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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. How do we KNOW that for a "fact", Jon? Just because you say so? Or just because a disk jockey on the radio said so? I heard another report that said the temperature in Simsbury got up to 69 degrees. So who should I believe? See there? I just started a debate about the Simsbury weather. There's nothing that can't be debated. Even "facts" are debated all the time. Because somebody will always come forth to claim that the thing you say is a rock-solid "fact" is not really a "fact" at all. It's merely a "manufactured fact". (That sounds familiar to JFK researchers, doesn't it?) For instance, I maintain that it's a "fact" (proven by the various documents in evidence) that Lee Harvey Oswald ordered the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle in March 1963. But many conspiracists will argue with me all day long about how that "fact" isn't a fact at all. Far from it, they'll say. Waldman Exhibit No. 7 is a complete fraud, they'll say. And Oswald's handwriting was forged on all the documents relating to the rifle purchase. I, however, will still maintain until the world comes to an end that it's a "fact" that Oswald ordered that rifle and was shipped Rifle #C2766 by Klein's Sporting Goods in 1963. But CTers will always disagree. Hence, what I consider to be an undeniable "fact" becomes the subject for a "debate". As I said, it never ends. And do you think it ever will? And do you think it ever COULD? Whom, David, whom. Whom should you believe? But I think I agree with you in principle. We all cherry pick, LNers and CTers alike. --Tommy
  2. So if the calibrating devices are, themselves, inaccurate, one cannot trust the readings of the devices they are supposed to calibrate... --Tommy
  3. So one must measure (calibrate) the measuring device with other measuring devices, and.... --Tommy
  4. Mark, Thanks for the timeline. Great work so far. But... Is there a "typo"? Edit: Never mind -- I understand. Interesting point actually. --Tommy
  5. As long as the thermometer was working properly... --Tommy
  6. If one accepts your suggestions here, then NO evidence can ever be trusted to be 100% genuine, Which if true I guess means that LNers as well as CTers (like me) must "cherry pick" the evidence we use to support our theories. --Tommy
  7. So where, approximately, was JFK's limo when Weigman "captured" Prayer Man on film? According to this impressive-looking animation, JFK's limo was pretty darn close to the fatal head shot position when Weigman's car was passing in front of the TSBD. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/animation.htm --Tommy
  8. Just out of curiousity -- Where was JFK's limo when Weigman "captured" Prayer Man on film? http://www.jfk-info.com/paschall.htm --Tommy
  9. Question: Why would a liberal / radical U.S. citizen living in New Orleans or Dallas visit a "local chapter" in another city instead of corresponding by mail? So he or she could spend extra money on travel and accommodations and worry that the FBI might follow them / take photographs of them entering and leaving the "subversive" offices (which the FBI may not have done, but which could "reasonably" be expected by the typical paranoid / paranoiac U.S. "Marxist / Communist") ? --Tommy
  10. Dear Robert, Maybe Prayer Man fired some kind of high-tech, silenced gizmo gun held like a camera. --Tommy PS You did suggest that we start thinking "outside the box," right?
  11. Dear Larry, Wasn't he chief of station in Montevideo, Uruguay, at some point? That was probably much earlier, though. --Tommy PS I wonder if one of his pseudos was "Lawrence R. Charron".
  12. Lee Harvey Oswald was waving a "sparkler," knowing it would be caught on film and prove his innocence. --Tommy
  13. Firecrackers Firecrackers Hi Tommy You must have nerves of steel - if a firecracker went off next to me I would definitely react. It was a dud? I don't know. Maybe his cheese sandwich was luminescing [sp?]. It's hard to tell what Lee Harvey Oswald was holding in his hands.
  14. Good Intelligence operatives always dress properly for "the occasion".
  15. Mark, I agree. It's obvious that the bad guys chose the two "Schweikers" when they were only eight years old and those clever devils somehow knew that the two boys would grow up looking just enough alike to fool lots and lots of witnesses many years later. Hey, did you say Lithuania.....? Isn't that in the..... Balkans? No? Then how about "Eastern Russia" ....??? --Tommy
  16. Maybe Prayer Man was part of a "pretend" assassination and was trying to light firecrackers for the "gunshot" audio effects, but couldn't get them lit. --Tommy
  17. In this photo the third tramp certainly looks like he smells something. And the lady seems to be holding her nose. For what it's worth, Dallas policeman Marvin Wise said that the paper bag "Abrams" was carrying at the time this photo was taken contained "a bar of soap, a shirt, a towel/rag, and a can of spam or vienna sausage," according to page 3 of this 3/8/92 FBI report: http://jfkassassinationfiles.com/fbi_124-10179-10310 Wise said that it had also had a new-looking jackknife in it when the three men were detained in the coal car of the train, but that he (Wise) had removed it and put it in his own waist band. --Tommy PS I guess the bag looks big enough to have all those things in it. Either that or a very low frequency radio transmitter/receiver. LOL
  18. Dear David, It seemed to me that one of the things that you and Valenti were debating was whether or not Wise took the three tramps "Abrams, Doyle, and Gedney" from Sheriff Decker's office to Police Captain Fritz in Homicide and then back to the Sheriff Decker's Office. That's all I was trying to clear up. I don't pretend to be anything like the great researcher that you obviously are. Mahalo, Peace, Shalom, --Tommy PS You're absolutely right. I should have said "paranoiac," instead.
  19. Dear David, If you would make the huge effort to click on the link I provided, you could read the complete report of the FBI's interview of Marvin Wise. Here it is again, just to make it real easy for you: http://jfkassassinationfiles.com/fbi_124-10179-10310 And if you were to take on the herculean task of actually reading the report, you would see that Chamber's name is mentioned several times in it. Just because I didn't include Chamber's name in my "narrative", don't get even more paranoid than you may already be. --Tommy
  20. Were any other prisoners kept in the cells near Abrams, Doyle, and Gedney? --Tommy
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