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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Quote: Was it somehow important to establish the presence on the TSBD steps during the shooting of the man who would be photographed by the FBI in February 1964? Was it important to identify this man beyond question as witness "Billy Lovelady." If it was important for the FBI to put Lovelady as the Doorman in Altgen's6 ( so as to eliminate Oswald ) they " threw a cat amongst the pigeons" by photographing Lovelady in a "Red and white vertical short sleeved shirt" and then saying in the Hoover memo, that Lovelady told them, that this was the same shirt he was wearing ( as Doorman ) on 22/11/63 Then contradicting them self, they also said in the Hoover memo, that in the same FBI interview Lovelady had identified himself in photo's from various publications, as the man standing on the left side of the doorway in the Doorman position ( Altgen's 6) wearing the plaid Long Sleeve shirt. If i were Hoover, that discrepancy, that Lovelady stated he was wearing (two completely different shirts) on 22/11/63 while standing in the Doorway would have immediately raised a red flag. If i were Hoover,and i needed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that Oswald was NOT the man seen in the DOORWAY at the time of the assassination i would immediately have contacted the Dallas FBI Office to clarify the situation. And then have INSISTED that they get Lovelady back into the Dallas FBI Office, this time wearing the Plaid long sleeve shirt he said he was wearing as seen in Altgens 6 in various publications. And then re-shoot the photo's in the correct shirt.
  2. Hell, i can't even take this guy seriously any more. He is just parroting the same old O.I.P garbage, Over and over again.
  3. KTVT Cameraman Don Cook seen on the steps in Murray
  4. Credit: Todd Vaughn for supplying the Darnell Frame
  5. Credit: Gerda Dunckel Hughes GIF showing lovelady as the limo approaches He appears to be leaning forward from the shadow into the sun it also appears to show him shield his eyes from the sun with his right hand for a moment. as Lovelady leans forward and moves parcially into the sun, his left shoulder drops and he takes on the Altgens 6 stance we also see 'Toni Glover" standing on the pedestal in the blue top, raising her hands above her head. Click on the GIF It may take a while to load properly.
  6. Beers seen standing on the far left in Dillard holding the camera.
  7. Atkins frame showing Frank Cancellare holding the camera in the black suit.
  8. Atkins Camera car 2 Identification Atkins Camera car 3 identification
  9. William Allen identification ( Credit: Todd Vaughan )
  10. Cinque quote on Lancer Forum.to Albert Doyle Robin Unger did not quote Lovelady. Even the HSCA did not quote Lovelady. They simply said that he said it. Big difference. And it is important too. My Reply And the FBI did not quote Lovelady. in the Hoover Memo. They simply said that he said it. Big difference. And it is important too.
  11. I would think that women 11, 12 and man 13 Are hidden from view behind Agents Ready and Landis
  12. Yes the HSCA had there set agenda we all know that. I took one image only as evidence So What ? How is that any different from what you did ? The WC also had a set agenda remember That didn't stop you from claiming that CE-369 was authentic and using it in this post To whichever moderator sees this: it is a new discovery of great importance, and EF members are entitled to know about it. I have not been banned; I have been put on moderation. So please, in that spirit, please get this up. Thank you. Ralph Cinque The Oswald Innocence Campaign has just discoverd something of great importance in CE 369.. We have discovered the arrow that Billy Lovelady drew on the Altgens photo to indicate himself. And it does not point to the Doorway Man, as most have assumed. Rather, it points to Black Hole Man Pot calling the kettle black
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