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John Dolva

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Everything posted by John Dolva

  1. Nathaniel, I think that if fascism has taken a great leap forward in the USA (as suggested by the JFK conspiracy and cover-up) then one of the key reasons is the fascist populism represented by the John Birch Society. One can make a case that the JBS emerges from the German-American protest against the defeat of Germany in WW2, with the objection that the USA smashed the wrong country in WW2. In other words, the sentiment that the USA should have supported Nazi Germany against Soviet Russia is probably the inner core of the JBS ideology. Although the JBS is officially against Antisemitism, countless reports of Jewish members have exclaimed that most local JBS groups insult Jews as a standard practice. For example, Bernard Weissman (who was interviewed by the Warren Commission for his role in the black-bordered ad on 22 November 1963) was ordered by his CUSA president, Larrie Schmidt, to convert to Christianity. This was after Larrie came into contact with the JBS via H.L. Hunt and ex-General Edwin A. Walker. Best regards, --Paul Trejo I think there is ample evidence to show that contrary to popular history important elements of the USWofA's power structure did just that.
  2. ''Welch refused to divulge the size of the society’s membership, though he suggested it was as high as 100,000 and could reach a million. His method of organization caused general alarm. The society comprised a series of cells, no more than twenty people per cell. It was said that its members were directed to run in secret for local offices and to harass school boards and librarians on the matter of the Communist nature of the textbooks and other materials they used.'' http://www.commentarymagazine.com/article/goldwater-the-john-birch-society-and-me/
  3. O U R A M E R I C A Havana. June 22, 2012 Cuba aspires to good sense and human intelligence prevailing over irrationality and barbarity Speech given by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, President of the Councils of State and Ministers at the Rio-20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, June 21, 2012, Year 54 of the Revolution MR. President; Your Excellencies: Twenty years ago, on June 12, 1992, in this same conference hall, the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz stated, and I quote, “An important biological species is at risk of disappearing due to the rapid and progressive liquidation of its natural living conditions: humanity.” End of quote. What could have been considered alarmist, today constitutes an irrefutable reality. The inability to transform unsustainable models of production and consumption is threatening the balance and regeneration of natural mechanisms which sustain life forms on the planet. The effects cannot be hidden. Species are becoming extinct at a speed one hundred times faster than those indicated in fossil records; more than five million hectares of forests are lost every year; and close to 60% of ecosystems are degraded. In spite of the landmark signified by the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, carbon dioxide emissions increased by 38% from 1990 to 2009. We are now moving toward a global increase in temperature which will place at risk, in the first place, the integrity and physical existence of numerous developing island states and will produce serious consequences in the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. A profound and detailed study undertaken during the last five years by our scientific institutions is in basic agreement with reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and confirms that, during this century, if current trends are maintained, a gradual and considerable rise in average sea levels will take place in the Cuban archipelago. This forecast includes the intensification of extreme meteorological events, such as tropical hurricanes, and an increase in the salinity of underground water sources. All of this will have serious consequences, especially for our coastal areas, so we have initiated the adoption of appropriate measures. Equally, this phenomenon will have serious geographic, demographic and economic implications for the Caribbean islands which, moreover, must confront the inequalities of an international economic system which excludes the smallest and most vulnerable. The paralysis of negotiations and the lack of an agreement which could make it possible to halt global climate change are a clear reflection of a lack of political will and the inability of developed countries to act in accordance with obligations concomitant with their historical responsibility and current position. This has been demonstrated in this meeting, despite the extraordinary effort made by Brazil, for which we are grateful. Poverty is increasing, hunger and malnutrition are growing and inequality is expanding, aggravated in recent decades as a consequence of neoliberalism. During these 20 years, wars of a new kind have been launched, focused on the conquest of energy resources, as was the case in 2003, on the pretext of weapons of mass destruction which never existed, and the recent war in North Africa. Acts of aggression against Middle Eastern countries which can now be discerned will be compounded by others, with the objective of controlling access to water and other resources in the process of being exhausted. It must be made clear that attempting a new division of the world will unleash a spiral of conflicts of incalculable consequences for a planet already seriously insecure, and moreover, sick. In the last two decades, military spending has grown to the astronomical sum of $1.74 trillion, almost double that of 1992, which is leading to an arms race in other states which feel threatened. Two decades after the end of the Cold War, against who will these arms be used? Let us stop the justifications and egoisms and seek solutions. This time, everyone, absolutely everyone, will pay for the consequences of climate change. Governments of industrialized countries which are acting in this manner should not commit the serious error of believing that they can survive a little longer at our cost. The waves of millions of hungry and desperate people from the South toward the North will be uncontainable, as will the rebellion of the peoples in the face of such indolence and injustice. No hegemonism will be possible then. End the plunder, end war, let us advance toward disarmament and destroy the nuclear arsenals. We are required to make a transcendental change. The only alternative is to build more just societies; to establish a more equitable international order based on respect for the rights of all; to ensure the sustainable development of nations, especially those of the South; and place advances in science and technology at the service of the salvation of the planet and human dignity. Cuba aspires to good sense and human intelligence prevailing over irrationality and barbarity. Thank you very much (Applause). PRINT THIS ARTICLE
  4. Not bad in helping to judge the moment of Clinton J. Hill taking action. Agreeing with the statement by Ron, it clarifies timing and reconstructs this moment in time and tells something about cameras relative speeds.
  5. The following image was posted on http://www.zodiackiller.com/Newscenter.html#ph1968 Jan. 31, 2011At the end of January 1974, almost exactly 37 years ago, the Zodiac mailed a letter in which he seemed to claim 37 victims. It was the first Zodiac letter in nearly three years and its arrival sparked a renewed attempt by San Francisco police to catch him. To mark the occasion, I have updated the Zodiac Magazine Rack with a story about the investigation from the April 1974 issue of San Francisco Magazine. > Click the image below for an amazing late-1960s aerial view of the neighborhood in San Francisco where the Zodiac killed cab driver Paul Stine: To the right is the naval installation I hypothesise that the ZK traversed to get to the beach.
  6. My sincere sympathies to Family and Friends. May he rest in Peace.
  7. He wrote it on his way to the US, In a diary I think from memory. Again from memory it was a disillusionment with Communism and Capitalism and expressed an admiration for the Minutemen which I suppose was about Constitutionalism and the solution he came up with was that a struggle needed to be brought to the fore in the US between Communism and Capitalism out of which the Minutemen program a la Oswald would emerge as the triumphant choice. This is a typical Fascist solution to defeat Communism. The NAZIS did so and Golden Dawn and others try to do so today. Appeal to the working class with the blessings and funding of Capital. This is the format Capitalism adopts when approaching its death throes. It is also the time when Communism must maintain a disciplined unity based on its fundamental moral stance on people before profit and be at the vanguard opposing the immorality of Fascism.
  8. In short: Oswald had already expressed his alliance with the Minutemen and he wanted to bring to the table a new agenda. He was naive and foolish. This made him open to being fooled. The Reagan Ruckus reveals that the JBS is ready to take a position of opposition or support of an individual (in this case Reagan) depending on which would yield the best outcome. Having gotten involved with the Minutemen Oswald believed that whatever planned role he had would lead to an outcome in line with his own views. However he was a bit-player in a far larger drama of which he didn't have the right script for. He was a fool who was cheated, which is essentially the traditional theatrical role of a 'Patsy' only for Oswald it wasn't a play and he didn't realise his real role until it was too late.
  9. Yes, he's a kind of nexus and re Italy at a particular decisive time he was in the same area as Walker* (Rome, between which and Anzio the mixup caused the Anzio debacle) and that could be significant but without records whether it is or not one can only speculate. I think modern Historians today can't agree om what exactly happened re the initially hugely successful Landing. *(and supposedly also DP Witness R. R. Carr whom Tom has done some great work on) (also there are some otherwise related H.D. Holmes matters here too)
  10. Bombay Dub Orchestra - Beauty And The East (Banco De Gaia Remix) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR2Ho5iGn_k&feature=list_related&playnext=1&list=AL94UKMTqg-9ClV1utXd1iH2z3MrxnBpZq
  11. Great post Paul. re the HSCA, I don't have Gaeton Fonzis book at hand but from memory the investigation did divide up into 5 groups that looked at different suspects one of which was Civil Rights as a theme. This group, like the others, found promising leads, G. Fonzi focused on one, the report finalised on another. Where are the records of the group that investigated the main area where Walker would have been most likely to have popped up?
  12. Again (and I think this points to a fundamental disagreement between you and I, not about Walkers complicity but the underlying reasons) which can lead to a change in perspective. I keep getting hung up on aspects of your reasonings. Here we agree that Walkers records are of interest. I also contend that he may very well have been 'mad' since very early on. I have never heard or read about anyone becoming homosexual but rather realising that one IS homosexual, so therefore this conflict was there on some level all his life. Maybe denial was a driving force in much of his life. What I'm getting at is to properly understand Walker and put in context all events in his life and not try to argue a belated change as a sign of an emerging madness but rather a natural progression from multitudinous denial ridden choices throughout his life. Therefore all connections he had throughout his life is important to nail down his raisons d'etre and that begs a looseness in thinking that may necessitate a new look at things and a letting go of things perhaps not so important to the central theme of complicity in order to ferret out the full facts of the Conspiracy.
  13. اغنيه تشى جيفارا ......... Reflections of Fidel Nicolás Guillén Cheers Guevara! Or better yet, from the American depths: Wait for us. We’ll go with you. We want to die to live as you have died, To live as you live, Che Comandante, amigo. Beautiful final lines by Cuba’s National Poet.... http://www.granma.cu/ingles/
  14. John,this site seems to have something relating to Major General Edwin Walker and Anzio. During World War II, Walker commanded a subunit of the Canadian-American First Special Service Force in the invasion of Anzio, Italy in January 1944. In August 1944, Walker succeeded Robert T. Frederick as the unit's commanding officer. Source: http://www.enotes.co...ic/Edwin_Walker Hmmm, it would be good to lay this baby to rest if only to move on. The things that were happening during the time of the landing at Anzio led in a strange way (message/code mix-up supposedly) to it's failure. The people whose interests were served by its failure were not only the Germans in having more time eliminating left wing northern partisans but also of course non German anti-Communists. Like J. J. Angleton* for example and factions in the Cairo Bureau (which perhaps tenuously has something to do with the Raten-Lines to the Middle East after the war, and perhaps less tenuously to the tradeoff of Greece by Stalin (which probably has something to do with what's going on in Greece today)). Whatever ones take on events, here is an opportunity to look at an early Walker who appears in a somewhat mysterious milieu. Is it possible to get detailed service records from this time? Indeed, was he .. wait for it... OSS ? PS I think it has been established I'm nuts so I reserve the right to ask nutty questions. edit add * who shielded the Black Prince after Italy was liberated. Also Gladio and the Strategy of Tension, imo, is relevant here.
  15. That's ok, Greg. Apology accepted and I think you make some important points there. I'd add a question about why? For example don't Puerto Ricans have citizenship, no voting rights but can join the military? What's up with that? Anyway It's a bit of a stretch to see the president presiding over killing and terrorising people around the world acting out of good conscience and not for some other reason. Given the nature of Capitalism there is precious little mandated that does not have a profit motive so in a way it does have to (arguably, though I'd have to drag in class struggle here) to do with fiat money or faith in the nature (illusory) of currency which I don't think they have any faith in at all anyway but a deep commitment to ensuring debt slaves do so.
  16. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jun/15/businesses-banks-economy-growing
  17. US Secret Service agents' alleged scandals since 2004 revealed List claims involvement with prostitutes, sexual assault, leaking information and improper use of weapons guardian.co.uk, Friday 15 June 2012 18.48 BST The US Secret Service at work – on the rooftops to protect President Barack Obama, who was attending a fundraising dinner in New York this week. Photograph: KeystoneUSA-ZUMA /Rex Features The US government has revealed details of serious allegations against Secret Service agents and officers since 2004, including claims of involvement with prostitutes, leaking sensitive information, publishing pornography, sexual assault, illegal wiretaps, improper use of weapons and drunken behaviour. It was not clear how many of the accusations were confirmed to be true. The heavily redacted list on 229 pages was released under the US Freedom of Information Act. It follows a scandal in April, in which Secret Service agents were alleged to have engaged prostitutes when assigned to protect the president at an international gathering in Colombia. The list describes accusations filed against Secret Service employees with the Homeland Security Department's inspector general. In many cases, the government noted that claims were resolved administratively, while others were being formally investigated. The disclosures lend weight to concerns expressed by Congress that the prostitution scandal exposed a culture of misconduct within the Secret Service. Secret Service director Mark Sullivan apologised for the incident during a hearing in May but insisted that what happened in Colombia was an isolated case. Secret Service officials did not immediately respond on Friday to questions about the accusations. The complaints include an alleged sexual assault reported in August 2011. In the heavily redacted entry, an employee was accused of pushing a woman who also worked for the agency on to a bed during a work trip. The employee "got on top of (censored) attempting to have sex", even though the woman "told (censored) 'no' several times". The entry noted that supervisors described the accused as "a conscientious and dependable employee". The incident was closed with an "administrative disposition" in February. They also include an anonymous complaint in October 2003 that a Secret Service agent "may have been involved with a prostitution ring", noting that two telephone numbers belonging to the agent, whose name was censored and who has since retired, turned up as part of an FBI investigation into a prostitution ring. In 2005, an employee was reported to the Washington field office for being arrested on a charge of soliciting in a park. Documents do not reveal the outcome of that case. In 2008, an on-duty uniformed officer was arrested in a Washington prostitution sting. The officer, who was driving a marked Secret Service vehicle at the time, was placed on administrative leave, the records show. Sullivan said during the May hearing that the officer was later fired. Some of the allegations are spurious, such as a complaint in August 2010 that a Secret Service agent performed experiments and implanted stimulators in a citizen's brain. The list also includes dozens of complaints about fraudulent emails that circulate widely on the internet and appear to come from the Secret Service. A dozen Secret Service officers, agents and supervisors were implicated in the Colombia scandal and eight have been forced out of the agency. At least two employees are fighting to get their jobs back.
  18. Thank's Malcolm. I'm pretty sure he was in the D-day Op so that, if so, accounts for France and Italy leaves open the possibility that, along with others of interest, and things like Gladio, the Strategy of Tension, The Cairo Bureau, the OSS in Italy, Angleton, The Black Prince, and even R.R. Carr fits into a mix of avenues to follow, in particularly if Walker was near Cassini and what his supposed unit was doing at the time of Anzio and of course who he was connected to then which of course could beg a shift in focus for some. So, imo, it is important to resolve what his Italy period was. I've come across apparently conflicting data like there was a Walker near Monte Cassini but not The Walker or it was two Walkers and The Walker was yet on the promotional ladder. or...
  19. OK! I think it's funny. (Maybe it'll look different tomorrow.) My picks for the races at Seymour (Vic) tomorrow,. thursday, start 11.02 EST (oz) http://www.tab.com.au/Racing/Betting/StandardBets/PlaceStandardBet.aspx?State=1&MeetingCode=M&RacingCode=R&FromDate=2012-06-14T00%3a00%3a00&RaceNumber=10 7 RECRIMINATE (16) C. NEWITT, 10 SPINMEISTER (11) J. M. WINKS 3 GRAND ORATOR (12) J. NOONAN, 7 TYCOON MAGIC (11) D. M. LANE 3 HARVEY THE RABBIT (2) I. GUNDOGDU 2 CURSU (14) M. J. WALKER, 4 MAN WHAT A SHOT (3) J. MOTT, 15 IZARED (4) C. A. ROBERTSON 15 SHOT OF SCARLET (13) S .WYNNE ? 6 SPEEDY BULLET (7) D. GAUCI ? 9 TSAR OF RUSSIA (12) A. MALLYON have to chance 7 HEX (8) D. MOOR because both 1 ORIENTAL RUBY (6) J. G. FRY and 10 RUBY DIAMONDS (1) B. J. MELHAM have been scratched.
  20. Paul, can you, or anyone, confirm or refute whether Walker was near Monte Cassini at the time of the landing on Anzio beach?
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