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Gerry Hemming

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Posts posted by Gerry Hemming

  1. Following up on my previous post, it is the central thesis of Professor Mellen's book that the CIA as an institution killed Kennedy, and then hung Clay out to dry.

    If so, Hemming's alleged statement that Helms did it would be pivotal to support her scenario.

    If Hemming is a credible witness, of course. And Gerry does claim a relationship (perhaps that is the wrong word) with CIA officers, agents. (But not with Helms to the best of my knowledge.)

    So why does she simply slip this sentence in without an explanation of when it was made, to whom it was made, Hemming's basis for his belief, etc.?

    Because if the statement is true it makes her entire case.

    Now, if Professor Mellen does not believe Gerry is a credible witness, why would she even include his statement at all?

    Her treatment of this "bombshell statement" does not seem to make sense to me any way.


    Gratz, et al.

    A fellow member of the SFRG [so. Florida Reserchers Group], and co-founder of C.O.P.A has sent out an E-mail to his list [and personally to me] a review of Professor Mellen's newly released Tome.

    This person has been a close personal friend to me for many years, and will be leaving for Dallas shortly. Moreover, I take his counsel very seriously due to the fact that: He has indeed assembled a large collection of "hard copy" files, and these are supported by an enormous amount of electronically-stored & retrievable documents, essays, thesises, voice & video recordings.

    This able and dedicated researcher is the regional director of a "Fortune-500" electronics manufacterer and distributor. He rarely ever even "skims" over some NEW book on the JFK, or any other matter of interest.

    However, and in rare form, he has related to me that: He has involved himself in an almost "marathon-like" perusal in depth -- of Joan Mellen's latest [of many] serious books.

    This highly intelligent person finds this book to be one of "The Best" books ever written on this subject matter. He states that Prof. Mellen has included detailed footnotes on almost every page [as done in "Legal Briefs" !!] -- and moreover, cites to an extensive and inclusive amount of "R.I.F. Numbers" relating to N.A.R.A. declassified documents from multiple agencies.

    Joan Mellen was so appreciative of said researcher's help in her quest, that she forwarde a signed copy of the Garrison book.

    [No doubt out of gratitude for personal introductions to expert researchers, especially that one from the U.K. -- who flies across "The Pond" frequently to do interviews and spend endless hours at NARA]

    I however, and despite more than five years of assisting her in this effort, did not receive a copy, and I am convinced that my waiting astride my post-box every morning might well be a futile exercise. I have received both e-mails and telephone calls referring to Prof. Mellen having "burned & back-stabbed" Moi !!

    Since I have yet to review her book, I obviously can't respond, or even comment on the quality of her work.

    I am given to understand that you are working from an "advance galley copy" of said book, which might very well have since been edited, amended, and corrected -- to a vast degree [and thus different] perspective beyond that which you received from her originally, and quote therefrom !!

    Having read Bill Turner's response to an "alleged" slur against his activities while woking "inside" Garrison's team of investigators -- I note that he too, has not had the opportunity to review the book, and reserves comment. Bill Turner is one of THE most respected investigators/authors of the last Century, and one of the sparse few former FBI Special Agents who: Had the guts to go against Hoover, whilst hundreds of other FBI agents and employees hid trembling in the shadows hoping to preserve their jobs and/or pensions.

    Bill Turner did these things while Hoover remained both alive and powerful, thus he exposed himself to severe retribution -- which was the routine fate of any who "crossed" this serial psycopath.

    If indeed it turns out that Joan Mellen has made untoward references against those who toiled in assisting her over these long years, and it is not the result of the publisher's editor, et al. having "sexed-up" the end product -- then I would have to believe that her "game" was not very "Cricket" !!

    Investigative reporters [a-la Woodward & Burnstein, et al.] are required to keep extensive notes [and sometimes recordings] of their interviews. Moreover, they routinely call the "subjects-of-interest" upon whom they are soon to write about.

    This is most often NOT the case with professional authors, who rarely have the time nor opportunity to back-track in order to confirm/correct the myriad of issues which have been elicited via hundreds of interviews over the long term.

    I will reserve judgment until I receive and review her book. Even then, I shall await "peer review" by the large number of others more expert in these matters. Then, if I still retain the fervor of a "Critic", I may well give forth with limited comments, but limited to only some of the specific references contained therein !!




  2. The Guardian (circulation 475,000) published an article about the Forum today. For those outside the UK, the Guardian is one of our leading newspapers.


    I know the Forum has several members who are journalists. I hope you will consider writing about our activities. I think this idea of bringing together a group of journalists, historians, and researchers to study the past is a stimulating idea (something I would call community intelligence).



    We "old time-wannabe" Operators call it OSINT !! The current Defense Bill [in Congress] includes appropriations for $350 million solely dedicated to "Open Source Intelligence" [OSINT]

    But, then again -- you already knew that.




  3. The information goes a long way towards clearing things up. I try to read these posts a

    number of times over time as some things don't at first read gel.

    The oil in floor issue is not something I have given a great deal of attention to for a number of reasons. Others, in this case, Macadams, Tom, greg etc indicate it is an issue to look at.

    I'm still not clear on why it's important. There must be some issues dealt with elsewhere that answers this so some 'search key words' would help.

    As well, timber flooring in OZ is traditionally eucalypt (depending of course on where you are), in NSW there is often the cypress. I've renovated and extended an original hand built settlers cottage in outback NSW where the 6' tg is still in good nick. Here in WA the best flooring is original first felled forest jarrah that at 100+ years and is as good as or better than new. Oily surfaces even at 100+ summer temps whether in the hot humid north or the hot dry south has never been encountered by me as a problem. When I was sanding floors on island off the coast of Darwin pre monsoon 'suicide month' (working at 12-14 hr 7 days just cause there was nothing else to do) the sandsheets didn't clog with oils. Many australian timbers have natural preservative. Also in some instances the builder will force an extra tight fit in order to deal with drying. Another consideration is that a bit of a draught is not such a bad thing in a country that gets so hot and often not very cold. (I remember the only instance when I've been asked to use oil was when a violin teacher in Sydney wanted more quiet floor boards.)

    (I had actually had thought that the 'oil' referred to could have been a build up in the cracks from slime from the inevitable rotting vegies in a grocery store? A grocer delivery I knew in Sydney had to change vehicles every few years simply because the old one inevitably ended up too much of a stink (there was suspicion the driver who always lodged and got a tender was perhaps not as diligent in cleaning as he could have been) But maybe grocer is something different than in OZ. I understand you call a general store sometimes a drug store?

    However I have never been to Texas (the closest is Santa Fe' and Saint Louis) and have no idea of timber/conditions there. So let's for argument sake say that oil was a problem in the TSBD building (Tom's description of the matter sounds reasonable to me).

    (* another thing I notice, which I haven't come across before, is how the flooring is laid at an angle (also is that 4" tg?) I'd be interested to know why its laid thus. It looks to me like there might be expansion joints in between the pillars).


    Is that second entrance doorway part of the TSBD company lease?


    "Timber-at-an-Angle" means that the architect opted for the more durable "nautical" method of "timbering" a floor.

    All first class "wooden" vessels have "cross-hatched" timber hulls -- which is styled as "Double-Ceiling".



  4. It's clear there were some in the CIA pushing for an excuse to invade

    Cuba. In fact, Richard Helms visited JFK just three days before his

    assassination trying to convince him that an arms cache that had

    magically appeared in Venezuela came from Cuba, which would be a

    violation of Castro's promise not to export his revolution, and which

    would have provided the U.S. a "legit" reason to invade. I can only

    imagine that Kennedy's skepticism re Helms' story, questioning where the

    arms really came from, showed Kennedy to be more interested in the truth

    than invading Cuba. If he was all for it, he would have asked no

    questions, thanked Helms, and I think we all know JFK would probably be

    alive today. I think his reluctance to use that as an excuse to invade

    was one of the reasons why he was killed. If that's true, that leaves

    the Waldron/Hartmann thesis stranded.

    This little blurb sounded familiar until I realized I was thinking of Guatemala! I believe one of the CIA's documented plans to discredit Arbenz was to place a cache of Russian weapons ashore and then claim Arbenz was receiving weapons from Russia. Supposedly he played into our hands by purchasing a whole shipload of weapons instead. When one reads between the lines, however, the amount of rifles etc on this ship were far more than his army would ever need. I've suspected that instead WE purchased the arms through a middle man and had them shipped into Guat to give us a reason to support his overthrow. Did Arbenz ever do any interviews or write on this subject? Do we have any confirmation that it was Arbenz buying the weapons? Did Ydigoras Fuentes write about this in his book, which I've read was not exactly complimentary to the U.S.?

    In any case, the "discovery" of a cache of weapons smells like a CIA plot. They'd done it before.


    The Government of Venezuela launched an invstigation into those alleged "Cuban" weapons. The majority of the weapons were F.A.L.s, [Fusil Automatique Liviengne] manufactured by the Belgium Arms manufacturer ["FN"]

    "Fabrique National des arms d'guerre" and were chambered for the 7.62 mm NATO cartridge.

    These were "ALMOST" the exact same model that Fidel had off loaded from the "M/S Le Coubre" before it was blown up in Habana Harbor during March, 1960. FN later sent a second load to Cuba -- to replace those lost in the explosion. Photos of Fidel's troops at the Bay of Pigs allows one to distinguish between the regular Rebel Army soldiers and the militia men & women.

    Other than the berets and blue shirts, the "Milicianos" carry the Czech "R-2" Carbine or the "Cheka" machine pistol. Whilst the regulars, including Fidel, Cmdte. Fernandez Mell, et al. carry the F.A.L. !!

    When I say "ALMOST", I mean that the CIA REMF pogues screwed up !! Venezuela was told by FN in Belgium that: The serial numbers traced back to a "arms lot" sold to an arms dealer with what turned out to be a forged "End-User Certificate"!! Moreover, FN [and the Belgian Foreign Ministry & Armed Forces Staff] stated in sworn documents that: This particular model had NEVER been sold to ANY government or NGO in the Western Hemisphere !!

    Just one more Ted Shackley screw-up that Helms had to lie about [under oath] later on !!




  5. When the Warren Report went over like a lead balloon, the government knew it would only be a matter of time before stuff came out. So they created the JFK activists and groups to play upon the people's outrage. They're ALL C.I.A. agents.

    From an anonymous source...

    Watched Stone's film again - specifically the operation piece, which was for me the truly interesting part. I saw that there was the use of a dark skinned cuban in the DalTex broom closet - and I noted a few other details - like the 6th floor team splitting up, etc. The use of a what seemed to be a Signal Corps Field Telephone to place to bogus call to Looking Glass, etc.

    I am curious to know if there is any genuine footage used in the film, that most researchers don't have access to - as per a sale on eBay I learned that a 16mm Bolex camera was used to create the visual effect for some of the recreated scenes - however, there were a few scenes [not Nix, Muchmore, 'Zapruder,' etc.] that I was unsure of - maybe this isn't the first time this has come up. There is a view of the West side of the TSBD, for example. A view of a man standing by the Telephone Switch Box. Etc.

    Another item I am curious about is why Stone didn't incorporate more of the cameras that clearly were present in DP - beyond simply Zapruder, Babushka, etc. The 'other' cameras. Also, why he didn't seek to illustrate the operatives and the use of frequency jamming gear.

    Was his representation of the bogus SS man behind the fence supposed to resemble someone?

    - lee



    I too watched just a few of the "JFK" scenes last week. The full movie is a bit tiresome. My 6th floor window & floor shots has me using a Motorola MT-200 "Lunchbox" radio transceiver with 2 channel capability. [i lost the "Director's Edition " that Oliver sent to me a few years back.]

    [semi-duplex - transmits on one crystal & recieves on a different frequency. Full duplex is like a telephone, you can simultanously talk back and forth -- and interrupt the other party. Kinda like I do, when I shout at Gratz on the telephone !! Simplex means both parties are on the same frequency -- and this permits eavesdroppers to hear the "to & fro" conversation, where with semi-duplex, even an NSA scanner is going to only get one side of the chatter !!]

    This Motorola model is the very same type used by Gene Hackman's guys in "The French Connection", and moreover: the very same kind that railway users, such as "Bowers-in-the-Tower" used as back-up, or when he was "walking-the-yard"!!

    My Parabellum Corp. purchased 100 of these same radios from Sam MacIntosh of Microwave Inc. -- sited just across from Miami Int'l Airport [1971] These were FBI/ATF/Customs radios -- surplused out to public bid, and Sam bought them all. The dumb-ass feds left their crystals in all of the sets, so we spent hours listening to their chatter ["simplex"] with our extra radios !!

    I vouched for Stone, so Sam sent some of those same radios to Dallas for "JFK". "Bean-Counter" Clayton Townsend [see the film credits at the opening] later failed to pay Sam, so I paid the freight instead of "Camelot Productions" !!

    The window shot [from the outside & depicting "God" - the "final controller"] was done with a large crane, with saddled-in camera crew. This was one of the few times that Bobby Richardson didn't man the camera, as he dislikes heights !! Just as the crane lowered the crew back down to terra firma, the asst. cinematographer was heard to say: "...That was the meanest looking dude I have ever filmed..!!" Bobby asked: "...Who are you referring to [with a knowing smirk] the guy in the window talking on the radio, Bobby...was there anybody else up there in that damn window...??" !!"

    I wrote the dialogue for the scene, and Dale Dye is the "radio" guy responding initially to my commands.

    Was I surprised the other day. I had never noticed that Stanley White [w/ the black kid] was indeed shooting through an improvised "silencer/chicken-box"; surprised that Oliver had followed my insistence on either a Sionics or Maxim type silencer, or the "chicken-box]

    I asked Oliver to provide all of the camera-toting "extras" viewing the motorcade be supplied with workable cameras, and loaded with new film -- so that we might review same later, and maybe incorporate the footage into the movie. He did it.

    I also asked Oliver: That since the exterior shots of Stanley and the black kid would be filmed at a time when the dozen or so motorcade cycles weren't to be filmed -- could we please have both a scoped rifle & a "iron-sights" rifle [mounted with cameras] used during the next motorcade cycle. I told him that it would be quite interesting to see [as I suspected] that any 2nd floor DalTex window shooter would have had NO SHOT at JFK after the turn in front of the TSBD.

    When he inquired as to my theory, I responded that: With the "J/Canoe" now going downhill, the Secret Service "outriders" would have totally blocked any rear-view of JFK !!

    He responded: "..Well...I don't know if Garrison suspected this..??!! I interrupted stating that: IT is for us Oliver, IT is for us....don't use it in the movie if you talk to Garrison tomorrow -- and he gives you a blank stare....leave it out...but IT is for us...!!" He did it, but left it out of the movie. I was correct, the window shooters were completely blocked by the SS "Outriders" 100% !! Somebody tell "THAT" to the fools in Dallas next week. Give'm a cardiac, won't you ??!! But don't tell a certain Lady, cause she opted to ignore THAT when I began assisting her over 5 years ago !!




  6. Several researchers believe there was a connection between JFK’s foreign policy and his assassination. Some, like myself, take the view that it was connected to his attempts to develop a more left-wing policy. Others believe that JFK was not genuine about this change of policy and that he was assassinated by left-wing forces (Soviets/Castro).

    I thought it might be worth discussing this issue. My own view is that when JFK was elected he intended to follow the traditional US foreign policy. This included using the CIA to undermine or overthrow left of centre governments in the Americas.

    There were some figures in the State Department and the CIA who disapproved of this policy. They thought it would be better for America’s long-term interests to support reforming groups against military dictators. This difference of opinion was revealed in Earl Smith’s testimony that he gave to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on 27th August, 1960.


    Smith names William Wieland (State Department) and John Topping (CIA) as people who helped Castro gain power in Cuba.

    People like Wieland and Topping argued that it was dangerous for the US government to be associated with military dictators like Batista. The long-term result of this policy was to encourage the local population to be anti-American. By supporting the reformers, the American government would gain the appreciation of those trying to obtain democracy.

    The problem with the theories put forward by people like Wieland and Topping was that it needed the US government to maintain a consistent policy. The policy towards Cuba was a disaster. First it helped Castro and then it forced the new government to ally itself with the Soviet Union by imposing economic sanctions against it.

    When JFK gained power he continued the policy of Eisenhower. This resulted in the Bay of Pigs disaster. This was followed by supporting anti-Castro forces in Cuba. This policy probably included the approval of sending CIA backed assassination teams into Cuba.

    It was not until the Cuban Missile Crisis that JFK began to rethink this policy. This was largely because of the influence of people like William Attwood and John Kenneth Gailbraith. Over the last few years classified documents have been released that shows that JFK was changing his foreign policy. However, because he did not believe the American public was ready for this change in policy, he kept it a secret. JFK knew that changes in policy concerning Cuba or Vietnam would be portrayed by his political opponents as being “soft on communism”. Top CIA officials became aware of this policy change and to undermine what JFK was doing, leaked this information to rabid anti-communists like William Pawley, Clint Murchison and Haroldson L. Hunt. These were people who were willing to put up the money necessary to bring an end to this new foreign policy.

    This clash between these two different views of foreign policy can be seen in world politics today. Bill Clinton attempted to follow a moderate form of JFK’s secret foreign policy. As a result, countries in the region became much more friendly towards America.

    Bush has taken a very different approach. He has shown he is willing to send troops to other countries in order to further his foreign policy objectives. America is now bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan in the same way it was entangled in Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s.

    The result of this policy has been to see an increase in anti-Americanism and a move to the left in the region. For example, over the last couple of years you have seen left-wing governments elected in Venezuela, Brazil, Chile (Richard Lagos, the first socialist elected since Salvador Allende), Argentina and Uruguay. Any left-wing leader in the Americas can get easy votes by employing anti-American rhetoric. In December, Bolivia is expected to elect Evo Morales, a close friend of Hugo Chavez, as president. The left may also gain power in Honduras (November, 2005), Costa Rica (February, 2006), Peru (April, 2006) and Ecuador (October, 2006). There is a possibility that these countries will form an anti-American alliance. They will almost certainly seek political alliances beyond the US.

    Those on the left have always known that their main enemy is made up of liberals, not conservatives. Bush’s incompetent foreign policy has reinforced this idea. JFK was wrong in 1961 but got it right by 1963. He was a man before his time. Maybe America will itself swing to the left at the next election and a new Democratic president will return to the foreign policy of the last few months of JFK’s administration. This time he or she will be able to do it in the full view of the American public. Maybe Bush will do for right-wing conservatism, what Hitler did for fascism. One book published after the war about Nazi Germany was entitled “Never Again”. Let us hope that goes for Bush as well.

    "Bogged Down" lies in the eye of the beholder.

    To those who have little understanding of "long-range" US goals and policies, this may appear so.

    In event the US is still in Iraq 100 years from now, then I would have to state that quite possibly, we are "bogged down".

    However, in the LONG TERM scale of history, even 10 to 20 years is a relatively short term for achieving long term goals.

    That is whey Vietnam was called a "short" tour! It lasted only 1-year.

    To those who view the world in the larger scale on "Long-Term" goals, Iraq is merely an extended "Field-Training-Exercise"/aka "Good-Training".

    The US has placed much of it's "military manpower" strength in it's Reserve/National Guard units, which are/were somewhat like they were when WWII & Korea got them called up and killed.

    I.E.: Lacking in actual experience in true military operations Command & Control.

    This is of course also why the Soviet Forces had so much trouble in Afghanistan. They had General Grade officers who had never experienced any actual combat assignments.

    Therefore: What is being done now, will provide the CORE of extremely well trained military forces for the US for the next couple of generations.

    A small price to pay for the freedoms which we, in the United States enjoy.

    The are, thankfully, those who understand such necessity, and continue to work towards it even though they could easily retire.



    Retired Lt. Gen. Daniel J. Petrosky

    Senior Vice President

    Strategy and Plans

    Daniel J. Petrosky joined Navigator Development Group, Inc. with more than 36 years of active Army experience and responsibility in aviation, executive management, strategic planning and organizational development.

    Service and leadership in a series of command and staff positions in Vietnam, Korea, United States, Europe and South West Asia, highlight his years of professional experience in military affairs and aviation operations.

    His vast knowledge and related experience added greatly to MSNBC's coverage of military issues during Operation Iraqi Freedom by offering current analysis on military news events. Petrosky worked as a military analyst for the network for several months during the war.

    The general is knowledgeable in the employment of Joint service and Army aviation assets and the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technologies. He served as commanding general of the U.S. Army Aviation Center, Fort Rucker, Alabama, where he was responsible for all Army aviation operations, safety and readiness around the world and identifying future aviation requirements.

    Petrosky is well versed about aviation management, international operations and strategic planning, and can talk about these topics with incredible ease.

    From commander to strategic planner, he also has strong international leadership experience. Prior to his last assignment to the United States European Command, Petrosky commanded the Eighth United States Army. Simultaneously, he served as chief of staff, United Nations Command, Republic of Korea/United States Combined Forces Command and United States Forces Korea.

    Petrosky retired as a lieutenant general from active duty as the chief of staff, Headquarters, United States European Command, Stuttgart, Germany.

    Petrosky received his Bachelor degree in Business from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and a Master's degree in Systems Management from the University of Southern California. He is a graduate of the Command and General Staff College and the Army War College.

    A master aviator, Petrosky received the Army's Broken Wing Award in May 1977.




    Thanks, Dan!




    What a "sorry looking bunch!


    Daniel J.----------to right

    Thomas H.-------to left

    Plus Roger M., Strube, Wolf, Mcvey


    Now let me guess: One troop is wearing the old "white" name-tag, while the rest are wearing the subdued

    US ARMY, Name-Tage, Jump Wings -- but no C.I.B.s !! Must be 1967.

    Can't really make out the shoulder patch, but it looks very similar to the 187th R.C.T. ??

    No right shoulder "Combat Unit" patch. So it must be 1967.




  7. [quote name='John Simkin' date='Oct 23 2005, 07:33 AM' post='42841']

    John wrote:

    Dave Perry, Dave Reitzes and John McAdams have also refused to answer my questions on the Forum.

    So far Gus Russo and Dale Myers have not replied to my emails. However, I live in hope.

    As you can see, there is a pattern here. Those authors who believe in the lone gunman or the Castro/KGB theory prefer one way communication. This is understandable given the intellectual battering that people like Mel Ayton and yourself have received on this Forum.

    I am not at all surprised these authors won't respond to questions. Their purpose is to distort the truth, not search for it. (imho)


    I have not been able to contact Tony Summers. I would indeed love to have him on the Forum answering questions about his research. Please let me know if you have his email address.

    Back in 86 I wrote to Tony SUmmers in Ireland and received a brief response, wherein he mainly quoted from his book "Conspsiracy" and made clear he was not interested in corresponding with anyone on this case.



    Vewwy Vewwy strange !!

    I regularly send both Tony and Robin articles which challenge their "assumptions" -- on a regular basis.

    And most are further expansions of my "face-to-face" statements made to them over the years.

    I do believe that both are quite busy with their ongoing works. And moreover, it is quite possible that they, like many of the aforementioned scriveners: prefer avoidance of being TROLLED in public -- especially when considering that this Forum has a massive world-wide audience.

    A couple of members of my family will soon be in their neighborhood [in Ireland], and I expect that all conversations will absolutely center upon Irish/English history -- and not a word about the JFK matter will be uttered amongst said genteel folks !!




  8. Lynne and Mat Wilson [if they aren`t one and the same] should hook up with Bruce Campbell Adams and Tom Flocco.

    Hey, Flocco has done some good stuff (after all, somebody has to do it), though I have to admit that he has gone off the deep end. He has started repeating stories from an inside source on the intelligence world who is, as I recall, some insurance salesman. One of his latest stories is that Barbara Olson has been arrested in Europe. That was early October, I think, and still no word on what they've done with her. Too bad, since I was hoping it was actually true.


    Be Vewwy, Vewwy careful guys !! Ms. "Mattine" may well be standing near a telephone booth.

    "...Joined this Forum to 'prove' that nice ol' Richard Milhouse Nixon was a nasty murdering assassin-kind of guy, and he actually fooled US all of these years ??" !!

    Wow !! Talk about somebody predisposed to an agenda !!

    Would you have us believe that your "Statement of Charges" against the late President [POTUS] fails to include cites to:






    AAARGH !! Just typing these names gives me a severe case of "The Trots" !!

    Dearest Ms. Mattine: I have some bad news for you. I think that your "Suggestion of Presentment" to the Grand Jury is doomed to failure. I say "Presentment" because: any District Attorney, even one who failed 1st month of law school -- and later was "recess-like-appointed"; would either go catatonic, or suffer a stroke -- before he ejected you from the courthouse !!





  9. I believe Cheney stated publicly before the elections that it was the White House's #1 priority to remove Wellstone from the Senate.

    I think this makes it less likely that he was 'whacked'. Killing him after stating publicly that they wanted to get rid of him so badly would draw too much attention, as indeed it did.

    It did? When? In a rational world what you say, that it would "draw too much attention," might be true. But nowadays Americans, at least, do not live in such a world. How could killing Wellstone after saying they wanted to get rid of him "draw too much attention," when the only people who believe he was assassinated are tinfoil-hat flakes (of which I am one)? The powers that be who perform political assassinations in this country have been doing it long enough (since at least 1963) to know that there will be no questions asked in the mainstream media. They can rub out who they want to in whatever way they want to do it, with plane crashes being a tried and true means for "accidents" (out-and-out assassinations or public executions of politicians of course require patsies; "suicides" are also handy, but apparently Wellstone was not a good candidate for "depression"). If there is any investigation at all, it will be a government whitewash. The possibility that Wellstone was assassinated was given no serious consideration at all that I know of in the mainstream media, which unfortunately is all that really counts. Fetzer wrote a good book on the case, but only so many people are going to read it. We can talk about Wellstone being assassinated in forums like this on the Internet, but to quote Abraham Lincoln, "The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here," at least about the government assassinating its own. In sum, the killers of Wellstone would have a good laugh at the suggestion that it would "draw too much attention" to those who wanted to get rid of him. Because such things don't happen in America.


    As "2nd Banana" Ed McMahan on the "Johnny Carson Show" would loudly proclaim:

    "...CORRECTO ! ...Oh great Wizard who so generously expounds and gives forth with such great wisdom..!!"

    And even if Kostner starred in an award winning movie about a "whack-job" on the good Senator, the perps would howl even louder. Of course, if they howled too loudly in public -- they might suffer an untoward and sudden detioration in personal health -- such as "depression" or a speech depriving stroke -- or worse !!




  10. Greg :: "John,

    Jack Cason was President, Campbell was VP and Truly was Superintendant. All three were company directors of the TSBD.

    The TSBD covered Texas, Oklahoma. Arkansas, Louisiana and New Mexico -- same 5 states covered by 112th MIG.

    The article you posted from McAdams' site, you shouldn't be surprised to learn, was authored by a Warrenista named Jerry Organ. His story that the floor laying was due to oil left from previous occupant is without citation, and really makes little sense. Why, if the book cartons were in danger of damage, would they wait almost a year to fix the problem? And if there actually had been oil on the floor, wouldn't the cartons have been getting damaged all along?

    Lastly, in testimony, Ruth Paine said she believed Oswald worked at the old warehouse. Why then did fear Oswald was involved when it came over the news that shots were fired from the book depository on Elm St, as she also testified to?"

    Greg, as a relative newbie, there are many holes in my background. So the surprise is there, as well as a wonder of how important it is. Input by yourself and others on these issues allows other newbies to also sort these things out. BTW what is 112th MIG?


    I'll try to summarise the components from the various sources that connect directly to the main topic : what is the TSBD.

    It's a building that derives its name from the main company that occupied it from 1962 through to 1970.

    This company, 'The Texas School Book Depository', from a post by Tom :

    "I, J. C. Cason, President and Treasurer, of the Texas School Book Depository declare the following statements:

    The Texas School Book Depository was organized in 1908 as a sole proprietorship and continued in this manner until 1927 when it was incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas.

    The Corporation's offices are located at Elm and Houston Streets, Dallas, Texas, and its warehouse and storage plant are located at 1917 North Houston Street, Dallas, Texas. It neither owns nor operated any other buildings in Dallas or in any other city.

    The present officers are: J. C. Cason, President and Treasurer; and O. V. Campbell, Vice President and Secretary. The Directors are: J. C. Cason, O. V. Campbell and R. S. Truly. The Shareholders of all outstanding Capital Stock are J. C. Cason and O. V. Campbell.

    The Corporation acts as an independent agency for a group of thirty-three publishers to warehouse and distribute textbooks to the various schools in the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and New Mexico. It has no other business activity other than that afore mentioned. It is not connected in any way with any state or municipal government and operates solely as a private Corporation with a Charter from the State of Texas.

    Signed the 22d day of May 1964.

    (S) J. C. Cason,

    J. C. Cason."

    This company distributed/s books through states in the south. These books were selected according to guidelines, as have been pointed out by various posts, to an extent aimed at promoting an ideology.

    2. Space in the building was apparently partially leased by other entities as well.

    Exactly what these other entities were is not clear.

    3. The building itself was owned by H.D. Byrd who is a person of interest.


    It still seems to me the issue of what the connection between Byrd and 'The Texas School Book Depository Company' (herein referred to as TSBD company) in not answered. A lot is made of the fact that Byrd owned the building.

    Oswald, however, was employed by the TSBD company.

    I'm suggesting for consideration that if Byrd has no connections to the TSBDcompany then his ownership of the TSBDbuilding may be irrelevant?


    John, et al.:

    A shorter?? set of factoids. A relative of the TSBD "Company" CEO Cason, one Roy Cason -- founded the Tamiami Gun Store in Miami during the 1950s. When JM/WAVE got to cranking up during late 1960, Roy Cason got part of the logistics "contracts" -- to supply the then nascent Brigade 2506, the CIA maritime operations [kept out of the JM/ATE BOP loop. Such entities as the CIA "Tejana II" subchaser, and later the "REX", "LEDA", "STAR", "EXPLORER", "VENUS", etc. series of mother ships involved in MO/ONGOOSE.]

    The ammunition, weapons, etc. sales increased dramatically, and Roy had to enlarge the store. While most of the BOP Brigade 2506 & infiltration teams used U.S. Government armory stocks [which were not "sterile" and retained serial numbers with "U.S. Government Property" stamped thereon]; some missions required weapons and equipment that was obviously on the open market -- and thus was "deniable".

    Even though the "U.S. Goverment" stamped weapons were also on the public market, they also had a somewhat thinner deniability because: One had to be a member of the Nat'l Rifle Association in order to purchase said M-1 Garands, M-1 Carbines, .45 cal. automatic pistols, etc. !

    The ultimate backstop for "plausible Denial" was the phony paperwork created -- which showed that back-tracing of said weapons would lead to other countries having received same under the Mil/Assistance programs -- and lastly; prepared documents showing that said weapons had been stolen on such-and-such date.

    During 1983, federal agents from the B.A.T.F. visited me, and stated that they had initiated a still sealed indictment against Roy, his son, and others. They wanted to know if Roy, et al. -- in supplying the nascent Nicaraguan "Contras" -- were a CIA approved operation; and moreover, would they suffer a severe "blowback" against them [and their agency] should they proceed to prosecution ??

    I warned them that: Indeed this was a CIA approved operation, but that further proceedings would be permitted to continue through the legal system unabated -- and if not plea bargained down to probation, any conviction would be overturned by the trial court having committed "reversable error"!!

    "..How about us folks here in BATF ??" I assured them that they would be promoted, and most likely receive ancillary awards not associated with the case -- NOT to worry, Guys !!

    The Cason's were eventually exonnerated, and the BATF agents got their promotions and awards as predicted -- and now that they had something to lose; they knew well enough to keep their mouths shut.

    The 112th M.I.G. ["112the Military Intelligence Group"] was an Army Reserve entity, and this is why it covered several states. The state National Guard units are structured likewise, and bolstered by "state compacts" approved by the Congress, as required by the Constitution.

    However, and in actuality, the 112th was a C.I.C. entity [Army Counter Intelligence Corps - Col. Boris T. Pash's old outfit]. Moreover, this unit's "Regional Command Headquarters" was not sited within those states, but up in Chicago. The "Chi-Town folks" then reported directly to Magruder's old headquarter at Arlington Hall, Alexandria, Virginia.

    The Editor & Publisher of "Soldier of Fortune Magazine" -- Lt. Colonel Robert K. Brown (USAR Retired) was attached to this Chicago HQ -- as a 1st Lieutenant [C.I.C.], when he went to Cuba during 1959, and later "touristed" with us beginning in early 1962.




  11. I have come accross a few organisations that I am trying to find more about. Any help would be great. Most of them are terrorist organisations or CIA fronts.

    -International Services of information, based in Baltimore

    -International co-operation administartion

    -R'assemblent, national terrorist organisation in canada

    - la Cruz counter revolutionary group



    John, I don't think I can tell you anything you don't already know about ISI or ICA, but think it's wortwhile keeping this thread going. With that in mind...

    (1) Philbrick may have had some involvement with ISI.

    (2) ISI founder, Ulius Amoss is credited as inspiration for militias/kkk etc -- particularly pertaining to organisational matters -- much the same as moder terrorist groups, where "leaderless resistence" applies. Many advantages to this method.

    One group which used it was a group who were caught transporting arms to Mississippi (reinforcements for Gen Walker). This group is of no small interest to many in this case.

    ICI - CIA all the way. Dallas White Russians and Hydes worked for ICI.

    Greg and John,

    Robert Emmett Johnson also worked for ISI.

    Ulius Amoss, who died in 1961, was a very interesting character. He served with the OSS and in 1945, he was decorated by Gen. Charles DeGaulle with the French Croix de Guerre and Legion of Honor for his service as Commanding Officer of the Experimental Detachment, G-3, Army Forces in the Middle East.

    Amoss also attempted to get Stalin's son out of Russia? I'm not sure it was ever made clear whether Vassilly Stalin was to be kidnapped or he was in on the plot.


    Amoss below.



    Ulius Amoss was fired by Bill Donovan because Ian and other S.O.E. Brits complained that: As Cairo O.S.S. Chief of Station -- he had recruited teams of Corsicans ["Union Corse"] for assassination Ops.

    Bob Johnson said that the Donovan "firing" of Amoss was a phony ploy to placate the Brits -- Especially Mountbatten. And this: Despite the fact that Lord louis had no authority in the Middle-East. [His was bossman in the China-Burma-India [C.I.B.] S.O.E. area of operations, and centered especially on "Force 136" Ops]

    Google "Force 136" for more scoop. You will find their veteran websites and war stories, bios, and histories.




  12. Why are you being silly? Isn't it a good theory?

    In the first place, Oswald was 'just a patsy'.

    In the second, it looks like he had significant contact with both Sturgis and Hunt.

    In the third place, Oswald, Hunt and Sturgis were in Dealy Plaza on November 22nd, 1963.

    In the fourth place, Howard had a "psychological manipulator" reputation.

    In the sixth place, Oswald was the "official" patsy.

    In the seventh place, Oswald did not shoot the President, even though extraordinary lengths were taken to "prove" otherwise.

    I think the letter to Mr. Hunt is more significant in the context of a confrontation between Frank Sturgis and Lee Harvey Oswald.


    I'm being SILLY ??!!

    One thru seven is totally silly B.S.

    Your sound just like Weberman attempting to resurrect his phony "coup d'etat in america" crap book -- acetate sheet lay-overs -- matching Sturgis with the "Harrelson ??" tramp; or is it the Chauncey Holt ?? tramp; and check everybody's "EARS" tramp.

    Your phony repetition of Weberman's Bio on Sturgis/Fiorini is total B.S. !! Suddenly we've got these "evil-doers" watergate bunglers -- so let's jump in and blame everything on them "tramps"!!

    This is the same phony Bio that AJW has in his Nodu-Rhoids !!

    Fonzi screws up on Dave Morales, who while drunk makes seemingly anti-Kennedy remarks. I wonder if the Mexican restaurant owner was drunk when he spoke with Gaeton ??!!

    Now we hear all of the "CONCLUSIONS" without even one citation to authority -- do you even know what that term means ??

    Nixon's daughters and extended family are still alive and well. But here you go making bald allegations claiming that he is an assassin, a murderer -- just being a crook wasn't bad enough for you ??

    Some taxi driver [unnamed] -- such and such photo being interpreted as inculpatory. What is it with the Nixon photo? Was he picking his nose, or his toes in Poughkeepsie ? He was somewhere in the Western Hemisphere on November 22nd -- thus he must have been in Dallas drinking, not a coke like the chicken-chewing schwarze on the 6th floor [in the so-called phony "sniper's nest"]; but her preferred Pepsi instead -- so that makes Nixon guilty of WHAT ??

    We've already dealt with this running-off-at-the-mouth gibberish years ago. Indicate where you are getting your "insider??" scoop from. You continue to repeat incessantly, theories and claims disposed of two decades ago.

    You are a juror who has already reached a verdict before the trial even begins. Even before you have set foot inside the courthouse !!

    And I'm being silly??!! Give me a break. Where is your photo. Have you sent one to John yet ??




  13. Does this fit?

    Having gotten into a fistfight with Lee Harvey Oswald, Frank Sturgis determined that he would make a perfect patsy, and he asked Howard Hunt to "prep" him, which explains the letter from an unsuspecting, Lee Harvey Oswald, asking Mr. Hunt about his "official capacity".

    Sounds like Oswald had to wait until November 22nd, 1963, to determine his "official capacity."


    And out of the Metropolis telephone booth -- and wearing, NO -- not an "S", but the gold letters "M-W":

    Yeegads, faster than a "Speed-Freak", able to leap tall buildings with a single "Swish"!!

    IT IS !! -- [Wait-for-It] -- MATT WEBERMAN !!




  14. Lee, since I wrote that I came across an article (in a Dallas magazine I think, about said controversy. By that account the windows did a bit of musical chairs. Byrd took west, Mayhew took east, and replaced with a rear window. Controversy not settled I understand. So the real window might have been in place a few years more. I have the photos from assassination showing 'sniper nest from outside. But nothing equally clear of the west window. Anyone?

    Gerry, the main thing (apart from the usual enjoyable read :) I get is that 'Collins' is not a secure system hence not used for such things as launch protocols. Possibly for 'lesser' coded messages.

    Anyway, I've been scouring the net to the best of my ability from here to find any info on who owned "The Texas School Book Depository Company"(a privately-owned company charged with fulfilling book orders from schools all over the Southwest, incorporated in 1927).

    -All I have is that they left the building in 1970 soon after Byrd sold it.

    -The vice president OCHUS V. CAMPBELL witnessed the assassination and was interviewed by the FBI.

    -They had a warehouse a few blocks away.

    Otherwise, unlike other companies, there seems to be little info available on the net.

    "Pat and Tom, this is interesting, however:

    ...as the buiding was leased to the company called "The Texas School Book Depository" which had warehouses elsewhere as well, what would be more interesting to see is who were the owners of the TSBD (the company, not the building).

    (Please refer to post 1 and 3 for some background)"

    This is also interesting:

    A witness I hadn't heard of before was vice president of the TSBD company. He was standing in front of the TSBD building and heard the shots as coming from elsewhere than the TSBD building.


    Date 11/24/63

    OCHUS V. CAMPBELL, 7120 Twin Lakes Lane, Dallas, Texas, furnished the following information:

    He is the Vice President of the Texas School Book Depository Company, with offices located on the second floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building in Dallas.

    On November 22, 1963, he was present at his office at the above named building and at about 12:30 PM on that day, he and several other associates were together stationed about 30 feet in front of this building facing away from the building observing the passing motorcade containing President KENNEDY. At this time, he heard a loud report, which at first he considered to be a fire cracker or some object set off by a crank and believed the noise came from away from his building. This illusion, he explained, may have been due to the sound bouncing off the building and other objects in the vicinity. After hearing two more such reports, he realized they must have been rifle shots and since President KENNEDY's car had advanced just out of his vision, he went forward a few feet to observe this automobile, inasmuch as he feared that the rifle shots were in connection with an attempt upon President KENNEDY's life. He then observed the car bearing President KENNEDY to slow down, a near stop, and a motorcycle policeman rushed up. Immediately following this, he observed the car rush away from the scene. He then immediately rushed into his building without having seen anything unusual from any window of his building. Inside he was told shortly thereafter by the warehouse superintendent, Mr. TRULY, that all the employees of the company had been rounded up and one employee, LEE HARVEY OSWALD, was missing.

    Mr. CAMPBELL observed a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD, bearing New Orleans, Louisiana No. 112 723, and stated that he is sure this is a photograph of the employee named above, but added that he is not personally aquainted with him and has never seen him. He advised that he has always given Mr. TRULY the responsibility for hiring employees for the warehouse.


    on 11/24/63 at Dallas, Texas File # DL 89-43

    By Special Agent EDWARD C. HARDIL & PAUL L. SCOTT Date Dictated 11/24/63"



    Davy was calling me from the airline president's office. Incoming calls to us were always via the Georgetown Brit "Telegraphic" office [can't recall the formal name, but it was more like a Western Union than AT&T]. ALL calls [especially from family members, and quiet rare] went to the little office on the west end of the island.

    The Brit [employed by BBC & the Telph. company] would be notified by the international operator that a party wanted to speak with John Doe, employed by ______company, at the U.S. Auxiliary Air Force Base, and the point of contact was either Major Phillipovich [The Base Commanding Officer]; or the superintendent of one of the contractors. And since these superintendents [bradford's was John Greene] were required to meet with the Georgetown Telph. pogue immediately after arrival on "The Rock" [and fill out forms]; the telephone/telegraph bloke knew exactly where to take this notification.

    In this case, he jumped into his "Mini-Moke" and putt-putted up the hill to the Base, and then went straight to Greene. Greene would then escort him to me, and I would thereupon sign a form showing that I must present myself at his office at such-and-such time [usually 4 hours after the CONUS party called] in order that the Int'l Operator might jolly well ring-up the party in CONUS -- who had previously been advised of at least a four hours delay.

    The telephone in Georgetown was not secure, and Davy was telling me that HIS line was not secure; just in case I was using a secure facilty in returning his call, after bypassing Georgetown.

    I have to chuckle in remembering when on more than one occasion Collins, Bendix, et al. were NOT "secure" !! [but that is for later next week if anybody is interested ??]

    We were working for $3.50 per hour [tax-free], with a guaranteed extra 50 cents added on when we completed the initial phase rebuilding the Air Force Base. [The contract was styled as: "Down-Range Missile Tracking Facility - USAF(A) Air Base, Ascencion Island"]. However, the 50 cents wasn't paid until we got back to CONUS -- it was then wire transferred to our accounts.

    Union "scale" for Florida construction workers hovered around $5.00 p/hour [1966] -- and was very good money. $4 [tax-free] turned out as higher than scale.

    We worked hard and fast. Should a call come requiring us to "fade" for a few days, no "project" set-back would happen. We worked 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. No overtime pay! But 7 X 14 X $4.00 p/hour [tax-free] = $392.00 take-home pay every week.

    [That is about $80K p/annum in todays dollars, and familis were comfortable with that.]

    We could "take-a-drag" [weekly set-aside] of only $15 p/week. Ergo nobody wasted money on booze. ALL drinks at the "Volcano Club" [uSAF] were 25 cents. My favorite was "Singapore Slings". After a superb Air Force Mess Hall supper -- retiring to the club, everybody got a 6-pack of beer and then straight to the outdoor theater behind the club.

    The "fairy" Dental Officer [uSAF Capt.] was right out of "M.A.S.H."!! Just like Major Frank ["Hot-Lips Hoolihan's lover] -- and a real ass-hole. He was the "fairly-nice-fellow-in- charge" of ordering the movies from Patrick Air Force Base, Florida.

    The movies he requested were so bad -- I don't want to remember the titles. I mean, old and bad. They wouldn't dare show these flicks on TV, and there are old & bad ones on every day !!

    Now, the reason for the 6-pack of beer. The audience would slowly drink down 2/3rds of a can. Whenever a movie reache that extremely stupid scene; everybody yelled -- then threw their beer cans at the movie screen.

    [an empty can meant short range, but with a little left -- at least 30 feet.]

    Suddenly the screen looked like a waterfall -- and everybody seated forward got a "beer shower" every 15 minutes or so !!

    End of the -- back to the club. I always started with 6 "Singapore Slings". Ready for a second round [hour =/- later]; I would stagger to the bar -- tell the "Zoomie" pogue: "...Pleeeesh gimme siiix more Slingar-pores".."!!

    When the dentist [who was also the "Base Health & Safety Officer"] ordered all 300+ construction workers to scrub hands, arms, and faces [at a trough set up in front of the chow-hall -- well, that was almost IT !!

    When he applied the order to the Collins, Bendix, and "spooks" -- well, that was the "end-of-the-rope" !!

    A "delegation" arrived at our "Ironworkers Shack" -- demanded that I ("moi") do something about this crazy fag dentist !! I asked: "...Why me...who am I...William Holden in 'Stalag 17' or somebody...??""

    "Yuup !! -- and we expect you to get on it "toot-sweet"!!


    I got the "boss spook" to go to Major "Flip-a-Bitch" -- brief him about newly arisen "security concerns".

    that all base personnel be ready for "shelter--drills. When the WWII air raid siren sounded [both day or night] -- All hands to the shelters. [took four days to re-rig and repair the old siren]

    One crew "buddied-up" to the dentist, kissing bum and schmoozing !! What a great dentist, what a credit to the uniform.....etc. the usual bull-crap. Very discreetly they clued him in on WHY the air raid drills.

    The "Simbas" -- the Congo -- an attack at any moment. "Hell Captain, you yourself... you've seen those C-130s come back -- spears -- arrows sticking out of the fuselages...those nasty cannibals could hit us any night now...!!" [He had "heard" but not seen]

    The next week -- finished digging trenches for "footers" and "slabs" [New mess hall] and right behind the dentist's office -- where he bunked every night. [the trenches were on the average only three feet deep]

    A night or so later -- about 2:00 AM -- the air raid siren went off. 5 or 6 guys stood waiting nest to the office -- when he came running out in his "jammies" -- everybody shouted and pointed: "that way Captain, that way !! He never asked about where the shelters might be. The volunteers readily assisted that fine officer -- guiding him to "safe haven" !!

    Unfortunately, while confused -- he ran straight for the dark construction area.

    Wouldn't you guess, with all of the siren noises, and shouting -- he failed to hear the whispered:

    "..Watch out Doc..Watch out...there's holes out there...there's ...Ooops...never mind..TOO LATE..".

    Anyway, a leg, one hand -- in casts. Because he couldn't do "Toofies" with one hand -- he was put on a C-130 manifest back to CONUS four days later.

    [One thing I never figured it out. Looked at the X-Rays of his hand, couldn't find a fracture. Even when our beer-drinking/movie going "Flight Surgeon" pointed them out to me. But, then what does an ironworker know about medicine and all that stuff ??!!]

    That week we received our first batch of "first-run" movies, courtesy of one Howard K. Davis, and the Miami Airline "STEWS".

    I do hope that the good Dentist might read this !!




  15. john : ""from mcadams site:

    "On July 4, 1939, oil tycoon Colonel D. Harold Byrd purchased the building at public auction.

    Byrd's career included co-founding the Civil Air Patrol and funding his explorer cousin, Admiral Richard E. Byrd, who named an Antarctic mountain range after the Colonel..... ""

    William :: ""What McAdams won't tell you:

    Admiral Richard E. Byrd's early Antarctic expeditons used primitive radio communications that the US Navy couldn't pick up, but a young ham radio enthusist from Cedar Rapids could on his homemade set - Arthur Collins, whose Collins Radio became the military's main radio supplier during WWII and afterwards with SAC, NASA and AF1. Art Collins was a close friend of Curtis LeMay.

    Collins Radio provided cover for the CIA's ship the "Rex" in 1963 and for thed construction of the NRO HQ as recently as 1994.

    And JD Tippit's best friend Carl Mather, whose car was seen near the scene of Tippit's murder, was the Collins Radio technician on the VP plane. [see: The Collins Radio Connections - COPA Abstract 1994]

    The Byrd Connection can go a long way.



    William, Gerry, would this tie in with this earlier "minesport' post 20 "Oliver Stone's JFK"?:

    Gerry : "There is a general igorance as to the function of the "Nuclear Suitcase", commonly referred to as "The Football". [i had a member inquire as to more on same, but AOL screwed me up and I lost a Gig of e-mails] The "Football" is a transmit ONLY cipher device, but can be queried by transponder from either the flying command post styled as "Looking Glass", or other relay vehicle. During the JFK era, "Looking Glass" was an RC-707, same fuselage as "Air Force One" [tail #25000] but cram packed with ELINT/ECM & communications relay equipment. Later, an AWACS type aircraft was used [one with the dorsal rotating radar antenna], and thus it was not only a signals relay vehicle, but had the ability to observe and track all aircraft [and vehicles] in the vicinity of either the president on the ground, or when airborne.

    "Looking Glass" can transmit its discrete frequency messages via both "line-of-sight" (VHF/UHF) and low frequency (HF/SSB) to predetermined radio relay sites, which then pass same to the command authority.

    Therefore, the president exercises NO direct control over any launch components, he just has the capability to use a communication link which in turned is relayed to SAC/NORAD/NCA.

    The "Football" contains a transponder which alerts "Looking Glass" as to whether the cipher device is up and running, or has failed and gone off of the air. I was told that NSA refused to release the "Looking Glass" tapes generated on November 22nd, 1963. Some retired NSA CTs "speculated" that:

    (1) There were numerous spurious radio transmissions recorded that day, and they were disguised as

    air traffic control verbage; [we used similar background radio traffic in the JFK movie, and Dale Dye was the voice responding to my transmissions]

    (2) The transponder inside the football sent a "red-alert" to Looking Glass, indication power supply or tranmitter failure moments before the motorcade entered Dealey Plaza; and,

    (3) The term "Minesport" [which is similar sounding, but incorrect for that era] referred to a backup football which was ordered sent by the Looking Glass CT commander at approx. 1627 hours G.M.T."


    During the mission to kidnap "Che" [1966] and other anciallary Ops -- our "construction company" cover on Ascension Island [brit possession with a U.S. Air Force Base there since WWII]; was supplied by (Mike) "Bradford International". "Brad/Int'l" was a creation of the senior Kendalls, close friends of Nixon, and Mike was just fronting for the operation. A kendall youth was dispatched to the island ["Summer Vacation"] so that he might get an adventerous look at how real "Operators" do their "Thingies" !!

    Young Steve Kendall was immediately put to work as an "Ironworker Apprentice", but when this seemed to exhaust him and several of his school-chums; we put him to work on the cement tower. After that he "volunteered" [with his chums] to off-load a cement ship in from Luanda, Angola -- bit of nasty work that, if I do say so myself !!

    The cover for the crypto/comm "spooks" was both Collins & Bendix Radio Systems.

    The cover for the Navy SEALS was the USN CB unit ["Sea Bees"].

    The cover for the MI-6 and S.A.S. folks was B.B.C. -- who later brought in a horde of large black "Barbations" [from Barbados]. "....Got to build a new BBC radio tower..old boy !!" Funny how they marched in military formation on their way to work ??!!

    Because the C-130s were stretched thin [both out of Patrick AFB and Eglin AFB, more reliance was placed on Pan Am and the USAF C-124s (and both failed).

    I got on a "secure" commo-link and called Davy in Miami [H.K. Davis] who was then a commercial pilot for

    an MIA based passenger/cargo airline. I instructed him to go to the president of said airline [a friend of ours] and tell him to put in an immediate "Challenge" bid against Pan Am for the Ascension Island, Recife, Brazil, etc. contract -- as they had failed to comply with the missions.

    4 days later, I got a call from Davy and confirming that: "...WE gots da contract...what else..??!! "..Hey this is BIG buck$...!!"

    I said: "....If you can't do the flights yourself....then make damn sure that two things are accomplished..!!"

    "....This ain't a secure line Gerry..." "...Nothing secure about these two things.." "...Make damn sure that

    extra 'stews' are on all flights [stewardesses]...and send down about 100 gallons of fresh milk...this Limey 'tinned milk' is killing us..!!"

    "..What's with the 'stews'..?" "...NOT me dummy..I'm married [for the family lurking on this Forum]...but the only females here are about 35 ugly as hell Brit-broads who hang-out at their 'Exile-Club' in Georgetown...and we have been banned from the club for brutishly leering and looking up their skirts...!!"

    "...How about the local women..?" "..Davy..they are called 'Saint Women' because there are imported from St. Helena Island...you know..where that Fidel-like frog Napoleon croaked his last croak..and we have also been banned from the 'Saint's Club' for brutishly teaching them un-saintly habits...!"


    Later, when I am more stupid, I will speak of what happened when the first load of MILK and stews arrived on "the Rock"!!


    GPH (Remember family !! This might well be somebody impersonating "Patrick"]


  16. Pat wrote:

    This speech was far more threatening to the right-wing Cubans than it was to Castro. If you can't see this, you are truly blind.

    Pat you seem to have simply ignored the substance of my previous post, to-wit:

    Contemporaneously, the speech was seen as decidely anti-Castro. The speech described the Castro government as a "small band of conspirators" which formed a "barrier" which "once removed" would ensure United States support for progressive goals in Cuba.

    The president, according to his aide McGeorge Bundy, sought to "encourage anti-Castro elements within Cuba to revolt". Bundy, "Meeting With the President," Dec. 19, 1963 (FRUS, #388, 908).

    The Associated Press called the speech "an appeal to the Cuban people to overthrow the Castro regime." The Ithaca Journal ran the story under the front-page banner headline, "KENNEDY URGES OVERTHROW OF CASTRO."

    When you recite a few sentences from the speech you conveniently omitted the references I cited to JFK's labeling Castro and his cronies "a small band of conspirators" that should be "removed". Obviously if Castro was "removed" Cuba's ties to the Soviet Union would disappear and the Kennedy Administration would be ready and willing to give aid to the Cuban people, as he indicated in the portuons you cite. Thus, the portions that I cite make the entire speech consistent, which as I am sure you know is a key element in the interpretation of any ambiguous speech or document.

    My version (that the speech was calling for the overthrow of Castro) was the version accorded the speech by the contemporary news media. The media did not, as you do, see the speech as extending the proverbial olive branch to Castro. Equally if not even more significantly, MY version of the speech was the version accorded it by McGeorge Bundy, one of Kennedy's closest aides.

    An objective reader can determine which of us is bringing his bias to the interpretation of the speech. Perhaps I will reconsider my position if you can cite contemporary commentators who saw the speech as conciliatory to Castro. Do you know how the Cuban press viewed the speech?

    Your argument that the CIA did not insert language in the speech to signal Cubela is apparently based on your assertion that Helms was a xxxx. That he may have been (and he was of course convicted of sissembling to Congress), but the fact that the CIA delivered language to the WH came from Seymour Bolton, an aide to Desmond Fitzgerald (the man who had met with Cubela, of course). Do you have any basis for labeling Bolton a xxxx? So why did you even insert Helms' name into this interchange?

    Tim, I'll try again. Look at the actual speech. It is you and/or your sources that are taking JFK's words out of context. The barrier that needed to be removed was NOT Castro, but his dealings with the Soviets. As for Bundy's interpretation, it doesn't matter. His job was to spin Kennedy's policies to appease the right.

    "it is a fact that a small band of conspirators has stripped the Cuban people of their freedom and handed over the independence and sovereignty of the Cuban nation to forces beyond the hemisphere. They have made Cuba a victim of foreign imperialism, an instrument of the policy of others, a weapon in an effort dictated by external powers to subvert the other American Republics.

    This and this alone divides us.

    "As long as this true nothing is possible.

    "Without it everything is possible.

    "Once this barrier is removed we will be ready and anxious to work with the Cuban people in pursuit of those progressive goals which, a few short years ago, stirred their hopes and the sympathy of many people throughout the entire hemispohere."

    And I'm not the one who called Helms a xxxx, you did. He testified that he and Des decided to keep RFK out of the loop on Cubela. Of course, he was a convicted perjurer. But why would he lie to protect a dead RFK at the expense of his own reputation? And don't give me that falling on his sword crap... it would have served no purpose. If you read my post clearly, I believe I said it's possible something was inserted into the speech. As Cubela was thought a possible contact in Castro's inner circle, they may have been sending him a sign that they were aware of him. But as to the speech giving a formal go-ahead to kill Castro? Really doubtful. It was more likely the formal go-ahead to the right-wing Cubans to kill Kennedy.


    Sorry Pat:

    And despite the fact that Gratz is operating behind the power curve on these matters, let me "inadvertently" "blurt out", and "cough up" sufficient hints to win my "Donut" or at least a "Dollar"!! [silver Dollar if you please -- I don't trust those Federal Reserve Notes since scanning some member's websites, links thereto, or cites therefrom.]

    [Ms. Public "Equal Opportunity" Offender: If you have ANY difficulty with the following sentences; xxxxx me...er...throw me a specific interrogatory, and I will swear to "Testi-lie" in response thereto, and forthwith -- in a posthaste manner, and avoiding most Obiter Dictum in my prolix !!]

    The "Code Word" [palabra en codigo] insisted upon by AM/LASH-7 was "Barrier" -- [barricada]; and it had to follow a reference to the small "band" [grupito] of "conspirators" [gente que se metio adentro un conspiracion] who had "betrayed the revolution" [los que han traicionada los ideales de nuestra revolucion original] !!

    [Cubela was fond of books about the French Revolution, and could even say those famous words in French:

    "..Let us take to the Barricades...and storm the Bastille...!!" Cubela was in France on Bastille Day (14th July) and opted for the word "Barricadas" (Barricades) which was transilterated to "Barrier" by Des F.]

    And if Ibarra's progeny take Cubela's punk-student ass out to the "Wall" [El Paredon] tomorrow and shoot him (maybe next week ?) -- I could give a rat's ass, even despite his being a close friend to some of my close friends, both here and abroad !!

    After Cubela's arrest during 1966, and during his courtmartial some time later: A document was produced by the prosecuting officer, which made clear reference to his agreement -- and that the "Verlain Poems" type (WWII pre-D-Day BBC broadcast-in-the-blind) message was indeed his traitorous call-to-arms !!

    Helms lied to save his own ass. He was still with the federal statutes of limitation for an ongoing criminal conspiracy and/or its cover-up. [see: U.S. vs: James, overruling U.S. vs: Apollo]

    He knew that getting anywhere into the RFK matter, would lead to evidence of his having gleefully ignored JJA's repeated warnings about these specific "moles" -- who delivered the goods against Rolando in Havana !!

    Moreover, he was liable for prosecution, not as an aider/abbetter or "co-cunt-spirator"; but as a "principal" in Capital felonies [no statutes of limitation]; involving murder, and several violations of sections within the Espionage Act.

    Also, one of the cruxi of this matter was recently ignored by a well known scrivener, to wit: RFK told Artime and Manolo Reboso all about having informed, and thereafter received the OK from his brother to go ahead with "a plan" involving Artime's old buddy and both the AM/TRUNK & AM/TRUCK sub-projects.

    RFK's lying in advance ??!! But, why would Artime & Reboso make every attempt to cover this up later. Even to the extent of Artime's lying to his "Bud" Hunt, who later became his neighbor in El Portal (Dade County Florida) ??!! [Which later became very small part of Hunt's search for the "BOP Thingy"]

    Now let me see, this speech was going to piss-off the "right-wing Cubans"; most of whom were already inside (or in transit) to the 2nd Naval Guerrilla camps -- and after their families had been given the initial per-diem stipends by the New Orleans based CIA/DIA proprietary.

    Later, and CHAIRS,



  17. Is it Mat Wilson, or is it Matt Wilson?



    OUCH !!


    Now let me put on my "Nawlins" accent that Oliver Stone and Billy Hopkins so much admired.

    "..AAAAYH ! Thibodeau.....Ya hoitin' mon ears wit at dis shouting kinda stuff....Moi cannata woik wit all dis noise comin' at me..!!"

    Actually I was giving out with my "Texican Twang" all that time, and they mistook it for Cajun-speak !!

    Bon Jour Mon Ami,



  18. Around about 1975, Bill O'Reilly (current employee of Fox News) conducted an interview with Frank Sturgis; O'Reilly being with Miami's WFAA at the time.

    Sturgis offered the opinion that the CIA planned the Watergate break-in because they felt Nixon was amassing considerable autonomous power and that he was overly interested in the JFK assassination with an eye to exposing it all.

    BTW, Sturgis also passed the belief that Deep Throat was Robert Bennett.

    That aside, does anyone know if a transcript of that interview still exists?



    James, you have the station WRONG...because WFAA is in Dallas.



    Well send this bloke to"Dance-with-Matilda" !!

    That was WQAM. [You might recall "The Alan Courtney Show" (Dec. 1962) -- wherein LHO called in and I directed Davy to take the call ?!]

    WQAM was later purchased by one of Mas Canosa's proprietaries, and which was coordinated by Bernardo de Torres and Ninotchka Perez.

    Cheers Mate [and hugs to the Sheilas]



  19. Interesting information, James. Hopefully someone can locate a transcript.

    Wonder whether O'Reilly's office would have it?


    I emailed O'Reilly's office some time back. So far no reply.


    IIRC, sometime after 'JFK' was released, O'Reilly also conducted an interview with Sylvia Odio.


    During that same period, O'Reilly had permanent employment as a teacher at a school just blocks from my home in Opa-Locka, Florida. He was, Like Gratz, an "up-and-coming-stringer" dabbling in the news biz.

    Later on, he assisted former FBI SAIC [Jacksonville, FL Filed Office] Athur Nehrbass in the "OUTING" of one Gerry Patrick Hemming [via FBI snitch & doubled DGI agent -- "The Right Honorable Blessed Reverend Espinoza"] as a Castro Agent !!

    I had pissed off Nehrbass by commenting [to Bob Ford & John Cummings] and making references to the FBI's extant "Boy Scout" naivette' -- and especially as to my doubts about John Adrian O'hare's alleged "death" during the "Bell Mortgage Case" lawsuit against the CIA !!

    JJA instigated a reward for Nehrbass' "insights" with a "promotion" to an empty desk at the new Miami FBI Field Office. Soon thereafter, he was hired by the Dade County Sheriff [Metro-Dade Pub/Safety Dept.] to a posting with their "Organized Crime Bureau" [O.C.B.].

    There he ran afoul of some of the detectives whom I had worked with --- generating a competent team of folks who might develope sufficient international & off-shore banking expertise, necessary to set up money laundering "stings" against the drug cartels and their Miami minions.

    Once again Nehrbass was "banished" -- and he quickly sought help from his CIA buddies. He was soon hired by Felix Rodriguez's childhood buddy Nick Navarro, who then ran the Broward County Sheriff's Dept. OCB.

    NOTE: Nick Navarro, while then a "Siragusa Team" Federal Bureau of Narcotics Agent [1963]; was a party to the briefing at the MI/CIC covert-HQ for the JFK security detail at MIA on 11/18/1963.

    Navarro later was elected as Sheriff of Broward County. Last I heard he operates in conjunction with a former Miami Herald reporter [one of JM/WAVE's Journ/cover agents - AM/CARBON-11]; and has luxurious office right next door in down town Fort Lauderdale, directly across the street from the "Sun-Sentinel" -- a CIA coopted entity made infamous by the antics of Sturgis and the Buchanan brothers.




  20. Sorry, I do not have time to post on EVERY thread.

    Yes that fact had not escaped my notice,you have time to post on three threads to be exact. Tell me do you have time to post an avatar with your signature? BTW, this really is my last reply to you. xxxxx ALERT...



    Something tells me that Stephen has politely NOT elaborated fully on his doubts as to WHERE exactly you are COMING from ??!!

    Because of the "Gordon Winslow Protocols" did establish for that [and other's] "Master Research Directory" [and since strictly adhered to by the S.F.R.G. - which Flammonde now dislikes] membership, some very strict guidelines. Several members of this Forum including myself] have given you a "pass" on most of your postings.

    This is not just because some extremely well educated and articulate members are "acting like Gentlemen / Gentleladies" or "being PC" -- they usually try to avoid "coming-down-hard-on-newbies" [in SF it's FNGs];

    and this is so as to not discourage young inexperienced students.

    Though while young and inexperienced -- there always exists the distinct possibility that: A "Newbie" might find or extrolate upon, some document [or even a paragraph] which suddenly opens up a whole new line of inquiry.

    I discussed this very matter with a member via telephone last night. I centered on the LBJ Library tapes wherein he and Hoover are repeatedly saying "THEY" !! "...how many shots did THEY shoot..?", etc., etc. !!

    I almost yelled at this member in my query as to: "...Exactly who the hell is/are the goddamn THEY...that these two schemers are referring to...??!!

    The current S.F.R.G. "Protocols" continue to reflect the "Rules of Brainstorming"; which first were elaborated upon by the re-invigorator of "Avis Rent-a-Car" and also by Peter. That is: Even when a "brainstorming session is being held in the corporation's executive board room -- if the janitor stumbles in, and inadvertantly hears the moderator's postulation of the "subject matter problem", and this lowly clean-up person speaks up, the rules require apt attention by ALL participants in to whatever comments which might be made by said janitor.

    As explained in "Up The Company" and "The Peter Principle"; even the lowly janitor might offer the key to solving a problem; which in turn might save millions of dollars, or even the very corporate structure itself.

    However, and this comes from a "wannabe-coughing & hacking-SOF-elderly (abused) egotist-potty mouth":

    You are crossing the line terribly so. Your "free-pass" as a "newbie-student??" apparently is being rejected

    like a credit card in an ATM machine, or that wrinkled Dollar bill by the Coke machine !!

    Bald accusations against Garrison, Nixon, or even Ted Bundy -- made without citations to authorative sources [Cites to authority] arouses the ire of those who have spent a lifetime, and risking "burnout", necessary to the level of competence -- which they display on this Forum on a daily basis.

    Your re-gurgations of re-gurgations, etc., etc., of myths dismissed long ago, but incessantly being re-gurgated by dubious websites is extremely troubling.

    It was very annoying to me that: instead of posting a URL "homepage" on this "Wilson site"; you instead stated "in cursive": "....check this site for....". [or words to that effect] !! Most researchers like to avoid "honey pot" Worms, trojans, viruses, sphoofers, zombiers, and especially keyloggers -- which might suddenly expse them to the "Blue Screen of Death" !!

    Twice I hit your words [not a URL], and twice my Netscape-8 browser was shut down. Now, this Netscape-8 is considered THE BEST, even better than Mozilla -- so what's up Doc ??!! I had to spend 2 or more hours using conventional and special software scanning my PC so as to render it safe once again.

    Maybe you've pissed off somebody who pals around with kiddy-hackers, and who has now "Zombied" your PC to the point that your "non-URLs" are being "Stegano'd" with specificity. John and Andy are in an almost lititagory mode over a school which allegedly "permitted" some "kiddy-hacking" against this Forum.

    I would remind Messrs. Simkin and Walker of what my brother and several other computer engineer "Geeks" immediately made reference to -- upon my lamentations against website DOS style attacks.

    All of the aforementioned warned that: Computers at said school most likely had been "Zombied", and thereafter used to hide traces back to the hackers while they "Spoofed". While it is the responsibility of schools and other entities [Within the U.S. and in accordance with new federal statutes] to demand of their "providers" specific "firewall, etc." safeguards. Whilst the schools, et al., have similar responsibilities; that is: The acquisition or otherwise purchasing of similar hardware and software. I haven't had the time to scan the latest UK laws on this matter, but I do believe that any Solicitor worth his fee; would cause the Bench to find in favor of John and Andy, and for this Forum as a distinct entity !!

    Lynne: "WHAT'S UP DOC ??"

    Damn Chairs again,



  21. Dear Mr. Hemmings ,From the NODULATOR SITE

    HEMMING, who spoke Spanish and German, dressed in a Hitler Youth Corps uniform. HEMMING told this researcher: "I studied the Nazis very closely. I read Mein Kampf in the original goddamn German. I had my picture taken in a Nazi uniform. I'm very close to that. I speak the xxxxing language and everything. I don't like these goddamn cracker son-of-a-bitches playing xxxxing Nazi. It's sickening. You got to be a German to be a Nazi. My philosophy is the whole world is full of assholes. Some of the these assholes are chimps, some of these assholes are homo sapiens."

    Considering CHE was more hard headed than CASTRO himself on communist revolution spreading -one pauses to think about your tears for CHE. Sir ,do you still have a copy of the above photo Re: NAZI uniform ? as they say ,the more things change-the more they stay the same...........THANKS sg


    Even despite the "JFK" movie credits putting an "s" on my name, or the CIA/FBI/ASA/US Embassy pogues spelling it Hening, Henning, Hemsing -- it remains HEMMING. No "way" as is Hemingway either.

    Typical of the Khazar Weberman's taking statements [or inventions of same] out of context: At age 15 I taught myself how to forge the Wehrmacht "Soldbuch" [Paybook]. Necessary to the Soldbuch was a photograph that must have been taken in a WWII German miltary uniform.

    It was not a "Hitler Jugend" uniform, but a "Volks Sturm" [Home Guard - "Heimat"] uniform. But then again, with a rabid "Holocaust Denier", and snitch for the NYPD anti-Semite B.O.S.S. Unit -- what can anyone expect ??!!

    What AJW leaves out of that "Nodu-Rhoid", and no doubt due to his constant abuse of illegal drugs, or pilfered prescription pharmaceuticals was: "....The later use of said "Soldbuch"..."! To garner "war stories" from Wehrmacht [POW] veterans who had been permitted to remain in CONUS after the May '45 VE-Day

    surrender. Or, I as I learned many years later; "Operation Paper Clip" pogues who were being recommended for employment, or already employed by, defense contractors known to my uncles.

    [by 15 years of age I was already pushing 6 feet tall, and frustratingly forced to pay adult movie prices at the Saturday matinees]

    Corrected, the quoted I is: ".....Che was more earnest at exporting the strong & new Communist version of the Cuban Revolution than Fidel.." -- "...Evidence of this was his undying support for my Sandinista trainees, and prior support for our operations in both Santo Domingo and Haiti..!"

    In Santa Clara, at the dedication for Che's memorial a few years back, Fidel said the very same thing: That Che was a more fervent revolutionary than we ever hoped to be !!

    Fidel initially hesitated at the 1965 operations in the Congo. When it came time for supporting the nascent FMLA government in Luanda, Angola [against the CIA supported Zavimbi, the South African troops, etc.];

    it took long arguments by both De La Guardias, Ochoa, Tomassevich, et al. to ultimately swing Fidel into agreeing to said operations. The Soviets were also wary of what they styled as: "this reckless adventurism".

    No, I lost the Soldbuch when I sold the uniform to the "Fuhrerbunker" in Los Angeles. Like a dumb-ass, I failed to check the pockets. Upon returning to the shop, I discovered that they had already sold the "Soldbuch" [as a genuine collectors item] for $150+ -- but they offered same back to me for $200.

    I thank you for your loyal comments. Danka und bitte sehn.

    Gerhard Von Hemming (UnterSturmbahnFuhrer des Horst Wessel Liede Division)


  22. By all means, hold out hope that Gerry may actually reveal something of significance. But if an when that happens, dollars to donuts, it'll be unintentional.

    This, in particular, is why I usually read these posts with interest(and suspicion). You never know what may inadvertantly come out.

    Gerry posted this comment 8/27/05:

    "The day of the JFK assassination, Jim Lewis was [as usual] playing Chess at "Little Joe's" apartment by the Miami River -- together with Eddy Collins, "Skinny", Dick Whatley, Bobby Willis, and Bill Dempsey. When Garman started dancing in the street soon after hearing the news from Dallas, Jim chastized him severely [along with Cuban pissed-off neighbors]; He reminded him that just four days before he had been a member of our security detail for JFK at MIA [Monday, 18th Nov.], and that he had been prepared to "take-a-bullet" for the President !!"

    Anyone else think it odd that Garman would "dance in the street" after hearing of JFK's demise, yet was "prepared to take a bullet" for him 4 days earlier?

    I wouldn't dismiss EVERYTHING GHP has to say.



    Richard J:

    Has "anybody" ever read a posting by "The Village Idiot" -- you know, one which might be construed as "Intentional" and "something of SIGNIFICANCE ??!!

    Try as I might, I haven't found anything submitted by this nagging gadfly heckling xxxxx -- mayhaps one of the more "studious" members might discover same and re-post something ??

    During the briefing for the MIA security detail [11/17/63] -- the day before JFK's scheduled arrival [Monday, 18th November 1963] the following individuals were in attendance:

    Bernardo de Torres

    "Nick" Navarro -- then with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (Chas. Siragusa unit] and later Sheriff of Broward County, Forida -- and a childhood friend of Felix Rodriguez, who, along with CIA agent Gustavo Villoldo, aided in training the Bolivian Rangers [w/ Green Beret Major "Pappy" Shelton, 8th SFGrp - Panama Canal Zone] and whom together, hunted down and murdered Cmdte. Ernest "Che" Guevara de la Serna, a true warrior who never told a lie in his life !!

    Special Agent Ernesto Aragon, U.S. Secret Service, and whose reports are to be found in the Warren Commission Documents.

    Special Agent-in-Charge Gene Michaels, Head of the Miami Office of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, who two months later [at the beginning of the WC] was framed by a drug sting, and sent to the Federal Medical Facilty, Springfield, MO.

    Gerald P. "Gerry Patrick" Hemming, Jr. [interPen]

    Howard K. "Davy" Davis [interPen]

    Detective Sgt. Anthony "Tony" Fontana [City of Miami Police Dept.] and one of the cops who identified the corpse of Eladio "Gito" Del Valle[1967]. I was permitted to verify the I.D. of "Gito" only after insisting that the N.O. D.A., "Jim" Garrison had a severe interest in the deceased !! Upon retirement, Fontana served regularly as Chairman of the Florida Parole Commission through the 1980s.

    Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Hough [Dade County Sheriff's Dept. -- under the then Sheriff & Brig. Gen. Tom Kelly] who during the mid-1970s attempted to thwart our investigation of the World Finance Corp.!! WFC was founded by Hernandez Cartaya -- while he was busy founding BCCI type banks in the United Arab Emirates -- and was subsequently charged with absconding with almost $100 million+.

    Hough was later laterally transfer to the Dade Co. Fire Dept. while under a cloud of corruption linked to a Cuban County Commissioner. Hough, during the 1990s, and by then in charge of Fire Service Internal Affairs, blackballed my son Felipe from being hired by said Dept.!! And this, despite already serving some 14 years as a professional Firefighter/EMT. And this despite the fact that Felipe Vidal Santiago Hemming had risen to #9 on a list of 300+ accepted applicants. [Only #9 -- due to the fact that extra points were given to the top 8 for lateral transfer from other NON-fire fighting Dade jobs. Otherwise, and with military service points, he would have ranked #1 !!

    And others present unknown to either of us, but recognized as JM/WAVE CIA Officers. That is: save for CIA Officer David Morales, who having had words with me after the BOP; spent his time glaring in my direction !!

    Suspicious that we were NOT invited to a "face-time" roll-call the next morning -- where all uniformed and plain-clothes officers posted at MIA, would know our faces. And that, coupled with a failure to issue special S.S. "buttonaires" -- convinced us that we would instruct our team to go "unarmed" the next day at MIA.

    However, Interpen Instructor, Justin Joseph "Steve" Wilson informed me -- as Air Force One taxied toward us on the tarmac; that "Little Joe" Cavendish Garman had disobeyed our orders. And that he was armed with his Colt .45 Automatic Pistol. I thereupon approached "Lil' Joe" -- informed him to casually glance to his right rear, at the "suit" wearing sunglasses. He casually did, and said: "So...who is that weirdo..??" I responded: ".. That is the guy who is going to blow the back of your head off if you draw your pistol in defense of ["Lancer"] POTUS..!!

    Later that evening, Little Joe remarked at the curiousity that he, and many others had been invited to Dallas later that week to meet the "Money People" !! He refused the invitation.

    The evening of November 22nd 1963, Joe C. Garman was rebuffed by James Arthur Lewis for "dancing-in-the-streets"!!

    While talking to Joe during 1994 [by telephone], after not havingspoken to him since 1967 -- I commenced to remind him of some of the humorous incidents which had occurred during the 1960s. I very cautiously asked him whether he remembered having ever seen "JFK in person" ??

    His reponse was: "..You getting senile Patrick ??...of course...it was at the Miami Airport a few days before he got hisself kilt..!! "...Don't you remember giving me a hard time for packing my Colt to the Airport..??

    I reminded him of the "suit" having stood behind him. He responded that: "..Had I the intentions...He would have been taken down first...and the only reason I didn't shoot that son-of-a-bitch Kennedy...was because he was still my COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF" !!"





    "Cmdte. Ernest "Che" Guevara de la Serna, a true warrior who never told a lie in his life !!"

    Why do you always refer to him that way? Are you being snide, or is this another one of your cryptic code messages, only known to those of the covert-ops persuasion?


    Ms. Mauro:

    I served with the man in Cuba. When I suggested [during 1959 in Havana] that he take up where he left off as a youngster [in Argentina] flying motorless gliders -- he went after flying like a demon possessed.

    In very short order he had over 100 hours in a friend's [an instructor] single engine airplane. A couple of times, after watching us parachute from C-47s, he said: "...Don't ever expect me to do that stuff...flying is enough thrills for me..!!" I told him that Cmdte. [Major] Rene de los Santos was already flying left-seat in a twin engine Cessna 310; and that if he didn't get with it -- Rene was going to fill his pilot's log book up before he was even "checked-out" in a light twin.

    After searching for Cmdte. Camilo Cienfuegos for 16 days, and discovering that he had been shot down by accident near San Jose del Lago, Las Villas Province -- we switched to doing some "water" parachute jumps

    right in front of the Rosita de Hornedo Hotel, Miramar, Havana -- and I didn't see "Che for some weeks.

    During January 1960, he arrived [with Aleda March] at my Air Base in western Pinar del Rio Province. We had no radio in the control tower, so I didn't know it was him arriving.

    He popped out of the Cessna 310 [light-twin] and said someting which I couldn't make out. He always spoke in such a low voice, I would have to lean down close to listen. He repeated: "...Vos lo ves [you notice] that I am in the "left-seat" and driving this very fast and nice airplane..?" "..I have over 35 hours in the pilot seat recored in my log book already.." I almost told him he was now ready for parachute instruction, but thought better of it, and kept on talking about navigation, etc. !

    He arranged for me to train the Sandinista guerrillas at my San Julian Air Base. He honored my request for reinforcements, because we had been attacked twice just after Christmas [Navidades - Noche Buena].

    He got me released from La Cabana Fortress after having been arrested by limp-wristed secret police punks.

    I left Cuba for Mexico enroute to fight against the Nicaraguan dictator Somoza during October 1960.

    Upon learning that the Cuban authorities had jailed my close friend Cmdte. William Alexander Morgan, I opted to go north to the states on a gun-running mission -- expecting that once inside the U.S. -- I might get support enough to save William's life. Amongst those efforts was a sit-down with the famous liberal labor leader Harry Bridges [san Pedro - Los Angeles - December 1960] Harry Bridges promised to have his friends in the Latino labor movement inquire into the situation. Everything failed, and Morgan was executed on March 11th, 1961 !!

    Skipping ahead to 1966. I was tasked by JJA's CI division to go to Ascension Island [british owned] and there prepare for an operation to kidnap "Che" [alive] from the Baraka, Congo [Leopoldville] area where he and many Cubans were advising the Simba rebels. However "Che" had already crossed over Lake Tanganyika and was on his way to Prague. We went back to the States [CONUS] just after July 4th, 1966.

    While signing up for service in Vietnam with USAID/Public Safety -- I was once again approached to go to do the "Che" Op -- this time to Bolivia, so as to "snatch" Guevara out of there "ALIVE", or provide an aircraft for him to fly out so that we might intercept him in Uruguay, his 1st choice as "Safe-Haven".

    I turned it down, and as you know, Felix and Gus tried to do that mission, but Banzer gave orders to Gary Prado to execute him. ["Code-Word 500"]

    I feel today that had I gone, the outcome most likely would have resulted in his death anyway !!

    Just by his diaries -- you can plainly see that this warrior never told a lie in his entire life !! He is missed terribly !! R.I.P.

    I don't expert that everybody [including you] has the time to bone-up on these things. It is much easier for me [stressful also] because I was there, and I "walked-the-walk" !!





    I've read his diaries, and not just the motorcycle ones, wiseguy!

    "While signing up for service in Vietnam with USAID/Public Safety -- I was once again approached to go to do the "Che" Op -- this time to Bolivia, so as to "snatch" Guevara out of there "ALIVE", or provide an aircraft for him to fly out so that we might intercept him in Uruguay, his 1st choice as "Safe-Haven".

    I turned it down, and as you know, Felix and Gus tried to do that mission, but Banzer gave orders to Gary Prado to execute him. ["Code-Word 500"]

    I feel today that had I gone, the outcome most likely would have resulted in his death anyway !!

    Just by his diaries -- you can plainly see that this warrior never told a lie in his entire life !! He is missed terribly !! R.I.P."

    How could you have turned it down??? You'd even met his wife, Aleda!!!

    Felix and Gus had tried to do that mission??? They killed him!!! If you respected him as much as you make out like you do, HOW COULD YOU HAVE LET HIM DIE that way???

    "I feel today that had I gone, the outcome most likely would have resulted in his death anyway !!"

    If you're as honorable as you claim to be, in all your bravado for the corp and the valor of your compadres, how can you believe that you couldn't have made a difference??? Or, are you simply trying to justify your refusal to go in there and help him, and the diastrous results that followed?


    We sent a "Big Gringo" to fire an M-2 Carbine [more than a couple times] right next door to his first safe-house. When that didn't clue him in that his operation had been blown, we started the finger pointing about his guys being Cocaine lab operators. Nothing worked. He was burnt out from Africa, and Mario Monje [under Moscow orders] was sabotaging his every move -- because he was a Maoist, but more so, because they didn't go for the guerrilla campaign stuff.

    Monje practically hand delivered Intel to the CIA Cuban Dep/Chief of Station. NSA was intercepting all of the radio messages [burst transmitters] to the Rio Platte trawlers. Even THEY were trying to get him to get out of Dodge.

    When he changed the pre-planned AOR [Area of Operations] -- from the more hospitable Alto Beni Plateau, and instead went down to the semi-desert Nuncahuazo/Vallegrande locale, he was a dead man.

    He didn't do a proper "Country Area Study", and had his guys learn Quechua, when 99% of the indigenous indians there speak Guarani and Aymara. Beards are unknown to the locals, and these foreign "invaders"scared the xxxx out of them

    I turned it down because while in D.C. I had a relapse of my Dengue Fever. Then came the finger pointing by Garrison --whilst he tried to save Marcello's little ass from RFK's "Sheridan Squad". I had family, and I was getting tired of the LBJ "Texican" horse-xxxx approach to everything.

    It took Gus a lot longer getting over the La Higuera scene, because he also had fought Batista. Felix , because his family was Prio rooted, mistakenly took to the opposite, trophy boasting.

    Moreover, the Batistiano coward-ass bastards had the D.C. REMF pogue's ears while whining about all of the executions done by Herman at La Cabana -- despite the fact that "Che" was absent and doing the "Bank" thing -- and duties as G-3 ["Operations & Training" for the General Staff - Fuerzas Armadas Revolutionarias]

    Get-over-IT !! [i haven't]




    Thanks for taking the time to give me the rundown.

    "Get-over-IT !! [i haven't]"

    I wish I COULD "Get-over-IT !!", but the picture of Che with his young children at the time, is vividly etched in my mind. He will always be a hero, to me. I carried the picture of his assassination, which I cut out of the New York Times back in 1967, around in my wallet until it fell apart in 1986. They could not kill his spirit. Even in death, his face radiated life. Everything he stood for were the values I cherish to this day. He was a fine example of a human being whose ideologies for the common man transcended all borders and all walks of life. His speeches and writings will echo through the ages because he had REAL and HONEST solutions to offer. Something sorely missing in today's fascist-minded world view. VIVA EL CHE!


    Jon Anderson [He and his brother exposed the origins of the "Contras"] spent a few years in Havana, Cuba with the widow and kids. It saddened me that "Che" had opted for the "ascetic warrior's life of poverty" and denied his family the amenities of life that his prestige and honorable service routinely provided. Especially

    the manner to which Fidel, Raul, Pedro Miret, Unverso Sanchez, et al. had long since grown accustomed to !!

    Cmdte. Felipe Vidal Santiago, acted exactly the same way once he was living in Miami -- after Jake got him to defect from the Cuban Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela.

    [i add geographical details because: students are scanning this Forum, and some might not be familiar with locales, acronyms, cryptonyms, and this saves time for they and some members. Instead of having to punch in search engines, thesauri, dictionaries, etc. -- one might flow thru without interruption. Some known, but herein unnamed, parties might be wont to accuse me of treating readers as being semi-literate -- we can't have that now, can we?]

    One day I chastized Felipe for this, as I had just delivered $15,000 to him in and envelope -- and within minutes he was bumming a Pall Mall cigarette off of me !! We were walking past a store by his house at that moment, so I told him to reach inside the bag, pull out one of the $20 bills -- go into the damn store and buy some smokes. He responded that this was NOT money for his personal use, it was for the revolution. So I just shut-my-mouth and gave him a cigarette.

    Obviously "Che", being most aware of the privations imposed upon the Cuban people by the [illegal and Treaty violating] U.S. "Embargo" -- decided that he and his family would live no better than the poorest of the "Guajiros"!! Moreover, and realizing he would soon enough be back in "the bush", and experiencing the ever present breathing problems -- living "slim" may have seemed to be correct "prepping" for the not to distant future missions.

    Anybody who states that "Che" said that: If the "nuke" missiles had been under his control, he would have launched against the U.S. -- is a lying coward-ass REMF !! He never said it.

    In fact, he offered an Olive Branch to the "Yanquis" on more than one occasion, and was rebuffed and/or ignored by JFK's "buddies".

    Jean's and Lisa's flights/interviews with Fidel were "stalking-horse" set-ups -- by people who wanted to surveil Fidel from a known locale, and ultimately trail him to where he would stay that night. He changed these locales almost on a daily basis to avoid being hit !!

    So much for the suckers who still swallow and swill the r'approchment line of crap. These were only two of the dozens of failed surveillance ploys against Fidel -- the first having started via June Cobb and Juan Orta.

    Amidst my debriefing by CIA [once out of Cuba], a second officer was sent in -- and he focused quite a bit on possible techniques of getting into Cuban military buildings, AND -- what would cause Fidel to spontaneously make an apppearance at a specific pre-planned locale ??!!

    I responded that: If he was thinking about Fidel rushing to the Le Coubre and the Cayo Loco explosions ?? I told him to forget about it. Fidel's security detail wouldn't permit such reckless behavior anymore.




  23. [-------------------------------

    ?! I fully realize that your antagonistic attitude against all things Intel or military has kept you from the "trade-craft" books -- where most other researchers have long ago visited [CIA/C.S.I.];




    I will have you know that one of the best friends I have ever known, and one of the very best true researchers in this case, J. Harrison, was both "military and Intel". This never got in the way of our 8 year friendship. He was so "deep cover" that he never even allowed the use of his name. I never told anyone his name until I posted it here on 5/25/05: the sad date of his death.



    Talk about gullible hero worshiping females !! AAARGH !!

    Harrison was so "deep cover" that Bob Brown "outed" him as a phony, and in public long ago !!

    Just one more "single-engine-novice-pilot-dopers" who needed the "Tooshie" path to 15-nano-seconds.

    Get real, and try taking some of your accused to trial instead of plea-bargaining down their "warehoused" criminal charges -- will you ??!!



  24. By all means, hold out hope that Gerry may actually reveal something of significance. But if an when that happens, dollars to donuts, it'll be unintentional.

    This, in particular, is why I usually read these posts with interest(and suspicion). You never know what may inadvertantly come out.

    Gerry posted this comment 8/27/05:

    "The day of the JFK assassination, Jim Lewis was [as usual] playing Chess at "Little Joe's" apartment by the Miami River -- together with Eddy Collins, "Skinny", Dick Whatley, Bobby Willis, and Bill Dempsey. When Garman started dancing in the street soon after hearing the news from Dallas, Jim chastized him severely [along with Cuban pissed-off neighbors]; He reminded him that just four days before he had been a member of our security detail for JFK at MIA [Monday, 18th Nov.], and that he had been prepared to "take-a-bullet" for the President !!"

    Anyone else think it odd that Garman would "dance in the street" after hearing of JFK's demise, yet was "prepared to take a bullet" for him 4 days earlier?

    I wouldn't dismiss EVERYTHING GHP has to say.



    Richard J:

    Has "anybody" ever read a posting by "The Village Idiot" -- you know, one which might be construed as "Intentional" and "something of SIGNIFICANCE ??!!

    Try as I might, I haven't found anything submitted by this nagging gadfly heckling xxxxx -- mayhaps one of the more "studious" members might discover same and re-post something ??

    Once again, my favourite leatherneck comes out swinging hard and fanning completely, as usual... none of which compensates for the dearth of any significant details, disclosures which always seem to be promised yet never actually delivered. My favourite jarhead likes to demean those of us who seek answers but cannot provide them, while he has dined out for 30-plus years on the supposition that he has those answers, but refrains from ever providing them. Even a village idiot could discern which one is a sincere seeker, and which one is a pompous opportunist, striving to achieve from the comfort of his Lazy Boy a significance never achieved in the field.

    Below is the most recent case in point. According to my favourite life of the party and freelance blowhard, the authorities were so incredibly short of security personnel to protect the President during his Miami trip that they were forced to press-gang into duty the motley crew of irregulars described below. But, one must wonder just how depleted were the ranks of security personnel that they felt the necessity to lay on the rent-a-beef included in Gerry's roster. What's more, after Gerry's waltz down dubious-memory lane, I have appended the standard SS post-visit survey report for this occasion and invite anyone to find the slightest trace of those irregulars included in Gerry's embellished recollections. Why, according to the Secret Service, nobody mentioned by Gerry was there except for the one SS agent Gerry mentioned, whose presence was to be expected, SOP. No Navarro, no Fontana, no Hough, and certainly no Interpen playas.

    As for his crew being unarmed, this is hardly surprising. If they did show up there [anyone got a photo of this?], it was not as invited security crew, and bearing arms would have earned them an arrest. If they were invited, then being unarmed rendered them all but useless. No matter how quickly Gerry and his boys might have moved, even they wouldn't have been faster than a speeding bullet. [Although in Gerry's embroidered reminiscences, even that law of physics may have to be repealed, suspended or amended.]

    Little wonder, then, that even Gerry must admit they were not given security credentials, nor identified to those who did serve a legitimate security purpose that day, to wit: "Suspicious that we were NOT invited to a "face-time" roll-call the next morning -- where all uniformed and plain-clothes officers posted at MIA, would know our faces. And that, coupled with a failure to issue special S.S. "buttonaires" -- convinced us that we would instruct our team to go "unarmed" the next day at MIA."

    But how does one explain being asked to participate in a security detail for the President, yet showing up unarmed, unaccredited and unknown to those in command of security? Jeez, Gerry, even roadies travelling with heavy metal bands get their backstage passes, because they need them to do their jobs. But then, they are demonstrably necessary to the function, paid to render the service and expected to do it. Whereas there seems to have been no purpose served by having your paramilitary Boy Wonders show up at MIA, and even less evidence that it happened, save for your gilded memories.

    Were this the only instance in which Gerry had inflated his self-importance, one might be inclined to give the old soldier a 'free pass.' But this bloward behaviour is the rule, not the exception. One need only travel as far as one's closest bar to find somebody propping up a stool, regaling the regulars with tales of derring-do and the golden exploits of his youth. These stories are always fascinating, told with humour and vivacity, and, occasionally, have the distinction of containing some truth. After several decades of trying to decode Gerry's MO on this topic, my feeling is that there is an almost even split: where his stories are true, they are irrelevant to the assassination; where they are relevant to the assassination, they are untrue.

    I await Gerry's next petulant, self-regarding hissy fit with the half-interest it will merit.

    During the briefing for the MIA security detail [11/17/63] -- the day before JFK's scheduled arrival [Monday, 18th November 1963] the following individuals were in attendance:

    Bernardo de Torres

    "Nick" Navarro -- then with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (Chas. Siragusa unit] and later Sheriff of Broward County, Forida -- and a childhood friend of Felix Rodriguez, who, along with CIA agent Gustavo Villoldo, aided in training the Bolivian Rangers [w/ Green Beret Major "Pappy" Shelton, 8th SFGrp - Panama Canal Zone] and whom together, hunted down and murdered Cmdte. Ernest "Che" Guevara de la Serna, a true warrior who never told a lie in his life !!

    Special Agent Ernesto Aragon, U.S. Secret Service, and whose reports are to be found in the Warren Commission Documents.

    Special Agent-in-Charge Gene Michaels, Head of the Miami Office of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, who two months later [at the beginning of the WC] was framed by a drug sting, and sent to the Federal Medical Facilty, Springfield, MO.

    Gerald P. "Gerry Patrick" Hemming, Jr. [interPen]

    Howard K. "Davy" Davis [interPen]

    Detective Sgt. Anthony "Tony" Fontana [City of Miami Police Dept.] and one of the cops who identified the corpse of Eladio "Gito" Del Valle[1967]. I was permitted to verify the I.D. of "Gito" only after insisting that the N.O. D.A., "Jim" Garrison had a severe interest in the deceased !! Upon retirement, Fontana served regularly as Chairman of the Florida Parole Commission through the 1980s.

    Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Hough [Dade County Sheriff's Dept. -- under the then Sheriff & Brig. Gen. Tom Kelly] who during the mid-1970s attempted to thwart our investigation of the World Finance Corp.!! WFC was founded by Hernandez Cartaya -- while he was busy founding BCCI type banks in the United Arab Emirates -- and was subsequently charged with absconding with almost $100 million+.

    Hough was later laterally transfer to the Dade Co. Fire Dept. while under a cloud of corruption linked to a Cuban County Commissioner. Hough, during the 1990s, and by then in charge of Fire Service Internal Affairs, blackballed my son Felipe from being hired by said Dept.!! And this, despite already serving some 14 years as a professional Firefighter/EMT. And this despite the fact that Felipe Vidal Santiago Hemming had risen to #9 on a list of 300+ accepted applicants. [Only #9 -- due to the fact that extra points were given to the top 8 for lateral transfer from other NON-fire fighting Dade jobs. Otherwise, and with military service points, he would have ranked #1 !!

    And others present unknown to either of us, but recognized as JM/WAVE CIA Officers. That is: save for CIA Officer David Morales, who having had words with me after the BOP; spent his time glaring in my direction !!

    Suspicious that we were NOT invited to a "face-time" roll-call the next morning -- where all uniformed and plain-clothes officers posted at MIA, would know our faces. And that, coupled with a failure to issue special S.S. "buttonaires" -- convinced us that we would instruct our team to go "unarmed" the next day at MIA.

    However, Interpen Instructor, Justin Joseph "Steve" Wilson informed me -- as Air Force One taxied toward us on the tarmac; that "Little Joe" Cavendish Garman had disobeyed our orders. And that he was armed with his Colt .45 Automatic Pistol. I thereupon approached "Lil' Joe" -- informed him to casually glance to his right rear, at the "suit" wearing sunglasses. He casually did, and said: "So...who is that weirdo..??" I responded: ".. That is the guy who is going to blow the back of your head off if you draw your pistol in defense of ["Lancer"] POTUS..!!

    Later that evening, Little Joe remarked at the curiousity that he, and many others had been invited to Dallas later that week to meet the "Money People" !! He refused the invitation.

    The evening of November 22nd 1963, Joe C. Garman was rebuffed by James Arthur Lewis for "dancing-in-the-streets"!!

    While talking to Joe during 1994 [by telephone], after not havingspoken to him since 1967 -- I commenced to remind him of some of the humorous incidents which had occurred during the 1960s. I very cautiously asked him whether he remembered having ever seen "JFK in person" ??

    His reponse was: "..You getting senile Patrick ??...of course...it was at the Miami Airport a few days before he got hisself kilt..!! "...Don't you remember giving me a hard time for packing my Colt to the Airport..??

    I reminded him of the "suit" having stood behind him. He responded that: "..Had I the intentions...He would have been taken down first...and the only reason I didn't shoot that son-of-a-bitch Kennedy...was because he was still my COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF" !!"





    White House Detail Washington, D.C.

    December 11, 1963


    RE: President's visit to Miami, Florida, on

    November 18, 1963, to address the Inter-American Press Association

    Mr. James J. Rowley

    Chief, U.S. Secret Service

    Washington, D.C.



    This survey was conducted by Sas L. F. de Freese and J. Walter Coughlin, White House Detail, and SA Talmadge Bailey, Miami, at Miami and Miami Beach, Florida, from November 11 through November 18, 1963.

    Approximately 3000 persons attended a rally on the President's arrival at Miami International Airport, and approximately 1200 delegates to the Inter-American Press Association convention attended the dinner at the Americana Hotel where the President spoke.


    5:10 p.m. USAF #26000 arrived concourse #$1, delta apron, Miami International Airport.

    5:15 p.m. The President deplaned and "Ruffles and Flourishes" and "Hail to the Chief" were rendered. The President was greeted by Mr. Lee Hills, Editor in Chief, Miami Herald, and Mr. Romulo O'Farrell, President of IAPA.

    The President was then escorted to the speakers' stand by State Senators Cliff Herrell and George Hollahan. Appropriate dress was business suit.

    5:20 p.m. Congressman Fascell introduced other U.S. Congressmen and Senators on the speakers' stand, including Congressman Pepper.

    5:22 p.m. Congressman Pepper introduced Governor Bryant, who introduced the President. The President spoke for approximately 10 minutes.

    5:30 p.m. President left speakers' stand and, after shaking hands with many in the general public area and guests in the VIP section, boarded helicopter.

    5:35 p.m. Helicopter departed airport.

    5:45 p.m. Helicopter arrived heliport, Haulover Beach Park.

    5:48 p.m. President departed helicopter by automobile. [ photo of route ]

    5:50 p.m. President arrived Americana Hotel, was greeted by Mr. Charles Bogdahn, General Manager, and Mr. Alvin LeFaivre, Vice-President of the hotel, and was escorted to his suite.

    6:40 p.m. President departed suite and proceeded via elevator to Suite 1169-1170-1171-and 1172 to greet selected local Democrats.

    6:50 p.m. President proceeded via elevator to lobby floor, was greeted by officers of IAPA, including Mr. Hills and Mr. O'Farrell, and escorted to reception for head table guests near main ballroom.

    7:10 p.m. President proceeded via elevator to lobby floor, was greeted by officers of IAPA, including Mr. Hills and Mr. O'Farrell, and escorted to reception for head table guests near main ballroom.

    7:10 p.m. President proceeded to head table and, following invocation by Rev. Robert W. Shaw, dinner was served. Approximately dress for head table guests was black tie.

    8:30 p.m. The President, after being introduced by Mr. O'Farrell, spoke for 28 minutes.

    9:00 p.m. The President departed the hotel via automobile.

    9:02 p.m. President arrived helicopter.

    9:04 p.m. Airborne in helicopter.

    9:13 p.m. Arrived Miami International Airport.

    9:20 p.m. USAF #26000 airborne.


    Miami International Airport to Haulover Beach Heliport and Return:

    Via Helicopter Flight Time – 10 minutes

    Helicopter to Americana Hotel: South on Collins Avenue to employees entrance to hotel

    Distance –1 mile Travel Time –2 minutes


    Miami International Airport

    This is a recently completed and improved airport serving both overseas and domestic flights of major airlines, the runways of which are capable of receiving any type of aircraft flying today. Arrangements were made to restrict air traffic on the East-West runway used by USAF #1 during its arrival and departure. Maj. Charles Nedbal, representing the U.S. Air Force, assisted in arranging aircraft security at the airport.

    The terminal building, 7/8 mile along and semi-circular in shape, utilizes protruding concourses to service arriving and departing aircraft. The area east of Delta Airlines concourse #1, southern most of the concourses, was used for arrival ceremonies. A diagram of this airport is attached.

    Uniformed officers of the Dade County Metropolitan Sheriff's Office were stationed in waiting rooms overlooking the restricted and public areas, and on the roof of this concourse commanding an excellent view of the entire area. Entrance to the restricted area through the concourse and through a gate at the east side of the apron was controlled by uniformed officers. Officers were also placed around three tanks containing aviation fuel approximately 200 yards east of the public area. A permanent fence also separated the public from the tank area.

    A temporary chain link fence, supported by tubular scaffolding and aircraft tow trucks, was constructed across the apron to separate the public and restricted areas. Uniformed officers were stationed every 10 feet along the fence. In addition, plainclothes Spanish-speaking officers were placed in the public are near the speakers' stand.

    Individuals invited to sit on the speakers' stand, with others invited to stand in a VIP area near the speakers' stand, were assembled in the concourse, issued identification tags, and were escorted to their proper places in a body.

    Uniformed police, plainclothes officers, and agents of this Service were posted near the ramp to USAF #1, around the speakers' stand, press and VIP areas, and at helicopter #1.

    Americana Hotel

    The Towers section of the Americana Hotel was completed in 1959 of concrete block and reinforced concrete. The first five floors contain enclosed auto parking areas. Atop this are seven floors of 22 sleeping rooms each. The presidential suite (see diagram) was on the top floor overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The suite immediately beneath President's was secured and used for the Democratic party reception. The presidential suite was inspected by agents of this Service and Metropolitan bomb squad detectives and was secured prior to his arrival.

    One bank of two Otis elevators serves the Towers section. These elevators were inspected by qualified servicemen prior to the President's arrival. Normally self-service, for this occasion they were controlled manually by operators cleared by this Service.

    Entrance to the Banquet Room, head table reception room. Democratic reception suite, employees entrance area, and routes of travel in the hotel were controlled by agents of this Service, with plainclothes and uniformed officers of cooperating police agencies. A Coast Guard patrol boat cruised the beach area adjacent to the hotel.

    Lists of dinner guests and head table reception guests were screened, and hotel employees necessary to function in the vicinity of the President were cleared by SA Aragon, Miami.

    These lists, as well as identification tags (see attachment), were used by agents in admitting guests to their specific area.

    Officers of the Bal Harbour Fire Department inspected areas of the hotel that the President visited and were positioned strategically throughout the hotel.

    The attic area above the Banquet Room, as well as the basement areas below, were inspected and secured by local police officers.

    Haulover Beach Heliport [ see photo ]

    This heliport, located adjacent to Collins Avenue, one mile north of the Americana Hotel, was approved safe for landing by Capt. Bruce Colbert, USMC. Uniformed officers of the Metropolitan Dade County Police, with agents of this Service, provided security. A roped area immediately north of the landing area was provided for the public. A fire truck with foam equipment and an ambulance was stationed at the helicopter for use if necessary.

    Motor Route [ see photo ]

    Uniformed officers of cooperating police departments controlled all intersections along this route, and a police boat cruised the waters under and near the only bridge along the route. Six motorcycle police were utilized as an escort, a Florida Highway Patrol car was used as lead car, and two motorcycles followed to prevent traffic from overtaking the motorcade.

    In the event weather conditions had prevented use of helicopters, arrangements had been made to motor from the airport to the hotel and return. This route was not publicized.


    Miami International Airport

    1. Ramp. USAF #1

    SA de Freese

    1 Metro. Detective

    2 Uniformed Off

    2. Front of speakers' stand.

    SA Aragon

    2 Metro. Detectives

    2 Uniformed Offs.

    3. Front of speakers' stand.

    SA Blaine

    4. Rear steps - speakers' stand.

    SA Bailey, 1 Det.

    2 Uniformed Offs.

    5. West steps - speakers' stand.

    SA McIntyre

    1 Metro. Detective

    1 Uniformed Off.

    6. Press area

    SA Bennett

    1 Metro. Detective

    6 Uniformed Offs.

    7. Press area.

    SA Kollar

    8. VIP area.

    ATSAIC Roberts

    2 Metro. Detectives

    4 Uniformed Offs.

    Americana Hotel

    1. Point where presidential limousine stops.

    SA Coughlin

    1 Metro. Detective

    2 Uniformed Offs.

    2. Elevator landing - basement.

    Curry (3-11)

    2 Uniformed Offs.

    3. 12th floor elevator landing - suite entrance S

    A Lawton

    1 Metro. Detective

    4. Lobby floor elevator landing.

    SA Lawton

    2 Metro. Detectives

    5. Entrance to Medallion Room (check-point)

    SA Jamison

    1 Metro. Detective

    1 Uniformed Off.

    6. Entrance to head table reception room

    (check-point) SA Zboril

    7. Seated - ballroom.

    ATSAIC Roberts

    8. Seated - ballroom

    SA Blaine

    9. East end head table

    SA Zboril

    1 Metro. Detective

    10. West end head table

    SA Bennett

    1 Metro. Detective

    11. Departure ramp.

    SA McIntyre

    1 Metro. Detective

    2 Uniformed Offs.

    12. Hotel lobby.

    SA Aragon

    2 Metro. Detectives

    5 Uniformed Offs.

    13. Hotel lobby.

    SA Kollar


    1. Heliport.

    SA Howell

    2 Metro. Detectives

    15 Uniformed Offs.

    In addition to the above assignments for Special Agents of this Service, officers and plainclothes detectives of the Metropolitan Department of Public Safety, Miami, Bal Harbour, Surfside, Miami Beach, Hialeah, and Coral Gables Police Departments, Florida Highway Patrol, were positioned as needed throughout areas the President visited.

    Representatives of the Metro-Dade County and Bal Harbour Fire Departments were utilized as necessary at Miami International Airport, the heliport, and Americana Hotel.


    Sas Zboril and Lawton arrived aboard the press charter, were furnished transportation directly to the hotel, and were posted by SA Coughlin. ATSAIC Roberts, McIntyre (Sas), Bennett, Kollar, and Blaine were posted at the airport. Following the President's departure from the airport, these agents proceeded to the hotel with Sas Bailey and Aragon and were posted.

    SAS Greer and Rybka, arriving on USAF #1, rode helicopter #1, Sas Sulliman, Berger, and Morey rode helicopter #2 and worked the follow-up car from the helicopter to the hotel and return. SA Jones, following the President's departure from the airport, was transported by SA Bailey to the hotel and was posted. SA O'Leary, with the President's luggage, came directly from Palm Beach to the Americana Hotel by automobile.

    Sas Jones, O'Leary, and Lawton departed the hotel at 8:00 p.m. with SA Bailey and proceeded to the airport to effect departure security.

    ATSAIC Roberts, with Sas Blaine, Zboril, McIntyre, Bennett, and Kollar departed the hotel at 10:00 p.m. with Sas Aragon and Jamison and proceeded to the airport for departure aboard the press charter.

    ASAIC Boring, arriving on USAF #1, rode helicopter #1 and remained with the President on all movements.

    All Special Agents wore their permanent lapel bars.

    Security arrangements were supervised by ASAIC Boring and Sas de Freese, Coughlin, and Bailey.

    Hotel employees necessary to function in secured areas wore orange ball lapel clips. All plainclothes police officers wore silver ball lapel clips.

    In the event a motorcade had become necessary from the airport to the hotel, all agents arriving aboard the press charter would have been furnished transportation and gone directly to the hotel to be posted by SA Coughlin. Follow-up would remain the same with SA Jones being furnished transportation in the motorcade.


    All cars used for the motorcade were furnished by the Ford Motor Company through the cooperation of Mr. James Golden, area representative. Cars used were those already assigned to Palm Beach. The presidential car, a Mercury convertible on arrival, and a Continental hardtop on departure, was driven by SA Greer. The Secret Service follow-up car, a Ford convertible, was driven by SA Rybka.

    Wire service car was furnished by Bell Telephone Company. Vehicles used by the press were arranged for by Mr. Ed. Jones, press coordinator.


    SAIC Bouck, Protective Research Section, was notified of the President's intentions to visit Florida on November 8, 1963, who said that he would keep the Miami office advised of any PRS activity in the area. SA Aragon was in touch with PRS, Washington D.C., and will submit a separate report regarding the Miami Cuban Situation. SA Bailey, Miami, will submit reports of PRS significance under file #3-11-601.0 (ROHINSKI), and #3-11-5573-5 (DERBER).


    The following communications arrangements were made for the visit of the President to Miami on the 18th day of November, 1963. White House switchboard was installed in the Americana Hotel with direct facilities to Washington and other points to be visited by the President. Local White House lines were installed to the Miami Airport, the helicopter pad, and the Americana Hotel. Alternate routing and equipment were provided. Radio communications facilities for continuous motorcade contact were installed. Secure teletype communications from Miami Beach and courier service were located in the Americana Hotel.


    All press activities were under the direction of Assistant Press Secretary Kilduff, coordinating with Mr. Ed. Jones, local press representative. Press areas were established at the airport, hotel arrival area, and in the Banquet Room.

    The President's speech was taped for television release at a later hour, with live closed-circuit telecast to the hotel press room, locate in the Caribbean Room.


    Cooperating in this survey were:

    Mr. Lee Hills, Executive Editor, Miami Herald

    Mr. Edward Eicher, Sales Manager, Americana Hotel

    Mr. E. V. W. Jones, Press Coordinator, IAPA

    Mr. J. Skip Shepard (representing Congressman Fascell)

    Mr. William Jibb (representing Senator Smathers)

    Mr. Milton Herlong, Delta Airlines, Station Manager

    Chief W. T. Norton, Dade County Port Authority

    Maj. Floyd Alsbury, Dade County Sheriff's Office

    Sgt. Charles Black, Dade County Sheriff's Office

    Capt. F. S. Napier, Miami Police Department

    Chief Rocky Pomerance, Miami Beach Police Department

    Chief D. C. Kenneth, Miami Beach Fire Department

    Chief D. C. Wayne Thurman, North Miami Police Department

    Chief G. W. Owens, Bal Harbour Police Department

    Chief Richard E. Creelman, Bal Harbour Fire Department

    Chief Wiley Barefoot, Surfside Police Department

    Sheriff Jesse Barkett, Metropolitan Dade County Sheriff's Office

    Capt. J. K. Sox, (Airport), Metropolitan Dade County Sheriff's Office

    Acting Chief Walter E. Foden, Bay Harbour Islands Police Department

    Chief William E. Kimbrough, Coral Gables Police Department

    Cooperating in the over-all security measures were:

    White House Detail Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    Miami Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    * Uniformed Patrolmen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

    * Detectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    * Firemen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


    * Uniformed and plainclothes officers listed above were enlisted from the city of Miami, city of Miami Beach, city of North Miami, Bal Harbour Village, town of Surfside, Metropolitan Dade County Sheriff's Office, Bar Harbour Islands, and city of Coral Gables.

    Attached to this report are the following:

    1. Local Press Credentials

    2. Head Table Identification

    Dinner Admission Ticket

    3. Airport and Democratic Reception Identification

    4. 12th Floor Plan, Americana Towers

    5. Miami International Airport, Arrival Area

    6. Ground Floor, Americana Hotel

    7. Automobile Assignments

    8. Helicopter Assignments

    Very truly yours,

    L. F. Freese

    Special Agent


    Gerald A. Behn

    Special Agent in Charge

    Attachments (8)

    2 ccs Miami


    Heliport to Hotel

    Lead Car

    SA de Freese

    Dr. Burkley

    Presidential Limousine

    The President

    Senator Smathers

    Mr. Boring

    Mr. Greer - driving

    SS Follow-Up Car

    Sas Rybka - driving





    Wire Service

    Mr. Salinger

    Car #1

    Mr. O'Donnell

    Congressman Pepper

    Congressman Fascell

    Car #2

    Mr. Powers

    Congressman Gibbons

    Mayor High

    Car #3

    Governor Bryant

    Mr. Kynes

    General Mcbugh

    Car #4

    Mrs. Lincoln

    Miss Camp

    Mr. Baltimore

    Mr. Jibb

    Car #5

    Congressman McDonald

    Congressman Green

    Mr. Vessels



    "Village Idiot":

    FBI S/A George Davis, at my apartment [saturday, 11/16/63] stated initially that "the threat to the President" was from a DGI agent, one Rafael Santana -- who had been picked-up by the USS Oxford (AGTR-1) during the pre-Missile Crisis. Santana had been delivered [with others] to No Name Key by Cesar Diosdado. Santana later set up a DGI "sting Op" into Cuba, which inadvertantly got his own brother killed.

    Davis [the FBI dude who later handled Aleman RE: the Santo JFK threat] stated that since Diosdado dad been forbidden not only to speak with the navy dungaree wearing "exrtracted assets", but ordered NOT to photograph them. I told him that Ken Agnew [Key West Citizen & Tom Dunkin had pics].

    Davis responded that there "...was no time for that...and besides...you lived with and trained the guy...while we have no clue as to what he even looks like..!!" Upon my challenge as to the currents verifiable whereabouts of Santana [Las Mercedes DGI academy] he then switched to the "Bayo betrayal" and having been turned -- and once again we were the only ones who were closely familiar with that team.


    8. VIP area.

    ATSAIC Roberts

    2 Metro. Detectives [That would be Hough and Clode, asshole]

    4 Uniformed Offs.

    SA Aragon was in touch with PRS, Washington D.C., and will submit a separate report regarding the Miami Cuban Situation. SA Bailey, Miami, will submit reports of PRS significance under file #3-11-601.0 (ROHINSKI), and #3-11-5573-5 (DERBER).


    Read the "Protective Research/Cuban Situation" and find the reference to a "Cuban Exile team" being used, but NO reference to us directly ??!!


    Sgt. Charles Black, Dade County Sheriff's Office [Hough & Clode's boss, xxxxhead]

    Capt. F. S. Napier, Miami Police Department [sgt. "Tony" Fontana's boss, and uncle of one Damon Napier,

    Mobile, Alabama -- who first used the Draft Registration Card w/ illegal photo attached before LHO, an M.O. never seen before by the FBI -- which gave a direct link back to InterPen

    Sister "Robby": That was the very first question me and Davy raised. What the hell would they be thinking, putting dudes will rap sheets, armed and in close proximity to the President for ??!! Next was the lack of roll call invite, lapel pins, etc. !!

    Davy picked up the white [government license plated] Chevy Suburban, and then picked up the guys at various safe-houses.

    Davy had forgotten the password for passing through the "Delta-Dash" security gate ["Lancer"]; and Whatley had taken my right front seat -- saying that "...This is Davy's Op.."! So went the Secret Service & Dade S.D. folks asked -- I said: "....Well Dick...ask Davy for the password...isn't this his f...king Op ??!!

    Davy said that this was no time for hassles, and asked me for the P/W. I said to tell them it was "Lancelot"

    [humping-the-hotties-swordsman] and amidst thair laughter, they stated: "...OK...but we gotta log the correct P/W..."! Much chagrined, and NOT amused, Davy & Dick turned and glared. So I told them to say:

    "We are here for Lancer !!" We were quickly waved through, but whistled immediately to a stop. Jim Lewis, unbeknownst to me, had been right behind us in his private auto. He told them he was with us, but he didn't know the P/W. Once verified of his bona fides -- we parked along-side the Delata Airlines Cargo Hangar.

    "Unarmed" -- they were expected to "mob-the-perp" [like in our Yank football games]; and which most likely would have cost them their lives. They also understood that it all might be a "set-up"!!

    This is why Winslow, Nigel Turner, et al. tremble-with-fear and go catatonic when the incident is broached.

    [back to the girly-men magazines, TWIT]

    While Winslow took a year to dig up any MIA JFK pix, and sand-bagged me at Nov. Dallas '96 -- he has never seen the TV footage first seen by me last June, and in the possession of one of his close buddies.

    The footage clearly shows us on duty. [Louis Wolfson Collection + TV interview of GPH by Ralph Rennick]

    Got anything of importance to contribute here Ms. Sissy Khazar Kanuck -- or is your main Bag to Fag Nag ??

    Or are you just baiting your "fave" leatherneck ?? Looking for a date sweetie ?? I don't play that game.

    Get off my thread sister !! [What a tiresome book-reader wannabe famous pogue !!]


  25. Tim, according to Anthony Summers, both Kennedy brothers were aware of the AMLASH (Cubela plot):

    Manuel Artime, a Cuban exile leader much favored by the Kennedy's, told a congressional investigator that the president personally was behind the Cubela plot. "Artime stated he had direct contact with J.F.K. and R.F.K.," the investigator noted. "They in turn contacted the C.I.A….AM/LASH (the C.I.A. cryptonym for the Cubela operation) was proposed by J.F.K."

    Source: Summers and Swann, "The Ghosts of November", Vanity Fair Magazine, December 2001.


    Apparently Messrs. Hartmann and Waldron have been working for fifteen years plus on their scenario of an invasion planned for December of 1963.

    Here is a quote from Summers and Swann, "The Ghosts of November", Vanity Fair Magazine, December 2001.

    On the morning of Kennedy's death, FitzGerald attended a meeting to put the finishing touches to another murderous scheme, one promoted by Robert Kennedy. Those present allegedly included future Watergate villains E. Howard Hunt and James McCord – although Hunt, whose movements that day have long been a contentious issue, claims he attended no such meeting and was not handling Cuban matters at the time. (McCord did not respond when we attempted to reach him.) On the other hand, Harry Ruiz-Williams, a Cuban exile whom the president's brother had taken into his confidence, admitted having been present. Robert Kennedy had made favorites of a handful of exiles, invited then to his home, and plotted mayhem with them. One of these Cubans, while insisting on anonymity, told how in 1963 another senior Castro official, not Cubela, agreed that – for a large cash payment – he would organize the violent overthrow of Castro and key colleagues. Robert Kennedy arranged for a deposit to be paid into a foreign bank, and by November 22 the operation was imminent. Had the president's assassination not intervened, the exile go-between would have set off on a secret mission to Havana. The coup, to be followed by American support, was expected to occur within 10 days.

    Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann, two Atlanta researchers, have obtained corroboration of its existence from U.S. military and government sources. Former secretary of state Dean Rusk said he learned of the coup operation after the president's death.


    I was thoroughly dismayed to read that not only had Don Bohning gotten the "Colonel Frank" I.D. wrong, but to swallow the crap that "Chi-Chi" Quintero was Artime's "right-hand man" -- GIVE-ME-A-BREAK !!

    "Chi-Chi", the very few times he was in Nicaragua, he spent kissing Somoza's ass at the Montelimar "Bunker" in Managua. And moreover, he was either whoreing or trying to get in on the automobile import deals with one of Anastasio's sycophants. He went to Tortuguero only once, and bitched about the mosquitos and fears of "Yellow Fever"-- and bugged-outa-Dodge "most-riky-tik"!!

    When I went to the Italy website -- looking for information to cite as to the dude who had been given the privilege of naming the Op as "2nd Naval Guerrilla" [the guy's old Italian WWII outfit] -- I started getting online blockage !!

    Big brother is pissed -- and watching !!



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