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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. This couldn't be a post by Steven Gaal. It's way too succinct and comprehensible. --Tommy Btw, was Straus's only business partner a Rothschild? Is that why Gaal wrote "the Straus business partner" rather than "a business partner" ?
  2. Well, that proves it. The Illuminati killed Kennedy. --Tommy
  3. Dear Vanessa, What kind of evidence regarding cameras do you expect Greg to produce? Respectfully, --Tommy
  4. After the assassination, photographer George Smith was at Parkland Hospital, taking photos of its exterior. Sometime before 2 pm, Smith went to the Sheriff's office on Houston Street and stopped at the press office. From there, he went to the Schoolbook building. He took a photo that showed the Hertz clock on top of the building. The time was 2:19 pm. Nearly two hours after the assassination. He then took two pictures of the tramps. He then took some photos of officers Barnett and Smith, those are the famous "Dr. Pepper bottle" and the long paper sack photos. According to Lee Bowers, it was approximately 90 minutes after the shooting when a freight train was leaving the rail yard. Bowers stopped that train to give police officers a chance to examine it. That's when the three tramps were apprehended by the police. According to Richard Trask, author of "Pictures of the Pain," the tramps were arrested sometime after 2:19, and actually closer to 2:30 pm. The tramps arrest report was written up at 4:00 pm. Now. Let's get to your proof that, Brian, that the tramps were arrested sooner than 2:00. That's right, Mark. The guys who were most likely in postal inspector Harry D. Holmes' fifth-floor Terminal Annex CIA / ONI command center would have gone home by then, or gone bowling, perhaps. Maybe Lansdale knew a shortcut and decided to walk there. --Tommy
  5. Yes, Robert. It's a conspiracy. Now, for my answer to your question: Nobody saw Marion Baker run into the TSBD, except those liars Billy Lovelady and William Shelley. Nobody! And Darnell / Couch stopped filming too soon, darn it. --Tommy
  6. Dear Robert, I didn't know that Dr. Harry Holmes (real name Herman Webster Mudgett) was a mass murderer in 1893! My God, Didn't the Postal Service know? --Tommy Ah ha! His middle name was "Webster", as in Robert E. Webster !!!
  7. OMG! Oswald was taking the first selfie! --Tommy
  8. Great post, John. Just out of curiousity, how did you find out about the knocking on the door which brought the interview to an end? Thanks, --Tommy
  9. Dear Mr. Tidd, Are you trying to educate us? Why don't you just tell us who you think had JFK killed, and why? --Tommy I got it! I got it! Barack Obama doesn't want us to know the truth! The Kennedy family? ... Christina Onassis??? Oh that's right. She's dead. Hmmm....
  10. Why do you say " ex-Navy man Joe Molina might have been a part of this [alleged ONI-protected gun running operation allegedly being run out of the TSBD] " ? Because he had been in the Navy? --Tommy
  11. Dear Mr. Tidd, Are you trying to educate us? Why don't you just tell us who you think had JFK killed, and why? --Tommy
  12. Do you think it's significant that they knew each other? Why even mention it? Just curious. I guess it was Vince Palmara who implied that it was suspicious!!! " [...] Holmes was a friend of John Martin, a man who also worked in the same building who took a film on that fateful day ("Pictures of the Pain", p. 574). And now we know he [Holmes] found a piece of President Kennedy's skull on Elm Street---which he then DISCARDED---and he analyzed the Zapruder film on NOVEMBER 22, 1963!!! " --Tommy
  13. John Martin was a postal worker who worked in the Terminal Annex Building. Harry Holmes was a postal inspector whose office was in the Terminal Annex Building. Is it really all that suspicious that they should know each other? --Tommy
  14. I wonder what Holmes' excuse was for having an open line to Washington during the assassination? His plaza-facing office on the fifth floor of the Terminal Annex Building would have made an excellent observation center / command center. It's interesting that the W.C. lawyer already seemed to know that Holmes was watching the motorcade through binoculars. Mr. HOLMES. As it came out of Main Street, the President was sitting on the right in the back seat. His wife was on the left. Governor Connally, whom I also recognized, was sitting on the right of the middle seat. Mr. BELIN. Were you looking with the aid of any optical instrument? Mr. HOLMES. I had a pair of 7 1/2 x 50 binoculars. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/holmes1.htm View from that side of the Terminal Annex Building: Thanks, --Tommy PS I wonder why keen observer Holmes didn't notice the same guy Jesse C. Price saw running very fast through the Grassy Knoll parking lot immediately after the assassination? bumped
  15. Interesting question. SOP was that no informant should know who else was an informant but it seems that the PO was infested with them. Cops have been known to swap badges.( sorry but you know it's true ( < to no one on the forum)). Harry had an intimate relationship with the local law enforcement groupings, the DPD, the FBI etc, plus he was a hop skip and jump from the top brass in the CIA. Personally I think that DA T7 that clearly indicates HDH is correct (but further scrutiny is obviously needed) slipped through the cracks and it took some time for someone to pick it. Other assassination witnesses are Price (PO, (TA)), an unidentified secretary according to HDH within 30 feet of the killshot, and a couple of others I think, that for the moment slips my mind. Likewise Bell took the end of his film from what seems to be (when looking at photos of the TA from the TSBD building and vice versa) from HDH's suggested office, ending with a lingering shot on the fifth floor of the Dallas Court buiding from where one can reasonably assume that another FBI informant passed on info to the FBI about prisoner claims that the PO should be looked at, the prisoners dispersed, Fay Leon Blunt, after the WC volumes came out, again contacted the FBI because nothing had been done about his initial report, then he disappears off the radar and his contribution binned till found in an off room box by a diligent researcher given access to newly released records. DA T1 also figures prominently so the possibility of a typo is there too. Very confusing, a bit like a jigsaw puzzle with bits missing that shouldn't be missing unless someone else has messed with it. You are something else, Steven. Just because I refused to pay to read the 1910 newspaper article you posted, and suggested that it was irrelevant to the assassination because it was published fifty-three years before it, does that mean I think there was no connection between the ONI and the assassination? You are unbelievable. I think you actually wanted me to respond like that so you would have an "excuse" to accuse me of saying something I didn't say. --Tommy
  16. Wow. A newspaper article from 1910, fifty-three years before the assassination, which you have to pay to read. Way to go, Steven. Great research. Thanks for sharing. --Tommy
  17. I wonder what Holmes' excuse was for having an open line to Washington during the assassination? His plaza-facing office on the fifth floor of the Terminal Annex Building would have made an excellent observation center / command center. It's interesting that the W.C. lawyer already seemed to know that Holmes was watching the motorcade through binoculars. Mr. HOLMES. As it came out of Main Street, the President was sitting on the right in the back seat. His wife was on the left. Governor Connally, whom I also recognized, was sitting on the right of the middle seat. Mr. BELIN. Were you looking with the aid of any optical instrument? Mr. HOLMES. I had a pair of 7 1/2 x 50 binoculars. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/holmes1.htm View from that side of the Terminal Annex Building: Thanks, --Tommy PS I wonder why keen observer Holmes didn't notice the same guy Jesse C. Price saw running very fast through the Grassy Knoll parking lot immediately after the assassination?
  18. Even better: "You're our spy, Oswald" (fingers crossed behind back) "We're gonna have you go through Helsinki, okay?" ( heh heh heh) --Tommy
  19. Tommy, the things you cite would be more accurately described as evidence he was a spy, courier or asset. Whatever, Greg. You win. Tommy, c'mon... how can you say the dude knew to go via Helsinki and therefore that's evidence that he was being duped into believing he was a spy? Give me evidence he was duped! "You're our spy, Oswald. (heh heh heh). We're gonna have you go through Helsinki, okay?" (heh heh heh) --Tommy
  20. Tommy, the things you cite would be more accurately described as evidence he was a spy, courier or asset. Whatever, Greg. You win.
  21. "These Two Lanuage Children Studies" -- Gaal What language do you speak, Steven? --Tommy
  22. Greg, What kind of "evidence" would you expect to find if I'm right that Oswald had been falsely led to believe by CIA / ONI that he was going to be a spy or a "dangle" in Russia? Would a "preponderance of circumstantial evidence" count? For example, my scenario might explain why Oswald chose to enter Russia via Helsinki, why he was not arrested on the spot in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow for threatening espionage / sabotage against the U.S., and why he was not arrested upon his return to the U.S. Could it be that the CIA / ONI arranged these things because it had bigger plans for him -- to use him as a "crazy, Marxist, defector-to-Russia, "patsy" in any possible future "dirty work" that might require such a "Crazy Commie" patsy during those Cold War years? --Tommy
  23. Not manipulated beyond the run-of-the-mill manipulation we are all subjected to throughout our lives re loyalty, for Uncle Sam / king and country and all the rest of it... He was not a spy (as such). If he collected information, it was information which was legal to obtain and to have. He was a courier initially. Dear Greg, I'm not saying he was a spy. I'm saying he thought he was a spy. Respectfully, --Tommy On what basis, Tommy? What do you mean on what basis? Oswald could easily have been led, by the CIA / ONI, to think that they were going to use him as a spy / dangle in Russia. "The KGB is really gonna be interested in you because you worked as an Aviation Electronics Operator with the U-2 spy plane and you know how high it flies, and its codes and all about our new height-finding radar and everything. We're hoping they'll try to recruit you to work for them, and then we'll have you feed 'em a bunch of bad information! All we want you to do right now is get into Russia via Helsinki and defect to the Russians and threaten to commit espionage / sabotage against the U.S. an get in place and see what happens." (Heh heh heh) For example. --Tommy
  24. Dear Mark, Do you understand what I'm saying? The CIA / ONI didn't didn't use Oswald as a spy or even try to use Oswald as a spy. The CIA / ONI just wanted Oswald to believe that he would its spy in Russia so that he would defect, or at least try to defect, to that country in order to get in place for his "spy" work. Why? So that as a future patsy he would appear to be a crazy, "odd duck" Marxist who had defected to Russia. Respectfully, --Tommy
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