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Chuck Robbins

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Everything posted by Chuck Robbins

  1. The Altgens image appears to be edited. The unnatural slant, from the shoulder down past the elbow, looks like a very bad editing job, IMO. I have to ask...where is his shoulder? Unless the man who appears to be standing behind him was in front of him...it makes no sense to me.
  2. Thanks for the advance warning. I'll save myself the blood pressure rise I inevitably get when I view establishment anti-conspiracy BS. As for myself, I'm sorry that noone has been able to put together a major motion picture that deals with, on a point by point basis, all of the "Best Evidence" available, of which there is much, that would raise such an uproar it would finally force the Justice Dept. to do what it whould have done in 1963...investigate the crime, produce suspects, living or dead, and actually try the case in a court of law. It depresses me every time I realize that our Justice Dept. has done absolutely NOTHING about the MURDER of JFK. The reality then sinks in... They never will. We're on our own. And that thought scares the hell out of me.
  3. Four days before Dallas, in Tampa, this is what the SS was doing during the motorcade. Two men riding the bumper AND there is a 3rd man sitting in the front seat. Any shot through the windshield would have nailed this guy and JFK would not have been a viable target. The photo won't upload right now. I will try to edit it in later.
  4. Thank you, James. By any chance do you know if Mr. Zeppo was a Texas native? If not, did he have family in PA? Sorry, Chuck. I don't have the answers to your questions. James Alrighty then, fair enough. Thanks again for your input. I'll make a point of adding to this thread if I am able to find out which Mr. Zeppo had owned and provided the Plane that Barbara Bush says flew the Bushes into Dallas. I finally found a Zeppo who might have been in the right place, at the right time and with access to a corporate jet. Now if I could only muster the nerve to phone him and ask him if he had flown G. H. W. Bush into Dallas on 11/22/63. He is working in at least two very wealthy insurance corporations. One worth hundreds of millions and the other worth billions of dollars. Len (Leonard) Zeppo 8 Greenway Plaza Suite 400 Houston, TX 77046 USA Website: www.rlicorp.com Phone: (713) 961-1300 Fax: (713) 961-0285
  5. Great, just what we need, another war to oppress another country. Don't you think the CIA is going to get in there? What makes you think we have the right to murder people and steal their country from them? Castro took over and then informed his people that they were now living under communism. Why do you think Elian Gonzalez's mother lost her life to give him freedom? Do we need their sugar cane? Their bananas? Their vacation climate? It was once a great resort -- before my time. Why should we co-exist with an enemy 90 miles off our shore? What about all the Cuban exiles who went in there in the Bay of Pigs to take back their country? These people have rights and would love a free country. That's why they're here. That's why Kennedy was killed. The Cuban Exiles hoped America would believe Castro did it and want to invade Cuba. Why don't YOU grab a gun and go right now to take over Cuba? I was in the Gulf of Mexico 2 days ago. Had an incident, nearly drowned. And the water is still quite chilly. I'll bide my time. I'll read your obituary in the news. Make sure they spell my name right. That's important to a person when they're dead. What is it about us Americans that makes us think we own the world, or, that we ought to own the world? Castro's regime is our enemy. They're close by. Today we're having trouble with Islamic Extremists from Guyana. Too many enemies nearby. Oh, and Castro being a bastard? No more than George Washington was considered one by the English. You can't compare America with Cuba. He cleaned up a corrupt gov't. and ran OUR American Mafia out of HIS country. Not such a bad thing for the Cuban people. Not a bad thing? Then why do so many Cubans want to live here? You can't compare Cuba with Iraq. These are my opinions. Subject to change. It's what I learned in a Jesuit college: We have a mission in this world -- kill Commies for Christ. Kathy Did you used to write for Mad magazine? SPY vs. SPY? Killing for Christ? Please, tell me this has all been satire.
  6. Great, just what we need, another war to oppress another country. What makes you think we have the right to murder people and steal their country from them? Do we need their sugar cane? Their bananas? Their vacation climate? Why don't YOU grab a gun and go right now to take over Cuba? I'll read your obituary in the news. What is it about us Americans that makes us think we own the world, or, that we ought to own the world? Oh, and Castro being a bastard? No more than George Washington was considered one by the English. He cleaned up a corrupt gov't. and ran OUR American Mafia out of HIS country. Not such a bad thing for the Cuban people.
  7. I heard from the head of the transplant team at Stanford a couple of days ago and haven't been able to make sense of what he was saying. He informed me that I have a coronary lesion over the left ventricle which would lessen the chances of a successful outcome from a single lung transplant. Since my family history has had me convinced that there was a coronary element to all of this, and because a lung transplant is one of the most dangerous and extensive surgeries being performed, I countered with the whole shebang: how about a heart/lung transplant? His response was that I am now too ill to withstand that surgery. I have read too many case studies of lung transplant patients who died due to the damage to the heart caused by the lungs to be able to elect a surgery with such poor odds and with new problems being found in my heart. David, I will definitely send you my e-mail address and would welcome a visit. My daughter and granddaughter live just minutes from SF, in Alameda, and I hate to think that I've seen SF for the last time, so perhaps we could get together for lunch without you having to drive the three hours to Chico. I enjoyed our exchange at the Adolphus Hotel at the '04 seminar, when I cited Allard Lowenstein as a counterpoint to Jeff Morley's assertion about RFK's relationship with the NY liberals, and discussed with you the seldom considered notion that Bobby and Jack weren't necessarily working off the same page. By the way, I enjoyed your article in Salon about Chris Matthews. He was obviously livid and treated you very badly on his own program which had you debating Bugliosi. Between Matthews' animosity and Bugliosi's prosecutor-on-meth behavior, you were hardly allowed to speak. Ter: mi casa es su casa. If I'm actually able to make the Oregon trip during the first week of July, I will certainly be home for those dates. I have to work on my caregivers to prescribe a bit of an upper for such special occasions so that I can be at my best for an hour or two (which is pretty much the limit). Thank you all for your kind wishes and expressions of sympathy. Tim, Your strength of character and the grace you continue to exhibit while dealing with this problem is inspirational. Thank you for continuing on your chosen path.
  8. I'm all ears...tell me what could/should have been done differently that would have saved JFK's life? Could you remind me exactly HOW the limo did eventually leave the ambush area? Wasn't it forward...and very quickly? Was anyone else shot after the limo floored it? I have single-handedly turned the Forum into a form of Looney Tunes? Shame on you. Please show me where it was in my last post that I had insulted, berated or ridiculed your point of view? I never intended for this to be a debate. Am I trying to persuade you to change your mind?...no. My opinions are my own and are not required to coincide with yours. What you, and I, have done here is to state our opinions.... You can't bully anyone into accepting your views. Please don't threaten to not respond again....and then respond anyway. It ruins the whole effect.
  9. When I did the original translation I neglected to use the whole word hidell and simply used hidd el. Using the Hungarian translator I found that hidell's usage includes "cool, cold, algid, icy, frosty, clammy, chilly, chilling, chill".
  10. I will try to keep this short. With no possibility of driving back the way he came, no room to turn the limo around, and, with no driving over the curb to find an alternative escape route... There was but one choice available to the driver, or, any driver in that predicament... Forward....at speed...and hope for the best. A sitting duck is so named because it does what...? It sits still. If it quacks like a...no, if it walks like a...no, if it sits like a...yes, then, it becomes a dead duck. So, let's put aside all talk about history...about training...about panic...etc., Remember, every ambush presents unique intangibles which require quick thinking and quick reactions if the target's survival is to be assured. Whether secret service was involved in a conspiracy, or not, is not really the issue that should be argued... the choice to sit still, while under fire, resulted in the death of the person they were sworn to protect.. I do not recall seeing even one SS agent act to protect or cover the President when he came under fire. THAT lack of action, by all of the agents, is what ultimately gave the shooter(s) their chance to kill JFK. Hell...they may as well have still been in the Cellar having a drink for all the good they did that day.
  11. Shanet, do you know if Dillon had a brother and, if so, was he a Navy Pilot?
  12. Years ago several of us researchers were allowed to tour the empty TSBD building. Robert Cutler arranged it. He had a list of experiments he wanted to perform. His first was simulating the firing of the last shot, running to the opposite corner of the building and hiding the gun, and running down the stairs to the second floor lunch room, timing it with a stopwatch. The second was having a person on the sixth floor and persons on the fifth floor directly below (I was one of those on the fifth floor). The sixth floor person dropped a coin, and we could hear it, dropped several times. He then RAN across the floor, and each step made a booming klunk. In fact, we could communicate with each other by talking very loudly. You have to understand that at that time, this was an ancient warehouse, not like a modern building. As I recall (I think photos show this), the upper floors had no ceilings...just floor joists supporting the pine board flooring above; so there was just an inch thickness of wood between floors. I seem to recall that there were even cracks between some of the boards. Sounds from the floor above were easily heard. Jack ______________________________ Jack, When you say that the experiment in which you participated was in the "empty TSBD building," I suppose that by the word "empty" you mean that there were no cartons of books to speak of, especially on the fifth and sixth floors, yes? O.K., now to play "devil's advocate," I would hazard a guess that, according to the laws of physics and sound propagation, such hurried footfalls as LHO (or Malcolm Wallace or Loy Factor or Richard Cain or whomever) was alleged to have taken from the "sniper's window" across a carton-full sixth floor to the "rifle hiding spot" would have resonated much less on 11/22/63 when there were lots of cartons on the sixth floor than the footfalls you heard when the building was carton-empty. Seems to me that, from a scientific point of view, you guys wasted your time simply because the sounds you heard were not subject to the same conditions which existed in the building (fifth and sixth floors particularly) around 12:35 PM on 11/22/63.... --Thomas P.S. Go Froggies! ______________________________ Bump a cream-cheese bagel! ______________________________ I may have this wrong, but, weren't the guys on the 6th floor putting down flooring that day? If they had been doing the floor, wouldn't they need the boxes out of their way, perhaps stacked near the walls? With or without boxes...sound would still resonate through a wooden floor. The effect of adding heavy boxes would be like tightening a drum head....you get a higher pitch..but you still hear the drum. Is someone claiming that the boxes acted as a layer of sound-dampening material? IMHO anyway.
  13. And the reason for LHO's birthdate and place of birth being on the document?
  14. I guess the one obvious thing to check would be the interior of the shells. An unfired shell would have a fairly clean interior.
  15. That is simply not so. From the earliest moments, the story had been that a shot hit Kennedy, then a one hit Connally, then the third hit and killed Kennedy. If James Tague hadn't been hit by shrapnel, there'd have been no need for the single-bullet theory. Tague's was a fourth bullet. There were others, including one that had made a mark on the north sidewalk. If someone had been hit by shrapnel from that bullet too, then there would have been a real problem asserting a single assassin. I stand corrected Duke, TY. BTW...whatever i have posted these last couple of days may not have been my best stuff. I had just found out that my younger brother had died and I was just trying to keep myself busy in an attempt to avoid my grief. I finally accepted the fact and had a good cry over it...life goes on.
  16. There would have been no need for a 3rd shell if a bystander had not been wounded by shrapnel from a bullet which should not have existed. I have no doubt that had a 2nd person been wounded in a similar manner elsewhere in the plaza there would now be a 4th shell in the evidence. Explanations are not difficult to conjure up. Evidence is not difficult to conjure up. What is hard to do is destroy evidence which has already been entered into the public record. Thus the need for an explanation for an extra shell.
  17. Something is showing in the images below. I am not able to obtain clearer views. Can someone who is skilled in image manipulation try to get a better look at this? These are just one frame apart at z312-z313. What appears to me to be a shadow is directly below it. I'm not claiming that it is anything in particular. It just appears to be something that I would like to see more clearly.
  18. Joan, I take it that you believe that Oswald was working in some intelligence capacity for the Kennedy's? Can you give me a condensed outline of who hired him, when he was hired and what he had been hired to do? I have an open mind and would like to consider all evidence available in this matter. With George DeM knowing Jackie's family, Jackie being married to the President, George DeM becoming friends with Oswald, and then Oswald being accused of killing JFK...I guess there could have been some kind of connection. Was George DeM working for the CIA, as most people believe, or was he working for the Kennedy's, or was he working for both?
  19. NARA has a photo of McLarry. There is also one postponed in full document relating to McLarry. One document is titled as a Russ Holmes file. Maybe he has some info regarding this guy he could share?
  20. OK...if the notes on this page are of this man then his description, his birthdate, 10/18/39, and city of origin, N.O. LA, are nearly identical w/ LHO's bio material. Another creepy coincidence?
  21. Do you mean the people on the overpass in this picture? A picture , unlike the cropped version of it that doesn't show people on the overpass. The question has to be; why were these people allowed to be there in the first place? Wouldn't that create some security issues? Ok, let's say Greer thought what you guess he was thinking. It didn't work very well, did it? So quickly speeding up to 50 or miles per hour in that six seconds just might have been a better idea? "Just a thought" I have related this story once before about the night i was walking home, in San Diego in the mid-late 70's, and started to cross a freeway overpass. I was not quite to the bridge when a police unit stopped me and told me I could not cross the bridge. To save time I will forego the whole story and get to the point. I was not allowed on the bridge as the President was to be driven under it on his way to a speaking/fundraising engagement. I believe it is highly unlikely that the SS did not follow the same procedure in the 60's. Take into consideration the sheer number of overpasses between the airport and the location in La Mesa, a distance of 16 miles, and the number of officers needed to secure these overpasses. I guarantee you not one person was allowed on one of those overpasses that night. There is no excuse for there being even one person atop that bridge in 1963. The SS should have stopped the motorcade when people were observed upon the bridge. The lead car knew there were to be no persons allowed upon the bridge and should have radioed a warning long before the motorcade was on Elm Street. Just because there was no obvious gain to be had by the SS as a unit does not mean that there was not cooperation given by individuals within the unit. We should give apologies to the men who failed to act to protect our president? Not in my lifetime.
  22. While many of the topics discussed on this program are admittedly "strange" it occasionally delves into matters mainstream programs would not touch with the proverbial ten foot fole. For the record, coasttocoastam, or, the Art Bell Show, as it used to be known before George Noory took over, is my favorite radio program. Call me whacky if you want, but, I enjoy the subject matter discussed on the show.
  23. If that is a car behind him this guy is only 4 ft. tall. Maybe it is a truck?
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