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Jim Phelps

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Everything posted by Jim Phelps

  1. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKdroller.htm Manuel Artime met Droller in the summer of 1960. At the time he was using the name "Frank Bender" and had adopted the role of a Steel tycoon based in Miami. Droller told Artime: "I have nothing to do with the United States government. I am working for a powerful company that wants to fight communism."
  2. Bigger hints from Mae Brussell. http://www.maebrussell.com/About%20Mae%20Brussell/About%20Mae One can find why RN called the JFK hit the BOP affair. One can find she knew Sturgis worked with PERMINDEX and the JBS. Mae was too close. ===== http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Martha%20Mitchell%20Kidnapped%20-%201.html Frank Sturgis, alias Joseph Hamilton, Frank Fiorini, and a dozen known aliases Lost U.S. citizenship in 1960; got it back with aid of Senator Smathers. Close friend of Diaz Lanz, Cuban exile community, involved with right-wing movements such as the John Birch Society and Billy James Hargis' Christian Crusade. Ferrie, Civil Air Patrol. Lee Harvey Oswald, before joining the Marines, worked under Ferrie in Civil Air Patrol. Lieutenant, Reserve in Civil Air Patrol. Sturgis was among those questioned by the FBI after John Kennedy's death because of his activities. His home had been an arsenal complete with a 20 millimeter cannon. Carlos Prio Socarras, former president of Cuba, was planning demonstrations for the conventions. He worked with Permindex, David Ferrie, and the entire Miami-Houston-Havana group named by independent researchers in association with Kennedy's death. Did Sturgis and Socarros work together in 1963? Are they connected in any way, by banks or weapons, with 1972? Frank Sturgis was a Lt. Reserve in Civil Air Patrol. Named in connection with the John Kennedy assassination, along with Frank Sturgis, was David... =========
  3. So, while it is very unlikely for LHO to be in this film clip from 1961 due to LHO still being in Russia until early 1962, there are other most important associations. Frank Bender, who is really German National Gerry Droller, has been associated with LHO later as being LHO's "Mr. B". So, for the ardent student of the JVB story, JVB has given a valuable clue and the "Mr. B" then makes sense. Francis Gary Powers was even quoted as LHO being the reason he was shot down over Russia. The Germans hated Russia and Communism and the last thing they wanted was either DDE or JFK making peace with Russia. Mr. B was allied with those. Gerry Droller appeared involved with the Marshall Plan issues, which were run out of the IG Farben HQ building near Frankfort. IG Farben was broken down after the war into individual units sold off so as to break up their oligarchic corporate empire that made the Hitler War machine work. This breaking up of IG Farben assets continued well into the 1990s. But this was joined back together, in many ways, due to the higher level money allinaces that came to appreciate Prince Bernhard's NWO ideas in the mid-1950s. Droller was in the right places to well know about these issues of Germany's reindustrialization to resist Communism via the Marshall Plan, and Droller was in Switzerland where lots of the money strings were pulled. The CIA proper was not interested in having FGP shot down, but PERMINDEX operations were and LHO was associated with Mr. B. While, it seems fruitless to look for LHO in this film clip, there is more than enough reason to find LHO associated with "Mr. B" before he left for Russia and after he returned from Russia.
  4. It would help if all used the person's original names and nationalities. "Frank Bender" is a fake name, to make him appear American, for Gerry Droller, who was German Born. Droller came to work for the OSS and worked with French Undergroud's Communists that smuggled Jewish types and downed aircraft pilots out of German zones in WWII. He worked in Switzerland for a time, was connected with rebuild of Germany. Most likely was tight with the persons like George Mandel and Ferenc Nagy. He appears more PERMINDEX than CIA in 1963.
  5. Since what appears to be Jean Souetre has been proposed to be LHO by Wim D. and Scott K., and there are indications that Jean Souetre was in and around Dallas/Ft. Worth, was Souetre part of the LHO double business going on before the assassination?
  6. QJ/WIN=Jean Souetre Corsican French Connection assassin, ties with Auguste Ricord and the NAZI of Argentina, Christian David connection. Goes back to Carlos Marcello for US contact.
  7. QJ/WIN=Jean Souetre Corsican Drug Connection assassin, French Connection to NAZI linked Auguste Ricord, Christian David.
  8. Thanks, Mark. --Tommy P.S. For those of you who are still laboring under the delusion that we're talking about the guy on the far left--- wrong! We're talking about the guy behind the dude who is holding a pistol in his hand up near his head (Frank Sturgis AKA Frank Fiorini). Oh! You're talking about TODHNOEM! Greg, That's the first time I've been subjected to a tod-hnoem attack on this forum! --Tommy P.S. Uhhh.... What does TODHNOEM mean? P.P.S. Dude on the left looks a bit like the Corsican mercenary/assassin Jean Soutre. ====== Left person Looks to be very close to Jean Soutre Highly involved with French Connection Drug trafficing via Auguste Ricord and Christian David.
  9. An old USA Today piece on DeM: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/J%20Disk/JFK%20Records%20Disclosure%201-30-92/Item%20079.pdf
  10. Greg is right, that is definitely Sturgis but not LHO. It is a reporter whose name escapes me for now. The film was taken in 1961 at a parachuting practice ground run by a guy named Popperwell or smothing similar. My memory is not what it used to be. There were also some press photographs taken that day one of which shows Hemming, Sturgis and Larry deJoseph. James Richards has posted it here before. JK ========= The assertion on the Italian Film being the source for this clip appears to be correct. Might be good to review the film in its entirity. IF, this was filmed in 1961, then I think LHO does not return from Russia until Feb. 1962, making it very difficult for the person in the deeper background to be LHO.
  11. I didn't want to bias the opinions, but my opinion is that this is not LHO. But that does look like Frank Sturgis.
  12. This item appears to be sourced from Wim D. and/or Scott K. Opinions solicited for this: http://rechtiskrom.wordpress.com/2011/12/16/lee-harvey-oswald-and-frank-sturgis/
  13. Interesting that the Role for de Mohrenschildt was played by Oltmans in the movie JFK: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willem_Oltmans Oltmans was based in the USA in the 1960s, where he worked as a reporter for Dutch TV broadcaster NOS and established ties to president Kennedy's closest circle of advisors.[1] After US president John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963, Oltmans interviewed the mother of accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald: Marguerite Oswald. Further investigation led him to Oswald's babysitter baron de Mohrenschildt. According to Oltmans, baron George de Mohrenschildt, who had ties to the CIA, was the architect behind the killing. In 1977 de Mohrenschildt agreed to disclose information to Oltmans, but disappeared from their meeting place and was found dead in Florida a few weeks later.[2][3] Intent on irony, Oltmans played the role of de Mohrenschildt in Oliver Stone's 1991 film about the assassination, JFK.[4] b
  14. Nonsense. We can see the Secret Service was involved. They were the most important "ground crew." Since they did not likely think this thing up, someone above them directed them. Who the other boots on the ground were is irrelevent. ==== I think I'd certainly disasgree with your truncation of the others involved. The SS is controlled by the Sec. of Treasury, who was an 8F good ole boy and the same good ole boy that inflamed the Cuba mess into Castro tossing out the Oil Companies and nationalizing all the US investment in Cuba. Somebody besides the SS told the Fletcher Proudy folks to stand down and the Dallas Police to turn into bench sitters. And LBJ was a big player with lots of 8F connections. And somebody liked to take shots at JFK from the Dal-Tex building to tie in HL Hunt and Morris Jaffee. Some, if not many of us, like to look at much much more of the issues that you like to call non-sense. That you might miss the bigger issues thus becomes obvious.
  15. Looks like Bill K. has found a good solid link of Gen. Walker to the Gehlin Org. and using them as a mouthpiece against LHO. One caution is the Gen Walker Hotel was not named after Gen. Edwin Walker: ======= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Walker_Hotel The General Walker Hotel was a former Third Reich hotel in Obersalzberg, Germany. Following World War II, it became a United States Armed Forces Recreation Center (AFRC), and was renamed after US Army General Walton Walker, killed in action in the Korean War. It was demolished in 2000. ======= Some good photos of the Gen Walker Hotel, before and after the war pics: http://www.thirdreichruins.com/platterhof.htm
  16. It's a good question, Robert, and I'd like to see if I can make some progress with an alternative. I know the arguments claiming that Oswald never shot at Walker. One of those arguments came from Walker himself, in his Warren Commission testimony. Here's the well-known quote, so often taken out of context: -------- START WARREN COMMISSION TESTIMONY VOLUME 11 PAGE 426 ---- Mr. LIEBELER. That is when you gave him this information about Oswald having attacked you? General WALKER. I didn't give him all the information--I think the portion you are referring to, I didn't give him, because I had no way of knowing that Oswald attacked me. I still don't. And I am not very prone to say in fact he did. In fact, I have always claimed he did not, until we can get into the case or somebody tells us differently that he did. -------- END WARREN COMMISSION TESTIMONY VOLUME 11 PAGE 426 ---- If we add this testimony to Walker's complaint to the HSCA that they had the wrong bullet, it might sound convincing that Walker disbelieved Oswald shot at him. My response is: (1) that Walker deliberately lied to the Warren Commission; and (2) that his complaint to the HSCA was intended to show that Oswald had other weapons at his disposal. I will begin with (1). The context of the Warren Commission testimony is attorney Liebeler asking Walker to divulge the date when Walker told the German newsman, Hasso Thorsten, that Oswald was the April shooter. Liebeler had solid evidence that Walker told this to Thorston on 11/23/1963, the day after JFK was killed. The evidence was material - the Deutsche Nationalzeitung dated 11/29/1963, a newspaper in Munich, Germany. Now, Walker was not on trial - but if suspects were truly pursued, Liebeler would have had Walker cornered. Believing that Oswald really was the April shooter, Liebeler was puzzled that Walker knew about it on 11/23/1963, weeks before the Warren Commission and the FBI found out from Marina. But Walker would not give up his information. What other evidence do we have? The Briscoe Center for American History has recently General Edwin A. Walker's archives available to the public. I will type in snippets from documents typed and signed by Walker himself. The documents are not dated, but seem to be accompanied by a release bulletin of April 15, 1989. ------ BEGIN SNIPPET #1 BY EDWIN A. WALKER ------- THE DECEMBER COVER-UP: Reference the Secret Service Letter, Dallas, addressed to the Chief of Police, Jesse Curry, Dallas, a cross town letter initiated on December 2nd and dated December 26, 1963, one day after Christmas...In the censorship of the April crime the public would not know that the first official recognition and acknowledgment that Oswald was the April assassin was in April, not December, and not by the Secret Service or Marina. Tantamount to the Kennedy secret protection and release of Oswald from Dallas Police custody in April was the necessity to know his name, Lee Harvey Oswald, his custody as the prime suspect and his guilt. ------ END SNIPPET #1 BY EDWIN A. WALKER ------- The so-called December Cover-up letter was allegedly an order to Jesse Curry to deny that he had Oswald in custody on April 10, 1963, and that RFK via the Secret Service demanded Oswald's relese in April, 1963. Walker really believed this happened. He repeats it several times in his writings, and he calls it 'the April Crime'. He will later criticize Jesse Curry for hiding evidence that he knew to be true, in order to please the Secret Service. Here is another snippet showing this: ------ BEGIN SNIPPET #2 BY EDWIN A. WALKER ------- DEALEY PLAZA DALLAS - APRIL TO NOVEMBER: ...As the prime suspect in Dallas Police custody by midnight, following an "Attempted Assassination" at 9pm, April 10th, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald was released from custody on Kennedy orders. In the Kennedy secrecy and urgency to protect Oswald from prosecution and in the intent to protect Jack Rubenstein (Ruby), George de Mohrenschildt and Marina, the release was accomplished before working hours on April 11th 1963...In their relief of Dallas Police responsibility for the April Crime in their protection of Oswald, the Kennedys had relieved all Official Agencies of responsibility for him...In the protection of a fugitive from justice there could be no doubt of a mockery of it and their participation of it. Who would, could, should or dared, to have any knowledge or pass any information regarding him, "A Ward of the Kennedy State"? ...Certainly seven months were adequate to confirm the stigma and intimindation of such a censorship and for Oswald to become the knowing-willing instrument, in the only means to break the bondage of his Kennedy protection, with its protectors... ------ END SNIPPET #2 BY EDWIN A. WALKER ------- That is a very clear accusation of Oswald as the April shooter, of Jesse Curry as covering it up, and of the Kennedy's as controlling the entire matter. It is also interesting that the name of George de Mohrenschildt was named in this regard, without further details. I find these snippets, and others like them, to be of enormous interest in the research of the JFK assassination. As for their late date, we have others that are of earlier dates - but none as early as the statment he made to Hasso Thorston on or about 11/23/1963. Now, once we concede that Walker believed that Oswald was his April shooter, we must doubt his sworn testimony before attorney Liebeler. After all, this was Chief Justice Earl Warren's Commission, and Walker spent many years convincing thousands of people that Earl Warren deserved impeachment and did not hold legitimate authority. Also, once we concede that Walker believed that Oswald was his April shooter, we must find some other explanation for (2), for his complaint to the HSCA that they had the wrong bullet. It was not to exonerate Oswald - clearly. Walker held Oswald guilty of the 'April Crime,' so the bullets that he found (which had steel jackets) which differed from the HSCA bullets (which had copper jackets) could only prove that Oswald had access to other weapons. From whom? Walker's implication is clear from these snippets -- from RFK himself. So - we seem to be faced with a choice: (i) either Walker made up the story that Oswald was the April shooter, and asked J. Edgar Hoover and his men to give Marina photographs of Walker's house, and force her to repeat Walker's story; or (ii) Oswald really was the shooter, and Walker found out from underground sources that he would never divulge. I am convinced of the latter choice. Finally, in my current theory, I believe George de Mohrenschildt was indirectly the source of Walker's information. The Warren Commission demonstrated clearly that George de Mohrenschildt found out about Oswald's shooting at Walker on Easter Sunday, 1963 -- four days after the shooting. I have little doubt that George de Mohrenschildt told someone about it (probably someone in the CIA), and that person told General Walker the same day. George de Mohrenschildt fled to Haiti that very week, earning General Walker's contempt. That's my evidence, Robert. I look forward to your feedback, in case I may have missed something. ======= Most interesting, but there are other scinerios. Most valuable insights. If they detected LHO was a big leaker, they might want to set LHO up for shooting at Gen. W. After all there were two men and two cars spotted around Gen. Walker's house, so it was bigger than LHO alone. It took some kind of very high level pull to get RFK to spring LHO for April 63. If RFK springing LHO in 63 came to light, so might other issues like spying on these Dallas types. Perhaps when de Mohrenschildt saw this pull that LHO had, that mean't he was found out too. When the Attorney General of the US spings the guy that is supposed to have taken a shot at Gen. Walker, there are warning flares going off in Dallas. That this happened might be why LHO was so brave as to stand around and be set up for the JFK hit. With RFK active on the Gen Walker issues, that would mean all the first order kill JFK plans from Gen. Walker / JBS would have been sidetracked. What would pick up the effort after Walker? It is also interesting that LHO and JFK are both reading up on James Bond and 007 games, which gets into the Boris Pash land.
  17. ===== Hello Robert, I do think seeing the Cronkite video of LBJ talking about a "Murder, Inc." in the Carrinean trumps your Madeline Brown card. If one reads the Harry Dean information and considered that LBJ was part of the frame up when shots came from the Dal-Tex Building and this ultimatum hit LBJ that he had to play the LHO Russian Lone-Nut card or else threat from Dallas. Look up Schlumber and its forming in the Nethlands Antilles islands of the Carribean and all the big oil games there. Find John DeMenil or Schlumber is also the board of the new IG Farben. Then meddle in Cuba to oust Batista and start a huge mess. I do think General Walker was very anti-Semitic oriented, as was HL Hunt. They were both into Germany and sympathetic. Walker had to know the IG Farben story, as Eisenhower ran the Allied Commend HQ from the IG Farben HQ in Germany. Rockefeller taught the Germans the business methods that made IG Farben. Anyone with half a mind would take note in Germany that Netherland's Bernhard had refabricated IG Farben at Victor Rothschilds asking. There is about zero doubt the 8F gang would become peas in a pod with Bernhard's corporation plans. The presence of Edwin Walker, of the German US command, in the JFK hit planning, and he allied with JBS and HL Hunt speaks too the inner circle for the US planning to kill JFK. Walker had to know of the Gehlen Organization and the issues of them being against Communism of Russia. Most of the US Germans of Hitler's old IG Farben would jump onto the new IG Farben bandwagon and everyone from Von Braun to Dohrnberger jumped on the bandwagon and all profitted highly. The new IG Farben was running wild in the US killing domestic interests the CIA was prevented from touching.
  18. Here is a little more on what was happening behind the scenes on Edwin Walker's over the top problems with going against the president. It makes one wonder if the Kennedys wanted Walker to experience the ways of the old south with being accused of being mentally sick. Perhaps MLK taught JFK and RFK how the blacks were treated in the Southern US, and designed what was good for the Blacks in Slavery would be good for Walker to taste first hand. ===== http://www.thefreemanonline.org/columns/the-therapeutic-state/the-shame-of-medicine-the-case-of-general-edwin-walker/ I summarized the evidence for my view that psychiatry is a threat to civil liberties, especially to the liberties of individuals stigmatized as “right-wingers,” illustrated by the famous case of Ezra Pound, who was locked up for 13 years while the government ostensibly waited for his “doctors” to restore his competence to stand trial. Now the Kennedys and their psychiatrists were in the process of doing the same thing to Walker. Instead, I proposed that they “nominate” a prominent Dallas university psychiatrist as their defense expert–that is, a local, publicly employed physician who could ill afford to declare Walker insane on the basis of his “racist” views. (Before the Civil War, proslavery physicians in the South diagnosed black slaves who tried to escape to the North as mentally ill, “suffering from drapetomania.” In the Walker case, pro-integration psychiatrists in the North diagnosed white segregationists as mentally ill, “suffering from racism.”) Next morning I flew back to Syracuse. =====
  19. I ran across this piece that speaks to Harry Dean in California, that perhaps adds some more insights. http://coverthistory.blogspot.com/2006/02/harry-dean-wade-rhodes-posted-this-on.html The DACA operated in Mexico as well as the U.S.. According to Dean,, World War II hero Guy (Gabby) Gabaldon was the Mexican Director, while Ray Fleishman of Whittier was the U.S. Director. Another active member of DACA and the Covina JBS, who had a close relationship with Gabaldon, was Dave Robbins, who at the time ('62-63) was a high ranking employee of the Fluor Corporation. (J. Robert Fluor and John Rousselot had been known to be close political allies). In a number of different circumstances, Dean was able to determine that Gabaldon, Robbins, Flieshman, and Rousselot had been involved in planning the aborted assassination attempt of JFK in Mexico City, June 1962. Harry Dean had many occasions to observe and relate with much publicized Cuban-American Loran Eugene Hall - aka Lorenzon Pacillo - aka Skip Hall and Laurence Howard - aka Alonzo Escuirdo. ========= Fluor is an interesting company, Swiss origin, then California, then Texas. Considered a large Govt. contractor that built for the Manhattan Project. Competes with KBR.
  20. No, was not Oswald on the TSBD's steps in that photo. I certainly wish it really was, as cracking things open would be much easier.
  21. Ha, yes and in the minds of Duluth, there are spiral nebula hidden in windshield glass: http://home.comcast.net/~the-puzzle-palace/windshield.htm http://home.comcast.net/~the-puzzle-palace/Ferguson.gif
  22. LBJ called it a Murder, Inc. in the Carribean and so does the Book on the Brotherhood of the Bell: http://books.google.com/books?id=ycsmUU0DXhIC&pg=PA63&lpg=PA63&dq=Wernher+Von+Braun+PERMINDEX&source=bl&ots=g3Z6TXO5Q1&sig=J5WIG8XyqeKpfcdf-nnQGisI0a8&hl=en&ei=xmvfTriyH6bs0gHfmKG2Bw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&sqi=2&ved=0CFkQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=Wernher%20Von%20Braun%20PERMINDEX&f=false
  23. Good to see Harry Dean has come to visit and make connection with Paul. Some of the more important issues in Harry Dean's Manuscript and information is that the Crooks planning to kill JFK including the ability to dump in lots of misleading information to keep the hounds off of their own trails. I think Harry has a few reservations on some of the Morris book views. EF's pages have a good bit of Harry Dean information, such as: ========= http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKdeanH.htm (3) Harry J. Dean, Memoirs, Education Forum (9th July, 2005) Gabaldon's organization was called DAC, Drive Against Communism. When DAC came under the JBS, The John Birch Society banner the title was change to DACA, Drive Against Communist Aggression. In late August, 1963, Gabaldon and I kept an appointment with former U.S. Congressman John H. Rousselot, then Western Director of the John Birch Society at his San Marino, California office. Gabaldon picked up ten thousand dollars as pre-arranged, from Rousselot. The money was for the 'Mexico Operation'.. In September, 1963 Oswald accompanied Hall and Howard to Gabaldon's Mexico City area office. Oswald then received instructions and funds from the impressive, but phony CIA 'officer' Gabaldon. The fate of both Oswald and Kennedy were there forever sealed! The trio later returned to the U.S. Hall and Howard eventually to California, and Oswald to Texas where two weeks later, October 1963 he began working at the book depository building in Dallas. The poor slob was awaiting further instructions from another fake CIA contact that, among other details, requested him to deliver weapons, suppossedly to be picked up at his workplace along with other weapons to be donated and used by anti-Castro raiders. ========= Now, the most interesting item per LHO is that he wasn't working for the CIA, but in the hands of some privateers playing like they were CIA operatives. This lands into the domain of the JBS crooks and their PERMINDEX pals that had to cook up their own cancer virus in New Orleans to attempt to kill Castro. Banister working to set up LHO as a lone hut JFK hater, who shot JFK. It is interesting to take note that this misinformation planning and diversion methods were still going strong long after the Assasssination as told in this book: =========== http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/MS/2data.html p. 94: The disinformation layers were: Communists/Russia, Castro/Cuba, The C.I.A., and the Mafia. p. 98: Goodman refers to the Dallas group as "the disinformation society," and notes areas of research with which they won't cooperate: Dal-Tex, H.L. Hunt, Clint Murchison, Gen. Charles Cabell, the Del Charro Hotel, Dallas Citizens' Council. (all neglected areas of research in the mainstream community; the exceptions include Penn Jones and Anthony Summers). p. 100: JFK eliminated funding for the White Russian Solidarists, many of whom in the Dallas area were associated with the oil industry. pp. 188-189: Murchison owned the Del Mar race track, which employed Sirhan Sirhan, and where J. Edgar Hoover often attended. ============== Then there appears this lead on Sir Han being connected to the California Del Mar race track and leds back to the same bunch of crooks trying to cut off anyhthing that traces back to them. Such as allowing RFK to make the presidency, which would have led to the crooks finding the electric chair in mass quantities. Notice the common theme is diversion of the theme of the assassination onto that of the CIA did it or those associated with the US Govt did it.
  24. Ref listings for previous Fokker connections and Gen Walker. www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/hsca/.../HSCA_Vol12_deMohren.pdf Mohrenschildt and de Mohrenschildt's background. The Warren Com- mission concluded about de ...... Walker. We used to call him for laughs "General Fokker ". ... ======== http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fokker 1945-1996 Fokker F24 Fokker F25 Promotor Fokker S-11 Instructor Fokker S-12 Instructor Fokker S-13 Universal Trainer Fokker S-14 Machtrainer Fokker F26 Phantom Fokker F27 Friendship Fokker F28 Fellowship Fokker 50 Fokker 60 Utility Fokker 70 Fokker 100 Fokker 130 (concept stage only) [edit] References
  25. Here is some actual logic with some cause and effect relationships. A large number of persons believe and the ballistics evidence supports that several bullets were fired from the Dal-Tex 2nd floor window zone where HL Hunt and Morris Jaffee had some sort of little Uranium business. We all know Morris Jaffee was a big pal of LBJ and Jaffee was working deals on the USAEC to get rich on uranium. Jaffee was LBJ's new election bankroller person. So, in the grand scheme of things the worst thing that could happen was for anyone to take a shot from that Dal-Tex area, because it linked to all of them. It looks like PERMINEX wanted some insurance that things would go their way by using that Dal-Tex area. Logic tells that when a bullet comes from the 2nd floor window of Dal-Tex, which is linked to HL Hunt, that the first thing HL Hunt is going to want is a fabricated bullet coming into a windshield and a paid drawing maker. Logic also tells one that the little plink on the inside of the Limo's windshield is going to turn into hole to help that idea along. Most likely LBJ and a few helpers in the night made some windshield mods on the Limo. It was, no doubt tampered, a hole by the time the Limo got to the plant to put in a new windshield glass. Who keeps using that tired old story to take the heat off HL Hunt, Jaffee, and LBJ? Is that logic or is there some other term that comes to mind? Another bit of logic is the plotters had a number of cover stories ready to complicate things and also motivate helpers in the plot. The prime blame game was to always blame to the CIA or the Govt., but never ever Foreign Intelligence group PERMINDEX. So, even when we get to the times of the Oliver Stone Movie JFK, there are more special "switch-a-roos" happening. We happen to have a Mossad Agent as Exec. Director over Stone, Arnan Milchan. But, as recently told on EF by someone, it appears the Schlumberger weapons stash boxes were labeled in Spanish in the movie, when they were done in French. Clay Shaw is a Foreign Intelligence agent for PERMINDEX, yet there is all this talk of CIA, Dave Ferrie's old CIA projects, blaming the US Govt with Operation Mongoose. Even the JFK Movie was being used to pull the publics attention into the cover stories. Always follow the money: Old Money 1. PERMINDEX/Bilderberg, New Money 2. Hunt/Jaffee/LBJ The Old Money always wanted to have the upper hand on the New Money gang. The PERMINDEX gang is going to try to frame up the number 2 gang to have their full cooperation. And the number 1 money is going to be the ones pulling the global strings insisting upon blaming the CIA or the US Govt., just don't say Schlumberger, PERMINDEX, and Rockefeller/Bilderberg. Me thinks the same old fool the public games are in play for the origin of this thread, but the ultimate big picture is coming into view for lots of folks. imho
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