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Chuck Robbins

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Everything posted by Chuck Robbins

  1. After re-reading this letter something on the second page caught my attention. Shortly after a group, which, coincidentally or not, has the initials B.O.P., is mentioned, DeM writes protect us. The letter is filled with dollar amounts which number in the millions. While it is true that this may have been an innocent request for influential help for an underfunded college I have to wonder. For some reason I am unable to upload the graphic file of the letter. I will try to upload it later, or, perhaps someone else has a copy that they might care to upload?
  2. Ashton, is there any information available about prior Military Service for any of these persons? If so, what branches did they serve in? Patriotic duty has always been a strong motivational factor when asking, or ordering, someone to "do their duty".
  3. _______________________________ David, Excellent question! --Thomas _______________________________ just a little house cleaning, Thomas -- apparently none of the Z-film non-alteration adherents have a answer, I wonder why? Which leads to the question I've asked repeatedly on this forum: WHEN (the specific date) did FBI Agent Shaneyfelt number the Z-frames, WHERE did this event occur, WHO was present during the process and finally, WHAT film #0183-05-06-07 was utilized? My opinion? You will get no response from them. The NPIC is not an individual witness who can be; called a xxxx, said to have been mistaken, or, murdered to silence a source of inconvenient evidence. I guess they feel that if they ignore it long enough it will just go away.
  4. Why is it so difficult for some folks to grasp such a simple concept? Reading many of the responses, it is clear that some effort is being made to steer discussion away from the topic. You are certainly ruffling someone's feathers Ashton.
  5. Tom, Ashton started this thread, he didn't "appear out of the woodwork". He has pointed out the fact that no bullet ever penetrated any fabric in the shirt or tie. I could care less what anyone, anywhere, at anytime has written about the subject...Ashton has presented a topic for discussion and it is okay to discuss this subject...no matter how much anyone may want us to not discuss it. Now, about that question he asked of you? Are you not at liberty to discuss that? Other than that...all other off-topic discussion is taboo.
  6. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Waaaaaaaaaaait a minute," you're thinking to yourself. "Ashton is pullin' our leg here! He's holding out an empty petri dish with long tongs. That ain't what old Purvis is claiming made the hole in John F. Kennedy's throat!" Welllll...yes. I'm afraid it is. Yes, I'm afraid that it's another no-see-um. It is a not-ness. It is a no-thing. It's a "poofy." What you see in the proffered petri dish—which is nothing—is the precise thing around which our resident government intelligence agent has whipped up a perfect storm of forum pages running into the high hundreds if not thousands of pages. And who do we have to thank for the only apparent record ever of the existence—or purported existence—of any such "cone-shaped; flat-based; 0.9grain weight fragment" having been part of the actual detritus from the shooting, upon which purported bullet fragment the resident intelligence agent now hangs his green beret, and which purported bullet fragment the resident spook claims made the hole in JFK's throat? Why, the Warren Commission, of course, run by the most vicious party-line CIA ghouls who ever plagued the ground they walked on. If that patented spook-generated no-see-um ain't good enough for you, Warren Commission Exhibit 840—where the purported fragment once allegedly resided before disappearing into thin air—is a patented spook-gimmick twosie: there's one photo of "CE 840" showing three fragments (without in-photo ruler or in-photo labeling), and another "CE 840" image showing only two fragments (with in-photo ruler and in-photo labeling). And despite all the hundreds (or thousands) of spooky pages raging on and on and on and on and on about a no-see-um that purportedly made a hole in John F. Kennedy's throat, the laws of physics still remain: just as no bullet could have entered JFK's throat at the claimed location without going through fifteen layers of tie fabric and four layers of shirt fabric, no bullet possibly could have exited JFK's throat at the claimed location without going through fifteen layers of tie fabric and four layers of shirt fabric. There was no bullet wound in John F. Kennedy's throat. Period. Ashton Gray (tongue in cheek) I believe the fragment was from the prototype of the new (at that time) bio-degradable projectile the CIA perfected!!
  7. When those political traditions and institutions are suppressing the truth...continuing to support them is tantamount to treason. You manage to write alot without really saying anything. Denial, denial, denial, is the other side of the coin which is lies, lies, lies, both of which are the cornerstones of propaganda. And all of this has what to do with determining whether or not it was Bush standing on the steps in the photo?
  8. Tim....searching for evidence which might prove the Bushes lied about their whereabouts is not irrelevant or unreasonable. Would finding that evidence change your point of view? I doubt it. I will not bite at your bait to switch the topic to anyone other than Mr. Bush. Nice try. Manipulation 101 starts a new class this semester. You might want to brush up.
  9. You conveniently failed to remark upon the possibility of there being a record available to establish whether or not Bush got to Dallas at the time his wife gave in her book. Let's not ask Bush what time he got to town because he can't recall whether he was in Dallas at all that day. Now that is one heck of a memory lapse, wouldn't you say? Funny, but you are the only person who made mention of Bush behind a fence with a gun.....now... that is garbage! It would be a refreshing change to see you actually ADD something to a topic rather than just giving one of your standard derogatory responses, which, by the way, seem to be designed to divert/pervert said topic. One man's garbage is another man's treasure. The man with a sense of smell is the one who winds up with the treasure. To the man without...everything is garbage.
  10. That mention of the Sheraton reminds me that papers, one of which had the phone number of the Sheraton, were found under the frig. in the apartment after Ruby had his things moved out. Of course there is no way to prove that Ruby ever called Bush at the Sheraton. As for the phone call which he should have made before the assassination? Isn't it obvious that Bush made that phone call to establish his alibi? One way to double check his whereabouts would be to determine the time his friend's jet landed at Love Field. I mean check official records...police generally don't rely upon the word of a person who may be a suspect.
  11. Which is why I opened this thread in the first place. For 45 years, we've been told that this man's identity is unknown; but that's not the case. His identity WAS known, and maybe still is by a handful of people. I found it astounding that King was not interviewed by the Rockefeller or Church Committees (at least I didn't find any testimony on the Mary Ferrell pages. I don't know if he was interviewed by the HSCA or not. Steve Thomas More amazing is the fact that this man was not made to come forward and submit to an intense interrogation in order to determine what involvement or connection he may, or may not, have had with LHO and/or the Soviet and Cuban officials he had been associating with. How in the world could an investigation be turned off simply because someone in the CIA opined that the man would be embarrassed if he were to be publicly linked to the situation in MC. The only mystery to me is how this "unknown" man could be known to our intel services, yet, their working relationship could be swept under the carpet so easily. The portion of the MC transcript where "LHO" said he could not stay in MC because he would have to use his "real name" makes sense when you consider that the man , Sague, who was not LHO, could put the operation in danger if his cover or alias should be blown. "LHO" being in contact w/ Legat in MC is one piece of information which really puts the FBI squarely in the middle of the "Operation Oswald" being performed.
  12. Anger is pretty much a standard response when one is confronted by intolerant persons who have made personal attacks against the messenger, rather than debating civilly the message they carry, the preferred manner of responding to issues. Responding to the topic and it's content, rather than focusing attentions on the person one disagrees with, would be the proper manner of discussing and attempting to settle the differences of opinion we all have had with others from time to time. John and Andy must have finally reached their wit's end. Imagine trying to keep us all, a group of ADULTS, in line and on track, working TOGETHER towards a common goal while, at the same time, having to ride herd on us. We need to ensure that the forum maintains it's dignity and we should remember that people visit us looking for answers to some very serious questions. Let's provide them with a civil environment, a place where they may voice their thoughts and opinions without being subjected to a nasty name calling contest. Now...having said all this, I will admit that I have been guilty of unpleasant behaviour on occasion. Can we all put the past behind us? I would like to believe that we all are capable of treating each other with respect despite any differing viewpoints me may hold. Not one of us knows all there is to know about this subject. Collectively, however, we present very convincing evidence that the events which took place in Dealey Plaza, in November of 1963, is a very different version than that contained in the propaganda the U.S. Govt. has chanted to the world over the last 44 years. Thanks....
  13. Teamster Oswald. There would have been records of a Union dues paying member available for quite some period of time after 11/63. With the testimony given regarding "Teamster Oswald" you would think there would have been a mad scramble to issue a subpoena for Union records. Considering Bobby Kennedy's well known interest in Union activities, this would have been a windfall of sorts, giving his Justice Dept. unfettered access to Union records. Once again we find an evidentiary path which, though it should have been followed, appears to have been avoided.
  14. Once again I am reminded of Wesley Frazier being arrested and his .303 enfield w/ box of ammo being entered into evidence as part of the investigation of the JFK assassination. Hoover mentioned to Johnson that the assassin kept his rifle at the home of his mother. This is precisely where Frazier kept his weapon. Now why in the world would Frazier claim it was LHO who had carried that package to work?
  15. Jackie Kennedy trying to leave the limo is described as her simply trying to retrieve a piece of JFK's skull. What piece of skull was this? Does documentation exist telling us who it was given to and where it ended up? Is there any proof that there was anything recovered from the trunklid? Jackie grabbed ahold of the handgrip used by the S.S. agents to stabilize herself there. While there did she actually grab anything from the trunklid? Perhaps this was an urban legend created to explain her behaviour? IF, I repeat IF, she were trying to escape from any perceived danger to herself, in which direction would one expect her to go? Towards the danger or away from it? Now... In which direction is she observed going? DIRECTLY TOWARDS THE ALLEGED SNIPERS NEST! Does this make sense? You may criticize what others raise questions about. That is your right. When you start in with the personal attacks and the name calling, you know...things like stupid, etc., that is not your right. Every person who reads these threads has the faculties to determine for themselves what is nonsense, factual, theoretical, supposition or just plain fantasy. We all have our beliefs as to what happened that day. Wouldn't we all be better served by allowing all to voice their opinions? How many persons keep good observations to themselves due to a fear of being ridiculed? Who is benefitted by any decrease in communication in this situation? Think about it.
  16. My brother was a security specialist in the Air Force. His main duty was to walk the perimeter of a Nuclear Bomb equipped Jet. Yes, he carried an automatic rifle with which he could defend that Jet from a possible threat or attack. The question I always asked and which he would never answer directly was "how many rounds of ammunition did you have to protect this jet?". His answer was, and still is, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you.". Coming from my brother, whom I know very well, this answer was and is not meant to be reassuring. I hope I do not get arrested for giving out "state secrets" over this post. I am no Terrorist nor am I a terrorist sympathizer. What I am, however, is a concerned citizen who does not want to see any nukes used, whether that use be accidental or by design.
  17. Don't see a gun anywhere. I can't see what is casting that shadow seen on the top of the bench seat between the two agents either. The shadow seems to be too small to have been cast by Greer's head. We can argue until the cows come home and we still have no absolute proof either way. I'd like to thank our wonderful Justice Dept. for exhausting every resource in the performance of its' top notch investigative work while searching for any and all possible conspirators.... Yeah, right.
  18. Let's not forget hill to moorman, or was it moorman to hill, when one said to the other, paraphrasing here, "get down THEY ARE SHOOTING BACK!". Shooting back as in shooting back at the sniper or shooting back as in shooting into the back of the limo? Who knows? No attempt was made to clarify that statement. Was there? Insinuating that someone is loony tunes for actually pointing out the eyewitness testimony, of several witnesses, which was taken immediately after the shooting, is a pretty cheap shot as far as I'm concerned. Much of the testimony is at odds with the "official version" of events. Kennedy described as standing in the limo just before the shots were fired for example. Laugh all you want to. Something not seen on film happened that day. Many people described events not shown in any of the films. Funny thing is....these were the closest persons to Kennedy at the time of the shooting who are giving these versions.
  19. I have a VHS tape which has parts 1-2-3 of a Vietnam history series. In a section which for some reason showed footage from the BOP operation there is a short scene which shows a prisoner who looks, and walks, like the tall tramp. I no longer have the means to capture video frames. Is there anyone who would want to try to capture the image from the tape? I am not sure what, if anything, would be gained from knowing the tramp was involved in the BOP operation.
  20. Call me paranoid if you like, but, I firmly believe that any HARD evidence of culpability was destroyed a very long time ago. What is left is a maze of conflicting evidence contained in mostly GOVERNMENT controlled documents. If you like to pretend that our government did not have the power to control the evidence produced by it's own investigations that is fine, by all means, continue to live in a self-induced fantasy.
  21. Every President has allowed documents, concerning the assassination of JFK, to be withheld. Allowing secrets to remain, is, in my mind, participation in a cover-up after the fact. It would be refreshing if, just once in a while, you didn't respond like a knee-jerk reflexive action to these posts.
  22. Does anyone know which wound of Officer Tippit was caused by the odd cartridge (3 of one type - 1 of another)? I'm curious as to whether it was the cause of the head wound. The reason I ask is because supposedly there were 3 live rounds in the revolver allegedly used by LHO. It is thought that four shots were fired, followed by an emptying of the spent shells, and I would think that would have been followed by a reloading of the revolver. So...why three live rounds? Possibly because the 4th shot was delivered by another weapon? Just a thought.
  23. Take your time...quality over quantity is not a bad tradeoff. This forum has grown into an awe inspiring group.
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