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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Bill Please post a link to the sweatt statement regarding this "sports coat" boy.
  2. quote: He stated he thereafter immediately escorted his wife across to the north side of the street on an embankment in an attempt to gain shelter. Yes, this was just an assumption made by the FBI ? Hester quote: My wife, Beatrice and I were sitting on the grass on the slope on Elm Street where the park is located. ( grassy knoll )
  3. VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT COUNTY OF DALLAS, TEXAS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22nd day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Charles Hester, Address 2616 Keyhole, Irving Age 28 , Phone No. None Deposes and says: My wife, Beatrice and I were sitting on the grass on the slope on Elm Street where the park is located. When President Kennedy's car got almost down to the underpass, I heard two shots ring out. Thye [sic] sounded like they came from immediately behind us and over our heads. We did [not?] see the shooting. I immediately turned and looked at the Texas Book Depository building and did not see anyone. The shots sounded like the [sic] definitely came from in or around the building. I grabbed my wife because I didn't know where the next shot was coming from and dragged her up next to the concrete imbankment [sic] and threw her down on the ground and got on the ground with her. Then there was utter confusion. The Police rushed toward the railroad tracks and I finally found an officer to go to the Texas Book Depository Building. The officer I contacted was Officer Wiseman of the Dallas Sheriff's Department. /s/ Charles Hester Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the 22nd day of Nov A. D. 1963 /s/ Aleen Davis Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas Home .. Alphabetical list of witnesses
  4. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date 11/25/63 CHARLES HESTER, 2610 Mayhold Street, furnished the following information: At approximately 12:30 p.m., November 22, 1963, HESTER and his wife, BEATRICE, were standing along the street at the point immediately preceeding the underpass on Elm Street where President JOHN F. KENNEDY was shot. HESTER stated he saw the President slump in the seat of the car and that he heard two shots fired drom what appeared to be a building located on the corner of Elm Street and Houston Street. He Stated he and his wife were almost in a direct line of the fire and he immediately grabbed his wife and shoved her to the ground. He stated hethereafter immediately escorted his wife across to the north side of the street on an embankment in an attempt to gain shelter. HESTER stated he did not see anyone with a gun at the time the shots were fired and that after the President's car had pulled away from the scene and officers started toward the aforementioned building, he and his wife proceeded to their car and left the area. on 11/24/63 at Irving, Texas File # DL 89-43 By Special Agent DOYLE WILLIAMS and HENRY J. OLIVER Date Dictated 11/25/63
  5. Calli, the limo stop is specifically mentioned, not the "motorcade stop" by a number of police officer and bystanders who were in a position to see. Robin Unger, the Nix film itself is not beyond suspicion, and your parading it out as if it settles the matter is an utter waste of time. The issue is and always will be "fraud in the evidence." Quote: Robin Unger, the Nix film itself is not beyond suspicion, and your parading it out as if it settles the matter is an utter waste of time. SHOW ME WHERE I STATED, OR INSINUATED, THAT THE NIX FILM SETTLED THE MATTER
  6. Bell shows only officer Martin. because as we see from Mc Intire Chaney is still playing catch up. click on image to view full size:
  7. Chaney finally makes an appearance, WAY BACK UNDERNEATH THE OVERPASS. click on image to view full size:
  8. As for Chaney motoring forward. In Altgens 7 as the lead car reaches the underpass shadow area, we don't see Chaney motoring forward trying to catch up with it.
  9. Previous discussion. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=19952&hl=chaney&page=2
  10. Limo SLOW DOWN as seen in NIX Credit: Rick Needham ( Frames rotated and GIF Stabilized ) Click on Thumbnail to view larger size.
  11. http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth49476/m1/1/sizes/l/ click on thumbnail to view full size.
  12. Joseph Backes follow up to this topic. http://ralphcinqueisastupidbitch.blogspot.com.au/2014/01/hes-stolen-another-image-one-that.html
  13. My reply to Cinque continued: passage way leading past Fritz's office into the squad room where Lovelady's desk was situated Click on images to view FULL SIZE
  14. My reply to Cinque contunuied: After my first sries of posts Cinque finally got it in his thick skull and posted this I then posted this DPD map wich i recieved from Joe Backes I then created this crop showing what i believed to be Oswalds movements from the elevator to the (squad room) where he was then paraded past Lovelady sitting down at the desk.
  15. My reply to Cinque continued: Look at this image below Cinque Do you see any filing cabinets with piles of paper and files stacked on top, sitting hard up against the right wall. ? Original black and white photographic negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. The image shows Jack Ruby's sister Eva Grant seated inside the Homicide and Robbery Bureau at the Dallas Police Department headquarters on November 24, 1963. Jim Underwood of Channel 4, the local CBS affiliate known as KRLD-TV, is seated beside and in front of her; her friend Pauline Hall sits on her other side. A police officer's hat and left ear are visible in the foreground on the right.
  16. This was my reply to Ralph Cinque when he tried to claim yesterday that the opened door seen in this Chris Davidson GIF opened up into Fritz's office. In this Chris Davidson GIF we see that there are filing cabinets hard up against the wall as the door opens. Also, this door opens outwards, Fritz's office door opens inward. The same cop leading Oswald through the door as filmed from behind. Cops standing outside the door
  17. NARA Evidence Photos: Blanket, Bag, Rods CE 140: Green and brown blanket. (see 16 WH 512, introduced at 1 WH 119). CE 142: Bag made out of wrapping paper, found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building after the assassination. (see 16 WH 513, introduced at 1 WH 120). The top row of photos depict Commission Exhibit 140. This is the blanket, found in the Paine garage, in which the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle had purportedly been stored. The second row of photos show CE 142, a paper bag which the Warren Commission alleged was made by Lee Harvey Oswald and used to carry the rifle into the TSBD. The third row shows curtain rods taken from the Paine home (Oswald had claimed that the bag he took to work on Nov 22 contained curtain rods). Click on the image to view FULL SIZE
  18. Hard to say if the bottle is completely empty ?
  19. Richard This cop appears to be holding a Dr Pepper bottle. He may have left it on the step ? Click on the image to view FULL SIZE
  20. Mr. BALL. That was your habit, carrying your lunch? Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. And that day, on November 22d, how did you carry your lunch from home to work? Mr. WILLIAMS. I carried my lunch from home to work in a brown paper bag. I believe it was size No. 6 or maybe 8--paper bag. Mr. BALL. Number 6 or 8 size paper bag? Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. Small bag? Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. Like you get in the grocery store? Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. What did you have in your lunch? Mr. WILLIAMS. I had a chicken sandwich. Mr. BALL. Describe the sandwich. What did it have in it besides chicken? Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, it just had chicken in it. Chicken on the bone. Mr. BALL. Chicken on the bone? Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes. Mr. BALL. The chicken was not boned? Mr. WILLIAMS. It was just chicken on the bone. Just plain old chicken. Mr. BALL. Did it have bread around it? Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, it did. Mr. BALL. Before you went upstairs, did you get anything to drink? Mr. WILLIAMS. I got a small bottle of Dr. Pepper from the Dr. Pepper machine. Mr. BALL. Did you have anything else in your lunch besides chicken? Mr. WILLIAMS. I had a bag of Fritos, I believe it was. Mr. BALL. Anything else? Mr. WILLIAMS. No; I believe that was all. Mr. BALL. You say you went back upstairs. Where did you go? Mr. WILLIAMS. I went back up to the sixth floor. Mr. BALL. Why did you go to the sixth floor? Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, at the time everybody was talking like they was going to watch from the sixth floor. I think Billy Lovelady said he wanted to watch from up there. And also my friend; this Spanish boy, by the name of Danny Arce, we had agreed at first to come back up to the sixth floor. So I thought everybody was going to be on the sixth floor. Mr. BALL. Did anybody go back? Mr. WILLIAMS. Nobody came back up. So I just left. Mr. BALL. Where did you eat your lunch? Mr. WILLIAMS. I ate my lunch--I am not sure about this, but the third or the fourth set of windows, I believe. Mr. BALL. Facing on what street? Mr. WILLIAMS. Facing Elm Street. Mr. McCLOY. What floor? Mr. WILLIAMS. Sixth floor. Mr. DULLES. You ate your lunch on the sixth floor? Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir. Mr. DULLES. And you were all alone? Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir.
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