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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. This is a Larger version of the GIF shown above. (1218 x 894) 49MB Download https://app.box.com/s/j2ouuevjcbydvqp2r5zafqdy49nj380j
  2. Dorman GIF Showing the Limo as it turns the corner from Houston st on to Elm st.
  3. Chris I have never looked at the reflections on the trunk of the limo, it could be an interesting exercise..
  4. Yes Andrej, most likely that is Joe Molina
  5. Yes the limo slowed down to a crawl, we can see the slow down in this NIX GIF just after the headshot, as Jackie flips her white gloved hand over kennedy's head http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a585/quaneeri2/AnimationNIX3.gif
  6. Yes, Rivera makes a lot of mistakes, In Altgens 6 Otis Williams is the man in the middle of the steps with his right arm up shielding his eyes figure ( B )
  7. Hughes frame: showing from left to right ( Otis Williams, Roy Lewis, Carl Jones )
  8. Larry Rivera podcast from Jan 10, 2016 , When shown the Altgens 6 photo Lewis say's " i don't see me there " Larry Rivera replies " it's a profile, it's a profile " then Lewis say's, " but why would i be looking that way, i should have been looking " and then Rivera interrupts him. Lewis doesn't appear to know who the man standing behind him on 11/22/63 was ? looking at Altgen 6 he say's to Rivera " are you saying that's Lee Harvey Oswald, it may look like him " after Rivera keeps pushing, Lewis says " it looks like him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZOBn8wcIJU
  9. Yes the taller man in the middle of the steps is Carl Jones, and the man in the brown sweater is Roy Lewis. Carl Jones is the black man seen at the bottom of the steps in Altgens 6
  10. Roy Lewis appeared at Judyth Baker's conference a few days ago, and both Judyth and members from the Oswald Innocence Campaign stated that Roy Lewis WAS the black man seen on the steps in Altgens 6. as the Roy Lewis photo from Larry Sneed's book shows us, Roy Lewis is obviously NOT the black man seen in Altgens 6
  11. Roy Lewis UPDATED We know that Roy Lewis and Carl Jones can be seen standing on the TSBD steps together AFTER the assassination, they appear in both Allen and Willis photo's. BUT was Roy Lewis standing on the TSBD steps as the motorcade went by at 12:30 PM ? We can see from the Roy Lewis photo in Larry Sneed's "No More Silence" book that he was obviously NOT the black man seen on the steps in Altgens 6. The black man seen in Altgens 6 was Carl Jones. Image Credit: Tony Fratini Roy Lewis standing location as the motorcade passed by the TSBD ? http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40392&search=cd706#relPageId=27&tab=page List of the TSBD employees who were standing on the steps as the motorcade passed by.
  12. Just a note regarding GIFS It would be easy to create a GIF where just "one frame", or "a small sequence of frames" in the GIF, runs at a slower speed than the rest of the GIF. my software allows me to set "each individual frame" any speed i want. I was going to post a sample showing a slow down at the head shot, starting Z-312 but then some one is just as likely to grab it, and post it on another forum as proof of ALTERATION so i won't.
  13. This is a VERY LARGE version of your re-enactment photo. http://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/albums/userpics/10001/isley_umbrellaman.jpg
  14. Photograph taken by Dallas resident Lovita Irby during the filming of Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" in Dealey Plaza. The image shows actors portraying assassination eyewitnesses reacting to shots fired at the president.
  15. Photograph taken by Dallas resident Lovita Irby during the filming of Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" in Dealey Plaza. The picture shows the replica presidential limousine as it moves down Elm Street.
  16. That is a poor quality copy of Bell. The "Lost Bullet" has the clearest version.
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