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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Come on man, It's common knowledge in the research community that Hickey's shot ricocheted off the curb & hit James Tague. Greer's shot almost got Hickey. Even lone-nutters Von Pein & Jonathon Cohen are aware of these facts..
  2. I meant to include this post also. Thank you!
  3. Oh man, Thank you Steve!!!! The information contained in your post helps me put the final pieces of the puzzle together on JFK's wounds in between Parkland & Bethesda. Thanks again!
  4. You always have to look out for the "deciders." They are some sneaky bastids.
  5. Instead of giving us a original document that has been withheld due to National Security,they give us this nothing burger. In other words...this document was replaced or substituted with something else. This document should not be counted as one of the 422. *Now the FBI can burn the document stating that Lyndon Baines Johnson ordered the CIA to murder JFK 😉
  6. This is such bullshit. The first link that I checked was about Oswald & the 2nd was this bullshit about JANE FONDA. Which document did they remove & replace with this one? GTFO!!!!
  7. Dammit Pat. I need to be more accurate with my posts.I ran it back & Groden said that they were "allegedly" found in the domino room.
  8. I don't have the best memory.I do remember him saying that he has pictures of a husband and wife in Oswald's room working on curtain rods ( in his book I believe)
  9. Yes,Robert Groden is quite capable with manipulating photographs.
  10. Pat, I know that you are not a big fan of Groden,but he mentions it in that recent video with him & his wife.
  11. I haven't read much,but I do remember hearing that curtain rods with LHO prints were found in the domino room in the TSBD.
  12. I got it from here boss man. https://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2009/12/larry-ronco-and-beverly-oliver.html
  13. I can't say that I am not interested to see the documents that have been withheld. Just to see why they were withheld.In other words...why were they so important and withheld due to National Security.
  14. So,I don't sound lost in space....I am aware of other autopsy pics showing the damage to JFK's head....I was concentrating on the back of the head as in the large hole described by the Parkland staff (not the top or side)
  15. We might not be talking about the same photo.The bottom picture with the red circle is not an autopsy picture.That was the picture,that I was referring to. The hole appears to be the right size,it just doesn't seem low enough to get to the cerebellum.
  16. I learned how to do a screen grab not long ago,so I wanted to grab this.I don't think there has ever been a picture the public has seen with a hole in the back of Kennedy's head.Any comments on this picture?
  17. Good deal. The information that I came across came from somewhere else.
  18. In the video,Robert mentions the yellow curbs.I also mentioned the yellow curbs as a kill zone in a thread and soon after,I got a private message from Gary Mack saying that they were there to aid drivers see the road.He said that lights were added later making them unnecessary. Take it for what it's worth.
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