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Barry Keane

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Everything posted by Barry Keane

  1. A book by Author-House in ` 1995 entitled "Friendly Fire on Holy Grounds-The Stockpile Conspiracy" by Ira Jesse Hemingway may add another piece to the puzzle to help expain why JFK was murdered. The scandal over the Eisenhower Administation's handling of the Strategic Materials Stockpiles issue, something of which I was certainly unaware of until recently, needs a closer inspection. This is a synopsis supplied to me by the author. Synopsis This synopsis is for my non-fiction book, “Friendly Fire On Holy Grounds: The Stockpile Conspiracy”© the book is complete. I hold all rights to this story both fiction (Screen Play) and non-fiction. Friendly Fire© chronicles the events that occurred from 1954 through 1972 concerning the cost of a critical material stockpile. It attempts to leave the reader with a clear understanding of a serious cover-up when President Kennedy attempted to remove the shroud of secrecy surrounding this event. All he wanted was financial account ability but instead he ended up dead. I am not trying to persuade my audience but present facts that are not in the open market at this time pertaining to the assassination of an American President, John F. Kennedy. I leave it in the intellect of the audience to judge the facts. Upon completion of my research and book, I became aware that a stockpile issue was very important to President Kennedy. He voiced his concerns many times between 1962 and 1963, up until his death. The Warren Commission did not look into the stockpile issue, as members of that commission were deeply involved with the creation of, the 13 billion dollar ruse. I will show that the only logical reason that these specific members were on the Warren Commission was to ensure that information concerning the stockpile was never raised nor released. This information led me to the next logical step, which meant that if in fact that was their duty to avoid the stockpile issue then they committed fraud by failing to disclose the facts. I was then able to uncover information that they committed fraud regardless of their true intentions, they knew about the stockpile. At the onset of the Warren Commission Lyndon Baines Johnson and the director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover agreed to obstruct justice by: A) Meeting Johnson and discussing who should be on the commission and the flow of facts; The announcement of the commission followed by the FBI director’s statement that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone; C) Directed what the scope and duties of the Warren Commission were. He also directed the FBI to screen all information to the commission. If the Director of the FBI said a certain person did it then it was pretty much case closed. Both Johnson and Richard Nixon were involved with the increase of the stockpile between 1954 and 1960. It would be elementary to deduct that the escalation of Vietnam had to do with the stockpile cover-up in the sense that billions more had been spent in Vietnam than the public knew. From my many years of research and an audit conducted before the 1962 Senate Stockpile investigation gave a base for all the material in the stockpile. It was President Kennedy’s assumption that the members of the Eisenhower administration profited from the excessive spending on the stockpile. The profiting from the stockpile transactions was illegal and the methods by which the Eisenhower cabinet members used the stockpile were in violation of many laws. President Kennedy may not have fully realized that half of the material on the books did not exist. The real reason that President Kennedy was murdered did not surface until 1972 when President Nixon wrote 4.2 billion dollars off the books. The facts will prove that Kennedy was going to use the information from the stockpile investigation, in 1964, to his political advantage in the Presidential elections. If the only thing that occurred were profiting from the stockpile, methods of buying and selling, it surely would not have been politically damaging, as it would be if the material were not purchased at all. Jesse Hemingway
  2. I have not posted anything on this forum for a very long time (or any other forum) for two reasons. Firstly , because I felt I have had little to contribute and secondly I am dismayed at the pointless arguments that seem to permeate. I am a firm believer that no-one has the monoply on wisdom in the case of the death of JFK, and I mean no-one! Although this forum, thanks to John Simkin gives people the chance to espouse their opinions, often that is all they are. The illusory truth in the death of JFK is what we are all striving for, but cannot find because 1984 came 21 years early. Having said that, we must not give up, but at least we should recognise that there is only one truth, historical truth. This goal must be our yardstick. Barry
  3. Denis Go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/platinum198/s...57617159084729/ for a selection of photos
  4. Hey John I look forward to seeing you again and to meeting Gerald. Barry Ps Good to see you posting again my friend.
  5. Robert Despite Hemingway's efforts to raise this issue, like other salient points eg The Federal Reserve, little interest has unfortunately been forthcoming. Suffice to say that the SOB's got away with it. Barry
  6. From my interactions with Harold, I'd say Jack has it exactly correct. I had contacted him by mail [later by phone] asking about particular points in his books and generally how to interpret FBI and othe agency document routing and margenallia etc. He was at once very gruff and the curmudeon, yet at the same time enourmously generous of his time and knowledge. I once mis-interpreted some notes on an FBI document's routing in the margin and he nearly exploded at me - yet immediately 'cooled-down' and took more than two hours to fully-inform me so I'd not make the mistake again. I don't think people should read anything into his personal quirks beyond their being his own psychological style. As a researcher he plowed much new ground and found much in those fields. He did make a few adversaries, mostly of those who weren't appreciative of his work. He worked tirelessly and at his own immense cost. No one 'normative' takes-up this cause full-time, working at full throttle and with afterburners on..... His death was a great loss IMO and his body of work [despite its bad editing and horrible self-published look] invaluable. It should be in anyone's JFK library. Kelin's great book brings-up a number of feuds between early researchers. I think most would regret it now, if one could ask them. Not only are we all mortal, but all human - with all the foibiles, jealousies, paranoia, and personality oddities or everyone - and perhaps more than many - add to that the lack of societal appreciation [and often official denegration] for most of the work. Some [not all] of the disputes between researchers IMO were ignited and fanned by those who sought to keep the secrets secret. They do so still. The psychological aspects still play into many others. Peter Great post, very perceptive, thank you.
  7. THE SUMMER OF HIS YEARS Connie Francis A young man rode with his head held high, Under the Texas sun, And no one guessed, That a man so blessed, Would perish by the gun, Lord, would perish by the gun. A shot rang out like a Southern shout, And Heaven held its breath, For a man shot down, In a Southern town, In the summer of his years, Yes, the summer of his years. And we who stay mustn't ever lose, The victories that he's won, For wherever "man" looks to Freedom's past, His soul goes riding on, Lord, his soul goes riding on!
  8. God bless the memory of John F. Kennedy and God protect Barack H. Obama
  9. Absolutely Jack, absolutely. The Warren Report eg. Barry
  10. Bill Hicks was a true genius, a stand-up comic with balls! He is as revelant today as he was in the early nineties. He had this incredible insight in to how things really are and wasn't afraid to say so. His comments on JFK's assassination are gems to be treasured. He's looking down ( or probably up ) at us now saying I told you so.
  11. Unfortunately do to ill health Walt Brown will be unable to attend the conference, but we do still have an interesting list of speakers and topics. Barry Keane Vice-Chairman Dealey Plaza UK
  12. John Don't close the forum. Nobody on this forum , or any other has the monopoly on wisdom. I belong to this forum and the others to learn, to make considered judgments and sometimes contribute. You are doing a great job, don't let posters emotive responses sway you from your efforts.I do not get embroiled in petty arguments, I just ignore them. Some great information has been posted on this forum you should be proud that you have made this possible. Jack White is one hell of a researcher, as are many on this forum. We need this place to try to correct a grave historical error. We owe it to the memory of John F. Kennedy but mostly for ourselves and future generations. Keep on trucking Barry
  13. Angelo documents. I tried to attached the angelo documents from the MFF, but they seemed to have disappeared. Barry
  14. It's 6:30 pm here in the UK. The time that we lost JFK. A time for reflection and a time of thanks for the short time JFK was with us. When we look at who is in power now the loss feels even greater.
  15. Because the American system of government is run on the doctrine of the separation of powers. That is each branch of the government is independant and acts as a check on the others. There is the Executive branch headed by the president, the Legislative, made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives and the Judiciary headed by the Supreme Court. The Founding Fathers were mindful of preventing a president/emperor from developing, so these checks and balances were instituted.
  16. Thanks for the info Francesca, I shall be recording both programmes.
  17. Does anyone have any contact details for Paul Hoch? Preferably an email address.Please send to barry.keane2@ntlworld.com Thanks Barry
  18. Al Your article can be actually found in the March 2003 issue which can be read online on The Mary Ferrell Foundation's website http://www.maryferrell.org All back issues of the Dealey Plaza Echo (up to March 2006) can be viewed as well. Barry Keane Secretary Dealey Plaza UK
  19. When Skip Rydberg was due to leave the Navy in 1968, he wrote to Humes and Boswell requesting letters of recommendation. He received two very differrent replies. It seems from Boswell's response that something went on in the morgue that night he was very unhappy with. Barry
  20. Bill As Robert explained, Rex is very much involved in the Foundation. Rex asked me if they could put the Echo online and I was happy to oblige. Barry
  21. Thanks to Rex Bradford of the Mary Ferrell Foundation, all the back issues of the Dealey Plaza Echo are now available online. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...o?docSetId=1099 You can now read all the issues from July 1996 to March 2006. Hard copies are only available to members of Dealey Plaza UK. See www.dealeyplazauk.co.uk for membership details. Contact info in the earlier additions may not be up to date. See DPUK website for further infomation. Barry Keane Secretary Dealey Plaza UK
  22. Jim This article and 26 others can be found in Ian's excellent book "No Case to Answer" published by JFK Lancer. They are all updated and expanded versions of previously published articles. I recommend it to all serious researchers and newcomers alike. Barry
  23. Hi John I bought my copy from the publishers website, http://www.authorhouse.com/BookStore/ItemD...px?bookid=31224 I don't know if it is available in bookshops yet. Hope you can make it on the 6th, it should an interesting meeting. Jim Fetzer gave two great presentations on previous occasions.
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