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John Dolva

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Everything posted by John Dolva

  1. Penny ante by THE Don. Wonder how it'd go if a mafia crim was buying off witnesses? Would his assets be frozen or anything like that?
  2. maybe it's a carte blanche for anything the may yield any residues irrespective of whether it's taken for that reason or not
  3. Do NOT take the brown acid.... Sorry John, what am I looking at? If one assumes that US builders know about spirit levels or even plumbs the apparent age of the structure indicates the steps are likely a good indicator of true verticals, takes into account the flipping of image on film then it's an attempt to see if one can say anything about the orientation of the film surface to the subject and perhaps whether the photo was taken from waist level or with the camera raised up to below a down pointing head or not It's a kind of dyslexic thinking bearing in mind a thesis (from mem) about the philosophy about observer and image, ie where is the viewer? Here is an attempt to stimulate thinking about this. on the lens, on the film, behind the film, behind the filmer, in front of a projected image et.c. choosing to explore looking along a horizontal plane at the back of 'straightened' flipped and mirrored and tilted rendition using BY A as basis (because it seems least croppped (tho I think the true centre of it is slightly to the left of what the image shows) and the lines are just lines used to look at the distortions to arrive at a center. It's hard for me to conceptualise all this so I suppose it's just a concept you're looking at. Whether it has validity or not or can lead to such is another question.
  4. Typical. As suspected the 'Don' is protected and the nobodies (with rights) take the fall. It's the system that needs to be arrested.
  5. It wouldn't seem strange if you realise that all I've written about respect for you as a seriously centered researcher and I try to do that doesn't mean I have to agree with all you write, you know as well as I do we disagree on a number of issues ( which if we live long enough we might get around to) but that doesn't anull agreements on others and if in my attempts there's an agreement? that's cool, and not a complete surprise ( to me anyway)
  6. nor can a wheel strike be disproved, ...if one flips the fbi photo of the curb (like much they flipped and in other ways did sloppy recordings to imagery that to a cursory glance 'hides' things) the very 'turcoid' (def sic) patterns of wheel parts rubbing up against the curb are obvious (twiddle a bit with values) and support the notion that the curb strike means nothing and the 'tague strike' can very easily be seen as something else than having to do with any bullet fragments as well. (and vice versa)
  7. is it reasonable to assume the label on the nara photo should be white? IF so, then ramping up the gamma till it is near white and adjusting for bright sunlight seems to bring the shade closer. (using imageanalyzer, (which can also produce graphs of values)) edit add : that's a good point, Ed re blood, should be more consideration re that. But just how point blank? on the same: his trousers and shoes ( darn those shoes ) should have something as if he was standing over any spray would traject down as well.
  8. Trippy Hendrix Isle of Wight Festival
  9. Why don't the add media function work?
  10. That's a bit like the aussie slouch hat. Did other commonwealth countries use that hat shape?
  11. I think that's the answer Martin. Not exactly a popularity contest, is it? Imo that should be put aside and I think the question of ''why'' is a worthwhile pursit, and I don't think Craig's the person to get an answer to that from. While on that matter. The papers are often referred to as conflicting. That's really an outsiders pov. The SWP and the CPUSA were moving closer and the FBIs' COINTELPROSWP and COINTELPROCPUSA was always about seeding disunity. A different point is the apparent pristine nature of the papers. It's like they've never been opened and perhaps the sheet by the fence was what they were wrapped in. ?? I think a socialist would be interested in reading them rather than gathering them to pose with them.
  12. There was no need as they had their shooter and you don't run from a hit so that any such restrictions mean anything, you lay low, wait for the outcome and drift away. With much of dallas to help, no problem. I rather favour (given persons of interests addresses) Garland, or thataway as the location of the safe house (perhaps even white rock lake as a disposal site). A bit like feinting to the left with oak cliff while always meaning to head ENE. Then, later, wherever. afa structure goes the top and bottom had no communication so the 'bankers' through the middleman could be using any grouping and given the broadest personal upheaval was economic through the far reaching promises of JFK's bill of rights, not LBJ's, in that very affected group I'm sure there would be a crop of dedicated turkey shooters all over the south who could do with a bit of extra dough for a worthy cause.
  13. http://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/Tsunami-hit-Aussie-real-aap-3554936888.html;_ylt=Aq4wtUGY9AtLok.dsTPLHATCWo9G;_ylu=X3oDMTE4YmJuYWpwBHBvcwMzBHNlYwN5ZmlUb3BTdG9yaWVzBHNsawN0c3VuYW1pdG9oaXQ-?x=0 Tsunami to hit Aussie real estate: claim On Sunday 11 September 2011, 16:43 EST Australia's love affair with property is about to turn sour as an "economic tsunami" looks set to hit world markets, American economic forecaster Harry Dent says. Mr Dent, who arrived in Australia on Sunday, predicts the world will experience a second, deeper downturn, which will arrive between the beginning and the middle of next year. Starting in Europe, the downturn will spread to the US, China and eventually Australia, he said. "Australia is probably the best place in the world to survive this, but we do think Australia will not escape as well as it did from the last crisis (in 2008)," Mr Dent told AAP. At the centre of the coming debt crisis is real estate, the forecaster says. "People in places like Sydney or Tokyo or Miami say, `Hey, real estate can never go down here, we're a great place, everyone wants to move here, there's not much land for development', and what I say is that is exactly the kind of place that bubbles," Mr Dent said. "Outside Hong Kong and Shanghai, Australia is the most expensive real estate market in the world compared to income." Mr Dent said Australia's house prices would return to late 1990s or early 2000 levels. Driving all these changes is simple demographics, specifically the peak of the baby boomers' spending, Mr Dent said. "We predicted this (current) downturn in the US 20 years ago," he said. "We said that in 2007 the peak number of baby boomers will reach their peak spending. They would have bought all their homes and then they will start saving for retirement ... and that you are going to see this downturn." The drop-off in spending will affect everyone, even mighty China, Mr Dent said. To survive the incoming "economic tsunami", Mr Dent said investors should sell their excess real estate and buy up assets in US dollars. "Gold and silver are going to crash, they're a bubble," he said. "Once we write down all these crazy debts, we are going to destroy a lot of dollars that were created in the boom and that makes the (US) dollar a lot more valuable." Mr Dent is in Australia to promote his book, The Great Crash Ahead - How to Prosper in the Debt Crisis of 2010-2012, and will be speaking at the Secure the Future conference in Sydney and Brisbane in October.
  14. Rage Against The Machine - Wake Up
  15. This current interview of Joseph P. Farrell on Dreamland deals with a number of subjects, among them being Nazi occult projects. http://www.unknownco...reamland/latest I should have used the words NAZI COSMOLOGY to hint at my particular intent which surprisingly, imo, has a lot to do with some debates raging on the left in oz which is, imo, about identifying what we call fascism and effectively counter any drift towards it.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9DDpmyPZZA&feature=related
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je8MXiwmNIk
  18. Interesting the bit about seeing him hand out pamphlets. Surely, if that was all, he'd use something like 'commie'? Lee specifically qualified himself as a Marxist leninist in the radio interview(s). It seems to me there may be more to this.
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