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Chuck Robbins

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Everything posted by Chuck Robbins

  1. Chuck What is a code (or "signal") five? "Code" usually refererred to how officers travelled in their vehicles, Code One being "directly with haste," Code Two being "with lights," and Code Three being "lights and siren" (or very similar descriptions; it is among DPD testimony, I want to say Lt Pierce -?). I can't imagine anything faster than that, and don't know anything about a "Code Five." Parker (or #56) may not have been the "closest officer to Tippit's position." It is quite possible that that distinction belongs to the man who was regularly assigned to the patrol district in which Tippit got killed, who was eating lunch less than a mile away at Luby's Cafeteria. It is also worthy of note that not everyone who responded to the Tippit "Signal 19" (shooting) reported having done so, so whether or not Parker(?) or #56 was part of that whole deal is an open question for the moment. If, however, #56 reported being in or near central Oak Cliff at 12:45, it raises the question why Tippit and Nelson were told to report there just three minutes later, doesn't it? Especially since the regular officer was already there .... My response to your post follows- code 5/signal 5 is en route to location/out to lunch or a break. Parker, as far as I have been able to determine, made no further radio contact on the transcript I referenced, which ended shortly after 2:00 p.m. I would really like to know why Parker would decide to go to the area where Tippit was murdered at the exact moment that channel 2 was asking for all available cars to go downtown. In checking the transcript, #56 says "Clear for 5" which doesn't really say it's a code or a signal 5. I wonder if he is saying he is clear for #5 (Lumpkin)? Then dispatch asks his location to which he responds "e. jefferson". Immediately following this is the report of the shooter's description. Chuck
  2. Officer Parker (call sign #56) had radio'd going to e. jefferson for a code 5 at about 12:45 p.m. This has always seemed suspicious to me in the sense that he was the closest officer to Tippit's position, yet, he did not respond to the officer down call. Dispatch asked "where is 56?" at 12:30 p.m., the appr. time of JFK's murder, and got no response. Going through the transcripts of the day, nearly every time #56 was speaking with dispatch, there was some form of interference covering up their conversations. W. P. Parker is, in my opinion, deserving of more attention. Chuck
  3. For some reason the mention of his girlfriend borrowing his car makes me think of the woman who Officer Craig had detained when she was attempting to drive out of the parking lot located behind the fence on the knoll. This still unidentified woman had somehow been released by an officer "Lummy?" after Craig had asked this officer to take the woman in to the office for questioning. Pure speculation, but, could this unidentified woman have been Olsen's girlfriend? Chuck Robbins
  4. I repeat myself. There would be no war without a Federal Reserve, with the ability to create money out of nothing, who would then loan the money to us to fund that war. You do not have to change your mind. Your approach, maybe... I do like the thread you started though. Chuck Robbins
  5. The shutting down of the Federal Reserve is one of the best explanations for the assassination of JFK. A non-governmental CORPORATION, in private hands, prints our money. For the mere price of materials needed to produce this "money" (actually promissory notes) the Fed "loans" us this "money", which cost only the price of materials to them, at face value plus interest, which we are then to re-pay to this corporation. The corporation is ruining America. What else do you expect when one company can produce billions of dollars worth of wealth for a mere thousands of dollars? We are a nation of fools for allowing this practice to have continued since 1913, the year the Federal Reserve Corporation was enabled, via act of Congress, in direct violation of our constitution, to manufacture and therefore control our nation's money supply. Every time a "loan" is made for a mortgage, a car or what have you, our national debt is increased and the banker's reap the profits while we are left with less and less money in our system with which we can pay our bills. The "money" for these "loans" is created by the promissory notes we sign. Contrary to what you may think, this is not a loan given by the bank. The "loan" is funded by a deposit account created in your/my name by the depositing of the note you sign for the mortgage into that account. The account is used to obtain money from the Fed, the bank puts that money into it's asset account, not your deposit account. The result? The bank gets paid twice for the note. You and the Fed pay the bank the principle named in the note to the bank's asset account. Then interest on the loan is a bonus, usually 3 times the loan value itself, which the bank is essentially stealing from you. The catch which will nail the bankers is that they stamp the note for deposit to the account. This is altering YOUR NOTE, which is illegal for anyone but you to do, and is the only evidence available to prove the fraud. This note is returned to you after the note is payed off by you. Look on the back of any returned note, you will find, "for deposit without recourse to", this is the bank stamp which contains a wet ink signature of a bank official who deposited YOUR NOTE, after altering it, into an account made in YOUR NAME, to obtain funds for the notes value, from the Fed. Please don't direct your objections to this post to me. Educate yourself first by reading or researching the subject yourself. This is one of the primary reasons for our astronomical national debt. Money is created for the notes, but, money for the interest on the notes is not created, resulting in a money shortage which will never disappear. Think about it, 180k interest on a 60k loan. The money is not allowed to be printed for the interest on the note. It is a lose-lose system for us and a win-win for the bankers. It is time for change if we are to save our country from this privately run corporation. JFK knew what was going on and he sought to put an end to the ruin he saw waiting for us further down the road. The wars do not get fought unless the bankers give the loans. This is like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg? I know the banks fund wars. Your argument of it being a silly idea that JFK was killed due to the federal reserve is silly in itself if you ask me. Chuck Robbins
  6. Cheney has been named as the source of information to Libbey. It is being said that this disclosure from Cheney to Libbey is not illegal. I have to ask one question. What was the purpose of the information being disclosed to Libbey? Is part of his job description that of one who needs knowledge of intelligence officers identities to do his job? While the act of Cheney giving the information itself may be technically legal, when you ask what the purpose was for the disclosure of that information, the spectre of conspiracy raises it's ugly head. Was the purpose of this disclosure to Libbey made so he would leak the information to the press? And was he given instructions of what to do with this information he had been given? Conspiracy is one of the easiest of all crimes to convict upon. Two persons discuss committing a criminal action, the two are capable of committing, and then act, in furtherance of this criminal action. It seems pretty obvious that this is not a case of simple error in judgement by Libbey. Unfortunately, the administrations cohorts in the gov't. and the press are going to let this one slide by with no serious reprisals being taken against the criminals. Why is it that a person can get five years in prison in the U.S. when a starving person steals food to eat, yet, a serious felony compromising our national security is allowed to go unpunished? Something is seriously wrong with our system. Chuck
  7. [And when are you girls going to spell-out your political leanings ?? Cheerio, GPH ______________________ I am not going to spell out my leanings for you as one of the "girls". However, I will take a few moments to tell you that I am neither conservative nor liberal. I support the death penalty as a means of ensuring that murderers will not become repeat offeners. I support a persons right to choice. If a person chooses to have unprotected sex, they have chosen to create a life, and at that point the life created has a right to live and excercise it's own choices. Welfare has long been a taboo in this country, yet, corporations soak us for billions of dollars every year via corporate welfare in the form of loans, buyouts, re-organizations and so on. Social welfare, for our fellow Americans, has been virtually eliminated by politicians who see that these indigent souls have no political clout. The obvious inference to be drawn is that the poor, who need help, get none while the rich, who need no help, get plenty of it at the taxpayers expense. There is no perfect society. However, we have never been closer to being a non democratic society than we are at this point in history. The people that built this country from the ground up, the working class, have now become merely revenue sources for a corporation known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Don't confuse this with the country called The United States of America which technically no longer exists. Our country has been converted into a corporate haven which actively fights union organizations, workers benefits and denies basic health care to the vast majority of it's people. George Bush, in his infinite wisdom, sees the poor as being "just lazy". That statement, by itself, is indicative of the mindset of those who have never been hungry, or jobless, or the victims of a corporate layoff mandated by a desire to outsource jobs to one of the third world countries where reduced production costs make rising unemployment and poverty in our own country an acceptable cost of doing business. Things are going to get a lot worse in the near future as the Euro knocks the dollar off the top of the financial food chain. When the corporations have completed their stripping of our wealth there will be another great depression manufactured for the benefit of the rich. Property purchased at pennies on the dollar is the final insult visited upon the working class when the cycle completes itself. I gues I am just a disgusted American who sees through the BS. Chuck Robbins
  8. Here's mine for Charles Robbins.....LHO BS carbiners
  9. I have always thought the label, Made in California Maurice Holman, on the jacket said to have been tossed by LHO after allegedly shooting Tippit, referred to the manufacturer of the garment. I am not so sure now. Has anyone ever identified the manufacturer? There was a Maurice Holman in Hollywood, CA in 1963. There was a Maurice Holman in Amarillo, TX in 1963. Is it possible that the label simply meant that the jacket was made for Maurice Holman in CA? Anyway, I may be way off base, but, I had to pose the question. Chuck Robbins
  10. Still having problems with question 3. Is it true that your father was a friend of James Angleton? ----------------------- John: My late father was an Irishman born of a "Limey" father in Colombo, Sri Lanka [then called Ceylon]. He grew up hating the "English", and sometimes my rich uncles [maternal]. But it was those uncles who got him work as a Marine Deck Electrician" at CalShip, and later, work on the Pan-American Highway in Costa Rica. He busted his ass 18 hours a day to raise what became 10 kids. He was against my Cuba, etc. excursions, as he had hoped that upon leaving the Marines, I would sign up with the California Highway Patrol. He operated a radio/television repair shop in Alhambra, California -- constantly struggling to feed too many mouths. He died while I was on No Name Key. For many months afterward, I would call the TV shop telephone [long-distance, and very late at night] just to hear his voice on the answering machine. He wouldn't know an Angleton from a Watutsi, and never once ever showed any interest in anything save electronics, The Classics [large library], Chess [Master], and watching "wrassling" and "roller-derby" on the "Telly". "...Are we clear ?!", Gerry ______________________________ Mr. Hemming, Your Dad sounds like he was a great man. We could use many more just like him, today, here in the U.S. Your choice to give information to members of this forum is something I would have never expected from someone with a background in covert ops. I would like to thank you for the work you have done for all of us in the past and also for your contributions which you make here today. Chuck Robbins
  11. The description of LHO given in the Mexico City documents is of a 5'10" 165 lb. man. The little guy in Dallas was 5'8" and all of 145 lbs. Sounds like two Oswalds to me. By the way, who was JC, Chief of the WH Division? Win Scott wrote to him regarding the photo showing someone who is "lho", but clearly isn't LHO. I have to ask. How was it possible for the CIA to have it both ways? They think it is a photo of LHO, but, in the same letter, Win says that JC knows the person in the photo. Then it is finally determined that the photo is not of LHO, and the person is said to be a person unknown. Still, they do not wish to embarrass this unknown individual by publishing his photo in connection with the investigation of the assassination? Maybe I am missing something somewhere? Chuck
  12. " To put that in a nutshell, A. JFK was Killed by a Conspiracy. B. That Conspiracy was covered up by Elements of our Government & National Media. C. They Both Witheld Evidence, Lied & Destroyed Evidence. (in over a dozen instances) D. ALL of which are Felonies called "Obstruction of Justice. I Usually advise people that on matters of Importance, Never take anyone's word for anything. (incl. Mine) I Usually inform people that Until I read the 26 volumes I never knew for SURE which side was Lying to me. In my next post I will offer Proof of "Z" Film Alteration. To follow along you will need the 26 volumes or comparable CD Roms. OR, HSCA volumes or comparable CD Rom. All I need do is learn how to use this Forum. Thanks, tomnln " I will look forward to reading your next posts on this topic. Learning how the forum works is something I hope to figure out too. I see lots of neat features being applied by other members, like the different colored text, which makes it easier for me to follow their exchanges. I hope you won't let a few negative responses dissuade you from any further postings of your thoughts. Chuck
  13. Hi all, In the DPD transcripts is a reference to a Johnson Aide named Minesport who was arriving into Dallas around 2:00 P.M. on the 22nd. I have been unable to find a single reference to this person in any of the archives, databases, libraries, etc. Does anyone know who this person was? Also, in the transcripts there is mention of a "Mrs. Connally" arriving in Dallas by airplane after the shooting of JBC. Who was this Mrs. Connally? Finally, in these transcripts, mention is made of a Dr. from Galveston was being flown in to operate upon JBC. I was under the impression that Parkland Drs. had done the work on JBC? I realize that these questions have little bearing upon the assassination of JFK. However, not knowing the answers to these questions has been bugging me for some time now. If anyone has the answers to any of these questions, and would care to enlighten me, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you, Chuck
  14. John, Have you done this work with z-312? If you have, did it include the whole limo passenger area in the frame? If I may ask, did it reveal anything other than what is shown in z-313? Does this process work on a basis similar to that of the man who found metal in images through his software which also made use of the grey scale? Your work on this is amazing, in my opinion, and it reminds me that one of the two Priests in the room with Jackie and JFK's body had made an observation of a bullet wound in JFK's left temple area. I can only assume that a shot from the post office building would have had to enter in that general area? The blown out area in the back of the head would align itself well with a shot entering the skull at the orientation you presented. Mr. Holmes carried more weight than any Postal Worker I have ever heard of. His access to LHO has always seemed like an unlikely event for a postal inspector. I now have to wonder if he had been looking through binoculars or a monocular (scope)? I am looking forward to more of your work on this. Chuck
  15. I believe that part of Armstrong's research includes the following info. This is from memory only, as I am 120 miles from my home and the files on my personal computer, but, the following is basically an accurate description what happened. Years ago the IRS responded to a citizen request for the date that an employer had opened their tax account. What was not known by the IRS rep. was that this was a former employer of Lee Oswald. The account was not found, but, several active accounts with numbers close to the number which was being queried, both higher and lower numbered accounts were checked. The IRS rep. based the answer on the creation dates of those other accounts, which were all created in Jan. of 1964, and it was determined that the account in question had also been created in Jan. 1964. The pay stub that provided the tax account number was supposed to be one of Oswald's from the year 1955. I think we can safely assume the IRS rep. would give an honest answer when providing that answer to the citizen who made the request. The IRS, however, claimed the information provided by the rep. was incorrect. I guess that a combination of destroying some documents, and the creation of others, is the govt.'s way of answering the question of who killed JFK. They find a patsy and create enough evidence to "prove" that he was guilty of the crime. I will find my copy of the document and post it if anyone wants to view it. Chuck
  16. Shanet, Wesley Frazier owned a .303 enfield rifle. He was arrested and his rifle was held as evidence. This is documented in the DPD archives. I will find the document for you if you want to see it. I found the file from the DPD archives and added it for reference. Also, to answer the question of when it was known, and by whom, that Oswald was working the TSBD? This from NARA. AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY : SSCIA RECORD NUMBER : 157-10004-10035 RECORDS SERIES : AIRTEL DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR : FBI FROM : SAC, DALLAS TO : DIR., FBI & SAC, LITTLE ROCK & NO TITLE : LEE HARVEY OSWALD, INTERNAL SECURITY - RUSSIA - CUBA DATE : 11/04/1963 PAGES : 1 DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT SUBJECTS : OSWALD, LEE HARVEY; EMPLOYMENT; TEXAS SCHOOL BOOK DEPOSITORY CLASSIFICATION : UNCLASSIFIED RESTRICTIONS : OPEN IN FULL CURRENT STATUS : OPEN DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 05/09/1994 Chuck
  17. I would ask Tosh Plumlee if he was known by the nickname "Zappi", and if so, who knew him by that nickname.
  18. I live in El Centro, CA USA I am a material handling equipment (conveyor systems, etc.)installer. I have been involved in the movement to obtain the facts related to the Assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK for many years and will continue to be until all facts & papers (those that have not yet been destroyed) are released to the public. It is not wise to allow those who are suspected of being involved in a crime to investigate that crime and then allow those same groups to prevent access to the results of those investigations. I am an average guy who, unlike most Americans, has his own beliefs in right and wrong which are not swayed by popular opinion or propaganda.
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