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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Oh man,it's too bad that James Richards no longer posts. He could post a picture of anybody while they were at Disneyland. But yeah,hit up Robin Unger.
  2. Hey,I belong to a different forum,that is where the my god comes from. This Mark Groubert is growing on me.Sure there is alot of informed people out there,but this guy fills you in on not only the info,but also with small details. I'm not plugging his stuff to drive traffic.The guy is just good.
  3. There's at least 5 shows that you can watch if you have Comcast Cable (in my area) a few more if you sign up for a free trial for that Prime Video,Hulu,Tubi & Roku type stuff.
  4. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2017/1/lois-gibson-facing-crime-with-world-records-458852
  5. I took a screen shot where it says JFK Assassination Debate if you need glasses.
  6. "This is the kind of post that passes for "debate" on this forum. Pathetic." Fixed.
  7. Please forgive Jonathan Paul.He ate alot of paint chips & lived under the power lines when he was younger. He don't believe that the DPD would ever do anything wrong (even if LBJ ordered them)
  8. I have heard the strap muscles earlier in this thread & fail to see them on this chart. If the strap muscles are anywhere close to the center of the throat,that means that the shot was too straight ahead to come from the Umbrella Man.
  9. Well,I figured that it was an extreme angle. An angle that would have damage on JFK's left side of the throat interiorly from where it entered.
  10. Don't look like any bullet holes near the rear view mirror.
  11. Wait a second, Are you saying that a Air Force general was the top dog calling the shots in a Naval autopsy room? I would think that Admiral Burkley had a little say in the proceedings? Please correct me if I'm wrong. *I believe that Admiral Burkley was getting his marching orders from up the chain of command.
  12. Over the years in writing weekly columns and news stories, research on men like Abraham Lincoln has led me to believe that he was one of America’s greatest presidents. After a column about Lincoln a few years ago, a reader called and said, "Have you ever heard of the amazing coincidences between Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy?” When my answer was no, I had not, she mailed me a copy of the article. When the article arrived, the amazing coincidences between the two slain American Presidents were not only amazing, but it also gave me a very strange feeling. If you have never read this story, allow me to pass it along to you; you will find it very interesting. Lincoln was elected President in 1860 and Kennedy was elected in 1960 exactly 100 years later. There are seven letters in each name, both Presidents were assassinated on Friday and both in the presence of their wives. Both were directly concerned with civil rights and both had the legality of their elections contested. President Kennedy’s secretary’s name was Lincoln, who warned him not to go to Dallas; Lincoln’s secretary’s name was Kennedy, who warned him not to go to the theater. Both of their successors’ names were Johnson, Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson. Each name contains 13 letters. Both men served in the U.S. Senate and both were southern Democrats. Andrew Johnson was born in 1808 and Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908. Booth and Oswald were both southerners favoring unpopular ideas. Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and hid in a theater and Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and hid in a warehouse. Booth and Oswald were both murdered before a trial could be arranged. Booth and Oswald were born 100 years apart and each name, Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth, has 15 letters. It is highly unusual that there are so many coincidences, and while we live in a world of order, the chances or the odds that this will ever occur again has to be very slim. D. W. Allen once said that coincidence is chance stumbling more than once in the same place.
  13. None of my posts were showing up & none were going to the top. I asked a Administrator if I was on moderation.
  14. Good news, I admit that I am not well informed when it comes to just how many have not been released. How many more are we talking about that still need to be released?
  15. Lincoln was elected President in 1860 and Kennedy was elected in 1960 exactly 100 years later. There are seven letters in each name, both Presidents were assassinated on Friday and both in the presence of their wives. Both were directly concerned with civil rights and both had the legality of their elections contested. President Kennedy’s secretary’s name was Lincoln, who warned him not to go to Dallas; Lincoln’s secretary’s name was Kennedy, who warned him not to go to the theater. Both of their successors’ names were Johnson, Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson. Each name contains 13 letters. Both men served in the U.S. Senate and both were southern Democrats. Andrew Johnson was born in 1808 and Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908. Booth and Oswald were both southerners favoring unpopular ideas. Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and hid in a theater and Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and hid in a warehouse. Booth and Oswald were both murdered before a trial could be arranged. Booth and Oswald were born 100 years apart and each name, Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth, has 15 letters.
  16. Testing. *Been getting this message over & over on a another thread. New posts within a short time frame are limited. Please wait 30 seconds before submitting.
  17. While I don't subscribe to a shot going through the windshield & entering the throat,this has to be an option for losing velosity. Cliff we agree that JFK was shot right before going by the Stemmons Freeway sign on the Zapruder film correct? At what angle was the Umbrella Man at this time if you happen to know?
  18. While I don't subscribe to a shot going through the windshield & entering the throat,this has to be an option for losing velosity. Cliff we agree that JFK was shot right before going by the Stemmons Freeway sign on the Zapruder film correct? At what angle was the Umbrella Man at this time if you happen to know?
  19. While I don't subscribe to a shot going through the windshield & entering the throat,this has to be an option for losing velosity.
  20. I'm not sure.I have went down so many rabbit holes. It's just important & scary in my mind just what our Government can & will do. No use in hopes for another investigation.I think that ship has sailed.
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