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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. HSCA Enhancement of BDM from the Willis photo: http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk..._Vol6_0064b.htm
  2. I remember reading in one of the wittness statements, that the young man sitting down with Hudson worked in the industrial blvd area.
  3. Pamela. Thanks for the information regarding the timing and arrival of the limo.
  4. Black Dog Man (with child in front of him on wall)? Obviously this would have to have been heard from a witness who has never since come forward. A possibility, though it may also be a screwed-up reference to Mrs. Chism, who can be seen running in one or more photos with her child (did she hand the child off to Mr. Chism?), but not up on the knoll and not chased by any cop. Ron <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ron. I beleive this may be the image you are reffering to. This man appears to be black:
  5. Hi James. I was looking over your site the other day you have some great images. And thanks for the generous comments that you left in the my guestbook on my site. This is the only image of the car i could find which showed the mud on the tires, in all the others, including Parkland images, the tires appear to be clean.
  6. Hi Lee. Thanks for the comments. I haven't had a good look at that particular area, i will check it out. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Notice the mud on the whitewall tire, i wonder it it had rained somewhere between the airfield and the whitehouse garage. Could some of the spots be "mud" splash.
  7. Very nice work Robin. I've been viewing that photo mainly in a 'negative' perspective, to more clearly highlight the defects. I couldn't figure out what those areas of distortion could be, which appeared solid white I like the possibility you suggest immensely. Curious, have you ever closely inspected the tinted areas I highlighted previously, from this same exhibit? Here's an example of the larger of the 2, which I hazard as a possibility for the hole seen by witnesses. - lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi Lee. Thanks for the comments. I haven't had a good look at that particular area, i will check it out.
  8. Possible "blood stains" on the windshield
  9. I am 56-years old Male And i live in south australia, for 25-years i worked in the electrical wholesale industry. I first became interested in the JFK assassination approx (7-years ago) some of the information i was reading about the assassination just did not ring true to me, this convinced me that there must have been a cover up. I have previously been posting to the Lancer forum for about (3) years, and I am interested in posting at any forum regarding the assassination of John Kennedy. I am now based at Duncan's forum, which is linked to my image galleries. http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com
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