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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Quote: Yet on the other side of the FAKE coin is Fetzer's declaration about Chaney.... I submit we have definitive proof that Chaney did not do what he said he did until much later... well after McIntyre. Yes, I agree David. I don't believe Chaney caught up with the lead car until it reached the top of the Stemmons on ramp. McIntire Colorized Crop
  2. Quote: Hi Robin, I’ve attached a scan of the original AP wire photo, which is the first one they sent out after Altgens’ roll of film was processed. Note that it is labeled DN1. That means it came from the Dallas Morning News office of the AP. cel stood for caption writer Carl E. Linde, the 6 signified the sixth day of the week (Friday) and 12:55 was the time the image went out to ALL AP subscribers around the world. Next, stf-jwa stands for AP staff photographer James W. Altgens and 1963 is the year it was sent. The day’s date appears at the beginning of the caption. DN2, as explained by Trask on p. 318 of POTP, was Altgens 6 showing the TSBD doorway. It was sent at 1:03. As best I recall, DN3 was the picture Altgens took as the limo turned onto Houston Street and it soon followed, and DN4 was the cropped version of DN2 to show Kennedy better. Those were the first four photographs the AP sent to subscribers after the Kennedy assassination. Trask probably has all of four in his collection and the AP certainly has the paperwork behind them. It would be nice to see a high res scan from the original negative, which the AP still has. Gary Mack Click on image to view FULLSIZE:
  3. Is Doorman wearing a red-and-white short-sleeved shirt? YES or NO Is the shirt Doorman is wearing buttoned up to the top? YES or NO Why are you running away from the obvious? What's the problem? You asked me where Billy was standing. We have shown you where. The woman shielding her eyes from the sun is JUST BELOW BILLY. You are displaying a degree of irrationality that is simply STUNNING. The small woman isn't in the doorway area, or standing on the steps she is of no consequence. ARE YOU SURE YOUR BLACK HOLE PERSON WITH BOTH ARMS SHIELDING THE EYES ISN'T A WOMAN ??? SINCE THE ENTITY HAS NO FACE YOU CAN'T REALLY BE SURE CAN YOU JIM. ???
  4. What you call a muddled thinker. Is me working through the various pieces of evidence,digesting it piece by piece, analyzing it, and coming to a conclusion. You are trying to convert me to the dark side It won't happen Jim
  5. In CE-1408 Lovelady said that the woman shielding her eyes from the sun worked on the second floor of the TSBD Is he refering to your "Black Hole" entity ?
  6. Quote: Your own evidence contradicts your own position. Can't you see that? I post the evidence as i see it, if it contradicts my own position so be it. Do you think i don't know that.
  7. I also note that lovelady made no mention of short sleeves in CE-1408 And that in the FBI photos he doesn't have his shirt buttoned at the neck ?
  8. WC CE -1480 Click on image to view full size. Quote: Jones Harris flew to Dallas, met with Lovelady and talked with him for about a quarter of an hour. Lovelady told him yes, it was he standing in the doorway. Lovelady also told him that the FBI had taken several pictures of him, presumably to compare with the AP picture of the assassination scene. Lovelady also said that on November 22 he was wearing a red and white striped sports shirt buttoned near the neck
  9. Anybody who has followed Chris's posts over the years know that he is an " Alterationist " so it appears you are taking aim at one of your own Thomas. By the way Alterationist or not, i consider Chris to be a friend, we collaborated on a projects on Duncan's Forum along with Martin Hinrichs and others.( Rosemary Willis in Dorman ) Bernice is also an Alterationist, and i consider her to be a friend So you see, i am not against ALL alterationist. Just the blowhards and big heads, who try to ram this crap down our throats.
  10. Quote: I can't understand theresistance to an issue that would settle the matter decisively. I have asked Robin Unger whether, if Lovelady was wearing the red-and-white, vertically striped short-sleeved shirt he wore for the FBI, then could Lovelady possibly have been Doorman? That whole sequence defies Logic. on the one hand, we are expected to believe that Lovelady told the FBI, that the "red and white striped short sleeve shirt" that he was wearing during the photo session was the same shirt he was wearing on 22/11/63 While at the same time, identifying himself as being the individual wearing the "brown check long sleeved shirt". commonly known as doorman, who appeared in many newspapers in Altgen's 6 and that the FBI didn't ask him any questions, to try to clarify the discrepancies in his story. ? ( before sending of that rediculous explanation to Hoover ? )
  11. Quote: And he confirmed it was the shirt he had been wearing with Jones Harris, when he interviewed Lovelady. Where can i find the Jones Harris interview. ? Please post the evidence that the FBI specifically asked Lovelady to make sure that he wore the "doorman shirt " when going to have his photo's taken.
  12. Quote: Robin asks, "Where was Billy?" But we have figured out where he was. Oh yeh that's right ! They turned him into a black Hole.
  13. Also, in future if you wan't someone to read a document you have posted online. please post it in a decent Resolution, so i don't have to use a magnifying glass to read it. Quote: Well, Robin, have you noticed the inconsistency between the first paragraph and the second? I mean, give us a break. In the first paragraph, last sentence, they note that he was wearing the red and white vertically striped short sleeved shirt. YOU NOTICE THAT, RIGHT? On the contrary, the letter say's red and white vertical striped shirt, there is no mention of ( SHORT SLEEVES ) the photo may show short sleeves but the letter to hoover doesn't mention it More FBI deception They new full well, that doorman is wearing a long sleeve shirt.
  14. Quote: Well, Robin, have you noticed the inconsistency between the first paragraph and the second? I mean, give us a break. In the first paragraph, last sentence, they note that he was wearing the red and white vertically striped short sleeved shirt. YOU NOTICE THAT, RIGHT? And in the second paragraph, they insist that he was the man in the doorway. YOU NOTICE THAT, TOO, RIGHT? So how else are we to explain the implicit contradiction-- because the man in the doorway IS NOT WEARING A RED AND WHITE VERTICALLY STRIPED SHIRT. So I That is exactly what i originally posted, which is why i asked the question. Question. Why didn't the FBI then immediately notice the OBVIOUS difference between the two shirts, and ask Lovelady about the glaring difference between the shirts in the two photo's.
  15. Quote: And he's an expert on photos? Lets clear this one up right now ! I have NEVER said to anybody that i am a photo expert. I AM NOT I am just a normal bloke sitting in his kitchen in Australia, No formal training in photographics, or photography. I learn't to use computer software graphics programs like photoshop by teaching myself ( trial and error until i perfected it )
  16. Quote: Have you even bothered to read the letter to FBI Headquarters, Robin? Stupid question of course i read the letter. How else would i now the details i included in my posts.
  17. FWIW I believe i see a white patch running down the center of his shirt as he turns around. I will leave it to the forum members to decide which one of us is correct.
  18. Quote: But Robin Unger turns into a mass of quivering jello and won't answer the question. I am not one of your students ! don't bark orders at me. I will answer the question in my own good time.
  19. So let me get this straight. The FBI new that the red and white striped shirt lovelady was photographed in was completely different to the one that doorway man was wearing at the time Lovelady pointed himself out in the Altgen;s 6 photo. The FBI guys then completely ignored that fact, and sent there report to Hoover, hoping that he wouldn't notice the descrepency.
  20. Thanks Actually i have had my doubts regarding the legitimacy of the Autopsy photo's for a number of years. This is one area of assassination research were we are in agreement.
  21. Not sure how close these x-ray orientations are ? click on image to view FULL SIZE
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