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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Nope, that couldn't be him, Greg. According to his obituary, our William George Gaudet died in 1981 at the age of 72: http://www.jfk-online.com/jpswgobit.html See also: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=60685548 --Tommy Hmmm. Damn doppelgangers are everywhere! Yes, Greg. The problem is, they will probably try to incorporate these two "William G. Gaudets" into the Harvey and Lee and Henry, Too theory! --Tommy PS The funny thing is Mr. Jon G. Tidd believes in Harvey and Lee, but says the CIA didn't kill Kennedy. Go figure. Anyway, it would sure be nice to see a photo of William George Gaudet (born 1908, died 1981) some day. It's fascinating that his name was the only one excluded from the short list of 9/17/63 New Orleans "tourist card" recipients the Mexican Government sent to the American authorities after the assassination... Gaudet's Mexican "F.M. 8 Card" number was 24084, and Oswald's was 24085. Cards numbered 24087 and 24086 (a Mr. and Mrs. de Men), and cards 24082 and 24083 (a Mr. and Mrs. North) are described in detail, but card number 24084 (Gaudet's) is not even mentioned. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1140#relPageId=703&tab=page As alluded to above, the FBI's March 16, 1964, report to the Warren Commission (CE 2193), which appears to be an accurate English translation of a Mexican government Spanish-language document originally written on November 30, 1963 (but which the FBI claimed that it didn't receive until March 9, 1964), makes absolutely no mention of FM - 8 No. 24084 (the tourist card issued right before Oswald's at the New Orleans Mexican Consulate on September 17, 1963) although it does give the names and numbers and details of four other tourist cards which were also very sequentially-close to Oswald's.. See page -4- and -5- of the document. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh25/pdf/WH25_CE_2193.pdf But here's page 4 of an internal FBI document dated November 30, 1963, which shows that the FBI knew by November 30, 1963, that FM - 8 No. 24084 had been issued to William George Gaudet. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=57684&relPageId=153&search=24084_gaudet It's also interesting to note that although Warren Commission Document No. 75, a FBI report by William DeBrueys, states that Gaudet on November 27, 1963 claimed he went to the New Orleans Mexican Consulate to get a tourist card in the early afternoon of September 17, 1963, Gaudet's tourist card number (FM - 8 No. 24084) is not mentioned in the report (to be fair, neither are the tourist card numbers of sequentially-close Mr. and Mrs. de Men or Mr. and Mrs. North, but then again it would have looked strange wouldn't it if the FBI had divulged their tourist card numbers in the report but withheld Gaudet's). The way the report is written, one would never guess that long-time CIA asset William George Gaudet had been issued his tourist card sequentially-speaking right before Oswald. Why did the FBI not want us to know that? https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10477&search=gaudet#relPageId=592&tab=page If it's true that the FBI "couldn't locate" the record of FM - 8 No. 24084, as they later told the HSCA, one wonders how the FBI decided to interview Gaudet on November 27, 1963 in the first place. Maybe long-time CIA asset William George Gaudet called the the FBI on November 27, 1963, and said, "I want you to know that I got my tourist card the same day that Oswald got his, but I swear I didn't see him there! Why don't you interview me?" LOL --Tommy
  2. Nope, that couldn't be him, Greg. According to his obituary, our William George Gaudet died in 1981 at the age of 72: http://www.jfk-online.com/jpswgobit.html See also: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=60685548 --Tommy Hmmm. Damn doppelgangers are everywhere! Yes, Greg. The problem is, they will probably try to incorporate these two "William G. Gaudets" into the Harvey and Lee and Henry, Too theory! --Tommy PS The funny thing is Mr. Jon G. Tidd believes in Harvey and Lee, but says the CIA didn't kill Kennedy. Go figure. Anyway, it would sure be nice to see a photo of William George Gaudet (born 1908, died 1981) some day. It's fascinating that his name was the only one excluded from the short list of 9/17/63 New Orleans "tourist card" recipients the Mexican Government sent to the American authorities after the assassination... Gaudet's Mexican "F.M. 8 Card" number was 24084, and Oswald's was 24085. Cards numbered 24087 and 24086 (a Mr. and Mrs. de Men), and cards 24082 and 24083 (a Mr. and Mrs. North) are described in detail, but card number 24084 (Gaudet's) is not even mentioned. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1140#relPageId=703&tab=page
  3. Nope, that couldn't be him, Greg. According to his obituary, our William George Gaudet died in 1981 at the age of 72: http://www.jfk-online.com/jpswgobit.html See also: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=60685548 --Tommy
  4. Dear David Josephs, Just curious -- how many people do you figure you've converted to your theory over the years? Five? Ten? Thank you, --Tommy And here's another question: How does "Harvey and Lee" theory help us solve the JFK assassination? Answer: "Well, it proves that the CIA did it." LOL --Tommy Wow! You guys are REALLY WORRIED about little ole Harvey and Lee!!!??? Whatever you do, folks, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK BELOW: HarveyandLee.net Good golly Miss Molly, PLEASE DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE... Or the one below.... HarveyandLee.net I MEAN, OUR CIA REQUESTS THAT YOU JUST DON'T CLICK ANYTHING, OK? THAT MEANS... NOT HERE EITHER!!! AND THEY REALLY MEAN IT, OK? Jim, No need to overreact. --Tommy
  5. Dear David, Just curious -- how many people do you figure you've converted to your theory over the years? Ten? Fifteen? Thank you, --Tommy And here's another question: How does "Harvey and Lee" theory help us solve the JFK assassination? Let me guess -- "Well, I guess it proves that the CIA did it." --Tommy
  6. And it's also possible that Gaudet took Lee Harvey Oswald's birth certificate with him and got not only a tourist card for himself, but also a tourist card in Oswald's name so that later it would look like Lee Harvey Oswald had gone to Mexico City. If this was the case, then of course Gaudet didn't "see" Oswald at the Mexican Consulate in New Orleans on 9/17/63. Because Oswald wasn't there. LOL Regarding the time of day and the number of people, this is from Weberman's "Nodule 13" : On Tuesday, September 17, 1963, William G. Gaudet applied for tourist card so that he could enter Mexico just before OSWALD did. [Washington Star 1.11.76] When the FBI interviewed Gaudet about his Mexican Tourist Card in 1964, he told the Bureau that in the early afternoon of Tuesday, September 17, 1963, he picked up a travel permit from the Mexican Consulate. According to Gaudet, obtaining a Tourist Card just before OSWALD did was coincidental, and he did not see OSWALD at the Mexican Consulate in New Orleans that day: "There were six or seven persons waiting to pick up permits and to the best of his recollection, LEE HARVEY OSWALD was not one of them." [ emphasis added by T. Graves ] --Tommy PS Why are there no photographs of Gaudet on the Internet? According to his obituary, he graduated from Tulane University. During WW II he worked under Nelson Rockefeller in the US Government's Soviet-penetrated Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. He was interviewed many times over the years by the CIA, and at one point admitted that he had worked for the CIA.
  7. Peter Dale Scott points out that the name of the person (Gaudet) who got Tourist Card # 24084 that day (Oswald's was # 24085) was the only name missing from the short list which the Mexican government provided and which purported to show the people who got Tourist Cards immediately before and after "Oswald" got his. See the section "F.M. 8 CARDS LOCATED" in this Warren Commission document: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1140#relPageId=703&tab=page --Tommy
  8. William G. Gaudet was in line just in front of Oswald in New Orleans on September 17, 1963, when they got entry papers for visiting Mexico. --Tommy Allow me to quibble with this. Gaudet's was the "tourist card immediately preceding (Oswald's) in numerical sequence" on that day. There is no evidence that they were there at the same time or in line together. In fact, Gaudet "could not recall having seen Oswald on that day." The two events could have been separated by some time. To say that they were in the same line at the same time suggests a relationship not supported by the evidence. Just sayin'. Stephen, So whether it was a matter of seconds, minutes, or hours, do you agree that Gaudet got his "tourist card" sequentially before Oswald did, not after as you stated earlier? I know it's a minor point but accuracy is important. I wonder how many people got their "tourist card" etc, that day (September 17, 1963) at that particular office. Were that office's workers ever questioned as to whether or not they actually saw Oswald there that day, and if so, was he with another man? Peter Dale Scott raises an interesting issue: Maybe Gaudet went to the N.O. Mexican Consulate with Oswald's birth certificate and got a "tourist card" for "Oswald," just to create a paper trail that would later "prove" that Lee Harvey Oswald had gone to Mexico City. Have you ever seen the list? I haven't. I'm too lazy to look it up. I'm just going by what Peter Dale Scott wrote about Gaudet in the google books version of Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. https://books.google.com/books?id=zWewDbarT3YC&lpg=PA96&dq=gaudet+oswald+tourist&source=bl&ots=6HRb_qKHxm&sig=77E3PSEFSDwJEn14K1yCLHg1rvw&hl=en&sa=X&ei=UF93VfirBsqqNuKOgpAI&sqi=2&output=reader&pg=GBS.PA95.w.1.4.0 --Tommy
  9. William G. Gaudet was in line just in front of Oswald in New Orleans on September 17, 1963, when they got entry papers for visiting Mexico. As far as I know, he was not at "the embassy in Mexico City" with Oswald. Here's Gaudet's obituary: http://www.jfk-online.com/jpswgobit.html I would like to see a photograph of him some day so I can try to spot him in the films taken of Oswald's leafleting activities... --Tommy
  10. Dear Mr. Tidd, What are your own ideas? Thank you, --Tommy
  11. WARNING_ DO NOT OPEN THESE LINKS. YOUR COMPUTER WILL BECOME INFECTED WITH THE DELTA HOME VIRUS. Thanks a bunch for that Hargroves... (Gtreg Parker) Mr. Hargrove, Let me get this straight -- A deceptive, "barely visible image" of American-born Lee Harvey Oswald was published in a Fort Worth newspaper so that those readers who happened to know Oswald wouldn't know that he wasn't the "Oswald" who had defected to Russia? Huh? That sounds complicated, Wouldn't it have been much simpler to not publish any photos at all? --Tommy PS Thanks for the warning, Greg. edited and bumped
  12. WARNING_ DO NOT OPEN THESE LINKS. YOUR COMPUTER WILL BECOME INFECTED WITH THE DELTA HOME VIRUS. Thanks a bunch for that Hargroves... (Gtreg Parker) Mr. Hargrove, Let me get this straight -- The deceptive photo was published so that newspaper's readers who happened to know American-born Lee Harvey Oswald wouldn't know that he (Lee Harvey Oswald) wasn't the "Oswald" who had defected to Russia? Sounds pretty complicated. Wouldn't it have been much simpler if the bad guys hadn't published any photos at all? --Tommy PS Thanks for the warning, Greg.
  13. 15% is much too high... the actual figure is 6.1%... I was being generous and proving you never read the work to begin with... You really are so full of yourself that you'll go to any lengths to show just how wrong you are... and then get all pissy-whiny about it to boot. You remain a skidmark on this community & thinking people everywhere... thanks for posting and continually proving it Long term outcome of tonsillar regrowth after partial tonsillectomy in children with obstructive sleep apnea. AbstractOBJECTIVE:We investigated the long-term effects of partial tonsillectomy, and potential risk factors for tonsillar regrowth in children with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). METHODS:Children affected by OSAHS with obstructive hypertrophic tonsils underwent partial tonsillectomy or total tonsillectomy with radiofrequency coblation. Polysomnography was performed prior to and 5 years following surgery. Blood samples from all participants were taken prior to and 1 month following surgery to assess immune function. All participants were interviewed 5 years following surgery to ascertain effects of the surgery, rate of tonsillar regrowth, and potential risk factors. RESULTS:All parents reported alleviation of breathing obstruction. Postoperative hemorrhage did not occur in the partial tonsillectomy group compared to 3.76% in the total tonsillectomy group. Tonsillar regrowth occurred in 6.1% (5/82) in children following partial tonsillectomy. Palatine tonsil regrowth occurred a mean of 30.2 months following surgery, and 80% of children with tonsillar regrowth were younger than 5 years of age. All five patients had a recurrence of acute tonsillitis prior to enlargement of the tonsils. Four of the five had an upper respiratory tract allergy prior to regrowth of palatine tonsils. There were no differences in IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, or C4 levels following partial tonsillectomy or total tonsillectomy. CONCLUSION:Partial tonsillectomy is sufficient to relieve obstruction while maintaining immunological function. This procedure has several post-operative advantages. Palatine tonsils infrequently regrow. Risk factors include young age, upper respiratory tract infections, history of allergy, and history of acute tonsillitis prior to regrowth. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved And where can we read of all this on the Harveylee website? Has the webmaster removed it? I wonder why... Losers... So you did read all that and still wasn't able to convey/remember the info correctly? Can't stay on topic for 5 minutes and can't man up when you're wrong... no wonder Parker likes you so much. As for Parker... luckily all one need do is read your work - between Asperger's and tonsils you really have made some amazingly weak arguments here. but that's obvious to all. ... C'mon Parker... use those Radionics you trust in and move something on my desk... Maybe your crazy women shortened Oswald by those 2 inches using her mind as well... As to the long list of H&L conflicts - all you seem to be able to muster is a bad reply to only one of them... Stick with the first point - show us how the USMC simply guesses or asks the marine his height, weight, vision, etc... when he both enters and leaves the Marines... This should be highly entertaining. btw - the Autopsy of LHO shows him to be 69" and 135 lbs... you'll let us know when and where you find out the USMC just wings it on this subject... Why is none of this now mentioned on the HarveyLee website? Who removed it and why? You must be absolutely furious with them for making you look so foolish as to defend a theory they have now quietly dropped. This is getting a bit like kicking a puppy. deleted
  14. "Once again, we're treated to Cliff Varnell assigning ludicrous levels of presumed spot-on accuracy to things that nobody can know with 100% certainty by merely looking at a photograph" An ability you seemingly want to apply only to you, such as 'absolute' proof that LHO ordered a rifle. Such that LHO absolutely posed for BYP's. Such that LHO ever fired a gun. In 3 words, even more ridiculous. To be fair, Von Pein is just saying that documents are easier to interpret than photographs and films. --Tommy
  15. Excellent observation, Clive. In the Z film the two gals are standing, not on either side of hard hat man, but next to each other to the immediate right of hard hat man. (One of the girls is wearing a fairly long black dress and blouse, not a dark blue dress like the girl you chose, and might even be the woman who is standing nine people down the sidewalk from hard hat man in the Z film. In the Croft clip this woman's skirt seems to be not only fairly long, but also a little lighter color (dark gray?) than her blouse.) Regardless, it's interesting to note that everyone standing down the sidewalk from them towards the Stemmons sign in the Z film, including Calvary, have already left in the Couch clip. --Tommy
  16. Thanks for posting that Mr Sorensen. It’s good to know we can count on your sensible approach to get us back on track when we wander off it. Apologies for the levity on here and that poor taste joke btw I hope it didn’t offend you. These floating heads of Oswald are remarkable. I think the one on the left is the most similar except that PM has his head turned more sharply to his left. In fact it looks to me like PM and BWF are looking at each other and maybe even talking to each other. Bump. "Where did you leave the curtain rods, Lee?" "What curtain rods, Buell?" --Tommy
  17. Can any of the people standing on the sidewalk way down on Elm Street be identified at the end of the Couch clip? What about the lady wearing the full-length black dress? BTW, Is that the hatless, dark-suited "Lansdale figure" much closer to the camera and walking fast down the street close to the curb? --Tommy
  18. "Never ever have I seen any proof of fraud re Frank Kudlaty." Correct. There isn't any. "Opinion yes of fraud but no proof. GAAL" No Steven you haven't even seen any opinion of his fraud. Because NO ONE has ever accused him of that. Do you ever read any of these posts? We are suggesting that Jack White is the guilty party for touching up a photo so as to make a 'better' distinction between the 'two Oswalds'. Armstrong had the original photo image that Jack worked from and therefore must have known that the one posted on the H&L website was incorrect, but he said nothing. Now deal with that. Plus, you earlier casted aspersions about the reliability of data that proves men in particular over-report their height. You were shown multiple links that prove just this point. But you guys have just two responses when faced with facts and evidence. Run away. Or change the subject. Not being sarcastic here. Just trying to interject a little fact-based humor. I maxed out at 6' 4 3/4" (six-feet, four-and-three-quarter inches) when I was 17, but I always told people that I was 6'5". I'm an even bigger exaggerator now because I'm 65 years old and I've shrunk down to 6'3" but I shamelessly tell people that I'm 6'4". It must be really tough for a macho marine-type guy (like Lee Harvey Oswald) who is only 5' 9" to admit to other people that he's only ... 5' 9" tall. Why not exaggerate a bit and maybe even put some "lifts" in your shoes and tell people that you're a skyscraping 5' 10" or even the occasional 5' 11" ? LOL --Tommy Remember Randy Newman's song: "Short people got no reason to live..."
  19. Robert, Hispanics are by definition a combination of Caucasian ("White") and Native North-and-South-American ("Indian") blood. I can imagine that many Hispanics prefer to identify themselves with the "White" / Caucasian (typically Spanish or Portuguese) component of their genetic makeup rather than with the darker "Indian" part. Which would explain why Calvary, if she was really a medium-complected Hispanic, might say that she was Caucasian. Especially in the race-conscious South in 1963. In short, I think Robin's "Lady A" was Calvary, and I see no contradiction between her saying she was Caucasian when she was in fact "only" part Caucasian, i.e. Hispanic. --Tommy Just an idea: If any of the ladies "Lady A" was standing with on Elm St. are still alive, why not contact them and ask them if Gloria was Hispanic or show them the photographs / films at issue and see if they can identify Gloria in them?
  20. Not convoluted or complex? Yet it takes 1000 pages to explain it? There is an axiom that applies in pitching an idea. If you can't distill it down to half a page of dot points, it's probably not gonna fly. And look - we're talking about simply explaining it - yet taking a 1000 pages to do so. The complexity of it in real life would be staggering. You could multiply the complexity by a factor of 1000. Greg, It sounds to me as though The "Devil" of Deception and Obfuscation is lurking in the mind-numbing 1000 pages of Details; like a case of Sheer Quantity over Quality. It would take an eternity to fact check it all. Might as well just accept it as gospel truth. --Tommy
  21. Motive: Because they wanted him dead. --Tommy
  22. I'm getting weary of all the ambiguous, noncommittal Tidd-bits. I can almost hear his reply right now --- "Well, Tommy, who do you think killed JFK, and why did they do it?" --Tommy
  23. Clay Shaw's Rambler Station Wagon? --Tommy
  24. Mark, Yes, I am aware of that thread, primarily because I am interested in the Darnell film, and because those exhibits show Officer Baker running towards the building and the steps into the building, while the focus of everyone else appears to be "down the street." Many people are unaware that although Baker came up with an explanation that he ran into the building because he saw pigeons flying off the roof, that was not his "first day" explanation; in the very first draft of his statement, he said something to the effect (this is from memory) that he "thought" the shots came from an upstairs window, and that was his "explanation." As to the image over on the left hand side, I realize there's an image there--and yes, I have looked at it--but its very indistinct, and certainly not of the quality necessary to make an identification. I notice that most of the posts on that thread do not cite the image in isolation, but rather as part of a wider argument using a process of elimination as to who it might be at that particular location. It has always been my belief that if Oswald was downstairs anywhere on those steps (or near it) at the time, other employees would have mentioned seeing him there. There are no such reports. The only such "early" reports concern him being (possibly) in a nearby storage room, a minute or two following the shooting; and those reports are (historically and legally) far more important (and potent). As I recall, they were not properly followed up by the FBI investigation (or the Warren Commission, for that matter). DSL 5/14/15 - 4 p.m. PDT Los Angeles, California An obvious explanation for all the interest "down the street" while Baker or some other policeman is running towards the TSBD front door: that's where JFK's limo was when the shots rang out and people hit the ground and others started yelling or screaming. Due to the confusing acoustics of Dealy Plaza, most who realized that Kennedy had been shot (or shot at) would have naturally assumed that the shooter was down there somewhere, too. --Tommy Sorry, Tommy, but the shots rang out after the limo had passed the TSBD. Correct, Ray. DSL pointed out that most people near the TSBD were interested in what was going on down on Elm Street (and the Grassy Knoll area) right after the shots rang out, and the fact that Officer Baker was apparently more concerned that the sniper might be inside the TSBD kinda sticks out like a sore thumb. Why was Baker practically the only person whose actions, as caught on film, suggest that he somehow "knew" that the shots had come from inside the TSBD or perhaps its roof? I personally can't see how a bunch of pigeons' leaving the roof of the TSBD, as Baker claimed, would have suggested to him that the shots had been fired from that building, to the exclusion of all of the other nearby buildings. Did Dealey Plaza's pigeons only hang out on the roof of the TSBD, or did some of them hang out on the roof of the DalTex Building or any of the other nearby buildings? If so, didn't those also take off upon hearing / "feeling" the gunshots, or were they so totally laid back and so nonplussed by the "far away" gunshots that they continued to do whatever pigeons do on rooftops? In other words, why only the TSBD? Did Jack Dougherty put some bread crumbs up there every lunchtime, and therefore most or all of the Dealey Plaza pigeons happened to be there at 12:30 pm on 11/22/63? Or was Baker's unspoken assumption correct -- pigeons only suddenly leave those buildings that gunshots are fired from inside of? Maybe we need some input by a big city pigeon behaviorist here. --Tommy
  25. Dear Mr. Tidd, The suspense is killing me. Please tell us who publicly executed JFK, and why. Pretty please? --Tommy
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