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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. I'll say this last opinion of mine and then disappear from the thread. I believe that JFK was shot two times from the rear & two times from the front.
  2. I say this with the opinion that the Umbrella Man's shot would not have been straight on. How far JFK was looking to his right (if at all) is unknown to me (but it was not straight on)
  3. I see that there are descriptions on the right side.Not only would I suspect that there would be a need for damage on the left side...I would expect that at the Umbrella Man's angle,the bullet would lodge and come to a halt at least an inch or two on the right side of the entrance? (JFK's left side)
  4. Well,that is a terrific description (thank you for that) Now I just need to learn more anatomy.
  5. I must admit that I am bankrupt when it comes to what angle the bullet entered JFK's throat & which direction it traveled. *Pictures of the probes that are missing would of sincerely helped us find out which direction the bullets came from.
  6. Cliff, What damage was described to JFK's throat? A shot from Umbrella Man would seem like all of the damage would be to the left side of JFK's throat. Do you happen to know if there was any damage to the left side of JFK's throat? When I say damage...I'm talking about after the bullet entered.
  7. I've said all along that I will offer an opinion. My opinion is that JFK was not paralyzed from anything.If anything he was in shock. I don't think the angle from Umbrella Man lines up to the throat. While my opinion probably isn't a good one...I believe the throat shot came from the South Knoll near the overpass. As for the back shot...I think it was removed because it did not come from a Mannlicher Carcano rifle.
  8. I was just wondering because I know that the shot was too low for the heart. Ruby was sweating his ass off until he found out that Oswald was dead. Once again,I appreciate your help.
  9. Was Ruby's bullet loaded with poison or did it just hit vital organs?
  10. Hello David, Please excuse my lack of knowledge,but who is the gentleman that appears next to the motorcycle cop? He even looks like his left arm is missing. Did he appear before the Warren Commission or HSCA?
  11. Good news Dave, I was hoping that you did not get into a conflict with a fellow member & get disgusted and leave. Carry on.
  12. Thanks for the info Ron.I certainly appreciate it.
  13. I can't remember seeing a post by him in awhile.
  14. According to other Marines...Oswald scored "Maggies Drawers" in the Marines. Maggies Drawers = Completely missing the whole target. Q: Did you fire with Oswald? Delgado: Right. I was in the same line. By that I mean we were on line together, the same time, but not firing at the same position, but at the same time, and I remember seeing his shooting. It was a pretty big joke, because he got a lot of "Maggie's drawers," you know, a lot of misses, but he didn't give a darn. Q: Missed the target completely? Delgado: He just qualified, that's it...
  15. I'm just now seeing this Gil and wanted to say thank you.
  16. It stressed that Brennan was in an "excellent position" ( ibid. ) to observe anyone in the window and described him as an "accurate observer" ( Pg. 145 ). I have seen this "ibid" in different books. Can someone on this forum please tell me what it means?
  17. It all trickles down from Lyndon Baines Johnson.The FBI,CIA,Secret Service,US Navy & the Dallas police department.They ALL got their marching orders from LBJ.
  18. Meatloaf made it to Parkland. A gentleman showing a Government agency badge in the middle of the road made him pull over on his way to Parkland. The gentleman hopped in and took over the driving duties. *I don't think Meatloaf was on seen.He was at the airport.
  19. Just off the top of my head,I'll mention James Files & Carlos Marcello,I can't remember for sure about Giancana.I believe that Harrelson said he killed JFK. Not even questioned.
  20. Disguises and silencers probably ( fake ID )
  21. On cold cases your fingerprints have to be on file. "Hey,we found some fingerprints,let's run them through AFIT to see if we have a match"
  22. Thanks for contributing guys. What really bothers & baffles me is with all of the people that claimed beforehand knowledge & others that claimed to have participated in the assassination,that the Justice Department did not pursue them.
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