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Jim Phelps

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Everything posted by Jim Phelps

  1. Mr. Phleps, I do appreciate your views and find your material interesting, however, I also beleive that you are pretty far from the truth. ===== Mr. Kaiser, Since there isn't a defintion for "beleive," I guess you didn't say anything of relevance. Produce that book of yours and we'll see how your issues stack up. So far, I am not moved by your accounts, but listening carefully. The production of the JFK assassination cover up took far more buy-in that just small CIA players. The JFK cover up involved the highest eschelons of Govt and its military. The only way to get that large a buy in was the Crooks in Dallas and the Rockefeller JBS players. Recall LBJ tried to get Rockefeller to follow him as President to perpetuate the LBJ cover up on the JFK hit. That gets the LBJ buy-in with Hoover, Hunt, Merchinson, Jaffee. Toss in the Hunt and Walker Nazi connections and one finds the Jewish buy-in games and why Milteer was able to make his prognostications. The NEXUS was JBS, but you are entited to "BELEIVE"---whatever that means for you. Everyone forms their own opinions. The JBS ring leaders fits rather well, and supports what I was told on Nov. 22, 1963 about the "ring leaders" for the JFK hit. When all the archives are opened, I do think everyone will find that to be so. LHO was shapped as the Patsy by FBI Bircher in New Orleans, Birchers were heard all over the place planning to off JFK. Very hard to deny the bulk of that evidence.
  2. In the study of the John Birch Society types that worked up the plot and conspirators to have JFK killed, it is interesting to study their most outspoken name calling Texas Southern Bigot named Revilo Oliver. Oliver digs into many details, but his Rockefeller supporting JBS plotters. Oliver's many missives do tend to reveal important issues, and one can see what has been known in some circles. In his piece that follows he gets into some of the details of the UK's Royals, who were Germans and did some name changing to make them look non-German. There is often a lot of name changing for reasons to hide associations. Like in the times of Hitler, other German bankers made deals with the Royals that screwed Germany and the Arabs, and these problems were still brewing in JFK's time. Like the Egytian Arabs got some NAZI scientists help on Rockets and nuclear technology in JFK's time. FDR called these old money types the Royals, and they exploited anyone and everyone in JFK's time. The UK Royals made their money off exploitation, from that of Tobacco and Drug addiction of China, to that of the Atlantic Southern Triangle Trade Routes that brought Slavery to the Southern United States and started the Civil War. ==== http://www.revilo-oliver.com/rpo/Kosher_Kings.html THE KOSHER KINGS by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell, June 1991) It is possible, of course, that the "long tradition" is just one of the vast number of hoaxes, big and little, with which the Master Race habitually confuses the minds of its stupid goyim. Assuming that it is not, I do not know the answer to the reader's question, and I do not have time for the necessary research, but, on the understanding that what I shall say is mere conjecture, I will hazard a guess that the "long tradition" of sexually mutilating royal children may have originated with Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who became the Prince Consort of Queen Victoria in 1840. Albert was officially the son of Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Duchess Louise, but Ernest was noted for his antipathy to women, and it was rumored at the time that his treasurer, a Jew, had relieved the Duke of the distressing duty of engendering an heir. There was no suggestion of alternate parentage, for it was only after the birth of her two sons, at an interval of fourteen months, that Duchess Louise felt that she had discharged her duty, and no longer had to content herself with an ersatz husband, whom many gallant gentlemen gladly replaced. Albert grew up to be a young man who seems odd to us. The year before he married Queen Victoria, Albert had a toothache so distressing that, according to his own avowal in an extant letter, he wanted to "sob out his pain in the arms" of his "beloved Thus [his old tutor, Florshütz]." Despite his womanish longing for consolation in Florshütz's arms, Albert succeeded brilliantly, not only in captivating the girl, who was barely twenty, but in resolutely making her, of whom he was not even very fond, adore him throughout all the years of their life together. Although Victoria imagined that she kept the rôles of wife and queen separate, and although there is record of a few rare instances when she and Albert disagreed about some policy for a few days, it is clear that Albert so tactfully and subtly used his conjugal ascendancy over his passionately devoted wife that, for all practical purposes, he was in fact, though not in name, the King. So talented was Albert that Victoria's devotion never waned from the time, after they were engaged but before they were married, when she hated "the abominable, infamous Tories" because they were reluctant to give her dear Albert all the money he wanted and the royal precedence she wanted for him. Victoria doted on her "adored one," her "Angel," the "noblest of men," so long as he lived and even after his death, when a clever swindler enabled her to communicate with her darling's loving ghost. (2) ----- The rumor about Albert's parentage doubtless influenced the members of the British aristocracy who were reluctant to welcome him in 1840, (3) but he must have exhibited traits which seemed to confirm the belief that he was part Jew, (4) for more than half a century after his death the gossip was still so prevalent that Frank Harris had to disclaim an intent to confirm it when he reported that Albert's eldest son, the late King Edward VII, with whom Harris had been well acquainted, "spoke German like a Bavarian Jew." ---- If one were willing to descend to the intellectual level of our contemporary "intellectuals," one could loudly assert that Albert's Jewishness was indubitably proved by the "social reforms" and foreign policy (5) to which he discreetly lent the support of his great influence as an uncrowned king, most of which, in their later developments, served the Jewish purpose of undermining Great Britain and our race. Rational observers, however, will remember that many individuals who must have been Anglo-Saxon evinced similar sentimentality. ----- The Victorian Age had a moral climate that was propitious to the adaptation of the barbarous practice by civilized people. The many Marranos, who were considered Englishmen, undoubtedly had performed on their sons the operation that Spinoza considered the only means of maintaining their racial unity, and the many undisguised Jews in England were constantly intriguing and whining for the right, eventually granted them, to enter the Parliament and even the House of Lords. They doubtless suborned propaganda to defend the savage rite that was considered the talisman of their race. In this they were aided by the "British Israel" craze. (7) Begun in 1822 by a crackpot who was probably the first goy Zionist and declared himself to be the nephew (!) of Yahweh, miraculously born to lead all the Kikes back to Palestine, the hokum so whetted the appetites of British nincompoops that they bought 250,000 copies of just one of the many books devoted to such nonsense, making it the five-star best seller of the day. Fatuous Anglo-Saxons, instead of proudly tracing their ancestry to Hengest and Horsa, wanted to believe they were descendants of a scabrous tribe of freebooters who had invaded Palestine with the help of their ferocious god. I saw years ago a photograph of an elaborately illuminated parchment that set forth every step of a genealogy according to which Queen Victoria was a descendant of a bandit chief named David. ========
  3. Some other interesting Veterans Today articles, these from East Tennessee. ===== JFK basically started the Israel-Palestine conflict by pandering to the NY Zionists to get their votes. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/08/a-jewish-defector-warns-america-benjamin-freedman-speaks-on-zionism-%e2%80%93-part-i/ For Germans, it was a double cross by the Rich Jewish Europeans that went running to the Windsor German Royalty of England. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/08/a-jewish-defector-warns-america-benjamin-freedman-speaks-on-zionism-%e2%80%93-part-ii/ And today, the issue is still lots about "Chosen People"-----which the Zionists really are not. All the mega-church ministries like Hagee down in Texas promoting the lie for Zionists. And the US now suffers from much the same plight as Germany. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/08/a-jewish-defector-warns-america-benjamin-freedman-speaks-on-zionism-%e2%80%93-part-iii/ =======
  4. It really doesn't take a genius, a rocket scientist, or a great theologian to take note of the mess that the US is in over failing to monitor history correctly and thus falling into the same old pattern of being used by those promoting lies for power and wealth. In Biblical terms, this is the Beast and the designs of those that mislead the piousness of the Church of Jesus. Although many of the Genius people do comprehind the issues of history that involved JFK, and even the German Rocket Scientists caught in the Jewish nuclear bomb works knew the real story, and some in the JBS were determined to connect up the dishonest Zionists with the JFK hit. But the dishonest power brokers of Hoover and LBJ held back exposing those associations as they played their broken Mockingbird record that Communist LHO did it. The design of these lies is a long history, seen some 2,000 years ago as coming. ======== http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=60 Did not St Paul, the Hebrew of Hebrews, say that the Jews are the enemies of the Cross? (Philippians 3 ) When St Paul said, “The Jews killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets; they please not God but are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath of God is come unto them to the uttermost,” did he not make it crystal clear that the Jews are not the “Chosen People?” And did not Jesus Christ Himself reveal that the Jews are of the Synagogue of Satan? (Revelations 2). Jesus Christ also revealed that the Jews are not true Jews when He said to the Christians of Asia Minor, I will make them who say they are Jews but are not, but do lie, to come and worship before thy feet. (Revelations 3). How then can the so-called Jews who are now the enemies of the Cross and of the Synagogue of Satan, and who must worship at the feet of Christians, be the “Chosen People?” Jesus Christ the Messiah of Israel denounced the Jews for rejecting Him when He said, Behold your house is left unto you desolate. And you shall not see Me until you say, Blessed is He Who cometh in the name of the Lord. (St Matthew 23) How then can the Jews whose house is now desolate be the “Chosen People?” ======== http://bethelministries.com/jews_are_not_gods_chosen_people.htm It is a lie from Satan that Jews are still God's chosen people and many pastors embrace and teach Satan's lie that Christians should support the State of Israel (Zionism). Also, another lie from Satan is the teaching that God blesses those who bless Israel and He curses those who curse them. (That has not been true for more than 1900 years.) ======= http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=080513122249.m3ds3b6j Albert Einstein described belief in God as "childish superstition" and said Jews were not the chosen people, in a letter to be sold in London this week, an auctioneer said Tuesday. =======
  5. So, in the previous listings I jumped heavily into religion, similar to what Former Bircher Revilo Oliver may have done in researching religion and why he called the US Christians bad names, like "spiritual syphillus" and others. The problem is the US Christians have been mislead and important factors suppressed in the name of money and power. Lots of trickery lies in religion in the US and this ferments wars. So, with the background laid down by what is the Moses "Chosen People" Vs. The Talmudic tyranny types, the following will make better sense: ===== http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/08/a-jewish-defector-warns-america-benjamin-freedman-speaks-on-zionism-%e2%80%93-part-iii/ Now, what are the facts about the Jews? The Jews — I call them Jews to you, because they are known as Jews. I don’t call them Jews. I refer to them as “so-called Jews”, because I know what they are. If Jesus was a Jew, there isn’t a Jew in the world today, and if those people are Jews, certainly our Lord and Savior was not one of them, and I can prove that. -------- Now, the [Khazar] king became so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom that he decided to adopt a so-called monotheistic faith — either Christianity, Islam — the Moslem faith — or what is known today as Judaism — really Talmudism. So, like spinning a top and calling out “eeny, meeny, miney, moe,” he picked out so-called Judaism. And that became the state religion. He sent down to the Talmudic schools of Pumbedita and Sura and brought up thousands of these rabbis with their teachings, and opened up synagogues and schools in his kingdom of 800,000 people — 800,000 thousand square miles — and maybe ten to twenty million people; and they became what we call Jews. There wasn’t one of them that had an ancestor that ever put a toe in the Holy Land, not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they come to the Christians and they ask us to support their armed insurrection in Palestine by saying: “Well, you want to certainly help repatriate God’s chosen people to their Promised Land, their ancestral homeland, It’s your Christian duty. We gave you one of our boys as your Lord and Savior. You now go to church on Sunday, and kneel and you worship a Jew, and we’re Jews.” ----- Now, these Pagans, these Asiatics, these Turko-Finns. . . they were a Mongoloid race who were forced out of Asia into eastern Europe. They likewise, because their king took the faith — Talmudic faith — they had no choice. Just the same as in Spain: If the king was Catholic, everybody had to be a Catholic. If not, you had to get out of Spain. So everybody — they lived on the land just like the trees and the bushes; a human being belonged to the land under their feudal system — so they [Khazars] all became what we call today, Jews! ------ In New York City there are 400,000 members of the liberal party, all Zionists and their co-religionists. And New York State went for Kennedy by 400,000 votes. Now, I don’t blame Mr. Kennedy. I’m fond of Mr. Kennedy. I think he’s a great man. I think he can really pull us out of this trouble if we get the facts to him. And I believe he knows a great deal more than his appointments indicate he knows. He’s playing with the enemy. Like when you go fishing, you’ve got to play with the fish. Let ‘em out and pull ‘em in. Let ‘em out and pull ‘em in. But knowing Mr. Kennedy’s father, and how well informed he is on this whole subject, and how close Kennedy is to his father, I don’t think Mr. Kennedy is totally in the dark. But I do think that it is the duty of every mother, every loyal Christian , every person that regards the defense of this country as a sacred right, that they communicate — not with their congressman, not with their senator, but with President Kennedy. And tell him, “I do not think you should send my boy, or our boys, wearing the uniform of the United States of America, and under the flag that you see here, our red, white and blue, to fight there to help keep in the hands of these that which they have stolen”. I think everyone should not alone write once, but keep writing and get your friends to write. Now, I could go on endlessly, and tell you these things to support what I have just asked you to do. But I don’t think it’s necessary to do that. You’re above the average group in intelligence and I don’t think it’s necessary to impress this any more. ------ When, on the Day of Atonement, you walk into a synagogue, the very first prayer that you recite, you stand — and it’s the only prayer for which you stand — and you repeat three times a short prayer. The Kol Nidre. In that prayer, you enter into an agreement with God Almighty that any oath, vow, or pledge that you may make during the next twelve months — any oath, vow or pledge that you may take during the next twelve months shall be null and void. The oath shall not be an oath; the vow shall not be a vow; the pledge shall not be a pledge. They shall have no force and effect, and so forth and so on. And further than that, the Talmud teaches: “Don’t forget — whenever you take an oath, vow, and pledge — remember the Kol Nidre prayer that you recited on the Day of Atonement, and that exempts you from fulfilling that”. How much can you depend on their loyalty? You can depend upon their loyalty as much as the Germans depended upon it in 1916. And we’re going to suffer the same fate as Germany suffered, and for the same reason. ==========
  6. More of the History that led to the Locking of Horns between Hitler and the Jewish Bankers that tried to control Germany and started a bigger war. ==== http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/08/a-jewish-defector-warns-america-benjamin-freedman-speaks-on-zionism-%e2%80%93-part-ii/ Now, Nahum Sokolow — all the great leaders, the big names that you read about in connection with Zionism today — they, in 1919, 1920, ’21, ’22, and ’23, they wrote in all their papers — and the press was filled with their statements — that “the feeling against the Jews in Germany is due to the fact that they realized that this great defeat was brought about by our intercession and bringing the United States into the war against them.” The Jews themselves admitted that. It wasn’t that the Germans in 1919 discovered that a glass of Jewish blood tasted better than Coca-Cola or Muenchener Beer. There was no religious feeling. There was no sentiment against those people merely on account of their religious belief. It was all political. It was economic. It was anything but religious. ----- When Germany realized that the Jews were responsible for her defeat, they naturally resented it. But not a hair on the head of any Jew was harmed. Not a single hair. Professor Tansill, of Georgetown University, who had access to all the secret papers of the State Department, wrote in his book, and quoted from a State Department document written by Hugo Schoenfelt, a Jew who Cordell Hull sent to Europe in 1933 to investigate the so-called camps of political prisoners. And he wrote back that he found them in very fine condition. They were in excellent shape; everybody treated well. And they were filled with Communists. Well, a lot of them were Jews, because the Jews happened to be maybe 98 per cent of the Communists in Europe at that time. And there were some priests there, and ministers, and labor leaders, Masons, and others who had international affiliations. Now, the Jews sort of tried to keep the lid on this fact. They didn’t want the world to really understand that they had sold out Germany, and that the Germans resented that. ---- Now, after a while, the Jews of the world didn’t know what to do, so they called a meeting in Amsterdam. Jews from every country in the world attended in July 1933. And they said to Germany: “You fire Hitler! And you put every Jew back into his former position, whether he was a Communist, no matter what he was. You can’t treat us that way! And we, the Jews of the world, are calling upon you, and serving this ultimatum upon you.” Well, the Germans told them. . . you can imagine. So what did they [the Jews] do? They broke up, and Samuel Untermyer, if the name means anything to people here. . . (You want to ask a question? — Uh, there were no “Communists” in Germany at that time. They were called “Social Democrats”.) Well, I don’t want to go by what they were called. We’re now using English words, and what they were called in Germany is not very material. . . but they were Communists, because in 1917, the Communists took over Germany for a few days. Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht, and a group of Jews in Germany took over the government for three days. In fact, when the Kaiser ended the war, he fled to Holland because he thought the Communists were going to take over Germany as they did Russia, and that he was going to meet the same fate that the Czar did in Russia. So he left and went to Holland for safety and for security. ---- Well, that’s the way they were fighting the Jews in Germany. And, at that time, mind you, there were 80 to 90 million Germans and there were only 460,000 Jews. . . less than one half of one percent of Germany were Jews. And yet, they controlled all of the press, they controlled most of the economy, because they had come in and with cheap money — you know the way the Mark was devalued — they bought up practically everything. Well, in 1933 when Germany refused to surrender, mind you, to the World Conference of Jews in Amsterdam, they broke up and Mr. Untermyer came back to the United States — who was the head of the American delegation and the president of the whole conference — and he went from the steamer to ABC and made a radio broadcast throughout the United States in which he said: “The Jews of the world now declare a Holy War against Germany. We are now engaged in a sacred conflict against the Germans. And we are going to starve them into surrender. We are going to use a world-wide boycott against them, that will destroy them because they are dependent upon their export business.” ---- In fact, an executive of the Woolworth Company told me that they had to dump millions of dollars worth of crockery and dishes into the river; that their stores were boycotted. If anyone came in and found a dish marked “Made in Germany,” they were picketed with signs: “Hitler”, “murderer”, and so forth, and like — something like these sit-ins that are taking place in the South. R. H. Macy, which is controlled by a family called Strauss who also happen to be Jews. . . a woman found stockings there which came from Chemnitz, marked “Made in Germany”. Well, they were cotton stockings. They may have been there 20 years, because since I’ve been observing women’s legs in the last twenty years, I haven’t seen a pair with cotton stockings on them. So Macy! I saw Macy boycotted, with hundreds of people walking around with signs saying “MURDERERS” and “HITLERITES”, and so forth. ----- That continued for some time, and it wasn’t until 1938, when a young Jew from Poland walked into the German embassy in Paris and shot one of the officials [a German official] that the Germans really started to get rough with the Jews in Germany. And you found them then breaking windows and having street fights and so forth. Now, for anyone to say that — I don’t like to use the word ‘anti-Semitism’ because it’s meaningless, but it means something to you still, so I’ll have to use it — the only reason that there was any feeling in Germany against Jews was that they were responsible: number one, for World War One; number two, for this world-wide boycott, and number three — did I say for World War One, they were responsible? For the boycott — and also for World War II, because after this thing got out of hand, it was absolutely necessary for the Jews and Germany to lock horns in a war to see which one was going to survive. =============
  7. One of the most interesting new publications to come on the scene is the "Veterans Today" publishing group. They are beginning to contribute lots of the more relevant history that has been written out by far too many news media groups. This series of three articles that follow gives a better detail history for what was going on with Germany and Versalles, and how these events seriously affected the US getting dragged into two great wars, and yet one more to come. Few People consider that JFK basically triggered the Palestine Israel conflict, as JFK's pandering to the NY Zionists for votes very likely set off this Palestine issue. The Palistinians seems to have figured out they were screwed essentially via the same process of the German Jewish Bankers running to the German Queen in the UK, as Germany was screwed. Due to this there would come some cooperation of the Arabs in Egypt with the German Rocket scientists in JFK's time that caused a lot of problems. Although one would like to have a separation of church and state, this entire mess of the Zionist trying to make a new country out of Palestine is a seriously contrived religion driven issue. So, one must get to the root of those problems by following that sordid history of those that chose to follow the low road to pull the world into Hell by the promotion of too many lies. ========= http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/08/a-jewish-defector-warns-america-benjamin-freedman-speaks-on-zionism-%e2%80%93-part-i/ Now, first of all, I’d like to tell you that on August 25th 1960 — that was shortly before elections — Senator Kennedy, who is now the President of the United States, went to New York, and delivered an address to the Zionist Organization of America. In that address, to reduce it to its briefest form, he stated that he would use the armed forces of the United States to preserve the existence of the regime set up in Palestine by the Zionists who are now in occupation of that area. ----- And who will these people have supporting them, you ask. Well, four days after President Kennedy — or he was then Senator Kennedy — made that statement on August 28, 1960, the Arab nations called a meeting in Lebanon and there they decided to resurrect, or reactivate, the government of Palestine, which has been dormant, more or less, since the 1948 armed insurrection by the Zionists. ---- While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, went to the British War Cabinet and — I am going to be brief because this is a long story, but I have all the documents to prove any statement that I make if anyone here is curious, or doesn’t believe what I’m saying is at all possible — the Zionists in London went to the British war cabinet and they said: “Look here. You can yet win this war. You don’t have to give up. You don’t have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States will come in as your ally.” The United States was not in the war at that time. We were fresh; we were young; we were rich; we were powerful. They [Zionists] told England: “We will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as your ally, to fight with you on your side, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war.” In other words, they made this deal: “We will get the United States into this war as your ally. The price you must pay us is Palestine after you have won the war and defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.” ----- However, they made that promise, in October of 1916. October, nineteen hundred and sixteen. And shortly after that — I don’t know how many here remember it — the United States, which was almost totally pro-German — totally pro-German — because the newspapers here were controlled by Jews, the bankers were Jews, all the media of mass communications in this country were controlled by Jews, and they were pro-German because their people, in the majority of cases came from Germany, and they wanted to see Germany lick the Czar. The Jews didn’t like the Czar, and they didn’t want Russia to win this war. So the German bankers — the German-Jews — Kuhn Loeb and the other big banking firms in the United States refused to finance France or England to the extent of one dollar. They stood aside and they said: “As long as France and England are tied up with Russia, not one cent!” But they poured money into Germany, they fought with Germany against Russia, trying to lick the Czarist regime. ----- Now the war — World War One — in which the United States participated had absolutely no reason to be our war. We went in there — we were railroaded into it — if I can be vulgar, we were suckered into that war– merely so that the Zionists of the world could obtain Palestine. Now, that is something that the people in the United States have never been told. They never knew why we went into World War One. ---- The Jews at that peace conference, when they were cutting up Germany and parceling out Europe to all these nations that claimed a right to a certain part of European territory, the Jews said, “How about Palestine for us?” And they produced, for the first time to the knowledge of the Germans, this Balfour Declaration. So the Germans, for the first time realized, “Oh, that was the game! That’s why the United States came into the war.” And the Germans for the first time realized that they were defeated, they suffered this terrific reparation that was slapped onto them, because the Zionists wanted Palestine and they were determined to get it at any cost. ========
  8. The "John Birch Society Flag" makes its EF debut, courtesy and permission of Harry Dean. Copyright: Harry Dean. See attached .jpg file for full resolution photo. This flag was in the office of US.Congressman Rousselot at San Marino, Cal. at Western Headquarters of JBS.
  9. There appears to be a new Internet Published called "Veterans Today" that is putting up a lot of good articles. ==== http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/03/breaking-israel-and-adl-coverup-of-911-exposed-press-tv-video/ "In retaliation for this confrontation, Abe Foxman of the AntiDefamation League issued a press release yesterday condemning Veterans Today, Gordon Duff, James Fetzer, Alan Sabrosky and Kevin Barrett as “vicious antisemites." ==== http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDuteYKk-rM ==== http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/11/israel-and-the-upcoming-nuclear-war/ === http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/fetzer/ ===
  10. Even Hitler and the NAZI's found problems with the "Usury: form for non-Govt. banking. While a Govt. run bank might seem an issue for socialistic thinking, it does support the Concept of Govt. By and for The People. Constitutionally, the Fed. Res. and the Royalist bankers never should have gained any control over any nations money system. It was this concept learned by Hitler and the NAZI's that set up most of the cause for war, and the end run of the European Bankers into London to counter Hitler's better control of money and inflation that ripped Germany apart after Versalles. ==== http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/09/13/hitler-and-the-banksters-the-abolition-of-interest-servitude/ Hitler and the Banksters: The Abolition of Interest-Servitude “THE COMMON INTEREST BEFORE SELF-THE SPIRIT OF THE PROGRAM ABOLITION OF THE THRALLDOM OF INTEREST – THE CORE OF NATIONAL SOCIALISM.” “Once these two points are achieved, it means a victory of their approaching universalist ordering of society in the true state over the present-day separation of state, nation and economics under the corrupting influence of the individualist theory of society as now constructed. The sham state of today, oppressing the working classes and protecting the pirated gains of bankers and stock exchange speculators, is the area for reckless private enrichment and for the lowest political profiteering; it gives no thought to its people, and provides no high moral bond of union. The power of money, most ruthless of all powers, holds absolute control, and exercises corrupting, destroying influence on state, nation, society, morals, drama, literature and on all matters of morality, less easy to estimate.(6) “Break down the thralldom of interest” is our war cry.(7) What do we mean by thralldom of interest? The landowner is under this thralldom, who has to raise loans to finance his farming operations, loans at such high interest as almost to eat up the results of his labor, or who is forced to make debts and to drag the mortgages after him like so much weight of lead. So is the worker, producing in shops and factories for a pittance, whilst the shareholder draws dividends and bonuses which he has not worked for. So is the earning middle class, whose work goes almost entirely to pay the interest on bank overdrafts.(8) Thralldom of interest is the real expression for the antagonisms, capital versus labor, blood versus money, creative work versus exploitation. The necessity of breaking this thralldom is of such vast importance for our nation and our race, that on it alone depends our nation’s hope of rising up from its shame and slavery; in fact, the hope of recovering happiness, prosperity and civilization throughout the world. It is the pivot on which everything turns; it is far more than a mere necessity of financial policy. Whilst its principles and consequences bite deep into political and economic life, it is a leading question for economic study, and thus affects every single individual and demands a decision from each one: Service to the nation or unlimited private enrichment. It means a solution of the Social Question.(9) Our financial principle: Finance shall exist for the benefit of the state; the financial magnates shall not form a state within the state. Hence our aim to break the thralldom of interest. Relief of the state, and hence of the nation, from its indebtedness to the great financial houses, which lend on interest. Nationalization of the Reichsbank and the issuing houses, which lend on interest. Provision of money for all great public objects (waterpower, railroads etc), not by means of loans, but by granting non-interest bearing state bonds or without using ready money. Introduction of a fixed standard of currency on a secured basis. Creation of a national bank of business development (currency reform) for granting non-interest bearing loans. Fundamental remodeling of the system of taxation on social-economic principles. Relief of the consumer from the burden of indirect taxation, and of the producer from crippling taxation (fiscal reform and relief from taxation).(10) Wanton printing of bank notes, without creating new values, means inflation. We all lived through it. But the correct conclusion is that an issue of non-interest bearing bonds by the state cannot produce inflation if new values are at the same time created. The fact that today great economic enterprises cannot be set on foot without recourse to loans is sheer lunacy. Here is where reasonable use of the state’s right to produce money which might produce most beneficial results.”(11) ----- Notwithstanding the inability of Adolf Hitler to permanently liberate Europe, it behooves us to appreciate that what he achieved was not done in vain. It is incumbent on us to learn and understand the fundamentals of usury and to spread that knowledge relentlessly, until our material and spiritual liberties have been restored. ========= Certainly Joe Kennedy and JFK were students of the Germans, as JFK watched the run up to Hitler's wars in traveling in Europe. It was these concepts and thoughts that perhaps led JFK to begin to take on the Fed. Res. via the US Notes, which would begin to return the control of Money to the People and end the flow of money into the coffers of International Bankers in London. Recall that the English Royals were really Germans and were name changers using the name of Windsor. When Germany got tired of the Usury game of the German Rothschilds, these German bankers ran to Queen Moma in England and started a big war.
  11. =========== The TV special did give America the more touching side presentation for JFK and accentuated the "Family Man: a good bit. It was well presented for JFK and Jackie in a pretty positive light, which likely catered to Caroline. Jackie didn't think too highly of Ike's wife, as she ran her around too soon after the delivery of John Jr. by C-section. Jackie also didn't like the Indian PM's wife too well. They still hid her tobacco addiction, but there was the match being stuck at the beginning. Didn't see a single photo of her smoking or brown stained fingers. I think they certainly side stepped the "land mine issue" of the LBJ involvement on the JFK hit. There will be window of opportunity to get JFK and Jackie discussions started again in the minds of the masses, just make good use for awareness raising it provides. I, myself, bring out the JBS crooks in Dallas and New Orleans as the "Ring Leaders" for the JFK hit. Then get into the NAZI alliances in Texas with Hunt and Walker, and their games of inciting the Jewish involvements to hit JFK. LBJ was essentially funded by a blank check from "Morris Jaffee" of Dallas because the USAEC types were doing corrupt uranium deals like the previous corrupt agricultural deals with "Billy Estes", and then "Bobby Baker" and LBJ corrupt deals for General Dynamics came into view with ties to Clint Merchison. --- http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKestes.htm http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKbakerB.htm --- Perhaps why Jackie thought LBJ drank too much and didn't do anything was because he was always linked to these underhanded deals to rip off the Government and get some kick-back. But, JFK and RFK saw the real dirt on LBJ and the massive corruption that he was involved with his equally corrupted Texans. ====
  12. ==== "Profitizing"? MLK was a "Preacher Man" and using religion for what the Catholic and Baptist missionairies and such did to combat Communism. All the Birchers, Hoover, and the Southern Hate clubs on Civil Rights branded anything to do with the Civil Rights issues as Communist inspired. MLK was even trained at the "Communist Training Camp" called "The Highlanders Folk School" in Montagle, Tennessee. They basically taught the same thing the Essene believed. So, these JBS types absolutely hated to see MLK using religion as a platform to kick the US's rear end on Communist Inspired Civil Rights aggitation. So, pretty much the same bunch of crooks that offed JFK were behind offing MLK. I suspect if MLK got into the Jesus and Essene issues of Mt. Carmel, that would have really burnt the religion schemers that suppressed the knowledge on the Essene beliefs of Mary, Joseph, Jesus and the lot. History attempts to bury lots of things, from the truths on JFK, to those of the Essene and their differences with the Babylon Talmudist Jewish sects.
  13. To really understand what Revilo Oliver may have been upset over with the wayward and tampered history of the Christian religion for Jesus and the Essene can be seen with timely study. Oliver appears to have become so upset over the misdirections of religion that he took up Holocaust study. And there are problems in the Holocaust issues and they are often handled about the same way the Vatican tied to handle departure from their old beliefs that the world is flat, when the more intelligent saw sphere. These sites below have additional explanations on the issues of the Essene and what they taught Jesus as their Messiah. http://www.hisholychurch.org/study/history/Essenes2.php http://www.centuryone.org/essene.html http://www.essene.com/MountCarmel/Ancient%20Essene%20Life.htm http://www.thenazareneway.com/essene_and_christian_parallels.htm ======= http://reluctant-messenger.com/essene/index.html The Essenes practiced the seventh day sabbath, believed in reincarnation, non-violence to all living creatures and the sharing of all material possesions. They were uninvolved in the politics of the Sadducees and Pharisees and shunned publicity. Because of the discovery of dead sea scroll material, this ancient sect and their teachings are back alive. The dead sea scrolls were hidden by this ancient people long ago in the caves of Qumram. Josephus writing around 80 A.D. said that the Essenes were Jews by birth but seemed to have a greater affection for one another than they did for the Pharisees and Sadducees. Their piety toward God was extraordinary. ---- The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1945, yet it took 50 years for the information to leak out about thes extraordinary people. What was so shocking to the scholars who examined the ancient documents was that there was a community of people practicing Christianity, or something very close to it, for at least 200 years before the time of Christ. Both the practice of baptism and of the sharing of the wine are recorded as part of their practices long before Jesus and John the Baptist popularized them. ---- The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception is a book that details the explosive contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls and how the Church conspired to suppress them. Another startling fact was that the type of society that the Essenes had practiced for 200 years was very similiar to early Christianity recorded in the book of Acts. This important scriptural document shows that the early christian sect lived in communities and encouraged its members to hold all of its possesions in common, just like the Essenes did for the previous two centuries! ------- He was allowed to research the vast 25 miles of bookshelves containing scrolls, parchments, paper manuscripts and codices. Within the labarinth he found an aramaic translation of The Essene Gospel of Peace as well as the The Essene Book of Revelation. His research led him to seek out the Benedictine monastary of Monte Cassino. He was allowed, because of a letter of Msgr. had written granting access to the large vitrines in the Scriptorium. There he found the original Hebrew codices of The Essene Gospel of Peace, the source for the Aramaic version found at the secret Vatican Archives. ======= Religion is often complicated, but as far as the "Judeo-Christian" religion being a reality, it is more a misleading concept. The Pharisee and Sadducee shared the substance of their religion with the Essene up to the times of the Babylon Captivity, but things fell apart with the concepts of Nimrod handed down to the times of Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon's ways finding their way into the Jewish Law's Talmudic concepts. The Essenes and Jesus concepts for religion basically parted ways over the Talmud and the 2nd Temple. So, there should really be no "Judeo-Christian" religion concept and the issues of the Old Testament vs. the New Testament should be seen as revision of the old bad ways by Jesus and the Essene religion concepts. But, due to the pressure on the Catholic Church over WWII and others on the issues of calling the Jewish as "Christ Killers", they appear to have decided to toss the truth into the darkened Vatican vaults to not be made public. The basic issues that had Jesus killed was the Talmudic Jewish types of the 2nd temple though Jesus and the Essene were Blasphemous and thus criminals. In every sense, the Jewish religion's differences with the Essene's over the Babylon Talmud was the religious order effect that had Jesus killed. But today, "Mega-Churches" and others find great profits in tossing this simple truth about their religious differences under the rig of history. For to tell the real story of Jesus, one finds more socialized concepts than any Roman Ruler or King James would want to have made public, as it would ruin their Royalist concepts for Rule and Domination of the Masses. In Essence, the real subject of Jesus has been sanitized to fit the concepts of extreme capitalistic goals. ---- Contained within the concepts of Babylon formed that of usury and the main concepts for Westernized Banking today. These usury concepts to the extreme cause problems with Bankers vs the Masses. In the US, the Govt. should have been in full control of the money system and if there were to be profits taken by usury, those profits needed to be returned to the People's net Benefits. These concepts caused the US problems in 1913 with the Fed. and Income Tax used to make wars. And in the times of Hitler, these same money controllers caused lots of problems leading to the London Rothschilds leverage on Banking and Money. ======= There is a long standing battle between the Talmudic Jewish and the Christian / Essene over the issue of "Chosen People". Technically, it appears the Israel group violates the agreements for Chosen People status, but the Essene do not. The Essene believed in the "Compulsory Charity" to all people and they were the Healers that sought to make "Heaven Upon The Earth". While, the Talmudic Jewish of the 2nd Temple took up the Evil of the Babylon Nimrod beliefs of tyranny. Jesus and the Essene called the Babylon Temple the Synagog of Satan and Snakes. And persons like David Icke follow this like theme in calling the Royalists as Reptiles. So, technically the Essene and Jesus theme are only Today's Chosen People and those that didn't get the message are the ones causing a lot of problems in the world today because the Church has been led astray. Lots of the Christians fail to follow the Chosen People agreement, if they follow Talmudic Jewish rules. Revelations becomes all too predictable, once one recognizes this simple rift in religious belief. -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews_as_a_chosen_people In Judaism, "chosenness" is the belief that the Jews are the Chosen People, chosen to be in a covenant with God. This idea is first found in the Torah (five books of Moses in the Bible) and is elaborated on in later books of the Hebrew Bible. Much is written about these topics in rabbinic literature. --- Islam The children of Israel enjoy a special status in the Islamic book, the Quran: O children of Israel, remember my favor which I bestowed upon you, and that I favored you above all creation. (Qur'an 2:47). 2:122).[24] However, Muslim scholars point out that this does status did not confer upon Israelites any racial superiority, and was only valid so long as the Israelites maintain their covenant with God,[25] Indeed God had taken the covenant from the Children of Israel, and We appointed twelve leaders among them. And God said: "I am with you if you establish the prayer and offer the Zakat (compulsory charity) and believe in My Messengers; honor and assist them, and lend to God a good loan. Verily, I will remit your sins and admit you to Gardens under which rivers flow (in Paradise). But if any of you after this, disbelieve, he has indeed gone astray from the Straight Path." (Quran 5:12) Christianity Jews were chosen by God as the Chosen people. Deuteronomy 14:2 [26] However, some Christians believe that since they do not accept Jesus, the Christians in turn received that special status.[27] This doctrine is known as Supersessionism. ======
  14. With the glaring omission in the Bircher History of some of their members planning for the JFK assassination, as well as the Welchers being funded by the Rockefellers, where are they moving in today's political arena? Interestingly, the JBS have noticed that the Federal Reserve, a National Bank, and the Income Tax are part of the Marx system for Communist take over. And Today, we have Texas persons like Ron Paul speaking about the elimination of the Federal Reserve system that drags the US into war after war along the themes of Smedly Butler's observations on war racketeering. This group effort from 1913 is certainly trying to bankrupt the US and destroy American's Freedom. It used to be Communism, and now it is Islam and Terrorists they scream. ===== http://www.okgazette.com/oklahoma/article-3252-as-conspiracy-theories-abound-in-oklahoma-john-birch-society-others-rally.html JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY The John Birch Society " now known by the acronym JBS " was started in 1958 during the days of the anticommunist Red Scare. At times, the movement held prominence, although past the 1970s, its influence could be said to have waned. But one couldn't tell by the crowd. Birch speakers spent the day walking attendees through the history of the international conspiracy to bring about a New World Order. It took all day because, well, it's complicated. The conspiracy started in 1776, at the same time as the birth of the U.S. and the American Revolution. It began with the original eye atop the pyramid, the Bavarian Illuminati, formed by a German philosopher named Adam Weishaupt, a Freemason. This movement led to others, supposedly increasingly diabolical, garnering the support of the Marquis de Lafayette (who helped in the American Revolution), through the French Revolution, to the secret Italian Carbonari movement, to "¦ Karl Marx. Yeah, that Karl Marx, the author of "The Communist Manifesto." "The common element we are going to stress is, all of these conspirators wanted world government," said presenter John McManus, a member of JBS since 1964 and the organization's president and spokesman. "'The Communist Manifesto' came out in 1848. What did Marx advocate in 'The Communist Manifesto?' Abolish private property. How do you do that? He wanted an income tax. He wanted a national bank, a federal reserve. We got both in 1913." This conspiracy also purportedly wants public education and stands against home schooling, McManus said, and favors democracy instead of our form of government. ("We are a Republic, just like we said in the salute to the flag," McManus said.) The conspiracy is behind the United Nations, the European Union and the Council on Foreign Relations, to which every living secretary of state in the U.S has belonged or belongs, he said. ========
  15. Bircher Professor Revilo P. Oliver eventually "wakes up" after writing "Marksmanship in Dallas," I and II. Robert Welch told that Oliver was easily controlled, but as Oliver discovered he was had he became Welch's worst enemy. One of his last publications speaks to this fallout between Oliver, the Welchers, and the JBS in the Foreword. The Jewish link that some of the JBS's planners of the JFK hit incorperated slowly took effect, especially after the Jewish saw many of the Birchers involved the Jewish types into the JFK hit. Oliver's departure from the JBS was all part of this counter reaction to cover up the JFK hit. === http://www.kevinalfredstrom.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/the_jewish_strategy.pdf The Jewish Strategy === Oliver also goes on to confront the problems with the Holocaust information, such as issues like the unlimited bombing of the allies effects on food and medical supplies, targeting work camp related industries, etc. =========== http://www.thebirdman.org/Index/NetLoss/NetLoss-Oliver.html In 1966, Prof Revilo Oliver (now deceased), who was co-founder (with eleven others) of the Birch Society and Associate Editor of its major organ, American Opinion, discovered that Robert Welch, the JBS's principal founder, was controlled by Jews, the purpose of said control being to harmlessly absorb and deflect the energy and money of patriotic Americans who wished to fight the 'international communist conspiracy', while leaving unmolested the Jewish-led conspiracy against America and Western civilization. In 1981 Oliver published America's Decline: The Education of a Conservative, in which he told the story of his discovery. ========= http://www.firstprinciplesjournal.com/articles.aspx?article=1062&theme=amsec&loc=f Oliver’s involvement with the John Birch Society ended abruptly after a speech he delivered on July 2, 1966, at the New England Rally for God, Family and Country in Boston, Massachusetts. In the speech, he declared that the United States was “the victim of some vast and evil conspiracy” whose nucleus was “the great Jewish conspiracy of 117–118 AD,” a conspiracy Oliver claimed nearly succeeded in bringing down the Roman empire. Oliver’s speech proved disastrous for the John Birch Society, which had been plagued with allegations of anti-Semitism since its inception. Had he not voluntarily resigned on July 30, 1966, permanently ending his involvement with the John Birch Society, Oliver would probably have been forced out. ========== http://www.kevinalfredstrom.com/2009/08/revilo-olivers-the-jewish-strategy/ The Jewish Strategy is a concise 101-page book on the Jewish people and their strategies, conscious and unconscious, to assure their biological survival, written from an uncommonly rational point of view by University of Illinois Classics professor and writer, the late Revilo P. Oliver. The Jewish Strategy is not an ordinary book. Dr. Oliver, who was one of the founders of both National Review and the John Birch Society in the days when those entities still stood for the survival of Western culture and Western Man, gives us insight into the genesis, ancient and modern history, and probable future of the Jewish nation-state-people. Dr. Oliver states: “The international race… by arduous, intelligent, and indefatigable work for more than twenty-five centuries, has, through its own efforts, made itself the major world power today. “History provides no parallel for that stupendous accomplishment. It must be regarded with respect, even awe.” ========== http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revilo_P._Oliver Oliver believed that religion was one of the major weaknesses of his nation and civilization. He characterized Christianity as "a spiritual syphilis," which "has rotted the minds of our race and induced paralysis of our will to live."[10] ======= This last bit of information on what Oliver thought about the Christianity religion, oddly enough, hits the nail in the head for what is wrong with America's intelligence. Oliver got downright Prophetic with the observation above. Religion has been manipulated, since day one, to make the Ruler's happy and appeal to Pagans. Religion was doctored when the Babylon Captivity occured and produced the Talmud after what they learned in Babylon and from the roots of Nimrod and his tower. The Essene Church didn't like the Talmud, but respected the Moses Law Giver. So, there was fallout between Jesus and the Essene over the 2nd Temple and their Talmudic Law. The Essene Church at Mt. Carmel followed the older Pious ways from Moses down to David and Solomon. The Babylon Talmud was Satans ways for them, and this would be the very roots of the Revelation prediction for the Church to be taken over by the unpious of Christ. Almost all of the Christ Deciples get crucified, as Jesus, due to many of the same Essene type teachings and going against their Talmidic Law. Somewhere shortly after this the Church of Rome gets going and the religion writing collections didn't say much about Jesus and the Essene. Jesus values didn't gain importance until continual wars bankrupt the Roman Empire and it then adopted some of the Jesus preachings with Constantine and the Bible New Testament was Born. They sought less wars and more peace with Jesus lording over the Talmudic ways. Real history of relgion even gets into tampering on what can and cannot be included as the values of Jesus. The King James edition of the Bible is massaged to make Royalist Kings happy, but not tell the story of the real values of Jesus and the Essene. There are lots of omissions on the real story of the Christ and of the Essene's teachings. The roots of these differences between the Essene and the Talmudic values have a lot to do with the problems of today. Royalist Kings, nor Talmudic values, were not compatable with the Essene Jesus. But, more on this later. =======
  16. Jewish Rubenstein was part of the JBS plan: =========== http://www.jfk-online.com/rubydef.html [T]here is a certain organization in this area that has been indoctrinated that I am the one that was in the plot to assassinate our President. . . . The John Birch Society.(19) Ruby was correct; the John Birch Society was indeed spreading propaganda implicating Ruby as part of a Jewish conspiracy. In fact, Ruby correctly named resigned US Army Major General Edwin Walker as one of the society's leaders in Dallas,(20) and it is quite telling that when Walker appeared before the Warren Commission, he insisted upon referring to Ruby by his birth name, Rubenstein.(21) Ruby continued: If certain people have the means and want to gain something by propagandizing something to their own use, they will make ways to present certain things that I do look guilty."(22) . . . If you don't take me back to Washington tonight to give me a chance to prove to the President that I am not guilty, then you will see the most tragic thing that will ever happen. And . . . I won't be around to be able to prove my innocence or guilt.(23). . . I am used as a scapegoat, and there is no greater weapon that you can use to create some falsehood about some of the Jewish faith, especially at the terrible heinous crime such as the killing of President Kennedy. . . . Now maybe something can be saved. It may not be too late, whatever happens, if our President, Lyndon Johnson, knew the truth from me. But if I am eliminated, there won't be any way of knowing. Right now, when I leave your presence now, I am the only one that can bring out the truth to our President, who believes in righteousness and justice. But he has been told, I am certain, that I was part of a plot to assassinate the President. . . .(24) =======
  17. One can see from this John Birch Society ad, the script for recriting new members was that Lee Oswald was a Communist and Communism killed JFK. But the actual story was that a number of the militant extreme right Birchers called JFK a Communist and actively planned to have JFK killed. The plan had Guy Bannister in New Orleans helping to set up LHO, and he was a flaming Bircher and Minuteman. He ties into the Dallas bunch with out of control General Walker and his German connections hooked to NAZI supporter HL Hunt. This faction plugged into the JFK hit a big Jewish presence. The JBS was a propagandist group funded by Rockefeller and ushered in fascist control over the US. ======= http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/birch.htm THE TIME HAS COME The President of the United States has been murdered by a Marxist-Communist within the United States. It has been pointed out by the Hon. Martin Dies, since the assassination, that "Lee Harvey Oswald was a Communist," and that when a Communist commits murder he is acting under orders. The former Congressman, head of the original Dies Committee, is probably second only to J. Edgar Hoover in first-hand knowledge acquired from early and long experience in investigating Communist activities. The Hon. J. Edgar Hoover said in a speech on October 18, 1960: "We are at war with the Communists, and the sooner each red-blooded American realizes that the better and safer we will be." He emphatically repeated this statement on December 3, 1963 - - ten days after the assassination. And this is none the less war because the Communists conduct it according to their usual methods, without regard to civilized rules or human decency. Nor is it in character for the Communists to rest on this success. Instead, we can expect them to use the shock, grief, and confusion of the American people, resulting from the assassination of our President, as an opportunity for pushing their own plans faster. Also, we shall be subjected to an ever greater barrage of distortions and falsehoods, aimed at imposing on the nation a completely false picture of the situation and of the forces at work. They have to subvert our minds as well as our institutions. For five years The John Birch Society has said that, regardless of the external threat, Communism was a serious internal menace in the United States. And we were right. This has now been proved, tragically but conclusively, to the deep sorrow, but also to the profound alarm, of all good Americans. The time has come for those good Americans to join us in this fight against the powerfully organized "masters of deceit." For, as Edmund Burke once wrote: "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." The John Birch Society is an educational army, and our only weapon is the truth. But George Washington stated our problem well: "Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light." We take tremendous pains in proportion to our numbers and our strength, and all we need to win is that enough other patriots join us in our determination and our labors. For there is nothing the Communists fear so much in the whole world today as having the American people learn, too soon, the truth about their purposes, their methods, and their progress. If you oppose the Communist conspiracy by learning and spreading the truth, you may expect to be smeared as viciously as we have been for five years. But you will be helping to save your family and your country from the same cruel tyranny that has already been imposed on a billion human beings. The time has come for every red-blooded American to react as such. If you have the willingness to learn and the courage to support the disturbing truth, use the coupon below. It will be without any obligation on your part, and we shall not contact you further unless or until you request us to do so. THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY Belmont, Massachusetts 02178 Executive Committee: Wm. J. Grede, A. G. Heinsohn, Jr., Fred C. Koch, Clarence E. Manion, R. W. Stoddard Please Note If you agree with this statement, and are willing to help us put this message in as many newspapers as possible across our country, send us your contribution now. Make your check out to Special Advertising Fund, and mail it directly to: THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY, Belmont, Massachusetts 02178 (Check the box that applies.) The John Birch Society Belmont, Massachusetts 02178 Gentlemen: Please send me, without cost or obligation on my part, a sheet of preliminary information about the Society. For the enclosed one dollar, please send me your Introductory Packet of THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY. For the enclosed five dollars please send me you Special Packet, containing the basic materials from which I can obtain a thorough understanding of what The John Birch Society is, how it works, and what it hopes to do. Sincerely, (Name) ................................................ (Address) ............................................. ............................................. ===============
  18. Harry, I have no worries of your allengences. You have seen all too well the negative sides of the Birchers and what evil some of them designed and delivered upon America. Per Funny Bones, got several, as I thought it very funny to get into the suggestion for the "BBB" Dribblers. Plus, got to drop some other Bircher logos from their "American Observer" site. They don't have the Bircher Flag on AO, which makes it all the more interesting to get it out in public. Dean likes to drop his silly lines, but he can't take the reverse of speaking about his silly long Athletic Jargon commentary on Basketball on the JFK discussion zone with Robert Morrow. He knows very well what I was speaking about, as best the Athletics Dept. folks can grasp, distractions off the main subjects. I was serious about wanting to check out and see the "Bircher" Flag, but I was left with an impression some were not and poking fun at the suggestion to see this flag.
  19. FOR USA readers, a reminder: Update: More on Good Morning America and Night Line shows in following days. Watch 9 pm this evening on ABC Network---Jackie Speaks from Beyond. Courtesy of Daughter Caroline for the 50 th Inaguration Anniversary. The 2 hour special tonight only covered parts of the 8.5 hours of Jackie's tapes. There will be more tomorrow on Good Morning America and even more on the next Nightline. So, the Jackie revelations continue beyond today. Caroline tells she left the tapes unedited to maintain their continuity to what Jackie Kennedy wanted to say. There should be a huge window of opportunity renewed in the JFK theme for the next few weeks/months, and Jackie is going to finger LBJ rather well. Mrs. Lincoln fingers the "Birchers" on the plane ride back from Dallas, along with fingering LBJ. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/jackie-in-her-own-words-2353592.html Just add in LBJ's big banker buddies involved in the JBS: Rockefeller, Merchinson, and their Fed. Res. Extensions. Toss in Walker and Rousellot, from Nixon and Ronnie Reagan land. Then Dallas HL Hunt's huge Bircher support and his NAZI buddies ravelling in the Jewish types like LBJ's Jaffe, Ruby, those from PERMINDEX, Bloomfield, and the Zionists. ========== Jackie speaks to loosing "Arabella" and wanting to move from the house she decorated with nurseries. She delivered John Jr. by Caesarean. Tonight's LBJ revelations were they thought LBJ and didn't do anything. Had a drinking problem and worry of reliabilty. Seems as ABC's Producers might be slighting the real dirt contained in these tapes as it relates to LBJ. Gov. Connally of Texas was running down JFK over his Addision's Disease illness on the day of the Assassination.
  20. Well, Dean "Bircher", Now we know what flag you pledge your allegence to. Complete your set with these 40th anniversary and Bircher Leaf lapel pins: http://www.aobs-store.com/apparel/ Then you'll be official, if you sign up for Baptist Missionary to China and start a Basketball camp. Then you can be the BBB, "Baptist Bircher Basketball" Dribblers.
  21. What were Prescott Bush (and his next two generations of conspiring corrupt offspring) and the Rockefellers really up to in terms of the control over the US? Smedley Butler shows where they wanted to go---fascist dictatoship--oligarchy. "National Socialism" was a NAZI scheme, and both Bush and Rockefeller invested in "National Socialism" and they never gave up the theme. National Socialism shifted into IG Farbin's "state within a state" system of industry. Republicans (Conservative agenda) tossed around "National Socialism and Fascism", while Democrats (Liberal agenda) tossed around "Socialism and Communism" as a dicotomy of goals for the country in termoil of Royalist's capitalization control for the world. The JBS was a Rockefeller scheme to push more toward fascism via scare methods on Communism. Many of them catered to the NAZI industry ideals. Naturally a number of NAZI alliances associated easily into the JBS plans, and persons like Dornberger in Dallas, the "Ghalen Organization" with Walker, and the old NAZI elites blended well into the JBS's Rockefeller methods, and the German Ft. Bliss, Tx rocket types that became NASA with LBJ's hand. Naturally, there also became an interest to set up the Jewish factions as being the ones killing JFK. Thus, they intentionally integrated Ruby, Bloomfield, and the Zionist support into the plan to off JFK. In case anyone wonders how the US is essentially fascist controlled these days, this was the beginning of the big plan to overthrow the US. JFK wanted to stop the shift away from Jefferson Constitutionalism. The US has gone into the extreme right of fascism in place of the middle ground of "We The People" and a balance between the concepts for Capitalism and Socialism. Even the churches have been corrupted from the concepts of the Essene Christ to facilitate the hate of socilist concepts. ====== http://www.newworldorderreport.com/News/tabid/266/ID/980/33-Conspiracy-Theories-That-Turned-Out-To-Be-True-What-Every-Person-Should-Know-Updated-Revised-and-Extended.aspx 16.The Business Plot: In 1933, group of wealthy businessmen that allegedly included the heads of Chase Bank, GM, Goodyear, Standard Oil, the DuPont family and Senator Prescott Bush tried to recruit Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler to lead a military coup against President FDR and install a fascist dictatorship in the United States. And yes, we're talking about the same Prescott Bush who fathered one US President and grandfathered another one. Smedley Butler was both a patriot and a vocal FDR supporter. Apparently none of these criminal masterminds noticed that their prospective point man had actively stumped for FDR in 1932. Smedley spilled the beans to a congressional committee in 1934. ---- Butler, although a self-described Republican, responded by supporting Roosevelt in that year's election. In a 1995 History Today article Clayton Cramer argued that the devastation of the Great Depression had caused many Americans to question the foundations of liberal democracy. "Many traditionalists, here and in Europe, toyed with the ideas of Fascism and National Socialism; many liberals dallied with Socialism and Communism." Cramer argues that this explains why some American business leaders viewed fascism as a viable system to both preserve their interests and end the economic woes of the Depression. ========== Smedley Butler also wrote a book called "War is a Racket" and this is more of the big clues to the present day mess and the reasons JFK was shot. War is an excuse to promote fascist control and wars drive Constitutional Government into Fascist Government, where big money and corporation rule the country. The Capitalists know that to start a war is to make for debt that makes the Bankers richer, their industries more essential, and their power over the people strong. It is in every sense a Racket. JFK tried to avoid war at all cost, to stay out of the Royalist's Capitalistic games for enrichment and fascist shifts in the US. ======== http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Is_a_Racket War Is a Racket is the title of two works, a speech and a booklet, by retired U.S. Marine Major General Smedley D. Butler. In them, Butler frankly discusses from his experience as a career military officer how business interests commercially benefit from warfare. ----- In War Is A Racket, Butler points to a variety of examples, mostly from World War I, where industrialists whose operations were subsidised by public funding were able to generate substantial profits essentially from mass human suffering. The work is divided into five chapters: 1.War is a racket 2.Who makes the profits? 3.Who pays the bills? 4.How to smash this racket! 5.To hell with war! ========= "War is a Racket" by Smedley Butler is a famous speech denouncing the "military industrial complex". This speech by two-time Congressional Medal of Honor recipient exposes war profits that benefit few at the expense of many. Throughout his distinguished career in the Marines, Smedley Darlington Butler demonstrated that true patriotism does not mean blind allegiance to government policies with which one does not agree. To Hell with war. ======
  22. Harry, If you have a photo of the John Birch Society's Flag, it is possible to upload it to share with folks on EF. Just go to the "Full Editor" mode of the EF reply page and point to the photo file name and you can "attach" it to one of your listings as an upload into the EF server. Usually the ".jpg" type files were best and file sizes around 60k. I am sure many folks would like the check out this JBS flag. JP
  23. Be sure to watch 9 pm Tuesday on ABC network: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Jacqueline_Kennedy/ ===
  24. More of the Larry McDonald dirt. Larry McDonald had this huge database of poltical dirt and connected with Nixon and Reagan. McDonald knows who was involved in killing JFK at the highest levels, had some interesting NAZI help from Chile, and died in odd plane shoot down. ======== http://karws.gso.uri.edu/jfk/the_critics/brussell/Who_killed_McDonald.html It was Senator Jesse Helms (R-North Carolina)-another archconservative ideologue who is anti-union, antigovernment, anti-Communist and an opponent of an international treaty on genocide-who arranged the invitation for McDonald to attend the celebration that would commemorate the 30th anniversary of the official U.S. entry into the Korean War. ---- Clearly, Larry McDonald did not die at the hands of Soviet planners. The most important explanation for his tragic demise has to do with recent revelations about his clandestine activities. An earlier relationship between McDonald and President Reagan had started to surface before the crash. Their government espionage, concealed behind a cloak of righteous Americanism at any price, was about to be exposed. The media, along with many other institutions and individuals, had purposely withheld the darker side of Reagan's years as California governor from the 1980 Presidential campaign. Now the dirty laundry of the past was starting to leak out. Key backers, financiers and appointees of Ronald Reagan have always been involved in political spying-and worse. California was ripe with intrigue. Nixon and Reagan were from California. And California is where the bubble burst. The trail leading to the connection between Reagan and McDonald is long and winding. But the facts prove collusion between informers hired by Reagan when he was governor and the activities of McDonald's Western Goals Foundation. The method -- and even the people involved -- were the same in both cases. The first indication that something was even more rotten than usual in California came on August 15, 1980, when Warren Hinckle -- the former editor of Ramparts magazine -- noted that the snooping of Jerry Ducote appeared to involve members of Ronald Reagan's gubernatorial staff. (Ducote was a former sheriff's deputy employed by Reagan's backers, who infiltrated suspected subversive groups.) ------- Ducote was employed in such activities by Ronald Reagan's backers and by the John Birch Society. Rees worked with the Birch Society and virtually every other right-wing group, feeding them information they could use to harass and embarrass those who opposed their point of view. Reagan's man (Ducote) and Larry McDonald's crony (John Rees) worked together at the San Francisco-based Western Research, also known as Research West. Ducote secluded himself behind unmarked doors, running a blacklisting service for industry. The results of his spying were added to a repository of information used by Governor Reagan to screen out potential state employees with leftist political tendencies that were contrary to his own beliefs. -----
  25. Todays Corporate Oligarchy: http://planetsave.com/2011/08/28/who-runs-the-world-network-analysis-reveals-super-entity-of-global-corporate-control/ Who Runs the World ? – Network Analysis Reveals ‘Super Entity’ of Global Corporate Control Fascism goes global.
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