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Jim Phelps

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Everything posted by Jim Phelps

  1. A poll for those that noticed that JFK stepped forward on the issue of Atmospheric Nuclear Testing due to isotopes like Sr-90 getting into the food chain. What would JFK have done about the more pressing dangers from fluoride emissions from nuclear bomb plants and other strategic metals works? The German's found out early about the toxic effects of fluorides as they rushed to make aluminum for aircraft and produced more than all the world in around 1940. They also learned about the sodium fluoride by-product from this process that could be used to make Sarin Nerve Gas for the German war efforts. Likewise, as the US entered the industrial age of war and strategic metals production, these like problems appeared all over America. It was happening from the Phospate Mines of Fla. that were also making urnaium for the bomb project. It was happening in steel production towns like Donora, Pa. All the regions that produced Aluminum. And huge problems associated with the first high volume production of fluorine in Deepwater, NJ, and Niagara Falls, NY, and other locations. Given that JFK was compelled to act on Sr-90, which was a lesser problem by comparison, would he have acted against Fluoridation that makes the American People docile and compliant to authority? The industry problems from fluoride releases is so extreme in many areas that the way it is handled is to cover up the toxic risks, alter and hude the documentation, classify some health reports, and consider many workers as expendable for the industry effort because the health effect was a concealed risk. JFK was on watch while all this was going on, and it would come to affect almost everyone in the US due to the efforts to conceal these health effects using that same sodium fluoride used to make Sarin metered into the public's water supplies. This was the technique learned from the German NAZIs and used in their work camps. Basis for Poll: It is alledged that an organization termed as the "Defense Industry Security Command" was involved in the death of JFK via its locations at Muscle Shoals, Ala. and Columbus, Oh. This connection appears in the "Torbett Files" and others generally associated with PERMINDEX group. Muscle Shoals was the first HQ for TVA from a Dam there used to basically make military explosives. As Senator Norris pushed for the TVA it also made ammonium nitrate for fertilizer, and various superphosphate fertilizers and did the pioneer work on extracting uranium from phosphate mining. So, since there was a Defense Issue associated with the dual use of this facilty at Muscle Shoals and even nearby Huntsville for Nerve Gas production. Security would be an issue here. The Second location for DISC was Columbus, Oh and the DOD Defense Logistics Center, Battelle Defense Metals Information Center, Reynolds Metals, Home of Curtis LeMay, Chemical Abstract Service are there to control the releases of Industry Health effects into the public. Kettering Laboratories, in nearby Cincinnati, is one of the extreme example for this type Defense Industry Controls. So, the issues of Sr-90 and the classified bomb testing were kept from the public until it was found and public outrage and JFK changed things. So, the like issue exists where where the public's right to know has been bypassed by various corrupt methods and fluoridation is going mainstream with lots of public outcry as to this being a Communist technique to take control of America from within. Thus, the associations and the pressing question is what would JFK have done with this basic knowledge? Ref Items: http://www.battelle.org/spotlight/5-3-11_fossil.aspx http://scamuic.wordpress.com/2010/03/05/battelle-the-nuclear-complex-in-columbus-ohio/ http://www.ohiohistorycentral.org/entry.php?rec=1846 http://www.zerowasteamerica.org/fluoridechronology.htm http://www.fluoridealert.org/media/2004a.html http://www.fluoridation.com/exner.htm http://motherjones.com/politics/2008/05/conspiracy-watch-fluoride-pinko-plot http://www.filmsite.org/drst3.html http://sonic.net/kryptox/history/covert.htm An old anti-fluoridation drawing from the 50-60 era: Special Note: While the issue of Fluoridation Historically is rooted in the aspects for Socialism, the idea is just as applicable toward that of "Economic Royalism" (FDR) or "Mil / Ind Complex" (DDE) goals. In today's world it is likely incorrect to associate fluoridation with only the concepts of Communism, as it is now fully rooted in the ideas for extreme right industrial control of the public's mindset to resist that authority that now controls American Government. Addendum: On one end of the DISC equation we find David Lillienthal and TVA starts up out of a military explosives works at Muscle Shoals, Alabama and Sen. Norris moves it into a fertilizer (Ammonia Nitrate, etc.) interest that moves into the fluoride (Super Phosphate and uranium production) issues. Lillienthal lived in Norris, Tn. and TVA main offices move from Muscle Shoals to Knoxville, Tn. and after the war Lillienthal becomes the leader of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, so TVA and the USAEC have the same father figure. Lillienthal writes the Atomic Energy Act of 1947. On the other end of DISC is the Battelle works that does a lot of Manhattan Project work and lots more for USAEC, they come to manage the fluoride gas diffusion plant, for HEU production, in Ohio at Piketon (Portsmouth). Battelle does lots of the Fluoride research and finds the problems, but at nearby Kettering the data is refigured and rewrittent to conceal the problems. LeMay, as Commander for the Strategic Air Command, wanted lots of nuclear bombs to take on the Soviets while they are well behind, loves weapons work at Oak Ridge and Piketon, where the HEU for bombs is made. Oak Ridge was a 100 percent behind LeMay. JFK was having lots of trouble out of the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs, particularly from Lemitzer and LeMay. JFK transferred Lemnitzer, the principle behind Operation Northwoods, to Europe to get rid of him and he was going after LeMay next, as they became basically enemies. JFK's UFO inquiries with NASA and CIA on Nov. 12, 1963 were the nails in LeMay's career. JFK was going to off LeMay in the same fashion he and RFK were going to off LBJ. Offing LBJ was in the works with Life Magazine when JFK was killed. Likewise, offing LeMay was in the works with the UFO inquiry that would take down LeMay. JFK had to go around LeMay to get the information he wanted on UFO's, as per Roswell, but the idea was to get around LeMay's and the Joint Chief's mindset to cause a war with Russia. So, the way to get around LeMay was to go to NASA and the German Scientists that were at White Sands for the Roswell problem. LeMay's arrogance and push to go full speed ahead on Cuba and Russia was JFK's largest concern for Peace with Russia and Cuba. JFK's work around was to give NASA greater importance and they have to give up LeMay's big secrets on Roswell. Lyman Limnitzer, of the Joint Chiefs, was Pro-Israel and involved with Allan Dulles from the times of the German NAZIs being brought into the US via ALSOS. JFK likely decided to move him to Europe because of Egypts rocket efforts using West German NAZI scientists. http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-578-darkness-at-sunrise/ For the UFO associations, One then must think back to the times of the infamous Roswell crash and take note that the crash materials were sent up to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base at Dayton, OH., by LeMay, which is the Air Force Materials Lab. LeMay was the one that took charge of the materials and kept it classified. At issue was a special metal material that would always retain its shape. The material is a titanium-nickel alloy called "NiTinol", which is termed a Memory Metal for its shape retention effects. The Wright-Patternson folks were in a bit over their head with NiTiol, so they let the project to Battelle Labs at Columbus, Ohio, which is LeMay's home town. Extensive work on NiTinol was later done at the Arnold Engineering works and the University of Tennessee Space Institute in Tullahoma, Tennessee. So, this material made the rounds and is part of the NASA space programs, as well as flexible eyeglass rims these days. ============= http://www.frontierscience.us/article169.html RAND was conceived by Donald Douglas, CEO of Douglas Aircraft (and a protege of Dr. Jerome Hunsaker at MIT) along with two military officer luminaries. These officers carried with them significant "UFO histories." The officers behind RAND were Major General Curtis LeMay (the US Air Force's Chief of Development) and General Hap Arnold (considered the "father" of the modern U.S. Air Force.) In May of 1948 RAND was separated from Douglas Aircraft and became its own operating entity. Among RAND's earliest government reports was the release of the enigmatically titled, "Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship." =============== http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/life/stories/2011/04/08/lemays-story-evokes-chills-of-cold-war.html?sid=101 Book Review | LeMay's story evokes chills of Cold War Friday, April 8, 2011 03:06 AM By George Walden BLOOMBERG NEWS The onslaught would begin, American war planners assumed in the 1950s, with the detonation of nuclear bombs secreted by Russian operatives in Washington and New York and at ports and airfields. Then Soviet bombers would head for the United States to finish the job, crossing Gen. Curtis LeMay's Strategic Air Command retaliatory force en route. After millions of people had been vaporized or roasted alive on either side, there could be a pause for negotiation. For retrospective chills about the early days of the Cold War, it's hard to beat 15 Minutes: General Curtis LeMay and the Countdown to Nuclear Annihilation by L. Douglas Keeney, a military historian. LeMay emerges not as the manic Cold Warrior of Dr. Strangelove but as a supremely competent leader who built the Strategic Air Command from scratch as the key instrument to contain and deter Soviet Russia. The chill factor increases when we learn that both sides had perfected a "dead-hand switch" retaliation system: Weapons were programmed to launch automatically if their controllers were annihilated. "There was more truth than fiction," Keeney writes, "in the idea that machines could end the world." ============ http://koloborderlareunion.blog4ever.com/blog/forum_sujet-300183-89893-200452-roswell_debris_confirmed_as_extraterrestrial____pa.html http://phantomsandmonsters.wetpaint.com/page/USAF+Documents+Confirm+Roswell+Crash+Debris+Examined http://www.sxolsout.org.uk/zros.html ============ NiTinol has applications for heat and radiation shields that deploy with heat and this was an issue to nuclear weapons survival due to heat and flash effects on aircraft. NiTinol was interesting but another item called metalized Mylar came along as a better alternative. Gold flashed metalized Mylars were using on the Lunar Lander, and many orbatal systems and satellites due to its extremely low weight and strength. Titanium and Nickel metal technologies are of great importance for many issues of national security. For instance, Nickel powder is the heart of gasseous diffusion systems by the method of nickel carbonyl gas precipitation of precise diameter nickel powders required for diffusion barriers. Nickel is also proving to be of intense interest in the area of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, or what used to be called Cold Fusion. Nickel in combination with simple hydrogen is being shown to consistently generate heat at low temperatures and elementatl transmutation by fusion of the nickel to copper is being consistent seen. The work on this is being led by the University of Bologna in Italy and a person named Rossi. NASA has even entered into the research to look at the issue of the Casimeir Effect and get down to the actually physics processes. Titanium is the heart of atomic weapons design as an alloy process to make soft uranium parts much stronger and harder to resist implosion and blast dynamics in nuclear weapon's detonations. The biggest secret in DU Penetrators, used in the Gulf War, was a special .75% Titanium alloy with Depleted Uranium that made the penetrators piece tank armor with great ease. This was invented by Charles White of the Y-12 nuclear weapons plant and was based up the Israel Six Day war, where DU penetrators were first used in theater of war. In dealing with the issues of TVA and fluorides emissions that highly damage all coal fired power plant regions due to sustained releases and build up of fluorides and acids in the soils, the issue of Titanium science comes to the rescue again. Titanium will react with fluorides in the atmosphere and ground to form soluble fluoride compound that will wash deeply back into the ground and way from grasses and food chain. Titanium dioxide experiments aimed at fluoride remediation led off the issues of Chemtrails. ============== The main issue with fluorides in the ecosystem and the human body is the fluoride competes for benefical trace metals, or essential trace metals, that are needed for the cellular synthsis of enzyments. So, increasing amounts of fluoride in the human body upset the production levels of various enzymes by taking up selenium, magnesium, zinc, and etc. So, the idea to add titanium as a trace metal to the food chain is a process to add another target for the fluoride to combine and not interfere so much with the highly important benefical trace metals. Living systesm tolerate titanium very well and it is even used for artificial joints and tissues like it as much as bone. But, titanium also makes fluoride soluble and allows the excretion rates to increase from the body. There are other methods, as well, but this could be applied to grazing animals as well as to humans. In this time one will find titanium dioxide added to various medicine and vitamins. These days, one finds the issues of Parkinson's is heading toward very high rates, and Oak Ridge is a hot spot for Parkinson's. Parkinson's is a reduced glutathione enzyme related illness and linked to the degenerative issues. It, like so many others today, is highly linked to fluoride linked illness. In Oak Ridge, the issues of the many sick persons at the K-25 plant was highly linked to K-25 fluoride emissions getting into the local plant worker's air. Similar problems happened from MSRE at ORNL and set off the issues of a Dr. Reid and Romance Carrier, who worked at ORNL's MSRE. So, the fluoride in the environment issues are huge in the national security linked issues, and still some of the most concealed from the public's view. ================== So, the issues for JFK was that he was not taking the routes to war and the methods of divide and conquor. JFK was taking the route of joint together work on space as a joint venture and let that foster peace. JFK was using NASA to defeat the push to nuclear wars being done with the Joint Chiefs and CIA push. NASA joint activity for space on the recent issue of the Russia's "Sputnick" was brilliant. The US was behind in the space race and the best move was to use the German NASA scientists that were about the same as Russias to joint back together as one and with that make for trust and shutting down Lemnitzer's and LeMay's pushing for wars hand in hand with the CIA on Cuba. JFK was intent on the rising tide lifty all boats and not just the fascist few of the Economic Royalist's Oligarchy intend on spreading their world footprint. In the 50's, DDE ushed in a huge rate of nuclear weapons production in Oak Ridge for the Lemnitzer and LeMay plan to take on the Soviets in a war, even WWIII. JFK got onto them after going head to head with them too many times, and was not only going to shut them down, but had already shut down huge rates of nuclear weapons production in Oak Ridge. Oak Ridge and Strategic Air Command's LeMay wanted JFK dead. When the issue of the Cancer Virus failed and the CIA found that JFK was talking more to the Soviets than to the Joint Chiefs to gain Kruchev's trust, that was the last straw. Oak Ridge put efforts into that kill Castro with Cancer effort, as did the Fla. Cuban efforts of Nixon, Bush, Op 40, etc. Now they were going to get the guy that kept screwing their efforts with back channel methods. JFK was onto them and they all knew it. It came down to who was going to go down, and there were so many of them that JFK lost the game. He was really close to winning, as everything was set to take down LeMay, take down LBJ, and we'd been well ahead of Joint Space Projects and Waging Peace and not going into the crazy issues of Dr. Strangelove "Mutually Assured Destruction" issues that even went to the point of a "Dead Hand" Initiator for Nuke Strike. LeMay only stayed on with the Military until 1965, when he went to the Civilian world, as it appears the Pentagon really didn't want to get caught with the guy involved in a Coup on JFK. Plus the nuclear weapons complex high rates of nuclear weapons production stopped and failed to further the LeMay / Lemnitzer efforts for a WWIII nuclear war. Later LeMay joins up with George Wallace, who was once under his command, to run for president and vice president. They both lost the vote when LeMay said he wanted to go nuclear on Vietnam, so Nixon won the Presidency. Wallace if big buddies with Oil Man Hunt and Merchison of Dallas, and that new money was going to put their men in office, even the one who supported JFK being offed for their mutual benefit. Then Nixon gets busted for the Bay of Pigs things linked to the JFK hit, and good ole boy for the LBJ faked up Warren Report takes the lead. And it runs along with the cover up to this very day and time. The cover up and profit taking continues in the form of UT-Battelle running the Oak Ridge Complex in various forms, and the very ones that were informed on the JFK hit still control and profit from that Coup against JFK. ============
  2. So, I'd guess that if anyone knew where this mysterious JFK comment came from, it would be Seig or RFK, either directly or indirectly, as he was right in the middle of this from Tennessee: "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight." ____ John F. Kennedy at Columbia University, 12th November, 1963 - 10 days before his murder on November 22, 1963. Add in all the Nov. 12 UFO issues and NASA to cooperate with Russia, and the Joint Chiefs and CIA / FBI / DISC know they are history, as JFK has figured out all their "deceit and treachery" against the high office of the President. We have the FDR Destiny Speech about the economic Royalists soon followed by DDE's Mil / Ind Network warning to JFK, and DDE was associated with Columbia University and the roots of the Manhattan Project's fluoride programs and can likely see the power of the system to cover up serious problems like fluoride in Industy. He can likely observe the Kettering Labratory's big cover up on Fluroides, yet hear the real issues from Columbia. DDE knows Forrestal gets knocked of for resisting fluoride on military bases to be used to make troops follow authority more easily. The only thing bigger than the atmospheric testing poisoning the country was the fluorides emissions issues from Aluminum, Phosphates, Manhattan Project, Nerve gas, and lots of other issues. Fluoridation was well publicised as a Communist Plot everywhere in JFK's time, and anyone could see a plot against Ameican's Freedom. Then the follow up is Curtis LeMay watching the Autopsy at Bathesda, puffing on a Cigar, making sure all could be hushed up. The job to replace JFK with LBJ because he'd do their biddings was complete, but for the cover up and killing around a hundred leakers of the truth. "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight." ____ John F. Kennedy at Columbia University, 12th November, 1963 - 10 days before his murder on November 22, 1963.
  3. Hello Bob Harris, Pleased to make your acquaitance on EF, and thanks for the latest edition heads up. Keep up the good work. Your challenge needs to be echod by more. I think we may have to ask ask this question to this Anti-Zapruder Film gang: When are you going to write a book called "Why I was Wrong About The Zapruder Film". It would be good to toss that out every time they toss out their non-scientific bunk. You may also like to take a look at this little bit of info and see if it clicks for you, since you seem to be better than most in getting down to the nitty-gritty details on exposing the JFK crime: http://forum.jfkmurdersolved.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2218 The vision on the crime is a little better from an atomic bomb factory. http://forum.jfkmurdersolved.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2219 Jim Phelps, in the land of atomic bombs
  4. So, now we get into the issues of Anniston, Ala., Gov Patterson, the KKK, the DISC / Hoover / Liellienthal gang, and all those making hate against JFK as the supporter of Communism. Siegenthaler gets right into the middle of the biggest national security issue in the country and the battle between DISC / Hoover / the Fluoride NAZI's of Anniston, and they intended to put down all these Communist Inspired Civil Rights troublemakers. Later, We'd see George Wallace take Patterson's place, and support from the Hunt anti-Black movements in Dallas. Hunt gets Wallace to declair for presidency in Dallas, two days before JFK is offed. And the whole thing started from DISC and really began in Oak Ridge and the camp of Lillienthal and the USAEC's Atomic Energy Act. ============== http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAfreedomR.htm Kennedy sent John Seigenthaler to negotiate with Governor James Patterson of Alabama.. Harris Wofford, the president's Special Assistant for Civil Rights, later pointed out: "Seigenthaler arrived in time to escort the first group of wounded and shaken riders from the bus terminal to the airport, and flew with them to safety in New Orleans." The Freedom Riders were split between two buses. They travelled in integrated seating and visited "white only" restaurants. When they reached Anniston on 14th May the Freedom Riders were attacked by men armed with clubs, bricks, iron pipes and knives. One of the buses was fire-bombed and the mob held the doors shut, intent on burning the riders to death. (2) James Peck, a member of the Freedom Rides, wrote about his experiences in Alabama on 14th May, 1961, in his book, Freedom Rider (1962) When the Greyhound bus pulled into Anniston, it was immediately surrounded by an angry mob armed with iron bars. They set about the vehicle, denting the sides, breaking windows, and slashing tires. Finally, the police arrived and the bus managed to depart. But the mob pursued in cars. Within minutes, the pursuing mob was hitting the bus with iron bars. The rear window was broken and a bomb was hurled inside. All the passengers managed to escape before the bus burst into flames and was totally destroyed. Policemen, who had been standing by, belatedly came on the scene. A couple of them fired into the air. The mob dispersed and the injured were taken to a local hospital. =================== http://www.nysut.org/rfk_11172.htm Editor's Note: Following are excerpts from a telephone interview in July with John Seigenthaler, who served in the U.S. Justice Department as administrative assistant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. His work in the field of civil rights led to his service as chief negotiator with the governor of Alabama during the Freedom Rides. =================== http://www.fluoridation.com/donora.htm The Donora Fluoride Fog: A Secret History of America's Worst Air Pollution Disaster The lessons learned at Donora resulted in the passage of the 1955 Clean Air Act America's worst air pollution disaster may have been caused by fluoride emissions: 50 years later, vital records are still missing. =================== Here one can see what was happening in the run up of the JFK presidency per fluoride toxic effects. JFK shut down atmopheric testing because of Sr-90 and cancer issues, and now this even more dangerous effect from the Manhattan Project was becoming very very obvious in the JFK years. In Columbus, Ohio a group connected with DISC set up the Kettering Laboratory Cincinatti group that pretty much tried to cover up and censor all fluoride research to cover up to Aluminum and Uranium facility problems, not to mention the dangers of TVA's phosphate and fluoride war gas industry around Muscle Shoals / Huntsville / Anniston Alabama. http://www.infiniteunknown.net/2010/10/31/fluoride-a-chronological-history/ Fluoride Chronology 1930 Kettering Laboratory is founded from gifts from Ethyl Corporation, General Electric and DuPont (all who have interlocking relationships with I.G. Farben in Germany) to “investigate chemical hazards in American industrial operations” under contract, with provision that research “shall not be released to the public without the consent of the contracting company.” During the mid-20th century, Kettering dominated the medical literature on the toxicology of fluorides, but information was not released into the public domain. 1931 A considerable portion of Kettering Laboratory’s facilities are dedicated to the study of fluorides. Under contract, the studies are not releasable to the public. (See also 1939, Mellon Institute) 1931 Three independent groups of scientists determine that fluoride in the water is the cause of dental mottling. Research teams from ALCOA Aluminum (who have fluorides as a hazardous by-product of aluminum manufacture) and the University of Arizona. Also shown by North African investigators and others. Dr. Gerald Cox of the Mellon Institute, owners of ALCOA, would later solve the expensive disposal problem with toxic fluorides by convincing others that it could be dumped in the public water supply as a “preventative” for tooth decay 1946 Reports from the House Committee on Un-American Activities in the Armed Forces for 1946 and 1947 reveal the dociling effect of fluorides in the water supplies at military bases on American troops. 1947 Forrestal appointed Secretary of Defense. Asked to resign in 1949 after noting forces planning the war in Korea. See 1949. Later murdered. Forrestal was very much opposed to the use of fluorides on military bases to keep the troops docile. (York Daily Times, Letters to the Editor from former FBI agent Wesley C. Trollope, Omaha, Neb., March 17, 1967). 1961 In Great Britain, Dr. R.A.Holman of the Royal Institute of Pathology discussed fluoride poisoning in an article in the April 15, 1961 issue of the British Medical Journal. He noted that the long-term effects of sodium fluoride ingestion needed much more investigation, and continued, “Fluoride is a well-known inhibitor of several enzyme systems, and can form spectroscopically recognizable compounds with the enzyme catalase, resulting in its inhibition. Catalase poisoning has been linked with the development of viruses and the causation of a number of diseases, including cancer. Many observers have suggested that the agents (fluorides and other toxic environmental substances) which decrease the catalase the cells may predispose those cells to tumor formation. Voisin has said, “the method most likely to solve the problem of cancer is to ask why the cancer cell is lacking in catalase and try to prevent its impoverishment from taking place. 1962 A study in Portugal revealed that fluoride at 1ppm concentration caused a 25% decrease in activitiy of the enzyme succinic dehydrogenase in liver tissue, both in test tubes and in animal experiments. In vivo, fluoride at 1ppm inhibited liver activity by 6.4 percent. In kidneys this enzyme activity was reduced by 47.8 percent by fluoride at 1ppm in drinking water. The authors concluded, “significant enzyme inhibition due to prolonged fluoride administration demonstrates the impairment of an important step in cellular metabolism”. (Sullivan, W.D.,S.J., and Von Knobeledorff, A.J., Broteria Serie de Ciencias Naturais, Lisbon, 21, No.1, 1962). 1962 Dr. John Knutson of the U.S. Public Health Service examines cancer death rates following the fluoridation of the public water supplies of Grand Rapids, Michigan. He found a 22% increase in cancer death rates, contrasted to the unfluoridated control city of Muskegon, itself fluoridated 5 years into the “15 year test” in order to conceal the greater caries prevalence in Grand Rapids. Ref: Fluoride Drinking Waters p.213 (1962). 1963 American Academy of Sciences study shows low fluoride levels increase tumors. 1965 The President’s Science Advisory Commitee designates fluoride as “a highest priority pollutant”. See 1967. 1965 A study is published which links fluorides to cancer in animals. Ref: A. Taylor and N.C.Taylor, “Effect of Fluoride on Tumor Growth”, Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vol 65, pp252-255. 1965 Researchers at the University of Texas, Drs.Alfred and Nell Taylor, find that fluoride in the drinking water at levels between 0.5 and 1.0 ppm increased tumor growth rate in cancer-prone mice by 15-25%, inhibiting the efforts of the immune system to attack tumors. ============== So, it isn't that long a trail of evidence to see exactly what killed JFK. It started with Civil Rights and going into Alabama and Seigenthaler. It went on to the Atmospheric Test ban, that angered the nuclear lot in Oak Ridge that was already upset over the Civil Rights problems in Clinton, Tn. When it came down to the Cuba issue, there was Nixon / 40 / Bush / Cuban Exiles / DuPonts. JFK was onto Oak Ridge, the fluoride cover ups, the extreme force in Anniston, the mind control issues of fluoride that Forrestal was against, and add in the NASA NAZI's and it all clicked. JFK found the seeds of power to wrestle away American't Freedoms using NAZI chemistry and Manhattan Projects USAEC Law to cover it up. So, all it took was a match to light off the hit on JFK at that point and it came directly from DISC and their close associations with FBI Div 5 espeonage unit, and the match was Zionism. Add in the the CIA spotted JFK for running back channels to check on the Joint Chiefs that were advising JFK toward war at evergy turn and JFK trusted Russia to provide more of the truth than the Joint Chiefs and the CIA, which were mostly the pawns of big corporations that make money on wars. The process is usually so complete it usually elects the presidents. LBJ was inserted into JFK place because he'd do whatever they told him, where JFK had his own plan for Peace. The CIA and the Joint Chiefs called it Treason, and added one more reason to silence JFK. The whole event looked like death by firing squad, and who should show up at the Bathesda Autopsy to watch the details but the biggest bomber person on the Joint Chief's Curtis LeMay , and the make work projects for Oak Ridge in making lots of bombs for the Joint Chief's idea to attack Cuba and even the Soviet Union while they had lots of nuclear weapons superiority. They all wanted a nuclear war and JFK just wanted Peace.
  5. ========== http://www.ips-dc.org/staff/bob He helped organize a successful lawsuit on behalf of the family of Karen Silkwood, a nuclear worker and active union member who was killed under mysterious circumstances in 1974. =========== http://www.deseretnews.com/article/716151/Daughter-snitches-on-DOE-official.html A senior policy adviser at the Energy Department and his wife, a well-known anti-nuclear activist and lawyer, have been charged with growing and possessing marijuana after their 16-year-old daughter turned them in. Robert Alvarez and his wife, Kathleen Tucker, turned themselves in to Takoma Park, Md., police on Monday, 11 days after their daughter, Kerry Tucker, told police the couple had drugs in their basement. They were released on their own recognizance.The couple's lawyer, Steven Kupferberg, told The Washington Post that the charges "will eventually be lowered to simple possession." Kupferberg said Tucker uses the marijuana to treat migraines and chronic muscle pain. He said their daughter was staying with family friends by order of a Montgomery County District Court judge. Alvarez was fired from his politically appointed job at the Energy Department after their arrest. Tucker helped bring national attention to the plight of Karen Silkwood, a lab worker at the Kerr-McGee Cimarron Plutonium Plant in Oklahoma who died in a suspicious car crash in 1974 after she went public with alleged safety problems at the plant. Her story was made into a film starring Meryl Streep. ================== The sorted trail gets more interesting as these folks got into Oak Ridge and Sandra Reid, as they decided to bring in Paul Connett to talk about K-25's TSCA Incinerators and the focus was totally on PCB burning and Dioxin production. This totally pulled all attention off fluoride at the K-25 plant. The real issue at the TSCA K-25 incinertator is that it was designed not to produce Dioxon by burn time control and temperature regulation. This incincerator was designed by my Divison at ORNL and its major mission was to dewater gasseous diffusion plant UO2F2 sump collected water, so they don't have to store huge amounts of fissile liquid wastes. At the time they bring in Connett to talk about PCB's, the TSCA us burning 4 million pounds of UO2F2 liquid wastes and it literally makes so much hydrogen fluoride emissions that is stunks the regions pine tree growth so much that they become vulnerable to bug infestations as the tree's sap production defense is harmed and huge regions of reservation pine trees died. It even affected the Oak Ridge City proper, so they brought in some secret bug spraying to keep from killing the City pine trees at people's homes on the K-25 end of Oak Ridge. Due to this Paul Connett, Jackie Kittrell, and Sandra Reid linked issues pushing radiation, PCBs, and just about everything except the plants massive fluoride emission problems that were messing up people's health and even killing a huge area of the Oak Ridge Reservations Southern Pine Trees, nobody got any help on the Massive Health Impact from Fluoride Toxic impacts to Oak Ridge. AEHSP, which is what Kittrell operated as a 501C3 environmental group soon fell on hard times, and suddenly, after they literally screwed up the biggest problem in Oak Ridge and got nobody the help they needed, they get into the Flurode Problems and Paul Connett seems to take over AEHSP. The interesting part is they glossed over these huge mistakes that has left Oak Ridge and the workers never getting the help they needed for fluoride health effects. And this was the biggest of the Manhattan Project's health effects that appeared from the very beginning. One would think that this huge problem would have become preeminent and not flushed down the public's visions toilet at every chance, but that is what happened to Oak Ridge with these affiliations. ============= http://www.americanhealthstudies.org/aboutus.html Eventually in 2001, when Cliff was faced with dwindling foundation support for the work of AEHSP and had to seek full time employment elsewhere, Paul Connett took over the executive directorship of AEHSP and a new board was appointed, which included both Cliff and Jackie Kittrell. The first Board of Director's meeting under Paul's leadership took place on the fateful weekend of Sept 8-10, 2001, just one day before 9/11. Paul continues as the Executive Director of AEHSP and has served in this capacity since 2001 without salary. In 2004, AEHSP’s board approved the incorporation of Fluoride Action Network (FAN) as one of AEHSP’s official projects. FAN’s work in educating the public on the toxicity of fluoride compounds, has proved a major contribution to AEHSP’s mission on empowering citizens and educating decision makers on issues that have the potential to harm human health or the environment. FAN’s work has also helped bring to fruition AEHSP’s research on fluoride toxicity issues related to the Atomic Bomb program. ============ So, the bring in an Incinerator Expert that does in Oak Ridge and they don't talk up Fluoride Pollution and there is not a word on Fluoride Pollution in the EEOICPA legislation. http://www.fluoridation.com/authors.htm DR. PAUL CONNETT Ph.D. CURRICULUM VITAE - short version. Updated: July, 1997. BA (Hon) in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University (1962). Ph.D. in Chemistry from Dartmouth College, NH. (USA) 1983. Since 1983, teaching in the chemistry department, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY. Currently: tenured, full professor. Since 1985, engaged in research on waste m management, incineration and dioxin, and the sustainable alternatives to mega-landfills and incinerators. This research has involved: i) over 1200 public presentations; ii) travel to 47 US states and 34 other countries; iii) co-editing (with wife Ellen) the newsletter Waste Not, now in its tenth year of publication iv) co-authoring (with Tom Webster, Department of Public Health, Boston University) six papers on dioxin, presented at he 6th., 7th., 8th., 9th., 10th., and 16th. International Symposia on Chlorinated Dioxins, held in Japan, US., Sweden, Canada, Germany and Holland, The first five papers published in Chemosphere v) co-producing (with Roger Bailey, Fine Arts department, St. Lawrence University) 41 videotapes on wast management and dioxin; vi) authoring the 48 page booklet "Waste Management as if the Future Mattered" and several other articles on waste. vii) many radio and TV appearances in many countries. Other scientific interests: the democratic dangers posed by risk assessment; science in the public interest and the fluoride controversy. Other interests include the producing and hosting of a weekly program on classical music on North Country Public Radio (Canton, NY). ================ The suddenly after Oak Ridge gets screwed, they all turn into Fluoride experts. http://www.fluoridealert.org/about-fan.htm About the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) The Fluoride Action Network seeks to broaden public awareness about the toxicity of fluoride compounds and the health impacts of current fluoride exposures. Along with providing comprehensive and up-to-date information on fluoride issues to citizens, scientists, and policymakers alike, FAN remains vigilant in monitoring government agency actions that may impact the public's exposure to fluoride. FAN's work has been cited by national media outlets including Scientific American, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, National Public Radio, and Prevention Magazine among others. In May of 2004, FAN became an official project of the American Environmental Health Studies Project (AEHSP) - a registered non-profit (501c3) organization. If you would like to support the educational and watchdog work that FAN is currently engaged in, please consider giving a tax-deductible donation today via our secure online payment system ================== http://www.fluoridealert.org/donate.htm The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) strives to get the latest and most important information on fluoride into the hands of citizens who need it. FAN's ability to do this depends, to a large degree, on financial contributions from visitors to this website. If you find this site useful, and would like to see it expand, please consider making a tax-deductible donation today to our non-profit parent organization (American Environmental Health Studies Project - AEHSP). All donations given to AEHSP through FAN's website will directly support FAN's activities. ============ So, it is a sorted trail this Seigenthaler / Tennessean / Honiker trail leads, and all this was happenig right around Seigenthaler and his associates, even those highly connected to the Karen Silkwood issue. And where it leads is into the deepest secrets of the Manhattan Project that came from the upstart issues of Karen Silkwood. They get right into the DOE's and USAEC deepest and most expensive secrets on fluoride and fluoridation. Something that highly affected NASA as even though NAZI Walter Dornberger proposed fluorine rockets and NASA built the largest fluorine plant in the world at Cape Canaveral using the knowledge from Oak Ridge, these were banned for use in the Earth atmosphere because of the toxic effects. Yet, we see the Manhattan Project is totally dependent on fluoride toxic emissions and the huge mess there is all covered up. It even promotes fluoridation onto an unsuspecting public to make them dumb and compliant, as the NAZI and the USSR Socialists did to their concentration camps. And we wonder what JFK discovered that affected the American's People's plight for Freedom. I suppose the issue on if Seig had something to do with JFK demise is rooted in this silence on the fluorides issues linked to TVA, USAEC, Oak Ridge, and the DISC. There can be Conspiracies of Silence. ===================== http://www.fluoridealert.org/environment-73.htm Fluorides are released into the air in both a gaseous state (as hydrogen fluoride and silicon tetrafluoride) and in solid particles. The particles fall on, and the gases are absorbed by, vegetation near the polluting industry. If this vegetation includes forage crops which are fed to cattle, sheep, horses, or pigs, serious problems may ensue, since these animals, particularly the cattle, are vulnerable to fluoride. (3) In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, "Airborne fluorides have caused more worldwide damage to domestic animals than any other air pollutant." (4) Plants with foliage particularly susceptible to fluoride damage include: apricots, grapes, plums, corn, sorghum, Jerusalem cherry, gladiolus, iris, St. John's wort, tulips, Douglas fir, western larch, and many species of pine.(20) Many other plants, including citrus trees, have suffered significant leaf damage from fluoride pollution but are not quite as sensitive as the above species. =========== The next issue to associate is David Lillienthal, who was a leader of TVA in 1933, chairman of the TVA Board in the war years, and helped choose the site for Oak Ridge. Lilliethall lived in the utopia town of Norris, Tennessee, just near Clinton, TN where the Oak Ridge Manhattan Project began. Lillienthal started the DISC with the request to Hoover to do so. TVA runs a polluting phosphate plant at Muscle Shoals, Alabama and phosphate plants are extemely well known for causing fluoride pollution and harm to plants and animals just like those that the Manhattan Project was causing on Niagara Falls, NY and Deepwater, NJ. One of the control HQ's for DISC is in Columbus, Ohio, where the NIH and various allied groups control the issues of fluoride and to a large extent classify, censor, and cover up the toxic effects of fluoride for the Manhattan Project's legacy issues, the Nerve gas issues at Red Stone / Huntsville and the old NAZI Serin Nerve gas issues, and the massive damages caused by TVA's coal fired emissions of HF. The HF emissions and other acids from TVA plants also contribute to lots of foliage and tree damages in the Southeastern states, as the pattern of destuction seen around the K-25 plant extended to the larger regional damage effect that highly affects Southern Pines and other trees to lesser degrees. Muscle Shoals, Alabama is one of the headquarters sites of DISC, and the area where TVA's first HQ was located. It was associated with Wilson Dam there and the huge nitrogen based explosive works connected with ammonia nitrate fertilizer production. Muscle Shoals was a huge military explosive area and the home of the first TVA HQ office before they moved to Knoxville. Muscle Shoals, Alabama was also the pioneers of uranium production from phosphate rocks and the production to triplephosphate fertilizer. Muscle Shoals became a fertilizer center in the views of Senator Norris, which is who Norris Dam is named. The phosphate fertilizer research found that uranium and thorium could be recovered from phosphate rocks and used in the Manhattan Project. Major phosphate production plants then began recovery of uranium and thorium. The silicon fluorides became useful for fluoridation and freed up the sodium fluoride resources from aluminum production to be feed material for the Huntsville Sarin Nerve gas production. TVA was a major supplier of power to ALCOA aluminum production and sodium fluoride production. The biggest problem they face it the emergence of the fluoride problems tied to TVA, Oak Ridge, Redstone Arsenal's Sarin Fluoride derived Nerve gas, and later to NASA rocketry. David Lillienthal went on, after TVA, to become the very first leader of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, USAEC. David Lillienthal wrote the Atomic Energy Act of 1947, which basically says that any and all measures can be taken to insure the production of nuclear weapons. It became the legal license to cover up the massive issues of fluoride poisoning in the Manhattan Project's work force in Oak Ridge and to arrange the extra-political killing of JFK because he discovered these major issues that the DISC group was covering up. The cover up even involved taking people's Freedoms by allowing this serious effect of fluorides on the human brain to keep the public dumbed down and compliant with the corrupt power taking control of the US. Thus, the DISC group became associted with TVA region and the USAEC, and were after spies or those damaging these faclilties. During this time he was the one that pushed the USAEC into using Thorium based nuclear reactors, or the same technology that the NAZI's were using in some of their special nuclear weapons, like "The Bell." Some of the German scientists that fled German before the fall ran down to Argentina to jump start the Argentine Nuclear Program under Perone. A number of ORNL reactors were designed for Thorium use, as the problems with enrichment are largely avoided, the long lived storage of spent fuels is less, and the fluorine salt methods seem less explosive in accidents. All this was happening right on the back door of Nashville and Siegnethaler's region. ========= Right at the heart of the war this news on the dangers of fluorides becomes public information in "The Journal of the American Medical Association" on September 18, 1943 http://jama.ama-assn.org/content/123/3/150.2.short Fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, probably because of their capacity to modify the metabolism of cells by changing the permeability of the cell membrane and by inhibiting certain enzyme systems. The exact mechanism of such actions is obscure. The sources of fluorine intoxication are drinking water containing 1 part per million or more of fluorine, fluorine compounds used as insecticidal sprays for fruits and vegetables (cryolite and barium fluosilicate) and the mining and conversion of phosphate rock to superphosphate, which is used as fertilizer. The fluorine content of phosphate rock is about 4 per cent. During conversion to superphosphate, about 25 per cent of the fluorine present is volatilized and represents a pouring into the atmosphere of approximately 25,000 tons of pure fluorine annually. =============== Some of the timeline for lots of what was going on behind the scenese is captured by this Franklin File---The Thule Society--- work. I don't guarantee all of it, and they do use a lot of crypto words, but the general timelines for the fluoride toxic effects, NAZI esperiments and such are really close. http://thefranklinfiles.activeboard.com/t32138473/the-thule-society/?page=6&sort=oldestFirst So, what we find the DISC group formed by Hoover, Lillienthal, etc. are right in the middle of covering up the NAZI scientists working for NASA and the even more huge problems of the massive fluoride emissions from Oak Ridge and Manhattan Project's uranium enrichment programs. And the legal authority to cover all that up was signed into law by Truman as the Atomic Energy Act of 1947, written by David Lilienthal. And this same DISC network's authority killed JFK. ================= http://odin.aafes.com/conus_ser/redstone/gm.htm Redstone Arsenal is located in north central Alabama, 16 miles south of the Tennessee State border and adjacent to the city of Huntsville, Alabama. The Redstone Arsenal for over forty years, has been the nerve center for the Army's missile and rocket programs. Shortly after WW II, Dr. Werner Von Braun and 100 of his colleagues were brought to Redstone to develop America's missile program. Today, Redstone Arsenal is home to the U.S. Army Missile Command, the Army Ordnance Missile and Munitions Center and NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. Adjacent to Redstone Arsenal, is Alabama's Space and Rocket Center (http://www.spacecamp.com/) featuring the earth's largest collection of missiles, rockets and space vehicles. The museum also encompasses The U.S. Space Camp Training Center (http://www.spacecamp.com/), Space Dome Theater and Huntsville Marriott Hotel. Active Duty military personnel receive special rates to the center. ============= The we find that Hooker Chemical Company is involved in the issues of uranium from phosphates, and the very same business the TVA Muscle Shoals group is into. Hooker Chemical Company in Niagara Falls, NY was the company that designed the fluorine production equipment for the Manhattan Project at Oak Ridge and the very same group is tied to Love Canal. Fluorine is connected to Nerve gas at Huntsville and Anniston. http://sonic.net/kryptox/environ/m/phosphate.htm Death in the air (Air pollution from phosphate fertilizer production) George Glasser There is speculation that preferred treatment for phosphate fertilizer manufacturers started when the first atomic bombs were being developed. It was discovered that uranium-238 could be extracted from phosphate rock. During the post WW-II and Cold War eras, 75% of the uranium oxide used to produce nuclear weapons and fuel for the nuclear power industry came from several Florida phosphate fertilizer plants. Today, the laxity on the part of EPA in enforcing federal regulations is probably a leftover attitude from the days when phosphate fertilizer plants were a national security asset. Gary Owen Pittman is also concerned about the lawsuit because he knows that he is going up against a mammoth organization with much to lose. The parent company of Occidental Chemical Corporation, Hooker Chemical Corporation, is no stranger to litigation. Hooker Chemical was responsible for Love Canal (both companies are owned by Occidental Petroleum Corp.). Not only is he going up against Occidental, Pittman and the surviving plaintiffs in the lawsuit are taking on the entire phosphate fertilizer industry. ============= Anniston, Alabama is the storage depot for lots of nerve gas and leaking cannisters of Nerve Gas that has been subject to destruction via the method of incineration. Toole, Utah is another large center for this. In the height of the Civil Ridges era one of the worst beatings and bus burnings happened in Anniston, Alabama over the issues of Communism and this Nerve gas center and being so near the NAZI issues of rockets and sarin gas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anniston_Army_Depot Anniston Army Depot (ANAD) is a major United States Army facility fulfilling various depot operations. Primary missions are the repair of tracked vehicles and storage of chemical weapons (Anniston Chemical Activity). The depot is located in Bynum, Alabama. The depot employs over 2,000 people and covers 25 square miles (65 km2) of land. Tanks and other equipment are repaired and tested there, but historically Anniston's main role has been as a major munitions storage site, since WWII. Anniston is one of seven depots in the United States where chemical weapons are stored (7.2% of nation's chemical weapons stockpile).[1] Much of the stockpile was in M55 rockets armed with Sarin, VX nerve agent, as well as shells armed with mustard gas. The last M55 rockets were destroyed in March 2007,[2] leaving artillery shells and land mines armed with VX and mustard. ANAD is the only depot capable of performing maintenance on heavy-tracked combat vehicles and their components. The depot is designated as the Center of Technical Excellence for the M1 Abrams Tank and is the designated candidate depot for the repair of the M60 Patton tank, AVLB, M728, M88 Recovery Vehicle and M551 combat vehicles.[3] During the Iraq War, over 1,000 M1 tanks, howitzers and other armored vehicles were stored awaiting re-engineering.[4] ============= http://americanhistory.si.edu/onthemove/collection/object_546.html Freedom Riders stopped in Anniston, Alabama Currently on display Not a part of the official Smithsonian Collection In 1961, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) sent two small integrated groups out to test to see if long distance buses and their terminals were desegregated. When they traveled into Alabama, the Freedom Riders were attacked and badly beaten, and CORE called the ride off. Other Civil Rights activists-many of them young members of the Student NonViolent Coordinating Committee-rushed to Alabama to continue the ride. They ran into trouble in Montgomery, Alabama, and the federal government had to send in U.S. marshals to protect the riders. The Freedom Rides continued into Mississippi, where they met with more resistance. By late August, 1961, more than 400 Freedom Riders had been arressted by the state of Mississippi. Images like this one of the burned bus, helped create sympathy for the non-violent Freedom Riders and their cause. ================
  6. The interesting thing is nobody can miss the information on Kitty Tucker and Bob Alvarez being involved in the Karen Silkwood case. Anyone reading Kohn's book on Who Killed Silkwood can find their photos around page 192. It appears during this time the Tennessean had some big connections with the anti-nuclear community via the Honikers and Cliff Honiker and Jackie O. Kittrell. So, we don't hear anything about this information, and how it fits into the greater perspectives. ========== http://www.ips-dc.org/staff/bob He helped organize a successful lawsuit on behalf of the family of Karen Silkwood, a nuclear worker and active union member who was killed under mysterious circumstances in 1974. ========= http://www.deseretnews.com/article/716151/Daughter-snitches-on-DOE-official.html A senior policy adviser at the Energy Department and his wife, a well-known anti-nuclear activist and lawyer, have been charged with growing and possessing marijuana after their 16-year-old daughter turned them in. Robert Alvarez and his wife, Kathleen Tucker, turned themselves in to Takoma Park, Md., police on Monday, 11 days after their daughter, Kerry Tucker, told police the couple had drugs in their basement. They were released on their own recognizance.The couple's lawyer, Steven Kupferberg, told The Washington Post that the charges "will eventually be lowered to simple possession." Kupferberg said Tucker uses the marijuana to treat migraines and chronic muscle pain. He said their daughter was staying with family friends by order of a Montgomery County District Court judge. Alvarez was fired from his politically appointed job at the Energy Department after their arrest. Tucker helped bring national attention to the plight of Karen Silkwood, a lab worker at the Kerr-McGee Cimarron Plutonium Plant in Oklahoma who died in a suspicious car crash in 1974 after she went public with alleged safety problems at the plant. Her story was made into a film starring Meryl Streep. =================== The Nashville Tennesseans huge Expose on Oak Ridge Sick workers on nuclear cover ups: http://www.state.nv.us/nucwaste/news/tenn01.htm THE TENNESSEAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL REPORT: Sickness surrounds nation's nuclear sites Index of Past Articles at The Tennessean Recent Articles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sickness surrounds nation's nuclear sites By Laura Frank and Susan Thomas Tuesday, September 29, 1998 The Tennessean - Special Report: Oak Ridge illnesses discovered nationwide - By Frank Sutherland / Tennessean Editor The Tennessean - Special Report - Index The Tennessean - Mysterious health problems emerge at the Oak Ridge nuclear weapons complex The Tennessean - Oak Ridge illnesses not confined to workers The Tennessean - Sickness surrounds nation's nuclear weapons complexes REACTION TO SPECIAL REPORT: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, September 30, 1998 The Tennessean - Georgia lawmaker takes up nuclear ills fight - By Laura Frank and Susan Thomas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday, October 02, 1998 The Tennessean - Safety nominee wants answers to ill's concerns - By Laura Frank and Susan Thomas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, October 03, 1998 The Tennessean - Energy secretary vows health-woes probe - By Laura Frank -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, October 05, 1998 The Tennessean - Ill workers ask energy secretary to meet - By Laura Frank and Susan Thomas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, October 07, 1998 The Tennessean - DOE to develop health program for its ill workers - By Laura Frank and Susan Thomas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, October 08, 1998 The Detroit News - Expert calls pattern of illness disturbing - By Susan Thomas, Laura Frank and Robert Sherborne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, November 05, 1998 The Tennessean - Frist seeks probe of illnesses around nuclear weapons sites - By Susan Thomas and Laura Frank -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, November 08, 1998 The Tennessean - Groups urge DOE registry of ill - By Laura Frank and Susan Thomas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, November 19, 1998 The Tennessean - OAK RIDGE ILLNESSES: Federal health official willing to help with Oak Ridge testing - By Laura Frank The Tennessean - OAK RIDGE ILLNESSES: Year later, CDC investigation just beginning - By Laura Frank and Susan Thomas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, December 01, 1998 The Tennessean - DOE promises help is near for ill in Oak Ridge - By Susan Thomas The Oak Ridger - Richardson cuts short meeting with sick workers - By Larisa Brass -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, December 17, 1998 The Tennessean - DOE official pledges medical help - By Laura Frank ======================== http://che-or.8m.com/Nickel03-28-00.htm Nickel Powder/Nuclear Weapons, The Untold Story By Cliff Honicker, M. A., Director, American Environmental Health Studies Project, Inc., with assistance from Jackie Kittrell, Esq., AEHSP; Sandra Reid, R.N., Romance Carrier, Oak Ridge Health Liaison; Cheryll Dyer, Coalition for a Healthy Environment; [CHE] George Kennedy-White, Esq., AEHSP; Janet Michel, CHE, Mike Knapp, SOCM and Kathryn Swain, M.A., CHE ================== http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,975482,00.html Living Happily Near A Nuclear Trash Heap By DICK THOMPSON OAK RIDGE, May. 11, 1992 DR. WILLIAM REID WAS NEW TO Oak Ridge, Tenn., and disturbed by what he was seeing. Soon after he joined the staff of Methodist Medical Center in early 1991, he was treating four patients with kidney cancers, an unusually large number for one small area, and a cluster of other people who appeared to have weakened ability to ward off infections. Reid suspected that something in the local environment was attacking the residents' immune systems. It didn't take much imagination for Reid to figure out possible sources of contamination. For 49 years, federal installations at Oak Ridge have manufactured the innards of nuclear bombs. In the process, the plants have produced -- and carelessly disposed of -- mountains of radioactive material and hazardous wastes. Even the U.S. government admits the Oak Ridge labs have littered the surrounding countryside with everything from asbestos and mercury to enriched uranium. The story is much the same at all the country's now notorious nuclear weapons plants, scattered from Hanford, Wash., to Los Alamos, N. Mex., to the Savannah River plant. The Department of Energy has launched a major clean-up effort, but it might be too late to prevent a host of medical problems in people who have lived in the shadow of the toxic plants for decades. ================= Dr. Bill Reid became a legend in Oak Ridge. They recruited him out of Research Triangle in NC because he was an excellent cancer doctor that knew the immune system and how to increase survival rates, and this was something Oak Ridge needed to cover up their cancer death rate problems due to so many toxic emissions. Dr. Reid was not in Oak Ridge very long before he noticed the big signature of sick people. One of his neighbors, Romance Carrier, worked at a leaking fluorine based reactor called MSRE that was making her and lots of other sick from the toxic emissions. This concern and the many others with similar looking illnesses had many coming to him for help. This was particularly so from K-25, the huge fluoride emissions problems in Oak Ridge. A group called The Exposed formed from the huge worker illness signatures there. Dr. Reid then made the mistake of calling a DOE linked doctor, and then all manner of retaliation beset Dr. Reid, his wife Sandra, and their 4 kids. Dr. Reid picks up Jackie Kitrell as his legal council, who is linked to Bob Alvarez and the Silkwood issues. Except the turn out is much different, basically the Reids become bankrupted from going nowhere in the legal process and are run out of town to the Brentwood area of Nashville and working at Vangerbuilt Medical Center. They did manage to get some success with the Tennesseans huge Expose on the problems they spotted in Oak Ridge, and the EEOICPA legislation. But the very toxic issue of Fluroie toxic effects that beset Romance Carrier, at MSRE, and The Exposed, at K-25, group was hidden, and still is via this Bob Alvarez and Kittrell associations. That just doesn't happen with such a massively well known toxic problem, unless it was by design. One can see the Tennessean has a long past of reporting things that upset the nuclear industry, and the names Honiker and Seirgenthaler seems to have paved this course, and with that lots of intense FBI oversights in even invastion by Mockingbird attempts to contol information. Yet, the puzzle seems to be, why didn't they connect the dots that went beyond firing the FBI's spy at the Tennessean.
  7. Addl: Jacque Srouji -- The flight of a Mockingbird http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,879750,00.html Citations: For a part-time, night-shift copy editor who rarely did any reporting, Jacque Srouji, 31, had remarkably good sources at the FBI. Hardly had she rejoined the Nashville Tennessean last fall after five years as a housewife and freelance writer when she was able to give its editors late-night details about a statewide FBI strike against illegal betting parlors and tip them off about a raid on a local business suspected of fraud. Srouji's ties to the FBI might have gone undetected if she had not been involved in another sensitive matter: the mysterious death of Karen Silkwood (TIME, Jan. 20, 1975). An Oklahoma plutonium worker active in her union, Silkwood was killed in a 1974 auto accident while on the way to tell a reporter about alleged health and nuclear safety violations in the plant where she worked. Just before returning to the Tennessean, Srouji finished writing Critical Mass, a paean to the nuclear industry to be released this summer by Aurora Publishers Inc., a small Nashville concern. The book casts Silkwood in an unflattering light, raising questions about drug usage and her sex habits. Called last month to testify before a House subcommittee investigating nuclear safeguards, Srouji disclosed that the FBI had shown her nearly 1,000 pages of bureau documents on the Silkwood case for use in her book. When Agent Lawrence J. Olson Sr., 43, was called before the sub-committee staff, he disclosed the FBI had a "special relationship" with Srouji. After Srouji's cover was blown last month by her own congressional testimony, Publisher Seigenthaler questioned her and learned that the FBI recently had asked her about the political views of two Tennessean staff members: Columnist Dolph Honicker, an outspoken critic of nuclear power; and Jerry Hornsby, a copy editor who was until recently a member of the Socialist Party, U.S.A. Srouji insisted that she had defended the pair, but Seigenthaler dismissed her on the spot. "The moment it appears that the FBI is using any member of this staff as a conduit to check on any other member, then I have to cut off that conduit," he said. By week's end it was beginning to look like Srouji might have been more than a conduit—even an agent provocateur. Hornsby recalled she was conspicuously active in left-wing politics, and recently delivered a bitter diatribe at a public meeting against police surveillance of left-wingers. Honicker said that this spring she suggested that the two of them tear down a Gerald Ford photograph in the Nashville Federal Office Building as a protest act. They went to do it at midnight and found the building, customarily locked at 5:30 p.m., wide-open. Suddenly suspicious, Honicker said he quickly departed. ========== http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/1982/apr/29/the-silkwood-case/ Mr. Crewdson wrote that what he found “most disturbing” were the quotes I attributed to A.O. Pipkin, the private investigator who reconstructed the events that led to the car crash in which Karen Silkwood was killed in 1974. It is a well-known fact, available to anyone who reads The New York Times, that Mr. Pipkin discovered dents in the rear of Ms. Silkwood’s car, raising the possibility she had been forced from the road. Mr. Crewdson also wrote that “where there are small errors, the possibility of larger ones cannot be dismissed.” Mr. Crewdson might better have paid attention to his own exposition. For instance, he stated that Kerr-McGee Corporation, which was sued for negligence in the plutonium contamination of Ms. Silkwood, had “never disputed that the plutonium was its own.” In fact, Kerr-McGee’s lawyers took just the opposite position during a two-year effort to get the suit dismissed. Another example: Mr. Crewdson described Jacque Srouji as a “naval reserve officer.” Ms. Srouji was enlisted in the Naval Reserve: she was not a commissioned officer. Small errors, to be sure, but they unequivocably are errors. On May 13, 1976, John Seigenthaler, editor of the Nashville Tennessean, filed a complaint with the Justice Department about the FBI and furthermore agreed to give congressional testimony critical of the Bureau. On that very same day, Homer Boynton, a top-ranking FBI official, made it a point to tell Mr. Crewdson that Mr. Seigenthaler was “not entirely pure.” This was an obvious attempt to smear Mr. Seigenthaler’s name, as Mr. Crewdson now agrees. (“What else could it have been?” he said during our phone conversation.) Yet, when Mr. Crewdson wrote about the incident in the Times of May 19, 1976, he was most reluctant to include Mr. Boynton’s name. (“Homer was a pretty good friend of mine…that was a really agonizing period.”) Certainly one can sympathize with Mr. Crewdson, who did not want to offend his friend in the FBI. But what about Mr. Seigenthaler, whose reputation was being called publicly into question? At no point in Mr. Crewdson’s reportage in the Times did he make it absolutely clear that the FBI was engaged in character assassination against Mr. Seigenthaler, and it was left to Mr. Seigenthaler himself to restore his good name, for which he later was awarded the Sidney Hillman Award for Courage in Journalism. ===================== http://www.rense.com/general74/howiz.htm 1969, September. Golda Meir visits Richard Nixon, and under the persuation of Henry Kissinger, a top-secret document of understanding between Israel& US, known as "Don't Ask, Don't Test," was signed not known to too many people other that Secretary of Defense, Melvin Laird and his Deputy, David Packard. Since that time no one ever dared to mention about this secret pact. 1974. India explodes her first bomb, dubbed as "The Smiling Buddha." 1974, Nov. 13. Karen Silkwood (Feb 19, 1946 to November 13, 1974), killed in a hit an run accident, while she was on her way to deliver a brown manila folder containing information regarding about 8,000 lbs of missing Plutonium from the Cimmaron Plant of Kerr-McGee Corporation's Plutonium processing plant, near Oklahoma City, OK. Ref. # 1977-78. NUMEC Plant, Apollo, PA reported to have missing about 572 lbs of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU). FBI investigation of its Manager, Dr. Zalman M. Shapiro, curtailed by Presidentail orders, and sealed under "Top Classified" material, not to be seen by anyone again. Zalman Shapiro was fined $929,000, but no one knows if the fine was paid. [Ref. # See 1985, November 21, Jonathan Jay Pollard and his wife arrested for passing on tons of photocopies of secret intelligence documents from Naval Intelligence Center to Israeli Embassy in Washington DC. His contacts were Rafi Etan (Israel's master spy and Pollard's handler and IAF's Colonel Aviem Sella stationed at Ramon air base in the Negev Desert). The data included information on Soviet submarines, Pakistan and Iran's nuclear activities. =============== http://digital.lib.lehigh.edu/trial/reels/films/list/0_28_6 10] Karen took her new assignment seriously. She didn't have to look very hard to find grossly under-trained employees, holes in gloves (that workers used to handle plutonium), and Kerr-McGee health physics technicians who played down the effects of contamination. One of her most startling finds was that forty pounds of plutonium was missing from the plant, enough to build several atomic bombs. During this time, the union scientists had their meeting with Kerr-McGee employees and told everyone that plutonium, even in amounts too small to see, is cancerous. After this meeting, the workers voted in favor of the union, 80 to 61. The union was to begin contract negotiations on November 6, and Karen was to have her documents ready for November 13. Under huge amounts of stress, Karen had already lost twenty pounds -- from 115 to 94 -- and had more trouble sleeping. Drew, fearing deteriorating safety conditions, had quit his job at Kerr-McGee and tried to get Karen to do the same. This led to more arguments between them, and they finally had to declare Kerr-McGee, the union, and health and safety off limits as topics of discussion. Karen was scared, though, and made several calls to her mother and sister Rose Mary. She told them she was quitting after she finished what she was doing and asked them to send her job applications for oil companies near them in Texas. As of September, Karen was sharing an apartment with Sherri Ellis, a co-worker, but not a close friend. ================ http://www.thefarm.org/lifestyle/albertbates/akbp3b.html "Beware 'The Farm,' near Summertown, TN!... Ultimately, the group succeeded in buying land before the FBI learned of the transaction. The second stage of the investigation began in November, 1971, when the caravan settled onto a large tract of land in Tennessee and took up farming. FBI was immediately advised of the transaction by the County Court Clerk, including the purchase price, downpayment, and the Farm's new holding company, "The Foundation." When Farm members uncovered a possible criminal conspiracy at a nearby nuclear plant, they called their Senators and Congressman and demanded an FBI investigation. The tenth investigation concerned this allegation, which brought an exchange of letters between Senator Albert Gore and FBI Director William Webster. (Slide) It appears from the general tenor of these documents that Farm people - and Stephen Gaskin in particular - were deemed by local FBI agents to be consistently reliable sources for information, and were frequently consulted about whether wanted fugitives had been seen in the vicinity or other matters of police interest. There was regular and open cooperation with local law enforcement agencies. These contacts did not relate to a law enforcement investigation of The Farm, but to other investigations, some criminal, some not, involving suspects or other persons who may have contacted The Farm. 9 While we are aware of published accounts of at least one visit to The Farm by a KGB Colonel Zaitsev accompanied by a Naval Intelligence Officer tasked to the CIA (Jacque Srouji), we were unable to make a FOIA request of the CIA, which Congress exempted from FOIA at the time of the passage of the Privacy Act. At some time in the future we may be able to examine the KGB file. =================== http://nashvillecitypaper.com/content/city-news/remembering-dolph-honicker Honicker was primarily a copy editor and news editor at The Tennessean. By the 1970s, he and wife Jeannine had become high-profile protesters against nuclear power — and Honicker never built much of a firewall between his political passions and the job of being a supposedly detached and unbiased journalist. The specter of an ardent leftist with potential influence over a large daily newspaper apparently concerned the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In 1976, news emerged that the FBI had recruited Tennessean copy editor Jacque Srouji as an informant, in part to keep watch over Honicker. Time magazine reported that Srouji may also have acted as a agent provocateur, trying to entice Honicker into committing illegal acts. Higher-ups at the paper, including editor John Seigenthaler, fretted for decades about Honicker's politics but kept him around out of respect for his talents. "He was a gifted journalist and a great friend," Seigenthaler said today. ============ http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/FBI/COINTELPRO70s_WAH.html In the mid-1970s, the FBI was instrumental in covering up the murder of labor activist Karen Silkwood and the theft of her files documenting the radioactive contamination of workers at the Kerr McGee nuclear fuel plant near Oklahoma City. Silkwood, elected to the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers local bargaining committee, had amassed proof that the company was falsifying safety reports to hide widespread exposure to dangerous levels of highly carcinogenic plutonium. She was killed when her car crashed into a concrete embankment enroute to a November 13, 1974 meeting with New York Times reporter David Burnham. Her files were never recovered from the wreck. While prominent independent experts concluded that Silkwood's car was bumped from behind and forced off the road, the FBI found that she fell asleep at the wheel after overdosing on Quaaludes and that she never had any files. It quickly closed the case, and helped Kerr-McGee sabotage congressional investigations and posthumously slander Silkwood as a mentally unstable drug addict. Key to the smear campaign were articles and testimony by Jacque Srouji, a Tennessee journalist secretly in the employ of the FBI, who later confessed to having served in a long string of 1960s COINTELPRO operations. =============== http://www.martinfrost.ws/htmlfiles/nov2006/jfk_hypothesis.html (1) During Eisenhower administration in the fifties U-2 Flights had raised the suspicions about the Dimona facility in the Negev Desert, and sought explanation from David Ben Gurion, and it was described as a Textile Factory, which contradicted the photographs taken by this spy plane. After JFK became President, these facts came to his attention, and he wanted to confront David Ben Gurion with those pictures and perhaps disclose its real purpose in a Press Conference. ============= http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKseigenthaler.htm In March 1962, Seigenthaler was appointed as editor of The Tennessean. He continued his campaign against Jimmy Hoffa. As a result Hoffa's lawyers attempted to move his jury tampering trial from Nashville. Seigenthaler admitted he personally wanted Hoffa convicted and the trial was moved to Chattanooga, but Hoffa was still convicted in 1964 after a 45-day trial. Seigenthaler was given leave from his newspaper to work on Robert Kennedy's 1968 presidential campaign. Kennedy was shot by an assassin and died on 6th June, 1968. Seigenthaler serve as one of the pallbearers at his funeral, and later co-edited the book An Honorable Profession: A Tribute to Robert F. Kennedy (1993) with Pierre Salinger. On 8th February, 1973, Seigenthaler was promoted to publisher of The Tennessean. He worked closely with Al Gore on investigative stories about Nashville City Council corruption. On 5th May, 1976, Seigenthaler dismissed Jacque Srouji, a copy editor at the newspaper, after finding that she had served as an informant for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). At the time she was writing a book critical of Karen Silkwood. Seigenthaler tried for a year to get his own FBI dossier, and finally received some highly expurgated material including these words: "Allegations of Seigenthaler having illicit relations with young girls, which information source obtained from an unnamed source." In May 1982, Seigenthaler also became editorial director of USA Today. In 1986, Middle Tennessee State University established the John Seigenthaler Chair of Excellence in First Amendment Studies, honoring Seigenthaler's "lifelong commitment to free expression values". He resigned from most newspapers in December 1991. Later that month he founded the First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University. In May 2005, an anonymous user, created a Wikipedia article about Seigenthaler which claimed "was thought to have been directly involved in the Kennedy assassinations of both John, and his brother, Bobby." After investigative work by Daniel Brandt, the culprit was identified as Brian Chase, a manager at a small delivery service in Nashville. ===========
  8. ========== Hello John, Your listing on Seigenthaler / Tennessean / JFK jogs lots of old memories. It does sound like he caught one of the Project Mockingbird types trying to modify public opinion on the Karen Silkwood issue. Unionist Karen Silkwood was "Blowing The Whistle" on the Kerr-McGee Plutonium works out in Oklahoma and he hit seems to be a product of DISC. She had a load of papers or files she was going to turn over to a news person when she ran off the road and was killed. One account I read years back told During the exact same time the News Reporter she was going to meet ran off the road and into a cow pasture and woke up hours later. So, that just doesn't happen without DISC running some leaker interference. Other accounts tell she was rear ended and ran off the road. The DuPont and the Manhattan Project security folks know about a special trick that uses Freon run into a car's engine, so that what comes out the rear tail pipe is like an anesthetic gas. All they do is run in front of the Mark's car and the fluorine gas cloud makes the follow car's driver pass out. For this to happen to Silkwood and The NewsPaper Reporter she was going to meet speaks to this DISC special trick they were using. Perhaps they only wanted to have Silkwood pass out and wind up asleep in the cow pasture and snatch her documents, as happened to the reporter. But that didn't happen and she became a legend in the Nuclear Activism Communities. The Tennseesean Paper appeared to be one of the few Newspapers that didn't ever sell out to "Project Mockingbird" issues, which I think has a lot to do with why that system got its name, as Tennessee is the Mockingbird state. Oak Ridge and Knoxville are highly controlled and have an abundance of Mockingbirds controlling news releases, much like what Jim Garrison experienced when he tried to explain the issues. The rest of the story is the Tennessean went on to be a biggest thorn in the side of the Oak Ridge Nuclear works due to have so many toxic release issues that they made a huge population of workers at the K-25 plant sick, and a good portion of the downwind residents and town of Oak Ridge. What broght in the Tennessean's interst was a person named Honiker that was a flaming anti-nuclear editor for the Tennesssean. So, with that inernal pull it made a project for two reporters to expose the Oak Ridge toxic worker issues, and they did a huge spead on that. It went on to include almost every plant in the DOE system and caused a major upset in the DOE system that got Hazel O'Leary involved and it continued for years. The interesting part is a Tennesseen's editor, Dolph (Bunny) Honicker, had a son named Cliff Honiker who was married to a Jackie Kittrell, who many tell was the daughter of an ONI person. The rumors tell they were once connected with "The Farm". It turns out that Cliff Honiker was into the Oak Ridge Fluoride toxic issues and discovered a stash of highly important documents at the Special Collections area of the Hodges Library at the University of Tennessee, which included a whole copy of Project F. Project F is the keystone document from the USAEC that exposed all the toxic issues on the Manhattan Project's most huge issue for fluorine toxicity. So, somewhere about then the entire collection per this all disappeared from the Library. It gets even more interesting because Jackie Kittrell was connected to the "Highlanders Group", which was the Group that trained Martin Luther King and all the rest in the art of non-violent protests patterned after Ghondi's methods in India. Their charter was cancelled when they were in Monteagle Tennessee due to what Nashvilled called Socialist or Communist troublemaking. So, about the time of the JFK administration Hoover was going nuts over the issues of The Farm being Communist and the Highlanders Group being Communist and running the Civil Rights movement. So, both these groups were infiltrated and run over by the COINTEL programs. In the middle of all this we also have Jeanine Honiker, Dolph's wife, turning into a huge antinuclear activist, and later connecting with Louis Alvarez, who controlled the explosion of information on Karen Silkwood. Alvarez is married to Kitty Tucker, also an anti-nuker. I think the issue is Seigenthaler is right in the middle of all this and doesn't say anything, but the art of covering up on Silkwood is working all around him. Then in place to pushing the issue on Oak Ridge and fluorine toxic related issues, the Honikers hook up Alvarez, in Washinton, who involved with drugs and was fired from the DOE due to drug use and declaired persona non grata at the White House. Alvarez started a national group called the Military Production Network, which was about a national collection of anti-nuke groups that he led. He then focused everything onto radiation effects and lost the entire huge toxic issue of fluorine on the Manhattan Project's legacy effects on the workers and the nearby residents hit with releases. This push then gets Congressional Inquiry and what is called the EEOICPA legislation to compensate workers and those exposed due to mainly radiation and cancer effects. They deep sixed the huge fluorine toxic issues connected to K-25 and places like the Green Salt -UF-4 issues of the Y-12 plant that made lots of workers sick there, and at ORNL where the MSRE had many fluorine leaks. It got worse as another of the Kittrell and Alvarez associates name Ralph Hutchinson, that ran OREPA (Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance---which is part of MPN), worked on the ORHASP Panel (Oak Ridge Health Advisory Streering Panel) to do an assessment of the toxic releases in Oak Ridge and the Fluoride health effects had a number done on it just like what the Warren Commission did to cover up the real story on the JFK assassination. OREPA was funded by a lot of the corrupt people from ORNL and the Oak Ridge plants. So, if you wanted to see the same ugly issues of "Project Mockingbird" that went on beyond the issues of Karen Silkwood, into JFK, and into the Workers Compensation legislation then follow the whole set of issues tied to the Tennessean both with Seigenthaylor and on up to the Honikers, and then how the massive fluorine toxic issues are still hidden to this day and no one anywere gets any compenstation from the huge industry issues of fluorine toxicity. Then look at the issues of fluoring around Buffalo / Tonawanda / Niagara Falls and like issues around DuPont and Deepwater, NJ, and you'll find the biggest Mockingbird like operations ever done to sell the public that a toxic poison is good for your teeth, and deepsixing what it does to overall health and longevity. It ended up being the same game the NAZI's planed on their political dissodent prisoners at their camps like Dachau and the many human experiments there. Flurorine effects also got into NASA, the new home for the NAZI's in the US, as for a time the huge rocket power of fluorine was going to be used by NASA rockets and one of the biggest fluorine production plants was built at Cape Canaveral, Fla. The issue was after Dornberger pushed NASA to use fluorine rocket fuel, the stuff proved to toxic to use and was never allowed to be done in the atmospheric rockets, but played a huge role in the Lunar Lander. The glasing issue there is the JFK space race could not use Fluorine Rockets, but Oak Ridge could run huge leaking plants with leaking fluoride emissions making workers and region sick. That is were this Tenneessean greater look should typically lead one, if they looked more deeply at a newspaper that would not follow the Mockingbirg project's games and sought to report real news. The reason the Oak Ridge workers had to go to the Tennesseean to tell the story of their plight was that all the Knoxville and Oak Ridge systems were bought and paid for by the corrupt national securty system of Oak Ridge and its DISC connections and Project Mockingbird, which only told what the Oak Ridge plants wanted them to tell and only when they wanted it told. The fluoride issue toxic effects in Oak Ridge are still covered up to this day and the Project F files still missing and stacked away from the public's view. Even if we look real deep in the Fluorine issue--it is the root of the Ozone Hole and lots more problems directly connected to that. NASA correctly handled Fluroine, but the insanity of the Manhattan Project and DuPont caused a disaster: http://www.iitap.iastate.edu/gccourse/chem/ozone/nasarelease.html ===== Other interesting associations: http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2009/apr/11/hoffas-chattanooga-trial-pushed-system-to-limits/ Jimmy Hoffa's Chattanooga trial pushed system to limits Convictiion was significant for justice system, Seigenthaler recalls ==== http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/22/AR2010102203335.html James F. Neal, 81; lawyer won courtroom battles against Jimmy Hoffa and Watergate conspirators ===== http://knoxville.fbi.gov/history.htm ===== http://dlc.lib.utk.edu/f/fa/fulltext/1160.html ====== The most interesting parts are: 1. FBI Div 5 type interests in Hoffa--links with RFK--the espeonage issues of Oak Ridge is after Hoffa. 2. Hoffa gets locked up in prison in the special organized crime wing, 3. Nixon suddenly pardons Hoffa in 1971, 4. Hoffa gets on Nixon's case in 1975 for restricting from being a Union Organizer, 4. Hoffa is disappeared in 1975, body dissolved. 5. Perhaps why Nixon was all worried the DNC found out what Hoffa found out. 6. Nixon stays in seclusion until about 10 weeks after Hoffa is cleaned then reapears. imho http://www.hbci.com/~tgort/resign.htm Richard Nixon's resignation August 8, 1974 Nixon out of public eye until ten weeks after Hoffa hit. ======= http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,121236,00.html Jimmy Hoffa (search) became the leader of the Teamsters Union (search) in 1957 but was sent to prison 10 years later for jury tampering and fraud. He was pardoned in 1971 after giving up the union presidency and in 1975 attempted a comeback — one that never was able to happen because he disappeared. Below is a timeline of the Hoffa case: 1975 July 30: Jimmy Hoffa, 62, disappears. Hoffa was supposed to have met at the Machus Red Fox restaurant in Detroit with Frank Sheeran, a local Teamsters official from Detroit, and mobsters Anthony “Tony Jack” Giacalone and Anthony “Tony Pro” Provenzano. Hoffa is last seen in the parking lot.
  9. The ultimate Black Mail that keeps the economic Royalists in power was the MJ-12 issue, never officially adopted, but Eisenhower knew what it was designed to do which was cover up NAZI war crime experiments and in return the economic Royalists get their way with the US Economy. ========================== http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/JFK.html ======================== JFK was not about to go along with the Economic Black Mail of the Royalist bankers. 1. JFK supports the NASA NAZI's with the Man on The Moon Program. 2. JFK confronts the Black Mail of the Royalists with US Note. 3. JFK goes for the inner secret of MJ-12 Black Mail via UFO issues of November 12, 1963, wants cooperation with Soviets. Ends the MJ-12 Black Mail of the Royalists. ================== "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedom and before I leave this office, I must inform the citizens of their plight." Nov. 12, 1963 http://forum.jfkmurdersolved.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2211&p=32137&sid=81c198968ea318af9060e0f37380181f#p32137 ======================= http://www.nps.gov/archive/eise/chronomil1.htm 1945 Eisenhower accepts Germany's unconditional surrender on May 7 and is appointed commander of the United States occupation zone in Germany. In November Eisenhower returns to the United States to become Chief of Staff, United States Army. 1948 Eisenhower retires from active service in February and writes Crusade in Europe. While serving as President of Columbia University, in December, Eisenhower begins three months service as a military consultant to the first Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal. =======================
  10. I'll have to agee LBJ was really bad, but there were several other things that topped him and what he worshiped. LBJ did anything for money, killing people no problem, and one other thing that causes more wars and killings than all that put together.
  11. Well Mr. Scully, Perhaps you seem to be named after the famous X-Files person, rather interesting. I have noticed that you all have a distinct lack of respect from various individuals. I don't find that very helpful. I think, in due time, that when one discoverers all the Alien's sciences, meaning German NAZI rocket science that became NASA Space "Extraterrestrial" science, that the threat is aptly named. The problem is that some of you can't wait for things to be developed and the backgrounder issues to be generated. I ask for patience and I get the opposite. So, you seem to have an interest in Oak Ridge suddenly. So, look up how Sarin came into existance. You'll find the Germans did all the original efforts on the world's most electronegative element. If you look up the Manhattan Project's efforts on uranium you find this huge fluorine chemistry effort to make it in huge quantity and material sciences dedicated toward finding things compatable with UF-6. The NAZI's didn't mix with the Manhattan Project, until well after the war. But the NAZI's rocket men knew fluorine made some of the hottest rocket fuels known. While Oak Ridge had a large fluorine production plant, located off on the perimeter of the plant, there came to be a larger unit at Cape Canaveral, Fla. The intention was to use it as main booster fuel, but it was overruled as too dangerous on planet earth. But it was used as the main propellat base for lunar lander things that required the most efficient of fuels. The NAZI's also knew the uses of fluoride in Germany, as they invented the entire science of fluorine and fluorides there. That experience allowed them to find it had negative side effects on the human brain. Today, this is only being partially admitted by the work of Phyllis Mullinex and some others. The Manhattan Project F is still locked away that deals with these toxic effects from the choice on fluorine chemistry for Uranium. The Aluminum Companies followed a like course from the use of calcium fluoride as a flux in the boxite reduction, which was basically the source material for fluorine production. It dulled people's energy to think on higher planes and to resist authority. Yet, those most Socialistic of chemical population control games was allowed to be played against the citizens of the US in order to cover up the problems of Dupont at Peach Bottom and the problems of Manhattan Project proper at Buffalo / Tonawanda, where the large efforts were being made in the Columbia University decisions to use UF-6 and gas diffusion for uranium enrichment. Obviously then, since Columbia Uriversity was geared toward UF-6 the move was on to use that, and of the competition on the best process implementation it came down to Kellog and Kellex ideas to use a diffusion barrier made from Nickel Powder and calcium fluoride, molded in tube configuation by a process called sintering. So, all the gas diffusion processes had to use fluoride resistant and things made of fluorine. But all the Kellex folks knew the issue of fluorine in processing. There is also a hugh study called "Project F" they are still hiding by classification. Everyone in Europe knows that florine is a poison, and they don't allow fluoridation or the mass medication of the public's water source. The exception is England, but that isn't continetal Europe and the ones least likely to know the German prison camp management issues or those of the Red Trains and Gulags of Russia that used the same Solcialist chemical population control methods. IN most places the use of fluoridation was called Communism coming into the US. So, the highest office that approved the Manhattan Project was also behind this use of fluorine and thus its cover up as a nasty slow poison on the minds of the workers, but also could be well used in the public at large. It was used to alter the negative side effects around aluminium and uranium plants, as if everyone had the same low level of toxicity, then the problem would not stick out like a sore thumb. Fluoride toxic effects are huge in the general industrial effects equation and the most covered up of industrial toxic effects. It was highly covered up first by the Manhattan Project and the Aluminum projects. But the race for space was once headed heavily into fluorine production as per the Manhattan Project. NASA let up and only used it outside of Earth's orbit, and the Manhattan Project never stopped. So, when you look at the differences between the two systems one finds informed due caution from one and reckless abandon from the other, to the point of trying to mask the effects in the workers, the local residents exposed and moving into the greater population as being good to childrens teeth. Fluoride remained a poison, that accumulates, has long retention, affects the IQ of all exposed, and a negative addition that the Socialists found useful. Yet we find the NASA had wisdom and the Manhattan Project sought to take Americans Freedom via the same chemical process that was used by the prime Socialist societies in Europe, Hiters and Stalins, as the way they treated political dissodents. If there were higher intelligence here or in America, we'd all have the same resistance to mass fluoridation as Europe and most all intelligent countries, yet we only find it in the Manhattan Project countries and their need for war over the rights and freedoms of their people.
  12. Mr. Scully, I have real trouble following your associative logic, perhaps because you don't know the history of fluorine chemistry and its later Manhattan Project issues. I am here suggesting that Mr. Morrow follow some leads on LBJ. The K-25 plant was never designed for uranium "refinement" , as it was designed for only isotopic enrichement with UF-6 and your termanology choice is none too good. "Refining" is generally a term reserved for taking uranium ore, purification of U-oxides to metal form, generally akin to milling. This shows lack of process understanding. Once the chemistry moves into UF-6, it is enrichement. If you really want to get into Dupont, then consider they had considerable holdings in Cuba, that were lost as Castro came in to nationalize everything. The DuPonts held a great estate down there called "Xanadu." ========== http://www.ehow.com/about_5297443_varadero-cuba-information.html Tourists began to visit Varadero in the 1870s. It became an elite resort town for those that could afford it over the next 60 years. The popularity of this town skyrocketed when American millionaire Iréné Dupont constructed his estate with a lavish mansion in Varadero. Dupont was a prominent businessman who brought class and fame to the area. Many notable figures would follow his lead and build homes at Varadero for vacationing, including the infamous gangster Al Capone and former Cuban president Batista. ============== http://groups.google.com/group/Cuba451Letters/web/history-of-u-s-interference-in-cuba?pli=1 Citation: 1917: Workers call a general strike and the US Marines return for a six-year stay. Americans hold sway over the economy through control of 75% of the sugar plantations and ownership of railways and the telephone system. The DuPont estate grows so enormous that it employs its own private customs officer. The Cuban Telephone Company does not bother to give its network a Spanish name. Cuba is a giant Monopoly board controlled by Uncle Sam. Morality and Prohibition reign in the USA. Americans flock to Cuba for rum, sex, cocaine and gambling. ============= DuPonts fluoride issues are well seen at Peach Bottom, NJ area. ========== http://www.gatesofhorn.com/blog/the_fluoride_cover_up Citation: During the Cold War it became impossible for the government to tell the truth about what was going on, because of the possible effect on the balance of power. DuPont in Deepwater NJ., was producing millions of pounds of fluoride for the bomb, when there was an accidental release into the area. Poultry died. The famous peach crops were burned up, and people who ate the produce from the area sometimes vomited all night. The horses were too stiff to work, and the crippled cows had to graze on their knees. It was not possible to overlook what had happened. But it was possible to cover it up. The chief of the project's toxicology studies, Dr. Hodge wrote secret, worried memos to his boss, Col. Warren about the problems being caused by the release. Remember those two names, Hodge and Warren. After WWII was over, the New Jersey farmers sued DuPont and the Manhattan project for fluoride damage to their crops and health. The government was shaken by this, and Major General Groves convened secret meetings in Washington requiring the attendance of scores of scientists, the FDA, the Agriculture and Justice people, the U.S. Army Chemical Welfare Service, the Bureau of Standards, and others, including of course, the battalions of DuPont lawyers. =========== http://www.apfn.org/apfn/flouride.htm Citation: The documentary trail begins at the height of World War II, in 1944, when a severe pollution incident occurred downwind of the E.I. du Pont de Nemours Company chemical factory in Deepwater, New Jersey. The factory was then producing millions of pounds of fluoride for the Manhattan Project, the ultra-secret U.S. military program racing to produce the world’s first atomic bomb. The farms downwind in Gloucester and Salem counties were famous for their high quality produce—their peaches went directly to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. Their tomatoes were bought up by Campbell’s Soup. But in the summer of 1943, the farmers began to report that their crops were blighted, and that "something is burning up the peach crops around here." Poultry died after an all-night thunderstorm, they reported. Farm workers who ate the produce they had picked sometimes vomited all night and into the next day. "I remember our horses looked sick and were too stiff to work," these reporters were told by Mildred Giordano, who was a teenager at the time. Some cows were so crippled that they could not stand up, and grazed by crawling on their bellies. The account was confirmed in taped interviews, shortly before he died, with Philip Sadtler of Sadtler Laboratories of Philadelphia, one of the nation’s oldest chemical consulting firms. ========== K-25 in Oak Ridge, was a Kellex / Kellog associated project at its time in the life of its construction. As the completed systems then were turned over to Union Carbide. The K-25 process equipment methods were being worked out at Tonawanda, New York and the corrosive effects of fluorine gas being handled by a metal alloy known as "Monel Metal", which dealt with both fluorine and UF-6 corrosivity. http://wikichemistry.com/konfuciy.asp?tda=dt&t=13695&fs=group+vii+-+occurance+and+extraction+-+fluorine There were lots of special materials made to deal with fluorine, including teflon, P-40, and other items. Plus, they'd nickel plate the inside of large steel vessels of the hot process equipment to get the gas flow from becoming too contaminated with Fe related effects. All the metal corrosion issues were handled pretty well, one exception being to cut costs they just went to plain steel for large storage casks for Depleted Uranium in a cooled state, which caused problems over time. But they did use the monel metal for these tank's values. The critical component of the K-25 process was the barrier material and the Kellex design used highly resistant barrier materials. They employed nickel powder and calcium fluoride in a scintering process that because the highest technology advantage for the process success. This is why Kellex was chosen and the name give as K-25 to honor that choice. In the Manhattan Project devolpment for Fluorine high volume Equipment they had a large florine release accident At Tonawanda / Buffalo / Niagra Falls area there that literally burned the paint of houses, frosted the glass on homes and cars, and was going to press when the Leslie Groves security system clamped down and took the entire edition of the paper to make sure the Germans didn't notice they were doing large scale fluorine production issues that they'd track back to uranium's enrichment chemisty. Making the process gase, UF-6 was critical to the operation of gas diffusion method. ======= http://www.paulpratter.com/niagara/lindehooker.htm Citation: During the war years Hooker had developed the electrochemical cell to generate fluorine also Harshaw chemical in Cleveland Ohio and Dupont was an additional supplier of HEX to Manhattan Project see Industrial and Engineering Chemistry #2 pp 249-254 March (1947) There is a full report on the work with the Manhattan Project on “Fluorine and Fluorinated Compounds” Volume 1 of Division VII of the Manhattan Project Technical Series. (See references and Chemical Engineering files.) ======== http://www.atomicheritage.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=303 Bob Dyer and Joe Dykstra were the two guys from Hooker chemicals development of the fluorine cells sent to Oak Ridge to set up the K-25 fluorine plants. ========== As for DuPont, they come in via the process cooling that required a chemical that would not cause an explosion or lots of heating if there were leaks into the processing equipment. Freon made a good choice for the internal cooling systems due to the heat of compression of the process gas that had to occur at every stage of the process. There were other release problems near Peach Bottom, NJ. DuPone had some expertise in fluorine chemistry that was tapped. Somehow, I just can't follow some of your logic or reasoning. Perhaps it seems to be you want to associte the bankers need to get into the fluoride business too early. This is where you loose me, and I don't understand your flow there. The issues of fluorine chemisty was huge in Germany in the early 1900's and they came up with lots of fluorine chemicals, in particular the nerve gas chemicals linked to fluorine chemistry. It was via this that it appears the issues of fluorine on the brain were found to slow people down and make them rather less energetic of the mind. Fluoride has effects on the brain, particularly the Pineal Gland and this upsets brain chemical balance. So, in terms of the NAZI issues, the fluoride effects was said to have been used by the Germans in their prisoner camps to keep down resistance, as they just wanted coorperative work force that didn't think at too high a level. Then we find the method moves over to the Russian Gulag system in years later, patterned after what the German's learned on early fluoride chemical research. You seem to suggest the fluoride push into the mainstream would have been done earlier than this by the Bankers. I don't follow you logic of associations at all there. The issue of fluoridation came to the US, as both the Manhattan Project and the strategic metals importance of Aluminim hit center stage. They had to do something to cover up the footprints of the damage to plants, animals, and humans by these stratigic metals production needs. So, we see the push then to get fluoride accepted as being beneficial to human needs, rather than destructive to human health and brain chemistry. Then only then follow a pattern like Germany's findings as they got into florine negative side effects. The US gained the NAZI scientists and they well knew the issues of fluorine chemistry from their prison camps, and the simple logic then applied is to do the same to the US as a whole. Then you have the same system the NAZI camps wanted, which was a lowere function work force that was compliant to the industry needs. In so many ways, the US adoped socialistic thinking with that. Fluoridation was resisted in the US based upon this connection with Communism per these old methods of the Socialists in Germany and Russia. Perhaps you need to check the history for the development of floride chemistry that stated in Germany, was involved in the nerve gas inventions, was used in Socialist's work camps, the same issues appeared in the US Via the strategic metals issues per aluminum and uranium, and the like system adoption of the Socialists came to the US per the issue of selling the public on some faked acclaimed benefical effects of an extremely toxic chemical, which was all about masking the dangers of this fuorine based chemical from the public's perception. If you really study floridation, you find it is wholesale rejected in Europe because they knows what it does. In Europe you only find fluoridation in English area, everywhere else they don't like the mass medication effects that the Germans and Russians applied only to work camps in their history there. ====== http://www.gatesofhorn.com/blog/the_fluoride_cover_up When the Americans presented their fluoride evidence to the European scientists, just about every country in Europe instantly forbade the use of fluorides in any material that could enter the body. And they still do. Are they all crackpots? ========= Perhaps you might "refine" your thoughts on the matter a little better. Taking note the US does know what it has done to take freedom from the American people via the issues linked to fluoridation, and a discovery found in Germany by the upswing of interest in fluoine chemistry. If there ever was a plot to distroy the freedom of Americans, it would be this issue of fluorine to dull their ability to think and resist and it began with the Manhattan Project at Columbia University with the issues of K-25 gas diffusion systems, as per Urey's selection of UF-6, and the same NAZI thinking applied to all of America. The last thing to associate is that Fluorine chemistry was associated with NASA and rocketry. One of the largest fluorine plants was in Florida for NASA. NASA had to learn how to handle fluorine for deeper space missions, like Man on the Moon and Lunar Lander. The NAZI space scientists also knew all about Fluorine gas issues, as they started it all. See Dornberger and Bell Aerospace in Dallas, Tx. So, when JFK asks NASA for the scoop on UFO science, one often gets into Fluorine and Rocketry, and the NAZI socialist thinking on population control, and the plot to rob citizens of the US of their freedom. Fluoridation was and is NAZI socialism science and population control theory, now applied to all of America to a large extent. The X-Nazis are not going to mind, at all, if the US becomes fluoridated like was done for Germany's Prison Camps. However, if one goes to Europe everyone knows the NAZI methods on fluoridation and it is rejected across the board.
  13. http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/MS/2data.html Triangle of Fire by Bob Goodman Harold Norman confirms to Goodman that he heard shells hitting the floor.(p. 77) The Dal-Tex Building: p. 87: discussion of the tenants of the building p. 215: man with horn-rimmed glasses (photos pp. 212-213) arrested in Dal-Tex tells Goodman his attorney has advised him not to discuss the matter. p. 216: Jim Braden may have visited Dallas Uranium and Oil rather than looking for a pay phone, as he was upstairs. DU&O was located on the west side of Dal-Tex, behind the fire-escape (the window from which a rifle allegedly protrudes?) pp. 216-217: There were no corporate records of Dallas Uranium & Oil; Texas Secretary of State only listed Morty Freedman Inc., which shared a phone number with Dallas Uranium & Oil, and with Marilyn Belt Mfg. (directory page, p. 243). DU&O may have been a dummy corporation. p. 217: Dallas area people in the uranium business were few, and included Nelson Bunker Hunt and Morris Jaffe, the latter a close friend of LBJ. Some believed he owned the Dal-Tex Building. p. 218: Jaffe benefited from decisions made by the Atomic Energy Commission under chairman John McCone, successor to Dulles as CIA chief. Jaffe took over the bankrupt Billy Sol Estes estate. Jaffe and H.L. Hunt worked together for LBJ in 1960 at the Los Angeles convention. A reporter described Jaffe as the "money man...the brains...the trouble-shooter...and smart beyond imagination."(Jules Archer) The Cover-Up: pp. 91-92: Goodman reports that the widow of a retired Air Force Intelligence man told him her husband had been offered a job in 1974 in Dallas writing disinformation about the JFK assassina- tion along with a few other people. The group included a lady from Dallas, a friend of theirs, and two others. All were civilians. The lady worked for a Dallas law firm. Oil money paid the tab. p. 94: The disinformation layers were: Communists/Russia, Castro/Cuba, The C.I.A., and the Mafia. p. 98: Goodman refers to the Dallas group as "the disinformation society," and notes areas of research with which they won't cooperate: Dal-Tex, H.L. Hunt, Clint Murchison, Gen. Charles Cabell, the Del Charro Hotel, Dallas Citizens' Council. (all neglected areas of research in the mainstream community; the exceptions include Penn Jones and Anthony Summers). p. 100: JFK eliminated funding for the White Russian Solidarists, many of whom in the Dallas area were associated with the oil industry. Oswald's Wallet: p. 96: Although Oswald's wallet was seized by police, Goodman notes Oswald left his wallet and money with Marina at the Paine home that morning. (He may have had two wallets, or have left the money but not the wallet). James Worrell: p. 121: hearing 4 shots, seeing a man leave the rear of the Depository. p. 122: the man was about 5'7" to 5'10", 155-165 lbs., dark hair, dark sports coat, not carrying anything. p. 123: died in a "car-motorcycle accident" on Nov. 9, 1966; found lying in a ditch; friends reported James' motorcycle was parked on the kickstand, and the motor was still running when he was found. Ed Hoffman: p. 127: usually described as shy, Hoffman allegedly approached Goodman and identified himself as an eyewitness. p. 130: Goodman's photos give a good indication that Hoffman could have seen what he has reported seeing from his location on Stemmons. The Oil Industry: pp. 138-139: notes Garrison's reports of an oil industry man who was familiar with Guy Banister's part of the Garrison probe before it was publicized, and offered Garrison a federal judgeship to drop the JFK investigation. Goodman suggests the story may be true, but that Garrison may have made a deal to simply change the focus of the investigation from the oil industry to the CIA. Edwin Walker: p. 155: Robert Surrey's comment (Walker aide) to the Dallas Times-Herald on Nov. 24, 1963 that "through official sources, we had traced that man who shot at the general to California." Walker pushed for the assassination investigations to be all held in Dallas. p. 155-6: Walker's associate Billy James Hargis (Feb. 1963 nationwide crusade). p. 158: Carlos Bringuier spoke in a lecture series sponsored by Hargis. H.L. Hunt: p. 167: Hunt:"Everything I do, I do for a profit." Organizing support for LBJ in 1960."Patriotism is always profitable." p. 168: mailed out 102,000 of an anti-Catholic sermon by W.A. Criswell, pastor of his church, during the 1960 campaign. Hunt proposed another member of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Billy Graham, as a 1964 presidential candidate, but Graham declined the idea. p. 169: DPD Lt. George Butler sponsored a talk by Hunt to the Dallas Police Association at the Baker Hotel, shortly before the Bay of Pigs invasion. Butler also provided police security for Hunt. Butler offered a local newspaper editor a printing job for the KKK, to which he said half the Dallas Police belonged. p. 170: Walker aide Robert Surrey had the financial backing of Hunt's companies. p. 171: Hunt hated black people and the civil rights movement. p. 172: Hunt stated JFK was a traitor and should be shot. Craig Zirbel reports Hunt admitting prior knowledge of a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. The Hyatt Regency at Reunion, where the first three ASK conferences were held, was owned by the Hunt family. p. 173: Hunt blamed the assassinations of JFK & MLK on communist plots. Clint Murchison: p. 185: In 1951, Murchison and H.L. Hunt organized the pro-MacArthur campaign in Texas, bringing the general to Texas for a speaking tour. The three were photographed together in front of the Alamo. p. 186: D.H. Byrd, owner of the Texas School Book Depository, was one of the Del Charro crowd who regularly stayed at Murchison's exclu- sive La Jolla, California hotel. Oilman Byrd was a co-founder of the Civil Air Patrol. Bobby Baker received money from a Murchison company, the Haitian American Company. [Note DeMohrenschildt's Texas and Haitian connections]. Baker associate Thomas D. Webb Jr. represented the Murchison interests in Washington. pp. 186-187: Also implicated in the Baker scandal were an admiral, a general, and a NASA executive, and the representative of a major Texas defense contractor, unnamed by LIFE. p. 187: Murchison-owned publisher Holt, RInehart and Winston (publisher of Rush to Judgement, whose index doesn't include Murchison, Judge Joe B. Brown or DeMohrenschildt) offered Judge Joe B. Brown a lucrative book contract and an all-expenses paid trip to Del Charro during the Jack Ruby trial (July 21, 1964). He received a $10,000 advance for a book that was never published. The trip was paid for directly by the Murchisons. The publisher paid for his trip to New York City. This gave Murchison access to the manuscript. p. 188: Murchison and Thomas Webb knew Ruby; DeMohrenschildt knew Murch- ison and worked for one of his companies. The Vito Genovese Mafia family owned 20% of the Murchison Oil Lease Company in the early 1950's. From 1955-1965, Murchison's business were the subject of Federal probes. pp. 188-189: Murchison owned the Del Mar race track, which employed Sirhan Sirhan, and where J. Edgar Hoover often attended. p. 189: Hoover recommended that Murchison hire Thomas D. Webb Jr., a 17 year FBI veteran and one of Hoover's administrative assistants. Murchison:"Money is like manure. If you spread it around, it does a lot of good." Murchison tried to drive Ross Perot's computer company out of business. p. 190: Perot's wealth wasn't based in oil, he was an equal opportunity employer, and he never applied to join the Dallas Citizens Council. p. 199: Murchison funded the anti-Semitic press, and Lincoln Rockwell's Nazis. Earwitnesses: p. 201: Goodman talked with people who heard, but didn't see, the assassination. Shots sounded like a string of loud firecrackers; or "Baboom...boom-ba-boom....boom-ba-boom-boom"; more than 3 shots. One witness thought he was hearing a shootout, with Secret Service firing back. ================ http://forum.jfkmurdersolved.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2211&p=32137&sid=81c198968ea318af9060e0f37380181f#p32137 ================== There is a building in Washington DC that is right across from the air and space museum called the "Forrestal Building" that belongs to DOE or what was the USAEC. Those who seek the truth take note that James Forrestal was killed due to what he called Zionist Agents after him, and he was one of the lead people that knew about the NAZI's coming into the US to boost the rocket games and the nucler games. And Zionists hate NAZI's and those that supported NAZI's. And James Forrestal was killed by Zionists and now the main US building for nuclear efforts carries his name.
  14. One thing to keep in mind with Lyndon Johnson is that he runs deals like the Dept. of Agr. deals to get his rear out of trouble. So always follow the money with LBJ, as that is his power structure and who he has to pay back. Let me toss out a few little extra details for consideration per LBJ getting in a huge rush to loose his associations with Halliburton. I'll have to check this out for when Halliburton acquired KBR, but KBR was the biggest contractor in Vietnam for providing construction of their military bases three. The "Kellogg" of KBR is associated with the biggest building project of the Manhattan Project----that for the K-25 plant for which the plant was code named. "Kellogg" formed a little special group called "Kellex", but same basic company. So, consider that LBJ is going to have to pay back his deals on getting JFK killed to run up a war, so LBJ cuts his ties with "Halliburton/KBR," so it won't look like he is making himself rich off starting a big War in Vietnam to please all his good buddies over at "KBR/Halliburton". If, you note almost within the week LBJ went full speed in to Vietnam. The other thing to keep in mind is that Zapata and the Bush gang were into Cuba because of a big oil field there. So, one of the reasons to go into Vietnam was a huge oil field over there, and before Nixon cut loose from Vietnam TEXACO had all the offshore oil rights tied up for that oil field. Halliburton was a big oil support equipment supplier. So, LBJ has to cut his strings real soon to begin his pay backs, else he is the next one to get popped. He wasted no time to start payback. And the "Kellex/Kellogg/KBR/Halliburton" thing is the Oak Ridge good ole boy network. Halliburton is oil services company that does work for Texaco and all oil companies. Then don't forget Cheney was the CEO for Halliburton, and they needed a new war for Zionists and for weapons. And the Rustag fire would work because Americans are dumb. Where did you say that oil pipe went? http://www.reachingtruth.com/themic.html ============= http://projects.publicintegrity.org/wow/bio.aspx?act=pro&ddlC=31 Halliburton discovered the benefits of government patronage when its support for U.S. President Lyndon Johnson resulted in several contracts, such as constructing military bases during the Vietnam War. Halliburton's name has become nearly synonymous with that of Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney has spent his entire career in public service, including several positions in Republican cabinets: he filled several positions in President Richard Nixon's administration and served as assistant and chief of staff to President Gerald Ford prior to entering Congress as a representative from Wyoming, where he was elected chairman of both the Republican Policy Committee and House Republican Conference. The first president George Bush hired Cheney as his defense secretary, and in that position Cheney directed America's first offensive in Iraq, the Persian Gulf War of 1991. Once he had left government, Cheney became CEO of Halliburton in 1995, after impressing a former Halliburton CEO with his knowledge of world affairs on a fishing trip. Cheney nearly doubled Halliburton's U.S. government contracts during his five-year tenure, from $1.2 billion to $2.3 billion. Military contracts accounted for a large part of these, undoubtedly aided by the former Pentagon staffers Cheney brought to Halliburton management. One of those was retired four-star Admiral Joe Lopez, who was an aide during Cheney's tenure as defense secretary, came to KBR in 1999 at Cheney's suggestion and became senior vice president of government operations.
  15. That great Masonic plan for WWIII has been turned into one to destroy the US with eternal war. http://www.intalek.com/Index/News/AlbertPikeWW3a.htm Between 1859 and 1871, Pike worked out a military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world which he considered would forward the conspiracy to its final stage in the 20th Century.
  16. Well, It does take time to build these things on these threads, and if you can stop wanting instant gratification, I might get around to making the needed associations sooner, rather than later. I tend to compile and dump things into thread holding areas and come back and fill in the missing pieces as I am able to dig them up on the various Internet sources areas. This item will lead to further comments in due time. But not on your time. How about trying to stop the controlling things, because you are not in control no matter how much you complaign. Because you do the things you do here, the EF tends to be the last to know, as I do the information builds elsewhere. I toss a few critical things here to come back to later. If you fuss about every one of those I toss over here, all it does is muck things up with extra chatter and distract from the overall need to keep the continuity. May I suggest constructivity on your part?
  17. http://www.jfklancer.com/cuba/11-12-63.html FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES 1961-1963 Volume XI Cuban Missile Crisis and Aftermath DEPARTMENT OF STATE Washington 376. Memorandum for the Record Washington, November 12, 1963. //Source: Department of State, INR Historical Files, Special Group Meeting No. 105, December 6, 1963. Secret; Eyes Only. For McCone's account of this meeting, see Document 375. SUBJECT Cuban Operations A meeting was held this morning with higher authority on the above subject. Present were: Mr. Rusk, Mr. McNamara, Mr. Robert Kennedy, Mr. Bundy, Mr. McCone, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Gilpatric, Mr. Vance, General Taylor, Mr. Helms, Mr. FitzGerald, Mr. Cheever, and Mr. Shackley. Mr. McCone gave a brief summary of recent developments inside Cuba. He stated that the military is generally loyal to Castro. There have been some disorders but not very extensive. Castro's internal security forces appear to be well organized. He has developed a system of informers which is becoming increasingly effective. The economic situation is deteriorating largely because of the enforcement of economic sanctions, and Hurricane "Flora" although its damage was not as great as originally thought. The Soviets appear to be continuing the gradual withdrawal of personnel from Cuba although recently 1,000-2,000 troops have come in. There now seems to be a kind of "Soviet MAAG" program concerned mainly with training Cubans in all types of military activity including the handling of missiles. There has been some removal of the more sophisticated types of electronic equipment. Some new tanks have arrived in Cuba, estimates run from 25 to 50. Mr. FitzGerald reported on Cuban operations under six main headings: (a) Covert Collection, ( Propaganda, © Economic Denial, (d) Disaffections in the Military, (e) Sabotage and Harassment, and (f) Support of Autonomous Anti-Castro Groups. (a) Covert Collection. Mr. FitzGerald pointed out that inside Cuba CIA has three kinds of agent activities: (1) "singleton," (2) collection nets, and (3) agents involved in "black net" operations. While there is encouraging improvement in the geographical spread of these agents, there is still, understandably, a fairly heavy concentration of agents in the Havana area. A question was raised as to how many agents in all of these activities have been lost. Mr. FitzGerald said that in the neighborhood of 25 had been either captured or killed in the past year. The reasons for these casualty figures are the increasing effectiveness of Castro's internal security forces and discovery brought about when agents try to obtain food. No matter how good the documentation, an outsider in a community is viewed with suspicion. ( Propaganda. The activities of CIA in this field are the mailing of leaflets and radio broadcasts. Some 30-40,000 leaflets per month have been mailed and during a day there are 32 hours of programs emanating from seven different stations. It is believed that there is a very excellent listening public. The programs appeal to people in a wide variety of jobs and professions. There is some jamming but it is spasmodic and generally confined to Havana. © Economic Denial. Mr. FitzGerald reported that the U.S. economic denial program is contributing to Cuba's declining economy. Mention was made that the economic denial program would be more effective if the Canadians were willing to cooperate. Up to now they have not gone along with U.S. efforts, and they are supplying many items essential to Cuban economy. The UK and Spain are continuing to deal in certain types of goods required by the Cubans. Commodities going into Cuba in 1962 from the free world reached $101 million. While this represents less than in 1961 the amount is still too high. (d) Disaffections in the Military. While the military is loyal to Castro as has been noted there are indications that some leaders would like to break with the regime but lack courage and opportunity. Mr. FitzGerald commended a CIA-DIA task force which prepared a report covering some 150 Cuban military leaders. Out of this figure there are some 45 which look interesting from CIA's operational viewpoint. Mr. FitzGerald reported that CIA is in touch with three persons who are in the military or who have highly placed contacts in such circles. The aim is to use these three individuals to establish contact with military personnel inside Cuba. The principal aim is to get military leaders who have become disenchanted with the Castro regime to dare to talk and plot Castro's downfall with each other. (e) Sabotage and Harassment. Mr. FitzGerald mentioned four successful sabotage operations against a power plant, oil storage facilities, a sawmill, and an underwater demolition operation against a floating crane in one of Cuba's harbors. It is believed that the publication of these successful sabotage activities in the Cuban press has tended to raise appreciably the morale of the people. Also, such sabotage continues to keep pressure on the Castro regime and adds to the growing economic problems facing the country. (f) Support of Autonomous Anti-Castro Groups. The question was asked from where would the autonomous groups operate. Mr. FitzGerald replied that they would operate from outside U.S. territory. He mentioned two bases of the Artime group, one in Costa Rica and the other in Nicaragua. Also it was hoped that the autonomous group under Manolo Ray would soon get itself established in a working base, possibly Costa Rica. Mr. FitzGerald said that much could be accomplished by these autonomous groups once they become operational. A question was asked as to what decisions remain to be made. Mr. FitzGerald replied that we were looking for a reaffirmation of the program as presented, including sabotage and harassment. When asked what was planned in sabotage for the immediate future, he said that destruction operations should be carried out against a large oil refinery and storage facilities, a large electric plant, sugar refineries, railroad bridges, harbor facilities, and underwater demolition of docks and ships. The question was also raised as to whether an air strike would be effective on some of these principal targets. The consensus was that CIA should proceed with its planning for this type of activity looking toward January. The State Department raised questions with respect to sabotage activities in Cuba. The thought was advanced that there may be a relationship between such hit and run attacks on Cuba and the delay of American convoys en route to Berlin. A further question was posed as to the over-all importance to the United States of sabotage operations, especially since it is so difficult to keep them from being directly attributable to the U.S. It was thought that the hit and run type effort might in fact invoke loss of support inside Cuba and may even result in bringing more Soviet troops back into Cuba. Somehow the U.S. must pin responsibility for these activities on Castro. The U.S. in fact must be ready to retaliate when it can be fairly well established that Castro is attempting with arms, money and men to foment Communist uprisings in any Latin American country. The consensus was that since CIA's sabotage operation is in the main low cost and since it does worry the Castro regime, denies him some essential commodities, stimulates some sabotage inside Cuba and tends to improve the morale of the Cubans who would like to see Castro removed, CIA should proceed with those operations planned for the coming week end (November 15 though 17). The view was expressed that CIA, in connection with the Department of Defense, should concentrate on attempting to catch Castro red-handed delivering arms to Communist groups in Latin American countries. It was determined that during the next 90 days from this date an attempt would be made by means of air patrols and surface ships to identify ships carrying arms for Castro to Latin American countries. It was hoped that a ship with Cuban arms could be picked up. Conversations are to be initiated by the Secretary of the Navy with CIA to map out a three-month operation against Cuban shipping. It was also determined that the Colombian and Venezuelan governments should be asked to join with the U.S. in developing a joint patrol designed to identify ships carrying weapons from Cuba destined for revolutionary groups in Latin American countries. Paul Eckel ============= http://forum.jfkmurdersolved.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2211&p=32137&sid=81c198968ea318af9060e0f37380181f#p32137 ==============
  18. There is no OR, yet perhaps there is, thus you already know. Yet, ye seek that others not know. ============ Few people in the distant times from the JFK assassination don't recall that JFK's Camelot was the quest for Peace in Our time. Many born after the time of JFK don't even know these highly important history and the Beast that JFK faced in changing the direction from war to peace. JFK started the Peace Core to address and sell Peace: http://www.findingcamelot.net/speeches/statement-upon-signing-order-establishing-the-peace-corps/ The Soviets even got onto the band wagon in latter years and stopped waging expensive cold wars and started the Waging Peace methods. Yet, when we study economics we find that the Royals in the UK are highly invested in weapons of war, the Jesuits of the Vatican are similarly invested in weapons for wars, and even the US Mil / Ind / Network is invested in war, and the Joint Chief support such. They even have to make little wars to keep these systems functional and funded. This was the ultimate debackle that JFK faced in moving the US toward Peace and not war. Camelot was peave movement, and lots of people didn't like the change in financial concept. ========= So, what else was going on around Nov. 12, 1963, this state dept brieting captures a good deal: http://www.jfklancer.com/cuba/11-12-63.html ============== http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_paperclip.htm#contents Citation: This operation was renamed Paperclip and formally authorized in August 1945 by President Harry Truman, who was assured that no one with “Nazi or militaristic records” would be involved. By mid-November, more Nazi scientists, engineers, and technicians were arriving in America, including Wernher von Braun and more than seven hundred other Nazi rocket scientists. By 1955, nearly a thousand German scientists had been granted citizenship in the United States and given prominent positions in the American scientific community. Many had been longtime members of the Nazi Party and the Gestapo, had conducted experiments on humans at concentration camps, used slave labor, and committed other war crimes. Von Braun, who in later years became the head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is one of the more recognizable names of the Paperclip scientists. Others included: Major General Walter Dornberger, a close associate of von Braun’s Werner Heisenberg, physicist and Nobel laureate who founded quantum mechanics gaseous uranium centrifuge expert Dr. Paul Harteck Nazi atomic bomb physicist and military project leader Kurt Diebner uranium enrichment expert Erich Bagge 1944 Nobel Prize winner Otto Hahn, called the “father of nuclear chemistry” scientists Carl Friedrich von Weizsaecker, Karl Wirtz, and Horst Korsching physicist Walter Gerlach CNN reporter Linda Hunt’s 1991 book Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945–1990 first revealed the extent to which Nazi infiltration was aided by persons within the U.S. federal government and military. ============ The Uranium Club: http://www.mphpa.org/classic/MP_Misc/Bohr_Heisenberg/bohr_3.htm ================== http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_nuclear_energy_project This particular NAZI reactor was a heavy water method that could well use natural uranium. But it was not the last of the NAZI persuits on nuclear projects: http://hubpages.com/hub/World-War-II-Nazi-Nuclear-Weapons-Project The reactors in Canada these days, the CANDU designs, work with natural uranium and D20 or Heavy water. ======================== More Generally: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_paperclip.htm#contents ============ The NAZI scientists brought to the US technological advantages that we are still working on to this day. The came up with ideas like photoelectric effect for uranium enrichment, which in the US took for form of the AVLIS project or the Atomic Vapor LASER isotope separator, which was first developed in Oak Ridge at the K-25 plant. http://www.fas.org/irp/doddir/doe/tguav1a.html The NAZI's were pretty advanced and also found that Thorium could be useful as a nuclear material, but it only needed a little boost with the addition of a slight amount of enriched uranium, either 235 or 233. This NAZI project involved a special reactor called The Bell, which had plates of thorium and carbon plate moderator that was not a contained system. This allowed all the fission fragments to ballistically escape the fissle elements surfaces and exit from the bottom of the large bell shaped container open at the bottom. The elements were likely suspended in chains or cables, as in their other designs. What this allowed was for extremely energetic near relativistic particles and rays to exit be bottom providing a lift like a rocket. The Bell was extremely dangerous to be around, as the radiation and fast gas emissions were deadly, but it did set the precident for nuclear methods to provide lift or flight. Other methods follow, using German discoveries like "Bremstralung effect from Beta Radiation to ionize air and this make it possible to drive it with MHD methods. Some of the first reactors at ORNL were suspended plate designs with water moderation, except they added classing by compessing the HEU between plates of aluminum. Today, China and India are in persuit of the Thorium type reactors, as the problems are less than for the uranium cycle and thorium is more abundant. Still other reactors used the Thorium Cycle like the MSRE at ORNL, which used Thorium blended with a little U-233 or plutonium and combined with sodium as a moderator. Other reactors like the Fireball ran nearly white hot temperatures and drew high level military visitors from Washington to see the spectacle. Oak Ridge had a building boom in reactors over the Nuclear Aircraft program that sought to do what the Glocken or Bell could do, Fly with nuclear energy. ORNL built tower shielding reactor to study the effects of radation and materials in air from a reactor suspended on 400 ft tall towers. Hitler called the Nuclear Projects in Germany the Nasty Jewish Science Nuclear business because of all the issues with pollutants, which they didn't seem to solve. It was solved later in the US via encapsulation methods, which limits doing methods like the Bell. So, lots of the nuclear airplane projects sought other methods. One of the best was the Bremstralung Effects to ionize air, later methods for space use Neutral Beam injector methods. ===================
  19. With less petty sniping----there might come understanding.
  20. Definitely on the CIA and the FBI (Johnson good ole boy with Hoover--next door neighbors) working hand in hand with the CIA. CIA was working that JFK was a traitor aspect for working back channels with Russia. IF JFK declaired national security risk, then all resources of the Govt. can work to both kill and hide why. JFK very close to the origins for the CIA. JFK Designs for Peace. CIA has much to hide from the days of OSS and Kermit Roosevelt. 1946-47 was a very interesting year for various sligh teacherous / deceitful tricks and cover ups, ala OSS, Kermit Roosevelt, Bloomfield, et al. 1946-47: It made a sort of unholy Trinity using Kabbalistic methods to shape human mindsets. 1. CIA crafted from OSS. CIA runs drug to kill money projects, and FBI Div 5 domestic info spin games. 2. Roswell White Sands human experiments, Neuremburg cover up, with NAZI Paperclip rocket guys and aircraft genius. 3. Israel crafted out of Palestine, as a Brit property as pay-off for Zionists.
  21. Hello Robert, It is rather an interesting tale. His biggest claim is to be a safe house operator and he follows along a like tale of Chauncy Holt per the Circus and faked ID things. Which may indicate spoofing. Yet, he seems to get down to the root issues with Permindex being the CIA to drug money recycler for CIA kill projects, and then DISC and DIV 5 counterintelligence being at the root of things and also gets into the ACCC Mexico things. All that is highly on target, and it tends to support insider information. He also supports the more reasoned issues of the main Mafia guys won't touch something this hot, as per being on the scene when it goes down. They'd keep a safe distance and let the CIA drug Permindex funds do the dirty work. Seems like little Permindex is though of as the WTC of today that the Arabs have such a deal about. Guess have to check what PERMINDEX morphed into these days. I'd say the Bin Laden gang would have been after these PERMINDEX linked issues of the present day.
  22. Bill, You are playing games again, twisting issues, not following points. Perhaps you need to read with a little better attention to detail. You have likely never come near the Manhattan Project interests and don't know diddly about such, but you assume you do. Everyone knows all the persons of Jewish relgion orientation are a huge mix, some smart, some not so intelligent, and most all of them know little to nothing on the JFK issue. However, when it comes to Zionism it gets into the issues of nation, it gets into the more extreme points of Talmudism that most Jewish people don't even know about, but they do in Israel. Zionism is not classical religion, it gets into the issues of lands, money and power only amoung the more efflient, and faked up nationality. And we all know that very often money and power corrupt absolutely. Just like anything else, there is a spectrum, but when money and nation gets involved it goes beyond just religion and that is when one gets into the smarter lot, the ones that will go to extremes in relgions, and we all know money corrupts absolutely. Nobody tends to worry about the poor folks, it is the rich ones that are the movers and shakers, and they play politics for gain. Make wars for profits, run the poor though a grinder to sell weapons. The beast ate them alive, and all were powerless to stop because it was all consuming, like a great Phoenx on the rage. Everyone saw what the power brokers interested in power, money, and control did to all those poor people in Weimar Germany. It isn't ever the little guys, but it is the big money players. Rothchilds love wars, like to increase their economic footprint. FDR captured the basic issues in his message called: "A Rendezvous With Destiny" Nothing has really changed between then and now----except this river you like to send everyone up, called DeNile. http://www.austincc.edu/lpatrick/his2341/fdr36acceptancespeech.htm The problems for the last 100 years stem from this dual nature of Talmudism that spun off both the economic Royalism of the Rothschilds, et al, verses the Social Communism set up by Marx, Trottsky and all the Russian Jewish players. That stryation has torn the world apart. Do I think this is a factor for motive in JFK, Yup, me and lots of others. But, I don't think a one of us blame all the common Jewish religion oriented folks. Most of them don't even know the extremes of the Talmud religious law, but some use that in other lands. Perhaps even here when it comes to drug profits in the US. In the US, things were on the upswing for economic Royalism, as explained by FDR and DDE, and JFK was making corrections which removed the power and economic games of the rich to restore a better life for Americans. The reason everyone on the JFK issue is here is because we know he worked for us, and we want those that worked against him exposed and the world to learn all about their extremes and oligarchic excesses. I am not sure what you want---- Most of us care more about learning all the motives, then perhaps move down to the little guys that got tossed a wad of money to do the dirty deeds for their money masters. But you apparently seek only the bottom of the ladder, and not even to want to learn of the bigger issues and games. So what if it is Lucien Sarti or James Files that pulled the trigger on the grassy knoll, I want to know their pay masters and the larger motives behind the JFK hit. The shooters are the least of our worries, but you seem to want only the shooter. I think large, looking at economic systems, follow the money, follow the power. You can think small, and try to float your small talk, but it falls on deaf ears for those looking at the issues of economic Royalism as it lies in bed with Zionism.
  23. This appears to be a self published book that has much mention of the Chicago Mafia and the DISC involvement with the JFK assassination. Also, involvements of PERMENDEX. Roderick A. MacKenzie, III is the author of a self-published book called: "The Men That Don’t Fit In: The Factual History of a Rogues Life from 1934 to 1967" (self-published, 2009, free download at: http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/PDFs/mackenzie_mendontfitin.pdf). http://paranoidsonline.blogspot.com/2011/03/last-man-standing.html ========================= http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/PDFs/mackenzie_eyesonly.pdf http://paranoidsonline.blogspot.com/2011/03/mackenzie-eyes-only-memo-zr-flatstore.html MacKenzie Eyes Only Memo “ZR-FLATSTORE” (12-9-61) Posted by Joan d'Arc at 10:50 PM The following document was mailed to me by U.S. post from Roderick A. MacKenzie on March 11, 2011 and I received it on March 17, 2011. The page was torn into 15 small pieces and placed in wax paper inside of a padded envelope. I pieced the document together and taped it on the same day I received it. The page is small, measuring only 5 and a half by 8 inches. It is stained in 3 spots by a yellow color, and appears to contain three original signatures, one in pencil and two in black marker. - Joan d’Arc (This document will be made available for analysis by the JFK research community. More details to be added.) The document reads as follows: DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Report No. ZR-72-40-63210 Date: 12-9-61 Area: ZR Sect.: 5 To: SecH2CIA Cd 2 9 Nwds, Sec. DIA SFHS ZR-Rfl. 21. Sec. FBI Div. V. ZR-Rfl. [paper is signed in pencil at top "Miami 40" with initials "LD" and in black marker "OK Zapata B."] EYES ONLY – EYES ONLY – EYES ONLY – EYES ONLY – EYES ONLY. TRASH BURN BOX – TRASH BURN BOX – TRASH BURN BOX. NO COPY – NO COPY – NO COPY – NO COPY – NO COPY – NO COPY. This day of 12-9-61 At __________ [handwritten, cannot read] D.I.A. Has auth. Formation of an Safe Area Project Under Supervision of Agent Mayer in Habana Central. To provide a SAFE HAVEN for Selected partys and persons under scrutiny of RAM ZR FLATSTORE / inactive Agents, Partys, Hot Indvls., for short periods to be trained in Carnival Arts under umbrla. INACTIVITY. Inactive Operatives will be under NEED TO KNOW CONDITIONS. The funding for this initial costs of formation and and mtnce. Of this BLK OP. will come from PETTY CASH directed from Permindex, Ltd. Of Toronto, Cn. To be fwd to Permindex fr. Dist. At Permindex Inc. New Orleans, La. Zl. (See Cover pages for Items and listing of NEEDS sup by MacKenzie, R. c/o Mc willi Habana, Cuba, El Presidanti Hotel. This Project is dubbed ZR-FLATSTORE and must be comp. by 3-5-196 . and be op under "HANDS ON" cont of MacKenzie at Chgo. And go to Gibsonton, Fl. Fr initial set up as SAFE ENVIRONMENT on midway of MacKenzies choice. Attn: Bertram, C. Permindex N.O., La. Clients will be directed under NOMAD Cntrl. Only. To safe haven at ZR-FLATSTORE to Learn skills on Carnival Games or Shows Mac Kenzie will form as per route (See Billboard Mag, Letter List and Ads under Agents Needed. Code No. 6969McKen. Due to nature of this project Blackout secrecy is in effect, Need to know parim only. NO RECORDS OR PAPERTRAIL WILL BE MADE. MacKen will mtn. Tel. Contact Nightly w/Agency th D. Graham and Roselli on all mtrs. Pert. To ZR-FLATSTORE and Clients will be directed through this mode of Info. Cmptzation is in effect on all levels in this project and NEED TO KNOW is in effect all the way. This order is in effect immediately. C.V. Mc Allevery / Case agnt. Route ZR-RIFLE, #5 [signature of Mc Allevery appears in black above name] Here is the scanned document as a PDF for all of our eyes: http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/PDFs/mackenzie_eyesonly.pdf http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/eyesonly.html
  24. Interesting aside bits of info on what human cost these V-2's and why the NAZI's were more than unpopular: The concentration camps for labor for V-2'a: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mittelbau-Dora Citation: Mittelbau-Dora (also Dora-Mittelbau and Nordhausen-Dora) was a Nazi Germany labour camp that provided workers for the Mittelwerk V-2 rocket factory in the Kohnstein, situated near Nordhausen, Germany. Approximately 60,000 prisoners from 21 nations (mostly Russians, Poles, and French) passed through Dora.[citation needed] An estimated 20,000 inmates died; 9000 died from exhaustion and collapse, 350 hanged (including 200 for sabotage), the remainder died mainly from disease and starvation.[2] The subcamps of Konzentrationslager Mittelbau (Concentration Camp Central Construction) eventually totalled more than 40. ========================== The V-2 rocket factory inside huge underground gypsum mine outside Nordhausen: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mittelwerk Citation: Having been warned to "expect something a little unusual in the Nordhausen area", and after previously entering the Nordhausen plant from the North through the Junkers Nordwerke, U.S. 3rd Armored Division and 104th Infantry Divisions reached the city of Nordhausen on 11 April 1945 and discovered the dead and sick of the Boelcke Kaserne[2]:264 barracks.[15] Compared to the V-2 rocket casualties (2,541 killed, 5,923 injured),[16] an estimated 20,000 Mittelbau-Dora forced laborers died: 9000 died from exhaustion and collapse, 350 were hanged (including 200 for sabotage), and the remainder died from disease or starvation (or were shot).[7]:72-74 ============= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordhausen The Mittelbau-Dora Nazi concentration camp was located on the outskirts of town during World War II to provide labor for the Mittelwerk V-2 rocket factory in the Kohnstein. On April 3 and 4 April 1945 three-quarters of the town was destroyed by bombing raids of the Royal Air Force, in which around 8,800 people died, including 1500 sick prisoners at the Boelcke Kaserne barracks within Nordhausen.[2] Earlier on August 24, 1944, 11 B-17 Flying Fortresses of Mission 568 bombed the airfield at Nordhausen as a target of opportunity.[3] On 11 April 1945, the Americans occupied the town, and on 2 July the Red Army took over. On 18 July the Soviet administration created the Institute Rabe to develop Soviet rocket technology on the basis of the substantially more sophisticated V-2 rockets ==================== The Germans with their "Vengence Weapons" and their Luftwaffa fire bomb raids on London pretty much made Churchill and others to throw eveything at Germany and not care what happened to civilian targets, or slave labor at weapons plants. +++ Unrestricted Bombing order for infrastructure and factories: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_bombing_directive Citation: The Area Bombing Directive (General Directive No.5 (S.46368/D.C.A.S)) was a 14 February 1942[1][2] order from the British Air Ministry directing RAF Bomber Command "...that the primary objective of your operations should be focused on the morale of the enemy civil population and in particular the industrial workers".[3] The directive listed a number of targets including the Ruhr area industrial cities of Cologne, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, and Essen as priorities.[4] The directive also stated that "You are accordingly authorized to employ your forces without restriction" which lifted the injunction placed on Bomber Command on 13 November 1941 ordering it to conserve its forces after the very heavy mauling it had suffered at the hands of Luftwaffe night fighters earlier that month.[5][6] =============== Comment: Allied air power decimated several major cities to get even with these Vengence weapons and the infrastucture problems pretty much shut down transportation and the ability to run everyday life. People were eating dead horses for food, and labor camps got much less. Diseases and starvation became rampant, and it was the Allied total infrastructure attacks that crippled Germany at that point. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Dresden_in_World_War_II Citation: The Bombing of Dresden was a military bombing by the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and the United States Army Air Force (USAAF) as part of the allied forces between 13 February and 15 February 1945 in the Second World War. In four raids, altogether 3,600 planes, of which 1,300 were heavy bombers, dropped as many as 650,000 incendiaries, together with 8,000 lb. high-explosive bombs and hundreds of 4,000-pounders.[1] In all more than 3,900 tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices were dropped on the city, the Baroque capital of the German state of Saxony. The resulting firestorm destroyed 15 square miles (39 square kilometres) of the city centre.[2] A 1953 United States Air Force report written by Joseph W. Angell defended the operation as the justified bombing of a military and industrial target, which was a major rail transportation and communication centre, housing 110 factories and 50,000 workers in support of the Nazi war effort.[3] However, several researchers have discovered that not all of the communications infrastructure, such as the bridges, were in fact targeted, nor were the extensive industrial areas outside the city centre.[4] Dresden was not the only city destroyed by the allies. The bombing of the larger city of Hamburg in 1943 created one of the greatest firestorms raised by the RAF and United States Army Air Force,[11] killing roughly 50,000 civilians in Hamburg and practically destroying the entire city. The Allies also bombed the smaller city of Pforzheim in 1945, killing roughly 18,000 civilians,[12], suggesting that the bombing raids over Dresden were actually not the most severe of World War II. ====== An aside: V-2 testing site like Cape Canaveral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peenem%C3%BCnde#V-2_Production_Plant ========== Comment: So, when the US took the German Rocket Scientists there was a real mixed bag of feelings over it all, in good part these Vengence Weapons set up the unrestricted bombing of cities and slave labor weapons factories. The Rocket Scientist were the roots of all the unrestricted bombing that took out major city centers, weapons factories and workers, and even tried to get into the Vengence weapons mines with special gasoline bombs to cook well down into these mine factories. So, nobody really spoke much of the Holocausets issues in books by Eisenhower and Churchill, but these came up with the issues from Neuremburg trials against the NAZIs after the war. It was mostly over the Prisoner Camps, and the extremely bad treatment of slave workers. It would also come up that Missle works caused the unrestricted bombing and the Allied methods were responsible for lots of deaths at work camp factories. It was never just Hitler killing people, there were lots of direct slave labor casulties of the war. Then it gets into people wanting reperations, and the issues of the Jewish orientation getting hit the hardest. Little was ever said in public but the Allied paid off these issue with the Brits. giving up Palestine and carving out Israel as payment for the harm done. There was more involved than just the Balfore Promiss note to the Rothchilds, as they wanted Israel to happen. In return for Israel, then all became Hitler's fault only, and the partly line that Hitler and the NAZIs were soly responsible for all the work camp deaths. The Allies were off the hook, and the Zionists got their long sought prize. The Six Million story was played out long before WWII, but this NAZI effect gave it real substance into the millions and it was not just Hitler killing people, as the Allied Bomber Campaigns did lots of damage too, both directly due to bombing and infrastructure effects on food and medicines. Some of the old news stories: http://iamthewitness.com/Crucifixion-of-Jews.html http://globalfire.tv/nj/04en/religion/6million.htm http://kentuckyannatruenews.blogspot.com/2009/08/six-million-jews-perished-in-1945-1938.html And there was even a book written to support this theme early in the 1900s. The precise 6 million number stems from interpretation of a religion text. ============= So, as we begin to reconnect these old information dots, for the public sector, on all that was happening the end of OSS time of 1946-47, we see a new Trinity effect, all connected to one central cover up theme, and the prime reason for the CIA: 1. The Paperclip NAZIs are imported into US in 1946 and human experiment at White Sands in 1947 using Nukes and human experiments for plane survival and flash effects with the scientists from Dachau, etc. doing more Neuremburg violations in the US. It is spun as Weather Ballons or UFO's and Aliens to conceal it, both designed to pull public attention off the real deal. 2. The CIA is spawned from the OSS and Kermit Roosevelts, BloomField and others ideas. They work with Mafia and run drugs to fund CIA Extrapolitical assassinations. 3. Israel is created out of British posession Palestine, as pay off for Allied deaths to Jewish elements in the war and Rothchild loans via Lord Balfour. Zionists, in return, tell their precise 6 million number religion theme, with all fault on Hitler, all victums gassed and creamated, and Allies are absolved of their role in the disaster. ========== The 1946-47 formation of Israel certainly caused great tensions in Middle East that persist to this day, from Israel's inception it was forecast that the Arabs would force the Jews into the Mediterranean, and they may well have if not for their Samson Option and US support with convential weapons. The stability in the Middle East has always been tenuous since Israel's inception, and many suggest this instabilty will ferment a WWIII. The Israeli played their trump card of getting their Jewish Nuclear Scientists pals, in the US's Manhattan Project, to give up the details for making atomic bombs. When the French gave up on the Dimona being a peaceful effort, the Israeli started stealing uranium from Apollo, Pa. Now, problems are more intense than ever and their exists an extreme imbalance of power in the region. Everyone knows the Russian spy operations against the US gathered Manhattan Project secrets almost as soon as they were invented. The Russians had a deeply planted spy, who had full access to the entire Manhattan Project secrets. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/12/us/12koval.html What few people know is the Zionist spys did much the same as problems over Israel came into perspective. Israel's spying is a little more unusual, as Israel is half economic Royalist and half Socialistic Communist, and this effect confusese many. Israel has stolen US secrets and turned right around and sold or given them to the other side. They frequently play both ends of the politic against the middle. When Israel came along, it made a religion into a National Country, and this caused a new intensity and extreme for relgion. Religions is supposed to be a belief orientation, not a cause for country so much. Correct thinking keeps religion separate from state, so that logic and reason dominate and not ole out of place beliefs for the current age. Similarly, when JFK entered the Presidential age, he was the youngest President, the First Catholic, and the First Irish associated President. For the Zionists this was a horror, as the Catholics called the Jewish as the Christ Killers for the longest time, and only in recent times, as the Zionists blamed the Catholics for the Holocaust, has the Catholic stance mellowed. Joe and Jack were still known for being more anti-semitic, and the Catholic orientation was fuel for their fire to hate JFK. Hitler got along with the Catholics, but not the Jewish. JFK got along with the NAZI NASA space efforts, and not well with the push for nuclear weapons, more wars by the Joint Chiefs, and the push for wars for profits by the Mil / Ind / Congressional Network, nor those of the economic Royalists in the sense of the Fed. Reserve being mainly Jewish Rothchild related economic Oligarchy. FDR captured this problem well with his June 27, 1936 speech in Philadelphia called: "A Rendezvous With Destiny" It was like a new Declaration of Independence, and Joe and Jack obviously paid attention to the epic FDR warnings. In the next decade these like interests would become one in the same with the DDE warning on the Congressional / Industrial / Congressional Network as these same economic Royalists sought to hide their assets and influence into corporations, which then purchased and elected their own politicians. So, both Congress and the Office of President no longer represented We the People, but was owned and operated by the Corperations and the Economic Royalists. This was the Beast that JFK faced as he was cutting the power back that the Beast possessed, just like in FDR's Philadelphia Speech suggested be done. Getting back to Nuclear power, which was funded by the Rothchild economic interests, For those many Jewish oriented or Zionist sympathetic in the Manhattan Project it was intended, by all the Jewish Scientists to blow up the NAZIs and Hitler himself, for their crimes against the Jewish of Europe. JFK's thrusting the German NAZI rocket scientists into highest prominence was a blow almost too much to tolerate. It was seen as JFK being like Hitler, like his Dad Joe, and anti-Jeweish. JFK was shutting down the Nuclear Weapons business. Suddenly, peace was killing the Bomb work, making the Manhattan Project as a burden to society, and elevating peaceful ideas of Man in Space as the highest of Human Asperations. The Jewish games for weapons for Israel, racketing up the Cold War for more money for nuclear weapons became a boondoggle, the new game was Peace Dividends under JFK. Israel was to suffer being pushed into the Mediterranean and the Manhattan Project to become a pariah relic of history not useful for peace in the JFK world order. =========== So, what has JFK tripped over in asking about UFOs from the NASA NAZI's. It appears he is told about the games of spoofing the public on NAZI war crimes in the US, the big pay off to the Zionists by the Allies giving up Israel, and what catapults the CIA into existance, and FBI's cover up on the mess. Yet there is one more obvious clue, coded but a finger points to the guilty parties and who started it. As a result of this mess, we end up with a terribly corrupted political system that is controlled by everyone's culpabilty in the various cover ups for national security interests. =========== A famous encoded Cryptogram from JFK: In a comment made to a NYC-Manhattan Columbia University class on Nov. 12, 1963, Ten days before his assassination, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy allegedly said: “The high office of the president has been used to foment a plot to destroy America’s freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizens of this plight.” +++++++++ http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/November-22-1963-Death-of-the-President.aspx Citation: Then, on November 12, he held the first important political planning session for the upcoming election year. At the meeting, JFK stressed the importance of winning Florida and Texas and talked about his plans to visit both states in the next two weeks. Mrs. Kennedy would accompany him on the swing through Texas, which would be her first extended public appearance since the loss of their baby, Patrick, in August. +++++++++ http://www.teslasociety.com/einstein.htm Above: Pupin Physics Laboratory at Columbia University (click here for more details). This building was named after Michael Pupin's death in 1935. 29 American Noble Prize Winners did their research in Pupin Physics Laboratory. Much of the early research on the Manhattan Project was done at Columbia University in Pupin Hall and at one time employed 700 people on the project. Tons of uranium were stored in warehouses in the Chelsea, Manhattan neighborhood; the Columbia football team was sometimes recruited to move it. ++++++++++ We all know that JFK avoided the shooting in Florida and took a helocopter flight, there were extensive warnings in both Fla. and Tx., and he took a dangerous calculated gamble that he well knew that he may note survive. Perhaps he felt that Nixon was setting him up, and a clue would be his last word. He wanted others to know of those behind the plot to kill he and his efforts to regain America's Freedom. It was his own prediction. XXXXXXXXX
  25. It appears that JFK was acting somewhat like Hitler breaking loose from economic crisis with JFK's US Notes. Could it be that JFK was freeing Americans from that same economic Royalists game that FDR warned everone about as getting too powerful? It was the Rothchilds banking games. I was noting Brother Nathaniel speaks to this issue: http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=585 Citation: Hitler began a public works program wherein workers were paid certificates of credit which were essentially receipts for labor delivered to the government. Hitler said, “For every mark issued, we require the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work.” These receipts, called “Labor Treasury Certificates,” (not unlike the currency framework of Alexander Hamilton’s credit system and Lincoln’s greenback solution), thwarted international Jewry’s monetary system, (not unlike the Fed’s currency arrangement now plaguing America.) ========== Could it be that we've overlooked something that perhaps sprouted Communism, but came in the back door to take over America from within? Here is a Quote from ( Nikita Kruschev ) made in 1961 " we do not have to destroy America with Missiles, America will destroy itself from within " In the Eisenhower Era were were concerned about Creeping Socialism, when perhaps we should have been watching creeping Zionism interests in highest Government positions. It was Jewish factions in Europe that proposed the concepts of Socialism or Communism, which took over the Russian areas of the Czar. In fact, many called Communism as Judaism for a long time. Perhaps those like methods are being used not by Socialism but other faction? ======== One of the most prevalent voices on the Internet and YouTube today is Brother Nathaniel. He even likes speaking about Michael Collings Piper's Book "Final Judgement": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKguWan_bMU ==== http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUG5Bd0qScg He also speaks up on many other things beyond the JFK issues linked to Zionism. Anyone thinking the problems ended with JFK, actually they had only just begun. ============== Yes--I know this is a questionable quote---but either JFK wrote it or someone knew a reason to tie it to this date that matches the UFO issues of the CIA. It is a very applicable quote. BEWARE MY FELLOW AMERICANS: “The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight” -- A dubious quote attributed to JFK 10 days before his assassination ============= Could it be that JFK herd the voice of FDR and his insightful messages about economic Royalty, in addition to the DDE warning: http://www.austincc.edu/lpatrick/his2341/fdr36acceptancespeech.htm Speech before the 1936 Democratic National Convention Philadelphia, Pennsylvania June 27, 1936 A Rendezvous With Destiny Citation: These economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of America. What they really complain of is that we seek to take away their power. Our allegiance to American institutions requires the overthrow of this kind of power. In vain they seek to hide behind the flag and the Constitution. In their blindness they forget what the flag and the Constitution stand for. Now, as always, they stand for democracy, not tyranny; for freedom, not subjection; and against a dictatorship by mob rule and the over-privileged alike. ======== JFK's father Joe put in the reforms that pulled the US out of the great stock market crash, so he knew all these issues so very well. This thinking was what sponsored the JFK US Notes. Refrain song: BEWARE MY FELLOW AMERICANS: “The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight” -- A dubious quote attributed to JFK 10 days before his assassination =============== For the folks wanting to Learn the JFK issues, I have outlined some of the methods to make the study interesting. It is a rather complicated group and this method helps everyone to remember their many associations. It is just a study method that helps the issues to stick in folks minds, as they connect the dots. One can look for the "Name Changers", as that always tends to find many of the issues associated. So, we not only find issues like Jack Ruby is Jacob Rubenstein, we also find the Rothchilds were Bauers of Germany. The list goes on and on, but the most interesting are Georges Mandel is Georgy Mandello, so he sounds Italian. But one can have fun looking for the others. The Name Changers really finds a lot of the players. Another fun thing is chase down the Masons and "33rd Degree Masons" involved. So you find folks like Hoover, Ford, Russell, Earl Warren, George Mandella and lots more. Another fun thing is chase down the "Gay Fellas" and you find all kinds of associations from Hoover and Tolson, to Clay Shaw, to Ferrie, to Cohen and the list gets interesting. Then one can look for the Zionists involved and even find a high Rabbi and Jesuit connections to the central group. When you get that far, "The JFK Murder Mystery" is Solved. These are just games for Internet Searches that help make the associations more memorable so everyone can connect the Dots for the JFK Conspiracy issues. Some of your readings will turn up how an American Jewish person named Adolph Schwimmer started the Israeli Air Force and you'll find another godfather (Credit T.R.): http://www.jpost.com/Features/InThespotlight/Article.aspx?id=224857 And some of the story isn't real pretty, but it shows how Israel's godfathers do business: http://blockyourid.com/~gbpprorg/judicial-inc/is_raeli_American_Traitors.htm Then for those seeking a little greater challenge for learning these issues become evident: This little research project will take you into the world of exploitive business and the world of Opium trading that the Jewish Sassoon Family started to exploit China, then how this trade was supplemented with the addictive properties of Nicotine by Britain and Big Tobacco ran the drugs and tobacco into China. We'll show you how all that stemmed from Cuba, the Germans and the British. The research project will help you connect the dots on not only drugs, but sugar and alcohol addition, sugar/cotton and slavery, sex trades and pornography, sugar and fluoridation, sex, glamor, and Hollywood Cinema. Soon you'll find how those that used the exploitation business plans propered more than others. You can see the effects of the Inquisitiions on these trades. The research finds Hitler's Bible on the Nordic Races or Aerian Race: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madison_Grant You can discover the term "Master Race" began with Slavery: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_race And in the present day we have the quest for which was the greater quest in sciences for the Arian Rockets or the Jewish Nuclear Science? 1. That for Man in Space and World Peace. or 2. That of a fearsome Nuclear Bomb intent on an Earthy New World Order quest for power, control, and money. IMHO, These are the tough questions for our plight as stewards of planet Earth. Obviously, JFK selected Peace over Nuclear Wars. =========== All the Likely Suspects "First they ignore you, then they attack you, then you win." Standard progression for exposing the real Crooks in the JFK assassination. Just look for the most attacked books and you find the truth, then you win. All the likely suspects, well most all of them, for the marginally competent citizen's enlightenments: http://www.rense.com/general89/isrole.htm AT PERMINDEX Clay Shaw - If New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison had been permitted to carry out an unimpeded investigation and prosecution of Shaw, a CIA contract operative and a former director of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans implicated in involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Guy Banister and other figures central to the JFK assassination conspiracy, Garrison would have divined Shaw's connections - through a shadowy corporation known as Permindex - to not only the Israeli Mossad, but also the international crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky. Louis M. Bloomfield - Based in Montreal, Bloomfield was a long-time intelligence operative and a front man for the powerful Bronfman family interests. The Bronfmans were not only key international backers of Israel but also long-time figures in the Lansky crime syndicate. Bloomfield, one of the foremost figures in the Israeli lobby in Canada and one of Israel's leading international operatives, not only served as the chief shareholder in the Permindex Corporation on whose board of directors Clay Shaw served, but also had intimate ties to American intelligence. Tibor Rosenbaum - One of the "godfathers" of the state of Israel and the first director for finance and supply for Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, Rosenbaum was a prime financial angel behind the Permindex corporation. His Swiss banking concern, the Banque De Credit International, also served as the chief European money laundry or the global crime syndicate of Miami-based crime chief Meyer Lansky. John King - A close business associate of Tibor Rosenbaum's protégé and sometime front man, Bernard Cornfeld, King showed up in New Orleans in the early stages of Jim Garrison's investigation-before Clay Shaw's name had come up-and sought to persuade Garrison (through a bribery attempt) to give up the inquiry. Fortunately he failed in his scheme. THE MOSSAD CONNECTION David Ben-Gurion - Prime Minister of Israel; resigned his post in disgust with JFK's stance toward Israel. in April of 1963; Said JFK's position threatened Israel's very survival. Yitzhak Shamir - A long-time Mossad officer (based largely at the Mossad's chief European office in Paris), Shamir headed the Mossad's assassination squad at the time of the JFK assassination. A former French intelligence officer has charged that Shamir himself arranged the hiring of JFK's actual assassins through a close ally in French intelligence. Menachem Begin - In 1963, Begin (later prime minister of Israel) was a roving Israeli diplomat; prior to JFK's assassination he was overheard conspiring with Meyer Lansky's California henchman, Mickey Cohen, in a conversation that suggested hostile intentions by Israel against the American president. Luis Kutner - Although known largely as a "mob lawyer," (who was long and closely associated with Jack Ruby, a sometime-client) Kutner also doubled as an international intelligence operative and functioned as an advisor to an ad hoc pro-Israel lobby group in the United States. A. L. Botnick - Head of the New Orleans office of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, an intelligence and propaganda arm for Israel's Mossad; a close associate of New Orleans-based CIA contract operative Guy Banister who helped create Lee Harvey Oswald's preassassination profile as a "pro-Castro" agitator. Evidence suggests that Banister's manipulation of Oswald may have been carried out under the guise of an ADL "fact-finding" operation. Arnon Milchan - Israel's biggest arms dealer, Milchan was "executive producer" (i.e. chief financial angel) of Oliver Stone's Hollywood fantasy about the JFK assassination-a fact which may explain Stone's aversion to exploring the Israeli connection to the affair. Maurice Tempeisman - The international diamond merchant and Mossad operative who became the lover of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and used his connections to double-perhaps triple-her substantial fortune, thereby co-opting the Kennedy family forever. THE CIA CONNECTION Rudolph Hecht - An owner of the CIA-linked Standard Fruit concern, Hecht was a prominent figure in the New Orleans Jewish community and as chairman of the board of directors of the International Trade Mart was Permindex board member Clay Shaw's primary sponsor. James Jesus Angleton - Angleton, the CIA's long-time chief of counterintelligence, was the CIA's primary high-level conspirator in the murder of President Kennedy and the subsequent cover-up. Angleton, who had been co-opted by and was totally loyal to the Israeli Mossad, played a major role in the effort to frame Lee Harvey Oswald. Final Judgment is the first JFK assassination study to delve into Angleton's role in the conspiracy. David Atlee Phillips - A long-time high-level CIA official, Phillips was the CIA station chief in Mexico City at the time a strange effort was underway to implicate Lee Harvey Oswald as a Soviet KGB collaborator. If anyone in the CIA knew the truth about Oswald, it was Phillips. He confessed publicly that the story about Oswald being in Mexico City was not precisely what the CIA had long claimed. E. Howard Hunt - Long-time CIA officer and liaison to the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Testimony by ex-CIA contract operative Marita Lorenz placed Hunt in Dallas, Texas the day before the president's assassination. The full truth about Hunt's actual involvement in the affair may never be known, but there is no question that Hunt was deeply involved in the intrigue surrounding the president's murder. Evidence does indeed indicate that there was a conscious effort to frame Hunt for involvement in the crime. Guy Banister -The former FBI agent-turned-CIA contract operative whose New Orleans office was a central point for international intrigue involving the CIA, the anti-Castro Cuban exiles and the anti-DeGaulle forces in the French Secret Army Organization (OAS). Under Banister's direction, Lee Harvey Oswald established a public profile for himself as a "pro-Castro" agitator in the streets of New Orleans. David Ferrie - An enigmatic adventurer and CIA contract operative, Ferrie was closely involved with Lee Harvey Oswald during Oswald's stay in New Orleans in the summer of 1963, working alongside Oswald out of Banister's headquarters. The investigation of Ferrie by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison ultimately led to Garrison's discovery of Permindex board member Clay Shaw's ties to both Ferrie and Oswald. Marita Lorenz - A former CIA contract operative, she testified under oath that one day prior to the assassination of President Kennedy she arrived in Dallas in an armed caravan of CIA-backed Cuban exiles who were met by not only Jack Ruby, who later killed Lee Harvey Oswald, but also CIA official E. Howard Hunt. Guillermo & Ignacio Novo - Two brothers, veterans of the CIA-backed Cuban exile wars against Fidel Castro. According to Marita Lorenz, the Novo brothers were part of the armed caravan that arrived in Dallas one day before the assassination of President Kennedy. Many years after Dallas, the Novos were later convicted of participating in the murder of a Chilean dissident in collaboration with international adventurer Michael Townley who himself had ties to high-level figures implicated in the JFK conspiracy. John Tower - In 1963 Tower was a newly-elected Republican U.S. Senator from Texas with close ties to the CIA. Shortly after the assassination he told associates of his own inside knowledge of the bizarre story of what really happened in Dealey Plaza. The story told by Tower suggests strongly that there were many unseen forces at work, manipulating many of the key players in the JFK assassination conspiracy. It was not until the release of Final Judgment that Tower's name was ever connected to the mystery surrounding the JFK assassination. Victor Marchetti - A high-ranking CIA official who left the agency in disgust, Marchetti later made a career writing about the CIA. In a 1978 article he charged that the CIA was about to frame its long-time operative, E. Howard Hunt, with involvement in the JFK assassination. A libel suit resulting as a consequence of Marchetti's article resulted in a climactic finding by a jury that the CIA had been involved in the assassination of the president. Robin Moore - A journalist with long-standing close ties to the CIA, Moore co-authored former CIA man Hugh McDonald's book, LBJ and the JFK Conspiracy which promoted James Jesus Angleton's false claim that the KGB was behind the president's murder-another of the disinformation stories that emerged following the assassination. THE LANSKY SYNDICATE Meyer Lansky - Chief executive officer and de facto "treasurer" of the international crime syndicate; active in gun-running on behalf of the Israeli underground; collaborated closely with American intelligence on a number of fronts; later settled in Israel. Researchers who have claimed that "the Mafia Killed JFK" have pointedly refused to acknowledge Lansky's preeminent positioning in the underworld. Carlos Marcello - The head of the Mafia in New Orleans, Marcello owed his status to Meyer Lansky who was his chief sponsor in the crime syndicate. Marcello could not have orchestrated the JFK assassination-as some suggest-without Lansky's explicit approval. Seymour Weiss - Meyer Lansky's chief bagman and liaison with the political establishment in Louisiana, he later served as a director of the CIA-linked Standard Fruit company and may actually have been a high-ranking CIA contract operative in New Orleans at the time of the JFK assassination. Sam Giancana - The Mafia boss of Chicago, Giancana was a player in the CIA-Mafia plots against Castro; later murdered, probably at the behest of Santo Trafficante, Jr. His family says that Giancana admitted having been involved in the planning of the JFK assassination. Santo Trafficante, Jr. - Although best known as the head of the Mafia in Tampa, Trafficante actually functioned as Meyer Lansky's chief lieutenant in the crime syndicate and as Lansky's liaison with the CIA in the Castro assassination plots. Johnny Rosselli - A roving "ambassador" for the Mafia, Rosselli was the primary conduit between the CIA and the mob in the plots against Fidel Castro; may have arranged the murder of Sam Giancana for Trafficante and was later murdered himself. Mickey Cohen - Meyer Lansky's West Coast henchman; Jack Ruby's role model and a gun-runner for the Israeli underground, Cohen collaborated closely with Israeli diplomat Menachem Begin prior to the JFK assassination;. Cohen arranged for John F. Kennedy to meet actress Marilyn Monroe who was assigned the task of finding out JFK's private views and intentions toward Israel. Jack Ruby - A long-time functionary for the Lansky syndicate, Ruby was the Lansky connection man in Dallas and also engaged in CIA-linked gunrunning to the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Evidence suggests there is more to Ruby's sudden "death" than meets the eye. Jim Braden - A veteran personal courier for Meyer Lansky, Braden was almost assuredly in contact in Dallas with Jack Ruby prior to the JFK assassination. He was briefly detained in Dealey Plaza minutes after the president's murder, but those JFK assassination researchers who have mentioned Braden prefer to cast him as a "Mafia" figure rather than as Lansky's man on the scene in Dallas. Al Gruber - A henchman of Meyer Lansky's West Coast operative, Mickey Cohen, Gruber and Ruby spoke by telephone just shortly before Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald. It is believed that Gruber gave Ruby the contract on Oswald on behalf of his superiors. THE FRENCH CONNECTION Charles DeGaulle - Repeatedly targeted for assassination by Israeli-allied forces in French intelligence and in the Secret Army Organization (OAS) who were angry that DeGaulle had granted independence to Arab Algeria. The Mossad-sponsored Permindex operation that also had a hand in the murder of JFK, laundered money used in the assassination attempts on DeGaulle. Georges deLannurien - High ranking official in the SDECE, the French intelligence agency; pinpointed by a former French intelligence officer as the individual who (at the best of Mossad assassinations chief Yitzhak Shamir) contracted the hit team who killed JFK in Dallas. Michael Mertz - A former French SDECE officer and the Paris connection for the Lansky-Trafficante heroin syndicate; alleged to have been one of the actual gunmen in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Said by some to be the legendary CIA contract killer, QJ/WIN. Jean Soutre - A liaison for the French OAS with the CIA's E. Howard Hunt, Soutre maintained contact with Guy Banister's CIA- and mob-linked gun-running headquarters in New Orleans. Soutre may have been in Dallas at the time of the JFK assassination. There is evidence linking Soutre to James Jesus Angleton's intrigue inside the CIA that affected French intelligence in a dramatic way. Thomas Eli Davis III - A world-traveling mercenary with apparent links to both Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald, Davis was taken into custody by the Algerian government for his subversive activities alongside Israeli agents in supplying weapons to the French OAS just prior to the JFK assassination. It is said that CIA operative QJJWIN (possibly Michael Mertz, one of the reputed assassins of President Kennedy) helped secure Davis's release from prison. Geoffrey Bocca - A former propagandist for the OAS, Bocca later co-authored former CIA contract agent Hugh McDonald's book, Appointment in Dallas, which pointed the blame for the JFK assassination away from those who were actually responsible-the first of two suspect books put out by McDonald. Christian David - A French Corsican criminal associated with reputed JFK assassin Michael Mertz, David has claimed knowledge of a French hit team involved in the JFK assassination. David himself was the chief suspect in the murder of a Moroccan dissident, Mehdi Ben-Barka, whose killing was orchestrated by the Israeli Mossad through anti-DeGaulle forces in French intelligence. TRUTH SEEKERS Mark Lane - Retained by Lee Harvey Oswald's mother to represent her son's interests before the Warren Commission, Lane's book Rush to Judgment was the first major critique of the Warren Commission Report. In a libel suit filed against The Spotlight newspaper by former CIA operative E. Howard Hunt, Lane proved to the satisfaction of a jury that the CIA had indeed been involved in the JFK assassination. His best-selling book Plausible Denial outlined the circumstances of that libel suit and its ultimate conclusion. Gary Wean - A former detective on the Hollywood beat of the Los Angeles Police Department, Wean discovered how Meyer Lansky's West Coast henchman, Mickey Cohen, was conspiring against John F. Kennedy on behalf of the Israelis. In a meeting with the former sheriff of Dallas County, Bill Decker, Wean learned a portion of the truth about what really happened in Dallas. NEWS TWISTERS Edgar & Edith Stern - Close friends of Clay Shaw, major financial backers of the pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, and owners of the WDSU media empire in New Orleans that not only played a major role in giving vast publicity to Lee Harvey Oswald's preassassination profile as a "pro-Castro agitator" but later sought to undermine Jim Garrison's investigation of Clay Shaw. Johann Rush - As a young WDSU cameraman, Rush was on the scene to record Oswald's "pro-Castro" activities. He emerged-many years later-as the brains behind a "computer-enhanced" version of the famous Zapruder film of the JFK assassination that author Gerald Posner cited as "proof' that Oswald acted alone in the president's murder. Drew Pearson - Accused by his own mother-in-law of being a "mouthpiece" for the pro-Israel ADL, Pearson had close ties to not only the Israeli lobby, but also the CIA and to President Lyndon Johnson and his cronies. It was Pearson who floated an unlikely story that Fidel Castro was behind the JFK assassination and who also played a major influence in shaping Earl Warren's perceptions of the tragedy. Jack Anderson - As protégé of Drew Pearson, Jack Anderson likewise had strange connections that might have biased his own reportage on the JFK affair. Since 1963 Anderson has promoted a number of conflicting versions about "who really killed JFK" ranging from "the Mafia" to Fidel Castro or a combination of both. Jack Newfield - A liberal columnist and some-time JFK assassination buff, Newfield has been a likewise long-standing devotee of Israel. He made a big splash with a highly fantastic story that missing Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa had "ordered" two Mafia figures to arrange the killing of President Kennedy. Not surprisingly, Newfield's ridiculous story was given wide play in the Establishment media. THEORISTS AND/OR PROPAGANDISTS? Oliver Stone - His Hollywood extravaganza, JFK, gave the public a fullblown, full-color, gory-in-every-detail conspiracy theory on the JFK assassination. Yet, Stone's presentation of the conspiracy was far from complete and failed to reach any firm conclusions. He deliberately suppressed the "French connection" which, in turn, was the long-hidden Israeli connection. Not only was Stone's chief financial backer Israel's leading arms dealer but also his film distribution company had its origins in the Lansky crime syndicate. What's more, one of the chief shareholders in the film company was none other than Bernard Cornfeld, long-time associate of Permindex figure Tibor Rosenbaum Frank Mankiewicz - This former publicist for the Israeli Mossad-linked Anti-Defamation League had a peculiar part in the events that took place prior to the murder of Robert F. Kennedy. Then when Oliver Stone began promoting his film JFK, Mankiewicz popped up as his key public relations man. Anthony Summers - Author of one book hinting that the Kennedy family were responsible for the death-maybe the murder-of actress Marilyn Monroe, Summers wrote another book on the JFK conspiracy. In neither book did Summers reveal explosive information (of which he was aware) that could have helped point the direction of those same forces which played a part in both crimes. Robert Morrow - A former CIA contract operative who played a major role in activities on the periphery of the JFK assassination conspiracy, Morrow's book on his experiences is rife with detail, yet suspect in the eyes of many who had looked into his claims. Morrow's book absolves the key CIA conspirator, James J. Angleton, of involvement in the JFK conspiracy and portrays him as being "out of the loop" when, in fact, precisely the opposite was true. Is it a coincidence that Morrow's book publisher is an American affiliate of an Israeli publishing company? G. Robert Blakey - An unlikely choice to serve as director of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, Blakey had, just two years previously, served as a character witness for a long-time close associate of crime boss Meyer Lansky. When it came time to point the blame in the JFK assassination, Blakey targeted Lansky's protégé, New Orleans Mafia boss, Carlos Marcello, but looked no further. Blakey, likewise, found no role by the CIA-or any other intelligence agency-in the JFK assassination. David Scheim - The author of a book that pins the murder of President Kennedy on "the Mafia," Scheim refuses to acknowledge Permindex board member Clay Shaw's intelligence connections and paints Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky as a low-level syndicate figure with no influence of substance. Scheim's book was published by the American front for an Israeli publishing company. Richard Billings - A journalist with close ties to the CIA, Billings played a major role in the media's campaign to undermine New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's investigation of Clay Shaw. Billings emerged as the prime promoter of the outlandish theory that Garrison was a Mafia front man trying to take the focus off the Mafia and direct the attention toward the intelligence community. James DiEugenio - Although a deep admirer of both John F. Kennedy and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, DiEugenio has tread lightly when inquiring into the ties between Clay Shaw and the Permindex operation with its multiple links to the Israeli Mossad and the crime syndicate. Peter Dale Scott - His years of in-depth research on the JFK assassination have led him directly to the doorstep of the CIA, the Mossad and the Lansky Crime Syndicate, yet he has never been prepared to name names or point in the direction of those very forces, preferring to sidestep the issue. ================== This is pretty good list for the players in the JFK hit and cover up. He left off a few of the essentials like "George Mandel" aka "Mantello". But he gets "Bloomfield" and "Rosenbaum". These three are the "Godfathers" for Israel's very existance. They are the upper eschelon for the JFK hit, this was the JFK hit "High Command". This list leaves off "William King Harvey", as he is right in the middle of these three as US Rome CIA associations. But from this group you find the PERMINDEX and the BCI money laundry methods per Rome, the Diamonds and Drugs trading, and the Mossad supply line. The problem was all these old OSS connected types never really went away, like the old saying: "once in the company, always in the company." They were always working the intelligence system for some of their goals. They took a wrong turn when the goals became the killing of a US President that became America's National Hero. Then we have to toss in Lucien Sarti and the Corsicans, as these High Command crooks wanted the ultimate in compartmentalization and killers that would not talk. That way nobody knew who order the hit, supplied the money, saw them in Dallas, or could connect them with CIA. The CIA is so full of leaks that no secrets are ever kept with them. The safe bet on kill operations is total disconnect from CIA and hire the Corsicans, which King Harvey liked. IMHO, When these High Command types connected to Hungarian Benevolence kill the American President Kennedy all their good deeds went away, as they became Criminals against America. They plunged the US into a 30 year cold war that cost the US trillions of dollars to promote their Dirty Deeds cover ups. They became the ultimate Nemisis for American's Freedom, Peace and Prosperity. No one should be swayed from exposing these Crooks who used every trick in the book to evade detection, but the truth always has a way of appearing. And that Truth will set America Free from the Criminal Elements that wished it ill for nearly 50 years now. Americans will not longer be marginally competent on the subjust of the JFK assassination, as the one true story is coming forth from all the Chaos and Noise the Crooks used to conceal it. =========
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