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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Gerald Ford got his hand caught in the cookie jar. . . . . . . . . . .
  2. Gerry Down would you please pick up the white courtesy phone.
  3. You can also refer to it as the weight gaining theory. There was more weight in bullet fragments contained in Governor Connally's wrist than what was lost from Commission number 399.
  4. Here we go again.It's astounding that a bullet on a downward trajectory hitting JFK about 6 inches down from his neck & did not transit,can suddenly rise a few inches & exit the throat. That was one remarkable bullet that could do tricks like go up,then down,then right and then left. That sumbitch out performed Siegfried & Roy,David Blaine,Chriss Angel & Houdini all put together.
  5. Pat, It's like we're playing poker with cards face up,and Dave & Gerry keep raising with seven deuce off suit.
  6. JEH can answer this question alot better than I can.
  7. Not my info,I am just the messenger. Administrative Technician Dennis David held a vial containing more bullet fragments than a single bullet & less than two bullets. This damn evidence just mysteriously disappears in this case like Siegfried & Roy.
  8. Come on David,don't play games with me Mr.You probably read the 3rd version of the Official Autopsy Report. If I'm not mistaken..Humes was chastised by Pierre Finck for using his finger to probe the wound. If the autopsy doctors did say such a thing...they were probably visited by Secret Service agent Elmer Moore 😉
  9. Um, The back wound that was about 6 inches down from JFK's neck did not transit. It penetrated less than a fingers depth. Nice try though 😉
  10. Still seems to me that the brain was removed at the pre autopsy autopsy (still not 100% convinced) Humes did mention the words "preliminary inspection" We have Reed & Robinson witnessing some sawing going on but,I can't remember a time ever being mentioned. And then there were the two rumored black Navy sailors that seen Humes & or Boswell working in a "hurried manner" Does anybody besides me remember the rumor of the two black sailors that were present early in the autopsy?
  11. Man oh man,I'm always happy when I hear from the heavy hitters.It's a great time to increase my knowledge. I can remember seeing the big circular hole on JFK's X-rays and thinking that was the rear of the head. With proper orientation the large hole was on the side of the head & above the ear ( I was astounded ) I remember hearing/reading about a speciman jar,but can't honestly say that I ever remember seeing it. Thanks guys.
  12. Much like believing the first hand accounts at Parkland Hospital,I'm leaning towards the first hand accounts at Bethesda with Paul O'Connor.Paul stated that the cranium was empty. With there being a re-introduction of caskets there could have been a re-introduction of the brain. Wasn't it in Lifton's Best Evidence book that there was speculation of a brain under some blankets/sheets on a hospital gurney around the autopsy room?
  13. Nothing gets by you guys,but there is a possibility that others might not have seen this one.
  14. Now we are getting somewhere thanks to you gentleman.Thank you. Another state of confusion exists because of the description of the skull being likea eggshell & that it seems like the trajectory could have been obliterated due to a ballpeen hammer & don't forget about the large laceration,but that can all be discussed at a later time. I sure would have liked to hear Sibert & O'Neil's description of the brain at the beginning of the autopsy (if it was even there) they seem to be truthful observers/reporters except for the time when they were held out of the morgue & were not with the body.
  15. You were one of the persons that I was hoping would chime in Micah. You,Pat Speer or David Josephs. “Jenkins stated that the standard incisions in the cranium required to remove the brain — a ‘skull cap’ (his term for a craniotomy) — were not done, because they were not necessary. He thought this might be explained by prior incisions, meaning that some surgery had been done prior to the autopsy [emphasis added by Horne]. He recalled that the damage to the top of the cranium was much more extensive than the damage to the brain itself, which he found unusual. Jenkins recalled Dr. Boswell asking if there had been surgery at Parkland Hospital. He recalled Dr. Humes saying: ‘The brain fell out in my hands,” as he removed the brain from the body.'” “Jenkins recalled the large posterior hole in JFK’s head, but also recalled a small (approximately 5 mm in diameter) hole in the right temporal bone, just forward of and just above the right ear. He saw this quite early in the autopsy, and recalls that Dr. Finck saw this and commented on it. The circumference was gray, which suggested to Jenkins the passage of a bullet. He said that even Dr. Finck speculated that a bullet might have caused this hole.”
  16. Well,Earlene Roberts thought it was car 106 that pulled up in front of house? Wasn't Tippett's car unless he switched. *Oops,he must have switched.
  17. Look at Boswell's description of what was missing on the head.
  18. Interesting that the description Paul O'Connor gives of the head is about the same as that clay looking picture that you see on the internet (Robert Groden's?)
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