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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. "Billy Nolan Lovelady appeared at the Dallas FBI Office at which time he consented to be photographed" I may be reading this wrong ! But as i understand it this paragraph appears to be saying Billy Lovelady arrived at the FBI OFFICE and it was only THEN that he consented to be photographed. What choice did he have, so of course he consented to be photographed
  2. quote: Fetzer: The FBI said in the Memo that Lovelady had told them that the shirt he was wearing in the FBI photo session was the same shirt that he had been wearing when standing in the TSBD Doorway. FBI: "He stated he was wearing a red and white vertical striped shirt and blue jeans." And, Lovelady just happened to be wearing a vertically striped shirt and blue jeans on the day of the photo shoot. Are we to assume that that was just a coincidence? He stated he wore that on 11/22/63- and that's in black and white. And, he did wear that on 2/29/64 for the FBI photo shoot- and there is photographic proof of that. See for yourself. Fair point. I guess it depends on what came first the chicken or the egg. Did Lovelady tell the FBI prior to the meeting in the Dallas FBI OFFICE that he had worn a red and white vertical striped short sleeved shirt on 22/11/63 and then arrived in the Dallas FBI OFFICE wearing that shirt and proceed to have his picture taken. or Did Lovelady just turn up to the FBI OFFICE wearing the red and white vertical striped short sleeved shirt not aware that any photos were going to be taken, thinking he was just there for an interview. Meanwhile during the interview Lovelady points out to them, that his picture had alteady appeared in a number of publications where he was seen standing on the " Far left side" of the doorway of the TSBD ( Doorman position ) Now the FBI have a problem They have lovelady sitting in front of them wearing a completely different shirt to the one Doorman was wearing in Altgens 6 so, what to do next. send Lovelady home to change into the Long sleeve Doorman shirt, that he had just told the FBI, he was wearing in various publications showing Altgens 6 or proceed to take the pictures of him wearing the short sleeve red and white striped shirt follow that up by saying that this was the shirt that he was seen wearing in the various publications ( even though they new it wasn't ) send there memo to Hoover, and just hope that he didn't pick up on the discrepancy. ( That the long sleeve Doorman shirt seen in various publications, did not match the short sleeved shirt seen in the FBI Photo's ) Did the FBI Memo arrive at Hoovers office with the photo's ? or Did the FBI Memo arrive on it's own first, with the Photo's to follow once they were developed. As a side note: No where in the FBI Memo does it mention that the Lovelady's shirt he wore to the FBI office that day was a "SHORT SLEEVE SHIRT" Had Hoover received the Memo only and no photo's. He would not have known that the red and white vertical striped shirt ( was a short sleeved shirt ) and the discrepancy regarding the diffence between the two shirts may have eluded him at the time. As the FBI Memo states "Red and white vertical striped shirt and blue jeans"
  3. Cheers. Thanks Chris It's probably cryptic to me because i am useless at Maths
  4. Lindsay Cinque thinks he is smarter than everybody else and bared me from viewing the report link on his page. But he forgot that when you click on your photo there is a TAG that becomes visible, and has a report function drop down Support Dashboard You reported Oswald Innocence Campaign's photo for harassment.Close Photo removed Details Thank you for your report. The photo you reported violates our community standard on bullying and harassment, so we removed it. We let Oswald Innocence Campaign know that their photo has been removed, Report Date Today Owner Oswald Innocence Campaign Reason Harassment
  5. Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK Author(s) Bonar Menninger Country USA Language English Publisher St Martin's Press Publication date May 1992 Media type Print Pages 361 pp (first edition, hardback) ISBN ISBN 0312080743 Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK is a 1992 non-fiction book by Bonar Menninger describing a theory by sharpshooter, gunsmith and ballistics expert Howard Donahue that a Secret Service agent accidentally fired the shot that actually killed President John F. Kennedy.[1][2] Mortal Error was published by St Martin's Press in both hardback, paperback, and audiobook. [edit]Synopsis Donahue first became interested in the story of the JFK assassination after being invited to participate in a recreation of the shooting as one of eleven invited marksmen and sharpshooters.[2] He demonstrated that it would have been possible for Lee Harvey Oswald to have fired three shots in the time specified by the Warren Commission. However the experience highlighted to Donahue other questions regarding the Warren report, and in particular the fact that the testimony of ballistics experts seemed to have been completely omitted from the Commission's evidence gathering.[3] Donahue eventually decided that the bullet that struck Kennedy in the head had in fact been fired by agent George Hickey from an AR-15 carried in a secret service car following the President's vehicle. However he also decided that a previous shot had already mortally wounded Kennedy before the head shot was fired.[4] [edit]Controversy In 1995 Hickey sued St. Martin's Press over the claims made in Mortal Error.[5][6] The suit was eventually dismissed in 1997 on the grounds that Hickey had waited too long after the book's initial publication to file against the publisher.[7] Hickey later settled with St Martin's Press in 1998 on undisclosed terms.[8
  6. Hi Larry I believe you are reffering to "Agent Hickey" who was sitting in the rear on the left side of the SS follow up car. In Altgen's 6 ( z-255 ) Hickey appears to be looking towards the TSBD Doorway as do Agent's Ready, Landis, and McIntyre
  7. Thanks Pat I appreciate your Facebook Posting also. I believe the identity of the Black Man standing just below doorman in Altgens 6 to TSBD Employee ( Otis Williiams ) Click on image:
  8. Robin, I'm going to play devil's advocate for a second. Assuming that Lovelady did tell the FBI on 3/02/64 that he was wearing the same shirt he'd worn to the TSBD on 11/22/63, what kind of "evidence" or "proof" would you expect to find that Lovelady had told them that, other than the FBI's stating it in a memo describing the 3/02/64 event? Fair comment: What doesn't make sense to me, is WHY would Lovelady identify himself as Doorman to the FBI, and then go on to tell them he wore the same red and white striped shirt while standing in the doorway on 22/11/63 when even a blind FBI agent, would notice immediately, that the man in the doorway in Altgen's 6 was wearing a check pattern long sleeved shirt. and not the one Lovelady was wearing that day in the FBI office It doesn't make sense.
  9. The FBI said in the Memo that Lovelady had told them that the shirt he was wearing in the FBI photo session was the same shirt that he had been wearing when standing in the TSBD Doorway. I say there is not ONE OUNCE OF PROOF that Lovelady EVER told them that. I say there is not ONE OUNCE OF PROOF that Lovelady was even aware of what the FBI had told Hoover, regarding the red and white striped shirt If you have any official evidence to the contrary can you post it
  10. Cinque Quote: I wan't to be in like flynn over there. No Restrictions. And that's the best deal your going to get,Pat.So, don't expect a better one.
  11. James H. Fetzer, Ph.D., is Chairman of the Oswald Innocence Campaign. He is a former Marine Corps officer and McKnight University Professor Emeritus and has chaired or co-chaired four national conferences on the death of JFK. He produced the documentary JFK: The Assassination, the Cover-Up, and Beyond (1994). He also edited Assassination Science(1998), Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000), and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003). He co-edits the on-line journal assassinationresearch.com with John Costella, and his regular column on Veterans Today magazine is one of the most widely read JFK columns in the world. Your man is out of control Jim You need to reel him in since when has blackmailing MODERATORS become acceptable
  12. Quote: So when I post arguments based upon logic and evidence, When did that happen, i must have missed it
  13. Quote: (Robin Unger) systematically ignores, BILLY ALSO CONFIRMED TO JONES HARRIS! Can't you read quote: Please post any firm evidence you have that Lovelady was aware that the FBI were going to insist on taking his photo while at that meeting. Please post any firm evidence you have that Lovelady was asked to wear a specific shirt when he met with the FBI. And i am talking about official Evidence, ( Documents ) not some version passed on 3rd hand by an assassination researcher, who says that he spoke to Lovelady, and Lovelady told him this and that, ( that's not proof )
  14. So know Cinque thinks he can BLACKMAIL moderators of the Education Forum
  15. This is a new low even for Cinque As the true nature of Cinque is revealed Click on image
  16. Now Cinque is starting to show his true colors. Unlike the meek and mild fake Cinque who has been posting here for the last couple of days and knows that he is on his last life, and if he steps out of line he faces being BANNED Click on image:
  17. Thanks Lindsay These guys are out of control, and the Moderators need to reel them in before they sabotage the whole forum
  18. Yes John They seem to be under some sort of delusion that if you repeat the same posts ad nau·se·am /ad ˈnôzēəm/ Referring to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome. That it will somehow BRAINWASH us into believing there ALTERATION garbage
  19. By the way Pat There are also derogatory remarks about you on that Facebook Page ( regarding the identification of the black hole person as a woman )
  20. Attention Moderators Do you condone posts made on this facebook page Where Ralph Cinque is deliberately taking members photo's and comments from your forum and using them on his facebook page, without our permission Click on image:
  21. Chris No offence intended But you have become very cryptic of late in your posts if you have a point to make, i wish you would just say what it is. instead of just dropping little hints here and there. You are sounding more like Tom Purvis every day ( only hinting about things, and NEVER really giving us the full story )
  22. You haven't answered my questions Please post any firm evidence you have that Lovelady was asked to wear a specific shirt when he met with the FBI. Please post any firm evidence you have that Lovelady was aware that the FBI were going to insist on taking his photo while at that meeting. And i am talking about official Evidence, ( Documents ) not some version passed on 3rd hand by some assassination researcher, who says that he spoke to Lovelady, and Lovelady told him this and that, ( that's not proof ) There is absolutely no EVIDENCE whatsoever that shows Lovelady new prior to his meeting with the FBI Dallas office that they intended to photograph him. and the FBI Memo you never get tired of posting will prove it. Lovelady did not wan't to be photographed and was not expecting to be photograhed, and so he just wore any casual short sleeved shirt. The first paragraph of your FBI Memo states. Billy Nolan Lovelady appeared at the Dallas FBI Office at which time he consented to be photographed. This clearly tells us that Lovelady had no prior knowledge that he was to be photographed during the visit to the Dallas FBI office and so he just put on a casual short sleeve shirt at which time This tells us that Lovelady did not know he was to be photograhed during his visit ti the FBI office until he arrived at the FBI OFFICE and they asked him if he would mind be photographed at which time he then consented to be photographed In there Memo to hoover, the FBI now had to explain away the obvious difference between the two shirts. since Lovelady had also told them that his picture had appeared in several publications, and had identified himself as the man standing on the far left side of the entrance to the TSBD wearing a different shirt The FBI had stuffed up because not only did they neglected to tell Lovelady that he was to be photographed during that meeting. but they also neglected to tell Lovelady to make sure that when appearing at the Dallas FBI office, he should wear the same shirt that he had been photographed in while standing in the TSBD doorway From the FBI letter Quote: Lovelady stated that his picture had appeared in several publications which picture depicts him on the far left side of the front doorway to the TSBD The FBI now had to cover the ass since the Memo was going DIRECT to Hoover so they said in the Memo that Lovelady had told them that the shirt he was wearing in the FBI photo session was the same shirt that he had been wearing when standing in the TSBD Doorway. There is not ONE OUNCE OF PROOF that Lovelady EVER told them that. There is not ONE OUNCE OF PROOF that Lovelady was even aware of what the FBI had told Hoover, regarding the red and white striped shirt The FBI Memo was dated 2/3/64 almost 1-week after Loveladys testimony which according to that memo was given on the 29/2/64 Lovelady would not have seen the FBI Memo ? He wouldn't have had a clue what the FBI had told Hoover regarding his shirt.
  23. Trust Cinque to play the ALTERATION card That way even if someone went to the Archives tomorrow, and got a copy of the "ORIGINAL" which proved he was wrong. HE WOULD JUST SAY, SEE I TOLD YOU, THE ARCHIVES WENT INTO CRISIS MODE, AND ALTERED OR CHANGED THE ORIGINAL OVERNIGHT Alteration is just the cowards way out, when they don't have the solid evidence to back up there theories
  24. Lindsay, I agree that examining the actual CE 369 would be a good idea. However, I wouldn't put it past them to alter it at this late date or even replace it. Even as we speak I'm sure there are people scrambling and scurrying, trying to decide what to do about this latest crisis. Therefore, no matter what it might show, the published CE 369 still counts; it still matters. So now Cinque is saying yes, i know i should really go to the archives and study the original. But by the time i get there, the original will have been Altered or replaced so what is the point, i might as well just use the crappy copy i have now. The fact is that Cinque doesnt wan't to view the original in the Archives, because he knows that the original will show that his arrow across the black hole entity is just another Cinque fantasy. Crisis What Crisis You have nothing SHOW ME THE ARROW
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