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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. OK, Gaal, I'm gonna rephrase it so you can understand. So "Lee" Oswald would say to friends and acquaintances and complete strangers who had read the newspaper articles (in whichever city) about his defecting to Russia, "Oh, no, that's not me. That's a different Lee Harvey Oswald who defected to Russia. We just both happen be former marines from Fort Worth who happen to have the same name and happen to look a lot alike sometimes, for example in this FWST photo of him that looks like me." --Tommy OK, Gaal GRAVES, I'm gonna rephrase it so you can understand. He is leaving his friends to move around in operational activities (as I have stated previously). Do you oddly believe LEE works 9 to 5 in the Harvey Russia period ?? Did anyone ever say that ?? Complete strangers would have to have LEE use the last name Oswald and then remember the story with a poor quality altered photo. When LEE says Oswald, he is in intell operational mode. Common casual meetings for daily activities and the first name Lee is used. --Gaal. [...] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First you said that "Lee" stayed in CIA safe houses from late 1959 until the middle of 1962, and now you're saying that he didn't work a forty-hour-a-week job while "Harvey" was in Russia. How convenient for the H&L crowd. No pay stubs, no job applications, etc. Nice. Question: Was "Lee's" last name "Oswald"? Did he have a middle name? What was it? The original photograph in the FWST was faded but, except for the background for aesthetic reasons, not altered. It's a photo, probably taken in 1958 or 1959, of the young man who later "defected" to Russia, married Marina Prusakova, and who was killed by Jack Ruby. I call him "Lee Harvey Oswald" because that's who he was. His friends and acquaintances who saw that photo would have recognized him and remembered it. --Tommy
  2. OK, Gaal, I'm gonna rephrase it so you can understand. So "Lee" Oswald would say to friends and acquaintances and complete strangers who had read the newspaper articles (in whichever city) about his defecting to Russia, "Oh, no, that's not me. That's a different Lee Harvey Oswald who defected to Russia. We just both happen be former marines from Fort Worth who happen to have the same name and happen to look a lot alike sometimes, for example in this faded (but unaltered) FWST photo of him that happens to look like me when I was seventeen or eighteen." --Tommy
  3. So "Lee" Oswald would say to them, "Oh, that's a different Lee Oswald from Fort Worth who defected to Russia. We just both happen be former marines from Fort Worth who have the same name and look a lot alike sometimes, for example in this FWST photo of him that looks like me." LOL --Tommy
  4. Why did the bad guys need to publish a photo of "Lee Harvey Oswald" or any photo for that matter in the newspaper story about "Harvey's" defection to Russia? Why not publish only the text of the article? --Tommy
  5. Where was "Lee" living when "Harvey" defected to the U.S.S.R.? How much longer did "Lee" continue living there after the story about "Lee Harvey Oswald of Fort Worth" hit the Fort Worth Star Telegram and the front page of other U.S. newspapers on October 31, 1959? https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=IrwyAAAAIBAJ&sjid=4eoFAAAAIBAJ&pg=3310,5481990&dq=lee+oswald+russia&hl=en Exactly how much did "Lee" and family move around after "Harvey" defected to the U.S.S.R.? Where did "Lee" / they live during this migratory period? --Tommy Since you have the book H & L you should know Lee locations are mentioned on pages from 343 to 420. I suspect LEE was at a number of CIA safe houses located throughout the USA, ,gaal Golly some of the Anti- H & L people believe he didn't live at the rooming house. Were was he ?? .....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01i19qog8Pw Answer: We don't know where "Lee" was, so he must have been hiding in CIA safe houses. LOL --Tommy
  6. Where was "Lee" living when "Harvey" defected to the U.S.S.R.? How much longer did "Lee" continue living there after the story about "Lee Harvey Oswald of Fort Worth" hit the Fort Worth Star Telegram and the front page of other U.S. newspapers on October 31, 1959? https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=IrwyAAAAIBAJ&sjid=4eoFAAAAIBAJ&pg=3310,5481990&dq=lee+oswald+russia&hl=en Exactly how much did "Lee" and family move around after "Harvey" defected to the U.S.S.R.? Where did "Lee" / they live during this migratory period? --Tommy
  7. Paul, What proof do we have that "back in March, 1963, Roscoe White clearly hung out with Lee Harvey Oswald?" BTW, whenever a member of a JFK assassination forum uses a word like "obviously" or "clearly," I become very apprehensive and skeptical. --Tommy bumped for Paul Trejo
  8. Paul, What proof do we have that "back in March, 1963, Roscoe White clearly hung out with Lee Harvey Oswald?" BTW, whenever a member of a JFK assassination forum uses a word like "obviously" or "clearly," I become very apprehensive and skeptical. --Tommy
  9. Robert, Here's a slightly different view of the woman identified by Thierry Speth and Robin Unger as "Gloria Calvary" [sic]. Note that in this frame she's looking straight ahead instead of down. "Gloria Calvary," Karan Hicks, and Carol Reed seem to be walking slowly back up Elm towards the TSBD in the photo. Clothing differences preclude the "Gloria Calvary" on the left from being the same woman seen running down the Elm Street Extension in Darnell / Couch while Baker is running towards the TSBD. If it's true (and I believe it is) that Lovelady and Shelley can be seen walking / running in Darnell / Couch 20 - 30 seconds after the fatal head shot, and if they encountered the "Gloria Calvary" [sic] pictured above, said encounter must have happened after Lovelady and Shelley walked / ran down the Elm Street Extension towards the railway yards. Or maybe just maybe Lovelady and Shelley in Darnell / Couch aren't walking / running towards the railway yards, but circuitously towards the "little island," instead? [Darnell frame(?) Credit Todd Vaughn via Robin Unger] Do you think the light brown or blond-haired, glasses-wearing Gloria Jean Little (who married Robert L. Calvery in Texas a few months before the assassination, and whom Randy and I recently tracked down) is the same woman pictured above on the left and identified by Speth/Unger as "Gloria Calvary"? Personally, I do see a facial resemblance between the woman on the left, above, and the Gloria Jean Little in the 1958 and 1959 Grand Prairie High School yearbooks. Maybe she dyed her hair black or dark brown and stopped wearing glasses (early wearer of contact lenses?) for her new husband. It took me a long time and it took a lot of steps on the Internet to figure out that the "Gloria Calvery" who signed the FBI statement on March 19, 1964, was married to a Robert L. Calvery, not a Robert R. Calvery. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1317#relPageId=668&tab=page And that she was born Gloria Jean Little in 1942 and raised in Grand Prairie, Texas, by her mother, Ila Little. Etc, etc, etc. But I'm glad I did it because Randy Sorensen was able to find her in the Grand Prairie High School year books. If necessary I will show you all of the steps, Robert. --Tommy
  10. Dead link. "This video is private." --Tommy
  11. Paul, I would also like to see a documented, verifiable timeline for the life of the mysterious "Lee Oswald." And I would like to see some photos of "Lee Oswald" so I'll know how closely he did or did not resemble "Harvey Oswald" / "Marina's husband". The problem is, every time the Harvey and Lee people show me a photo of "Lee Oswald," I think they're showing me a photo of the guy I know as "Lee Harvey Oswald" / "Marina's husband" / the guy whom Jack Ruby killed on 11/24/63! If "Harvey" and "Lee" indeed resembled each other so closely as to be able to fool me, then I gotta ask how did the bad guys choose them so many years earlier? How did the bad guys know that those two boys would grow up looking so much alike as to be able to fool people like me into thinking that all of the photos of them were of the same person? Paul, you do know who I'm talking about when I say "Lee Oswald," right? The Texan who so closely resembled Russian-speaking "Harvey Oswald" that he fooled many, many people into thinking after the assassination that they had interacted with "Harvey"? You know, "Lee Oswald," the guy who didn't "defect" to Russia and marry a Russian woman, etc, etc? --Tommy
  12. School days in a school year are remarkably consistent, DJ. That number usually comes to almost exactly 180 or 181 school days per school year. No one needs to count as high as 200 for that! Does anyone here disagree with these numbers? Does anyone here not see the tactic being employed to avoid the big fat mess that may made out of the Felde documents? ps show where the FBI linked 200 days to a school year. Greg, Who is "may"? I know this is not directly related to "the number of day in a school year" issue, but whenever I think of Harvey and Lee, I start wondering about two things: 1 ) How in the world did the bad guys choose two young boys, knowing that they would grow up looking sufficiently similar to be able to fool lots and lots of people several years later? 2 ) What did "Lee" tell his family members, friends, and associates during the two and one-half years he was supposed to be in the U.S.S.R.? "I'm just here for a short visit. I'm going back to Minsk in a couple of days?" --Tommy "May" is my brain squashing "they made" together and then still following with "made". My circumstances require typing speeds that my hands cannot hope to match. I know, Greg. Trying to stay one step ahead of the Harvey and Lee apologists here is a full time job. Just be grateful that Gaal is off at a prayer meeting or something. --Tommy BTW -- What do you think about the two points I made about the general implausibility of the H & L theory?
  13. School days in a school year are remarkably consistent, DJ. That number usually comes to almost exactly 180 or 181 school days per school year. No one needs to count as high as 200 for that! Does anyone here disagree with these numbers? Does anyone here not see the tactic being employed to avoid the big fat mess that may made out of the Felde documents? ps show where the FBI linked 200 days to a school year. Greg, Who is "may"? I know this is not directly related to "the number of day in a school year" issue, but whenever I think of Harvey and Lee, I start wondering about two things: 1 ) How in the world did the bad guys choose two young boys, knowing that they would grow up looking sufficiently similar to be able to fool lots and lots of people several years later? 2 ) What did Texan "Lee" tell his family members, friends, and associates during the two and one-half years he was supposed to be in the U.S.S.R.? "I'm just here for a short visit. I'm going back to Minsk in a couple of days." ? --Tommy
  14. According to Harvey and Lee, the two photos in the center show what the real "Lee Oswald" may have looked like, as compared to the Russian-speaking "Harvey Oswald" who "defected" to the U.S.S.R., married Marina Prusakova, and brought her and their daughter to the U.S. when he returned in 1962. [Question: Which of the two center photos do the Harvey and Lee people think represent what "Lee Oswald" really looked like? Both photos? Neither photo? The one on the left with the compressed head? The one next to it (the traditional "Frankenstein Oswald" photo) ?] The two photos on the right and the slightly faded newspaper photo captioned "Lee Harvey Oswald; ...seeks Red citizenship" looks like a young (17-18 year old), smiling "version" of the guy Jon Tidd refers to as "Marina's husband," but John Armstrong has the gall to tell us that it isn't a photo of "Harvey" / "Marina's future husband," but instead of the mysterious "Lee Oswald," who apparently stayed in the U.S. while "Harvey" was in Russia for two and one-half years! It seems to me that Jack White (or whomever) created, through alteration, the Frankenstein Oswald Photo so it could be published in Armstrong's book and then Harvey and Lee devotees could point to it and say, "Look! This proves that there was a Harvey and a Lee! Look how different they are!" LOL --Tommy PS What did "Lee Oswald" tell his family members, friends, and acquaintances during the two and one-half hears that he was supposed to be in Russia? "I'm just here for a short visit. I'm going back to Minsk in a couple of days." ? Or were they all "in the know" because they, too, were part of "the doppelganger project?"
  15. I didn't see anything else in the 1960 yearbook. Here's what I found for 1958 and 1959: Gloria has a face that hasn't changed from '58-'60. I would guess she looked just like this in 1963. If this is "our" Gloria Little-Calvery, she's not the same woman labelled as Gloria in the Darnell image Robert posted. Randy, Note how her hair in the class photos is light brown / blondish. FWIW, the hair of her brother, real estate broker Jim Little (viewable on the Internet), is the same light brown / blond. ... Whereas the hair of "Gloria Calvary" [sic] on Elm Street is black, as is the running woman's in Couch / Darnell.. Also note that in the yearbook photos, Gloria Jean Little (Calvery) is always wearing glasses, whereas Calvary [sic] on Elm Street isn't wearing them. I doubt that the Calvary [sic] on Elm normally wore glasses but took them off for Darnell's film. Since the president has just been shot close to her at least three times by a sniper (or snipers), she would want to keep her glasses on! LOL --Tommy edited and bumped
  16. I didn't see anything else in the 1960 yearbook. Here's what I found for 1958 and 1959: Gloria has a face that hasn't changed from '58-'60. I would guess she looked just like this in 1963. If this is "our" Gloria Little-Calvery, she's not the same woman labelled as Gloria in the Darnell image Robert posted. Randy, Note how her hair in the class photos is light brown / blondish. FWIW, the hair of her brother, real estate salesman Jim Little of Plano, Texas, is the same light brown / blond. ... Whereas the hair of "Gloria Calvary" [sic] on Elm Street is black. Also note that in the yearbook photos, Gloria Jean Little (Calvery) is always wearing glasses, whereas Calvary [sic] on Elm Street isn't wearing them. I doubt that the Calvary [sic] on Elm normally wore glasses but took them off for Darnell's film. Since the president has just been shot close to her at least three times by a sniper (or snipers), she would want to keep her glasses on! LOL --Tommy
  17. Randy, Bingo. These are the first pictures of her I've seen. Excellent work! Her full maiden name was Gloria Jean Little. She married Robert L. Calvery in July,1963, and they divorced in 1978. She passed away several years ago, but I have forgotten what year it was. I'll find out and edit it post later. Her brother Jimmie Lynn Little was born in 1948 and is a real estate broker / salesman in Dallas. He lives in Plano and calls himself Jim Little. His photo can be found on the Internet. --Tommy Randy, Can you find any other photos of high school student Gloria Jean Little (who later became JFK assassination witness Gloria Jean Calvery) connected to all those high school activities / organizations she participated in? --Tommy
  18. Robert, Maybe someone should politely and discretely ask Karan Hicks, Karen Westbrook, Carol Reed, or Gloria's former co-worker at the tire store, Dana Herring, whether or not the "Gloria Calvary" [sic] on Elm Street was the Gloria Jean Little / Gloria Jean Calvery they knew. Or, heck, even contact her brother, Jim Little, in Plano / Dallas... --Tommy
  19. According to Robin Unger, some French dude by the name of Thierry Speth. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18610 ("Don's plat" refers to Don Roberdeau's map.) --Tommy
  20. My sarcastic joke: Who ID'd "Calvary" with Hicks and Reed on Elm Street in the first place, anyway? Some French guy who thinks the moon landings were faked! LOL --Tommy
  21. Randy, Bingo. These are the first pictures of her I've seen. Excellent work! Her full maiden name was Gloria Jean Little. She married Robert L. Calvery in July,1963, and they divorced in 1978. She has passed away but I have forgotten what year it was. I'll find out and edit it post later. Her brother Jimmie Lynn Little was born in 1948 and is a real estate broker / salesman in Dallas. He lives in Plano and calls himself Jim Little. His photo can be found on the Internet. --Tommy
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