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Gil Jesus

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Everything posted by Gil Jesus

  1. The US sets up a quarantine line and prepares for a confrontation with the USSR. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYVZp1ZFtmU
  2. Rose Cheramie, a prostitute who worked for Jack Ruby, was hospitalized after being thrown from a moving car in Louisiana on November 20, 1963. She told doctors there that "they" were going to kill Kennedy in Dallas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA-p6qCfBW0
  3. Joseph Adams Milteer was recorded on November 9, 1963 saying that "they" were going to kill JFK from an office building with a high-powered rifle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp3HJdhHNZI
  4. In a phone interview, Dr. Crenshaw describes the condition of President Kennedy's wounds BEFORE the traceostomy was done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeBnkdB9mis
  5. Soviet Missiles are discovered on the island of Cuba. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZYmCQu5oyk
  6. James Earl Jones interviews Jean Hill, who was on Elm St and near the limo when JFK was shot. She gives her observations that day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_hV3DhPT3I
  7. How does the late Larry Howard get ammo from the same batch of ammo used by reputed assassin? The shells were identified and came from a batch supplied to USMC in 1954. Where did Larry get them? BK Bill, Larry says in the video that he got the ammo from an antique gun dealer. He did not say who that dealer was.
  8. [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFxt_ChhcgQ I shoot alot of ballistic gelatin and without knowing the %, how it was prepared&stored, whether or not its been properly calibrated, it tells me absolutely nothing. AND I don't believe the SBT So are you saying that he purposely deceived us ?
  9. Could you be so kindly to reveal from which documentary this segment is from Mark I believe that it is from the James Earl Jones video "JFK conspiracy".
  10. The late great Larry Howard does a test of the same lot number ammunition allegedly used by Oswald. His results are compared to CE 399. Did his bullet look like the "Magic Bullet" ? take a look and see for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFxt_ChhcgQ
  11. Oswald's movements after he left the Texas School Book Depository are timed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf8D6NuLIhw
  12. Ron Lewis, an Oswald friend from his New Orleans days, is interviewed. Mr. Lewis reveals that Jack Ruby was connected to the gunrunning operation being run out of 544 Camp St., and that Oswald and Ruby knew each other well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b90d3TIKIw
  13. looks at Oswald's associations in New Orleans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_BZk5tkyno
  14. Please allow me to apologize in advance for the poor quality of this video. I am looking for a better quality version of this interview, but I felt that it was important to get on video what he SAID more than it was important to see how he looked. That is a great video. He's summarizing Trauma Room 1 nicely. Is part of the video missing? It starts and stops seemingly in mid sentence. Could be my fault. I edited out some descriptions of mrs. kennedy and other stuff that wasn't pertinent to the condition of JFK's wounds. In addition, I've been having problems with my video capture and it has a mind of its own. Usually it works ok.
  15. Oswald's pal Kerry Thornley is interviewed and expresses his hatred for JFK. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYTbrLB1v5Q
  16. There was an error on my part and all my videos are now listed as public and are accessible to anyone. Sorry for the goof up.
  17. There was an error on my part and all my videos are now listed as public and are accessible to anyone. Sorry for the goof up.
  18. a look at the invasion itself and its aftermath. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imiZapfY0y0
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpBDuSJeH14 Please allow me to apologize in advance for the poor quality of this video. I am looking for a better quality version of this interview, but I felt that it was important to get on video what he SAID more than it was important to see how he looked.
  20. Castro's Revolution : A look at the Cuban Revolution and its dynamic leader, Fidel Castro, whose move to socialism alienated Cuba from the United States and made him a target for the CIA's assassination planners. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D22Nv6nnfAI
  21. Jack Ruby's links to Organized Crime are examined. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaUDGTw6D_A
  22. Video Interview with Sylvia Odio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv57XZnpvOU
  23. Bill, I would tend to agree with you. The "murderous" JFK was the same one who fired Dulles, Bissell and Cabell, who were trying to kill Castro. He sent an envoy to Trujillo to try to talk him into surrendering power. He sent a plane to whisk Diem and his brother Nhu out of So. Vietnam. After his election, he was considering coming to the rescue of Patrice Lumumba. He did everything he could to prevent the murder of these men. It is difficult for me to grasp the notion that this same man, JFK, who abhorred the possibilty that he might have to "push the button" and kill 300 million people, had no qualms about murdering in single numbers. Likewise, the AG, who was after the murderous mob with the full force of the justice department, would himself resort to the same tactics of those who he sought to put behind bars. It just doesn't make sense. Compare that to the credibility of the man, J. Edgar Hoover, man whose whole life was a lie, from his secret homosexual life, to his hypocritical stand against gays, to his taking credit for captures of criminals who were actually caught by his subordinates. This was a man so paranoid, that he spent the resources of the federal government obtaining "dirt" on everyone and had no problem "leaking" that dirt to the press. There were many "unsubstantiated rumors" that found their way into the FBI's files. This one seems just like another one.
  24. Videos of witnesses who saw SMOKE coming from the picket fence area. Many of these folks were either never called to testify before the Warren Commission, or were called and never asked about it. Richard C. Dodd, who stood on top of the triple overpass. Mr. Dodd reports seeing a "puff of smoke" come out from under the trees in front of the picket fence on top of the Grassy Knoll. He tells Lane that he told his story to the FBI, but he was never called to testify before the Warren Commission. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVHyFZuzGH4 Lee H. Bowers Jr., who was in a 14ft tower in the parking lot of the railroad yard. Bowers claimed to see two men and "a flash of light or smoke" in the area of the picket fence on top of the grassy knoll. He was never asked about this by the Warren Commission. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm3neVe8Nlw James L. Simmons, who was standing atop the triple overpass. Mr. Simmons tells Lane that he heard a shot come from the area of the picket fence and saw a "puff of smoke" come out from under the trees in front of the fence. Although Mr. Simmons reported what he saw and what he heard to both the Dallas Police and the FBI, he was never called to testify before the Warren Commission. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLd3O-Tch6o Beverly Oliver was known as "The babushka Lady" in the Nix film. She was filming the JFK motorcade from the south side of Elm St., across from Abraham Zapruder. She claims to have seen a "figure" in the picket fence area and a "puff of smoke" at the time of the fatal head shot to JFK. Days after the assassination, she was contacted by the FBI who took her film for review. It hasn't been seen since. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-IXYfge2Ys J.C. Price, who watched the motorcade from the roof of a building in Dealey Plaza. Mr. Price believed that a shot came from the area where the picket fence met the overpass, and claimed to have seen a man running from that direction across the parking lot and behind the Texas School Book Depository. Mr. Price was never called to testify before the Warren Commission. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VaJQgLmeTg Orville Nix originally said that he believed that the fatal shot had come from "behind the picket fence", until he was approached during a taping of a CBS special by a "man" who told him what "they" wanted him to say. As a result, Mr. Nix publicly supported the Warren Report, but privately did not. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJE9XQZvis8 eyewitness Bill Newman is interviewed by a local Dallas TV station. He and his family were standing on the sidewalk at the foot of the grassy knoll. He describes two shots fired from behind him, the second one hitting the President "in the temple". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pweuPLTVfl4 S. M. Holland, who was standing on top of the triple overpass. Mr. Holland claimed to hear a "bang" come from the area of the picket fence and saw smoke coming out from under the trees on the grassy knoll. Mr. Holland also claimed that he told his story to the Warren Commission, but that his testimony was altered. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55jY6RUvxAI Mr. Holland takes author Mark Lane behind the picket fence to show him the spot from where he saw the smoke come. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYj3FAUHwro The Phil Willis family describes what they saw in Dealey Plaza. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2-_UhD3Qgk
  25. Interviews of Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry and DA Henry Wade are now on my Youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/gjjdude
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