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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. According to the CORBIS site, this IS a photo taken in 1967 Interesting observation John regarding the tall Cop in Altgens 7 Well spotted This is the original coloring of the image as i downloaded it from Corbis, before i lightened the photo.
  2. Hi John. I purchased this enlargement from Corbis. It was taken in 1967 Nice shot of the south knoll, and the north Carpark area.
  3. Continuing the story. Part 3 " The flight from dallas " Note the position of the coffin near the rear door.
  4. Hi John. I have not come across such a map or plan, i will keep looking. !
  5. Hi Ron/Larry The trees in this image appear to make good covering for a sniper from anyone who may be looking in that direction from the underpass. Although, i think there eyes may have been diverted to the limo by this time. I think it may also be possible to hit kenedy in the right temple from this position, although the windshield may pose a problem. ? One way to divert peoples attention fron the SOUTH knoll, would be to make smoke and noise on the NORTH knoll. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  6. Hi Myra. Thanks. I beleive you meant Clint Hill and not Clint Black. ? Yes Emery Roberts seemed to have switched sides in the blink of an eye, compared to some of the other agents who still had loyalty to there slain president and his family. Yeh, i do have some more pages to post, the SOURCE is William Manchester it was from a 4-part series he did for Look Magazine. It went over 4- separate Issues and i have them all. Soon i will post part 3 where he talks about the events that hapened on Air Force One.
  7. "Look Magazine (4 ) - Part series by William Manchester" The Scans below are from " Part 2 in the series of 4 parts "
  8. Hi Duncan. I have that Documentry on DVD which Denis Morissette was kind enough to send me. It only shows zapruder next to the pedestal from the waist up.
  9. In this WC photo of the dock it appears to show a " basement window" or a " goods ramp" just near the boot of the car. In the place i used to work at in the 70's we had a similar opening on our building, it contained a conveyor belt to take HEAVY rolls of cable and such, down to our basement were it would be stored. photo showing the approx basement level on houston st.
  10. Thanks Ron. I sent the Scan to James Richards, he is having a good look at that guy. He said in an email that he appears to Cuban in appearance.
  11. Ron. Here is a present for you, to kick start your new site. The boys on main & houston in Color. From Groden's booklet " JFK THE CASE FOR CONSPIRACY "
  12. Scan from Groden's booklet " JFK THE CASE FOR CONSPIRACY "
  13. I received this email from Gary Mack. quote: Hi Robin, I spoke to Bob Friday morning and he said his coworker was Charles Brehm. Bob's location on Main was near Market Street, which was three short blocks east of Houston Street and Dealey Plaza. Gary Mack
  14. Thanks for that. I have heard further that the angle from a first floor window would have been impossible for several reasons - chiefly the human wall of onlookers. Hi Mark. I seem to recall Gary Mack telling me once, that there was a basement in the TSBD. ? I also recall seeing a photo of inside the first floor, i will try and find it.
  15. I'm with You on this one Bernice. All i see is two men from the DPD looking over a crime scene. No gun. ? It is just a pity and a discrace that they didn't block of the road to traffic, and rope off the grassy knoll and Carpark area to preserve any evidence that may be there. I guess to rope off the grassy knoll area may insinuate that it played a part in the assassination, we couldn't have that now could we. After all that area was in the WEST, and Oswald was in the EAST. Robin, I'm curious. What did you mean when you wrote this: "No gun. ? " Kathy Hi Kathy. In a previous post there was a comment that a gun may be hidden under a coat. I don't beleive this to be the case, The cops were not afraid to expose there guns, as can be seen in a number of images were a uniformed officer has his gun drawn.
  16. Quote: Back at his office, Yeargan was confronted by shock and confusion. He talked to one man who relayed his own account of the incident. "And so he was standing across the street where Kennedy was shot and he saw a piece of Kennedy's head fly off right at land his own feet so he said the man was dead right then," Yeargan said. Where did this guy work. ? Who was his workmate, who was apparently standing near the Brehm position during the assassination. ?
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