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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Larry, Good point. The shot through the windshield kinda (ya think?) preempted a "Lone Nut" scenario, but was excellent for suggesting a conspiracy in which Oswald was a shooter from the rear. A "commie" conspiracy -- even better reason for invading Cuba! Also served the purpose of slowing the limo down for even better shots from whichever direction, IMHO. --Tommy
  2. Actually, Tommy, I don't read all of your posts, because your tone is often insulting and unproductive. In that previous post, however, your opinion was useful, namely, that OSWALD "wrote this letter sometime before or during May, 1963, because, according to Mary Ferrell Foundation, that's when he closed PO Box 2913." Now, that Post Office Box number was written on directly on that letter from OSWALD to Gus Hall. So it seems your logic about the date of this letter is solid -- as far as that goes. HOWEVER, you then date that Oswald's FPCC episode only in "August" 1963, which you qualify by writing, "in earnest." Your qualifier, "in earnest," is rather subjective. Yet you are trying to separate this letter from OSWALD's FPCC episode by artificially removing May, June and July from OSWALD's FPCC activity. While everybody knows that Oswald got himself arrested, got his name in the newspapers, got his voice on the radio and got his picture on TV -- all in August 1963 -- your view gives no consideration to any preparation work that was done to plan this, to set this up, and so on, that would have occurred in the previous months of May, June and July 1963. In my theory, OSWALD went to NOLA in April 1963, only one week after he (allegedly) shot at Ex-General WALKER, and he quickly got a job at Reilly Coffee Company -- with easy walking distance to Guy Banister's offices. By 11 May 1963 OSWALD had a job, and apartment, and Ruth, Marina and June arrived at his NOLA apartment. Yet we also find that in 26 May 1963 OSWALD wrote to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee requesting a charter. (I surmise that OSWALD obtained directions from Guy Banister before this May contact, and learned that the FPCC was his target. May, or maybe even April, not August, is when OSWALD's FPCC adventure actually began.) Also in May, OSWALD ordered 1,000 FPCC handbills. In early June, OSWALD rented his local PO box for Alec .J. Hidell -- a fictitious person who would be the only fictitious member of his fictitious FPCC chapter in NOLA. Also in June 1963, OSWALD distributed FPCC handbills at the Dumaine Street wharf by the U.S.S. Wasp. OSWALD also applied for a new US Passport in June. By mid-July, further, OSWALD was fired from the Reily Coffee Company. What is so difficult about greasing gears in the factory? What was hard in OSWALD's case is that he was very often ABSENT from his post. Not on the job. He was accepting envelopes next door at Alba's parking garage, where the FBI regularly parked their cars. At this point OSWALD was now free to begin working on his Fake FPCC "in earnest." His connections, Carlos Bringuier and Ed Butler, had the means and the motivation to assist Oswald in forging these credentials for a Fake FPCC using newspaper, radio and TV. So, your timetable is half-right, Tommy, by my reading. In my view, OSWALD was slowly building up to his Fake FPCC antics in August, all the way back in April, when he first located himself so close to Guy Banister's offices in April, 1963. It was planned. I repeat: OSWALD's letter to CPUSA's leader, Gus Hall, was apparently a part of the FPCC scenario. The dots connect. Sincerely, --Paul Trejo So you made a mistake when you suggested that the letter had a date on it, didn't you. --Tommy PS Why do you appear to play so "fast and loose" with the facts so often? Are you just too busy lecturing us on your "theory" to do much "fact checking?" Whatever it is, please keep it up. It's fun correcting you so often.
  3. Mr. Tidd, Shoot at JFK through the windshield to "encourage" the driver to slow down, since Greer probably wouldn't want to drive into (where he thought) the ambush was coming from, thereby giving the shooters on the side and / or in the rear a better, slower target? Just an idea. --Tommy
  4. Paul, I agree with you that Escalante is worthy of our consideration. If It wasn't so hot and humid in Cuba, I would consider moving there. (After all, they do have surf!) If I do, I'll try to look him up. LOL --Tommy PS Consider this a clever "bump," Paul.
  5. Well, Stephen, regarding the letter from OSWALD to Gus Hall, the leader of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), I think that the date of the letter tells most of the story. Insofar as the letter belongs to OSWALD's New Orleans period, at a time when OSWALD was helping to create a Fake FPCC in NOLA, we should probably interpret the Gus Hall letter as a part of that facade -- the action of a real Communist Infiltration, probably controlled by Guy Banister, who hated the FPCC. We have confirmation of this with The Lopez Report, which shows that OSWALD presented a Fake CPUSA card in Mexico City, to go with his Fake FPCC credentials. As a part of OSWALD's Communist Infiltration (as planned by Guy Banister) would include a distinct paper trail to Communist leaders-- like Gus Hall, as well as Vincent Lee of the FPCC, and the Mlittant newspaper, and so on. Notice that OSWALD did not have an authentic membership in the CPUSA, nor did he hang around the left-wing in person -- only over the Post Office. That was deliberate. Either OSWALD was making Fake bona fides to kill Castro, or OSWALD was being FRAMED, exactly as Jim Garrison suspected. Regards, --Paul Trejo The date of the letter? The date of the letter?? I guess you didn't bother to read my earlier post regarding the probable period of time when the letter was sent, based on the return address. Do you know the exact "date of the letter," Professor? LOL --Tommy
  6. The handwriting sure looks (to me) like Oswald's, but strangely enough, there are no spelling mistakes that I can see. --Tommy Check that. It looks like he misspelled "activities," the first word in the second line. And oh, yeah. He misspelled "trials," too. BTW, looks like he wrote this letter sometime before or during May, 1963, because, according to to Mary Ferrell Foundation, that's when he closed P.O. Box 2913. That particular P.O. Box was at the main Dallas post office (on Ervay?), not at the Terminal Annex post office, which was situated on the south side of Dealey Plaza, and at which he did not rent a P.O. Box until November 1. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/marysdb/showRec.do;jsessionid=EC6D8D2A26826E29E3C0EB351806F92A?id=7650 If so, he would have written this letter before he moved to New Orleans and started his FPCC activity in earnest . It would be interesting to know what Gus Hall did, if anything, regarding Oswald's request to join the CPUSA. Did Gus run a "background check" on him and decide to not let him join? LOL
  7. OK, Jon. Instead of "politically astute back in the day," then how about "politically aware?" PS All you gotta say is, "Thank you." LOL --Tommy
  8. Sounds like you were / are a very politically-aware dude, Mr. Tidd. Kudos to you for that. Unfortunately, many Americans were not as astute as you were, so Woodward and Bernstein kinda educated them about how "good" or "bad" Nixon was, didn't they. You know, kinda "opened dem people's eyes." I mean, those who were willing to "see?" --Tommy
  9. Well, Paul B., I think we can agree this far -- that Oswald's (and Banister's) Fake FPCC in NOLA was concurrent with similar efforts by the CIA and FBI to ruin the FPCC. This means to me that David Atlee Phillip's 1988 alibi (The Amlash Legacy) is plausible -- that he was seen with Oswald in the summer of 1963 in the context of killing Fidel Castro. It also suggests to me that Guy Banister & Co. might have the same alibi. What complicates the situation is the Mexico City episode. Even if one believes that the FPCC was "innocent" of supporting Communism in 1963, one must explain why FPCC Officers had the reputation of being allowed "instant" passage into Castro's Cuba in 1962-1963 -- without delays. It certainly seems that Banister (and Phillips) and Oswald were trying to trick their way into Cuba by relying on the FPCC reputation. Oswald seems to have spent all of the summer of 1963 (especially August) forging bona-fides to make himself look specifically like an "Officer" of the FPCC, and he took these bona-fides with him to Mexico City (as shown by The Lopez Report). Now -- David Atlee Phillips has an explanation for that, too -- it was all part of an attempt to kill Fidel Castro. That actually sounds plausible to me. So, let's give Guy Banister the same pass. It's all a right-wing plot to kill Castro. Now we must explain the Bill Simpich scenario -- the CIA discovers an IMPERSONATION of Oswald in Mexico City -- a pretense which attempts to link the name of Oswald with the name of KGB Agent Valerie Kostikov. Now the CIA is involved. Can we also give CIA Agent David Morales the same free pass? Perhaps David Morales was also trying to fool the Cubans and Russians into buying the Oswald Fake FPCC. So -- at the most generous to these players -- at the end of the Mexico City episode, we find Lee Harvey Oswald completely defeated -- and the New Orleans façade of a Fake FPCC completely defeated by Mexico City Cuban Consulate. Lee Harvey Oswald was not on the official FPCC guest list, so there was no way Oswald was getting "instant" passage into Cuba. However -- at this point we now have one Lee Harvey Oswald who is entirely FRAMED as a radical supporter of the FPCC. If somebody were to think to make this guy a Communist PATSY in Dallas -- it would be fantastic luck for them. Was it all just a coincidence that Oswald ended up as the PATSY, then? Why did Gerry Patrick Hemming tell A.J. Weberman that he personally called Oswald in Dallas (from Florida) to promise him double the price of his MC rifle if he would only bring it to the TSBD building on the morning of 11/22/1963? Who knew that Oswald had a rifle? When did the PATSY status of Oswald really begin? In NOLA, as Jim Garrison believed, or as late as September? Regards, --Paul Trejo I think that most Americans (and particularly southerners) in the early 1960's would have had a hard time differentiating between a so-called "progressive" commie-Castro-supporting organization like the FPCC and a full-on card-carrying Communist organization. So, what does it matter? Not only would self-avowed "Marxist" Oswald have been looked upon by most Americans as being "a commie," but the FPCC would have been viewed as a "Commie organization" by the vast majority of southerners, except, perhaps, by Russian history professors at Duke or Rice, etc. --Tommy I think that Oswald's FPCC activities were part of a planned operation in which his role was designed to give the FPCC "a bad name" by "Marxist" / Commie Oswald's associating with it.
  10. But thank god we have journalists, right? Like Woodward and Bernstein back in the day (for example), or were they working for the bad guys, too?
  11. [...] The topic of the JFK Motorcade stopping or slowing-down is IMHO related to WALKER, who led the DPD in the JFK murder precisely at the DPD-controlled Dealey Plaza, with DPD Chief Jesse Curry as the driver of the lead limo in the JFK Motorcade. Regards, --Paul Trejo How far ahead of JFK's limousine was Curry's car? How did Curry get Greer to slow down or stop exactly where and when he did? Had at least one shot been already fired at JFK when Greer slowed down or stopped? Was Curry in visual contact with Greer? If not, how could Curry "control" Greer as precisely as you seem to think he did? --Tommy I don't necessarily know the answers to these questions, btw, so they aren't necessarily Rhetorical Questions. But then again, they might be. Anyone want to answer these questions for "Professor" Trejo?
  12. [...] The topic of the JFK Motorcade stopping or slowing-down is IMHO related to WALKER, who led the DPD in the JFK murder precisely at the DPD-controlled Dealey Plaza, with DPD Chief Jesse Curry as the driver of the lead limo in the JFK Motorcade. Regards, --Paul Trejo How far ahead of JFK's limousine was Curry's car? How did Curry get Greer to slow down or stop exactly where and when he did? Had at least one shot been already fired at JFK when Greer slowed down or stopped? Was Curry in visual contact with Greer? If not, how could Curry "control" Greer as precisely as you seem to think he did? --Tommy
  13. IMHO, the opinion of Harry Dean would be useful here. Whatever one might think about his claims to have heard WALKER in September 1963 mention OSWALD in the context of a possible assassination attempt on JFK, it seems to me that the Senate and HUAC record that asks about Harry Dean in connection with the Chicago FPCC, is fairly well accepted. Harry Dean also claims that he contacted the FBI about the FPCC in the early 1960's -- not as a regular informant, but as a concerned citizen -- warning them of the Communist rhetoric among the FPCC members he encountered in Chicago and surrounding States. Regards, --Paul Trejo Was the FPCC subsidized by the Cuban government? If so, was the Cuban government "Communistic,", "Socialistic," "Marxist," a collection of Odd Duck Leftists, or what? Does a Communistic organization have to preach Worldwide Communist Revolution, or can it concentrate on supporting the Communistic revolution that has taken place in one country? --Tommy
  14. Jo Jo, Nice synopsis and very well-written if I don't say so, myself. LOL Thanks for explaining that. --Tommy
  15. Yeah, Jo Jo. That way I'll have enough time to read Lee and Harvey and Henry , too. To use your clever Education Forum "expressions," I really love that sh!t. I think it really kicks A$$ ! LOL --Tommy PS Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck outside of Memphis with the Mobile blues, again. (Yes, Jo Jo, I know I got it backwards.)
  16. Excellent work, Jo Jo! I knew I could motivate someone to do it. Looks I kinda jogged your memory and /or motivated you to answer your own question, didn't I. BTW, Love the caveat -- "If one knows where to look." LOL Ever read the bit where Tom Sawyer gets the other kids to paint the fence for him on the pretext that it was so much fun? Well, did you have fun, Jo Jo? Come on, admit it. Keep up the good work, --Tommy "And I'm as honest as a Denver man can be."
  17. Jon, I tend to agree with you, but it is interesting that Chief Curry kinda "spilled the beans" when he not only admitted early on that they couldn't prove that Oswald had been at that window with that rifle at that time or any other time, but also that the FBI had "borrowed" the basically un-inventoried evidence for 72 hours before returning it to the DPD. So I'm willing to believe those two particular "DPD statements," impromptu and verbal (I think) though they were. --Tommy
  18. For some reason I can't quite bring myself to read the whole post (at least not yet), but I understand correctly what I have read of it , I think you're asking whether or not the "magic bullet" or "single bullet" scenario was considered by the Warren Commission's lawyers before Tague's wound at Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63 became known to them. I think that's an excellent question because if it can be shown that they weren't considering the "magic bullet" or "single bullet" scenario "before Tague," then it's obvious that they adopted that scenario only because of Tague. Am I paraphrasing the issue, as you have framed it, correctly? --Tommy
  19. Jon, Goin' from memory here (I'm gettin' lazy in my old age), but if I'm not mistaken Baker at one time claimed that he saw or encountered a man in a brown or tan jacket on the 4th floor. Or was it Truly that said that? Someone please correct me on this if I'm wrong. Thanks, --Tommy
  20. 1) There are enough people who claim a Banister-Oswald relationship that it is possible that there was one. On the other hand, some of the claimants are not impressive: I'm not sure the Campbell brothers really knew Banister. I don't know why Delphine Roberts changed her story so dramatically in 1978. I have so many reservations about the tales told by Prof. Michael Kurtz, that I can't accept his claims without corroboration. You see my point?? 2) Yes, I do think Oswald probably arranged to rent an office at 544 Camp, and when Newman and Arthus found out the purpose, they begged out of the deal. And that they "misremembered" to the authorities after the assassination. 3) Yes, like I said above, Russo printed an Oswald FPCC flyer with the stamp in his "Live By The Sword." Inquiries indicated that the flyer originated with Frank Martello's widow. 4) I don't know. I think he really expected to have an office there, at one time. 5) Getting close! I've been spurred on by several factors: A friend who simply has been gently pushing, another researcher who has traded some great Ferrie stuff with me, and the unauthorized use of a lot of my material by a crazy person. I've adopted the Rick Nelson philosophy about the Ferrie project: "You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself." Hi Stephen et al... 1) I notice you do not mention Gaudet related to 544 Camp, Bannister and Oswald... Is he not a reliable witness to Bannister-Oswald? 2) Was it necessary for Oswald to actually rent the space if Bannister is already there and he was working with/thru him and his associates? 3) Other than Russo there does not seem to be any "544 Camp" flyers, only the Corliss pamphlet and his stamp kit (below is a report of th3e SS trying to distance Oswald from 544 Camp) 4) Seems to me that he was playing with the stamp kit for a variety of reasons over that summer... He had stamped his PO BOX and MAGAZINE addresses and evidently 544 CAMP as well. That his stamp kit was used to stamp the Corliss book with Camp Street should give the SS a little evidence that he was associated with that address. I have not looked into CAMP as deeply as you and look forward to reading the work you've done... Does the fact that most everyone involved with these flyers was US intelligence and that the flyers were in direct opposition of Oswald's stated intentions to the same people who he tells "Hit me" - as an anti-Castro supporter - not give us enough reason to associate Oswald with Bannister's little operation? Facinating stuff... thanks Stephen DJ 1) I only mentioned three selected examples of people who could have been good witnesses but weren't. Gaudet seems like a good witness. My only reservation is that he said nothing until 1978. 2) I'm not talking hypotheticals. Oswald said he rented an office, and Newman and Arthus were just cagey enough to make me think that he really had tried to do so. But hypothetically, if Oswald was an agent, yes, he'd likely rent an office and conceal any Banister connection. 3) I first saw an LHO flyer with the 544 stamp in one of Groden's books, but people told me it was just a prop from the Stone film. When I noticed the one in Russo's book, whom I consider more responsible, I asked him the source and he said it was Martello's widow. 4) Yeah, the SS and the FBI were concerned and mystified by the 544 stamp, at different times. (I asked an SA in the NO FBI office about the quick investigation of the 544 stamp in the days immediately after the assassination; He said it "never occurred to them" that it might be associated with Banister). When you say "most everyone involved with these flyers was US intelligence," who do you mean? 1) Sibert and O'Neill didn't say anything until 1997 or so, nor were even questioned until the HSCA in 1978 (MD85, 46, 155) does that mean what they had to say was any less valuable or revealing? Many, many witnesses to Dallas and New Orleans did not speak out right away... thankfully some finally did. Gaudet not only puts these men together but holds the tourist visa number just prior to Oswald's for what amounted to a single day's visit... 2) Well you definitely know these details better than I so I'll go with your telling of it. Adding statements like "he'd likely..." is good speculation based on what you know... Curious - when and where does Ozzie say he rented an office, or is this only Newman and Arthus telling of the story to the HSCA? (I see multiple mentions of Mr. Gay's HSCA testimony yet not the testimony itself) As I read the HSCA related to Newman and Gay and 544 Camp it just reeks with FBI mumbo jumbo and denials that make little sense. No one sees him at "544 Camp" while no one is ever asked about Lafayette. The committee learned that the Newman Building occupied the corner lot facing Lafayette Square. On one side its address was 544 Camp Street.(22) Its other entrance was addressed 531 Lafayette Street.(23) It was a three-story granite structure owned and operated by Sam Newman as a rental income property for commercial offices.(24). (23 is Newman's HSCA testimony that I also cannot find...) Newman told the committee he had great difficulty renting space in the building.(25) Consequently, there were few tenants there in the summer of 1963. The Camp STreet address was the main entrance to offices for two workers' associations: the Hotel, Motel, and Restaurant Workers' Union and the Amalgamated Association of Street Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employees of America.(26) It was also the entrance that led to the quarters of the building's janitor, James Arthus.(27) There was only one office at the Lafayette Street address, that of Guy Banister Associates, a private investigative firm.(28) The offices once rented by the Cuban Revolutionary Council at 544 Camp Street still lay empty.(29) "Mancuso's," a small coffeeshop, was located on the ground floor with its own entrance onto the corner of Camp and Lafayette Streets.(30) (again #28 refers to Newman's testimony) I know you said you were writing a book (on this?) so maybe you could share why you feel that way about Newman (Did you speak with Gay?) 3) Creating the 544 Stamp after the fact would not be too hard. What I find interesting is the "4907 Magazine" was what stamp set was left as.... We know it was set to HIDELL and PO BOX 30016, The stamp kit was also not initialed by the DPD so where it was and what was created by it is anybody's guess. 4) Bannister was associated with 531 Lafayette instead of Camp... at least according to the HSCA telling of it. "Intel" in New Orleans: Ordered and picked up flyers: Thornley/Osborne Paid to distribute flyers: Charles Steele Jr (Dallas T-14) Those who interact with Ozzie related to the FPCC flyers: Bringuier, Quiroga, Aracha Smith, Richard Davis II, Bannister Delphine and Ferrie and Banister's brother Ross all say that Ozzie was there that summer and worked with Guy and others. The SS does its best to say he wasn't there - to me alarm bells go off anytime the government is so certain about facts we come to know to be false... there is also no reason to believe that only Oswald used that stamp kit. DJ Goin' from memory here again, but regarding whether or not Oswald ever told anyone about his renting an office, I believe that FPCC headquarters received a letter from Oswald (I don't know if it was Harvey, Lee, or Henry) about one week before he was arrested in New Orleans (on August 9. 1963) in which he said that he had taken the liberty of renting a small office at an unspecified location in New Orleans, but had had to move out after only three days because he was informed that the office (or maybe several offices; I don't remember the details) in whichever building his office was situated was / were going to be "remodeled" or "renovated" or something like that. So how's my old memory doin' here, folks? --Tommy
  21. Going from memory here but I believe that fourteen year-old amateur photographer James "Jim" Doyle (since deceased) observed Oswald's being watched closely and and being photographed by a man using an "exceedingly expensive" camera the day Oswald, Bringuier, and two other Cubans were arrested on August 9, 1963. Doyle said that the man with the camera kinda stuck out because he was wearing a grey suit on a hot New Orleans day when all the other men wear wearing short-sleeved shirts. Also, in the notes made by a journalist (Billings?) who "helped" Jim Garrison in his investigation there is reference to a "shepherd," apparently spotted at Oswald's leafletings, including at Oswald's brief Maison Blanche Building leafleting by, of all people, Carlos Bringuier and his young sidekick Miguel Cruz, and that the "shepherd" was wearing a coat and tie and sunglasses and was taking pictures of Oswald. Billings wrote that, according to Garrison, the "shepherd" had a 1-inch scar on his left eye brow. Billings or Garrison apparently wondered whether or not this same "shepherd" dude might have been the driver of the "tan station wagon." I assume that what they are referring to is the station wagon that Orest Pena or one of his friends saw (a couple of days after the notorious Oswald-vomiting-the-lemonade-on-the-bar incident at Pena's bar in New Orleans) in which car was riding the commie-speaking Mexican-looking dude who had accompanied Oswald into the bar a few days or nights earlier. http://www.jfk-online.com/billings4.html In the Jim Doyle film you can see a tall, athletic-looking man wearing a grey suit and scratching the back of his neck while standing, with his back to the camera and right in front of it, watching Oswald who is walking past him and apparently wearing his "Viva La Fidel" sign, as reported by Doyle's younger sister, who also witnessed the event. To see the guy I'm talking about, go to 3:58 of this youtube video: I believe you can see the same man wearing the same suit in photos and / or films taken a few minutes after the assassination, watching the goings-on in front of the TSBD. --Tommy expanded and bumped for Jon G. Tidd
  22. I also had to look twice to convince myself that the two photographs of OSWALD you posted were the same person. Yet when I noted that the photos were taken years apart, with different cameras, by different photographers, I could see the similarities. A lot can happen in four years. Any weight change can make a big difference. Also, viewing the top of the nose is far different from viewing the bottom of the nose. Here's a couple of photos from a famous person -- Judy Garland -- only a four years apart, I believe -- by two different cameras. One might think they aren't the same person. Regards, --Paul Trejo garland_14.jpggarland_17.jpg It's very obvious that these are photos of Arlene and Lee Ann. --Tommy
  23. OK, Jon, I'd like to respond to this: (1.0) It's important to distinguish between an official Intelligence Organization (FBI, CIA, ONI) and Guy Banister. Banister was a crooked politician, working for Carlos Marcello along with David Ferrie. (1.1) I imagine (based on Garrison's and Mellen's work) that Banister might get some cash infusions from Clay Shaw -- yet by my reading, Mafia don Carlos Marcello was the an actual employer of Banister and Ferrie in 1963. (1.2) What I would suppose (following Jim Garrison's Jack S. Martin, and Joan Mellen's Tom Beckham) is that Guy Banister recruited Oswald to infiltrate pro-Castro Cubans. (1.3) This was on *behalf* of the anti-Castro Cubans (whom OSWALD also offered to train for Carlos Bringuier). (1.4) Naturally, any CIA officers involved in AMWORLD, AMTRUNK and AMLASH might be mildly interested in Guy Banister's crooked deal -- but from a distance -- to see if they might profit in some manner, in the near future. (2.0) I agree entirely that the LAST thing Guy Banister would want is to have OSWALD hang around with Guy Banister -- if (and only if) infiltrating Castro's people was really BANISTER's motive. (2.1) Yet Jack S. Martin says that OSWALD was often in meetings with Banister. (2.2) Banister's own secretary said that she saw OSWALD with her boss, and that her boss once stood up for OSWALD. (2.3) So, Banister evidently gave OSWALD the impression that the 'enemy' was dizzy, and they could get away with practically anything -- like using these Fake FPCC credentials to Mexico City during the final week of September 1963. (2.4) It is plausible that the address of 544 Camp Street, NOLA, on the genuine handbills for a Fake FPCC was stamped on those handbills by an oversight; a mistake. (2.5) For example -- not all FPCC handbills found had that address on them. (2.6) For example, the FBI submitted an FPCC handbill with the stamp of 544 Camp Street, directly to the Warren Commission Exhibits -- and it never occurred to the FBI that there might be some connection. It took Jim Garrison to discover that, since NOLA was his home town. (3.0) I agree with you Jon, that it would have been silly for BANISTER to use OSWALD to flush out some street-level Castro supporters. It makes no sense. (3.1) What makes more sense is that BANISTER might use OSWALD for a larger plot. (3.2) That plot could have been sold to OSWALD as 'killing Fidel Castro.' (3.3) BANISTER's real plot would be (IMHO) creating a PATSY with an iron-clad history of FPCC support, in newspaper, radio, TV and police reports. Iron-clad. (3.4) To this very day people still show OSWALD handing out leaflets in front of the NOLA Trade Mart and declare him to be an authentic FPCC member. Oy vey. (4.0) If (and only if) the story told by Marina Oswald, George De Mohrenschildt, Jeanne De Mohrenschildt and Volkmar Schmidt (i.e the Walker shooting) is presumed to be true, then we may say that OSWALD was inclined to do more with his life than merely leafletting. (4.1) That is, OSWALD was not disinclined to use his rifle to impress his rich and yuppie Dallas friends. (4.2) I do agree with you this far, Jon -- that nobody would dare tell OSWALD that he was being set up to be a Communist Patsy for a much bigger game. (4.3) What points to the JFK murder conspiracy is simply that OSWALD was set up to look like an authentic FPCC supporter (i.e. a Communist) in NOLA -- and on that basis was exploited as the Patsy in the JFK murder. (4.4) Thus, anybody who kept nagging the Warren Commission in 1964 that OSWALD was no "Lone Nut" but a Communist agitator -- is rightly suspected (IMHO) of being part of the Conspiracy. (4.5) I note that Ex-General WALKER, even in his WC testimony, would insist that the WC was all wrong about OSWALD. (5.0) I agree with you, too, Jon, that someone observing OSWALD "from a distance" might have considered him useful to their plans. (5.1) That could include the CIA (since the CIA said that year that they considered "laying on of interviews" with Oswald). (5.2) It could also include Ex-General WALKER. (5.3) The connection in WALKER's mind could be revenge against JFK/RFK for the April shooting. (5.4) WALKER hints as much in many of his personal papers. Regards, --Paul Trejo Guy Banister was a private investigator, not a politician. A politician is someone who tries, and maybe succeeds, to get elected to a public office by the electorate of his neighborhood, town, city, region, county, state, or country. The real question should be, "Was Guy Banister a materialistic private investigator?" LOL --Tommy
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