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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. When i fist saw the back of the head photo 20 - years ago it appeared to me as though the back of the hair had been cut, and that they had used a "hairpiece" to cover up the skull cavity in the top of the skull. Similar to the way we see the doctors pulling the scalp forward to cover the skull cavity in other autopsy photos.
  2. That photo was posted on Facebook by Martin Shackelford QUOTE: Head from back autopsy photo--printed lighter than we usually see--damage visible in lower right back of head. I don't agree, all i see is that the top of the head appears to be missing. ?
  3. Altgens ( No More Silence ) part 1 Credit: Larry Sneed Altgens Quote: Re - Altgen's 6 photo I got a phone call, it was on a Sunday, and this man identified himself as Lovelady. the very guy that's pictured in that particular picture. Lovelady called me, and he was telling me that he would like to have a print of the picture that showed him on the step of the School Book Depository Full size: Image here. http://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/displayimage.php?pid=7730&fullsize=1
  4. Thanks for the comments Vince. on this topic we will have to agree to disagree. Michael Just for the record, the image gallery website is NOT hosted by me. ( I don't pay the bills ) It was kindly provided to me, so that i would have a place to post my image collection. I was given "Admin status" to do with the galleries what i wanted, i control the image galleries, and what goes in them, but any adds on the site were not placed there by me,
  5. Many bystanders report hearing the rifle shots as Bang.....Bang Bang If Clint had started running the instant he heard the first Bang. Do you think he could have made it on the back of the Limo before the Bang Bang. ?
  6. Vince You talk about the $$$$$$$$$$$$ Clint Hill makes On your website you talk about the guest appearances you have made on various shows , you advertise your DVD;s and the 3-books you have for sale. so you have jumped on the JFK money making band wagon as well. So what makes what what Hill does, any different from what you are doing ? I purchased this photo on Ebay The photo shows him, so why shouldn't he autograph it. ?
  7. Clint Hill seen wearing a long coat at Andrews Air Force Base After taking of his own coat at Parkland and using it to cover Kennedy's blood soaked head. i am sure that Jackie Kennedy considered Hill a hero that day ( it was the worst day of her life, after having Kennedy's head explode in her face at Z313 ) she was in shock in the Limo on the ride to Parkland, and Clint Hill was right by her side to protect her.
  8. I have never seen the full uncropped version of Betzner 2.
  9. Hi Chris that is Hugh Betzner taking this photo showing the Towner family.
  10. I will also add the Dorman GIF, as Dorman picks up the Limo where Hughes stops.
  11. Hughes frames from the "Lost Bullet DVD"
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