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Gil Jesus

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Everything posted by Gil Jesus

  1. Chronicles the Secret Service's reduction of President Kennedy's protection and its last-minute changes for the Dallas motorcade. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QAWiIRgx0g
  2. Another possible explanation that occurred to me when reading your post is that the shot went through the windshield and missed. Maybe this is the shot that Virgie Rachley and others saw hit the street. Gil Jesus: Nick I also wondered if the bullet could have gone through the windshield and hit the street behind it. It would make sense if the bullet went through the windshield and caused a shard of glass to enter Kennedy's throat, the bullet going on and missing Kennedy but hitting the street behind the limo. But the trajectory doesn't seem to be right for that. The proximity of the follow-up car to the President's limo's back bumper (according to the Zapruder film) makes it unlikely that any shot fired from the front could have hit the street behind JFK's limo. The shot would have either had to have hit somewhere in or on the Presidential limo, or hit the follow up car. As to when the President received the back shot, one of the witnesses stated that the back shot had caused the President's hair to fly up on the right side. Although his hair flies up several times between Zapruder frames 255-300, the most noticeable is between Z270 - Z280, just as the car passes the streetlight. It is also my opinion that the first shot that was described by witnesses as a "firecracker", was actually the sound of a bullet piercing the windshield. I believe that that sound created an echo that bounced off of the buildings on Houston Street and came back towards the underpass, causing the people on Elm St. (including the Secret Service agents in the followup car) to look back towards where they thought the sound came from--the intersection of Houston and Elm. This is not to say that shots were not fired from behind the limo, because I believe there were. But my point is that in my opinion, I believe that the first shot was fired from in front of the limo, went through the windshield, causing the firecracker sound, nicked Kennedy's tie on the left side of the knot and entered his throat. I believe that the entry of that bullet caused an airway obstruction and that JFK's reaction in Zapruder frames 225-237 indicates (to me, anyways) that he was loosening his tie with his left hand, while cupping his right hand over his mouth in an attempt to clear that obstruction. I believe that the tracheostomy was enlarged prior to the Bethesda autopsy in an attempt to remove the bullet. I believe that this was done at the Walter Reed Army Hospital. The bullet was removed and given to the Secret Service, who then handed it over to the FBI at Bethesda. The SS received a receipt for that "missile". I also believe that there WAS a bullet found on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital, that that bullet was the one that had entered Kennedy's back and did not exit, but because it was fired from a rifle that was not Oswald's, it was substituted with a bullet that had (CE 399).
  3. Hey Gil, do you know if you have any footage of Helen Thomas asking President Kennedy a question? There is one where a woman reporter asks Kennedy about two "security risks" in the State Department. I'm not sure whether it is Thomas or not. I'd have to look at it again. Kennedy is disturbed by the question regarding a man named Miller and a man named William Weiland, a left-leaning Kennedy supporter. It was Weiland who arranged the meeting between then Senator Kennedy and a group of moderate anti-Castro Cubans prior to the election. Myra, link to any of the videos you feel are pertinent to the content of your website or webpage. That's why they're there. If, for any reason I update any of the videos, I'll post any address changes here. Thanks for your interest, Gil Jesus.
  4. A President Kennedy laugh-a-thon with clips from various press conferences. A showcase of the Kennedy wit and Kennedy charm that will draw a smile from your face and endear him to you forever. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC_B3OBmb0Y
  5. CORRECTION : part 2 is now here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Sl6V-0nK3c
  6. Where do you think the shooter would have been located, if the shot is as you described? First, I'd like to let everyone know that this is my opinion based on the facts as I know them. I believe that a shot was fired through the windshield from the south side of Elm St., hitting JFK in the throat. This is the area across the street from the picket fence. I really haven't given it much thought as to the origin of the shot, in this video I was just trying to give one explanation as to how the throat wound came to be. I've been told, although I haven't seen any pictures of it as yet, that there were storm drains on both sides of the overpass. If true, it seems that the one on the south side could have been the position from which the throat shot was fired. But before I commit to it, I'd like to look into that a little further. It seems like when we put the hole in the windshield together with the nick in the knot of the tie, the position of JFK's head when he was hit in the throat, and the reaction of Governor Connally in Z-Frames 222-231, this theory seems as plausible as any.
  7. Gil Jesus' examination of the shot-through-the-windshield theory resulting in the throat wound to President Kennedy. Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QLFOzwsYSM Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jO2TMxcduk
  8. The second half of John F. Kennedy's acceptance speech before the Democratic National Convention, 1960. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1Ko-n8Ubkw
  9. First half of JFK's Acceptance Speech at the Democratic Convention, 1960. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVfXxSXRlos
  10. Dave: I think you and Mr. Speer hit the nail on the head. I've suspected for a few weeks that the name Tomas Lowry was a fake name. I didn't know that he was also "Chuck Schyler". If he got an e-mail from John, then he's also a member of this forum, albeit lurking in the background. That's what I was trying to find out. Thanks for answering my question, John.
  11. One of the trolls over at alt.conspiracy.jfk claims you sent him an e-mail. Check this out: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspir...55cabb19adac318
  12. Thank You. It makes me feel good to know that these videos are being put to good use. It certainly is a motivator to receive positive feedback from folks who appreciate the amount of work that goes into putting these together. I feel that such an effort is neccessary to educate young people and give them a sense of history, so that the mistakes of the past won't be the mistakes of the future. Thank You again for your kind words.
  13. Yes. Over the years I have purchased many videos on JFK. I am currently using Windows Movie Maker to capture and edit these videos. Some of these clips are put together from different video sources. At times I spend hours going through videos trying to find a certain clip to insert in my presentation. As the years go by, I find it harder to remember on which video I saw a particular clip. Maybe someday I'll make a list of what clip is on what video. Unfortunately, the length of the clip is determined by its length on the source video. I try to get as much of the segment as is available to me, but sometimes the whole clip is not on the source video.
  14. I agree, John. I have several documentary-style videos on my Youtube Channel that I hope will help to educate the younger folks out there about what life was like back then. It is important for any student of the JFK assassination to understand WHY he was murdered, the forces that stood against him and the politics of his opponents. It is equally important for youngsters to understand that Kennedy was hated from the outset, due to the comments made by his dad when he was Ambassador to the Court of St. James, and JFK's own service on the McClellan Commission. Protestants were nervous of his Catholicism, fearing he would come under the control of the Pope. Perhaps the most extreme Protestants believed he might even be the Antichrist. At any rate, once in office, people thought they could push him around. He was pushed into the Bay of Pigs, resulting in a disaster. The Russians pushed him into the Missile Crisis, but they were able to come to a compromise. The Steel companies pushed him, and he pushed back. The blacks were pushing for Civil rights legislation. For the last ten years, I've been studying American History 1961-63 and it seems like everyone was trying to take advantage of the guy. Hopefully, these documentary videos will help students nderstand what he was up against.
  15. Candidate John F. Kennedy's 1960 speech on his religion before the Houston Ministers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq28P3oc_Gk
  16. Candidate John F. Kennedy's 1960 speech on his religion before the Houston Ministers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq28P3oc_Gk
  17. Former President Harry S Truman holds a news conference to explain why he resigned as a delegate to the 1960 Democratic Convention and accuses the Kennedy camp of turning the convention into a "prearranged affair". In response, JFK holds his own press conference to answer the charges. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJeFlB1Q8EA
  18. I have a copy of the Northwoods memo, called "The Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba", dated 13 March 1962. It is disturbing indeed to think that the US military would consider committing acts of terrorism against its own citizenry and blaming it on a foreign enemy, as a pretext to war. It is even more disturbing in light of the tragedy of 9/11 and our current quagmire in Iraq. The memo states, " We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington." In his book, "The Man Who Knew Too Much", author Dick Russell tells us of a plot to kill Kennedy in the Washington, DC area at the end of September, 1963. He also tells us that Oswald was at a meeting held sometime between August 23rd and August 27th, where the subject of killing Kennedy was discussed. In addition, according to Russell, Oswald communicated to the Communist Party, USA and the Socialist Workers Party, that he and "his family had planned to move to the Washington-Baltimore area at the end of September". Interestingly enough, CPUSA and the SWP were both targets for the FBI's COINTELPRO, the counter-intelligence program which included the opening of the target's mail. Under these circumstances, one needs to ask the question: "Was Oswald sending a coded message to the FBI warning them that his "family" of assassins were planning to kill Kennedy in the "Washington-Baltimore area" at the "end of September" ? Operation Northwoods did provide for the "attempts on lives" and "wounding" of Cuban refugees. on page 9 of the document, it states: "We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of Cuban agents and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government". What happens when we change a few words in that last statement and apply it to the JFK assassination ? Would it make sense ? Let's see. We could foster attempts on the life of President Kennedy in the United States even to the extent of assassination to be widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs in Dealey Plaza, the arrest of a "Castro sympathizer" and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government". It is my opinion that Kennedy's assassination was right out of the pages of Operation Northwoods.
  19. The Inaugural address of President John F. Kennedy, in which he says, "to those new states who we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away, merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny." Sound like the America of today ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETMxgQwn9Q0
  20. A look at JFK's desire to put an end to testing nuclear weapons in the atmosphere. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwGve527Ixs
  21. The other assassination in 1963 had as its victim, Medgar Evers, the field secretary of the NAACP in Mississippi. This video examines Evers' drive to get blacks to vote, the hardships they encountered at the registration office, his murder in his driveway, how the police tried to provoke violence at his funeral, and how all-white juries twice refused to convict his killer in the 1960's. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qWb1MBFUR8
  22. The speaker is none other than Revilo P. Oliver, whose description was given by Mr. Lane. It is a small excerpt from his 1961 speech before the Dallas Indignation Committee entitled, "They Must Not Go Unpunished." The first time I heard this speech, it sent chills through me. When he got to the part about Benedict Arnold and treason, all I could visualize was the "Wanted For Treason" posters. I put this video togeher because I believe that it's important for students of the Kennedy assassination (such as myself) to understand the events which led up to November 22, 1963.
  23. All of my JFK videos can be seen in one spot, on my Youtube Channel : www.youtube.com/gjjdude
  24. Bernice, I just played out the video and it worked fine. I'm not sure what the reason is that would cause your player to stop part way through the video. I believe Youtube uses Adobe Flashplayer 9. I'm not familiar with any probems associated with that software. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. Perhaps someone on the forum here could help you with this problem.
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