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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Ralph Cinque and Jim Fetzer continue to STRONGLY deny that they have ever seen anyone in Altgens 6 who looks like elbow man. And yet, while Ralph Cinque was in Dealey Plaza doing his Altgen6 re-Creation he specifically had a stand in pose as elbow man. From the O.I.P Website This is Ralph Cinque's own photo comparison, done by him My cropped colorized version of Altgen's 6 below
  2. I would also like to point out for the record, that several times on various forums Cinque was caught out deliberately using images which had the incorrect ratio size. thus causing people contained in the images to appear as being either(too short, or too tall, or too thin, or too fat) and distorted the shape and size of the subiects being studied
  3. Chris Davidsons Stabilized GIF When this footage is presented using a nice clear version, it is crystal clear that the man in the film is Lovelady. And that the whole painted in hair of a stand in scenario is just another pathetic Hooke collage that came from Ralph Cinque. and was posted by proxy on this forum for Ralph Cinque by Jim Fetzer. Jim Fetzer did not create these collages that he has flooded the forum with, Cinque and Hooke did. on there website: Oswald Innocence Project ( O.I.P ) Perhaps we need a ruling here from our Moderator: Don I was under the impression that it was against forum rules to post by proxy for Banned members ( Cinque, Hooke ) can you please give a ruling so we know EXACTLY where we stand. What are the Education Forum Guidlines regarding the posting of images on behalf of Banned members ?
  4. This testimony identifies two of the female TSBD workers who were standing on the steps. as (McCully and Davis) I am proposing that in the Altgen's 6 photo it is very likely that what has been identified by Fetzer & his O.I.P flunkies as the " Black Hole" is in fact one of these women standing behind Elbow man with her two hands above her head shielding her eyes from the sun.
  5. Get well soon Greg and just keep ignoring Fetzers attempts to bait you re: the other Z-Film The guy is about as subtle as a bull in a china shop
  6. Zavada's open letter to Doug Horne (3 - 16mm Black and White Dupes)
  7. Quote: These threads have demonstrated that there is a mountain of proof that Oswald was Doorman. I have patiently spelled them out, time and time again. Well apparently your not doing a very good job of it, because you haven't managed to convince anybody. I do hope none of your former students are reading this forum, with all the Special Pleading you have done throughout these threads, they are liable to get disillusioned
  8. Quote Is Lovelady's head in front or behind the curly haired Lady ? That is so pathetic it doesn't even deserve a response Quote: Why is there a spot light on Lovelady I guess it would have nothing to do with the Large fluorescent light fitting hanging directly above his head
  9. regarding Altgen's 7 Quote: Lest there be any doubt on this crucial point, in Clint Hill’s written statement dated 30 November 1963, which was published as Commission Exhibit CE 1024, he wrote: “As I lay over the top of the back seat I noticed a portion of the President’s head on the right rear side was missing and he was bleeding profusely. Part of his brain was gone. I saw a part of his skull with hair on it lying on the seat” [18H742]. And in his testimony to the commission on 9 March 1964, “The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the middle of the car. His brain was exposed.” [2H141]. Since he has told us he made these observations before the limousine had reached the pilot car drive by Chief Curry (shown above), this photo has to have been faked. Clint could not have made these observations from the rear foothold as it represents. (His descriptions of the wound to the right rear of JFK’s head are discussed below.) As i understand it Jim you conclude that Altgen's 7 is Faked because it doesn't leave time for Clint Hill to put Jackie back in her seat, and lay across her while viewing kennedys head wounds. This is what i think is happening. It is a PERSPECTIVE problem. I think that you see the Limo as being much closer to the overpass than it really is ? At this point the Limo is still some distance from the LIGHT POLE on the right hand side of the limo. Zapruder frames showing the Limo in relation to the same LIGHT POLE By the time the Limo reaches the light pole Jackie is back in her seat, and can be seen leaning over kennedy Click on images to view full size:
  10. Quote: We KNOW that Clint Hill climbed aboard, pushed Jackie back and laid across their bodies, all before the limo reached the Triple Underpass. If it is now the case that we both can agree on the above comments, Then we need not visit this topic again
  11. Quote: We KNOW that Clint Hill climbed aboard, pushed Jackie back and laid across their bodies, all before the limo reached the Triple Underpass. Jim as i understand it you originally said that the Zapruder film must be fake, because it doesn't show Clint Hill climbed aboard, pushed Jackie back and laid across their bodies, all before the limo reached the Triple Underpass. That was the reason i posted the NIX GIF in a previous thread showing Clint hill on the Limo I am saying that in the GIF i posted, i believe it does. Clint has his arm on Jackies elbow, and as Jackie moves her arm, Clints hand appears to move with it in unison ( Also i would not categorize it so much a pushing action, but more of a guiding her back to her seat ) his hand resting on her elbow.
  12. Fetzer Quote: According to Clint Hill (shown here on the rear foothold of the limousine as the vehicle is about to enter the Triple Underpass), he had already reached Mrs. Kennedy and pushed her down in the back seat. JFK had fallen to the left into her lap, where the right side of his head was exposed to Clint, who was lying over them. This photo is supposed to have been taken by Ike Altgens and corresponds with late Zapruder frames. Clint’s testimony not only falsifies the Zapruder film, but also shows that this photograph was faked to agree with it. Lest there be any doubt on this crucial point, in Clint Hill’s written statement dated 30 November 1963, which was published as Commission Exhibit CE 1024, he wrote: “As I lay over the top of the back seat I noticed a portion of the President’s head on the right rear side was missing and he was bleeding profusely. Part of his brain was gone. I saw a part of his skull with hair on it lying on the seat” [18H742]. And in his testimony to the commission on 9 March 1964, “The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the middle of the car. His brain was exposed.” [2H141]. Since he has told us he made these observations before the limousine had reached the pilot car drive by Chief Curry (shown above), this photo has to have been faked. Clint could not have made these observations from the rear foothold as it represents. (His descriptions of the wound to the right rear of JFK’s head are discussed below.) Zapruder Zoomed GIF Showing Clint Hill and Jackie just seconds before reaching the overpass. Click on GIF to view FULL SIZE
  13. Can this get any more Looney Toons David asks a very reasonable question, I wonder why the plotters were so stupid as to place an "Imposter Lovelady" into film footage who, per Fetzer, looked NOTHING like the person he was supposed to be impersonating to which Jim Fetzer replies They didn't have a better option. They needed someone in a darkish shirt who might be cast in the role. Unfortunately, he didn't have Billy's face or his cranium or his ears; he didn't look like Doorman, either, where his build is too bulky and he is bursting out of his shirt, while Doorman's is hanging loosely and, of course, is splayed open, while his was buttoned up. It was not very good, but the best they could do with a limited range of choices. Then they tried to fix Billy up to look more like Checkered Shirt Man by photographing him in a checkered shirt, but they botched that, too, with splices and a phony left arm. I am afraid it was one of those situations where bad went to worse--and they only hoped that no one would bother to take a closer look
  14. This is a CLASSIC. ROFLMAO James H. Fetzer, on 03 March 2013 - 11:41 AM, said: One of the elementary fallacies I spent 35 years teaching freshmen to avoid is known as "special pleading" by only citing the evidence favorable to your side and ignoring the rest. Do you mean like the endless times you cut and pasted over and over again ONLY THE FAVORABLE TESTIMONIES specially selected to prop up your CHANEY MOTORS FORWARD ARGUMENT. while ignoring all the rest. Is that what you mean Jim ?
  15. You think that Dr. Fetzer's saying that Robin Unger and Craig Lamson are deliberately deceiving people and his insinuating that they are some sort of agent(s) is "only" another example of Dr. Fetzer's "usual blustery putdowns"? What if Dr. Unger and Dr. Lamson get tired of it and respond by saying that Dr. Fetzer is a rotund and windy stack of s**t? Hi Daniel I have posted lots of new and varied presentations in these threads, while Jim Fetzer continues to recycle the same old Richard Hooke O.I.P collages You can tell it's amateur hour. Fetzer is the mouth piece for the O.I.P now, since Cinque and Hooke have been BANNED from posting on Education Forum, Lancer Forum, Duncan's Forum, and every other JFK Assassination Forum. Why were they banned ? They weren't banned for presenting there alteration nonsense, no that in it's self would not have got them banned,it was the manner and style in which they presented there evidence. they just tried to bully there way through, swearing, and abusing ANYONE who dared to put forward an apposing viewpoint. So now Fetzer is left all on his Lonesome trying to wave the O,I,P flag The problem is, Fetzer tries to argue against photographic evidence which is presented here, but the truth is that he is not qualified to do so. I doubt that he has created even one of the images he presents on this or any other forum. instead he leeches of the skills of others, and then posts the presentations as if they were his own. It's blatantly obvious to me, that the man has never used any sort of photographic software, and lacks the skills to create his own presentations. He would be nothing, if it wasn't for the photographic skills of Jack White, and John Costella. who propped him up, Jim Fetzer is a dinosaur who is past his used by date
  16. Quote: The insistence that Doorman has to be one of 3 people, Oswald, Lovelady or Checkered Shirt Man – ........... (is this) considered to be accepted fact? I believe there is only one Doorman ( and that is Lovelady ) I don't believe it was Oswald. And the idea that there were multiple Lovelady's running around dealey plaza is pure fiction.
  17. Quote Greg Burnham could not distinguish between science and pseudo-science if his life depended upon That the old Fetzer we have all come to know. When you are incapable of presenting a good enough case to convince others that you are correct ! GO ON THE ATTACK, START NAME CALLING, Typical Fetzer tactics But we see right through you, your bully boy tactics won't work anymore.Jim Now people see you for what you really are, a snake oil salesman, with a HUGE EGO that he is incapable of keeping under control
  18. Quote: I still hold to my wider premise; that some of the anomalies with the image may result from bright sunlight and over-exposure rather than alteration and that the image is of sufficiently poor quality that it lends itself to many questions but few conclusions. That is precisely what we see bright sunlight , over-exposure, poor resolution, deep shadows Also not forgetting the fact that the area we are looking at, is only a very tiny piece of the overall photo, and needs to be BLOWN UP just to be studied
  19. Stemmons Sign ? R.L.Thornton sign ? Maybe not so much ATOP as NEXT TO A SIGN BOARD Hard to say ?
  20. Nice find, Robin. That one's slightly different. Any idea who the photographer was, and where these came from? Humpf... Why didn't that photo show up in my post? Pat If you are reffering to the photo's showing day outside the TSBD They are William Allen photo's and they came from Jack Whites archive
  21. Chris Yes that looks much better, FULL FRAME Found 1-frame Click on image to see full size:
  22. I think you will find it is this man seen in Willis 15 The man standing in front of the motorcycle Click on image to view full size:
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