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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Bumped because Sandy missed it, I guess. Edit: I wonder if Hargrove or Josephs feel up to it? (I'm challenging them to put all of the photos on Jack White's "poster" into their "proper" category: "HARVEY," "LEE," or ... uh, ..... "UNDECIDED")
  2. What this means, Word Twister, is that, given the correct translation of the Spanish word "rubio" (with no help from you, btw, except for the fact that you did indicate that that particular Spanish word must have been used by non-English-speaking Duran and Eusebio, so thank you very much for that), Sylvia Duran described the "Oswald" she dealt with on 9/27/63 as being quite short in stature, blue-eyed, and blond haired, and that her colleague, Eusebio Azcue, described him as being not only about 35 year-old, thin-bodied, and very thin-faced, but either blond or dark-blond haired. "LEON" on the left, Leonov on the right. -- Tommy
  3. Dear Paul "Word Twister" Trejo, All I can say is, "It takes one to know one," and ... thanks for "bumping" it! -- Tommy PS All of the Hispanics I've asked so far here in San Diego say that the Spanish words "rubio / rubia," when applied to a person, describes that person's hair color, not his or her complexion, and means that that person has blond hair, not brown or blond hair.
  4. Thanks, Sandy. It would be nice if a Harvey and Lee and the Two Marguerites specialist were to put together a new graphic showing, separately, all of the photos of "Lee," and all of the photos of "Harvey" (which appear to be all mixed together in Jack White's "poster"), and which included, if necessary, a special category for "undecided." (I've got a sneakin' hunch that the "undecided" photos will comprise a very large group, indeed.) -- Tommy
  5. Sandy, Do you think this tough-looking kid "with the 13-inch head" is "Harvey," or "Lee"? -- Tommy
  6. bumped because it's my thread and because Hargrove still hasn't convincingly addressed this issue -- he keeps relying of the "analysis" of the Ivy League "Ivory Tower" instructor of Slavic languages who probably didn't speak English very well, himself, having lived in Russia for 32 years before moving to the U.S.
  7. Michael, I'm starting to think the Russians have been paying them for a long time to spread this "National Security State" paranoiac way of thinking. Or maybe they're not getting paid for it, but are simply incredibly gullible and have, therefore, swallowed "hook, line, and sinker" all of the misinformation the KGB, etc, have been churning out over the decades. -- Tommy
  8. Given the fact that many serious researchers believe DeMohrenschildt was a CIA handler of the one-and-only Lee Harvey Oswald, why are you so predisposed to believe what DeMohrenschildt said about Oswald's Russian language abilities? -- Tommy
  9. LOL. Jim Hargrove? Holding his own? He barricades himself with truckloads of steaming-hot, overcooked spaghetti! Grand strategy: "The longer the post, the better; change subjects when losing." (Which is quite often.) -- Tommy
  10. Great thread. Personally? I believe that we couldn't possibly have gone to the moon because it's obviously made of green cheese and the spaceship would have gotten stuck there. -- Tommy
  11. bumped because the KGB would never think of doing such a thing and anyway because Putin's such a nice guy and because former KGB General Nikolai Leonov (see above) is a Putin supporter and a member of the Russian parliament and because I'm 1/4 Ukrainian, I suppose. Ukraine, you know, that "neo-fascist" country that Putin started "secretly" invading three years ago because, well, George Soros and Killery-Shillery Clinton and the Illuminati forced his hand, didn't they! I mean, I mean, I mean ... that's what all of the "Left" and "Left-Center" news sources with "Mixed" (or worse) factual reporting according to mediabiasfactcheck. com tell me, so it must be true, especially since it fits in so nice-and-comfy with my "Deep State" / "National Security State" world view! (lol)
  12. So we must assume that even though the mythological "Harvey" was, according to the mysterious Mrs Tippit, from a Hungarian family, Hungarian was not his first language, but Russian was. Why? Well, because he spoke it so darn well, didn't he, later in life, I mean. I mean, I mean ... according to (probable KGB hooker) Marina Prusakova, and those always truthful White Russians in Dallas. LOL -- Tommy
  13. "Oswald's 201 file was opened in December 1960 to contain cables, news clipings, and other-material accumulated in response to an inquiry from the Department of State about a list of 12 Amcrican defectors In Soviet Bloc countries; Oswald's name was on the list." See the top footnote at the bottom of page 3: http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB493/docs/intell_ebb_026.PDF
  14. Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy How could Harvey's "first language" have been (Indo-European; Slavic) Russian when he was born in Hungary to Hungarian parents and therefore must have learned (non Indo-European, Turkic) Hungarian first? -- Tommy
  15. bumped Well Jim, once again -- What languages did you study in high school? Just English? Did you ever have to learn another language, you know, just to get along? In other words, have you ever lived in a non English-speaking country?
  16. Bill, Where's my tape cassette you promised to send back to me a few years ago? You know, of my interview with retired ONI special agent Robert D. Steel? -- Tommy
  17. Tracy, It obvious they mistakenly told the truth from time to time. A whole buncha "typos" which, in a Freudian slip kind-of-way, were ..... incredibly TRUE! Ya gotta realize this is a very ironic case. -- Tommy
  18. Dear Word Twister, Sylvia Duran described the Oswald she dealt with as being "blond" and having "blue eyes". Eusebio Azcue said he was "blond, (maybe) dark blond". You would have us believe that when they said blond ("rubio"), they weren't talking about "Oswald's" hair color per se, but about his overall light complexion and hair color compared to the dark skin and "jet black" hair of most "Mexicans". In other words, you claim that by their use of the word "rubio" we cannot tell if they meant he had light blond hair, dark blond hair, light brown hair, medium brown hair, or dark blond hair -- just that his hair was lighter in color than "jet black". Why, then, did Azcue say that he was "blond, (maybe) dark blond"? Do you really think he meant that "Oswald" was light-skinned, (maybe) dark-light-skinned? LOL -- Tommy Mexico City-based KGB officer Nikolai Leonov
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