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Chuck Robbins

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Everything posted by Chuck Robbins

  1. The quote includes a statement that the film shown is a version NOT SHOWN TO THE PUBLIC. Not hard to understand that he means a different version of the film.
  2. The ballistics evidence is rendered moot when you read the report made by two DPD officers who witnessed Tippit being pronounced dead at 1:15 p.m. 11/22/63. The ride to the hospital and life saving efforts camwe first... the time of the shooting was well before it was possible for LHO to be in position to do the shooting. Chuck
  3. I just saw it the other night and I am sure it was on a document. There was a crease or line going through the top of the numbers. The numbers for JFK were, now this is strictly from memory, 63 272. I will do my best to find it for you so we can be sure of the numbers. Chuck
  4. In viewing Oswald's autopsy photos I noticed that the towel under his head bears a striking similarity to the one seen in JFK's autopsy photos. JFK's autopsy number is in the same format as LHO's and Tippit's. In fact, if you were to alter Two of Tippit's autopsy numbers, you would have JFK's autopsy number. In other words, what are the odds that two hospitals, in different states, would use the same date format and also perform virtually the same number of autopsies? Just a thought, it may mean absolutely nothing. Chuck
  5. I believe Mr. Morningstar has written on this subject. I will search for some of his articles to see if he developed the story any further. Chuck
  6. One other number in Ruby's book was the Dallas Sheraton. This is where the Secret Service and George Bush were at on 11/22/63. Seems as if Ruby is the wild card who can be linked, albeit tenuously, to all three (JFK, LHO, Tippit) of the murders. Chuck
  7. I believe it is called being an accessory after the fact. It is a crime, subject to prosecution, and charges should have been brought against all agents, and their superiors, who aided and abetted in the cover-up of JFK's murder. Chuck
  8. This is kind of off topic, but related. LHO would have brought his pistol to work with him if he had planned to kill anyone that day. I say this because it just seems unrealistic to think that an assassin, set on killing the President, would not have brought a sidearm along, to effect an escape, in case he was confronted while escaping. If you take the Commissions point of view, that LHO was a stone cold killer, willing to kill Tippit, why in the world did he not have his pistol handy to kill Baker with? I just can't shake the feeling that LHO never owned a pistol, much less a rifle. When I read military plans, such as Northwoods, in which they describe providing documentary evidence to support their phony claims against foreign countries, it isn't that much of a reach to think the same thing would have been done in a situation such as this, if there was any involvement on their part in the killing of JFK. I expect to hear boos and hisses for this point of view, but, it's a gut feeling that I can't ignore. Chuck
  9. Many of the stories told by eyewitnesses have descriptions of events not seen in any film or photographs. Many witnesses describe JFK as standing and waving at the time the shooting started. Another witness mentions seeing a nickel plated gun inside of the limousine. Another mentions someone shooting back. Shooting back at who is left out of the statement. Lots of things don't add up or make sense. It drives me up the wall trying to make sense of the various descriptions given of this one event. Chuck
  10. Has anyone checked for implants? This could rate right up there with the mysterious "listening devices" around Dealey Plaza, and the more recent attempt by the City of Dallas to expose Plaza-ites to a deadly nerve toxin, the nefarious purposes of which remain hidden. Was this sarcasm or just a sick attempt at humor? Chuck
  11. His death certificate gives Tippit's time of death, after being picked up and delivered by ambulance to the hospital, as having been pronounced at : 1:15 P.M. I think the document speaks for itself. Chuck
  12. I looked up the meaning of eosinophilic and pasted below: 1. A type of white blood cell found in vertebrate blood, containing cytoplasmic granules that are easily stained by eosin or other acid dyes. 2. A microorganism, cell, or histological element easily stained by eosin or other acid dyes. Here is what PAS refers to: The periodic acid Schiff reaction (PAS) is used to demonstrate the presence of 1-2-glycols, and is consequently an important method in the histochemistry of carbohydrates and the histological demonstration of many structures. The dark stains are more probably a Fungus growth than any kind of embedded organic insect debris. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck
  13. FYI - One of Bernard Weissmans' associates worked as a car salesman. The information is in one of the letters Larrie Schmidt sent to Weissman. Care to venture a guess what type of cars this friend had sold? Did I hear you say Rambler? Car dealers are known for having "loaner" cars, which were used for test driving, etc. I wonder if this could be where the car came from? Chuck
  14. In order to get the desired effect it is important to make sure that you leave in as this seems to be the main mistake people are making. You then type your reply under quote. Press ADDREPLY when you are finished. Please use this thread to ask for help concerning the use of this Forum. I felt the crosshairs centtering in on me when I read this post....talk about embarrassing. Thanks for the tip and I will try to get it right. Bear with me. Chuck Well, I still don't have any luck. I pressed reply and then addreply when finished...?? Arrgghh..i'll try later.
  15. I'll be honest with you, just to show you how paranoid I am. I had serious doubts that Bill Clinton would leave office. With everyone in fear of the millenium bug as 2000 approached, I thought he might use the chaos created by computer crashes as an excuse to suspend the Constitution for purposes of "national security." After 2000 came and nothing happened, I thought Clinton might use the Constitutional crisis created by the 2000 election mess as an excuse to stay in office. I felt relieved when the crisis passed as Bush successfully stole the election, having no idea at the time what that was going to mean. I now have serious doubts that the present gang in power is going to leave office. But I'm hopeful, because I've been wrong before. Funny you should mention Bush and cronies not leaving power. The govt. has been preparing the way for this scenario for decades now. Martial law can be imposed under any situation which is deemed to be a "serious" threat to national security. The 9/11 event was more than sufficient for that martial law to be put into effect, for an indeterminate length of time, while giving the President what can best be described as dictatorial powers. LHO wrote about the coming collapse of America at some point before he was killed. Here is something which he was supposed to have hand written. "The Communist Party of the United States has betrayed itself! It has turned itself into the traditional lever of a foreign power to overthrow the Government of the United States, not in the name of freedom or high ideals, but in servile conformity to the wishes of the Soviet Union and in anticipation of Soviet Russia's complete domination of the American continent. The Forsters and the Flynns of the subsidized Communist Party of the United States have shown themselves to be willing, guillible messengers of the Kremlin' Internationalist propaganda. There can be no international solidarity with the arch-betrayers of that most sublime ideal. There can be no sympathy for those who have turned the ideal of communism into a vile curse to Western man. The Soviets have committed crimes unsurpassed even by their early-day capitalist counterparts, the imprisonment of their own peoples, with the mass extermination so typical of Stalin, and the individual suppression and regimentation under Khrushchev. The deportations, the purposeful curtailment of diet in the consumer-slighted population of Russia, the murder of history, the prostitution of art and culture. The Communist movement in the US, personalized by the Communist Party USA, has turned itself into a "valuable gold coin" of the Kremlin. It has failed to denounce any actions of the Soviet Government when similar actions on the part of the US Government bring pious protest. Examples: Denounced: United States atom bomb tests Cuba NATO maneuvers U-2 Congo Negro lynchings Not Denounced: Russia atom bomb test Hungary Warsaw Pact maneuvers Sobel Eastern Germany Genocide Only by declaring itself to be, not only not dependent upon, but opposed to Soviet domination and influence, can dormant and disillusioned persons hope to unite to free the radical movement from its inertia. Through the refusal of the Communist Party USA to give a clear-cut condemnation of Soviet piratical acts, progressives have been weakened into a stale class of fifth columnists of the Russians. In order to free the hesitating and justifiably uncertain future activist for the work ahead, we must remove that obstacle which has so efficiently retarded him, namely the devotion of the Communist Party USA to the Soviet Union, Soviet Government, and Soviet Communist International Movement. It is readily foreseeable that a coming economic, political, or military crisis, internal or external, will bring about the final destruction of the capitalist system. Assuming this, we can see how preparation in a special party could safeguard an independent course of action after the debacle -- an American course steadfastly opposed to intervention by outside, relatively stable foreign powers, no matter from where they come, but in particular, and if necessary, violently opposed to Soviet intervention. No party of this type can attract into its ranks more than a nominal number of fundamental radicals. It is not the nature of such an organization to attract such a membership as, let's say, the Republicans or even the Socialist Party, but it is possible to enlist the aid of disenchanted members of the Socialist Party and even some from more "respected" (from a capitalist viewpoint) parties. But whereas our political enemies talk loudly now, they have no concept of what total crisis means. The faction which has the greater basis in spirit and the most far-sighted and ready membership of the radical futurist will be the decisive factor. We have no interest in violently opposing the US Government. Why should we manifest opposition when there are far greater forces at work to bring about the fall of the United States Government than we could ever possibly muster. We do not have any interest in directly assuming the head of Government in the event of such an all-finishing crisis. As dissident Americans, we are merely interested in opposing foreign intervention, which is an easily drawn conclusion if one believes in the theory of crisis. The emplacement of a separate, democratic, pure communist society is our goal, but one with union-communes, democratic socializing of production and without regard to the twisting apart of Marxist Communism by other powers. The right of private personal property, religious tolerance, and freedom of travel (which have all been violated under Russian "Communist" rule) must be strictly observed. Resourcefulness and patient working towards the aforesaid goals are preferred rather than loud and useless manifestations of protest. Silent observance of our principles is of primary importance. But these preferred tactics now may prove to be too limited in the near future. They should not be confused with slowness, indecision, or fear. Only the intellectually fearless could even be remotely attracted to our doctrine. And yet this doctrine requires the utmost restraint -- a state of being in itself majestic in power. This is stoicism, and yet stoicism has not been affected for many years and never for such a purpose. There are organizations already formed in the United States who have declared they shall become effective only after the military debacle of the United States. Organizations such as the Minute Men -- or the opposite of a stoical organization. But these performers are simply preparing to redefend in their own back yards a system which, they take for granted, will be defeated militarily elsewhere -- a strange thing to hear from these "patriots." These armed groups represent hard-core American Capitalist supporters. There will also be small armed Communist and probably Fascist groups. There will also be anarchist and religious groups at work. However, the bulk of the population will not adhere to any of these groups, because they will not be inclined to join any of the old factions with which we are all so familiar. But the people will never accept a new order presented by politicians or opportunists. Logically, they will deem it necessary to oppose those systems of government against whom they have been educagation. It is, I think, the action of the active segregationist minority and the great body of indifferent people in the South who do the United States more harm in the eyes of the world's people than the whole world Communist movement." If this writing truly is something original, which came from Oswald's mind, he was anything but a nut. Chuck
  16. It is from the mary ferrell site. I will have to backtrack to find the link for any who want to go directly to the image. Being a cheapskate, and broke as well, I can't pay for their search function, so, this could take a while, but, I am willing to give it a go. Bear wth me... Chuck
  17. I am not a religious man, normally, but I will now say AMEN, this makes great sense. Chuck
  18. I don't know what to make of H. Lee. Isn't that the name that the cops said LHO was renting under.. O. H. Lee? Chuck
  19. What this tells me is that as there was matter expelled 360 degrees from the wound, you can not use the blood, or matter, shown on the film, as an indicator of the direction the shot came from. If there had been a quantitative analysis of how much, and where, debris from the victim had landed, throughout that 360 degrees in the area surrounding the spot where the bullet had impacted JFK's skull, it might have indicated, which direction was most likely for the shot to have been fired from. Since, as we can see from film taken then, crime scene preservation was not on the agenda. The President is just murdered, in broad daylight, in front of hundreds of witnesses, and yet, people were allowed to walk over and drive through the crime scene, destroying any chance of collecting evidence to help ensure a successful prosecution of anyone arrested for the crime. Did they know something that no one else did? Like, maybe, there being no trial for the perp? Chuck
  20. A letter was sent by a convict, from some unidentified state prison, to the DPD. In this letter the convict stated that he knew Harvey Oswald very well. He said that Jack Ruby and Harvey knew each other very well. He also said that Ruby had offered to pay Harvey to kill JFK. He stated that when Oswald went to the theatre to collect his money from Ruby, that he, the convict, was supposed to go with Harvey. The convict was afraid, so, rather than go with Harvey to the theatre, he had been hiding from Harvey in an alley near the theatre. This convict, whose name did not appear in the report or on the letter, promised to get Robert and Marguerite Oswald together to set the record straight. Could this have been one of the men arrested that day? I will look for the DPD archives copy of the letter, and post it, as soon as I can. Chuck
  21. I had always assumed there had been no formal contact with any govt. employees by Oswald in Mexico. Now why in the world would this info be supressed? Why had a search been made for Oswaldin Little Rock ? It sure looks like a long list of problems the FBI had to answer for. This was part of a Gayle (Gale?) memo. The first page, and it's first seven questions, was completely blacked out. Chuck
  22. I saw a headline "Cheney violates first rule of hunting". I'd say, starting with you are only supposed to shoot at the animals, aren't you? Chuck
  23. "We have a few more feet to go to get to the actual position of JFK at the time of the third/last/final shot." Would that few more feet place JFK very near to the steps that lead up to the knoll area? There was a man, in a red shirt, standing there who suddenly extended both of his hands, while bending his knees. Just as both of his arms are extended, and pointing towards the Limo, there is a small white flash seen for one frame. I will try to find the frame and post it for your viewing and analysis.
  24. Interesting. GHW Bush was flown into Dallas, on a plane supposedly owned by a Mr. Zeppo, on 11/22/63. This is one more possible Chicago-Dallas connection to the murder of JFK. Does anyone know how to go about finding out who owned the plane that Bush, as a passenger, flew into Dallas? If I knew the procedure for obtaining this information I would be able to make the inquiry. Chuck
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