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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Dear Ian, If so, wouldn't the bad guys have tried to prevent the people of Dallas and the national media in town from knowing that recreations (plural?) were being filmed? I don't think they tried to do that, and it would have been impossible to do, anyway. Do you think the bad guys planned to dupe the whole world by showing fake Zapruder and Nix films which the people of Dallas and the national news media realized were just recreations? --Tommy
  2. Robert, You mean Oswald didn't shoot him from that window? Just kidding, folks. --Tommy OMG, what a revelation. Yep, you got that right. Drew, Apparently my attempt at humor went over your head, kinda like the bullet that injured James Tague down by the Triple Underpass.. Which, come to think of it, Oswald, just might have fired from that window, intentionally missing JFK and everyone else. --Tommy
  3. Robert, You mean Oswald didn't shoot him from that window? Just kidding, folks. --Tommy
  4. Dear Mr. Tidd, The fact that your Oswald was, as you say, not only "a walking, talking patsy all by himself," but also just happened to be one of two "superficially-similar" boys whose identities may have been manipulated and merged, by some U.S. intelligence service, for several years, makes him a highly improbable character, doesn't it? The bad guys were very fortunate indeed to "spot" such an easy-to-cover-up-after-the-fact patsy a few months before the assassination! --Tommy bumped for Mr. Tidd
  5. Dear Mr. Tidd, The fact that your Oswald was, as you say, not only "a walking, talking patsy all by himself," but also just happened to be one of two "superficially-similar" boys whose identities may have been manipulated and merged, by some U.S. intelligence service, for several years, makes him a highly improbable character, doesn't it? The bad guys were very fortunate indeed to "spot" such an easy-to-cover-up-after-the-fact patsy a few months before the assassination! --Tommy
  6. So the assassination could be filmed, studied, and shown to the public from many different angles, not just from Zapruder's and Nix's perspectives? --Tommy bumped PS How exactly would "the recreations" (plural?) help the bad guys correct the "bungled" Zapruder and Nix films? So they could study the recreations and figure our how many frames to cut or add? Couldn't they have figured that out without "the recreations" ? What was "bungled" about the Nix's film and the Z-film, anyway? Expected answer: That's hard to say, Tommy, because as they are today, they're perfect. But it's obvious that they must have been bungled and edited, because why else would they have needed to make the recreations? --Tommy
  7. So the assassination could be filmed, studied, and shown to the public from many different angles, not just from Zapruder's and Nix's perspectives? --Tommy bumped PS How exactly would "the recreations" (plural?) help the bad guys correct the "bungled" Zapruder and Nix films? So they know how many frames to cut or add? Couldn't they have figured that out without "the recreations" ? What was "bungled" about the Nix's film and the Z-film? --Tommy
  8. Dear Mr. Tidd, Please correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you saying just a few months ago that Oswald wasn't set up as a patsy in advance, just "framed" at the last minute, or even after the fact ??? When did you change your mind on that? --Tommy
  9. Why am I not surprised at ANOTHER meaningless response from the man DOWN UNDER! And a Bugliosi groupie, to boot! You seeing this Vanessa? And you want John to "debate" someone who compares him to Manson? A poll? Why does Greg have such an obsession with John? It's very very odd. o he does a poll here where there are a bunch of lone nutters to begin with and declares victory. "Education" indeed. Most of the folk on that Against H&L list are CTs. No we're not, Kathy. We're LNer "shills" and highly-paid CIA disinformation agents. --Tommy
  10. So the assassination could be filmed, studied, and shown to the public from many different angles, not just from Zapruder's and Nix's perspectives? --Tommy
  11. I wonder what kind of "orientation" Oswald would have required from CIA REDSKIN agent Edward Louis Keenan, Jr. ? Couldn't "spotter" Richard Snyder have told him everything he needed to know? --Tommy
  12. Tommy, interesting document. Thanks. I'll get to that shortly. With regard to ELK1... the following facts apply: 1. The HSCA established that Snyder was a spotter for the legal travel program at Harvard. 2. I established that ELK1 was at Harvard during the period 3. The CIA was extremely interested in utilizing experts in all things Russian (what a shock!) 4. ELK1 was an expert in one or more fields pertaining to Russia 5. Although the exact date he went there is unknown to me, I did find evidence at some stage that he was one of the first exchange students to go under the then recently signed exchange agreements 6. As you note, he liked to travel around the SU - knowing he was not supposed to 7. As he told the Davis Center, his travels involved meeting "contacts" 8. As a student in a host country under an exchange program that was highly important to thawing tensions, he should not have had any "visa problems". All his papers should have been in order, and he would have had exchange program contacts to sort any issues that crop up. It is not something - as a participant in such an important program - that he should have had to personally deal with. Especially since it apparently entailed more unauthorized travel. 9. Yes, the embassy was open till noon - but the official story has it that Snyder had to be called down to his office to deal with Oswald who arrived AFTER noon. If Snyder was not in his office dealing with ELK1, where exactly was ELK1 who freely admitted to being present? 10. We have Russell Langelle telling the HCSA that 3 or 4 students were working on "Orientation Projects" for the CIA. Oswald had NOT been in hospital prior to the appearance at the embassy as you claim. He had for the most part, been holed up in his hotel room except maybe to see some sights with his Intourist guide. ---------------------------------- [...] Greg, By "official story" I guess you mean what Snyder and McVickar told the Warren Commission? Am I missing anyone? In their WC testimony, both Snyder and McVickar are unsure if Oswald showed up before noon or after. Snyder claimed that he couldn't remember if it was on a Wednesday or a Saturday, and rather lamely said that it must have been after noon because he told Oswald that the embassy was closed. Well, yes, we know from Oswald and the CIA that after having a long conversation with Oswald, Snyder told him he couldn't type up the renunciation of citizenship papers right then because it was after noon by that time and the embassy was closed. I doubt that Snyder would have told Oswald twice that the embassy was closed, first upon meeting him and then again after that long conversation, so I think that he only told him that at the end. Why would Snyder tell Oswald the embassy was already closed when he first met him but then proceed to get into a long conversation with him? Another thing that seems "fishy" to me is the fact that an intelligent, observant ("CIA spotter") man like Snyder couldn't remember if Oswald had come in before or after closing time, especially after having had such a memorable meeting with the twenty-year-old Marine radar operator and would-be defector / self-avowed traitor, Lee Harvey Oswald. On a side note, it doesn't make sense that the embassy's guards and staff would have let any visitors in after it was closed. Using the end date of the Moscow trade fair as a "mental landmark," receptionist Joan Hallett insisted to the ARRB that "Oswald" had been at the embassy on or before September 5, 1959, but the fact is that Oswald was still in the U.S. at that time. Since Oswald look-alike Robert Webster was working at the Moscow trade fair and may have been at the embassy on September 5, Hallett might have confused him with Oswald. If so, where was Hallett the day the real Oswald showed up (October 31), and what was the name of the receptionist who dealt with him that day? For what it's worth, in Oswald and the CIA Newman says Oswald arrived in Snyder's office a little after 11 am. --Tommy PS In answer to your question, the official story is that Keenan came in shortly after Oswald and that he was still in the lobby when Oswald went storming out the front door. I believe it's possible that both Oswald and Keenan entered the embassy about half an hour before noon, and Keenan, being either overly optimistic about getting some after-hour help with his visa problem or simply not realizing that the embassy had closed while he was sitting there, decided to stay in the lobby during the Snyder and Oswald pow wow. Or maybe he stayed there because he was eavesdropping on their fascinating conversation!
  13. Tommy, interesting document. Thanks. I'll get to that shortly. With regard to ELK1... the following facts apply: 1. The HSCA established that Snyder was a spotter for the legal travel program at Harvard. 2. I established that ELK1 was at Harvard during the period 3. The CIA was extremely interested in utilizing experts in all things Russian (what a shock!) 4. ELK1 was an expert in one or more fields pertaining to Russia 5. Although the exact date he went there is unknown to me, I did find evidence at some stage that he was one of the first exchange students to go under the then recently signed exchange agreements 6. As you note, he liked to travel around the SU - knowing he was not supposed to 7. As he told the Davis Center, his travels involved meeting "contacts" 8. As a student in a host country under an exchange program that was highly important to thawing tensions, he should not have had any "visa problems". All his papers should have been in order, and he would have had exchange program contacts to sort any issues that crop up. It is not something - as a participant in such an important program - that he should have had to personally deal with. Especially since it apparently entailed more unauthorized travel. 9. Yes, the embassy was open till noon - but the official story has it that Snyder had to be called down to his office to deal with Oswald who arrived AFTER noon. If Snyder was not in his office dealing with ELK1, where exactly was ELK1 who freely admitted to being present? 10. We have Russell Langelle telling the HCSA that 3 or 4 students were working on "Orientation Projects" for the CIA. Oswald had NOT been in hospital prior to the appearance at the embassy as you claim. He had for the most part, been holed up in his hotel room except maybe to see some sights with his Intourist guide. ---------------------------------- Your document is both interesting but also slightly confusing. There were a number of RED programs. REDSKIN was partially a support program for the others. REDSOX for example, was to infiltrate former Soviet and Satellite nationals back into their home countries to recruit for small cells to be in place awaiting the time for a general uprising and to collect intelligence. And that is what the people described sound like - REDSOX rather than REDSKIN agents. I'm guessing that they were indeed REDSOX agents "hidden" inside the legal travellers program - which, as I said, was partially a support program for the other programs - including REDSOX. I know it does not suit your theory (that LHO was just a wannabe) to have ELK1 be a CIA agent, but to me, saying he was there in Snyder's office by sheer coincidence is akin to saying LHO got his job at the TSBD by sheer coincidence. Greg, Fair enough. --Tommy
  14. Let's put that to the test then. Thanks for asking. I think "Harvey and Lee" is a slightly paranoiac attempt to create order from the chaos and confusion involving innocent Oswald look-alikes as well as some perfectly or imperfectly-recalled impersonations of Oswald that did occur. --Tommy
  15. Parker: The REDSKIN program was a legal traveler's program. Keenan would have been briefed on the specifics of his role within that. Since Russell Langelle told the HSCA that there were 3 or 4 students involved in handling "orientation projects", and since Keenan was at the embassy on a Saturday over what he would later tell authors was a "visa problem" - a day HE almost certainly would know was a day it was not open - the one day LHO would happen to be there - then my best guess is that he was one of the 3 or 4 involved in "orientation projects". Graves: I think the embassy was open until 12 noon on Saturdays, wasn't it? And wasn't Keenan already a student at Leningrad University? Maybe he had classes Monday through Friday and could only go to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow on a Saturday. I believe it's possible that Keenan was at the embassy to take care of a problem with his visa. How long had he been in Russia at that point, anyway? He had probably arrived fairly recently himself. In addition to a standard, run-of-the-mill kind of "visa problem," it's easy to imagine that he already had a "special" kind of visa problem because, from what I've read, he liked to travel around Russia without official permission to do so, which eventually led to his getting expelled. Parker: To that extent, I wonder on what basis Keenan would need to know about the NSA defectors, let alone meet with them as part of his role. Answer: he wouldn't. So the short answer is - no - I don't find it the least bit strange. Graves: NSA-defectors Martin and Mitchell "went public" to the Moscow press on December 6, 1960, at which time they announced they had requested asylum and Soviet citizenship. It's reasonable to assume that Keenan would have heard about this. Keenan was a student at Leningrad University, and at some point Martin started studying there, too. If Keenan was a CIA REDSKIN "agent," even if he didn't know that Martin was a NSA-defector it's reasonable to assume that he would have mentioned his meeting of Martin and Martin's Russian wife to his CIA controller / supervisor / contact in Russia in a timely manner and that a CIA document would have been written which would have reflected that. But no such "timely" document has been uncovered. Graves: If Keenan was a CIA agent whose job was to provide "orientation" to recently-arrived Oswald, do you think he provided it to him at the U.S. Embassy? Parker: That's how it looks to me. What about you? Graves: I think Keenan was probably there to take care of a visa problem. BTW, what kind of "orientation" do you think Keenan could have given Oswald that Saturday? Oswald had already been in Moscow for several days, and had even spent some time in a Soviet hospital. Do you think Oswald need to be "oriented"? Parker: Keenan didn't have or NEED a psuedo or crypt. He was a legal traveler there for legal purposes. My bad, Greg. When you said, "Keenan was most certainly a CIA agent," I guess you meant "agent" very broadly, kind of like a "voluntary 'legal' participant in spying activities". LOL BTW, here's a CIA document in which several REDSKIN operatives, e.g. AEBALCONY/2 and AEBALCONY/6, are referred to only by their respective crypts. http://www.foia.cia.gov/sites/default/files/document_conversions/1705143/AEBALCONY_0005.pdf They must have had sensitive assignments. I wonder if Oswald was considered a sensitive assignment for Keenan? How many REDSKIN "agents" are you aware of who are actually identified by their real names in "secret" CIA documents? --Tommy
  16. (Seriously edited, augmented, and moved here from another thread) It is well known that twenty-four year old Harvard graduate student Edward Louis Keenan, Jr. encountered Lee Harvey Oswald at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow in late October, 1959. Keenan was born on May 13, 1935 in Buffalo, New York, and died on March 6, 2015 after many years serving as an administrator and professor at Harvard. He taught medieval Russian history there, having received his 1957 bachelor's degree in Slavic studies at Harvard, as well as his PhD there in 1965. Here's a remembrance by a colleague which states that Keenan was a graduate exchange student for two years in Russia, starting in 1959: http://muse.jhu.edu/.../16.2.boeck.pdf Greg Parker claims that Keenan was a CIA agent in Russia, having been "spotted" at Harvard by the very same man he was visiting at the U.S. Embassy that October 1959 day in Moscow, senior consulate official Richard Edward Snyder. It is true that Keenan was accused of being a U.S. spy by the Soviet authorities and expelled from the Soviet Union in 1961. Greg Parker: "As for Edward L Keenan the exchange student. He was most definitely a CIA agent in the REDSKIN program and had actually been "spotted" for the role by Snyder. He was kicked out in '61 or '62 for spying and in a speech once at Harvard, he talked about the difficulty of meeting contacts over there - an admission of sorts, despite his denials when the Russians actually published the details of his spying in '67." Me: "How sure are you that in late 1959 twenty-four year Keenan was a CIA agent in the REDSKIN program? Are there any documents that prove this?" Greg Parker: "There is a grab bag full of circumstantial evidence - but there is also a document which I believes provides verification. It is a CIA memo sent out about him after he was booted from the country. It is about him meeting with a BSA defector shortly before leaving. It is marked REDSKIN and RYBAT (code for "urgent"). To further add to the weight of that, I checked memos on a number of other Americans who happened to come into contact with the NSA defector - none had either of those crypts. You can read it all here, Tommy: http://www.reopenkennedycase.net/parker5.html Timing is everything. I am actually about to tackle this part of the case for my book. I'll be turning a few notions upside down in the process." Me: The wording of the document you are referring to sounds innocuous enough to me, Greg. I took the liberty of "decrypting" it, literally and figuratively, into plain English: "Mr. Edward Louis Keenan, a student recently expelled from the Soviet Union and now lingering in Alexandria, Egypt, for one Arabic language study [course] before returning to the U.S (see State Department / US Embassy traffic), casually mentioned on July 12 that he had met and spoken with [NSA defector William Hamilton Martin] in Leningrad 'last year' with his Russian wife. Not questioned further, but could be." https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=48643&search=keenan_arabic#relPageId=2&tab=page Comments and questions for Greg Parker: 1) Don't you think it's strange that Keenan didn't get around to "casually mentioning" (in Egypt) his contact with NSA-defector Martin in Leningrad until at least seven months after it had happened? One would think that if Keenan were a CIA "REDSKIN" agent in Russia that he would have told his case officer in Russia much earlier than that, and not just by "casually mentioning" it, either. The feeling I get from the document is that Keenan may not have even realized he was talking to a CIA agent / officer / informant in Alexandria, Egypt, on July 12, 1961. 2) If Keenan was a CIA "REDSKIN" agent whose job, as you have claimed elsewhere, was to provide "orientation" to recently-arrived Oswald, do you think he provided it to him at the U.S. Embassy? Did anyone ever claim to see Keenan and Oswald together at a pub, etc? Did he introduce Oswald to Marina at the dance? 3) If Edward Louis Keenan (Jr.) was a CIA agent, don't you think it's strange that his full name, not his CIA "pseudo" or crypt, was spelled out in the "Secret," RYBAT, "Eyes Only" document? After all, Martin's name was originally referred to in the document by the letter "B" in the cryptic phrase "IDEN B REF" and was only later written in as "Martin". 4) If Keenan was a CIA agent, what was his "pseudo" or crypt? If unknown, are there any other CIA documents which, in your opinion, secretly refer to him during the same time period (1959 - 1961)? Thanks Greg, --Tommy
  17. You are confusing the Harvard-educated Edward L. Keenan, Jr. (who encountered Oswald in Moscow in 1959) with another "Edward L. Keenan" who teaches linguistics at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). The Edward L. "Ned" Keenan who saw Oswald at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was born on May 13, 1935, and died on March 6, 2015. He taught Medieval Russian History at Harvard University. He received his bachelor's degree from Harvard in 1957 and his PhD from Harvard in 1965. You will note that the following obituary-of-sorts mentions that this Harvard-educated Keenan lived in the Soviet Union for a couple of years in the early 1960's. http://slavic.fas.harvard.edu/news/remembering-ned-keenan "Within the large and famous university of which Dumbarton Oaks forms but a small and remote part, Ned Keenan was a consummate Harvard man—but in his own distinctive fashion. Born on May 13, 1935, he remained in Cambridge continuously as an undergraduate (with a ’57 honors AB in Slavic Languages and Literatures), graduate student (PhD in 1965), and junior and senior faculty member (tenure in 1968), except for a couple of years in the Soviet Union in the early 1960s, until he took up the directorship of Dumbarton Oaks. While being Harvardian through-and-through, he clung proudly to his background as an outsider from western New York State." Here's another obituary-of-sorts which spells out that this Harvard-educated Edward L. Keenan was a graduate exchange student for two years in Russia starting in 1959: http://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/kritika/v016/16.2.boeck.pdf I don't deny that Harvard-educated Edward L. "Ned" Keenan might have been a young CIA agent in Russia in 1959 (he was 24 years old when Oswald showed up in Moscow), but I don't see any obvious connections between him and your Philadelphia Quakers. But then again, perhaps his simply being from western New York State (Buffalo) makes him guilty of that. LOL --Tommy PS Here's the Philadelphia-connected Edward L. Keenan who teaches linguistics at UCLA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Keenan http://www.linguistics.ucla.edu/people/keenan/keenan.htm If my math is correct, this Philadelphia-connected UCLA Keenan would have been an even younger (21-years-old) CIA agent than Edward L. "Ned" Keenan, Jr., was when Oswald showed up in Moscow in October, 1959... Tommy, the Keenan thing started with me trying to discover who "Steve Kennan" was because the FBI reports actually have Alcarez stating it was "Kennan" OR "Keenan" with a first name of "Steve" OR "Larry" -- so when I found 2 Edward L Keenan's, I thought maybe one of them had the middle name of Larry and used that instead of Ed or Ned. The odd's jumped a bit when I realized the Harvard guy had been in Snyder's office when Oswald was there... But to cut to the chase, both were eventually interviewed and ruled out before the real "Steve Kennan" was positively ID'd. Alcarez did give one other important piece of information. He had met "Kennan" in '62 AND '63 -- and that's where the confusion with the first name comes in. Steve K was there in '62 until about Aug '63 (with motorbike). When he went back to the US, he gave his motorbike to his TWIN brother i.e a REAL doppelgangers - if not intentionally so. It has not been established that the twin did ride the bike to Mexico - but it is my theory he did. His first name was not Larry but does start with "L" and I believe he was the one Alcarez met in '63, not realizing it was not the same guy he'd met the previous year. As for Edward L Keenan the exchange student. He was most definitely a CIA agent in the REDSKIN program and had actually been "spotted" for the role by Snyder. He was kicked out in '61 or '62 for spying and in a speech once at Harvard, he talked about the difficulty of meeting contacts over there - an admission of sorts, despite his denials when the Russians actually published the details of his spying in '67. Greg, Thanks for clearing that up. But I'm still confused as to the name of the CIA-connected Quaker dude from Philly who gave Oswald rides on his bitchin' cherry red Harley soft tail "chopper" in Mexico City in Sept. - Oct., 1963. LOL --Tommy PS How sure are you that in late 1959 twenty-four year old Harvard grad student Edward Louis Keenan, Jr. was a CIA agent in the REDSKIN program? Are there any documents that prove this? Thanks. bumped for Greg Parker
  18. The FBI and/or WC apparently disagreed with you, because all the Stripling records disappeared. Excellent! Non-existent records disappeared from a place they could not have been stored at. I smell a Nobel Prize in Quantum Physics. The Copenhagen InterpretationThe Many-Worlds theory of quantum mechanics supposes that for each pos­sible outcome of any given action, the universe splits to accommodate each on­e. This theory takes the observer out of the equation. No longer are we able to influence the outcome of an event simply by observing it, as is stated by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. I can see the Copenhagen Interpretation being cited in defense of all doppelganger witnesses henceforth. Oops. You might have let the (dead?) cat out of the bag. --Tommy
  19. You are confusing the Harvard-educated Edward L. Keenan, Jr. (who encountered Oswald in Moscow in 1959) with another "Edward L. Keenan" who teaches linguistics at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). The Edward L. "Ned" Keenan who saw Oswald at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was born on May 13, 1935, and died on March 6, 2015. He taught Medieval Russian History at Harvard University. He received his bachelor's degree from Harvard in 1957 and his PhD from Harvard in 1965. You will note that the following obituary-of-sorts mentions that this Harvard-educated Keenan lived in the Soviet Union for a couple of years in the early 1960's. http://slavic.fas.harvard.edu/news/remembering-ned-keenan "Within the large and famous university of which Dumbarton Oaks forms but a small and remote part, Ned Keenan was a consummate Harvard man—but in his own distinctive fashion. Born on May 13, 1935, he remained in Cambridge continuously as an undergraduate (with a ’57 honors AB in Slavic Languages and Literatures), graduate student (PhD in 1965), and junior and senior faculty member (tenure in 1968), except for a couple of years in the Soviet Union in the early 1960s, until he took up the directorship of Dumbarton Oaks. While being Harvardian through-and-through, he clung proudly to his background as an outsider from western New York State." Here's another obituary-of-sorts which spells out that this Harvard-educated Edward L. Keenan was a graduate exchange student for two years in Russia starting in 1959: http://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/kritika/v016/16.2.boeck.pdf I don't deny that Harvard-educated Edward L. "Ned" Keenan might have been a young CIA agent in Russia in 1959 (he was 24 years old when Oswald showed up in Moscow), but I don't see any obvious connections between him and your Philadelphia Quakers. But then again, perhaps his simply being from western New York State (Buffalo) makes him guilty of that. LOL --Tommy PS Here's the Philadelphia-connected Edward L. Keenan who teaches linguistics at UCLA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Keenan http://www.linguistics.ucla.edu/people/keenan/keenan.htm If my math is correct, this Philadelphia-connected UCLA Keenan would have been an even younger (21-years-old) CIA agent than Edward L. "Ned" Keenan, Jr., was when Oswald showed up in Moscow in October, 1959... Tommy, the Keenan thing started with me trying to discover who "Steve Kennan" was because the FBI reports actually have Alcarez stating it was "Kennan" OR "Keenan" with a first name of "Steve" OR "Larry" -- so when I found 2 Edward L Keenan's, I thought maybe one of them had the middle name of Larry and used that instead of Ed or Ned. The odd's jumped a bit when I realized the Harvard guy had been in Snyder's office when Oswald was there... But to cut to the chase, both were eventually interviewed and ruled out before the real "Steve Kennan" was positively ID'd. Alcarez did give one other important piece of information. He had met "Kennan" in '62 AND '63 -- and that's where the confusion with the first name comes in. Steve K was there in '62 until about Aug '63 (with motorbike). When he went back to the US, he gave his motorbike to his TWIN brother i.e a REAL doppelgangers - if not intentionally so. It has not been established that the twin did ride the bike to Mexico - but it is my theory he did. His first name was not Larry but does start with "L" and I believe he was the one Alcarez met in '63, not realizing it was not the same guy he'd met the previous year. As for Edward L Keenan the exchange student. He was most definitely a CIA agent in the REDSKIN program and had actually been "spotted" for the role by Snyder. He was kicked out in '61 or '62 for spying and in a speech once at Harvard, he talked about the difficulty of meeting contacts over there - an admission of sorts, despite his denials when the Russians actually published the details of his spying in '67. Greg, Thanks for clearing that up. But I'm still confused as to the name of the CIA-connected Quaker dude from Philly who gave Oswald rides on his bitchin' cherry red Harley soft tail "chopper" in Mexico City in Sept. - Oct., 1963. LOL --Tommy
  20. You are confusing the Harvard-educated Edward L. Keenan, Jr. (who encountered Oswald in Moscow in 1959) with another "Edward L. Keenan" who teaches linguistics at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). The Edward L. "Ned" Keenan who saw Oswald at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was born on May 13, 1935, and died on March 6, 2015. He taught Medieval Russian History at Harvard University. He received his bachelor's degree from Harvard in 1957 and his PhD from Harvard in 1965. You will note that the following obituary-of-sorts mentions that this Harvard-educated Keenan lived in the Soviet Union for a couple of years in the early 1960's. http://slavic.fas.harvard.edu/news/remembering-ned-keenan "Within the large and famous university of which Dumbarton Oaks forms but a small and remote part, Ned Keenan was a consummate Harvard man—but in his own distinctive fashion. Born on May 13, 1935, he remained in Cambridge continuously as an undergraduate (with a ’57 honors AB in Slavic Languages and Literatures), graduate student (PhD in 1965), and junior and senior faculty member (tenure in 1968), except for a couple of years in the Soviet Union in the early 1960s, until he took up the directorship of Dumbarton Oaks. While being Harvardian through-and-through, he clung proudly to his background as an outsider from western New York State." Here's another obituary-of-sorts which spells out that this Harvard-educated Edward L. Keenan was a graduate exchange student for two years in Russia starting in 1959: http://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/kritika/v016/16.2.boeck.pdf I don't deny that Harvard-educated Edward L. "Ned" Keenan might have been a young CIA agent in Russia in 1959 (he was 24 years old when Oswald showed up in Moscow), but I don't see any obvious connections between him and your Philadelphia Quakers. But then again, perhaps his simply being from western New York State (Buffalo) makes him guilty of that. LOL --Tommy PS Here's the Philadelphia-connected Edward L. Keenan who teaches linguistics at UCLA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Keenan http://www.linguistics.ucla.edu/people/keenan/keenan.htm If my math is correct, this Philadelphia-connected UCLA Keenan would have been an even younger (21-years-old) CIA agent than Edward L. "Ned" Keenan, Jr., was when Oswald showed up in Moscow in October, 1959...
  21. Karl, That's very easy to explain. The bad guys killed Lee and substituted his corpse for Harvey's several years later. That would also explain the broken coffin. Uhh oh. I might have just opened up a big "can of worms," literally and figuratively. LOL --Tommy
  22. But have you ever perjured yourself during a legal proceeding? That's a bit more serious than telling the occasional "white lie" or an itsy bitsy little lie that you thought you had "good reasons" for. --Tommy PS Personally, I never ever ever ever lie. Unless it's absolutely necessary.
  23. I found two Brazilian immigration photos of William George Gaudet (born 1908) on this website. The second one from the top is from 1952. And way down near the bottom is one from 1951. (Scroll down to "Wiiliam [sic] George Gaudet.") http://www.myheritage.com/research/collection-30284/brazil-rio-de-janeiro-immigration-cards-1900-1965?formId=master&formMode=0&action=query&qname=Name+ln.Catado+lnme.true+lnms.false&path=&p=16 The William George Gaudet we are interested in was born in 1908 in Saint James, LA and was a resident of Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, when he died. Here's his partial obituary: http://www.jfk-online.com/jpswgobit.html According to "findagrave.com", he was born on September 21, 1908, in "New Orleans," and died on January 1, 1982 in Waveland, Mississippi. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=60685548 --Tommy
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