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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. The frames used in the Bronson movie above. (4) Frames
  2. Bronson movie made using the full screen frames as i found them on the Discovery Channel DVD.
  3. What did the Parkland Doctors use to make the tracheometry incision in kennedy's throat " A BROCKEN BOTTLE " ? Where is the nice neat scaple incision. ? Is this a wound of "Entrance or Exit" ?
  4. In this image i see a "ragged curved area" towards the TOP/BACK of kennedys head
  5. In this autopsy photo it shows that the skull at the top/back part of Kennedys head is MISSING. You can see straight through the hair where there should be skull. If you look at the "curved metal stirrup" you can see the other END of the curve through the hair, you can see the towell under his head. FWIW i just present the facts as i see them, without any Bias. I don't sit in the LN or Conspiracy camp. I will do my own research, and not rely on other peoples opinions.
  6. QUOTE: The purported large hole in the back of Kennedy's head is and at all relevant times was the official government line; it was the primary constant in the testimony collected by Specter for the Warren Commission. This is one element of this discussion that anybody will have to concede is amusing: the idea that this "giant hole in the back of the head" story originated somewhere else. No: it was little Darlin' Arlen trotting around (alone) collecting it up. (I guess the rest of the commission investigating the assassination of the President of the United States just couldn't be bothered to be present at the time.) And guess who, of the Warren Commission, is on record as having viewed the autopsy photos. Ashton. I have spent days reading the online reports WC, HSCA, and ARRB I don't ever recall specter reffering to a large hole in the back of JFK'S head. ? It is also my understanding that Specter did not see the autopsy photo's. Specter HSCA testimony. Mr. KLEIN. You also testified that you did not have an opportunity to review the photographs and the X-rays pertaining to the President's wounds? Mr. SPECTER. I certainly have. Mr. KLEIN. Could you explain the reasons given to you as to why you could not view those X-rays and photographs? Mr. SPECTER. I do not know here again that anybody ever said what the reasons were. I do know that I wanted to see them and there is a memorandum, which I just looked at this morning, which I am very delighted to see in the files, about my pressing to see it. Reconstructing the reasons as best I can at this point, I believe it was, and I have said this publicly before, an attitude on the part of the Kennedy family that it might be possible that the photographs and X-rays would get into the public domain and the photographs would defile the memory and image of President Kennedy as a vibrant young leader and it would be ghoulish to show him in the picture with half his head blown off. That was the reason why I was not permitted to see them, as a speculation or a feel for the situation. Mr. KLEIN. Mr. Chairman, I would ask that these documents be marked as committee exhibits. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/hscspec.htm
  7. Ohhhhhh. <HEAD SMACK> And all along I had thought he was showing the size of the holes in his story. Ashton Why would an FBI agent who was present at the autopsy, come out against the official gov line, and say he wittnessed a large hole in the back of kennedy's head at Bethesda. I'm not talking about the so called "mass halucination" the Parkland doctors are supposed to have had. What does Sibert have to gain by saying such a thing. ? By the way SARCASM doesn't cut it with me Instead, you could have tried explained why you beleive his story has holes in it.
  8. QUOTE: Former FBI Agent Sibert shows how large the rear head wound was.
  9. Hi Bill. This is a fragment of a report written by Secret Service agent Lawson WC Volume 17 All talk / No action
  10. Groden DVD frame. Thanks to Denis Morissette for sending me this DVD Two more versions of the splice
  11. Robin, is there any chance of your making it available in any format other than .wmv? Ashton Here it is in quicktime form. Had to use Apple's H263 codec for conversion/forum size limit, so there is some quality loss. Hope this helps you Robin. chris Thanks Chris. Very Nice. Credit to you for sending me the Discovery channel DVD from which the Muchmore frames were taken. Thanks once again. Robin.
  12. Bill/Frank Thanks for the comments. Ashton i am using Windows movie maker in Windows XP It's prefference save function seems to be WMV, which plays with Windows media player. I will try and download some conversion software and see what i can do. Prefferably i would like to save it as (AVI) then you can slit the frames using Irfanview. WHAT IS YOUR PREFFERED FORMAT:
  13. Muchmore film made from the frames grabs on the history channel DVD.
  14. Bronson frames, and a small movie made from the frames below.
  15. Thanks for the info bernice. I hadn't realised the two cops were both Marvin Wise.
  16. Ashton. Yeh i must admit that the motorcycle cop could be focused an any number of thing and not just the limo.
  17. John can you post some small sample frames and i will try to match them. My frame grabs are not numbered !
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