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John Dolva

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Posts posted by John Dolva

  1. John Costella has a doctorate in physics and mathematics, and is

    an expert in optics. I suggest that you contact him for any answers

    about physics or optics. He teaches at the University of Melbourne.

    He put together the Z-panorama which you have been using.


    I have been re-reading this series of posts and they are ridiculous, Jack (and I know you said you won't respond) You state "He put together the Z-panorama which you have been using". NO, I have never used any panorama put together by anyone else, I have never said so. If I had been doing so I would have mentioned where it came from. I didn't mention any such thing. Therefore an unsupported statement that I was using that is the same as an accusation at worst of plagiarism, at best an accusation of dishonesty or deceit. Furthermore, while putting together that panorama series I was unaware of any other such work.

    The follow on statements and actions based on this false premise and my response to it, I feel is beneath contempt.

    edit: The furthest I have thought on this is that some relationship between the DIFFERENCES quite apart from the indeterminable variables might provide some universal constant, even in terms of methodology. All along I have thought that there is something in the difference in the angle of the two blurs may be uniquely shaped by just the speed when comparing the two blurs on a stationary and a moving object. Input welcome.

  2. Jack, I realise you don't intend to reply to my posts but in case you don't have me on ignore then you may read this, it is possible you meant the second picture while I meant the first, in the first that is the post office in the background, behind the policeman with the 'pistol' (I am not sure it is one, I think it is, but in another film and in later frames of this one I'm not sure), however in the second the same policeman does not have the post office behind him, rather old red and other structures, it's possible that the very edge of the post office is there though.

    The point of it all though is many fold. What's the policemans name? Is that a pistol? Are there any other images available of the post office at the time of the assassination? Is that the same policeman whose cap is briefly seen at the end of one scene in the nix film, there is also a film, regarded as suspect in origin showing a policeman shooing people away from the fence at the GK. if genuine I have no idea of the time it was taken, Its supposed to be another clip by couch.

    (I'd post more images but for the moment I have almost reached my quota.)

  3. I read a comprehensive report by I believe a DPD person with regards to the dictabelt analysis, (for the moment the link eludes me), In it he focused on the locations and actions of various Police department personell. He also discussed the sounds that people heard, and described various structures that may produce echoes to explain witness reports. I think I found it while looking at records at lancer or assassination research, but until I come across it again, perhaps someone else has also seen it.


  4. The limousine at the time of the headshot in Zf313 has been variously described as 'stopped' and 'almost stopped' and 'moving at such and such a speed'. I'm trying to to see if it is possible to definitely work out what in fact happened. When I look at comparative blurs on the limousine and something apparently stationary on the ground, such as feet apparently in the process of being planted on the ground during a step, or an area on the ground that appears in multiple frames, it seems to me that the limousine never stops, it is after all a very heavy (3 metric tons?) vehicle and the forces needed to bring it to a stop/start from where it is moving 2 frames prior to the headshot to Zf314 where it again is clearly moving surely is more than what the motor can supply? So if it is moving, and it seems to slow and obviously accelerates. What is the speed at its slowest? (refer to zl3181s topic, minus the brouhaha of course) I have almost completed a panorama of this period of the zfilm, as soon as its completed I'll post it, while looking at it so far, I can't see any frames missing. comments please??

  5. does any one know of the existence of a recording of radio broadcast covering 12.00 to 1.00 nov 22 '63? I have one from KLIF starting a few minutes prior to the motorcade reaching Dealey plaza. I'm interested in the period before this as the motorcade was making its way there. There is one that I have that is described as 'may be an enactement'. Also I am aware of some of the controversy surrounding the dictabelt recording of the DPD. However, in it there is described a bell ringing that some have speculated is a bell that was at the mart. Does anyone know where one can get a recording of this bell sound?


    further edit I have been trying to locate exactly where the KLIF station was. Also, it moved some time after the assassination to another location , again in Oak Cliff?

    also any idea where the (up to 3 hours?) meeting by Jimmy, Ruby, Officer Olson and Kay happened. The deposition by Ruby in the closing days of the WC suggests that the conversation at said meeting could have enforced the idea for Ruby that taking care of Oswald may have been the 'right thing to do'? but : address?

  6. Incredible. Jack, I have never claimed in any way to be using panoramas from costellos site. I was asked which version of the film I was using and then I checked and replied that they came from costellas site. How that becomes a statement to the contrary, well, If you have a barrow to push I suppose you can choose to read whatever you wish into what people say. Thats what people do and often I think in a brainstorming environment has its uses, but to use these falsehoods to denigrate someone needs to be answered. I am going to spend the rest of the day with my children, so please don't interpret my not attending to this for approximately 12 hours as an attempt to ignore it


  7. I see your point Jack, you are assuming that because I followed a link to costellas site to down load Zframes I read everything on that site, as well at the time of downloading them and applying my own ideas to it i was ignorant of anything he may have done with them, I don't in hindsight now remember if he was the person who corrected for distortion or if it was someone else. what I've said is as I've said, no more.

    Personally I'd prefer to work with an un altered version, someone make that available please.

    I've used public domain images in (what I thought) a unique way, I object to you saying that I am using his or anyone elses use without acknowledgement.

    This attempt to create an issue where none exists is deplorable. Stop it

    meanwhile please, I am trying to understand the physics in the comparative blur observation described above. It takes some time to align the frames in the zfilm in order to produce the segments of panoramas (see various zfilm posts in the past for reference) Once I am satisfied with a series I'll post fairly rapidly a series of panoramas isolating various individuals and objects to help understand movements.

  8. Al


    I will also comment on tracking issues in accordance to speed for a sniper in the designated terrain of DP if anyone is interested.


    Could you comment on tracking speed and accuracy on a from above and down on an object moving away and 'up' both in the case of that object being close and further away? and could you likewise comment on a flatter side track where the object doesn't move in the 'up' 'down' direction nor away or closer but only side ways, some considerations I'd be interested in a comment on would be, what if the person is right handed, or left handed panning right or left, is ergonomics an issue? do exterior ballistic factors such as coreolis force come into it? what I mean is how does a north south trajectory differ from east west? any comments / links to educating sources much appreciated.


  9. this is a wonderful way to stifle debate and divert attention. As i stated a few days ago, school holidays are here and my children are going to get my attention, these points deserve a considered response, on first read some are relevent others derogatory and irrelevant, still, apart from those so energetically promoting Costella's work.(yes i did finally spot it, does that make me more or less credible? in pseudo research , perhaps)

    i wonder if the difference in movement shown in the blurs and comparing the attributes of blurs on a stationary object and a moving one (as opposed to looking for deblurring) would be useful in formulating a constant or a methodological constant that can be used to determine for example the speed of the limousine in the Z film. I hope that this controversy will go some way to encouraging the public release of the Z film, in its original form. Sinilarly all the xray and autopsy photos.

    I, in my way is trying to be part of the solution. Where reasoned argument can show I need to shift my position, my ego is less important than identifying the murderer of John F. Kennedy. I will try to be on every morning and night perth time) over the next three weeks of school holidays to continue this.

  10. while I'm at it I thought that in order to avoid this sort of nonsense in the future I will list other things I'm working on : Apart from generating a comprehensive list of bigots in various organisations, putting together an acronym dictionary, seeing if the blurs in a photo can be used to determine speeds of objects, generating a range of panoramas from various films to use for referencing, I am also producing a number of 3d models to use in applying xrays and photos to as texture, a statistical analysis of names and context, both in the research community and those apparently involved in nov22 events, I am also looking at the cultural/historical backgrounds of the various factions in the south at that time, this takes me back to civil war events and earlier, even as far as scottland in the 17th century, france, portugal, as well as immigration patterns in early america, genealogy, and the historical relationships of major religions, however as an 'artist'

    my main interests lie in imagery, and with the current crop of software available\ married with increased processing speed I think the analysis of the zapruder film in particular is far from over. There are other things as well. I'll add them over time.

  11. arr the two pronged attack??? Jack that frame is from the couch film, it is part of a pan starting at the GK , across the underpass, and sweeping across Dealey plaza, and ending its sweep a few frames past this pointing roughly at 'old red' then uninterrupted, but now much faster panning back to the underpass area. The post office is directly behind the cop in some 30 odd frames.

  12. Mr. Dolva,

    I have accused you of NOTHING. Dr. Costella (CostellA, not CostellO)

    created his panorama specifically for the use of researchers like you

    and me. It is free. It is for your use. You said that you used it. That is

    NOT plagarism, but putting it to its intended use.

    Why do you seem to have a chip on your shoulder? We are here

    to discuss ideas. Ideas do not belong to anyone. Ideas and truth

    exist independently of their adherents. Truth is our only client.

    Calm down.

    Jack ;)

    I HAVE NOT USEDS HIS PANORAMA, THE PANORAMA I HAVE CREATED IS ENTIRELY MY OWN WORK WITHOUT INPUT FROM ANY OTHER PERSON. IT IS BASED ON EXPERIENCES I HAD AND TECHIQUES I DEVELOPED ALONE WHILE USING SOFTWARE IN TOTALLY DIFFERENT CONTEXT. yeah right Jack, it is wlel kownn taht if one palsces at least the firsta and last letter in a word in the correct place it is possible to understand what is written. to use a miuspelling, as is frequently pointed out, as part of the argument is disgusting. Unless the mispelling changes the meaning it's a non argument.

    The bits about ideas I agree with. If Costello or any one else wants to use what i put up here they're free to do so. If in the process they use it as a means to draw attention to their own work? grubby.

    no chip, just trying to get rid of any misconceptions.


  13. Well, well well, this should prove most juicy, If you go to Zf318ls you will find an accusation of plagiarism. This sort of thing is considered most serious. It utterly casts all output of the person being accused into doubt. This is no playground Boys and Girls. I'll hope that this post will provide an ongoing place for commentary and in the end , if there is one a history of what may or may not happen in such a process.


  14. Jack what you are accusing me of is at worst plagiarism, at best, copying or some such deceit. What can I say? I suppose the truth might be appropriate.

    The way I have been putting this and the Z frame panorama IS NOT FROM ANY ONE ELSES PANORAMA It is based TOTALLY on my own ideas.

    If Costello happens to have been doing something similar then that would not be so unusual. I have not seen any evidence of that.A lot of things happen like that. What came first? I think that from your description that Costello has already done something similar (of which I have not seen anything, I have read some parts of his descriptions of the film and some critiques and some alternative unconnected views. I agree with some things that Costello says, and not with others.My efforts are to see for myself what I can find out about Kennedy's murder. I don't want to be influenced by other peoples opinions where they may have made some mistakes in their basic premises. My reading unfortunately raises questions with some of his descriptions/conclusions. If he ( as opposed to having his kin here to do it for him )would like to come here and discuss his opinions I'm happy to do so. I have already said so. For you to accuse me of dishonesty is deplorable. I think you should be ashamed of yourself.

    Like I said before, and Costello having someone here to do it for him reaffirms it, I have now even less respect for names swimming in alphabet soup.


    if the purpose of this is to divert attention away from the real issue of Kennedy's murder or to highjack my ideas or to engage in a spat of who thought of it first, it will prove interesting for any student of the research world. Is it possible that someone who doesn't have squiggles before and after a moniker to be capable of similar thought to someone who does? Or, shock horror, the other way around?

    anyway in the meantime, I apperecate any input that will go towards answering the questions I have been posing, I had no idea Frank was a trained physicist, but I did sense that he knows what he is talking about. I hope this sort of stuff will not hamper input.

    The furthest I have thought on this is that some relationship between the DIFFERENCES quite apart from the indeterminable variables might provide some universal constant, even in terms of methodology. All along I have thought that there is something in the difference in the angle of the two blurs may be uniquely shaped by just the speed when comparing the two blurs on a stationary and a moving object.

    btw. I dont know Jack, Frank or Costello or anyone else contributing here from a bar of soap. I tend to take people as they come.

  15. a further point, during the time that the shutter is open, the camera doesn't necessarily move in a consistent way, what I mean is that the camera may for example be almost stationary for a moment then move and that or any movement might be accelerating/ decelerating/ or whatever, so it is the difference in movement between the moving car and the stationary ground that to my thinking could yield results ???

    for those who wonder about the usefulness of all this. If a universal technique like this can be shown to work then it can be used to check previous speed estimates, perhaps missing frames can be detected? the different films may be correlated and perhaps matched more accurately and forgeries detected?

    hmm I just thought while writing the above. Single frame photos showing moving objects where blurs occur...why not use there as well?? are there photos that have been previously discarded for not being sharp enough that in fact can be shown to be most useful. anyone have a blurred photo of DP at time of assassination that otherwise might be ignored because of the blurring?

  16. one thing that we know for certain is that the area on the ground is stationary in reality, so all movement is relative to it? right, does anyone dispute that the white blurred area suggested to be on the ground is on the ground and therefore effectively a fixed reference point?

  17. That's fantastic Frank, I think you understand the physics of this better than I, so I'd like to ask you some questions. Could difference in one of the movements, linear angular length over angular difference of blurs sine cosine tan or something else easily derived yield a constant that would be useful? John

  18. I came across an alledged FBI document that Ruby had invited someone to come with him to the plaza to 'watch the fireworks'. It now eludes me. Has anyone else seen it?

    I have seen it and have it somewhere. It was a report by an informant to FBI agent Ted Gunderson who has gone on to be a fairly far-out conspiracy researcher.

    Gary, any indication of that when he was a FBI agent that he was ' far out'. Do you mean dubious when you say 'far out'?


    edit: do you feel that the document is genuine?

  19. Annex ( i think it had a nickname? it was variously known as the post office, postal annex building, on site of one of the first buildings in dallas, the old post office, maybe after the first settlers cabin, the oldest?

    This capture from the couch film shows the post office in the background shortly after the assassination. This policeman is a also in another film but while adopting this rather threatening pose is hidden by the bodies of others.

  20. Ruby timeline 22'nd

    12:30—On corner near Postal Annex Building; Dealey Plaza : Dallas Morning News.

    I came across an alledged FBI document that Ruby had invited someone to come with him to the plaza to 'watch the fireworks'. It now eludes me. Has anyone else seen it?

    a bit of local colour, Dallas downtown really was the heart of dallas:

    "Dallas was a city where progress and growth were the goals of seemingly all its citizens. In Dallas: An Illustrated History, author Darwin Payne writes:

    Already the volume of business in the Dallas post office reflected a level of activity found in a city of 100,000 rather than 42,000; and if the year 1900 was a harbinger of times to come, the greatest growth lay ahead. The year had seen 291 frame residences erected at a cost of $259,071, forty brick and stone structures built at a cost of $233,075, the streetcar system extended on Harwood Street and Washington Avenue, two electric interurban lines projected between Dallas and Ft. Worth, formal recognition by Congress of the feasibility of navigation on the Trinity River, the beginning of construction of a new public library and the building of 12,800 feet of new street.

    Dallas in 1900 consisted in large part of what is now the downtown business district. At that time there were still several private residences mixed in with the commercial buildings clustered along Main, Elm, and Commerce Streets - which then, as now, were the principal thoroughfares."

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