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John Dolva

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Everything posted by John Dolva

  1. http://www.granma.cu/ingles/international-i/10may-What.html I N T E R N A T I O N A L Havana. May 10, 2012 OBAMA’S LATIN AMERICAN POLICY What’s changed? Who’s changed? Dalia González Delgado WHEN the presidents of Latin American countries first heard about Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008, they thought that perhaps U.S. policy toward the region might change. In 2009, just months after taking office, Obama tried to promote this hope at the 5th Summit of the Americas in Trinidad & Tobago. He approached Chávez there, extended his hand and made unprecedented statements. He asserted that the time had come to develop a relationship as equals, admitting that the U.S. may have at times, erroneously, attempted to impose its will on the region. He spoke of taking relations between the U.S. and Cuba in a "new direction." Now we know that was all theater. Only the speech changed, differing from that of his predecessor, the less intelligent George W. Bush, but expressing the same rhetoric. The United States supported the coup in Honduras, continues to finance subversion in Venezuela and the blockade of Cuba remains intact. Examples abound. U.S. policy towards Latin America remains unchanged: to try and destroy or derail all political integration efforts developing on the continent, beyond its control. This policy is, however, becoming increasingly difficult to implement and the Summit of the Americas was a case in point. In Cartagena, for the first time, Latin America spoke loud and clear. Obama was shamed. And not by the sexual scandal created by his Secret Service agents, which the media has exacerbated, thus obscuring the true significance of the Summit. After the meeting, influential U.S. media outlets acknowledged that the country found itself on the defensive with respect to Cuba at the Summit. Commenting on the fact that the Summit ended without agreement on a joint declaration, The Washington Post wrote, "The ambiguous conclusion underscored the fact that Obama, while pledging a new relationship with the United States’ leery southern neighbors, has had little success in bridging significant policy differences that have divided the region for decades." Some analysts offered the opinion that the U.S. has neglected its ‘back yard’ while focusing on the Middle East. However, Carlos Oliva Campos, a faculty member at the University of Havana, commented to Granma, "The fact that the region is not a priority for a given administration does not mean that the region has lost its critical importance within the heart of U.S. foreign policy. Practically, throughout our entire history, we have served as a laboratory for policies and a proving ground for strategies." "Although the Middle East, Asia, and Russia under Putin, are priorities, Obama’s policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean is essentially a continuation," he said. "The Summit of the Americas was very important because the region is no longer the same. Now there is another relationship of forces, very interesting, because it’s the ‘left’, not just socialists, which is complicating the U.S. response. What’s more, the U.S. is no longer the only defining external factor for markets or trade in the region." Can we be optimistic and rest assured that the U.S. has lost influence in Latin America? Joseph Tulchin, Professor at Harvard University’s Center for Latin American Studies, responded to the question via e-mail, "The question is not whether the U.S. is losing influence. It’s that some countries in Latin America have assumed a leading role in the world and do not want to continue the historic relationship of weakness and vulnerability in the face of U.S. hegemony." "We should not think that the inter-American system is finished," Carlos Oliva commented, "but the negotiating positions are no longer the same. Cuba is part of the new Latin American and Caribbean system and this can no longer be ignored." Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) in Washington D.C. said, "Latin America is now more independent of the United States than Europe is, and its independence is growing. There are structural reasons for these changes, among them the failure of neoliberalism. Perhaps most important, the people of the region have voted for left governments because they can: in the past… the United States did not allow such choices to be made peacefully. It is clear that the Obama administration has not changed U.S. policy toward Latin America. However, the political situation south of the Río Bravo is now different, with more unity, and the White House will have to accept this and adapt." PRINT THIS ARTICLE
  2. Tom mentioned once that he saw Kennedy gripping* the lapels of his coat and trying to pull them apart. I think this is a possibility. Also Jackie seems to prop him up to some extent. Other considerations. With the vehicle swinging a curved path the momentum would tend to drive Kennedy to the left. He had a very substantial stiff tight brace which would possibly tend to prop up his lower body. I don't know to what degree that is relevant or how if it is fits in or not with any hypothesis'. edit add * if this is a grip and the other fingers in shade it might not be a poining at all?
  3. You're welcome, James. On the first point. I know you are right as stated. I think from this persons perspective perhaps he meant that his head was perched upright on his shoulders and not leaning anymore than his body. I don't know. I read something about it some years ago. I've always taken it as far as he could see and how he desvibed it he may have stated an opposite to slumped. It seems a small point but if so then he is really saying his musculature was sufficiently functional to hold the head up. If so it means something in the context of this analysis (imo) edittypo
  4. It's great to see this evolving. Two things. Someone in the SS car said at the time of the headshot Kennedy was upright. Wasn't he already pretty tanked up and to what extent does not shock but the natural immediate response of the body in flooding the system with endorphines need to be considered?
  5. This isn't all of it by far. KKK http://mdah.state.ms...|3|42|1|1|118|# Black Power http://mdah.state.ms...|9|1|1|1|7967|# New Orleans http://mdah.state.ms...3|1|1|1|43793|# The MSC files have some 2 - 300 direct references to LBJ. Statements and News articles. This is out of looking at about ten of them. I have looked before and was looking for a particular one of a train to be blown up but I can't be bothered to find it again. edittypo
  6. There are anti-terrorists in the US . In Florida of all places. : ''Organizations of Cuban-Americans in Miami have strongly condemned the terrorist attack committed April 27, in Coral Gables, against Airline Brokers, a travel agency specializing in charter flights to Cuba, and called for an end to U.S. government restrictions on travel to the country. The agency had recently made arrangements for a delegation of 300 people who traveled to Cuba to witness the Pope’s visit to the island. The statement was signed by the Alianza Martiana, the Antonio Maceo Brigade, the José Martí Association, the Miami Bolivarian Circle, the Association of Christian Women in Defense of the Family, according to Prensa Latina, in addition to the Foundation for Normalization of US-Cuba Relations, the Cuban-American Defense League and the Socialist Workers Party, among other non-governmental groups which support the Cuban people. "We regard this criminal action as a terrorist attack, not only against this company, but also against the right of all American citizens to travel to Cuba and, particularly, to share time with and to help their families," the statement said. "Terrorist actions like this one violate democracy," added the text, which urges the U.S. government to lift all Cuba travel bans and calls on local and federal authorities to conduct a swift and thorough investigation that can lead to prosecution of the culprits. "As long as terrorists walk the streets of Miami as free men, actions like this one will continue to be perpetrated by them or by others who think and act like them," the statement warned, emphasizing that those responsible must be found and appropriately punished so that acts such as this are not repeated in South Florida. After pointing out that no member of Congress or any other elected state official has condemned the attack, the document adds that this must happen as soon as possible, since the situation is "truly disgraceful." The fire at the travel agency, which occurred during the early morning hours, has been described as deliberate by authorities speaking to the local press, and is being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (AFT), as well as the Coral Gables Fire Department.'' http://www.granma.cu...-Terrorist.html edit add : An interview with Alicia Jrapko and Bill Hackwell GLORIA GONZÁLEZ JUSTO "WE know that justice is on our side and that in the end it will triumph, because our friends around the world continue to grow, not only in quantity but in determination and energy… I know that many of you came to Washington from far away representing hundreds of others. This shows that our movement is not fictitious, but rather actively connected and everyone is working together." These are the words of Gerardo Hernández, read April 21, 2012 in front of the White House. After participating in Havana’s May Day march and before attending the Five Days for the Five event with the international brigade also in Cuba for the workers’ holiday, Alicia Jrapko, coordinator of the International Committee for the Freedom of the Five in the United States spoke with Granma International at the Juan Antonio Mella International Camp in Caimito, along with photographer and Committee member, Bill Hackwell. The two activists shared their impressions and perspectives on the recent 5-day event organized by the group in Washington. Alicia, why was the event in Washington organized? The center of U.S. power is in Washington. Five continuous days of activity for the Five had never been held in the U.S. capital. Many people were telling us that it wasn’t a good time for actions related to the issue of the Five, given that it is an election year. But we asked ourselves: Why should we wait? We can’t wait for the political situation facing the U.S. government to dictate when we demand freedom for the Five, the definitive return to Cuba of Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, Ramón Labañino and René González, known around the world as the Cuban Five. We wanted to take the Five’s case to a wider audience, to Senators, Congress members, students, churches and the U.S. people in general, at subway exits, on the streets, in front of the White House itself. So, a group of about 20 friends and solidarity activists from the U.S. and other parts of the world, in an organized and previously arranged plan, visited 45 offices of Congressional Representatives and Senators, where we held meetings with their staff. On three occasions, the Congress members themselves met with us. We talked about the case and left them all current information. Concretely, for the first time a coordinated lobbying effort was undertaken; documentaries about the Five were shown at two universities in Washington; the establishment of a new solidarity committee was supported; public meetings were held with the participation of intellectuals, religious figures, artists, writers, filmmakers and trade unionists, culminating in a demonstration in front of the White House.Ç Why take the case to Congress? The majority of the Senators and members of Congress with whom we sought an appointment are in favor of a change of policy toward Cuba, for different reasons. We wanted to express, in some way, that the case of the Five is central to any change in relations between the U.S. and Cuba, that it cannot be viewed as an isolated issue. The case of the Five is one of the obstacles to the normalization of relations between the U.S. and Cuba. Additionally, the legal process is now at a critical stage in which practically all of the legal options have been exhausted. In Washington, we represented the voices of thousands of people who helped make the Five Days for the Five possible and who, in their own countries, echoed what was happening in Washington. As the possibility of a legal judgment in favor of the Five grows more remote, solidarity within the U.S. itself must increase. How was the organization of such a broad event accomplished? With lots of creativity, lots of dedication and bringing together a number of people who spent months planning all the details. We had a budget thanks to the work of many committees and people around the world. If we had had more resources, we would have been able to do more. But when we didn’t have the resources to put an advertisement in a widely circulated newspaper or announcements on buses, as we had planned, we went out onto the streets with thousands of flyers… We were never short on determination, or enthusiasm to go out and meet people. What did you learn? When the commitment exists to work together on a project with a common objective - one as important as the freedom of five innocent men who every day show us the meaning of dignity and brotherhood - anything is possible. I would like to emphasize the very positive, direct contact with the people of the United States. Conversing with people on the street confirmed for us what we supposed: that the case of the Five is not known. People had never heard about the trial, not in newspapers or on television. Nevertheless, they were open to receiving information. We are more convinced that we have to continue struggling even more within the U.S. to achieve more support for the Five within the U.S. population itself. What about the ‘Obama Give me Five’ campaign? Barack Obama, as President of the United States, has the Constitutional power to release the Five by simply signing an executive order. We have additionally said that he has a moral obligation to put an end to the injustice. It is a campaign with a family message, simple and direct, like those used within the United States. We have the support of more than 300 committees around the world to make this message the universal demand to free the Five. What next? The International Committee in the United States is going to follow-up on the work done with the Congress members and Senators. Some activities with U.S. trade unionists are planned. We will continue with the campaign for events on the 5th of every month. We know that actions are planned around the world, that thousands of messages reach the White House on that date. The events we organize every year for September 12, the anniversary of the arrests, through October 8 will be here soon. It’s no longer necessary to make a call for action around these dates. Committees in many countries organize all kinds of activities to demand freedom for the Five Cuban patriots. This shows the maturity and the determination of the solidarity movement. We know that solidarity is key to opening the prison doors for the inevitable return of the Five to their homeland. Bill, as a U.S. photographer specializing in documentary and social photography and a member of the Committee, what is your view of the Five Days for the Five event in Washington? When we started planning the Five Days for the Five concept, we didn’t have any idea of what might happen. The results surpassed our expectations, with all of the activities we organized. For example, the demonstration in front of the White House drew some 300 people. At this time, that’s significant. The police had to call for reinforcements to monitor the demonstration. They told us they didn’t expect that many people. I think that the key to freeing the Five is building a social movement in the United States… There are indications that solidarity with the Five is growing, as we saw in the demonstrations, in several U.S. cities. Another sign is that several members of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement participated in our demonstration. The solidarity movement is gaining strength despite the fact that the mass media has tried to bury the case. Our role is to struggle to win their freedom as soon as possible. Alicia and Bill returned to Oakland, in California, promising that they would soon be seen again unfolding a banner over a busy highway demanding: Obama… Give me Five. Headlines SUPPORT FOR THE CUBAN FIVE AT MAY DAY CELEBRATION IN IRELAND Peruvians at US Embassy Demand Release of The Cuban Five Solidarity with Cuban Five Travels the World Broadcasting LIVE ON - 5 days for the Cuban 5 in Washington DC. Huge Banner for the Cuban 5 on Northern California Freeway Antiterroristas 2010. Todos los Derechos Reservados.
  7. Naturalism http://www.online-literature.com/periods/naturalism.php Oscar Wilde and the Aesthetic Movement, and the Cult of Beauty in Art and Design Report of the lecture given by Dr Anne Anderson BA PhD FSA on 26 January 2011 http://www.cranleighdfas.org/rev1101.htm
  8. Jim. I care. Why don't you take chill pill and have a good lie down. You'll feel a whole lot better.
  9. All right. Thank's Lee for taking the time to answer. Anyway all the stuff you've been posting here has been very interesting to read.
  10. Ok that's interesting too (the whole topic is, I only just started to read it) but it doesn't explain the ''beacuse of Philadelphia'' bit in Josiah's post. I have vague reasons for a wish to know more about that particular. It may lead to other q's and a's that may prove interesting. Why not Florida, or California, why does Philadephia raise a flag?
  11. http://www.freethefive.org/downloads/WaPoAd43012.pdf
  12. Sailing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r7kkSOCQZE&feature=related
  13. I get the thunderbird bit but I read it as first came an interest by Josiah and Vince (why?) then comes a finding but is that what they turned to Philly to look for?
  14. http://www.antiterroristas.cu Washington Post ad demanding Freedom for the Cuban Five is published today! Full-page appears in main section of Mon. Apr. 30, 2012 edition All across Washington D.C. and the surrounding region, readers of the Washington Post will open the Monday, Apr. 30 edition of the Post to see a dramatic full-page ad demanding freedom for the Cuban Five, political prisoners unjustly held in United States for almost 14 years. The ad is an effort spearheaded by the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five and supported by more than 325 organizations and individuals who raised the funds to publish the ad. Prominent political leaders and human-rights organizations are quoted in the ad, including: Lt. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff for Colin Powell during his tenure as U.S. Secretary of State; former U.S. president Jimmy Carter; 10 Nobel Prize recipients; former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark; Miguel D'Escoto, U.N. General Assembly president from 2008 to 2011; Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker; Amnesty International; and the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions. The U.S. government's misconduct in the political prosecution of the Five is exposed in the ad as well. Unknown to the Cuban Five and their defense team during trial, Miami reporters were secretly on the government payroll while demonizing the Five in the media, which "goes to the heart of the unjust conviction of the Five." Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio, Fernando González and René González were arrested on Sept. 12, 1998 by the FBI, and subjected to a politically-motivated U.S. prosecution that has been condemned worldwide. Their trial took place in the virulently hostile environment of Miami, despite defense motions to change the venue. Although public awareness of the Five has grown since their arrest, their case is still far from being widely known in the United States. "Every inch of newspaper coverage, every minute of television and radio coverage about the Cuban Five's anti-terrorist mission and the campaign for their freedom has been a struggle. This is why we decided a full-page ad was needed in the Washington Post, to demand that the political establishment, from President Obama to Congress members to the Justice Department, right this terrible injustice and free the Five," said Gloria La Riva, coordinator of the National Committee. "We are deeply appreciative of so many people who helped make the publication of this ad possible." The National Committee published its first full-page ad in The New York Times on March 3, 2004, in what was up to that point the biggest exposure of the Five's case in the media. Since then, it has helped to publish other ads, and conducted numerous press conferences as part of a much larger media strategy designed to break through the wall of silence surrounding the case. The Post is the most read newspaper in the Washington, D.C., "beltway" with the 6th largest reach in the country. Daily print circulation is 545,345 and estimated readership is 1,080,000. According to the Nielsen Ratings company, it is the most read newspaper in Congress and the Executive branch, and the only newspaper that political leaders in Washington read on a busy day. "Letting the people of the U.S. know about the wrongful imprisonment of the Cuban Five is the most important task for winning their liberation," said National Committee member Chris Banks. Habeas Corpus appeals for Gerardo, Ramón, Fernando and Antonio are actively underway in the Southern Florida federal district court. Support actions, protests and forums are multiplying on every continent and across the United States. TO SEE THE AD
  15. Then show us. Show us how imitating JFK's posture in the limo causes 2+ inches of jacket and 2+ inches of shirt to bunch up entirely above the base of the neck without pushing up on the jacket collar just above the base of the neck. The burden of proof is on YOU, John. Show us. --- Because you can't get your shirt to ride up at the base of the neck by waving your arm; because 15 witnesses described a wound consistent with T3 and we don't want to un-necessarily condemn 15 people as delusionals or liars, do we, John? I already have, to my satisfaction. That doesn't mean anything. No-one has replicated the analysis (afaik). If someone does repeat it and confirm or refute then it does. The shirt was on his back past his death and it, and the smears across the backseat and directions of bloodflow, tells a story of a sequence of events and the impressions of his brace, blood stains and other crease imprints on his back matches in particular ways. Since that topic I haven't mentioned it all that much. Now there are things in James' presentation that I think has elements that confirms what I was saying (and vice versa). Are you sure the burden is on me? (to prove what I said, not your version.) ------------------- I don't know, do we? (I have no idea what you are talking about.) Could you rephrase that please?
  16. Then show us. Show us how imitating JFK's posture in the limo causes 2+ inches of jacket and 2+ inches of shirt to bunch up entirely above the base of the neck without pushing up on the jacket collar just above the base of the neck. The burden of proof is on YOU, John. Show us. Because you can't get your shirt to ride up at the base of the neck by waving your arm; because 15 witnesses described a wound consistent with T3 and we don't want to un-necessarily condemn 15 people as delusionals or liars, do we, John? I already have, to my satisfaction. That doesn't mean anything. No-one has replicated the analysis (afaik). If someone does repeat it and confirm or refute then it does. The shirt was on his back past his death and it, and the smears across the backseat and directions of bloodflow, tells a story of a sequence of events and the impressions of his brace, blood stains and other crease imprints on his back matches in particular ways. Since that topic I haven't mentioned it all that much. Now there are things in James' presentation that I think has elements that confirms what I was saying (and vice versa). Are you sure the burden is on me? (to prove what I said, not your version.) ------------------- I don't know, do we? (I have no idea what you are talking about.) Could you rephrase that please?
  17. The fibrin protein in blood knits whatever it is on skin or clothes when in outside the body. Understanding that makes it fairly easy to match blood stains on the body with those on the shirt and to understand where the shirt was. Putting that on a model of the body makes it prety easy to understand how things went. I think there really is only one way : the shirt and jacket were bunched and all the arguments to the contrary bend and twist things to within very narrow parameters that are so easy to find contrary povs to. What's wrong with it being as James say and as Pat says anyway?
  18. This comes from an interest in France with a baggage of previous interests. I asked myself what is the French national anthem? And that led to other things I had not known or my knowledge was flawed. I always had this idea that it had something to do with the French revolution but which one.] Le Marseailleise is the official anthem. Looking instead at L'Internationale I came adross diverse sites of interest. Encyclopedia Britannica http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/291483/LInternationale Then for some reason I got interested in what the word Soviet means which led to this site http://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1920/terrcomm/ch05.htm which happens to give an interesting bit from Trotsky himself that didn't answer it but opened up a lot of other avenues, so I sat back and listened to various versions in order to get some feel for their meaning (now with Trotsaky hovering in my brain). Anyway that was fun so I'll just post a couple of links https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Marseillaise
  19. The original is hard to find (which I think is interesting, I don't see why this could have been seen as insulting. I think Hendrix's original was probably meant as a compliment. Anyway VIVE LA FRANCE! cover: (based on 60's Paris concert)
  20. I agree. Very educational. I hope it gets published or posted. If so it'd be great to get a ref to an abstract or a link..
  21. Thanks James. That pic really helps. Obviously I would then consider jfk's posture aand orientation at the time of the shot. Great topic btw edit add This deals with wound ballistics. http://www.defencejournal.com/april98/bulletwound.htm here is an interesting article (among many. It may show that the us mil article on extensive tests and high speed missile behaviour is helpful (very) but in cases not applicable) (can a tumble explain things?) on that also mentions exterior ballistics. which is different. and may be harder to speculate about but I suspect not impossible.
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