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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Hooke's deception. His agenda Post a thumbnail size image full of made up crap, knowing that there is no real way of verifying any of it because the image is just too small to make out any of the details in it. Cinque did exactly the same thing with his Altgens6 re-enactment photo. despite telling me that he had a VERY LARGE version of it all he would post on the forums was a tiny thumbnail version of it, thus avoiding any real scrutiny of the image. Of course he didn't want us seeing his original LARGE VERSION because he stuffed up the placements of his stand in's in the doorway. some were standing in the wrong place, others had there hands in the wrong position, also the photo was not taken from Altgens correct LOS No wonder he didn't want it studied in fine detail.
  2. My scan BEFORE Hooke and Cinche degraded it. In this version the Caption at the bottom conveniently missing from the O,I,P VERSION says it all
  3. Martin / Hughes film sync TSBD doorway Credit: Gerda Dunckel Give the Gif time to load
  4. Now lets clear up that BLACK HOLE MYSTERY. Look at this Murray image taken on 22/11/63 Good god man, do you really think that the man on the steps head, has disappeared into a " Black Hole" ? Note the mans standing position on the steps This is the exact same TSBD doorway shadow effect, that appears in Altgens6 which you and the O,I,P prefer to label as a "black hole" Click on image to view FULL SIZE
  5. Is Doorman wearing a red-and-white short-sleeved shirt? YES or NO Is the shirt Doorman is wearing buttoned up to the top? YES or NO you are transfixed on the black and white FBI image, if i apply the same two questions using Groden color photo's above as the reference image, we then get a completely different set of answers to what you are looking for. so when is Lovelady lying, and when is Lovelady telling the truth To me the Doorman seen in Altgens6 looks most like the bob Jackson color photo of lovelady shown in the groden scan above
  6. Quote: Robin, I would appreciate it if you would give me your anwers to both: Is Doorman wearing a red-and-white short-sleeved shirt? YES or NO Is the shirt Doorman is wearing buttoned up to the top? YES or NO They are not difficult questions. The answers are obvious. What are they? Jim any answers i give would be pointless, we both know that Lovelady was just playing games with the Authorities, and researchers in 1976 he told Groden that he was wearing the doorman style shirt in Dealey Plaza Click on image to see full size
  7. Robin, the blow up of the photo shows without any doubt that doorway man is slanted to his left meaning his left shoulder is at about 30degrees off horizontal.Shows that the idea that the houlder is mssing and that "black tie man" is at the same time in front of and behind doorway man is a load of horse hooey as shown in previous posts when the Buda pest was here. Altgens6 Black man as seen still standing on the steps in Willis,transposed onto Wiegman Colorization showing that the reason doormans hand is not visible, is because it is hidden from view behind the black mans left shoulder. this also proves that doormans sleeve was not elongated as some say, but was of normal length As in the animation above, the blackmans left shoulder lines up perfectly with doomans arm sleeve when the willis image is reduces to the same scale as Wiegman
  8. quote: Robin Unger is going to attempt to recycle every argument in the thread! Are you serious, i'm not the one who recycled this Gem over and over again Is Doorman wearing a red-and-white short-sleeved shirt? YES or NO Is the shirt Doorman is wearing buttoned up to the top? YES or NO
  9. Thanks Daniel. Correct, i m not a Fink Quote: Having received a thorough intellectual thrashing on this forum, it is not surprising that someone like Robin Unger is going to attempt to recycle every argument in the thread! Don't be taken in. He has gone down to one of the most stunning defeats in the history of The Education Forum--and desperately needs to save face! No one who has followed the argument is going to be taken in, but that is not about to inhibit him from trying. One of the most egregious is attempting to recycle the "but it had ALREADY APPEARED and THERE WASN'T TIME TO FAKE IT". But the photo is OBVIOUSLY FAKE, given what we know about Officer Chaney's having motored forward and what Clint Hill has told us. This is unreal! LMAO Thanks i needed a good laugh. The problem with you Jim, is that you are so used to getting your own way, by bullying your way through the forums you don't know how to react, when you come up against someone who won't back down. You need to lift your game mate, you are not convincing ANYONE with your silly arguments, and pathetically poor resolution collages.
  10. Hookes studies are a complete waste of time. You can't tell anything from these piss poor resolution collages. Is this the best you have to offer, ? that is the worst copy of altgen's 6 i have ever seen. ROFLMAO Quote: But of course these studies are not necessary to resolve the question, right? Not only are these studies not necessary to resolve the question,but they are not necessary at all They are the most poorly done, confusing mishmash of jumbled garbage i have ever seen. You need to get yourself another photo interpretation guy, because Hooke just isn't up to scratch. If this is the stuff that you are using to come up with your theories, then it is no wonder you are so confused.
  11. Elbow man side on right profile, arm up in a salute, elbow facing directly towards altgens camera
  12. Quote: Hi Robin, I’ve attached a scan of the original AP wire photo, which is the first one they sent out after Altgens’ roll of film was processed. Note that it is labeled DN1. That means it came from the Dallas Morning News office of the AP. cel stood for caption writer Carl E. Linde, the 6 signified the sixth day of the week (Friday) and 12:55 was the time the image went out to ALL AP subscribers around the world. Next, stf-jwa stands for AP staff photographer James W. Altgens and 1963 is the year it was sent. The day’s date appears at the beginning of the caption. DN2, as explained by Trask on p. 318 of POTP, was Altgens 6 showing the TSBD doorway. It was sent at 1:03. As best I recall, DN3 was the picture Altgens took as the limo turned onto Houston Street and it soon followed, and DN4 was the cropped version of DN2 to show Kennedy better. Those were the first four photographs the AP sent to subscribers after the Kennedy assassination. Trask probably has all of four in his collection and the AP certainly has the paperwork behind them. It would be nice to see a high res scan from the original negative, which the AP still has. Gary Mack Click on image to view FULLSIZE: What no comment Jim. ? Do you still contend that this photo is a fake YES OR NO
  13. Even in this large Groden scan, it just doesn't have enough image detail to be able to support Hookes outrages shirt claims Click on image to view FULL SIZE:
  14. Hookes studies are a complete waste of time. You can't tell anything from these piss poor resolution collages. Is this the best you have to offer, ? that is the worst copy of altgen's 6 i have ever seen. ROFLMAO
  15. Still taking my Colorization research again WITHOUT my permission i see. Shrunken head LOL Elbow man in blue. YES OR NO
  16. quote: Robin, but they can stick a fork in you: YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY. If the amount of suport you are recieving on this thread is any indication, then it is YOU WHO HAVE NO CREDIBILITY.
  17. Thanks for posting all the items in red. Too bad for you they don't say what you think they say. Other than Chaney who said it happened prior to the TUP? Answer...NONE. Game, set and match. Another misdirection by Fetzer. Jim seems to put a lot of faith in the testimony of the Dallas DPD and the Secret Service. I on the other hand, are not as trusting or accepting of evidence and deads performed by the Dallas DPD and the Secret Service on 22/11/63
  18. Robin, You know I'm on your side in the Z-film alteration "debate" but I don't understand what you're trying to say here. How could the Secret Service agents get into the Queen Mary when it reached the top of the on ramp if they hadn't been out of it? Thanks, --Tommy Tommy McIntire shows us the Agents still standing on the running boards. ( outside the car ) as it approaches the on ramp it wasn't until they reached the top of the stemmons on ramp, that the follow up car could actually slow down enough,or possibly stop for a minute so that the Agents could then climb into the queen mary ( inside the car ) as we see in Volkland. There is no way of knowing for certain what actually happened at the stemmons on ramp, as we don't have any photographic evidence showing this exact period of time.
  19. Quote: That you seem to experience no shame from coming here making blatantly false claims on purpose in order to deceive and mislead the more gullible members of this forum never ceases to amaze me. To show how out of touch you are Jim, you don't even seem to realize, that this is actually the O.I.P and your Motus Operandi When you hitched your wagon to the O.I.P it was a step too far. Cinque is a known con man snake oil salesman, who has been caught out posting under at least 3- false names on various forums. He sent me an ABUSIVE email, and when i posted it on Duncan's forum, he denied black and blue that he sent it to me, and said that someone must have hacked his hotmail account. Then the SOB sent me this Email: From: Dr. Ralph Cinque <doctorcinque@hotmail.com> To: quaneeri2@yahoo.com Sent: Tuesday, 16 October 2012 2:54 PM Subject: Good Riddance!! Unger you dumb pluck! I'm glad you won't be commenting on my thread anymore . Nice try in an attempt to incriminate me by posting my first email on the forum but nobody bought it. I'm a lot smarter than you and dont try posting this on the site too cos it will make you look even dumber trying to set me up. You are a phoney, a fink and charlatan who doesn't know xxxx from shinola on photography. You are just scared i'm exposing the big lie. kiss my ass and make sure you keep your promise of not coming back to my thread. you are just full of guano As long as you support Cinque Jim, then you also are in the firing line.
  20. Jim you dismiss any and all of the photo's and film's, showing that at no stage before the on ramp, was Chaney seen next to Curry's car. The fact that you do that shows that you are not an honest broker. You will go to any lengths, in order to push your ALTERATION agenda, including calling any and all photographic evidence to the contrary as Bogus, Altered, Fake. You will go to any lengths in your mission to prove ALTERATION to the Zapruder Film. I don't dismiss witness testimony out of hand, i consider it more as a mistaken timing issue. confusion by witness's, created due to the utter confusion and panic surrounding the few minutes immediately after the assassination. Bell film showing the same time period, shows us people on the grass running for there lives in utter confusion. regardless of what you say, the motorcyclists and secret service were not immune to this confusion surrounding the few minutes immediately after the assassination.
  21. Mr. Baker: “He was on the right rear to the car or to the side, and then at that time the chief of police, he didn’t know anything about this [the shooting], and he [Chaney] moved up and told him [the chief], and then that was during the time that the Secret Service men were trying to get in the car ....” [Warren Commission testimony: 3H266] quote: trying to get in the car ! looking at McIntire 2 it shows the secret service still standing on the running boards, we then know that the Secret Service did not get into ANY car while near the overpass. And we know that they did not get into the Queen Mary follow up car until they reach the top of the on ramp. Volkland showing the Secret Service inside the car.
  22. I went to the trouble of individually color adjusting the complete 486 Costella frames because the Candy color was hurting my eyes. i always prefered his blue border version of the frames, to me they appeared clearer and sharper than his new candy color version. Zapruder Frames Z001 - Z486 ( Costella frames color adjusted )
  23. Is Doorman wearing a red-and-white short-sleeved shirt? YES or NO Is the shirt Doorman is wearing buttoned up to the top? YES or NO Is it a futile exercise to play your silly game, because you consider the doorway scene in Altgens6 to be a total fabrication. YES or NO Those O.I.P idiots have even gone as far as to suggest that Loveladys head was superimposed onto Oswalds body. Your guys at O.I.P are a joke, nobody takes them seriously. They can't even back you up any more on the forums, BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM EVERY FORUM THEY HAVE EVER JOINED. YES or NO
  24. q Fair enough John... post a better source file if you have. My point is that it is a "pop version" for the entire frame, not just JFK's head. Anything done to the entire frame should produce the same kinds of effects as we see over JFK's head. I even posted Lammy's png-ginourmous version that shows quite plainly a SQUARE over JFK's head, not just some black on full contrast. Below. Can you explain why the Square is so "square" in this one section of the frame and why he avoids posting any other section of that frame for comparison? All I did was push the brightness and contrast... nothing else. Doesn't HIS black square give you any cause to be skeptical about that frame's original state? If this effect occurs with every instance of that depth of color, SHOW IT... or am I being unfair in my request? DJ
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