted to become the 6th Marine awarded submariner's "Dolphins", and one those who hadn't earned them by prior U.S. Navy service. It is a long & hard educational experience, and requires the absorbing the intimate details of every last one of the compartment systems, schematics, etc. on a "Boat".

    [However, during said excursion into the "Innards-of-the-Boat" -- no junior officers or enlisted MEN are ever allowed to learn about the Emerg-Rescue/Capsule devices, unless the are one of the very few technicians responsible for test & maintainence of same.]

    This recording device carries all of the nuclear, electronic, hydraulic, etc. graphs of what has occurred during the entire tour of the submarine -- from "portal" to "portal" [dockside departure to dockside return]; and even carries the multiple voice recordings of ALL "Boat Compartments".

    [As with the 9/11, TWA-800, etc. airliner "Black Boxes", they first wanted to determine the causal factors, and especially those which might later be "discoverable items"!! That is: in the eventuality of a subsequent lawsuits against -- the aircraft manufacterers, the airlines, an government (or private) air traffic controllers; and in that order !! The least given consideration was: That the families (or tabloids) might hear the actual "dying-messagesto-family", or worse -- crying, shouting, cursing, and screaming -- as the crew went to their deaths.]

    The submarine "black box" capsule quickly "bobs" to the surface, and immediately begins broadcasting a "homing signal" [via encrypted "burst transmitter"]. Only since the emergence of G.P.S. and satellites, was the device re-engineered to included "Global" Longitute & Latitude" -- and thereby replacing the obsolete "Loran-C" L & L Twx-Repeater.

    The fact that the "crashed" small aircraft E.L.T.s ("Emergency Locater Transmitter") were first only picked up by Soviet satellites, and they then notified Washington -- or the appropriate Coast Guard facility; caused a bit of alarm once again. The capsule is primarily a rescue homing device, and was oft considered immediately after the loss of the "USS Squalus" -- early during the last Century.

    [This is the primary reason that the Russians always promptly reject all "outside" rescue assists.]

    Nobody in ANY government desires to have flotillas of military and civilian "Rescuers/Salvagers" speeding to the location of said emergency transmitter !! Why? Because the recording device gives out a considerable amount of specific engineering/design secrets !! Moreover, while the U.S. based "salvagers" are prohibited from laying claim to any wrecked/disabled "Military/US Merchant Marine Hull" in international waters -- foreign entities of the very same ilk are NOT !!

    For example, the Soviet submarine ("Boomer") which was "Lost??" in the Pacific, a few hundred miles south of Hawaiimore than 25 years ago -- our underwater detection devices [s.O.S.U.] recorded more than just the hull and bulkhead ruptures. What remains classified is: What "really" caused this Boat to plunge to the ocean floor ??!! How chivalrous it was that we: Video-taped the burial at sea of the Soviet crew, a copy of which was later sent to Moscow.

    Moreover, the "Glomar Explorer" did indeed recover the submarine "fully intact"!! Our Intel folks first made a "deep-dive-robot-recovery-unit" attempt at securing the "recording device" -- and primarily to ascertain whether this had involved an encounter with another submarine, especially a "Hunter/Killer" -- and NOT necessarily one from the U.S.!! Oh Yes!!

    There are indeed submarines from "other" nations out there, and they oft engage in similar "tactical maneuvers". The Soviets had more than one of their submarines "taken-out" by other Soviet Subs -- You know, what we call "Friendly Fire" incidents/events.

    The Thresher was designed as a "Boomer", not a "Hunter-Killer". However, "Boat" Captains (either in accord with, or disobeyance of, direct orders) oftentimes enjoyed improving their tactical skill levels by:

    "Playing Chicken" against Sov/Bloc, Chinese, North Korean, etc. patrol & transport submarines. However, and Unfortunately, when a "Slow-Ass Boomer" mistakenly engages a hostile "Hunter/Killer" -- our submarine is very soon in "a-world-of-hurt"!!

    The greatest threat to ANY submarine while engaged with a Soviet "Boat' was: The "Crazy Ivan" maneuver, which involved the "Targeted Sov/Boat" executing an abrupt reversing of course, and rapidly closing on a suspected adversary -- in a "head-on collision" maneuver. However, sometimes "James Dean's jacket cuff" also gets caught on the door-handle -- and he goes over the cliff with his competitor !! [see: "Rebel Without a Cause" - 1955]

    A family member who served in the "Submarine Sevice" during the Vietnam Era, commented on the more than one instance of a U.S. Submarine returning to Pearl Harbor with a large tarpaulin covering the sub's "Sail". [in the old war movies they called it "The Conning Tower"].

    In one case, when the tarp was removed in a secure area, "lo-and-behold" -- there was a Soviet torpedo sticking "through-and-through" the "Boat's Sail" !! Just like in the skit/gag when Steve Martin, using that "jokester" device; and makes it appear that he has an Indian arrow piercing his skull.

    NOTE: Google the "U.S.S. CHOPPER" and read about their mysterious plunge to the bottom off of the coast of Havana, Cuba way back when. Check-out their websites and you will see that: Even today, the lesser ranked former officers/enlisted crew members remain "Mushrooms" -- [K.I.T.D.F.O.H.S. -- "Kept In The Dark and Fed Only Horsexxxx".]

    A couple of years back, one of the chat/lists which centered upon the "U.S.S. Liberty Incident" -- was closed down. And this occured shortly after most of them were informed as to: What that "murderous" attack by Israeli "defense forces?" was REALLY all about. At least they didn't go about killing themselves, like a couple of Cubans did, upon their learning of the reality: "WHY" the U.S. couldn't risk invading Cuba until the 1980s !!

    Ask me about that sometime, and maybe I will "Fess-Up" some more ??!!




  17. Gerry, in her book Farewell to Justice, Joan Mellen, she has some interesting things to say about your possible involvement in the assassination of JFK. On page 249 she says that you were worried about Jim Garrison's investigation. For example, she claims that Garrison had knowledge of a memo written by Edward Lansdale that said that you believed that JFK had been killed by "one or more of Bobby's boys gone bad". This of course supports Gene Wheaton's story that the team assembled to kill Castro had been turned against JFK.

    Mellen goes on to say that you were concerned that Garrison had information that some of your "men" had been involved in the assassination. This included Roy Hargraves, Lawrence Howard, Loran Hall and Howard Davis. Mellen quotes you as saying that Hall could "very well have assassinated the president." She also claims that you also named Dennis Harber as another possible assassin (page 250). You also claimed that Lawrence Howard was "one of the best shots in the world" and that he was in Dealey Plaza as a shooter (page 251).

    Mellen claims that your alibi was that you were in Miami with Hal Hendrix on the 22nd November. Apparently, Hendrix was about to write an article for the Miami News linking you to Oswald. She adds that it was Angleton's people who stopped this taking place.

    Mellen also claims that during the investigation you joined up with Bernardo De Torres to "divert Garrison's attention away from the CIA". Apparently, you helped Garrison for a month (page 251) and were able to protect James Angleton and Allen Dulles from the investigation.



    It is 4:02 AM now, and I have been up since about 9:00 AM yesterday. While some of my associates who did give an assist to Mellen [just this year, and at the very last minute] and were later rewarded with "gift books" from her, I am still without a copy of her "worthy" Tome.

    I am currently examining Lamar & Thom's book. I will await a copy of her book before "I-dance-to-and-fro" -- making comments & corrections with regard to said spurious allegations.

    Even this week I have recieved more requests for assistance in the prepping of more books and articles with regard to this subject matter. About 99% of what I have stated [or testified to] has been "skewed" by scriveners who: Either didn't pay attention, lacked research skills and/or material -- or much too often, deviated from reality as a result of their personal agenda and/or "crusader" protocols !!

    The very first post-BOP book that focused on Miami, was a total "snow-job"!! it was "authored" by one Hans Tanner, a Brit [repair/mechanic] who "grease-monkeyed" in a local boat yard upon two of the "never- to-be-launched" M.D.C. speed boats. The title of his "testament" was "Counter-Revolutionary Agent".

    His stories came from fables excreted by wishful thinkers and wannabes. All were fellow "members" of a non-functional enity, much like that of Fiorini/Sturgis. A very thin book, which was thickened by Miami Herald stories about Cuban exile "feats-of-glory" -- and spiced by some seriously deficient paragraphs concerning my endeavors. When I lost my copy of said work of "fiction" [some 40 years ago], I never bothered to replace it !!

    In the interim, I will take note of specific comments sent to me by many folks, and then, soonest -- and health permitting; I will attempt to correct where correction is required.




  18. Gerry,

    Do you know where Cucu Arce was on 11/22/63? Look at this guy in front of the TSBD.



    Also, can you tell us who the No Name Key guy is who looks just like "Mr. Slick" behind

    the Arce lookalike at the TSBD?






    Remigio "Cucu" Arce was at the Monkey Point [Nicaragua] 2nd Naval Guerrilla base from September, 1963 through March, 1964. He was called to the radio shack by Santiago Alvarez, and told of the JFK murder.

    The Cameraman/Cinematographer that Rueben Frank [of NBC] sent to me for a clearance into Artime's operation, Jack Nickless -- was already there and took both stills and movie footage of the commandos' reactions that day.

    Nickless was the sole Cameraman/CT permitted to embed with the commandos, and accompanied them on every raid executed along the south coast of Cuba. NBC showed extensive footage of thes operations during a two week series of film "spots" during the then 30-minute evening news.

    "Cucu" Arce moved around the Caribbean after the 1st week in January 1964, and was able to visit his wife Rosa [in Miami - behind "Zagami's Market" on Flagler & 29th ave.] on several occasions. During the Spring of 1964, CIA transferred him to a Captain's slot aboard a merchant vessel owned by CaraMar Shipping of Delaware.

    By Summer of 1964 he was skippering a "Swift Boat" on Lake Tanganyika, and based near Kikwit, Kivu, Province. His boat teams gave primary support to Mike Hoare's #5 Commando (Mercenary) -- and for a short time after that, provided support for Belgian Col. Vendewalle's "Merc" group. "Cucu" returned to Miami in time for the aftermath Ops in Santo Domingo [December, 1965]

    When word reached Frank Carlucci that Che was in Dar es Salaam [December 1965], half of the "Swift Boat" crews were ordered to return to Miami.

    The photo on the right ["No Name Key" guy] shows Luis del Cardenas. Luis bounced back-and-forth from No Name Key to the Lantana Airport CIA aviation/parachute facility [West Palm Beach]. He was a member of the parachute infiltration team which was tasked to support extended 2nd Nav/Guerrilla Ops through 1964, but got bored with the "hurry-up-and-wait" routine.

    Luis came back to us for the December 1963 insertion headed by Felipe Vidal Santiago. Boat #1 team was Felipe, Roy Hargraves, Eddy Collins, and female war correspondent Dickey Chapelle (Parachutist Qualified).

    After difficulties with boat #1 on Christmas Eve 1963, Luis opted to return to the Lantana CIA Base.

    I inserted him into the drug interdiction Ops after my return from Africa during July, 1966. After seven months of UC work, he opted not to go to Vietnam [March 1967; and with about $1.3 million "skimmed" from the dopers -- he retired to the "Costa del Sol" in Spain [summer 1967].

    I do believe that perusal of documents currently available might be more rewarding than endless failed attempts to "match faces" in Dealey Plaza. If there were 100 known operators photographed in DP, it still doesn't prove nor enlighten anybody as to why they were there, and/or who ordered them to be there ??!!

    Impugning guilt via allegations of being a "spectator" along the motorcade route is a total wasted effort, and an insult to the intelligence of those who might well bring real closure to this matter. After 40+ years, not one solid I.D. -- of even a single operator in DP [on or before 11/22/1963], has been confirmed !!

    While Grand Jury members are permitted to consider "hearsay" testimony prior to their Presentment, I have yet to see one single solid piece of even unsworn "evidence" that would not be laughed right back to the judge's chambers !!




  19. Actually, contrails can form at any time - it just needs the right atmospheric conditions. Contrails are often formed during takeoff and landing.

    On this subject, I happen to be watching a Discovery Channel programme called 'Understanding Air Traffic Control'. Guess where it happens to be set?

    Dallas-Fort Worth.

    Third busiest airport in the world. Over 6000 movements per day.

    Guess what you see? Aircraft leaving CONTRAILS (not chemtrails) - even during landing. A DC-10. A DC-9. A B747. Some B737s and 727s. All leaving CONTRAILS. They remarked about how it's a common sight in the area, and how the aircraft are criss-crossing across the skies as they try to sequence the aircraft.

    Take a look at the programme Jack. It puts paid to all your nonsense about chemtrails.

    Have you been down to the DFW TRACON centre and asked about the CONTRAILS yet Jack? I suspect not. You have an aversion to hearing things that contradict your misconceptions.


    Real close Evan, but the TRACONS are in closed darkened rooms ["Pushing Tin"] and the only way T/Os and landings are observed, is by the Approach/Departure controllers in the Tower Cab. [i have spent lotsa time in ALL "positions"].

    However, if it is Denver [5000+ ft. msl/"Mile Hogh"] and the frezing level is at ground level -- then you might get some contrails. (depends on compressibility factors/air density & humidity]

    The T/O & Landing vapors which are frequently viewed -- have to do with wing-tip vortices and "high-angle-of-attack" positions at the "leading-edges" of the aircraft's wings -- especially at "V-2" when the pilot or co-pilot calls it, and the nose is rotated up just before "Liftoff".

    But I agree with your statement that: The pic is NOT anywhere near a "formation", and if not contrails -- it is aircraft dumping fuel as a weight [load & CG] precaution before letting down on an approach. The FAA doesn't like fuel dumping [on the taxpayer's heads and cars] at lower altitudes.

    Keep'em rightous,



  20. Thanks, Gerry. That pretty much sums up what I believed Lacayo's form to be.

    You mentioned Cmdte. Almajeiras. I take it this is Efigenio Ameijeiras? How prominent was he at Triscornia do you know? Also, do you know anything about a small group of men within the Cuban Police purportedly organized by Herminio Diaz Garcia which supposedly included Ameijeiras? I ask as Diaz Garcia was allegedly Trafficante's bodyguard during the Havana casino days and the possible connections here are curious indeed.




    Efigenio ("El Fumador") took some bribes from Norm Rothman, Mike McLaney, et al. and permitted the creation of the "Tourist Police Division". The first members included Santo's guy Herminio, Frank Fiorini, Johnny Mitchel Devereau, et al. -- and when Diaz Lanz & Fiorini/Sturgis defected [July 1959] -- this "Squad" was disbanded/"De-Mob'd" abruptly.

    Since Almeijeiras controlled the "arrest warrants" on everybody at Triscornia, all he had to do was inform Capt. Enrique Molina Rivera to release "so-and-so" -- and they were "gone" muy rapido !!

    Herminio Diaz later took Loran Hall up to Tampa [May 1959] -- and they organized their own little "group" of counter-revolutionaries from within the Ybor City [Tampa] crowd of "losers".

    Herminio Diaz was the one who sabotaged Tony Cuesta's "Prowler" boat in Key West [1964]; but was later ordered by Santo to go on the subsequent "Raid?" [to the beach in front of the Comodoro Hotel] This is where everything turned to xxxx !! Santo promptly informed his DGI "Case Officer" [lived near MacDill Air Force Base] that Cuesta's mission was an assassination plot against Fidel and/or Raul.

    But the DGI 'penetrators" within JM/WAVE reported that this was a "set-up", and Tony was spared from "El Paredon". Sinking the Soviet merchantman "Baku" at Caibarrien some months prior, caused Fidel to visit with Tony at El Principe Prison often, where they chuckled at the Soviets sniveling and whining -- especially after the Missile Crisis "sell-out" by Krushchov.

    Within a year after the JFK hit, Tony learned that Santo was a DGI asset, and that Trafficante had been "Patsy'd" on the Dallas assassination !! By that time Tony didn't give a xxxx about anything to do with the anti-Fidel bullxxxx operations. He finally realized that: While operating aboard the CIA's "Tejana II" subchaser, operations had been even worse [and compromised] than that which he had related to Bob Brown during early 1962.

    [bob Brown (SOF/Mag) had published a piece (Rocky Mountain news) -- and which was later picked up by the "Denver Post". It was titled: "How The Cuban Exiles Have learned To Hate The CIA". We had a hundred copies printed up at the JBS "Economy Printers" [a Somerset "drop"] and they turned out to be better than the original. We arranged for a copy to be placed up on the "locked" bulletin board in the lobby of the new CIA/HQ at langley. That kinda pissed them off at us, but even more so at Bob Brown. They later tried to screw him out of a "Green Beret" Team in the 'nam -- but he eventually won out against the REMFs !!]




  21. James, who is he with?

    The other two men are Cuban police officers. I don't know their names.




    The Cuban to the left of Santo is a fellow "inmate", and is wearing the same "Batistiano" Khaki uniform as Santo. We in the Rebel Army were prohibited from wearing "anything" Khaki colored. Even the late ("Dissident") Jesus Yanez Peletier got into a bit of a hassle during early 1959. And this was for his wearing a "Batistiano" khaki "Garrison Cap" -- what we in the Marines called a "Piss-Cutter". Fidel's lackeys were annoyed that he was photographed alongside "El Jefe Maximo" wearing the "Enemy's uniform hat".

    [Yanez Peletier (R.I.P.) worked for the Mossad, and he was the guy who initially arranged for Fidel to "get-a-little" from Marita Lorenz; whose father [the merchant ship Captain] was also a Mossad agent.]

    The black Cuban to Santo's right, is a Cuban Health Service Inspector, and was permitted to wear that service's uniform at the Triscornia Quarantine Station, located at: Casa Blanca, Regla, East Habana.

    [Triscornia is carried in history as Cuba's "Ellis Island". From 1898 to 1904, it was a U.S. Army post called "Camp Triscornia". During the 1920s & 1930s, it was remodeled as an "Art Museum" -- and that is why the statuary remained present while Trafficante was there. Mostly unknown to the World is that: When the merchant vessel "St. Louis" arrived in Havana harbor, loaded to the "gun'els" with Jewish emmigrants fleeing Hitler; all were held at Triscornia. Those Jews who could "cough-up" $1,000 (or the equivalent) were permitted to remain in Cuba. The majority had no such wealth!! The U.S. Jewish Agency folks refused to help them with their bribes. There are some who say that: This was "intentional", as their later slaughter would raise the consciousness of the World -- and benefit millions, rather than a couple thousand, Jews, Gypsies, and some Spanish Socialists fleeing Franco !!]

    Santo had a deep and wide cell to himself, and it was comfortably furnished. The cell to the left was designed for 4-6 inmates -- but was crammed with about 17 to 20 on a regular basis. Included in that cell were: Leslie Bradley, Hudson, Loran Hall,et al.!! Morgan never saw the inside of Triscornia, or El Principe Prison [where John Martino spent the "ENTIRETY" of his incarceration]!!

    The commanding officer at Triscornia [when I passed through there with one of my "Squads"], was Capitan Enrique Molina Rivera -- the same DGI agent who "disappeared?" with Rorke & Sullivan off of Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico -- during September, 1963.

    After his arrest in Cmdte. Pedro Miret's office [@ the I.N.R.A. Bldg.] during October, 1960; Cmdte. Wm. Alexander Morgan was sent to, and remained on Gallery #14 inside La Cabana Fortress. He was executed at 4:00 AM on March 11th, 1961, and alongside Cmdte. Jesus Carreras (S.F.N.E.).




    Good on you, Gerry. Thanks. I was going by what was written on the back of the photograph.

    The Leslie Bradley you mentioned, is that the pilot who was connected to Chester Lacayo?




    Chester Lacayo y Lacayo (apparently some inbreeding in this family?!) was the "self-styled-and-great" anti-Somoza warrior? whoshowed up in Cuba just after the phony "Invasion of Panama" during February, 1959.

    Lacayo y Lacayo was an agent provocateur -- dispatched from Washington, D.C. by the the overly clever ["gimpy/crippled/broke-dick"] acting-Secretary of State Christian Herter (J. Foster Dulles had croaked).

    Herter's "first-team" had rounded up some wannabe rebels ["Rebeldes Falsos"] and some ex-M-26-7 war bond purveyors [non-combatant psuedo/underground phonies] and together with the ex-Prez of Panama Arias (and his wife Dame Margot Fontaine) boarded John Wayne's yacht "The Wild Goose". Using the ex-YMS [Mine-Sweeper] vessel as a mother ship; they landed near Bocas del Toro, Panama.

    Once the Panama National Guard contingent on this island threw down on them, up went their sweaty hands and loud screams of "I Surrender Dear" were echoing down the beach !! Most were deported back to Cuba, and thereafter enjoyed the hospitality of El Principe Prison for a few years. John Martino taunted them unmercifully for months.

    The next "Herter Scheme" ['El Mastermind"] was cranked up with Manuel Somarriba, and Chester Lacayo. Lacayo made the big mistake of running around Havana with a security escort [Jeeps & Station Wagons] breaking all speed limits whilst poking their guns out of the vehicle windows and menacing all pedestrians encountered along their treks.

    Ultimately, Lacayo was granted an "audience" with Che, and this little bald-headed twit pissed him off ab initio !! Che ordered his guys to disarm all of that asshole's "security detail", and then queried the little turd as to who the hell did he think he was ??!! Somebody in the Presidential Palace intervened on behalf of then President Manuel Urrutia -- so Che ran them all down the road.

    [At the time Howard K. "Davy" Davis was part of Urrutia's detail and lived up in the "Radio-Shack" on the roof of the prez palace.]

    A few weeks later, an enterprising reporter/photographer for a Havana daily ("La Calle") took some pictures up in D.C., and then queried some of the Cuban Embassy pogues as to what the hell was Lacayo doing running around meeting and lunching with Herter ??!!

    D.I.E.R. ("G-2") was alerted, and they rounded up all of the wannabe anti-Somoza" expeditionaries. The very next day, "La Calle", "El Mundo" and several other rags published the lacayo & Herter pix on their front pages; and described in great detail: How this group of agent provocateurs were planning to embarass the Castro government with yet another phony foreign expedition against Nicaragua, or some other "banana-beaner country"!!

    Dumb-ass Lacayo apparently didn't read the havana newspapers that day, and quickly he jumped on a Pan Am -- and arrived at Rancho Boyeros (renamed "Jose Marti' Int'l") airport. Noticing that his security caravan fleet wasn't there to greet him, he protested to the "Migra" & G-2 pogues. They asked him who the hell he was.

    Upon his identifying himself, the airport pogues showed him the headlines from the previous day, and asked him if this was HE ?? He said: "Si...es mi foto...soy el Jefe de la 'Fuerzas Revolucionarios Nicaraguense'..y yo 'oficialmente' urge que te llamas al la jefatura de la Policia Nacional...de immediato...para que ellos me identifican..!!"

    ["Yes..that is my photo...I am the Chief of the 'Nicaraguan Revolutionario Forces'...and I 'officially' urge you to call the headquarters of the Nation Police...immediately...in order that they identify me..!!"]

    After everybody stopped laughing and rolling on the floors, they busted his ass and hauled him to Triscornia; where he was re-united with his "expeditonary leadership" -- Loran "Skip" Hall, Bradley, Hudson, Johnny Sancti Spiritu, et al. !!

    The only thing that saved them from "El Paredon" [Firing Squad/Party Wall"] was that Lacayo had paid off Cmdte. Almajeiras ("The Smoker"); who was then the boss of the Nat'l Cops. Also, Herter got the Brits to intervene immediately, and very soon -- all of these assholes were deported back to whence they came.

    We never bothered to follow up any of Lacayo's worthless later moves. However, Somarriba was later able to lead a group of volunteers into a deadly ambush along the Honduras/Nicaragua border. Naturally, he was the ONLY reported survivor of this skirmish !!




  22. James, who is he with?

    The other two men are Cuban police officers. I don't know their names.




    The Cuban to the left of Santo is a fellow "inmate", and is wearing the same "Batistiano" Khaki uniform as Santo. We in the Rebel Army were prohibited from wearing "anything" Khaki colored. Even the late ("Dissident") Jesus Yanez Peletier got into a bit of a hassle during early 1959. And this was for his wearing a "Batistiano" khaki "Garrison Cap" -- what we in the Marines called a "Piss-Cutter". Fidel's lackeys were annoyed that he was photographed alongside "El Jefe Maximo" wearing the "Enemy's uniform hat".

    [Yanez Peletier (R.I.P.) worked for the Mossad, and he was the guy who initially arranged for Fidel to "get-a-little" from Marita Lorenz; whose father [the merchant ship Captain] was also a Mossad agent.]

    The black Cuban to Santo's right, is a Cuban Health Service Inspector, and was permitted to wear that service's uniform at the Triscornia Quarantine Station, located at: Casa Blanca, Regla, East Habana.

    [Triscornia is carried in history as Cuba's "Ellis Island". From 1898 to 1904, it was a U.S. Army post called "Camp Triscornia". During the 1920s & 1930s, it was remodeled as an "Art Museum" -- and that is why the statuary remained present while Trafficante was there. Mostly unknown to the World is that: When the merchant vessel "St. Louis" arrived in Havana harbor, loaded to the "gun'els" with Jewish emmigrants fleeing Hitler; all were held at Triscornia. Those Jews who could "cough-up" $1,000 (or the equivalent) were permitted to remain in Cuba. The majority had no such wealth!! The U.S. Jewish Agency folks refused to help them with their bribes. There are some who say that: This was "intentional", as their later slaughter would raise the consciousness of the World -- and benefit millions, rather than a couple thousand, Jews, Gypsies, and some Spanish Socialists fleeing Franco !!]

    Santo had a deep and wide cell to himself, and it was comfortably furnished. The cell to the left was designed for 4-6 inmates -- but was crammed with about 17 to 20 on a regular basis. Included in that cell were: Leslie Bradley, Hudson, Loran Hall,et al.!! Morgan never saw the inside of Triscornia, or El Principe Prison [where John Martino spent the "ENTIRETY" of his incarceration]!!

    The commanding officer at Triscornia [when I passed through there with one of my "Squads"], was Capitan Enrique Molina Rivera -- the same DGI agent who "disappeared?" with Rorke & Sullivan off of Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico -- during September, 1963.

    After his arrest in Cmdte. Pedro Miret's office [@ the I.N.R.A. Bldg.] during October, 1960; Cmdte. Wm. Alexander Morgan was sent to, and remained on Gallery #14 inside La Cabana Fortress. He was executed at 4:00 AM on March 11th, 1961, and alongside Cmdte. Jesus Carreras (S.F.N.E.).




  23. The actual fallout of the Cold War isn't over yet. While folks like Tim Gratz argue that Reagan caused the Soviets to spend themselves into oblivion in the 1980's, current US military spending in Iraq and elsewhere is beginning to have the same effect on the US some 20 years later.

    And anyone inside America who cannot see that is obviously not looking.

    Of course, it can be argued that, thanks to the Bush tax cuts, the problem is one generated on the "supply-side" of the government revenue picture. But the result, no matter whence its origin, is unmistakable. And so today it seems that Al Quaeda is taking a page from the handbook of Mr. Gratz's hero, Ronald Reagan, and is in the process of doing to the US economy today what Reagan accomplished with the Soviet economy in the 1980's. As the Soviets had insufficient industrial and manufacturing base to sustain the level of military spending required to "keep up," so the crumbling US industrial and manufacturing base will eventually prove to be the US' Achilles heel if the current scenario continues for more than a few short years. The house of cards that is the US economy in 2005 will "come crumblin' down," to use the words of a fellow Hoosier, John Mellencamp, if there is no course correction.

    And THAT is why I disagree with Bush's "stay-the-course" mantra. Those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to....well, you know.

    A very perceptive post.

    Of course the Soviet Union might have been destroyed but there is still China. Everyone seems to have forgotten that China is still a communist state. Therefore, the Cold War is not over. As the US spends itself silly in order to defeat Muslim terrorists, China continues to build its economy. It is gradually taking the US markets and will eventually be the number one economic power in the world. China, not the US, will be the final winners of the Cold War.


    Permit me to enlarge upon the foregoing. China (mostly via the PLA - "Peoples Lib/Army" proprietaries) now hold more than 50% of the outstanding U.S. Treasury Bills. As I recall (and the PLA certainly does), any minor glitch in the U.S. GDP sends tremors throughout ALL of the "industrialized (and emerging) nations on this Planet. Japan failed to grasp this "matter-of-consequence" some 10+ years ago, and are now barely coming out of a "depression" today !!

    While a few "Taiwan-ophones" ranted in the aftermath of one obscure PLA (retired) General, whom threatened "Armegeddon"; they missied out on the news that: The PLA has warned the 70+% muslims in Xhian Zie Province to refrain from "copy-catting" the al-Qa'ida terror campaigns in their quest for a world-wide "Caliphate".

    These series of warnings, to those few radicals of the northwest China Province, also hinted that should something untoward eminate therefrom: The retaliatory response would exceed the toll of the "Holocaust"; and be quite similar in execution!!

    Moreover, and via the nascent China, Khazakstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz, et al. politico/military alliance "grapevine"; the message was sent out that: Should "Islama-Kaze Jihadists" carry out even one more "shaheed" operation inside the U.S. [or otherwise degrade the US/World economies] -- that "Nuking" of Mecca, Medina, Qom, and other holy sites "would-be-on-the-table"!!

    Therefore, I would give 90% of the credit for a non-repeat of "9/11" to the PLA messages, and NONE to "Shrub's cronies" or the failing D.H.S. They know full well that if WE go down, THEY go down !! These "ChiComs" are some of the sharpest folks in the World !!

    Even my favorite "Paratrooper" President is up to speed on these matters. As everybody now realizes, Venezuela owns 100% of the CITGO gas and oil operations inside the U.S. (18% market-share). And he recently announced that: He will issue CITGO "discount/debit cards" to ALL folks registered as being below the poverty level. More interestingly, Hugo Chavez has already invested $100 million+ in Brazil, and this for a massive expansion of that nation's 90% Ethanol fuel operations.

    Chavez fully intends to re-invent (and direct) a genuine "Alliance For Progress"; and thereby picking up where JFK left off !!




  24. Charge everyone's credit card 5 cents for every word they post?

    Naah, given that I sometimes run on, we ought to come up with a better suggestion.

    Andy, can you give us an idea how much money you need to "break even" with an expanded bandwidth?


    Andy, John, Tim, et al.:

    The majority of the military associations of which I am a member, have an annual $20 fee. For instance MATCA, my Marine outfit, has about 500+ members. However: The online group has only about 100+ members, and it has 2 distinct "Lists". One is more of a "chatroom", and it disgorges an average of 30 e-mails daily. The VIP List [both are with Yahoogroups.com] is dedicated to articles, imbedded photos, website URLs, and small attachments.

    We have onboard active duty Marines [some in OIF/OEF AORs]; But most are retired (both from the Marines and later government careers). Many who are "single tour" (3/4 year enlistments, 6 year officer commissions) -- and yet the "Annual Statement" shows a net bank balance of $30K/$40K without fail.

    I firmly believe that a graduated membership fee for this Forum is in order. For instance, y'all might consider the use of either a "pro bono" attorney member's services (or a $300 lawyer fee) -- and this would give you a U.S. based "301© Not-for-Profit- Corporation". As such, this would permit even a measly $20 to be tax deductable.

    [better that this Forum, and a member benefits -- rather than Halliburton, Brown & Root, et al.]

    Students might be put on a "Gratis" and/or "voluntary donation" membership -- which might range from $1 to $5 per annum.

    Authors, members of the media, academe, et al.: might be encouraged to "donate" amounts above the basic $20 per annum fee.

    I am on a restricted budget, but by avoiding most "high calorie" software, clothing, entertainment, food, etc.

    during the year -- I am comfortable making exactly what I earned as an Ironworker during 1963 thru 1973

    [mostly part-time/seasonal work]. Moreover, and since the Dept. of Veterans Affairs covers all of my "Meds" & e"Equipment" costs; I am real "Comfy"!!

    A "surcharge" for "Trolls" and "Agent Provocateurs" (but, only those who have "Fessed Up" naturally) would be more than equitable. Moreover, for those who are too "Politically Correct", or fail to "Vent" in accord with most "normal" human (Homo Sapeins, Erectus, Australis, et al.) practices, i.e.: via the nsertion of a reasonable amount of "Potty Mouth" expletives -- moderate "FINES" might be imposed against said PCers !!

    Respectfully [my fingers cramped up on that word] Submitted,

    Gerry Patrick Hemming


  25. In response to Larry's Post #11, I am anxiously waiting a copy of "Ultimate Sacrifice" to read it cover-to-cover.

    Regarding Policarpo Lopez, however, he certainly appeared to be in Texas on the day of the assassination and his flight back to Cuba from Mexico City seemed suspicious. (See Peter Whitney's article re his flight from Mexico City to Havana.)

    I assume you agree that Trafficante was probably involved in the assassination.

    We have Policarpo Lopez moving from Key West to Tampa (Trafficante's home town) about the same time frame that the assassination plans started. That in itself is a bit curious.

    Two days after the assassination attempt in Tampa was aborted by the planners, Policarpo Lopez gets his paper to enter Mexico.

    Let us just take a small "leap of logic" here and assume he was in Dallas on November 22nd.

    How many other people can you identify who were both in Tampa and in Dallas? And left the country the day after the assassination?

    If I was an investigating detective, I would want to interview anyone who was in Tampa on november 18th and then in Dallas on November 22nd--particularly a Cuban (whether pro or anti Castro).

    Another way to address the question would be: how many other Cubans who were in Tampa the day an assassination attempt was to take place moved to Cuba shortly after the assassination?

    The HSCA found Policarpo Lopez's travels around the time of the assassination "troublesome" and that was (per "The Ultimate Sacrifice") without any knowledge by the HSCA of the aborted assassination attempt in Dallas.

    Perhaps I am a bit more suspicious than you but I would be troubled by any person, regardless of his background, who left the country--for Cuba--within a day of the assassination and was in Tampa when JFK visited there and was probably in Dallas the day of the assassination.

    He just happened to get his travel papers two days before the assassination after trying to get them for a year? A rather unusual happenstance, I would think.

    Moreover, I find it most suspicious that anyone would leave Key West for Tampa!

    I mean there would seem to be a clear inference or possibility at least that Policarpo Lopez was going to be used in the assassination in Tampa but when that attempt was aborted Trafficante sent him to Dallas.


    Lamar, Thom, Tim:

    My Question IS: Having received my copy of this well researched Tome -- and while trying to avoid a hernia during "footnote" browsing and pagination (with "Post-Its"); will I eventually be shocked to discover, somewhere therein, a reference to the strong evidence that Trafficante was a Castro agent, and who was "recruited" while still "confined?" at the Triscornia quarantine facility ??

    Will I also find that: Because those Dagos/Wops always talked too much on the telephone, and in FBI "bugged" social clubs -- there is no big mystery that Siragusa knew early on, that Santo was an active Cuban asset, first for D.I.E.R. [G-2] and ultimately for DGI/DSE ??

    Will I find that he was "Tripled" by JJA's guys, and that when RFK was warned of "Barba Roja"s" penetration

    [and/or assassination] scheme -- that the counter-plan was to create a "provocation" readily traceable directly back to Habana; and via the exposure of the "Cosa Nostra" having facilitated said scheme ??

    [bobby & Co. get 2 birds with one "stone" (out of his shoe) and ignites a "burning bush" !!]

    And will there be a mention that when Habana ultimately informs Trafficante of what actually went down, and he is later in a position to expose ALL (including LBJ's criminal foibles) -- he is rewarded with the "Golden Triangle" Heroin source [removing Union Corse control] and which helps to seal his big mouth ??!!

    Great looking book so far !!




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